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![]() ![]() ![]() October 2002 TV
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Jody Fleisch pinned Jake Roberts with the Stardust Press in 0:05:08.
Rating: **
---Jody debuts with a good dark match over Jake Roberts. After the match, Doug Williams ran in and challenged him.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Doug Williams pinned Jody Fleisch with the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:06:37.
Rating: ***
---The Anarchist beats Jody. Jody went for the Phoenix 720 DDT, but Doug caught him and got the win with his finisher.
Card Information
Date/Time: October Week 1 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 12
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 3.2%
Approximently Viewers: 9600000
InterviewCommissioner Foley opens the show
The crowd goes crazy as the NCPW Commissioner enters.
FOLEY: And so...the Kai En Tai invasion has been stopped!
crowd cheers
FOLEY: Now the NCPW can move on, and that is what shall happen. Our next PPV is THE FINAL EIGHT. This PPV will feature an eight man tournament. The winner becomes the top contender to the NCPW TV Title automatically, and gets a shot at the belt the next night on Monday Mayhem. Now...there are more than eight people in the running for this tournament, so what will happen is this. Over the coming weeks, we will be running the qualifier matches. The winners enter the tournament, and the brackets will be drawn after all the qualifiers are run. So...Good Luck to all those who enter!
crowd pops and we go into the opening match.
The Eliminators defeated The Can-Am Express when Saturn pinned LaFon with the
Death Valley Driver in 0:10:09.
Rating: ** 1/2
---Good opener. The Can-Am are finding their feet now, and Glacier is out of their team.
The Flock and The Dynamic Duo
The crowd goes into a frenzy of boos as The Dynamic Duo enter.
SNOW: Last night, what you all witnessed was The Dynamic Duo beating The Flock in the match chosen by RAVEN!
crowd boos.
SNOW: All you idiots were on your feet cheering for Raven and Sabu, but it didn't do any good, did it. Well, i'm...
The crowd is on its feet as The Flock appear on the big screen.
RAVEN: Al, at THE FINAL EIGHT, we will have been waging war for 1 year and 10 months. This has gone on long enough. I want to finish this at the PPV.
SNOW: What? But i'm having so much fun! (Al lets out a high pitched laugh)
RAVEN: Wether you want this to end or not Al, I WILL finish this at the PPV.
SNOW: Whoa there partner...OK...I've got an idea. IF Sabu can defeat Unabomb tonight, then I'll think about me and you fighting at the PPV.
The big screen goes off, and The Dynamic Duo leave.
Ken Shamrock made Chavo Guerrero Jr. submit to the Ankle Lock Submission in
Rating: *** 1/4
---Both guys debut, and Ken qualifies for the PPV Tournament.
Sabu pinned Unabomb with the Triple Jump Moonsault in 0:10:17.
Rating: ** 1/4
---Sabu gets the duke, so Al and Raven fight at the PPV, right?
Tazz made Atsushi Onita submit to the Tazzmission in 0:15:43.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Tazz won the NCPW FTW TITLE.)
---Onita puts in a long but lazy last match before silently leaving to a respectful applause.
J-Thunder defeated Team Alfonso when Michinoku defeated Van Dam by
disqualification in 0:20:37.
Rating: *** 3/4
---J-Thunder had it in the bag anyway, but Koji Kanemoto and Shinjiro Ohtani ran in and cost Team Alfonso the match.
Al Snow vs Raven at the PPV?
Al appears on the big screen
SNOW: OK Raven, Sabu beat Unabomb. Well, if you want me at the PPV....you got me! IF YOU can beat Unabomb on Thursday Fireball.
We fade into...
Robbie Brookside and Diamond Dallas Page defeated Tiger Mask IV and Great Muta
when Brookside pinned Muta with the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in 0:20:03.
Rating: ****
---Great main event. Robbie gets the fall over Muta.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Jody Fleisch pinned Glacier with the Phoenix 720 DDT in 0:10:33.
Rating: * ¾
---Poor match, but Jody has a cool finisher
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Doug Williams pinned Christopher Daniels with the Northern Lights Suplex in
Rating: ** ¾
---Oh what a difference a couple of months makes! Just think, Chris Daniels once held a prominent position in the NCPW!
