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We hear the cheers of the crowd and are treated to a shot of the car park. A car has just pulled up, and Glen Jacobs gets out. He has with him a bag and his World Title Belt. He enters the arena.
WALK ON WATER (Ozzy Osbourne) kicks in and we get the usual starting sequence showing the NCPW regulars and their finishers. This eventually fades into an arena shot which in turn fades to the announce table. Jim Ross and Bobby Heenan are on hand to call the action.
JR: We have got one helluva a show for you fans tonight!
HEENAN: That's right JR, these humanoids are gonna see plenty of action tonight, including a FTW Title match, a Tag Titles Match, and a Cruiserweight Title Match! WOW!
INSIDE (Stiltskin) plays and this point and the NCPW World Champion Glen Jacobs enters to a standing ovation from the crowd here in Madison Square Garden. He enters the ring with the belt on his shoulder and takes a mic. He stands in the middle of the ring.
JACOBS: So…how many of you caught the Double Jeopardy match last night?
The crowd cheers loudly
JACOBS: As you all know, I fought the toughest battle of my life last night, and some would say…that the toughest is yet to come. Well, it's that I want to address tonight. Raven…get out here.
TO MYSELF I TURNED (Lacuna Coil) kicks in. As the vocals begin, Raven slowly steps through the curtain. He looks o the cheering crowd, and waits. When the chorus begins, he walks to the ring mouthing the words from his theme "I'm the only survivor in this land." He enters the ring and the music fades out.
JACOBS: OK Raven…you and me. We've gone back a long way. It's thanks to you that I broke free, and as such, I owe this title to you. I will say this though…we may be friends now, but when Overdrive comes…you and me will be nothing more than foes in the midst of a war. You Raven will be my enemy, and as such I will have to deal with you.
Raven is thrown a mic and cuts Glen off.
RAVEN: You'll have to deal with me huh? Well well…why don't you tell me and all these people just how easy it's gonna be?
Glen Jacobs is laughing.
JACOBS: You Raven will be a challenge, but it's nothing I can't handle. I can beat you just like any other of my opponents.
RAVEN: That easy huh? Al Snow…you beat him for that belt right? Well, I beat him in the field of Barbed Wire. I fought him over many different environments, and each match was a classic. HHH? You beat a tired HHH. You beat him because Al Snow inerfered indirectly. I guess that means you didn't really beat him. Robbie Brookside? HHH pinned him, NOT…not you Glen. I guess the only one of those guys you really beat was Al Snow. Funny thing is…I beat him in a harsher environment, and more times than you. I guess that makes me better, right?
JACOBS: What are you getting at Scott?
RAVEN: Glen…you think things are gonna be easy for you. You think I'm just gonna be there in that ring with no game plan? Do you think I'm gonna be a push over? DO you think I'm just gonna lay down for you? DO YOU think I'll allow you to beat me so easily? DO YOU?
JACOBS: Raven…I wanted this to be a friendly meeting. I wanted to make things clear, but it doesn't seem like…
RAVEN: Glen…I want that belt back. I want what is mine. I worked hard with you for you to get your fair share. I think I deserve my share of the spoils now, don't you? Now…answer my question. DO YOU THINK I'M GONNA BE AS EASY AS YOU THOUGHT EVERYONE ELSE WOULD BE?
JACOBS: I don't think you will be Scott…I KNOW I'LL BEAT YOU LIKE ALL THE REST!
The crowd is cheering for Glen at this point. Their rections to Raven are unclear.
RAVEN: HAHAHAHA! I was the one who got you to where you are today! I KNOW you're weaknesses! And do you know what your biggest one is? Even though I've told you so many times not to be like this…YOU STILL THINK YOU'RE INVINCIBLE! YOU STILL THINK YOU CAN'T BE BEAT! I mean…didn't you stop even once to think WHY I helped you? Don't you even ask yourself WHY I did it now?
JACOBS: You mean you used me so that you could get another title shot?
RAVEN: That Glen is for you to decide. DID I USE YOU…Or is this all a mind game? You and me Glen are in the main event tonight against Ken Shamrock and TMIV. Is this all a game, or do I have my motives? You'll know tonight.
Raven rolls out of the ring and walks up the aisle to a very mixed reaction from the crowd. Glen is not certain about what he should do, and appears to be thinking about this very seriously.
In the back, we see The Coalition. They walk past the camera man and enter a room. We cut back to the arena.
JR: You know Bobby, you have to wonder what is going through Glen Jacobs' mind right now.
HEENAN: He's confused, and that's how Raven wants it. Raven is the master of the mind game, and now Glen is thinking too much on things that keep his mind off the game.
JR: I have to agree with you there Bobby.
HEENAN: See? I do know what I'm talking about.
JR: That still remains to be seen.
We hear STONE DEAD FOREVER (Motorhead) play. The Jackyl Pack enter to a loud heel reaction. They enter the ring and taunt the crowd from opposite corners before meeting in the middle with mics.
EDDIE: As anyone with the sense they were born with will know, WE won the tag division elimination match at Elimination. You know what that means, right?
MODEST: WE are the best damn team in the NCPW! There is no team that can beat us, and that includes…The Innovators…The Eliminators…British Storm…Flames Of Redemption…
LAST RESORT (Papa Roach) hits and Zero-G stand in the aisle. They have a mixed reaction, as they ARE still heels.
KASH: You two have a REAL attitude problem. I mean…these people didn't come here to listen to you idiots talk…
The crowd is beginning to warm to Zero-G
DEVON: …They came here to see us kick your asses!
Zero-G rush the ring and the match begins.
This was your usual TV Tag match. Zero-G held the early advantage with their usual double team moves. They even managed to almost hit Modest with the Free Fall, but Eddie Guerrero broke it up with a dropkick that saw Modest land pinning both Zero-G members for a two count. From there, Modest and Eddie took over and eventually finished things up when Modest took Devon Storm out of the game by clotheslining him to the floor, allowing Eddie to Frog Splash Kash for the belt retaining pinfall.
The Jackyl Pack defeated Zero-G when E. Guerrero pinned Kid Kash with the Frog Splash in 0:06:26.Rating: **(The Jackyl Pack retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
The Coalition are sitting talking, regarding a variety of subjects.
KIEFER: K, so we didn't bag the belt…or the top contenders spot at Elimination but we've got other things to be worrying about right now.
SNOW: Like what?
MIKEY: Calm down there Matt…
SNOW: Oh C'Mon…he's a cool guy. He won't hold a grudge.
KIEFER: Need I remind you Al that he held a grudge for over 9 months before he got around to trying to get at me? Al…He WILL be out for revenge.
MIKEY: Then we take him out, right? Right?
DOYLE: It wont be that easy Mikey. HHH is resourceful…
A kncok at the door is heard. The Coalition members look at each other. They then all look to Mikey.
MIKEY: What?
KIEFER: Answer the door.
MIKEY: Oh yeah, right. Sorry.
Mikey goes and opens the door. When it is slightly open, someone barges in. IT'S HHH! HHH runs past everyone and grabs Kiefer by the throat. He backs Kiefer up to the wall, and holds him against it. The rest of the Coalition move towards him slowly, and HHHturns his head to face them.
HHH: Hey! Stop right there. By my estimates, it will take you about six seconds to get to me IF I son't move. Imagine what I could do in those six seconds.
Matt Doyle, Mikey Whipwreck, and Al Snow all back off a little. HHH turns back to Kiefer, and Kiefer spits in his face. HHH releases one hand and wipes his face, and then begins to laugh.
HHH: Considering your position there Mr. Commissioner…do you Really THINK that was the best thing to do? DO YOU?
DOYLE: Calm down Hunter! What is it you want?
HHH: I need to take up a few things with you people here. First of all…Mikey Whipwreck…even think about taking one more step and I'll personally rip you a new ass-hole for your bravery!
Mikey, who has been trying to sneak up on HHH with a chair stops and backs off again.
HHH: Now…Kiefer…you know EXACTLY why I'm after you, and you can rest assured…I WILL get you. And tha's what I'm here to talk about. I want to kill two birds with one stone.
DOYLE: OK…what is it you want us to do?
HHH: Oh I don't know…Kiefer? What do you think I should do? Now, if you were in my position…and answer this truthly, or I'll do something I'll regret…what would you do?
HHH: Don't play dumb Sutherland, NOBODY is THAT stupid! What would you do in my position?
HHH: I aint got all day you bastard! What would you do?
KIEFER: Well first, I'd use my position to get a swift knee to the groin in…
HHH knees Kiefer in the groin and throws him to the floor. He picks him up and goes to ram his head into the table in front of them, but Snow dives over the table and onto Hunter before he can do anything. Al Snow throws ounch after punch on HHH and rams him into the wall head first. Kiefer meanwhile backs off and sits on the floor next to Matt Doyle and Mikey Whipwreck. HHH meanwhile manages to low blow Snow and makes a quick exit. Before he leaves though, he manages to find time to shout…
Once they're sure he's gone, Miket closes the door and locks it. We cut to the arena.
JR: My God! I can't believe what Triple H just did.
HEENAN: He's gonna regret that one there JR! The Coalition wont stand for that sort of thing.
JR: I'm inclined to agree with you Bobby, but I also know that HHH can take take care of himself.
HEENAN: Against the WHOLE Coalition?
JR: He did a pretty good job there didn't he?
HEENAN: He just got lucky. Caught them when they were least expecting it.
KAZE (Kouji Wada) plays and out steps Juventud Guerrera. He enters to a small reaction. His lack of TV Time hasn't helped his career any.
JUVI: OK Dave Harris, you seemed to be confident at Elimination, so now lets see if you can back up your words with actions!
MANHUNT (Wolfsbane) hits and Dave Harris comes out air guitaring. His reaction is also small, but bigger than Juvi's was. He enters the ring and stands atop one of the posts and signals to the portion of the crowd that is cheering him. Juvi grabs him and attacks before the bell.
Juvi used his early advantage well, and scored with a dropkick, a backdrop, a clothesline, and then a drop toe hold flowing into a La Magistral for a two count. The crowd wa showing interest for the high paced action. He then nailed Dave with a Juvi Driver! One…Two…kickout! Juvi leg drops Harris and goes up top. He signals and goes for the 450 Splash…DAVE MOVED! Juvi hit only cold canvas, and Dave fips up! Juvi recovers a little and walks into a right hook! Dave whips Juvi to the ropes and nails a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Juvi is reeling, and Harris wont let up! A Spinning head scissors gets two. Dave gives Juvi a hard bodyslam and goes up top…ELBOW DROP FROM THE TOP ROPE! One…Two…kickout by Juvi! The crowd is getting into the match more now. Juvi low blows Dave and it's a bulldog, but when he picks him up, gets nailed with a reverse DDT. Dave backs up and waits…once Juvi is up…HURACANRANA! One…Two…Shoulder up! Dave stands back a little, and looks to the crowd. He plays a little air guitar, and the crowd start to clap…Juvi gets up…K-RAD DRIVER (EMERALD FROSION)! ONE…TWO…THREE! Dave Harris has won! The crowd is slowly warming to him, but he doesn't have a massive following yet.
Dave Harris pinned Juventud Guerrera with the K-RAD Driver in 0:07:05.Rating: ** 3/4
JR: Quite an impressive debut from the youngster I thought.
HEENAN: Not bad. He's got a way to go though.
DUCK AND RUN (3 Doors Down) sugnals a wave of boos as "Wildcat" Robbie Brookside enters the ring. He smiles at the crowd and takes a mic.
ROBBIE: First up…HHH, you DID NOT beat me! You pinned me because Al Snow hit me in the side of the head with a superkick! So screw your victory man! Now, onto more important things. Even after last night, it seems I get no recognition. Well, if that's how you want it, maybe I should just disappear?
The crowd cheers at the thought of that.
ROBBIE: But then…what would be the point of that? So here's what I'm gonna do. Anyone who has seen me in the ring will know that I got the name Wildcat because I can be a real animal in the irng when I want to be…well, with the right incentive, I'll do near anything. Id you idiots wont take notice, then lets see who IS paying attention. From now on, I am your "Heel For Hire!" Anyone in the back who wants a job done, I'll be sitting here at ringside, and you can just come and talk to me and we'll work something out!
Robbie throws the mic down and leaves the ring. He sits with a group of fans who are actually cheering for him.
We see Chris Benoit. The crowd goes wild. He still looks a little beat up from the beating he put himself through to get the TV Title belt. His nose is taped up and he has a black eye.
BENOIT: Sick Boy…you deserve a lot of credit for what you pulled off at Elimination. I mean…you managed to pin me, in the middle of the ring. I also give you credit because you were ruthless enough to do what it takes to keep hold of that piece of metal. Well, I've given you enough credit. Anybody who has known for as long as you Sick Boy will know that I am all business. So I under-estimated you at the PPV…it won happen again. Just in case you don't get it, I am challenging you Sick Boy to a match at Overdrive. You and me in any match you want. I'll see you there.
We cut back to the arena.
