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![]() ![]() ![]() August TV 2002
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Robbie Brookside with the Greetings from Asbury Park in
Rating: ****
---Robbie went for a jumping DDT, but BBB threw him off. When Robbie got up, he walked into a Greetings from asbury park. Great Dark Match, and Robbie will be in on TV soon enough.
Card Information
Date/Time: August Week 1 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 9
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 3.9%
Approximently Viewers: 11700000
The Jackyl Pack defeated Too Much when M. Modest pinned Christopher with the
Top Rope Cradle Suplex in 0:13:29.
Rating: *** ¼
---BC was up top ready for a Tennessee Jam, but Modest got up and finished him off.
InterviewThe Jackyl Pack make a challenge
post match, Eddie grabs the mic. the crod is still booing.
EDDIE: Shut up and listen to what we have to say. Wayne Bloom may have been fired from this company, but that wont stop us from getting where were going.
MODEST: Now that weve lost the excess baggage, we can let loose in the tag division. Maybe even get those titles...say Eddie, isnt it true that if a team makes a challenge, the holders have to accept?
EDDIE: You damn right its true, and that why were here tonight. You see Innovators, we wish to issue a challenge. At ONE STEP CLOSER, its gonna be you and us, no other teams involved.
MODEST: And you have to accept! There aint no backing down!
"SMACK" by 3 Doors Down hits the PA, and the tag champs walk down the aisle with mics.
KANYON: Mike...Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike...what makes you think we would nt accept? I would love nothing more than to beat you two losers in the ring on PPV.
NOVA: You see boys, were fighting champions. You want us two-on-two with no other teams involved? You got it!
The Innovators enter the ring, and The Jackyl Pack make a charge. Eddie nearly walks right into a Flatliner, but throws Kanyon off. Modest meanwhile reverses a Novacaine by rolling over Nova and hits a Novacaine of his own. Kanyone gets straight up and flattens Modest with a Flatliner, but ends up on the recieving end of an Eddie Guerrero spinning TKO. Eddie picks up his comrade, and the two leave.
Team Extreme (Booker T, Rhino and Taz) defeated
The Suicide Blondes (Chris Jericho, Christian and Edge) when Booker T pinned
Chris Jericho with the Missle Dropkick in 0:17:15.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Team Extreme (Booker T, Rhino and Taz) retained the NCPW SIX MAN TITLES.)
---Average match, Jericho hit a lionsault on Taz, but turned around into Booker T’s finisher.
Interviewpost match...
TAZ: It seems that Team Extreme have a hard time ahead of them.
BOOKER: With three teams to challenge us at ONE STEP CLOSER, we are gonna have our work cut out for us. Well, Team Extreme is gonna take each an every one of those teams out at the PPV, and one by one they will fall.
RHINO: One team will get choked out, one will get missle dropkicked, and one will be gored by the man beast. At ONE STEP CLOSER, you will all see a new intensity to Rhino, and it aint gonna be pretty.
Sick Boy pinned Osamu Nishimura with the Cure in 0:12:06.
Rating: ***
---Nishimura went for the back piledriver, but Sick Boy reversed it with a shift of his weight and hit The Cure (pedigree) for the win.
InterviewSick Boy and Kai En Tai...
SICK: Kai En Tai...get out here, I know your back there somewhere.
Thee Michelle Gun Elephant's "YOUNG JAGUAR" hits and Kai En Tai calmly walk out and surround the ring. They pull Nishimura out of the ring, and Ohtani helps him to the back.
SICK: I am the 2002 Cruiser King. Do you know what that means? It means I get a shot at Ohtani's cruiserweight title. I get a shot, and you cant change that.
Ohtani returns.
OHTANI: You want a title shot? I knew that. I know you get the shot, so why call us out here?
SICK: You see thats not all, Ive got my PPV title shot, but I want you to suffer Ohtani. I want to take you apart. And I want to give you a preview of what im gonna do to. Thats why on Thursday, you and me have got a non-title match.
OHTANI: Thats it? You wanted to tell me EXACTLY what Commissioner Foley told me just a few minutes ago? What a waste of time!
SICK: You think this was a waste? Why dont you get your ass in here now, and well see if you can waste me!
Ohtani smiles.
OHTANI: Thats what you want? Fine! Have it your way.