Card Information
Held in: SKYDOME
Date/Time: October Week 1 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 12
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 3.3%
Approximently Viewers: 9900000
Raven pinned Unabomb with the Evenflow DDT in 0:15:42.
Rating: ** 1/2
---Raven has earned his match.
InterviewAl Snow vs Raven
The crowd is going wild as Raven celebrates in the ring!
The crowd is giving Al Snow a standing boovation as he enters the ring.
SNOW: Whoa there Raven...this is just a friendly visit, although these dumbass Canadians don't seem to think so. OK Raven, I've gotta hand it to you, you earned your shot at me on the PPV.
RAVEN: Is that all you came here to say?
SNOW: You're smart too! Seems old Unabomb here knocked some sense into ya! Yeah, there's more. You see, Robbie Brookside vs Great Muta is a one shot deal. After the PPV, they get no rematches. So...I was talking to Mick, and...you and me are gonna be in a no dq top contenders match with Unabomb and Sabu banned from ringside.
RAVEN: Al Snow, at THE FINAL EIGHT, I will finish what I started on the first NCPW show, and i'll go on to face the world champion. Then, when all is said and done, I will be the world champion once again! Quote The raven, Nevermore.
SNOW: You sure talk a lot don't ya! Well, i've never lost the key matches to you...we'll there were a few, but they don't count...and at FINAL EIGHT, it'll be just the same. Raven, Simply Sensational is gonna take you apart!
The Dynamic Duo leave, and Raven exits through the crowd.
[FINAL EIGHT QUALIFIER]: No-Time-Limit-Non-Title-Match
Diamond Dallas Page pinned Tiger Mask IV with the Diamond Cutter in 0:15:49.
Rating: ****
---Tiger Mask IV tries to qualify for the tournament to decide the top contender to his belt. Tiger had DDP kick out of the Tiger Suplex, so took things to the outside. He hit his Yokosuka Cutter but DDP made it back in at 9. Tiger Mask then went for a dragon suplex…BIG mistake! DDP slipped his arms out and hit a Desperation Cutter for the three.
No-Time-Limit-Four Corners MatchSick Boy defeated Essa Rios, Evan Karagias and Heavy Metal:
x H. Metal beat Karagias via the Casita in 0:03:38
x H. Metal beat Essa via the Casita in 0:06:14
x Sick Boy beat H. Metal via the Cure in 0:14:04
Rating: ***
(Sick Boy retained the NCPW CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE.)
---Heavy Metal looked great in his debut, but Sick Boy shows why he is the champion and Cruiser King.
InterviewIn the back...
we see Jonny Storm walking through mumbling to himself...
JONNY: Damn management...could've told me I didn't have a match...fuck thi...
Jonny is cut off by Zero-G!
JONNY: Oh great, what do you two want this time?
KASH: You and DDP damn near killed us the PPV!
DEVON: We want revenge! Jonny, we brought you into this fed, and that's how you repay us?
JONNY: Excuse me? YOU turned on me!
KASH: We'll come on, you coul'nt even beat DDP! Do you really think we want a weak link like you on our team?
JONNY: Huh. You two didn't fare too well against him yourself. In fact, you two were taken care og quicker than I was, and he'd already been in action!
DEVON: OK, enough talk!
Zero-G adavance on "Phase Two" but Jonny ducks between them and makes it out of the door.
Koji Kanemoto and Shinjiro Ohtani defeated Team Alfonso when Ohtani pinned Lynn
with the Dragon Suplex in 0:10:05.
Rating: **** 1/4
---So that ends that.
Test pinned Mike Sanders with the Flying Elbowdrop in 0:10:34.
Rating: * 3/4
---bleh match. Test returns to a good reaction though.
InterviewRobbie Brookside and Great Muta
The crowd are on their feet for The Wildcat
ROBBIE: Muta...last sunday, you took me to the extreme. Well, The Wildcat is ready to take you on again at THE FINAL EIGHT. Tonight, you and me are having a little non-title no dq match, and the winner gets the choice of the stipulations for the PPV.
The crowd boos as Muta steps out into the aisle.
MUTA: Shut up! Robbie, I admire what you achieved at POWERSLAVE. It's because of you that I no longer control Kai En Tai here in the NCPW. Well, if you want a taster of what will happen at FINAL EIGHT, then you got it!