HEENAN: WOW! Benoit wants Sick Boy to beat his ass again in a match of Sick Boy's choosing!
JR: Benoit has guts, I hope he doesn't go in un-prepared again. Up next, Chavo Jr. will defend his Cruiserweight Title against Shinjiro Ohtani.
HEENAN: Ah, so he's finally back then?
JR: It appears so. Lets get ready for the match.
SHINE (Motorhead) hits and Chavo Jr. walks down the ramp with his belt around his waist. He gets to the apron, and springboards onto the top rope. He removes his belt and holds it aloft then jumps down. The next thing we hear is PRISONER (Iron Maiden). And at the start of the vocals, out steps…Koji Kanemoto? Chavo looks surprised, and Koji gets in the ring and says something to the ring announcer. We are then informed that Shinjiro Ohtani WAS here, but has left the building. Koji will take his place.
For a stand in, Koji displayed a lot. His form was great tonight, and he and Chavo had a back and forth match that featured a lot of mat work as well as the highflying stuff. After a brainbuster, Koji went up top for his moonsault, but Chavo moved. Chavo went up top, and Koji stumbled over. Chavo with the Tornado DDT…there's the pin.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Koji Kanemoto with the Tornado DDT in 0:05:13.Rating: ***
(Chavo Guerrero Jr. retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
We see Dean Malenko standing over Nick Dinsmore, who is doing press-ups.
MALENKO: OK…that's enugh for now. Wouldn't want you tired out for the match tonight.
DINSMORE: (Getting up) You know Dean, I really appreciate this. I've been a fan of yours for a while, so to have you training me is great honour.
MALENKO: That's no problem. I see a lot of potential in you. Now…lets talk about stategy for your match with Sick Boy.
We cut back to the ringside.
CURE (MetallicA) plays and Sick Boy enters.
JR: What is he doing here? It isn't time for his TV Title match yet?
HEENAN: Maybe he's got something to say to Brookside?
Sick Boy enters the ring and seemingly enjoys the boos he's getting. After he's finished listening at the various insults being thrown at him, he takes a mic.
SICK: OK, OK…Chris Benoit…WHAT makes you think I'll accept your challenge? Tell me that. However, that DOESN'T mean that I won't accept it. I just need a little time to think of a stipulation, that's all. So here's what I'm gonna do. Robbie Brookside…come here a minute.
Brookside looks around and then jumps the guard rail and enters the ring.
SICK: How much of an incentive would I need for you to do a number on Chris Benoit?
ROBBIE: Benoit? Easy enough. $350.
SICK: You got a deal. Benoit…get your ass out here!
KILLING MACHINE (Wolfsbane) hits and Chris Benoit comes out to a loud ovation from the crowd.
BENOIT: Robbie Brookside…DO NOT make a mistake.
Robbie attacks Benoit there, and the match is on.
Benoit was on the defensive for the opening moments. However, he managed to nail a desperation dropkick and got back into things. This lead to Sick Boy grabbing a chair from the ringside. Benoit threw Robbie to the outside, and Sick Boy handed him the chair where the referee couldn't see it. Sick Boy then got on the apron next to the ref, and the ref went over to get him down. Robbie got in the ring and smashed the chair over Benoit's head four times. He then ejected the chair from the ring and placed Benoit on the tope-rope as Sick Boy jumped down. When he tried the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm though, Benoit started to punch at him! Sick Boy then got on the apron and started punching Benoit! The referee didn't DQ him and instead ejected Sick Boy. He took long enough though for Robbie to get another chair shot in and nail his finisher for the unpopular win.
Robbie Brookside pinned Chris Benoit with the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in 0:06:12.
Rating: **** ¼
Sick Boy dances around a little and raises Robbie's hand. He then hands Robbie some cash, and Robbie leaves. Sick Boy slaps Benoit, and takes a mic.
SICK: OK Chris, you got a match at Overdrive. Now…what about that stipulation? Oh yeah…we're gonna have a ladder match!
The crowd boos Sick Boy as he leaves a once again bloody Benoit in the ring and goes and sits at ringside.
We see Chris Jericho sitting back in a chair and listening to something on his head phones. We hear a knock on the door, and…DAVE HARRIS walks in!
HARRIS: Hey dude!
Jericho is startled, and jumps up, taking the head phones out.
JERICHO: What the Hell…Ralphus!
Ralphus wonders in with a can of codiet pepsi in his hand.
JERICHO: I said no visitors.
Ralphus shrugs and leaves. Jericho looks to Dave Harris.
JERICHO: So…what do you want?
HARRIS: Nothing much really. What are you listening to?
HARRIS: The MetallicA album? That rules man!
JERICHO: Great, so we've got similar music tastes. Now…I repeat…what are you doing here?
HARRIS: Just chilling with a fellow metaller. So who else you into?
JERICHO: A few bands. Iron Maiden…Helloween…Fozzy.
JERICHO: Terrific. So…WHAT…are you doing here?
HARRIS: Well, I figured I should make friends with you.
JERICHO: Why…I mean apart from the music thing?
HARRIS: Well, once I found out about your music tastes, I figured we'd, like, totally hit it off straight away…
HARRIS: Well, I thought, Chris Jericho must be like, one rockin' dude…
HARRIS: So, I got us a match next week.
JERICHO: What? You thought you and me would get on, so you signed to face me?
HARRIS: No way dude! You and me together in a tag match.
JERICHO: No way…
HARRIS: Way! Ad guess who we got? The Innovators!
JERICHO: No Wa…look just get out will ya! We'll meet and talk about this later. Here's my cell phone number.
Jericho scribbles something on some paper and hands it to Dave Harris.
HARRIS: Thanks Dude! This is so cool!
Dave leaves, and Jericho goes and sits down shaking his head.
JERICHO: What did I do to deserve that freak?
Jericho's cell phone rings. He answers.
JERICHO: Yeah…Wha? DAVE! I said we'd meet later! Ring me tomorrow! OK…bye.
Jericho hangs up.
JERICHO: What a loser…
Kiefer is sitting on the couch, and Al and Mikey are standing by the door. Doyle is standning looking out the window.
DOYLE: OK…so WHAT are we going to do?
KIEFER: We need to finish this thing.
SNOW: Well, in the long term, we'll need a pretty damn good plan to deal with The Game. As for tonight, I think we can sort something.
KIEFER: like?
MIKEY: HHH can find himself a partner, and they can face me and Al in a no holds barred match tonight.
There comes a knock at the door. Al and Mikey look around, and then quickly open the door and dive through it, flattening…a fan? The young autograph hunter runs away in tears, and Mikey and Al brush themselves off. The re-enter the room, but before they can shut the door, HHH appears in view.
HHH: I'll find a partner.
HHH walks off calmly as The Coalition stare at each other.
JR: Hmmm…so WHO will HHH get as a partner?
HEENAN: He bettr make it a good one, or he'll be in trouble.
Sick Boy then gets up and enters the ring. The crowd boos loudly. DEEP IN THE BLACKEST HOLE (Rage) plays. As the song goes heavy, Nick Dinsmore and Dean Malenko walk through the curtain. They stand at the top of the aisle, with Malenko talking to him. When the vocals kick in, they walk down to the ring.
Malenko was at ringside cheering Dinsmore on through out. The two went back and forth hitting as large a variety of moves as they could in the time allocated to them. The match played out well to a heated crowd, and the heat became louder still when Benoit walked down the aisle. Maalenko met him half-way and asked him not to ruin Dinsmore's chance. Benot re-assured him and then took his spot at ringside. Sick Boy eventally ended up hitting The Cure. As he was doing so, Benoit mounted the top rope. He then dove off, and nailed a head-butt on Sick Boy just before he could get the three count. Benoit was also hurt by the move.
Sick Boy beat Nick Dinsmore by disqualification in 0:06:04.
Rating: **** 1/4
(Sick Boy retained the NCPW TV Title.)
Post match, Benoit gets to his feet, and is obviously hurt from performing the head-butt. He does however manage to regain his senses in time to lock in a cross-face. Referee have to pull him off as Sick Boy screams in pain.
In the halls, we see Raven walk past the camera man. He knocks on a locker room door, and enters.
JR: THAT I would presume is Glen Jacobs' locker room.
HEENAN: Why? Raven must be planning something.
WAR MACHINE (Kiss) hits and Taz walks down to the ring to a good reaction from the crowd. WALK (Pantera) soon hits and Rob Van Dam comes down to the ring with his belt.
RVD: As all you people know…I'm Rob…Van…Dam! That means that I'm the greatest FTW Champion ever! I am the man that can carry anyone in the back, and anyone here tonight! Why? Because I'm Rob Van Dam! The Whole F'N Show! So Taz…what do you intend to do about that?
Taz steps forward and takes the mic. He smiles and puts it up to his mouth, and opens it to talk…BAM! MIC SHOT TO RVD!
The crowd were into this, and could feel something was about to happen form the start. "TAZ IS GONNA KILL YOU!" and "FUCK HIM UP TAZ, FUCK HIM UP!" chants broke out at several points when Taz was ahead, but each time, RVD silenced them with his own brand of assault. Rob held a lot of advantage, and Taz got in his fair share of suplexes. The end was an interesting one. As RVD went for a Van Daminator, Taz ducked and locked in a Tazmission. He was very close to the ropes though when he locked it in, so Rob got to the ropes straihgt away. BUT…Taz held the hold on. The referee counted…One…Two…Thre…Four…Taz yelled at him that this was No DQ, so if he got to Five, he couldn't DQ him! The referee went back to the centre of the rng, and RVD passed out! After a minute in the Tazmission, RVD was out cold! The referee checked and confirmed the KO, awarding the match to Taz! The crowd exploded!
Taz KO'ed Rob Van Dam with the Tazmission in 0:10:26.
Rating: **** 1/4
(Taz won the NCPW FTW Title.)
Taz takes his belt and gets on the mic.
The crowd goes wild!
We are in Robbie Brookside's locker room. We hear a knock at his door, and he opens it. He obstructs out view so we cannot see or hear who it is from the opposite end of the room.
ROBBIE: What do you want?…You want to hire me tonight?
JR: Who the Hell was that?
HEENAN: I know who it was.
JR: Who?
HEENAN: I'm not telling you! Private and confidential.
TAKE A LOOK AROUND (Limp Bizkit) hits and D'Lo Brown comes out to a small reaction. SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT (Nirvana) plays and DDP comes out to much better reaction than he has been getting in recent weeks.
Here's how it went: DDP unlods with some rights and lefts, but D'Lo fires back with a shove then a dropkick, bringing DDP down. He whips DDP to the ropes, and tries the Sky High, but DDP stays on his feet…DIAMOND CUTTER! One…Two…Three! The crowd goes wild…ish.
Diamond Dallas Page pinned D'Lo Brown with the Diamond Cutter in 0:01:21.
Rating: * 1/2
In the back, we see Raven leave the room he entered earlier. This time, we see Ken Shamorck shaking his hand! Raven leaves, and we hear Shamrock say "Remember that Tiger. The legs."
We hear DIE AGAIN (Wolfsbane) and The Coalition enters to a VERY loud heel reaction. Snow and Mikey get in the ring, and Al gets on the mic.
SNOW: So Hunter, get on out here and tell which jobber you got as a partber.
ACE OF SPADES (Motorhead) hits and HHH enters to a large round cheers. He stares Al in the face and takes the mic.
HHH: Ladies and Gentlemen…my partner.
DUCK AND RUN (3 Doors Down) hits and Robbie Brookside runs down to the ring! He starts to beat on Mikey and HHH takes out the shocked Al Snow!
HHH & Robbie held the advantage until Robbie had destroyed Mikey with a chair. He then floored Snow, and HHH handed him some money. Robbie gave the crowd the finger and left. HHH then proceeded to beat on Snow. Then Kiefer got in the ring and jumped on HHH's back. BIG MISTAKE! HHH threw Kiefer off and hoisted him up for the Game Over…chairshot to the back by Doyle! HHH drops Kiefer…and no sells! He turns to Doyle, who throws the chair to the side. HHH runs Doyle out of the ring and turns…CHAIRSHOT TO THE HEAD BY AL SNOW! HHH is down! Al hits the Springboard Leg Drop, and it's over!
The Coalition (Al Snow and Mikey Whipwreck) defeated HHH and Robbie Brookside when Snow pinned HHH with the Springboard Leg Drop in 0:10:04.
Rating: *** 1/4
SNOW: You see HHH…this is gonna be over REAL quick! You are NEVER going to get what you want in the NCPW! NEVER!
The Coalition leaves and we go to the final COMMERCIALS
Raven didn't get in the ring here. Glen was unaware of his meeting with the opponents, and struggled. Shamrock and TMIV worked over his legs through out the match, and while Shamrock applied the ankle lock, Glen managed to tag in Raven! Raven told Ken to keep the ankle lock. He then Evenflow DDTed TMIV and pinned him.
Glen Jacobs and Raven defeated Tiger Mask IV and Ken Shamrock when Raven pinned T. Mask IV with the Evenflow DDT in 0:13:06.