All of Kai En Tai enter the ring and attack, each one getting a piece of Sick Boy before Ohtani finally steps up onto the apron. Sick slowly gets u, and as he turns, Ohtani hits a brutal springboard swinging DDT.
OHTANI: You think that just because you won some little tournament, you are the man? YOUR NOTHING!
Ohtani spits on Sick Boy, and starts stomping. Suddenly, we hear a "roar" echo around the arena, the lights go off, a red spotlight is placed on every Kai En Tai memeber, and claw marks swipe across the titan tron at the back of the arena. Kai En Tai seem freaked by this, and the roar fades into "Duck and run" by 3 Doors Down. Kai En Tai are looking anxiously around, and they bail from the ring. Muta stays behind, looking around.
MUTA: Raven? Is that you? Are you trying to gain an advantage before your match with me tonight? Is this your idea of a joke? Im not that stupid Raven.
We hear a scratching sound, and Muta's eyes are drawn to the big screen. The claw swipes are gone, and words are being "scratched" into the screen. In blood red lettering, the word appear: "This isnt a Raven Kai En tai. be ready to take a walk on the wild side. The Wildcat is coming..." Muta looks freaked out, and bails from the ring. He runs to the back, and the music fades out.
Great Muta pinned Raven with the Moonsault in 0:20:38.
Rating: *****
(Great Muta retained the NCPW WORLD TITLE.)
---Muta was hesitant to come out for the match, but in the end got out there and beat Raven with a picture perfect moonsault.
Interviewpost match...
post match, Kai En Tai storm the ring and lay into Raven. Sabu comes to his aid, but is out-numbered. Kai En Tai drag both Flock members down the aisle to the scaffolding supporting the big screen. Muta produces rope from behind the scaffolding and both guys are tid to the rigging crucifix style. Kai En tai llok at their handy work, but the lights go off and we gear the roar fade into "Duck and Run" again. The red spotlights appear on the fallen Flock and Muta (who is looking around, trying tosee who it is doing this). The scratching on the screen reads "This will not go unpunished Kai En Tai. Their sacrifice will not be in vain." The lights go back to normal, and Muta goes crazy. He grabs a chair and beats Raven and Sabu into a bloody mess. He then covers his hands in their blood, and wipes it onhis face, shouting at the big screen as we go off air.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Robbie Brookside pinned Doug Williams with the Iconoclasm in 0:07:04.
Rating: **
---Funny really. When I saw these two live last Saturday, they put on **** match. Oh well.
Card Information
Date/Time: August Week 1 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 8
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 3.2%
Approximently Viewers: 9600000
Shinjiro Ohtani pinned Sick Boy after the Swinging DDT in 0:10:13.
Rating: *** 3/4
---Ohtani reverses a spinebuster into a swinging DDT for the win.
Team Alfonso defeated Zero-G (Devon Storm and Kid Kash) when Van Dam pinned
D. Storm with the Five Star Frog Splash in 0:15:28.
Rating: ***
---Team alfonso (Lynn/RVD) get a good win over former champs.
InterviewKai En Tai and Osamu Nishimura
in the parking lot, the familiar Kai En Tai tour van is seen, and all the memebers except Ohtani are sitting around. TMIV is running up and flipping off the wall of the building. Osamu Nishimura is there too. Ohtani exits the building and walks over.
MUTA: Ah, Ohtani. You know Nishimura-san. He wishes to join Kai En Tai.
MUTA: Yes. That is why we must alk.
OHTANI: Huh? Whats him joining gotta do with me?
MUTA: Well, he needs to prove himself loyal, so he needs a PPV match.
OHTANI: I think I can see what's...
MUTA: At ONE STEP CLOSER, you and Sick Boy have a new opponent in Nishimura.
OHTANI: Why my match? Tiger Mask has no match, let him fight him.
MUTA: Ohtani Shinjiro, he WILL face you!
OHTANI: Any reason for this Keiji? Something maybe I should know about?
MUTA: You sound un-trusting when you say that Ohtani. Am i to think you need to prove your loyalty too?
MUTA: Nishimura-san will face you and Sick Boy Triple Threat rules. Now, he will not be in there to beat you. He will be there to help you.
OHTANI: Help me? I dont...
MUTA: Damn you Ohtani! Listen to me! Nishimura will help you win, and then he will be in Kai En Tai, how can you have a problem with this?
Muta slaps Ohtani.
OHTANI: Im sorry Muta-san. I just dont...