Muta runs in and we get...
Great Muta pinned Robbie Brookside with the Moonsault in 0:24:20.
Rating: *****
---If the PPV produces this, then I’ll be happy.
InterviewMuta chooses...
Muta celebrates then takes a mic.
MUTA: Robbie...you and me at the PPV...we don't need no stipulations! You and me are having a straight wrestling match!
Muta then hits another moonsault on Robbie and leaves.
We fade out...
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Blitzkrieg pinned Essa Rios with the Stardust Press in 0:10:07.
Rating: *** ½
---Satisfactory Dark Match between two premier cruisers.
Card Information
Date/Time: October Week 2 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 10
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 2.5%
Approximently Viewers: 7500000
Mikey Whipwreck pinned Unabomb with the Whippersnapper in 0:13:31.
Rating: **
---Mikey had his ass kicked for most of the match, but kept kicking out. Eventually, Unabomb went for the Unabomb, but Mikey reversed it by repositioning himself and hitting a Whippersnapper.
InterviewOutsdie the arena, a car pulls up. "Phase Two" Jonny Storm jumps out. He looks around and starts to walk to the door. Then, another car pulls up and Zero-G jump out.
JONNY: Oh man....not again...
Zero-G spot Jonny
DEVON: Hey! Don't go anywhere, it'll save us all time if you take your ass kicking right here!
JONNY: Can't you guys just fuck off, and find yourself a normal hobby?
KASH: What? And miss out on the fun we're gonna have torment ing you? Screw that!
Zero-G charge after Jonny who has already darted into the building.
We go to a commercial, and return with...
Diamond Dallas Page pinned Rhino with the Diamond Cutter in 0:11:33.
Rating: * 3/4
---A poor match. DDP continues his Sick Boy-esque streak…who would have ever thought someone could say that?
Interview"DUCK AND RUN"
"Wildcat" Robbie Brookside enters the ring to a loud reaction from the crowd.
ROBBIE: All my career i've dreamed of chances like the one I'll have at FINAL EIGHT. Muta...i've beaten you before, and i'm damn sure that i'm gonna beat you again. Your only hope in the last match was that Kai En tai could help you out...and now you don't have Kai En Tai! The Wildcat is walking into THE FINAL EIGHT, and then leaving with a belt that he's deserved for his whole damn career!
Great Muta enters with his belt. The crowd boo.
ROBBIE: And so you enter to run your mouth? Maybe about how I don't deserve the title shot? Well Keiji, i've been around this damn world and had some lousy jobs...hell in WCW all I ever did was job. Now i've found somewhere where i'm respected, and now i'm taking my chance!
MUTA: If anyone is running your mouth Robbie, it's you. I just came here to inform you that your n action tonight. You vs. Me vs. Raven vs. Al Snow in a non-title match.
ROBBIE: HAHAHA! Are you really that eager for me to whip your ass? Well, if that's how you want it, then bring it on.
MUTA: Robbie, you seem so confident tonight...lets see how you feel after the main event.
No-Time-Limit-Number-One-Contenders-Four Corners Match
Koji Kanemoto and Shinjiro Ohtani defeated
The Jackyl Pack, The Eliminators and
Team Alfonso when Kanemoto pinned Lynn with the Tiger Suplex in 0:20:49.
Rating: *** 1/2
---This means that Koji and Shinjiro get a tag title shot at the PPV.
Tiger Mask IV pinned Chavo Guerrero Jr. after the Millennium Suplex in 0:12:14.
Rating: ***
(Tiger Mask IV retained the NCPW TV TITLE.)
---A good match controlled for the most part by the champion. Tiger Mask IV continues his run with the belt.
Interviewafter the match, Tiger Mask IV helps Chavo up and shakes his jand. The crowd applaud this act of sportsmanship, but Tiger Mask ruins it. He wont let go of Chavo's hand and pulls him into a Yokosuka Cutter! Tiger Mask IV then picks him up again and...Yokosuka Cutter #2!
The crowd go into a frenzy as Mikey Whipwreck hits the ring, unloading with punches and kicks.