Rating: ** 1/4
Raven stomps Glen Jacobs a bit while the Ankle Lock is on. He then signals to Ken, who lets go and he and TMIV leave. Raven stands over Glen.
RAVEN: You see Glen…I know HOW to beat you. I know what it takes to win the biggest prize in the game. I can beat you Glen…and now you know it. I'll see you at Overdrive.
Raven leaves to a loud round of boos, as the camera zooms in on him at the top of the aisle with TO MYSELF I TURNED (Lacuna Coil) playing in the background. We fade out.
In the parking lot, we see a car pull up. Out of it steps Chris Jericho and shortly after, Ralphus. Ralphus goes in fron while Jeicho walks a little behind. As they get to the main entrance, we hear "Hey! Chris!" from just behind them, and Jericho rolls to one side. Ralphus dives on top of the guy and pins him down. It's dark and we cannot see his face.
?????: Hey! C'Mon man!
Jericho takes out a torch and shines it down on the face of the man. It is Dave Harris.
JERICHO: What the Hell are you doing?
HARRIS: We're teaming tonight dude, remember?
JERICHO: Yeah but…Ralphus get off him.
Ralphus gets up and Dave gets to his feet.
HARRIS: OK Dude, lets get to the locker rooms. We need to discuss tactics or something.
Jericho shakes his head and walks in with Dave Harris and Ralphus in tow.
WALK ON WATER (Ozzy Osbourne) kicks in an we see the usual assortment of clips from the stars of the NCPW. The main eventers have not changed, and a few new appearances are made by Dave Harris, Jericho, and Taz.
In the ringside, we cut to the announcers table and see JR and Bobby Heenan as usual ready to start us off.
HEENAN: Ladies, Gentlemen and Humanoids…have we got one awesome show for you tonight!
JR: That's right Brain, we've got some great stuff tonight, such as Glen Jacobs vs a member of The Coalition, that I would presume would be Al Snow.
HEENAN: Which means that the title is coming back to the Coalition.
JR: Don't be sure there Bobby.
At this point, THE UNFORGIVEN II (MetallicA) plays and Billy Kidman walks out to a decent pop. He makes his way to the ring.
JR: And we open with the top contenders match. The winner goes on to face the Cruiserweight champion Chavo Guerrero Jr. at Overdrive.
HEENAN: And don't forget that every match at Overdrive this year is a gimmick match of some sort.
YOUNG JAGUAR (Thee Michelle Gun Elephant) hits and "Young Jaguar" TAKA Michinoku enters to a good pop. These two are ready to bring the house down.
This went back and forth through out and featured the usual high spots from two of the top cruisers in the NCPW. TAKA hit the Michinoku Driver at one point, but was too close to the ropes so Billy got out. Billy Kidman managed to hit the Shooting Star Press as the bell rang for the time limit expiring.
TAKA Michinoku and Billy Kidman battled to a draw in 0:10:00.
Rating: *** ¾
As Kidman shouts at the referee in frustration, SHINE (Motorhead) hits and the cruiserweight champion steps through the curtain to a loud pop from the crowd. Kidman is seen shouting at Chavo as he jumps around with his belt. Chavo takes a mic.
CHAVO: OK, OK…I was gonna let the winner of this match choose the stipulations for the match at Overdrive, but since you two drew I'll have to go to plan B. First of all, Overdrive will see me defend this belt against TAKA and Kidman in an elimination match!
Billy Kidman kicks the bottom ropes and points to a flored TAKA.
CHAVO: Look Billy-boy, you didn't pin him so stop shouting or I'll take you out of the match! Now, since you two drew and their is no way that you two could EVER agree on a stipulation I'm gonna pick the rules.
TAKA is slowly getting up.
CHAVO: So at Overdrive, for the Cruiserweight title…we shall see Billy Kidman vs TAKA Michinoku vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. in an elimination style…TABLE MATCH!
The crowd pops huge, and Kidman gets even more upset. He is soon "calmed" though, as when he turns around, he gets nailed with a Michinoku Driver. Chavo meanwhile smiles, and holds the belt high as we cut to…
We see Mikey sitting by the door, and Al Snow sitting on the big table at the back of the room. Behind the table is Kiefer Sutherland. The door opens and Matt Doyle walks in.
DOYLE: So what are we gonna do?
SNOW: Well, first up I need to get my belt back.
KIEFER: No, first up you need to shut up. You can forget about that belt, because HHH has already signed to face you tonight. AND, he's got a stipulation in mind too.
SNOW: So what do we do then?
KIEFER: We need to make sure…wait a minute…
MIKEY: What?
KIEFER: Mikey…has anything gone wrong tonight?
DOYLE: No Kiefer, nothing. No phone calls, no threats, no Mikey spilling coffee…nothing.
KIEFER: I got a bad feeling about this.
DOYLE: Oh come on…
KIEFER: no, really…I think HHH is up to something. Something big.
Kryptonite (3 Doors Down) hits and the crowd pops big time for The Innovators. The former tag champs make their way to the ring and they get on the mic.
NOVA: So…from the start to the end, from NCPW to the Indys, from Japan to Europe…
The crowd pops again as they throw the mics back to the ring announcer. POISON (Alice Cooper) hits and Ralphus and Chris Jerihco enter to a big heel pop. Once in the ring though, MANHUNT (Wolfsbane) hits and the crowd gives a small pop to the Bay Side native Dave Harris as he air guitars down the aisle and gets in the ring. He tries to high five Jericho, but Jericho shakes his head and tells Ralphus to do it. Harris is not bothered by this and he and Ralphus high five as The Innovators laugh.
Jericho and Dave are finding their footing as a team. Nothing spectacular from them yet, but solid work. The Innovators controlled the match against the rookie Harris for most of the match until he tagged Jericho in. This was the cue for Zero-G to climb out from under the ring. Nova dove out but they side stepped and he landed heavily on the guard-rail. The referee went out to check on him and he made sure Zero-G went with him. Meanwhile, Kanyon set up the Flatliner…CHAIR SHOT FROM RALPHUS! Ralphus dives out and ref gets back in the ring in time to see Jericho roll-up Kanyon! 1-2-3!
Chris Jericho and Dave Harris defeated The Innovators when Chris Jericho pinned Kanyon after a roll-up in 0:10:16.
Rating: ** ½
Zero-G climb in the ring post match as Jericho, Harris and Ralphus leave. They pick up Kanyon and Free Fall him to the boos of the crowd. Just then, Nova slides in with a chair! Zero-G head for te hills as Nova checks on his fallen ally.
HEENAN: Looks like Jericho and Harris are gonna go far JR!
JR: What? They cheated!
HEENAN: Exactly! They'll go far!
JR: Well, Jericho cheated…
HEENAN: Now don't try to defend the little guy! He was as much a part of this as anyone!
JR: Maybe…but what about Zero-G! I thought they finished things up with Kanyon and Nova a long time ago!
HEENAN: Obviously not JR!
JR: Lets go to a commercial…
The scene is no different to went we last saw the office earlier. Kiefer is talking on the phone, and puts it down.
KIEFER: What we do have is a problem.
KIEFER: I've just been informed that we have to find someone to face Glen tonight for the title.
KIEFER: Because if we don't, Glen doesn't have to defend the title again against any Coalition member. Something in his contract.
SNOW: So who's gonna face him?
MIKEY: I'll do it.
They all look at Mikey in a strange way.
MIKEY: What? I'll face Glen.
They all laugh at him.
MIKEY: Look, you ain got no other choice, so don't laugh. I'll go out there and beat Glen for the title.
DOYLE: OK Mikey. You do that. Go get ready.
Mikey leaves.
DOYLE: This should be amusing.
CURE (MetallicA) plays and the TV champion Sick Boy enters the ring to an impressive heel reaction. He takes a mic.
SICK: OK people…let me get one thing straight. This damn place…what was it called? California hasn't had a role model since Hulk Hogan. Well, I am volunteering to be your role model. I mean, who wouldn't want their kids growing up to be like Sick Boy? I…
WALK (Pantera) lays and cuts Sick Boy off. Rob Van Dam enters to a loud heel reaction. He takes a mic so that the crowd can hear his conversation with Sick Boy.
RVD: Now Mr. TV Champion…I can see that you are a better role model than Sick Boy, BUT…you aint no Rob Van Dam! I mean, you and me are partners tonight against our Overdrive opponents, BUT…I'M ROB VAN DAM! I'M THE WHOLE F'N SHOW…and the crowd here knows it!
SICK: Rob…you have a real problem. You THINK you're the best there is, but lets face it, you couldn't out wrestle a trainee.
RVD: Oh no, you wont get me with that again! I'm the best damn entertainer in the NCPW.
SICK: Lets take a poll. Who in the audience thinks RVD is the best entertainer in the NCPW?
SICK: See! They're not that stupid. I mean, I thought they were all a bunch of sanitarium rejects, but you know…
RVD: Loook, there is no way that Benoit and Taz are gonna beat me tonight…
SICK: They don't need to. Taz already kicked your ass!
RVD: And there aint no way that YOU could ever beat me!
SICK: Yeah? Well then, if we win tonight, then you and me can face off next week. How's that Mr. Show?
RVD: Fine! But you need to be careful though. Do you know why?
SICK: Why?
RVD: Because I'm Rob Van Dam!
WAR MACHINE (Kiss) hits and Taz walks out and stands in the aisle. KILLING MACHINE (Wolfsbane) then plays and Chris Benoit joins him.
BENOIT: Tonight you two are gonna get yourself a little preview of Overdrive. You may have got one up on me Sick Boy, but when the PPV comes around…how long do you think you can last before I cripple you?
TAZ: And you RVD…when I choke you out, you'll be judt another victim!
They charge the ring and so…
The match started off with all four men in the ring and Taz and Benoit backed their opponents in opposite corners…whipped straight into each other! RVD and Sick Boy collide! Taz then hits a German Suplex on RVD as Benoit hits one on Sick Boy at the same time.
From there, things went all the way of the faces. Taz dominated RVD as Sick Boy stood on the apron. Benoit got a few shots in on RVD too. Eventually, Sick Boy turned to taunt the crowd, and RVD dove at him, tagging him in! Sick Boy was not hapy, but got in the ring and locked up with Benoit. Benoit put on a wrestling clinic with Sick Boy there, and the two chained together move after move before Sick Boy got dumped out of the ring. Outside, he grabbed the TV Title Belt and the FTW Belt. He threw the FTW Belt to RVD and the referee went over to get the belt back…SICK BOY WAFFLES BENOIT WITH THE BELT! He throws the belt to the side and drops Benoit with The Cure. One…Taz gets in the ring…Two…RVD springboards across the ring and nails Taz with a kick…Three!
Sick Boy and Rob Van Dam defeated Taz and Chris Benoit when Sick Boy pinned Benoit with the Cure in 0:10:05.
Rating: ****
ACE OF SPADES (Motorhead) plays and "The Game" HHH enters to a loud round of cheers from the crowd. He gets in the ring and does the old DX Crotch Chop. He then takes a mic.
HHH: Tonight, I'm sure you all know by now that I will be facing Al Snow in the main event. Well Snowman…I've been there before. You've been there and walked out better than I did. BUT…this time things are different. You see, I want my hands on Kiefer Sutherland.
HHH: I want a real challenge tonight Snow, and here's the deal. The winner of our match will pick the rules for our match at Overdrive. That's right, you and me, and the winner gets to pick the rules for the PPV. Simple enough, isn't it? Well, to get the chance to win those stipulation choices all you have to do is one thing. Make your opponent say two small words. I…QUIT!
The crowd goes into a frenzy at the thought of this match.
HHH: So Simply Sensational…tonight you can come and play the Game. Lets see if you can make me quit.
ACE OF SPADES (Motorhead) keys up again and Triple H leaves to a big reaction from the crowd. As he gets to the top of the aisle though, a baseball bat shoots through and floors HHH, busting him open at the head! Al Snow steps through and lays into the bloody Hunter with the bat! Officials rush out and pull him off.
We see a 4X4 pull up, and out steps "Wildcat For Hire" Robbie Brookside. He enters the arena.
JR: Al Snow is gonna have Hell to pay in the main event tonight!
HEENAN: No he won't! You saw HHH when the medicalteam carted him off! He'll never make it to the match tonight now! Snow has already won!
JR: I've known HHH a long time Brain…He won't quit. He'll take it to Snow one way or the other!
HEENAN: I'll be more than happy to say I told you so tonight JR.
ANARCHY IN THE UK (Sex Pistols) plays and Doug Williams steps through the curtain with British Storm (Jody Fleisch & Jonny Storm) and they walk up the aisle to a decent-but-smaller-than-normal reaction. WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE (Guns `N' Roses) plays and Rhino enters with The Eliminators for this six-Man match.
This featured ALL six men in the ring at once, and got very confusing very quickly. Somewhere on the outside, Jonny Storm was hit with Total Elimination, but Perry and Krokus were flattened by a Jody Fleisch dive. In the ring, Doug Williams and Rhino hit each other with everything they had, and Doug soon dumped Rhino out of the ring before hitting Saturn with his finishing suplex for the 1-2-3.