MUTA: Shut up, before you say something you regret.
OHTANI: So be it. I look forward to working with you Nishimura-san.
The rest Kai En Tai have been watching this scene, and now get back to what they were doing...mainly lazing around. Terry Boy and Dick Togo are listening to Powerslave by Iron Maiden again. Ohtani looks up at them.
OHTANI: DAMNIT! Dont you ever listen to anything else?
Togo smiles, turns the cd player up and tosses Ohtani a beer. Ohtani laughs and sits on the bonnet of the van.
Sabu pinned Al Snow with the Triple Jump Moonsault in 0:14:18.
Rating: **** 1/4
Interviewthe debut of Al's partner...
post match, Sabu starts to leave, but Al grabs a mic.
SNOW: Whoa there! Wait! Look, I know that you and Raven must be petty sore right now...i mean, you did kinda get your asses kicked didnt ya! (laughs) C'Mon what kind of idiots try to take on 9 guys at once? Look, I know that your minds are on revenge, but right now...right now you've got bigger things to worry about. Like...my Demon Of Destruction! Its time we set the date for you two to meet him. What's gonna happen is this: On Mayhem next week, you and me Sabu, well have a Ladder Match. To goal is to get the brief case containing a contract. The holder of this contract can pick the date for you and Raven vs me and Un...my Demon Of Destruction. The match is already signed, so you cant back out...the winner can announce the date for the clash on Fireball next week. Remember though...beware the nine Japanese Demons who wish to take you away and sacrifice you to the big screen!
Al laughs as Sabu walks off. Al exits through the crowd.
Kai En Tai (Great Muta and Tiger Mask IV) defeated
Koji Kanemoto and Mikey Whipwreck when TMIV pinned Kanemoto with the
Tiger Suplex in 0:23:35.
Rating: **** 1/4
post match, Mikey and Koji bail, and TMIV takes the mic...
TMIV: You know, Ohtani was right. I should defend this title at the PPV. Mikey...Koji-san...this was fun tonight. You two are worthy contenders to the TV Title. I really dont think the PPV needs another three-way match though. You two talk about it, and decide how your gonna decide which of you gets the title shot.
Mikey and Koji leave together. Tiger Mask IV exits next. Muta stays back and takes the mic.
MUTA: You know something? nah...didnt think you did. HAHAHAHA! I Am the NCPW World Champion, and soon, you will all have to watch helplessly as WE take control! We did a number on Raven and Sabu...Sabu was able to return. Raven is still out, and thats how hell stay if he knows what's good for him. If he returns...he has Al Snow to deal with. The NCPW is out of heros, and now you will all have to accept that the NCPW will soon belong to Kai En Tai!
The lights go off, and the red spotlight goes onto Muta. The roar followed by "Duck and Run" cues and the scratching appears on the big screen. "Muta...you will never take this company. The NCPW has two heros left, and you'll see both of them at One Step Closer." Muta is freaking out big time, and sprays green mist into the air. The lights go back to normal and the show goes off air with Muta left in the ring looking both scared and angry.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Doug Williams pinned Bam Bam Bigelow with the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:07:26
Rating: * 1/2
---BBB was doing nothing, so hes dark matching.
Card Information
Date/Time: August Week 2 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 9
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 4%
Approximently Viewers: 12000000
InterviewKoji Kanemoto and Mikey Whipwreck
MIKEY: Tiger Mask IV, we have been talking and decided that the only fair way to decide who faces you is this...
KOJI: At ONE STEP CLOSER, we will face off in a 2/3 Falls match, and the winner will go on to face you later in the show.
"Young Jaguar" hits, and TMIV stands in the aisle.
TMIV: Thats how you want it? You want to tire yourselves out and THEn fight me? Fine! You got a deal!
Shinjiro Ohtani pinned Osamu Nishimura with the Dragon Suplex in 0:05:04.
Rating: ** ¼
---spa match only.
Interviewafter the spa match...
post match, Ohtani and Nishimura shake hands. Kai En Tai enter and congratulate both guys. Muta gets on the mic.
MUTA: Now you have spa match, you feel better Ohtani-san? Good. Sick Boy, you arent gonna get this belt at One Step Closer. Nishimura-san...good luck at the PPV.
Ohtani has a pissed look appear across his face.
OHTANI: Good LucK? He's only there to help me! Are you trying to screw me over Muta?