Diamond Dallas Page enters to a good reaction! DDP runs in as Mikey floors TMIV with a right hook. Mikey goes to check on Chavo, but Tiger Msk IV hits him with a chair. TMIV turns and gets hit with a...DIAMOND CUTTER! DDP thas taken out the TV champ. Mikey is up now and sees DDP with the chair TMIV used to hit Mikey with. DDP is taunting TMIV, and turns...WHIPPERSNAPPER! Mikey thought DDP hit him with the chair, and has taken him out! Mikey leaves the ring. Each man in the ring has fallen to a version of the Ace Crusher.
We go to a commercial. When we return, we get...
No-Time-Limit-Non-Title-Four Corners Match
Great Muta defeated Al Snow, Raven and Robbie Brookside when Muta pinned
Brookside with the Moonsault in 0:22:43.
Rating: *****
---A match of the year candidate on TV for the second week running. This was going to be a PPV match, but I decided with my current way I might get two ***** matches! A superb match came to an end when…read below for the replay…
InterviewRaven and Al Snow continure to fight in the ring. In the centre of the ring, Muta stands over Robbie Brookside.
We see replays of the finish: Raven ducking a superkick by Al, which connects with Brookside while all four men brawl in the ring. Al ignores the fact that he just floored Robbie and continues to fihgt Raven. Muta goes up top and hits the moonsault for the three.
Back in the ring, Robbie wakes up and pushes Muta. He then immeadiately turns and throws Raven into Muta and shoves Al Snow. "Simply Sensational" and "The Wildcat" are face to face and shouting at each other as the show goes off air...
[DARK MATCH]: No-Countout-No-DQ-4-Man Battle Royal
Masato Yakushiji won a 4-man Battle Royal:
x Essa defeated J. Fleisch after a Victory Roll in 0:00:23
x Yakushiji defeated Essa after a snap suplex in 0:08:45
x Yakushiji defeated Blitzkrieg after a small package in 0:23:31
Rating: **** 1/2
---Four of the maddest cruisers in the world put on a real show in the ½ hour before the show begins.
Card Information
Date/Time: October Week 2 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 12
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 5545
Ticket Buy Rate: 55.45%
TV ratings: 4.6%
Approximently Viewers: 13800000
---BOO! Didn’t sell out. First time in a year that.
Sabu pinned HHH with the Triple Jump Moonsault in 0:12:19.
Rating: ** 1/2
---That’s why this was the opener.
Muta enters the arena to boos and jeers. He has the NCPW World Title belt over his shoulder.
MUTA: Last monday Robbie Brookside, you walked out here full of confidence thinking you could just step between these ropes and take me apart. Well, you made a mistake, didn't you? I guess it was you who had your ass kicked! Tell me Robbie...did you enjoy yorself? I know I did. I went home after the show and thought...that was REAL fun. What could be more fun than kicking Robbie Brookside's ass? So...after much thought, I came up with this. I'm changing my mind as to what rules the main event of THE FINAL EIGHT are. What could be more fun? How about kicking your ass twice!
Robbie enters to a loud reaction.
ROBBIE: Are you saying what I think your saying Keiji?
MUTA: What i'm saying is that the main event of THE FINAL EIGHT is now a 2 out of 3 falls match!
ROBBIE: Muta...i've beaten you once on PPV...it would be my pleasure to do it two more times in one night!
MUTA: Still confident eh? Well, lets see what we can do about that. Tonight, you need to do some searching.
MUTA: You need a partner. The main event of tonights show is you and a partner of your choosing against me and...
The crowd is booing madly as Al Snow enters the ring with Muta and Robbie.
SNOW: Me. Robbie...you've gotten in my face twice now, and I sure as hell don't like it.
ROBBIE: So that's the way it is huh?
SNOW: That's the way it is.
MUTA: And now for surprise number two...
Muta and Snow both start laying into Robbie heavily, untill...
Raven takes out both the world champion and Al Snow! Both the heels retreat up the aisle.
RAVEN: Robbie's got himself a partner for tonight!
The crowd go wild as we go into a commercial break. When we return we get...
Jonny Storm and Diamond Dallas Page defeated Zero-G when Page pinned Kid Kash
with the Diamond Cutter in 0:12:29.