British Storm and Doug Williams defeated The Eliminators and Rhino when Williams pinned Saturn with the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:07:20.
Rating: ** ½
We see The Innovators with a mic. They seem to have something to say.
KANYON: Zero-G…you have had a problem with us since we got together as a team. Well, it's time to finish this once and for all!
NOVA: You see boys, whenever you run out here…we stand ready to fight but you run.
KANYON: Well, that won't happen at Overdrive! You two are taking us on one last time.
NOVA: And running isn't an option! You can't run when you're chained together!
KANYON: Overdrive…Chain Match. Get ready for an ass kicking!
TO MYSELF I TURNED (Lacuna Coil) plays and Raven walks down to the usual loud heel reaction.
RAVEN: Glen Jacobs…you and I will meet at Overdrive…IF…you can keep the belt from Mikey Whipwreck tonight. I will be watching.
Raven goes and sits in the fron row as PEPPER (Butthole Surfers) plays and Mikey Whipwreck enters to a round of boos. INSIDE (Stiltskin) then sends the crowd into a frenzy again! The World Champion enters and we begin.
Mikey started off strong hitting a few punches and reversing a Unabomb into a FrankenMikey. Right at the end though, Robbie Brookside ran down the aisle! Mikey hits the Whippersnapper and celebrates hiis title win before making the cover…meaning Robbie can stomp Glen enough to get Mikey DQ'ed!
Glen Jacobs defeated Mikey Whipwreck by disqualification in 0:05:54.
Rating: * 3/4
(Glen Jacobs retained the NCPW World Title.)
Raven throws Mikey out of the ring, and Mikey leaves quietly as Robbie stomps on Glen some more. He stops as Raven takes a mic.
RAVEN: Glen…I tutored you. I showed you how to get to where you are. I gave you advice, well…NO MORE! You and me Glen. One on one on PPV. For that we need a special stipulation. You want to prove yourself as the true champion that you think you are? You want to show me how invincible you are? Then I have the perfect stipulation. I have NEVER lost a Barbed Wire match. And so, you and me shall meet in the field of barbed-wire. We shall face off in the bloodiest of matches there is Glen. Can you take it?
Robbie pushes Glen out of the ring and takes a mic.
ROBBIE: This is nothing personal Glen, I'm doing a job. Now…my payment.
RAVEN: What?
ROBBIE: You owe me money Raven. That's how it works. I do a job for you, you pay me.
RAVEN: Well then lets see…NO!
The referee decides that this is a good time to leaves and walks past Robbie, but Robbie puts his hadn out and stops him.
ROBBIE: I think you need to stay ref.
Robbie superkicks Raven! A new match has started!
W4H took full advantage of his early lead on Raven and applied a solid mat based assault. Raven managed to get back into things though with a low blow that nearly led to an Evenflow DDT. The match back-and-forth for a bit, and Glen Jacobs recovered on the outside. Raven went up top and nailed a double axe-handle on Brookside, sending to the mat. As he went up to repeat the move, Glen tripped him, and crotched him on the top. Brookside then got up and nailed the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm for the 1-2-3!
Robbie Brookside pinned Raven with the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in 0:12:52.
Rating: ** ½
The Wildcat For Hire celebrates to an unusual amount of cheers fr recent weeks. The crowd were behind him in the match. Glen Jacobs gets back in the ring and offers his hand to Robbie. Brookside looks to the crowd as they cheer, but just brushes past Glen and the cheers turn to boos. The reaction is once again mixed now, but there are still more cheers than normal.
We see Jericho and Ralphus walking towards the exit. Someone is running after them.
JERICHO: For God's sake…
Jericho turns to face Dave Harris.
JERICHO: What now?
HARRIS: I have got, like, the greatest news ever! We're teaming again next week on Mettle!
JERICHO: Oh joy of joys! What wonderful match have you got us into this time?
HARRIS: Gwt this…Us versus British Storm versus Flames of Redemtion versus The Eliminators in a four corners elimination match!
JERICHO: And that's a good thing…why?
HARRIS: Well, the winner gets to face The Jackyl Pack at Overdrive in a 2 out of 3 Falls match! That so totally rules!
JERICHO: Hmmm…I WOULD like to get gold around my waist again. OK, I'll team with you. If you need me, you've got my cell phone number, right?
HARRIS: Totally!
JERICHO: Right. We'll meet up to discuss strategy next week.
Jericho and Ralphus leave the arena. Harris smiles and takes out his cell phone. He dials a number.
HARRIS: Rock On dude!
Dave hangs up the phone and laughs.
HARRIS: He so totally likes me as a partner! This rocks!
Harris plays a little air guitar as we cut to the ring.
DEEP IN THE BLACKEST HOLE (Rage) plays and Nick Dinsmore walks down to the ring with Dean Malenko. Malenko gives him a few tips as they enter to a good pop from the crowd. PRISONER (Iron Maiden) then plays and Koji Kanemoto enters. For once, Koji was booked to fight, not just as a replacement for Ohtani.
These two under-utilised stars of the NCPW put on a decent showing here tonight. The match went back and forth with various holds and then sped up with Ohtani taking to the air a bit more. The end came when he nailed Dinsmore with a brainbuster and then went up top for a moonsault. As he went for the move, Nick moved and Koji landed hard on the canvas. As he got u, Dinsmore finished up with the German Suplex for the 1-2-3.
Nick Dinsmore pinned Koji Kanemoto with the German Suplex in 0:06:58.
Rating: *** ¼
JR: And what a match that was! These two could go far in the NCPW!
HEENAN: What? JR, you won't believe this, but…can we get a camera up there?
JR: What are you talking about?
HEENAN: Watch the monitor!
The cameras cut to the crowd and we see…Shinjiro Ohtani? Shinjiro Ohtani is in the crowd!
JR: What is he doing here? We haven't seen him for a while now!
HEENAN: I don't know JR, but I bet he's got plans.#
JR: Up next is the main event, so lets go to a break before we start!
JR: OK, let me remind you what is at stake here. The winner of this match gets to choose the stipulations for the match between these two at Ovewrdrive.
HEENAN: And if that damn HHH can get out here and then pulls the win out…who knows what he'd add into that match to let him get to Kiefer Sutherland, our commissioner!
JR: Well, lets see what happens.
DIE AGAIN (Wolfsbane) plays and "Simply Sensational" Al Snow enters to the usual loud heel reaction he gets in the NCPW. He struts down the aisle smiling, obviously happy with his handy work earlier in the night. As he enters, we see footage of him attacking HHH with a baseball bat after his promo earlier on in the show. Snow steps between the ropes and gets on the mic.
SNOW: Now Mr. Referee…there isn't any point of even starting this match, I mean you all saw what I did to HHH earlier. Is there really any chance of him getting out here tonight, I mean, Come on…
ACE OF SPADES (Motorhead) plays and the crowd goes wild…but there is no HHH entering. Snow was looking worried when the music hit, but now he goes back to smiling as the music cuts off.
SNOW: See? What can you do? He can't make me quit if he's not out here!
REFEREE: And you can't make him quit if he's not out here!
SNOW: Look…If you want, I could have you fired. How would you like that? No? THEN COUNT HIM OUT!
The referee starts to count. 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…ACE OF SPADES (Motorhead) hits again!…8…no HHH yet…9…HHH STEPS THROUGH THE CURTAIN! HE HAS A BASEBALL BAT AND A BANDAGED HEAD! Snow charges down the aisle and we start!
As Snow charged up the aisle, HHH readied to hit him with the bat, but Snow slid under hid legs and tripped Hunter. He then turned The Game over and proceeded to lay into him with pounch after punch as the crowd booed loudly. Once he was sure HHH was hurt bad, he got up and danced around a bit before asking the referee for the mic. Snow asks HHH "Do you quit yet?" and HHH…spits in his face! Snow lets HHH up as he wipes his eyes! HHH has that bat…BANG! Snow is dropped from the bat shot! HHH throws the bat aside and picks Snow up…PILEDRIVER IN THE AISLE! HHH has the crowd rallied behind him solidly now! He lifts Snow up and runs down the aisle with him, ramming him into the ring post! Snow is busted open, and HHH is also bleeding already! This is gonna get bloody!
HHH throws Snow into the ring and whips him HARD into the turnbuckle. Snow stumbles out into a back body drop, and HHH follows up with a knee drop to the head. HHH takes the mic. "Do you quit Snow?" Snow replies "Never…" HHH punches Snow around and whips him to the ropes again. This time, a low blow on the way back brings Al Snow to a halt, and HHH hits a kneelift. HHH sits on the hurt Snowman and asks again "Do you quit?" Snow doesn't answer but headbutts HHH! Hunter falls back a little, and Snow rolls to the corner and sits dazed. As HHH advances, Snow pulls himself up and kicks HHH in the midsection. A quick bulldog brings The Game down, and Snow is down too.
The referee looks to both of them and Snow starts to move. He gets himself to his feet and stomps on HHH's head. The ring is getting covered in blood. Snow lifts The Game up and drops him with a Snow Plow. He takes the mic. "Do you quit Game?" HHH breathes deeply and heavily and says "Ffff…ffff…fuck you!" Snow is pissed off at this comment and lays into Triple H with the mic! He asks again. "Do you quit?" Again, HHH replies with "Fuck you!" Snow looks to the crowd who are chanting "TRIPLE H! TRIPLE H!"
Snow shouts into the mic. "QUIT YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" He then lifts HHH up and steps back…SUPERKICK…HHH ducked! Snow turns…PEDIGREE! Oth men are down again, but HHH is on his knees. He turns Snow and takes the mic. "Do…do you quit?" Snow replies with "ughh…no…no way." HHH picks him up and nails Snow with the Game Over. HHH ask again "DO YOU QUIT?" Snow says "nnn…no." Just then, the Big Screen flashesd into action, and we Kiefer Sutherland on the screen. He says "Al! Just quit! Let him take the match. You can't fight if you keep this up, so just leave it now and kcik his ass at Overdrive!" HHH asks Al again "Are you gonna do what your Commissioner says, or not?" Snow says "I…I quit." The crowd goes wild.
HHH made Al Snow say "I Quit" in 0:15:27.
Rating: ***
The bloody Snow rolls out of the ring and starts to slowly go up the aisle while an equally bloody HHH crawls to a corner and hauls himself up. The crowd is behind him. HHH is breathing heavily.
HHH: As agreed, I get…I get to choose the stipulations for Overdrive…Al Snow, you pushed me to my limit. That makes us 2-1 in your favour right? Well…As much as…this whole…
HHH looks to the crowd and they cheer. Al Snow is sitting at the top of the aisle.
HHH: At Overdrive we face off again…The rules are simple…We fight in the confines of a steel cage, and Kiefer Sutherland is suspened above the ring in a steel cage. When I've kicked your ass…the cage will lower, and I face Kiefer in a Last Man Standing match. If…IF…you manage to pin me or make me submit in that cage…I will never…ever…go after you or Kiefer again. Those are the rules…so at Overdrive, lets just see how good you are when you play the Game…
Snow is looking hurt, and it is uncertain how much of that he heard right as we fade out with ACE OF SPADES (Motorhead) playing.
We are inside the offices, and hear a noise. The camera turns and we see the door shaking a little as someone tries to get in. After a few more bangs, the door flies open and in walks HHH! He walks up to the desk and drops a piece of paper on the desk. He leaves again.
WALK ON WATER (Ozzy Osbourne) plays as we cut to the start credits. A new video this time, as the NCPW Logo flashes on and off for a few seconds, and then we go into some clips. Each clip has the NCPW Logo flashing up after it. We see Some clips from recent PPVs, including Glen Jacobs Unabimbing Al Snow, Snow superkicking Robbie Brookside, Brookside nailing Raven with the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm (from last week) and other shots.
The arena is hot tonight, as are only two weeks from Overdrive!
JR: Welcome everyone to NCPW Mettle! I'm Jim Ross…
HEENAN: …and I, Humanoids, am Bobby "The Brain" Heenan! Tonight, we have one action packed show for you, with plenty of title matches.
JR: And of course, you have to wonder what The Game was doing in the offices before the show. We'll have more on that later, but now, lets start with a match for the NCPW TV Title!
DEEP IN THE BLACKEST HOLE (Rage) plays and Nick Dinsmore enters to a good pop, with his trainer Dean Malenko. Malenko is in wrestling gear, so we can presume he is involved in the match tonight. KILLING MACHINE (Wolfsbane) hits and Chris Benoit enters to a loud reaction from the crowd. He steps through the ropes and shakes hands with Nick and Dean. CURE (MetallicA) plays and Sick Boy walks out to the aisle with his belt and a mic.
SICK: OK, OK…let me get this straihgt. I have to face…Three people? THREE people? And then I'm expected to go on to wrestle a ladder match in less than two weeks? I can't believe this!
BENOIT: Stop the bitching, and get your ass in here so I can kick it!