MUTA: Ohtani-san, i was being friendly. You need to loosen up!
NISHIMURA: Ohtani-san, do not fear. You can trust me.
Ohtani sighs and Kai En Tai and Nishimura leave together.
Atsushi Onita pinned HHH with the Thunder Fire Power Bomb in 0:19:49.
Rating: ** 1/4
---Onita returns, and he’s ready for the FTW Title.
Interviewpost match...
post match, Onita grabs a mic.
ONITA: The Wild Thing is back! Hardcore Holly...
Onita is cut off by a familiar roar and "Duck and Run". The lights go off, and the spotlights are on the entrance ramp. THe cratches on the bog screen are visible. "I am the only wild one here." Muta runs in, and the spotlight follows him. A spotlight appears in the centre of the ring. Under it is Onita, out cold, and busted open. Muta lifts his fallen comrade, and looks to the screen. "What has happened here tonight is only the beginning." Muta shouts at the screen and helps Onita to the back.
Too Much defeated Kai En Tai when S. Taylor pinned Michinoku with the
Too Hot Drop in 0:12:52.
Rating: ***
---Too Much pull off an upset over the would be champs!
InterviewThe Innovators...
post match, Too Cool celebrate their upset victory, but Kai En Tai recover and beat on them.
TAKA: As soon as ONE STEP CLOSER is over, WE are the no. 1 contenders! Tonight does not matter!
FUNAKI: We are the best team in the NCPW...
"Kryptonite" hits, The Innovators enter to a loud reaction.
KANYON: Not so fast there my friend.
NOVA: Too Much, Team Alfonso and Zero-G have all already issued challenges to us backstage for afetr ONE STEP CLOSER. Tell me, do you think were gonna fight all of you?
KANYON: Here's what will happen. At ONE STEP CLOSER, all four of you teams that have challenged us will be in a four corners match. The winner can face us at POWERSLAVE!
NOVA: Mabe then, you will see, just how innovative we can be!
No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Ladder Match
Al Snow defeated Sabu in 0:19:12.
Rating: *** 1/2
---Al gets to pick the date for the tag match then. Bet you can guess when!
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
D'Lo Brown pinned Robbie Brookside with the Lo-Down in 0:10:36.
Rating: *** ¼
---A decent Dark Match. D’Lo and Robbie entertain well.
Card Information
Date/Time: August Week 1 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 9
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 3.9%
Approximently Viewers: 11700000
Team Extreme (Booker T, Rhino and Taz) defeated
The Can-Am Express (Doug Furnas, Glacier and Phil LaFon) when Rhino pinned
Glacier with the Rhino Gore in 0:15:46.
Rating: ***
(Team Extreme (Booker T, Rhino and Taz) retained the NCPW SIX MAN TITLES.)
---A good six-man. Hoping the PPV four-way will be as good.
InterviewAl Snow's partner
"Rock 'N' Roll Part II" hits and Snow enters. The crowd is giving him almost as much heat as Kai En tai.
SNOW: You know, all you people need to calm down a bit. There's no need to boo me...i havent said anything about this stinking hell hole of a city yet. Nor am i going to. I'm here tonight to announce the date for The Flock vs Al Snow and Un...my partner. You people should shut up and listen, 'cuase this'll have a big impact. I figured...what better date for this than ONE STEP CLOSER! It's a PPV, and besides, I want Raven to be at his full, because then...my Demon Of Destruction will be able to powerbomb you straight to hell! No matter what you two do, Simply Sensational and his partner will always be one step ahead of you. I'll see you at ONE STEP CLOSER!
Mikey Whipwreck pinned Yang with the Whippersnapper in 0:07:07.
Rating: ** 1/2
---Mikey controlled almost all the match.
Koji Kanemoto pinned Tajiri with the Tiger Suplex in 0:07:07.
Rating: *** 3/4
---Same goes for Koji.
InterviewKai En Tai and Nishimura outside
in the parking lot, the tour van is parked, and Kai En Tai have a small fire going behind it.
NISHIMURA: Look Ohtani-san, there is no need for concern.
OHTANI: There isnt? How would you react? Wouldnt you suspect something?
NISHIMURA: No. I'd trust my comrades.
OHTANI: Bull shit. You know as well as I do that each and every one of us here would double-cross the other as quick as that.
NISHIMURA: No. We have honour, and we will not double-cross those who are truly part of the team.