Rating: *** 1/4
---Good match here, but not the end of Jonny Storm vs. Zero-G
InterviewPost match, Zero-G retreat up the aisle.
Jonny exits the ring and chases after them. When they're gone...
DDP: Last monday, there was an incident with me and Mikey Whipwreck. I want to sort this out right now. Mikey, I know you're here tonight for your match with Tazz, so listen up. I looked at the video of Mayhem, and I can see why you Whippersnappered me. If you just watch this...
We see a video of the Mayhem incident and the Whippersnapper.
DDP: ...as you can see, it wasn't me who hit you with a chair. So c'mon man, I wont hold a grudge with ya! Just come on out here and apologise for the whippersnapper and I wont have to retaliate.
We wait.
DDP: Last chance Mikey...
Still no Mikey...
DDP: Fine...if that's how you want it, get ready to fell the...BANG!
DDP storms off to the back.
Sick Boy pinned Heavy Metal with the Cure in 0:13:44.
Rating: ** 3/4
(Sick Boy retained the NCPW CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE.)
---Sick Boy puts the title on the line in his FINAL EIGHT Qualifier. Can he make it two tournaments in one year?
InterviewIn the parking lot, we see Mikey Whipwreck pull up in his car. The commentators speculate that he didn't come out to apologist to DDP because he wasn't here.
In DDP's locker room, he's seeing this on TV.
DDP: Shit. I guess I'll go talk to him.
DDP leaves and we go to a commercial.
We fade back in to...
Tazz made Mikey Whipwreck submit to the Tazzmission in 0:13:08.
Rating: **** 1/4
(Tazz retained the NCPW FTW TITLE.)
---Good FTW match from both guys.
Post match, Tazz leaves.
DDP enters to a loud reaction.
DDP: Whoa there Mickey. I'm not here to fight!
Mikey still stands ready, as DDP talks.
DDP: Now I came out here tonight to clear things up, but you weren't here. So let me try again. Roll VT.
We see on the big screen DDP saying "If you come out here and apologise, then I wont have to retaliate. Last chance mikey. Fine...get ready to feel the...BANG!"
DDP: What? No wait there boy. That wasn't the VT I wanted to show you.
Mikey is looking pissed.
DDP: Roll the other VT!
We see DDP in his locker room. he appears to be talking to himself. "I gave that damn bastard a chance to sort this out and he didn't take it. Well, if that's how you want it Mikey Whipwreck, then i'm gonna have to take this into my own hands."
DDP: What? Who's been messing with...
DDP turns and...WHIPPERSNAPPER!!! Mikey spits on DDP before leaving shouting back at him something about "do unto thers before they can do unto you".
We go to a final commercial break, and return with...
Great Muta and Al Snow defeated The Flock (Raven) and Robbie Brookside when Muta
pinned Brookside with the Moonsault in 0:23:49.
Rating: ****
---Great main event. Expect a possible Raven/Sabu/Brookside vs. Snow/Unabomb/Muta match some time.
InterviewAl Snow taunts Robbie after the match. Muta grabs the mic.
MUTA: Still feel confident about FINAL EIGHT? HUH?
Raven runs back in and cleans house. Robbie slowly gets up.
ROBBIE: What happened?
MUTA: You wanna know what happened? Your partner there hit you with a chair so that I could pin you!
ROBBIE: Wha...
Raven tries to explain that it was an accident, but Robbie is really pissed off. He shoves Raven, who turns and smiles at the crowd. As Robbie shouts at Raven, Raven hits a kick to the midsection...EVENFLOW DDT!
Raven shouts at Snow and Muta before leaving throught the crowd.
We fade out with an arial shot of Robbie Brookside in the ring out cold...
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
E & C defeated The Jackyl Pack when
Edge pinned E. Guerrero with the Downward Spiral in 0:05:06.
Rating: *** 1/2
---Good dark match from two promising teams.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Four Corners Match
Jody Fleisch defeated Doug Williams, Essa Rios and Mike Sanders when J. Fleisch
pinned Essa with the Phoenix 720 DDT in 0:10:39.
Rating: ** 1/2
---Not too bad.
Card Information
Date/Time: October Week 3 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 15
Arena Capacity: 5000
Attendance: 5000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 3.4%
Approximently Viewers: 10200000
InterviewThe show opens, and...