The crowd pops huge.
SICK: Don't be so impatient there Chris. What I want is a guarentee here. You see, I'm gonna have to work REAL hard tonight to win here, so what I want is this. When I walk out of here with the TV Title still in my posession, I want next week off!
BENOIT: Is that all? Fine.
Sick Boy nods and walks down the aisle and enters. The bell rings and we begin.
The longest match on the show this week. Indeed, Sick Boy had to work really hard tonight. In fact, he had to put a lot of effort into avoiding being tagged in against Benoit! So, the other three went about the match for the whole match. In the end, Benoit nailed a tombstone on Malenko, and then went up top for a diving headbutt. Sick Boy tagged himself in, and Benot nailed the move! The referee removed the protesting Benoit from the ring and Sick Boy hit Dean with The Cure for the 1-2-3, and retaining the title.
Sick Boy defeated Chris Benoit, Nick Dinsmore and Dean Malenko when Sick Boy pinned D. Malenko with the Cure in 0:12:33.
Rating: **** 3/4
(Sick Boy retained the NCPW TV Title.)
We see The Coalition walking down the halls to the offices.
SNOW: SO, you off to get ready Mikey?
MIKEY: Yeah. I'll be back with a win under my belt soon enough.
SNOW: Sure…
Mikey Whipwreck walks off in the opposite direction. We see the rest of The Coalition walk off to the offices.
KIEFER: OK Al, I know you're pissed about…
SNOW: All behind me Kiefer. I can see now the quitting was my best option. Anyways…what the Hell…?
They have come to the door, which is broken and wide open. They look at Al and gesture to the door.
SNOW: What? Oh all right…
Al jumos through the door screaming, and looks around. He stops screaming and waves his hands to the others. They walk in. Doyle goes over to the window, and Kiefer takes the desk. Al looks out the door.
DOYLE: Man…what happened here?
KIEFER: That damn bastard…
SNOW: Huh?
DOYLE: And how do you know that?
KIEFER: He left a note on the desk.
Kiefer Sutherland hands it to Matt Doyle. Doyle reads out loud.
DOYLE: "Soon it shall all end Kiefer. Soon it shall all end. Tonight, you may choose two men to face me and a partner of my choice in the ring. --- HHH" OK…that means you and Mikey, Al.
SNOW: Nope.
SNOW: Mikey's up next against Ken. He wont go back in the ring after that.
KIEFER: Ah. Then that leaves…
Kiefer looks to Doyle.
DOYLE: Wha…?
KIEFER: Well, I could be stuck in a cage with that maniac in a last man standing match If Al fucks up again at Overdrive! So, you've got to do it!
DOYLE: What the Fuck are you…
SNOW: OK, we'll do it.
DOYLE: What?
SNOW: Trust me. Say Mr. Doyle, why don't you come with me to get a drink from the vending machines?
DOYLE: No thanks Al, I…
Al shoots him a glance, and something seems to click.
DOYLE: ohhh…OK…I'll go get a drink and we can talk strategy.
Doyle and Snow leave the room, and this leaves Kiefer alone, who looks a little confused.
We see Raven sitting on the floor behind some cars. He looks into the camera, and then back to the floor. He stares at the floor as he speaks.
RAVEN: Last week, I made a mistake. I…Made…A…Mistake. You Robbie Brookside had A RIGHT, to do what you did. Well, revenge is sweet. I have based my life around revenge, and tonight I gain a measure on you. You see…I have business to which I MUST attend.
Raven stands up, and sits on the car he is behind. He looks to the camera, and has a pained expression on his face.
RAVEN: Robbie Brookside, tonight we battle, but you are but a small…school yard scrap in my war. My war tonight continues as I battle you…my war is with the world champion.
Raven stands and walks to the left. The camera follows him.
RAVEN: You see Glen, when we meet on PPV, we fight in a land that is jch more harsh than you could EVER imagine. I MADEE YOU GLEN! I GAVE YOU THE WILL TO BE WHAT YOU ARE…and I am the KING of the land you are nearing. I AM KING OF MY DOMAIN GLEN! HAHAHA!
Raven bends down and picks up a crown of barbed wire. He walks on and we follw.
RAVEN: I am the king, and you are but an invader I will vanquish as I rule the NCPW once again. And you Glen…when you are gone, you shall be both…BOTH a martyr and a warning to those who will fight me.
Raven stops and smiles as we see the arena. He looks to the wall, and then back to the camera. He smiles.
RAVEN: You Glen shall be loved by all those around you, and yet…and yet you will be a warning to all who wish to take my belt…MY CROWN. You Glen are but a pawn in the big picture. And so, at Overdrive I take my palce at the top. I take my place in a picture that shall NEVER be complete.
Raven enters the arena.
Ken Shamrock is already in the ring as we go back to the arena. PEPPER (Butthole Surfers) plays and Mikey Whipwreck comes out to boos. Not a large amount of boos, but he IS over.
HEENAN: And so Raven shall come to be King.
JR: Raven is one sick and twisted individual Bobby.
HEENAN: Yes, he is, but that is perhaps his best…his strongest character trait.
JR: Well, that may be the case, but you have to wonder. He's been preaching about being king out there…and he told Glen Jacobs not to be too confident!
HEENAN: He has every right to be! He could easily walk out with the belt!
Throughout the match, JR and Bobby talked about what Snow and Doyle could be up to. Meanwhile, a solid match was assembled in the ring. It was cut short though. A belly-to-belly over the ropes went wrong, and Mikey landed on his elbow. He was visibly in pain when he re-entered, and Shamrock whipped him to the ropes, and Mikey rebounded with a Whippersnapper for the 1-2-3.
No-Countout-No-DQ-MatchMikey Whipwreck pinned Ken Shamrock with the Whippersnapper in 0:06:05.
Rating: ***
(Mikey Whipwreck suffered an elbow injury. He will be out for approximately 2 cards.)
KANYON: If it wasn't for Zero-G we'd be out there next winning a tag title shot.
NOVA: Yeah, I know. But it's OK. You be out there tonight with me?
KANYON: Against Taz? Sure.
There is a knock at the door.
We can clearly hear who it is.
KASH: We'll be there too!
DEVON: Yeah! We've got some stuff to clear about the PPV match.
NOVA: Come out there and we'll kick your asses!
KANYON: Maybe they're gone?
Kanyon opens the door to check, and Zero-G launch themselves in and beat Kanyon with a chain. Nova chases them off and tends to Kanyon.
Kiefer is sitting at the desk with his feet up and is smoking. Doyle and Snow walk back in.
KIEFER: I take it you saw what happened to Mikey?
SNOW: Yeah. He's off to the hospital now.
KIEFER: So what strategy did you two come up with for later tonight?
DOYLE: Oh yeah…Al will fight a lot, and I'll do what I can or something.
KIEFER: That's all you can come up with in that time you were out there?
SNOW: See?
DOYLE: Yeah, you're right. He is…
DOYLE: Nothing.
TOKYO DEVIL (B'Zs) hits and Flames Of Redemption enter to a small round of cheers.
JR: These two have a great future as a team in the NCPW.
HEENAN: What? These two couldn't beat…a fly!
WINER TAKES IT ALL (Sammy Hagar) hits and British Storm enter to a round of cheers.
JR: And I suppose you think the same about these two?
BLUE SNOW (Orange Goblin) Signals The Eliminators entering to a large pop from the crowd. Their music is cut off though before they can get to the ring as POISON (Alice Cooper) plays and Chris Jericho and Ralphus stand in the aisle as the crowd boos.
JERICHO: Tonight, all my Jerichoholics get to see their hero do what he does best! That's right, I get to beat a group of jobbers who don't even deserve to be in the same arena as Lionheart! Speaking of losers…
MANHUNT (Wolfsbane) hits and Dave Harris jumps through the curtain air guitaring. He "plays" a couple of riffs to Jericho who looks on in disgust. He then takes the mic. The crowd pops.
HARRIS: New York…are you ready to rock?
The crowd cheers.
HARRIS: Chris Jericho…are you ready to rock?
Jericho gives a look to Harris that indicates a "What are you doing?"
HARRIS: Tonight so totally rules! We are, like, going to the PPV!
Jericho grabs the mic from him.
JERICHO: We have to win first you idiot! What the Hell ae you doing? Just get up there to the ring!
This was a strong match again. We started with FoR and The Eliminators. Eiji and Staurn fought for a good four minutes before Kronus managed to sneek in and hit Total Elimination, eliminating FoR early. Dave Harris tagged in and so did Jonny Storm. The two went straight into high speed mode and a few arm drags were thrown until Jonny went up top, and Jericho dumped him off on is head. Dave didn't see what Jericho had done, and presumed he fell! He hoisted Jonny up and hit the K-RAD Driver for the 1-2-3.
The Eliminators vs Dave & Chris was a back and forth affair. Smooth action too. Saturn and Jericho were the legal men, and Kronus tried to sneek in like at the start of the match! Dave dove in and knocked Jericho out of the ring, meaning Kronus took out Saturn! Dave then threw Kronus to the outside and dove onto him! The referee went to check on them, and Jericho re-entered and climbed on the top-rope with a chair…SMASH! Jericho throws the chair out of the ring and makes the cover. The referee is back! 1-2-3!
No-Time-Limit-Number-One-Contenders-Four Corners Match
Chris Jericho and Dave Harris defeated Flames Of Redemption, British Storm and The Eliminators:
x Saturn beat Eiji Ezaki via Total Elimination in 0:04:29
x Dave Harris beat J. Storm via the K-RAD Driver in 0:05:27
x Chris Jericho beat Saturn via a chairshot from the top rope in 0:11:40
Rating: ***
Post match, Jericho and Harris celebrate. The crowd boos Jericho, but not Harris. As The Eliminators get up though, they bail.
JERICHO: Come on.
HARRIS: Where we ging?
JERICHO: To teach you to cheat.
Harris follows Jericho and appears to be protesting.
Glen Jacobs looks at the camera and smiles.
JACOBS: HAHAHAHA! Raven…you seem to have flipped! I knew from day one that you weren't quite…I knew you weren't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Raven…I KNOW what I'm entering into at Overdrive. I know who I'm facing, and I know where we shall meet. Raven…I know more than can ever imagine.
Glen sits down on a crate
JACOBS: You see Raven, when you taught me to be what I am today…I studied you too! I know how you work, and I know what it takes to beat you. Trust me Raven…I WILL beat you. I will…
Glen walks off as his last word was almost a whisper.
KRYPTONITE (3 Doors Down) plays over the speakers, and Nova enters alone.
HEENAN: It seems that Kanyon aint gonna help his partner tonight!
JR: What? You saw what happened with Zero-G!
Nova enters through the ropes, and the music fades. Nova signals to the announcer, who throws him a mic.
NOVA: Now…I'm sure that all you people saw what happened to my partner Kanyon earlier tonight. So Zero-G…you think you've got an advantage now? You just TRY to get involved tonight! I dare ya!
WAR MACHINE (Kiss) hits, and the NCPW FTW Champion enters to a loud ovation from the New York faithful. He stands opposite Nova and calls for the mic. Nova throws it to him.
TAZ: You know…I'm sorry to hear about your partner there Nova, but lets face it…with ir without him, you are about to become just another victim!
This ahd pretty much everything you'd expect from these two in a no holds barred environment. Nova managed to get in a double-underhook Rocker Dropper, and a few other innovations before Taz caught him with a Head and Arm Tazplex. From there, Taz took full advantage, and threw Nova around as if he was nothing. To make matters worse for him, Zero-G then ran in. As soon as they got in the ring though, Taz stepped in and threw them back out. As they shouted at Taz, Kanyon came running down the aisle too! He wasn't that hurt after all! As Zero-G turned, Kanyon hit a doble Flatliner on them!
With Kanyon beating on Zero-G in the aisle, Taz turned back to Nova. Then Rob Van Dam jumped the barriers and entered the ring! He tries to hit Taz with a jumping spin kick, but Taz ducks, and Nova is taken out. Taz then hits RVD with a T-Bone Tazplex, and he rolls to the outside. Seconds later, Taz locked on the Tazmission on Nova for the win.
Taz made Nova submit to the Tazmission in 0:05:20.
Rating: *** 1/4
(Taz retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
Nova was helped out by Kanyon, who went to help him up the aisle. As he did this though, Zero-G got up and charged them. The Innovators and Zero-G brawled to the back.
Back in the ring, RVD had gotten back in the ring and taken a mic. Taz stands arms crossed opposite RVD with another mic.
RVD: Taz…when you took that belt from me, you took it in a match that SHOULD be marred with controversy. I DIDN'T TAP OUT!
TAZ: HAHAHA! From where I was standing, Brutha…you couldn't much but tap.
RVD: Yeah? Well I couldn't tap, ecause I was out cold.
TAZ: Which entitles me to this belt. So what you gonna do about it punk?
RVD: Taz, I'm the Whole F'N Show! I can do what I want…when I want, and these people will love me all the more!