OHTANI: I dont know if you guys see me as a part of the team anymore...
MUTA: Ohtani Shinjiro, you are a part of Kai En Tai. Relax, there is nothing going. Nishimura Osamu will join us, and then you will see how much you can trust us.
OHTANI: Yes...i will.
Sick Boy pinned Reckless Youth with the Cure in 0:12:23.
Rating: ****
---Two cruisers putting on a great Cruiser match.
InterviewMick Foley and Great Muta
The IWA Cactus Jack theme hits and Foley enters.
FOLEY: As you know, I am the commissioner here until Kai En Tai manage to take over...that isnt gonna happen! Muta...get your ass out here.
"Oh baby...Young Jaguar!"
MUTA: What now old man.
FOLEY: Ooh that's good. You have no opponent at One Step Closer, and being the world champion, you should be in the main event.
MUTA: So? No Raven, no world title match.
FOLEY: I have a plan. At ONE STEP CLOSER, hows about the main event being you vs Cactus Jack.
MUTA: (smiling) No deal.
FOLEY: How about I make it no dq too?
Muta turns to leave.
FOLEY: well, how about this...if you win, you get to book the matches for Powerslave...but cannot change what has already been booked (winner of the tag title match vs winner of the top contender match).
Muta stops and turns.
MUTA: You got a deal Foley. Now, that big screen said that I will see both of the other heros at OSC, so I guess your one of them. Whos the other one?
FOLEY: You should be asking the big screen, not me...
"ROAR! Duck And Run!" The lights go off, and the ring is illuminated by a red light. With no other lights, the scratches on thebig screen appear to be floating in the air. "You will know who I am." Muta grabs Foley.
FOLEY: You think I know?
Muta releases Foley and looks to the screen.
"I am The Wildcat. I am the hero. I am the one who will save the NCPW."
MUTA: HAHAHAHA! Show yourself! Show me who you are!
Muta is freaking.
Muta sprays mist everywhere, and Foley bails.
The rest of Kai En Tai enter, leaving Nishimura with the van. They try to calm Muta down.
"There are 9 of you, and each shall fall." The lights come back on, and Muta is still staring at the screen. kai En tai help him back to the van. The show fades out.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Robbie Brookside pinned SHIIMA after a Victory Roll in 0:08:07.
Rating: *** 1/2
---SHIIMA went for the SHIIMA driver (Iconoclasm) but Robbie simply jumped onto his shoulders and hit a victory roll.
Card Information
Date/Time: August Week 3 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 8
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 4.4%
Approximently Viewers: 13200000
InterviewKai En Tai arrive...
The Kai En Tai Touring van arrives, and The Kai En Tai originals + Osamu Nishimura jump out.
MUTA: OK, you four go have your matches then get back here.
TAKA: So quick?
MUTA: Look, I'm not taking any chances with that...that Wildcat.
TAKA: Wildcat? Look, it's probably just Foley trying to psych you out.
MUTA: Yeah? Well he's doing a good job of it. Look...After the show, im gonna fing out just who this Wildcat is.
TAKA: OK. Well make it quick.
No-Time-Limit-Triangle Match
Kai En Tai (Dick Togo/Kaz Hayashi/Terry Boy) defeated
The Suicide Blondes (Chris Jericho, Christian and Edge) and
The Can-Am Express (Doug Furnas, Glacier and Phil LaFon) when Togo pinned Edge
with the Senton Bomb in 0:21:35.
Rating: ** 1/2
---Kai En Tai take both teams down and exit.
Osamu Nishimura pinned Jonny Storm with the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:07:08.
Rating: **** 1/4
---Osamu had the match won several times, but picked Jonny up each time.
InterviewKai En Tai leave...
Nishimura did not celebrate, but just left quickly. Outside...
MUTA: Jump in. There was no need to keep the match going.
NISHIMURA: I was having fun. Have to stay in shape.
MUTA: I don't care. Get in so we can go
The Jackyl Pack defeated Team Alfonso when E. Guerrero pinned Van Dam with the
Frog Splash in 0:15:46.
Rating: *** 1/4
---A decent tag match. Top contenders go over.
The Flock defeated Al Snow when Raven pinned Snow with the Evenflow DDT in
Rating: ** 1/4
---Raven returns and he and Sabu take car of Al quickly.
Interviewpost match...