Foley enters the ring to a good reaction from the Canadians.
FOLEY: Tonight, I want to open the show with a bang...and I don't mean DDP! You see, as the commissioner of the NCPW, it's my job to make sure things run smoothly. And...they aren't! The Great Muta and Al Snow have been stirring the pot a little with Robbie Brookside and Raven. I don't know, maybe you two think they'll take each other out before the PPV, and you wont have to worry, huh? Well, that aint happening! Tonight we will have a main event to make sure that things run smoothly. The Great Muta nd The Dynamic Duo take on Robbie Brookside and The Flock!
The crowd pops as Foley's theme kicks in again and he leaves.
The Innovators defeated The Eliminators when Kanyon pinned Kronus with the
Flatliner in 0:12:56.
Rating: ** 1/2
---The match went back and forth as both former title holding teams fought to prove who’s the best. In the end, Kanyon and Nova got the duke when Kanyon hit a Flatliner from nowhere to pin Kronus.
Chris Jericho made Rhino submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:15:52.
Rating: ** 1/4
---Lionheart floored Rhino with a spinning wheel kick when he went for the Gore. Lion Tamer…it’s over!
InterviewChris Jericho grabs the mic...
JERICHO: Welcome to, Monday Night Jericho! As all my Jerichoholics out here in Cananda know, Lionheart has been taking the NCPW by storm since day one, and yet he's always been held back...just like in WCW and WWF! Well, do not despair my loyal drooling followers! Your paragon of virtue is going to win the FInal Eight tournament and use that as a springboard! Yes, Jericho will win the TV Title from Tiger Mask IV...the very man I beat for the Lightweight Title on PPV! And when all is said and done, the NCPW will never...EEEEEEVVVVVEEEERRR....be the same again!
Jericho celebrates to his theme before leaving.
Tazz made HHH submit to the Tazzmission in 0:14:24.
Rating: *** 3/4
(Tazz retained the NCPW FTW TITLE.)
---Tazz continues to thrive in the FTW division.
Jonny Storm defeated Spike Dudley by disqualification in 0:11:46.
Rating: ** 1/2
---Jonny held a strong advantage for the majority of the match. When he went for a pin, Zero-G ran in and got LSD Dq’d by attacking “Phase Two”.
InterviewZero-G grab Jonny Storm and hit the Free Fall (double Brainbuster) on him. They taunt him and don't seem to realise that they've just cost LSD the chance to be in the F8! LSD is pissed off, and hits an Acid Drop on Kid Kash. As Devon tries to fight him off, he trips over the fallen Jonny and quickly ends up in an Acid Drop too! LSD drags Jonny Storm out of the ring and drags him to the back.
Tiger Mask IV pinned Test after a springboard twisting moonsault in 0:13:42.
Rating: ***
(Tiger Mask IV retained the NCPW TV TITLE.)
---TMIV continues to win against a great many varied opponents.
Sick Boy pinned Chavo Guerrero Jr. with the Cure in 0:07:26.
Rating: ***
(Sick Boy retained the NCPW CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE.)
---Sick Boy is REALLY over with the crowd right now and another win here did nothing but help that!
Ken Shamrock pinned Diamond Dallas Page after a belly-to-belly suplex in 0:12:14.
Rating: ** 1/2
---As DDP gave the sign for the Diamond Cutter, Mikey ran in and Whippersnappered him behind the referees back. DDP flew back straight into a belly-to-belly suplex. 1…2…3!
InterviewMikey Whipwreck had cost DDP the match, and DDP doesn't look happy. A brawl erupts and...Tiger Mask IV hits the ring! Spic Kicks on both men mean TMIV is left in the ring alone.
TMIV: You fools! I switch tapes!
DDP: What? You were the one who tampered with my video?
TMIV: Yes!
DDP: Why in the hell would you want to do that?
TMIV: Because it fun! HAHAHA! Remember this though...you really did do all that. You really threaten Mikey and everything else!
DDP: Hey! I was pissed off! He whippersnappered me!
DDP: (turning to Mikey) Mikey, don't...
WHIPPERSNAPPER! Mikey hit DDP with another Whippersnapper! DDP is down and Mikey is walking to the back! Tiger Mask IV drags DDP into the ring and...YOKOSUKA CUTTER! TMIV taunts DDP and leaves the ring.