The crowd starts a "RVD sucks!" chant.
RVD: So Taz, the question is, what are you going to do when the greatest wrestler to ever step foot in a wrestling ring comes to get his belt back?
TAZ: HAHAHA! I'm gonna choke…you…out! Rob Van Dam…I AM TAZ! THE NCPW FTW CHAMPION! BEAT ME, IF YOU CAN…
Rob tries to cut Taz off with a superkick, but Taz ducks under and grabs the leg. He delivers a vicous capture tazplex.
JR: Taz and RVD are going to have one major war at Overdrive!
HEENAN: Wait a minute JR, there appears to be something going on in the back! Lets get some cameras out there!
The camera man is running, and he gets around the corner. We see Sick Boy shouting at Chris Benoti across a hallway.
SICK: …Yeah? I beat you once, and I'm gonna do it again! Ladder matches mean everything goes! You think you can take it?
BENOIT: HAHAHA! Sick Boy…you need to look at yourself in the mirror. What makes you think you can walk out of Overdrive without me crippling you? Huh? What makes you think you have any chance against me?
SICK: Yeah that's right…you stand over there and sit all confident. When Overdrive comes, you''l be running a mile when the bell ring! You're Nothing! NOTHING!
This angers Benoit, and he starts to advance on Sick Boy. Sick Boy steps back a few steps, and Benoit speeds up. Sick Boy ducks past the cmaera man. Benoit soon catches up, and runs past the camera man…BAM! Sick Boy flies back in view with a diving belt shot that takes Benoit down again! Benoit is down with his nose busted open again! Sick Boy stands over Benoit and holds the belt in his face.
Sick Boy takes about two steps away from Benoit, but Benoit grabs his legs and takes him down…CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! BENOIT HAS THE TV CHAMP IN THE CROSSFACE!
HEENAN: We need to get some security back there to break this up!
JR: Why? Just let him stay there for a few minutes longer!
HEENAN: What? You are one sick humanoid!
THE UNFORGIVEN II (MetallicA) hits and Billy Kidman enters the ring with TAKA Michinoku. They appear to be showing each other no recognition what so ever.
JR: These two are going to Overdrive to face each other and Chavo Jr. for the Cruiser belt…
HEENAN: …and that has GOT to be on their mind teaming tonight.
PRISONER (Iron Maiden) signals the entrance of Koji Kanemot and…Shoichi Funaki? They enter to a mixed reaction.
HEENAN: Well, this is interesting. I guess there is still no Ohtani.
JR: Guess not. I wonder what TAKA will be thinking right now.
This was…interesting. TAKA and Billy had no tags. Well, they taged themselves in when they felt like it. Meanwhile, TAKA refused to tackle Funaki at any point. The end was a strange one too! As Koji Kanemoto hoisted TAKA up and dropped him with a brainbuster, someone jumped the rails and sat on the top-rope behind Koji.
HEENAN: Hey…Is that…?
Koji signals for the moonsault and turns…he's in shock!
Koji points the finger at Ohtani and asks what's going on. Ohtani just claps and says something like "look behind you" to which Koji turns…MICHINOKU DRIVER! 1-2-3!
Billy Kidman and TAKA Michinoku defeated Shoichi Funaki and Koji Kanemoto when Michinoku pinned Kanemoto with the Michinoku Driver in 0:04:47.
Rating: ***
Funaki leaves with TAKA, and Kidman soon follows. This leaves Ohtani and Koji in the ring. As Koji slowly recovers, Ohtani looks to the crowd as they cheer. He reaches down and helps Koji up. Koji shakes Ohtani's hand, and Ohtani walks to the other end of the ring and starts to leave. Koji shouts over to him, and starts to walk towards him…OHTANI SPRINGBOARDS ONTO THE TOP ROPE AND HITS A SPINNING HEEL KICK! He then lifts Koji up again…DRAGON SUPLEX! Koji is dead! The crowd is showering Ohtani with boos. Ohtani gets on the post and shouts back at the crowd.
We can see in the back, that Chris Benoit STILL has the Crossface on Sick Boy! There are officials arouns him trying to get him to let go, but he still holds it on tight! Sick Boy is out cold, and Benoit is smiling! He soon lets go, and looks down at the TV Champion. He leaves as medics move Sick Boy onto a stretcher.
HEENAN: This is just wrong JR!
JR: Yeah, I have to agree with you. Maybe we'll get an update later for you. Right now though, everyone is already in the ring, so lets get the next match started.
Very little heat from this one. Juventud was last seen jobbing to new guy Dave Harris, Yakushiji has done very little since his mini-feud with Malenko, and Rey Jr. hasn't been seen for a long time. The action was still solid, despite the lack of heat though, and Juvy went over with a Juvy Driver on Rey Jr.
Triangle Match
Juventud Guerrera defeated Masato Yakushiji and Rey Misterio Jr. when
J. Guerrera pinned Misterio Jr. with the Juvy Driver in 0:09:16.
Rating: ***
HHH is sitting on a bench with Glen Jacobs standing in the background. HHH is taping his wrists, and he looks up to the camera to speak.
HHH: Kiefer Sutherland…tonight you will avoid me. Come Overdrive though, there will be NOTHING that can save you. Not Al Snow…not Matt Doyle…not Mikey Whipwreck…there will be nothing but you and me left one on one in a cage. The rules are simple. You and me fight till one cannot fight anymore. Do you think you can play the game and win? I know you can't. Game Over.
The cmera pans over to Glen Jacobs, who has been pacing up and down. He stops and stares right into the camera.
JACOBS: Watch closely Raven, as I will watch you match. See tonight what I can do, and learn. I am NOT going to be beaten by you, no matter where we face off. Can you really stand in the field of combat you hold dear, and say that "I can beat Glen Jacobs?" Can you do it that in earnest? No. Remember Raven, I'm not going to be beaten that easily.
DUCK AND RUN (3 Doors Down) hits and "Wildcat For Hire" Robbie Brookside enters the ring to a good pop. Maybe the crowd want Raven to be beaten again tonight? TO MYSELF I TURNED (Lacuna Coil) hits, and Raven enters to a large round of boos from the New York crowd. They really hate Raven, and they're letting him know it.
Technically sound action here, and heated too. Every time Raven got on the offensive, the crowd would boo loudly, and then cheer again when Brookside takes control. As Robbie tried his finisher, Raven kicked him in the face. Robbie stumbled back, and Raven jumped down. As he tried a clothesline, Robbie ducked, and applied a full nelson. Low Blow from Raven, and he tries an Evenflow DDT, but Robbie nails a Northern Lights Suplex. E lets go before the pin though and stands waiting for Raven to get up. When he does, Robbie tries a spear, but Raven reverses it into the Evenflow DDT for the 1-2-3. The crowd explodes into a chorus of boos.
Raven pinned Robbie Brookside with the Evenflow DDT in 0:08:07.
Rating: ** 3/4
Post match, Raven stands over Robbie in the corner and then leaves to a round of boos and jeers. Robbie leaves soon after, and is met half way up the aisle by Doug Williams and British Storm. They all leave together. Before they get through the curtain though, Doug says something to Robbie, and Robbie looks pissed off.
JR: What was that about?
HEENAN: Hard to tell. Maybe someone drunk Robbie' tea?
JR: Bobby…shut up.
HEENAN: What? You know what William Regal said. To drink a Brits tea is to besmirch him.
JR: Speaking of Brits, coming up next week, Mettle will feature an extra show that features wrestlers from NWA-UK Hammerlock!
DIE AGAIN (Wolfsbane) plays and The Coalition enters to a round of heavy boos from the crowd. They are hated as much as Raven at least. Kiefer is nowhere to be seen. Then, INSIDE (Stiltskin) hits and Glen Jacobs enters with his World Title Belt. The crowd cheers loudly for the World Champ. He waits outside the ring as TIME TO PLAY THE GAME (Motorhead) hits and "The Game" enters to an equally loud reaction.
This was prett short. Under four minutes. Glen and Snow started out, and they hit a few punches before Snow tagged out to a shicked Matt Doyle. Doyle enterd the ring and was hit with a bulldog quickly. As Glen hoisted Matt up for the Unabomb though, Raven ran in and attacked the champ with a barbed wire bat! The referee caleed for the bell.
Glen Jacobs and HHH defeated The Coalition (Al Snow and Matt Doyle) when Glen Jacobs defeated Doyle by disqualification in 0:03:53.
Rating: * 1/4
Raven started to beat on Glen with the bat. As HHH went to make the save, Snow speared him down. On the outside, Snow held on to HHH tight as Matt Doyle left the rign and walked over. He whispered something into HHH's ear, and HHH calmed down. HHH left through the crowd, and The Coalition walked up the aisle.
In the ring, Raven has Glen covered in blood. He then picks Glen up and nails and Evenflow DDT. He then counts a mock one…two…thrKICKOUT FROM GLEN! Glen kicked up from the mock count! Raven picks him up and drops him with another Evenflow DDT, and makes the three this time. Raven takes a mic. As he talks, he stomps on a bloody Jacobs.
RAVEN: So…you still think you're invincible? You still think I can't beat you? Need I remind you Glen, that I made you! I made you what you are, and I can break you! All you can see right now is your own blood, and me…
Raven picks up the world title.
RAVEN: …standing with the World Title Belt. At Overdrive, the scene will be just the same.
The show fades.
Held in the Thunder Dome Tampa Bay, Florida.
We see The Coalition (sans Mikey) walking into the building. They appear to be arguing.
DOYLE: Well What? NOTHING is going on!
They enter the building, and we cut to…
---Walk On Water by Ozzy Osbourne---
The guitars start up, and we see a wall of TV screens. Each one is fuzzed. As the drums kick in, each screen turns on to show a different face. We see Al Snow, Raven, HHH, Glen Jacobs, Matt Doyle, Robbie Brookside, Sick Boy and others all on separate screens. As the lyrics start up, we cut to one screen in the middle. This being the biggesat screen, we zoom right in on it, and we see Raven nailing an Evenflow DDT on Al Snow from the archives, followed by his shadow on a crucifix. That then fades to Al Snow nailing the springboard leg drop on Glen Jacobs from Wrestlefest. We fade into HHH hitting Kiefer Sutherland with the Game Over from a past Mettle, and then we see Glen jacobs hitting the Unabomb on Al Snow at Double Jeopardy. We also see NCPW Owner Matt Doyle standing in the middle of the carnage in the ring smiling, and that fades to Sick Boy hitting Benoit with the TV Title belt, and then Robbie Brookside hitting the Cross-Armed Iconclasm on Raven from Mettle. Benoit appears next and nails three German Suplexes on Sick Boy follwed by DDP making Mikey Whipwreck feel the BANG! Meanwhile, Jericho puts the Lion Tamer on Chris Daniels from the archives, and Taz makes RVD pass out on PPV with the Tazmission. The Jackyl Pack then appear nailing their respective finishers on Flames Of Redemption. The screen divides, and The Innovators hit Total Innovation at the same time as The Eliminators hitting Total Elimination, and Zero-G hitting Free Fall. Dave Harris nails a K-RAD Driver at the same time as Mikey hitting a Whippersnapper, and Doug Williams hits his Northern Lights Suplex at the same time as Chavo Jr. hitting his Tornado DDT. We end on a shot of Glen Jacobs standing with the World Title in front of the NCPW logo.
---Kaze by Kouji Wada---
The music begins to play and Juventud Guerrera steps through the curtain as the vocals start up. Juvy is lively as he enters, jumping up by the barriers and high fiving the fans. As we get to the chorus of the song, Juvy jumps onto the top rope and into the ring where he mounts the turnbuckle and raises his arms for the fans.
---Shine by Motorhead---
The guitars of Motorhead play and the crowd cheers loudly. As Lemmy kicks in with the vocals, Chavo Guerrero Jr. steps through the curtain. The crowd cheers him as he walks down the aisle with the Cruiser belt held aloft. He talks to the fans as he enters, and then mounts the top turnbuckle and raises the belt. As the chorus is sung, he shouts at Juventud and then hands the belt to the referee and the bell rings.
This was short. It featured Juvy hitting some nice arm drags early on, but trying the move once too many times as Chavo pulls him up into a German Suplex. The two raded off some chain wrestling, and then Juvy took to the air with dropkicks and a crossbody. Chavo ducked to the outside, and Juvy tried a tope. Chavo hit the floor and Juvy went over him. As Juvy got up, Chavo had climbed into the ring and nailed a springboard bodypress. Chvo re-entered the ring and celebrated as the crowd cheered him on.
Juvy got back in the ring and Chavo took him over with a drop toe hold and then hit a leg drop. Chavo controlled the match from here and quickly hit his Tornado DDT for the one…two…three.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Juventud Guerrera with the Tornado DDT in 0:05:04.
Rating: ***
(Chavo Guerrero Jr. retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
Post match, Chavo left the ring and then returned with a table. He set it up near the post and placed Juvy on top. He mounted the turnbuckle and looked to the crowd, who cheered him on. Chavo took to the air and drilled Juvy through the table with a splash.