Sabu and Raven continue the onslaught after the match. The crowd is behind them as they beat on Al brutally. Raven's return has seen him do a number on Al, but will he be able to do it again at the PPV when Al has a partner? The show ends with The Flock celebrating a victory.
[DARK MATCH]: Elimination No-Time-Limit-Match
Robbie Brookside and SHIIMA beat Stevie Richards and Gangrel 2 falls to 0:
x SHIIMA beat Gangrel via the SHIIMA Driver in 0:05:12
x Brookside beat Richards via the Iconoclasm in 0:10:19
Survivors: Robbie Brookside, SHIIMA
Rating: ** 1/2
---Decent dark match really. Both guys who use the Iconoclasm did.
Card Information
Date/Time: August Week 3 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 7
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 2.7%
Approximently Viewers: 8100000
Hardcore Holly pinned Taz with the Hollycaust in 0:07:32.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Hardcore Holly retained the NCPW FTW TITLE.)
---Better than expected. Holly hits the Hollycaust out of nowhere.
Interviewpost match
HOLLY: You know what? There's a PPV just around the corner. The Superheavyweight Big Shot has a title, so his belt should be on the line, don't you think? As you can see, I had a nothing foe tonight, so now I want a real challenge. A barbed Wire Triple Threat Match. Me vs HHH vs Atsushi Onita! So how do you like me now?
Taz gets up.
TAZ: Nothing? You call me nothing punk?
Taz shoves Holly, who smiles. He runs the rops and hits one of his awesome dropkicks. He runs again, and runs straight into a overhead belly-to-belly tazplex. Taz celebrates a little then leaves. Holly looks pissed as he exits.
No-Time-Limit-Match with Special Referee Osamu Nishimura
Kai En Tai (Atsushi Onita, Dick Togo, Great Muta, Kaz Hayashi, Shinjiro Ohtani,
Shoichi Funaki, TAKA Michinoku, Terry Boy and Tiger Mask IV) defeated The Suicid
e Blondes (Chris Jericho, Christian, Edge), Zero-G (Devon Storm, Jonny Storm, Ki
d Kash) and The Can-Am Express (Doug Furnas, Glacier and Phil LaFon) when Muta
pinned Chris Jericho with the Moonsault in 0:20:48.
Rating: ** 3/4
---Kai En Tai get the duke with a very biased Osamu Nishimura as the referee.
Interviewpost match...
Kai En Tai throw each member of the opposite teams out of the ring and celebrate. Muta gets on the mic...
MUTA: Foley...I may not have found out who this Wildcat is, but...I will still kick your ass...
The lights go again, and the red spotlight is on the ring containing Kai En Tai. "ROAR! DUCK AND RUN!" The Wildcat scratches appear on the big screen. "Kai En Tai, you will know who I am at One Step Closer. For know, the doors are locked, and cannot be opened."
MUTA: What? You mean we cannot leave the building?
"Yes...meanwhile...I like your van..."
MUTA: What?!?! SHIT!
Kai En Tai run back up the aisle and to the back.
No-Time-Limit-Triangle Match
The Innovators defeated Team Alfonso and The Jackyl Pack when Nova pinned Lynn
with the Kryptonite Krunch in 0:15:26.
Rating: *** 1/4
(The Innovators retained the NCPW TAG TEAM TITLES.)
---A decent title defence from the champions. Didn’t pin The Jackyl Pack though.
InterviewKai En Tai...
backstage, Kai En Tai are trying to break down one of the doors. They finally do it and get to the parking lot. The tour van is still there, but has three scratches up the bonnet, as if an animal had scratched at it.
MUTA: HAHAHAHA! This is all he could do? HA! Lets go.
The show fades out.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
The Holly Cousins defeated The Horsemen when C. Holly pinned Benoit with the
Huracurana in 0:07:25.
Rating: *** ¾
---Decent tag Dark Match. Expect both teams to be in the new look tag division soon. First though, Holly has a job to do.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Robbie Brookside pinned Spike Dudley with the Iconoclasm in 0:09:30.
Rating: ** ¾
---Robbie has been told to take it easy now until his debut. Yep, this means Lil’ Spike is still here.
Card Information
Date/Time: August Week 4 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 9
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 3.1%
Approximently Viewers: 9300000
InterviewAl Snow is back...
"Rock 'N' Roll Part II" hits and Simply Sensational limps out...