The Dynamic Duo and Great Muta defeated
The Flock (Raven), Sabu and Robbie Brookside when Muta pinned Brookside after
an elbowdrop in 0:23:32.
Rating: *** 1/4
---This was supposed to help bring Raven and Robbie together as allies. It didn’t quite work that way! As Muta got ready to give a brain buster to Robbie, Raven jumped in to make the save, but…MUTA MIST! Raven was blinded but up, and Muta shoved Robbie into Raven…KICK…EVENFLOW DDT! Muta dropped a weak elbow and it was over. Raven and Robbie may never get along at this rate!
---No dark matches
Card Information
Held in: ELK'S LODGE
Date/Time: October Week 3 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 14
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 4.4%
Approximently Viewers: 13200000
InterviewThe show opens and the crowd cheer as they wait to see who will be the first NCPW star to walk down the aisle this week on Fireball.
"Wildcat" Robbie Brookside enters the ring, much to the delight of a rabid crowd.
ROBBIE: Last week, Raven hit me with a chair. Last Monday, I didn't know what hit me. Then...I watched the tapes. Raven...you evenflowed your own damn partner you prick! You've made enough mistakes, and it's time I got myself some revenge. Get your ass out here!
Raven enters in his usual casual yet psyched out way.
RAVEN: I'm not scheduled to wrestle tonight Robbie, I was about to leave. What do you want?
ROBBIE: On monda...
RAVEN: Hey man, that was an accident. I was blinded. Can't you get it through your head that i'm not here to get you?
ROBBIE: That may be the case, but I want a chance to prove myself and get some revenge. You've fought all over the world in some pretty dangerous gimmick matches. Tonight, I just want a straight up wrestling match, you and me.
RAVEN: Robbie, if you want me to step in that ring tonight and tear you apart, then so be it...
Great Muta walks out to the aisle to a chorus of boos.
MUTA: Look at you two...like children you bicker. Well, if you two tonight wish to face each other, then I will be the guest referee. Lets say a...30 minute time limit. Don't think I'll stop the match real quick either guys.
After a stare down, Raven leaves the ring and exits through the crowd. Robbie watches Muta go before leaving himself.
Taz made Test submit to the Tazzmission in 0:10:26.
Rating: * 1/2
(Taz retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
---Taz continues to beat all challengers.
Sick Boy defeated Diamond Dallas Page by disqualification in 0:11:46.
Rating: 3/4*
---This was a back and forth match until…Mikey Whipwreck ran in! Mikey hit a Whippersnapper on DDP’s pal Sick Boy causing the DQ and then…
InterviewMikey nails DDP with a whippersnapper post match, and goes to leave, but...
Commissioner Foley enters with a...hat?!?!
FOLEY: (walking to the ring)Whoa there Mikey! Get your ass back there! I'm gonna draw the matches for F8.
Mikey grudgingly returns to the ring where DDP is still fallen.
FOLEY: OK, lets get this over quickly so you can all prepare. First numbers out are...1 and...4! So, the first match at F8 will be Ken Shamrock vs Mikey Whipwreck!
Mikey freaks out in the ring.
FOLEY: Next...3 and...5! Test vs Sabu! And, 7 and 8! Chris Jericho vs Jonny Storm!
DDP has begun to stir and is slowly getting to his feet.
FOLEY: So that leaves 2 and 6. The final 1st round match will be Sick Boy vs DDP!
DDP gives the sign for the Diamond Cutter and goes after Mikey! Mikey ducks out of the ring and runs off down the aisle.
DDP: FOLEY! I want you to redraw the matches! I want that piece of crap in the first round!
FOLEY: No can do Page. The matches are drawn.
DDP: Then you leave me no choice.
DDP gives the sign for the Diamond Cutter and leaves.
Tiger Mask IV pinned Chavo Guerrero Jr. after the Yokosuka Cutter in 0:10:21.
Rating: **
(Tiger Mask IV retained the NCPW TV Title.)
---TMIV continues to beat everyone who opposes him in preparation for when the F8 winner is decided. He once again uses a modified Diamond Cutter to win.