Kiefer is sitting at the desk that has Matt Doyle' name plate on, as he always does. He is shouting at the rest of the Coalition, and trying to get some answers for last week.
KIEFER: OK then! If nothing is going on, then what did you say to HHH at the end of the match that made him stop in his tracks? Huh? What did you say?
DOYLE: I told him that if he tried anything I'd fire him on the spot.
KIEFER: Bull Shit! You're up to something! That's what you and Al were up to last week! What are you up to?
SNOW: Nothing Kiefer! Look, if we were up to something, then don't you think SOMEONE would have told you about it by now?
KIEFER: Then what's this rule you've added to the cage match about then?
DOYLE: You mean the one where if anyone leaves the cage, they lose? Al wanted to make sure he gets his hands on Kiefer without risk of him running, and THAT is what he wanted to talk to me about.
Kiefer looks at Doyle seriously, and Doyle returns the stare coldly.
KIEFER: Fine. I suppose you want to know what I've got booked as the main event now?
SNOW: Yep. What've you been cooking up for us?
KIEFER: No Holds Barred. Taz, HHH, Glen Jacobs, and Benoit against Rob Van Dam, Sick Boy, Raven, and you.
SNOW: Me? Why me?
KIEFER: You need a warm up before Sunday.
SNOW: You're so damn thoughtful Thanks a bunch.
---Stone Dead Forever by Motorhead---
The motorhead riffs play and the tag team champs step through the curtain. The crowd boos wildly as Eddie Guerrero and Michael Modest taunt the crowd and shine up the belts as they walk down the aisle. Some fans bad mouth them as they walk, and they throw insults back. They step between the ropes, and take position at opposite ends of the ring and stand on the top rope with the belts. Thye music fades, and they call for microphones.
EDDIE: Hello Tampa! Finally, you people have something to cheer about, because the NCPW Tag Champs have come to this God forsaken arena to show you what REAL action looks like.
The crowd boos loudly as Eddie looks to Modest.
MODEST: I want each and every one of you to get on your feet right now and show some respect to the team that is constantly putting in great performances night in and night out without any respect. Each and every one of you losers can get up right now and give us a standing ovation for our service to the NCPW!
EDDIE: That's right Michael! And then we come to Overdrive. We have to face a team that have not been together for even a month. We face a man who once gave everyone a reason to call him Lionheart, but now is just a washed up loser! We face a man who is nothing more than rookie who was rejected from the 80s, and so now wants to torment us! We are facing two of the biggest losers in the NCPW and are expected to carry them in a two out of three falls match!
MODEST: While the higher up are in the back arguing amongst themselves about a movie star, and I use that term loosely, they're arguing about The Game and double crosses when they SHOULD be thinking about how to reward their tag champions for such great service! Well, you idiots here in Tampa can go to Hell, and so can everyone else in the head offices, because from here we are only going to defend our belts against teams we see fit to!
EDDIE: And the only reason we're going to defend the belts at Overdrive, is because we feel it is our duty to let the NCPW fans see what a wrestling match looks like!
MODEST: So, lets get a REAL team out here tonight so that we can kick their asses!
---Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down---
The crowd explodes as the opening riffs play, and then get on their feet as the former two time tag team champions walk through the curtain and down the aisle. They keep their eyes on the champions as they enter the ring, and then take the mic from Eddie Guerrero, who goes and stands by Michael Modest.
KANYON: Lets see if Tamp is better than these jerks give you credit for. Tamp Bay…WHOS BETTER THAN KANYON?
NOVA: And whos better than Nova?
NOVA: So…from the NCPW to the WWF, to Japan and Europe…
KANYON: It seems that these people here tonight have a lot more sense than you guys give them credit for. And since WE are two time tag team champions, and the team that pretty much defined tag team wrestling in the NCPW I think that means that we deserve a shot at those belts that you're carting around with you.
NOVA: Now, I understand that you guys must be really scared right now, after all…we are such a great team, and these fans know it here in Tampa Florida!
The crowd pops big time.
NOVA: So, what you two can do right now is hand those belts over the referee, who will in turn get the ring announce to shine them up a bit more. Then…WE'RE GONNA GET INNOVATIVE ON YOUR ASSES!
The crowd pops again, and Eddie smiles, as he talks into the mic held by Modest.
EDDIE: If you want to wrestle, then that's fine, but as for getting innovative on my ass? I tell you what, you guys go to the back and do what you want, but I don't to see it.
Nova and Kanyon looked pissed off.
EDDIE: Since you two seem to eager, I guess we can show you what the NEW generation of tag team wrestling is like, as we beat you form post to post.
MODEST: And then you two can go to Overdrive and ose to those no hopers Zero-G too! You two need to get your head sorted, because there aint no amount of cheering from this crowd that's gonna get you these belts. So, if you please Mr. Referee, make sure these belts DO get shined up, `cause if there's any finger marks on them when we get them back, someone is gonna pay!
The usual TV Tag match here. Nova and Kanyon get an early lead, but Modest trips Kanyon as he runs the ropes and the champs take over. They double team Kanyon for a couple of minutes, and get cocky. As they double slam him down and taunt, Kanyon hits a low blow. He then dives and gets the tag to Nova! Nova was on fire, hitting move after move on both tag champs as the crowd go crazy. Then, as he floors Modest and climbs the ropes, Zero-G jump the crowd barrier and give Nova a hard punch with chains wrapped around their fists! The referee was checking on Kanyon and didn't see it! Modest gets up and…TOP ROPE CRADLE SUPLEX! One…Two…Three! The champs retain!
The Jackyl Pack defeated The Innovators when M. Modest pinned Nova with the Top Rope Cradle Suplex in 0:07:58.
Rating: ** 1/2
(The Jackyl Pack retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
The Jackyl Pack celebrate with the titles while walking up the aisle. They get pissed off though when they realise the crowd isn't paying them any attention but is watching the brawl in the ring. They leave. In the ring, Kanyon nails a Flatline on Kid Kash, but gets a Devon Storm chained fist to the face, sending him to mat. As Devon sees to Kash though, Nova gets up. Double bulldog to Zero-G! As Zero-G get up…TOTAL INNOVATION TO BOTH GUYS! The Innovators have cleaned house, and the crowd is loving it!
We see Dave Harris playing air guita in a locker room. As the camera pans out, we see Chris Jericho sitting staring at Dave while Raplhus stands by the door. Jericho is shaking his head, and then places his head his hands.
JERICHO: How did I get stuck with this guy…
Lionheart looks up.
JERICHO: Are you finished yet Dave? DAVE!
Dave continues to air guitar furiously.
JERICHO: Look Dave, we need to get serious for minute here. I mean, we have to face a good team at Overdrive. We need to star focused and get a couple of…early advantages in the match. We need to use everythinga t our disposal.
Dave is on his back still air guitaring.
JERICHO: we need to take the fight to them, and tonight you are going to get a warm up when you fight Rey Jr. All I want is for you to…Dave?
Dave kips up and plays a few more riffs. He then stops and looks at Chris.
JERICHO: Dave, you need to think like a champion! You need to take everything you can get your hands on and use it, especially if the referee isn't looking. What I want you to do tonight is get in there with Rey and get the duke by any means you can! I want you to kick ass tonight, and I'm going to help?
HARRIS: You mean you want me to cheat? HAHAHA! No way dude! That's just, like, not me! What I WILL do though is go out there and so totally get a pin without cheating. I'll go out there and hit Rey with everything I've got, and get the one, two, three with the K-RAD Driver. Rey Rey is going down for the fall tonight, and I'm gonna do it fairly! Now, lets rock dude!
Jericho puts his face in his hands again.
JERICHO: What did I do to deserve this?
Dave puts his hand on Jericho' shoulder.
HARRIS: Now Chris, cheer up. You've got to smile, `cause a day without sun is, like, night dude.
Jerihco slowly raises his head and stares Dave in the face with an icy stare.
JERICHO: What are you talking about? You are going to drive me crazy by the end of the PPV. I tell you what Dave, you go out there tonight and I'll come with you nad help in a fair way. Then once we've won, we'll go and discuss the PPV match, OK?
HARRIS: That is totally trippendicular dude! We can, like, go and get a burger and I can so totally tell you the evils of cheating and stuff!
Jericho shakes his head and Dave walks over to Ralphus.
HARRIS: Big Dude…Are you ready to Rock?
Ralphus and Dave both start to air guitar, and Jericho looks on with a bewildered look. He then shakes his head and pushes past them as he leaves the room.
---Tribute to dishonour Part IV: I'm Crucified by Rage---
As the piano opening to the song by German Power Metal Giants Rage hits, we hear spoken words as they appear on a black screen in red lettering:
"In a ring from which there is no escape, two lifelong foes battle with the Commissioner suspended above them.
If a 3 time World Champion tries to run, or ends up defeated, the Commissioner must play The Game till there is only one man left standing."
Guitars begin to play too:
"In the most unforgiving of battle fields, two former friends do battle over the most sought after prize in sports entertainment.
With the title on the line, one man comes to justify his crown of thorns, and the other to prove himself unstoppable."
The main guitar riffs begin to play and the words on screen are replaced by images of the five men in the double main event:
"On Sunday 29th June 2003…
…5 Men are on Collision Course…
…as the NCPW takes the Target Centre into Overdrive!"
As the vocals start, we see HHH hitting Kiefer with the Game Over from various views and clips from matches between Al Snow and HHH. As we get past the first part of the chorus and go into the second verse, we cut into clips of Raven and Glen facing off and beating on each other from various editions of Mettle. The chorus ten begins again, and as we hear "I'm Crucified" we see Raven on a crucifix with his barbed wire crown of thorns. This cuts to Glen Jacobs standing with the World Title belt in a ring with Barbed Wire Ropes. He stands staring at the floor. This fades to Al Snow and HHH in a cage staring at each other from opposite sides of the ring. The two fade out and Kiefer fades into the middle of the ring. We then quickly go through Snow, HHH, Kiefer and Raven three times and fade into Glen again. As Peter "Peavy" Wagner goes into "I'm Crucified" again Glen looks up at the camera and gives a smile. The camera zooms in on the belt, in which is seen the reflection of Raven on the cross again.
Rey Misterio Jr. is already in the ring as we cut back to the arena.
---All The Young Dudes by Bruce Dickinson---
The Maiden singer' cover of the David Bowie song hits and Dave Harris steps through the curtain. He is getting a good face reaction from the crowd as he dances around on the ramp, and then turns back to the curtain. He waves his hand, and out comes Chris jericho and Ralphus to boos from the crowd. Jericho shouts something at Dave, who shrugs and just runs down to the ring. He then goes over and shakes Rey Jr. hand andstands on the top rope air guitaring. Meanwhile, jericho takes a mic.
JERICHO: I told you not to do anythign like that damnit! It's just plain stupid, and you're making me look like an idiot for hanging around with you! What I want is for you to get down from there and be serious for once! Just for once!
Dave shrugs again and jumps down. He shouts over and gets a mic thrown to him.
HARRIS: Now Chris, when the bell rings, I'll be all business! Until then, I don't see why I can't have a little bit of fun! I mean, that's what I'm here to do right now! Have fun!
JERICHO: When you debuted, you said you wanted to get the Cruiserweight Title. To do that, you need my expertise as two time champion. YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO WHAT I'M SAYING TO YOU!
HARRIS: Whoa there dude! Calm down, I'm hearing what you're saying! I'm so totally hanging on every word man! But you need to hear what I'm saying…TAMPA! ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?
The crowd cheers and Jericho throws a small fit on the outside. He looks about ready to get in the ring and pund Dave to the ground.
JERICHO: I'm warning you Dave! If you don't stop messing around, little Midgetsterio Jr. there is gonna beat quicker than you can say "Dude! Where's My car?"
HARRIS: It's in the parking lot dude!
JERICHO: You are so lucky Ralphus is here holding me back boy, or I'd knock some sense into ya!
HARRIS: OK dude, you sit out there and take a chill pill. I'll finish things up in here. You can in any fair way you want.
This got off to a quick start as Rey hit a huracanrana and then a dropkick sending Dave to the outside. As Jericho pulled Dave away, Rey stopped his dive and turned back into the ring as he always does. On the outside, Jericho was shouting at Dave, and Dave was actually listening.
Back in the ring, Dave managed to get back on track with a spinning heel kick, and then whipped Rey Rey to the ropes…Jericho tripped him! Dave went over and shouted at Chris, who shouted back "It's fair if the ref don't see it!" Dave shook his head, and got back to the match only to be rolled up for a two count. Later in the match, when Jericho went to trip Rey again, Dave dove and knocked Rey out of the ring on top of Chris. He then air guitared for the crowd as Rey got back in the ring as Jericho shouted at Dave again.
The ending came when Rey ran the ropes, and Jericho hit him with a chair! Dave and the referee didn't see it, so Rey stumbled straight into the K-RAD Driver for the 1-2-3.
Dave Harris pinned Rey Misterio Jr. with the K-RAD Driver in 0:06:06.