SNOW: You know what Raven? You've got a real attitude problem. I mean, I give you and Sabu the chance to face the world's greatest wrestler, and you repay it by beating the hell outta me? Well...screw you! I could take revenge myself, but there will be plenty of time for that at the PPV. Instead, i've ad you put in a match tonight. The Flock vs Onita and Muta...no holds barred!
Al looks smugly around then leaves to a round of boos.
No-Countout-No-DQ-3-Man Battle Royal
Sick Boy won a 3-man Battle Royal:
x Sick Boy defeated Kanemoto after a double chickenwing submission in
x Sick Boy defeated Whipwreck after a short lariat in 0:04:03
Rating: ***
---Sick Boy wins in a good match.
Osamu Nishimura pinned Rey Misterio Jr. with the Northern Lights Suplex in
Rating: ****
---Nishimura gets another quick win.
InterviewKai En Tai and Osamu Nishimura...
post match, Kai En Tai enter.
MUTA: OK Nishimura-san, me and Onita are in next, and the rest of Kai En Tai are staying here, so you are to go back to the van and guard it from that maniac Wildcat.
NISHIMURA: Yes. I will go now.
Osamu leaves, and Kai En Tai gather around the ring.
ONITA: Kai En Tai...under no circumstances are you to interfere or get involved in this!
Kai En Tai (Atsushi Onita and Great Muta) defeated The Flock when Onita pinned
Sabu with the Thunder Fire Power Bomb in 0:20:14.
Rating: **** 1/4
---As ordered, Kai En Tai did not interfere. A great main event.
Interviewpost match...
post match, Kai En Tai celebrate. Then, "Duck and Run" hits. There is no roar, and no scratching. Just the music. The Big Screen show the Kai En Tai tour van outside. It is now more scratched, and Nishimura has been thrown through the windscreen! Kai En Tai look pissed but are in no hurry to get to the back. The show fades with them walking to the back.
Card Information
Date/Time: August Week 4 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 5
Arena Capacity: 5000
Attendance: 4732
Ticket Buy Rate: 94.64%
TV ratings: 1.7%
Approximently Viewers: 5100000
Atsushi Onita pinned Cactus Jack with the Thunder Fire Power Bomb in 0:05:14.
Rating: **
---Onita wins with help from Kai En Tai.
Hardcore Holly pinned HHH with the Hollycaust in 0:12:06.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Hardcore Holly retained the NCPW FTW TITLE.)
---Holly gets a win leading into the PPV.
The Innovators defeated Kai En Tai when Nova pinned Funaki with the
Kryptonite Krunch in 0:17:22.
Rating: *** 3/4
(The Innovators retained the NCPW TAG TEAM TITLES.)
---The Innovators are my best team since Zero-G, and both are consistent.
Team Alfonso defeated Kai En Tai (Shinjiro Ohtani and Tiger Mask IV) when
Van Dam pinned TMIV with the Five Star Frog Splash in 0:20:53.
Rating: ****
---A good main event. Team Alfonso continue to be on form.
Interviewpost match...
Kai En Tai run in and Team Alfonso wisely bail out.
MUTA: Nishimura...come out here. NOW!
Nishimura calmly enters the ring.
MUTA: What happened with the tour van?
NISHIMURA: It was that Wildcat. He threw me through the Window...
MUTA: Great. So...who is he?
NISHIMURA: I dont know.
MUTA: But...
NISHIMURA: He blind sided me. I didnt see him.
MUTA: Great...you know what? You can forget Kai En Tai! You failed us, and now you can forget getting into Kai En Tai on sunday!
OHTANI: I could kick your ass right now, but I think a beating like im gonna give you should be on PPV, NOT free TV. Nishimura, get your ass out of this ring, or well throw it out!
Nishimura leaves, but looks pissed off.
MUTA: He will get his title shot at the PPV, can you handle him and Sik Boy Ohtani-san?
OHTANI: Of course.
The lights go off, and the spotlight hits the ring. ROAR! "Duck and Run!" The screen shows "The van was not my doing."
MUTA: BULL! If it wasnt you, then who was it?
"It was not me Muta."
OHTANI: You saying Nishimura threw himself through the window? Show yourself Wildcat.
"You will all see me at One Step Closer on sunday."
MUTA: I look forward to finally seeing you Wildcat. Do yourself a favour and don't show up. It'll be easier on all of us.
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