Rating: **
Dave seemed to be blissfully unaware of what had gone on and happily celebrated with Chris and Ralphus in the ring following the match. He seemed happy telling Chris "see! I did it without cheating!" Chris just nodded along and smiled. They all left the ring together as Dave high fived Chris and Ralphus, then members of the crowd. Jericho just shouted at the crowd and pushed Ralphus in between him and the fans as they walked up the aisle.
---Victim Of Darkness by Seasons Of The Wolf---
The guitars kick in from the song and the lights go off. The entrance ramp becomes engulfed in a blue light and Raven steps through the curtain and stands arms outstretched looking around him as the crowd boos. The lead guitar starts and Raven begins to make his way to the ring. As the vocals start, Raven stops and climbs over the barriers into the crowd. He stands in the masses in the usual pose as the crowd shout at him. He just looks down on them and then gets in the ring. Once in the ring, he sits in the corner of the ring facing the aisle and takes a microphone.
RAVEN: We are now less than a week from the day of judgement. Tonight, Glen Jacobs shall go home as normal. Trust me Glen…spend some time with the family, take some quality time off from the ring. Tomorrow night, you shall sleep like a log, and have dreams of victory against me in the realm I rule over.
Raven pulls himself up and begins to pace back and forth, waiting.
RAVEN: Friday Glen, the fear shall begin to surface and you shall begin to think on what you have let yourself in for. When Saturday comes, the tension will be unbareable and you will not sleep that night for fear that I will come to your window and begin my work. When Sunday comes…you will be nothing more than a shadow of your former self, and by the time you have braved the barbed wire…you will be nothing. NOTHING! YOU HEAR ME GLEN! YOU WILL BE NOTHING! AND I SHALL BE…
Raven looks to the crowd as they boo him. He seems to calm down a little bit.
RAVEN: …And I shall be king once more. I Glen shall once again be a martyr for those who are outcasts. THOSE WHO CAN APPRECIATE WHAT I HAVE TO TEACH! HAHAHAHA! Not like you Glen. You…you are nothing more than a student who cannot, WILL NOT, obey his teacher. And when Overdrive is over, you shall have felt my pain, and heard my writings. You see Glen, I am, always have been, and always will be the one who doesn't fit in. But when you don't fit in, you learn to be ruthless.
---Inside by Stiltskin---
The crowd goes nuts as the NCPW World Champion' music hits. After the choir part, the guitars play and the big man steps through the curtain. He stands in the aisle with a microphone in one hand and the belt over his shoulder as the crowd cheer him and and chant his name. The music fades.
RAVEN: I wondered how long it would be till you turned up Glen.
JACOBS: Well Raven, you've got me here now. What is it you want from me? What is it you want to say. I am a busy man Raven, and you have become a real pain in the ass as of late.
RAVEN: You Glen have problem. You see, you are standing out here now and STILL you are thinking that you cannot be beaten! Well Glen, I tried to show you what it was likie. I tried to let you share in my glory, but…NO! YOU WOULD NOT WILLINGLY ACCEPT MY GIFT TO YOU, AND NOW I WILL TAKE THAT WHICH IS YOURS!
JACOBS: A gift? You call it a gift? You wanted to show me what it was like to work from the bottom and get to the top! You wanted to show me how to appreciate things I should not have? Tell me Raven, when did you try to teach me what I already know? All you ever did for me was take me from The Coalition, and then you sat me down outside the buildings in the parking lot and told me about how YOU are the saviour!
RAVEN: I am only the saviour to those who need saving and CAN be saved Glen. YOU cannot be saved. I should not have wasted my time on you. You're nothing but a reject of theschool of reality.
JACOBS: I think you need to get a grip on reality Raven. I know what you want though.
Glen walks slowly to the ring, keeping his eyes on Raven all the way. He then steps over the ropes and stands but a few steps in front of Raven. For a few seconds, they stare at each other. The crowd chers the intense moment, and then Glen takes a step back and throws the world title belt down in between himself and Raven. Raven takes his eyes off Glen and looks to the belt, then back up into Glen' eyes.
JACOBS: What's the matter Raven? Haven't you ever seen me like this? Were always so blind to how I can react when pushed? Is that fear I see your eyes? You Raven are the one who is nothing. You can stand in here and preach all night long for all I care, but it wont get you anywhere! I DID WORK! I WORKED MY WAY UP TO THIS LEVEL, AND I WILL NOT BE A LACKEY FOR YOU LIKE I LET MYSELF BE WITH AL! IF YOU THINK I'M GOING TO BACK DOWN FROM YOUR LITTLE SPEECHES, YOU CAN GO TO HELL!
Raven keeps his stare in Glen' eyes, and does not back down.
Raven looks away for a moment. Could he be weakening? Is Glen beating Raven at his own game? Raven stands in the corner staring out to the crowd, not looking at the World Champion.
JACOBS: Well Raven? What are you going to do? Are you just going to stand there and sulk, or are you going to leave this ring before I kick your ass.
Raven is still looking to the cheering crowd. Afer a pause, he speaks.
RAVEN: Yes Glen, I will go to Hell. On Sunday, I will go to Hell again.
He turns his head, and looks to Glen, fixing his stare on him and staring him right in the eyes again. The camera zooms in on Raven' face. His eyes look wild as he speaks.
RAVEN: I will go to Hell, and I'm taking yo along for the ride.
Raven turns to face Glen, who doesn't back down. Raven leans on the ropes and rolls backwards over them. Glen follows him with his eyes, and Raven walks up the aisle and through the curtain.
This is a special matc, being that it is the first match in the NCPW featuring NWA-UK Hammerlock wrestlers. "Vigilante Johnny Moss is already in the ring, and we are awaiting the next wrestler.
---Ace Of Spades by Motorhead---
Motorhead once again plays us in to another entrance. This time it is the "Bad Boy Of British Wrestling" Jon Ryan. Both he and Johnny Moss are heels in Hammerlock, but there is little reaction. There has been no mic time allocated here, and apart from a few travelling UK Fans, and a few NWA fans, they are unknown.
---Hey Boy, Hey Girl by Chemical Brothers---
The NWA-UK Champion walks through the curtain and dwn to the ring. He has competed all over the world. Europe, Amaerica, Japan…and still little reaction.
Using some classic stuff here, the heels teamed up on the champion in the early going. In an interesting note, the cameras cut to the back at various points in the match and we could see Robbie Brookside, Jody Fleisch, Doug Williams, and Jonny Storm watching on the monitor thoughtfully. Wonder what's going on there?
Anyway, back in the ring, after some very good technical exchanges from Gary against both men, Gary was thrown to the outside. The heel celebrated and worked the crowd into giving a little heat until Gary climbed back in.Moss and Jon had some sort of plan sorted out and they nailed Gary with a double suplex. As Jon pulled Gary to his feet, Moss ran the ropes and tried an asai moonsault bodyblock. GARY DUCKED! Moss toook out Jon Ryan and doesn't realise it! The referee counts: one…two…three! Moss' foot KO'ed Jon Ryan! Moss celebrates and then turns…GARY STEELE IS THERE! Johnny looks down to see the fallen Jon Ryan, and freaks out!
The closing four minutes were also great action. The two chain wrestled for about two mnutes non-stop, and then Gary caught Moss with a belly-to-belly suplex for a two count. Gary whipped The Vigilante to the corner, and ran in…the referee is pulled in! The referee is down! Gary goes to check on the referee, and starts him getting to his feet. When he turns around…BELT SHOT FROM MOSS! Moss goes up top for his finisher…SPLIT-LEGGED MOONSAULT! One…Two…We've got a new champion…NO! Gary kicks out! The crowd gave him a pop there, and as Moss argues with the referee, Gary pulls himself over…ROLL-UP! One..Two…Kickout! The crowd is getting into it! Moss goes for a clothesline, but Gary ducks it, and pulls him into…GERMAN SUPLEX! One…Two…Three!
Three Way Dance
Gary Steele won a Three Way Dance:
x Moss defeated Ryan after an Asai moonsault bodyblock in 0:06:05
x Steele defeated Moss after a German suplex in 0:10:37
Rating: *****
(Gary Steele retained the NWA-UK Title)
As Gary celebrates in the ring, we see the other Brits still watching the monitor.
BROOKSIDE: I can't believe they actually let those idiots into the NCPW! I mean…they can't wrestle for shit!
DOUG: Yeah, I know. Well, we need to get something done about this. I mean…those guys are gonna give British Wrestling a bad name if they keep stuff like this up!
JODY: You do realise the match was actually good, right?
BROOKSIDE: Fluke. They wont keep it up! I've seen their shows, and they can't even compete with the stuff we did back in the UK.
JONNY: You do have a point, and they wont fit in back here either. I mean, you know how they feel about some of us.
DOUG: What? Because we left their dead-end promotion to go to a federation with a TV deal? If any of them were smart, they'd do the same thing.
BROOKSIDE: I say we leave now, and talk about this tomorrow. We'll see what we can do on Sunday.
They all walk out of the room.
---Young Jaguar by Thee Michelle Gun Elephant---
The music plays and the NCPW top Japanese team of TAKA and Shoichi enter to a decent heel reaction. One has to wonder though if they will be a team for much longer, after all…TAKA is going for the cruiserweight title on PPV!
---The Unforgiven II by MetallicA---
The music plays and Billy Kidman and Koji Kanemoto step through the curtain to a decent reaction from the Tampa fans. They look at each other, and then charge the ring, starting the match.
A decent match here. Both teams were on the same page and the action went back and forth. The fans were into it, and they KNEW what was going to happen eventually. Right at the end, Shinjiro Ohtani jumped the barriers and entered from the crowd. With J-Thunder taking care of the referee, Ohtani managed to nail his springboard spinning heel kick on Koji. He ducked out and took down Kidman as TAKA finished Koji off with the Michonoku Driver.
J-Thunder defeated Billy Kidman and Koji Kanemoto when Michinoku pinned Kanemoto with the Michinoku Driver in 0:06:16.
Rating: ***
The ring cleared quite quickly as Ohtani beat on Koji in the ring. He rained down on Koji with blow after blow. Then, out of nowhere…
---Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana---
The crowd pops huge as DDP makes his way down to the ring! Ohtani sees him coming, and throws Koji out of the ring. As DDP slides under the ropes, the referee rings the bell to make this a match! Ohtani take the advantage with stomps!
Ohtani took it to Page for a few seconds with blows that could kill! DDp managed to power his way back in though, and when Shiniro bailed, DDP hit a tope! He then threw htani back in and went for a Diamond Cutter, but Ohtani sat down, making it a sort of reverse DDT driver. As he celebrated though, Kanemoto got up! He got in the ring and nailed a Tiger Suplex on Ohtain, follwed by a moonsault! The referee caleed for the bell!
Shinjiro Ohtani defeated Diamond Dallas Page by disqualification in 0:02:44.
Rating: * 1/2
Koji took his time after the match to spit on Ohtani as the crowd cheered him on! Next up is the main event.
As we return from the break, the ring announcer is in the ring, and announces that this is the main event. This will be chaotic, that's for sure.
---Walk by Pantera---
This music starts up the familiar Rob Van Dam sucks chants from the crowd as The Whole F'N Show enters to a less than favourable reception.
---Cure by MetallicA---
As the MetallicA tune plays, former TV and Cruiserweight champion Sick Boy enters the ring. He and RVD have never really got along, but they aren't exactly enemies. As it stands tonight, they probably wont have to be on the same page.
---Victim Of Darkness by Seasons Of The Wolf---
Raven enters to a very loud heel reaction. Raven is the most over heel in the promotion right now, but everyone on his team is very over with the fans. In fct, he's had problems with everyone on the team at some point too.
---Don't Tread On Me by MetallicA---
But this is the man he has had most problems with in the past. Al Snow the only three time champion in the NCPW enters to a reaction almost as loud as Raven'.
The heels stand on one side of the ring, all pretty much ignoring each other.
---Walk On Water by Ozzy Osbourne---
The crwod went crazy for this. The TV Theme of the NCPW plays and the whole face team enters together. We have HHH, Taz, Chris benoit, and Glen Jacobs.
This was a decent match. The start was what was expected. As soon as the bell rang, all eight men charged into the middle of the ring and began to duke it out with their respective opponent for the PPV.This was incredibly heated. The most over singles stars of the NCPW all in the ring at onve and fighting for the fans!
After over nine minutes of very heated action, the end was in sight. Glen Jacobs was beating Raven hands down, until he ran the ropes. Raven drop toe holded him onto a chair, and then hauled him up into the Evenflow DDT for the one…two…three.
Al Snow, Rob Van Dam, Sick Boy and Raven defeated Taz, HHH, Glen Jacobs and Chris Benoit when Raven pinned Glen Jacobs with the Evenflow DDT in 0:10:55.
Rating: ***
As is traditional on Pre-PPV TV in the NCPW, the show went off air with a mass brawl erupting in the ringside. However, as the show faded, you could see a tired Raven collapse back into the post, covered in blood.
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