Jonny Storm pinned Mikey Whipwreck with the Split Legged Moonsault in 0:10:35.
Rating: *** ½
---Evenly matched through out. Zero-G ran in first, but DDP followed closely behind then. After delivering a Diamond Cutter to both Zero-G members he ducked under the ring. The referee jumped out to check on Kid Kash and Devon Storm, and DDp resurfaced on the opposite side of the ring! Diamond Cutter to Mikey Whipwreck! DDP bails and the referee turns to see “Phase Two” hit his split-legged moonsault for the 1…2…3.
InterviewPost match, DDP hits another Diamond Cutter on Mikey and drags him to the outside. Zero-G meanwhile get back in the ring and attempt a Free Fall, but Jonny flips out and hits a dropkick on both guys sending them to the outside.
JONNY: Hey! Zero-G! You think you can finish this with sneak attacks? Well, I got news for ya, after last monday's run in you pissed off LSD! Now on Mayhem, you two can face me and LSD in a no dq tag match.
Zero-G don't look to worried, but rather, amused.
JONNY: You think that's funny? Well, lets see if you think my other surprise is funny! Tonight, you two are inaction, against my friends...
The crowd go wild! It's...THE ELIMINATORS! The Eliminators are gonna face Zero-G!
The Eliminators defeated Zero-G when Saturn pinned D. Storm with the
Death Valley Driver in 0:10:26.
Rating: ** ¼
---The Eliminators hit Total Elimination on Kash and then Saturn finishes off the legal man.
Al Snow pinned Sabu with the Snow Plow in 0:13:49.
Rating: *** 1/4
---Snow and Sabu fight for no reason other than to further the Dynamic Duo vs Flock feud.
No-Time-Limit-Four Corners Match
J-Thunder defeated Shinjiro Ohtani and Koji Kanemoto, The Innovators and
Team Alfonso when Michinoku pinned Ohtani with the Michinoku Driver in 0:12:11.
Rating: ** 1/2
(J-Thunder retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
---TAKA and Sho beat their F8 opponents again.
Match with Special Referee Great Muta
Raven and Robbie Brookside battled to a draw in 0:30:00.
Rating: **** 1/4
---As expected, Muta made no attempt to reach 3 during the match, so both guys ended up kicking out of his opponents finisher. Raven and Robbie were slowly punching each other as the bell sounded.
InterviewAs soon as the final bell was heard, Robbie and Raven both turned and attacked Muta! It was a set up all along! Robbie and Raven tear into Keiji Muto and beat him to a bloody mess!
The Dynamic Duo hit the ring!
Sabu is running in behind them!
A wild brawl commences with Al eventually throwing Sabu into Unabomb's big boot and then Snow Plowing Raven. Raven and Sabu are thrown to the outside, and Unabomb carries Muta to the back. Left in the ring are "Simply Sensational" Al Snow and "Wildcat" Robbie Brookside.
The crowd erupts as the two warriors lay into one another with punches and kicks. Then...Raven and Sabu are up! Unabomb is running in! All Hell is breaking loose as we go off air!
[DARK MATCH]: No-Countout-No-DQ-4-Man Battle Royal
Essa Rios won a 4-man Battle Royal:
x J. Hardy defeated J. Fleisch after a top-rope Frankensteiner in
x Essa defeated Yakushiji after the Moonsault in 0:10:13
x Essa defeated J. Hardy after the Moonsault in 0:12:30
Rating: *****
---WHOA! What a dark match!
Card Information
Date/Time: October Week 4 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 14
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 2.5%
Approximently Viewers: 7500000
Taz made Sabu submit to the Tazmission in 0:10:35.
Rating: ***
(Taz retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
---Taz goes over in great style here. No reason for the match though.
Zero-G defeated Jonny Storm and Spike Dudley when D. Storm pinned Spike
with the Thunderclap Brainbuster in 0:18:02.
Rating: ** 1/2
---LSD falls to Zero-G. Jonny needs a new partner…maybe a new one every week or something.
InterviewPost match, Kid Kash enters the ring, Zero-G pick LSD up for the Free Fall, but Jonny Storm enters the ring and hits a dropkick on both guys. LSD flips out of the suplex position and grabs Devon for the Acid Drop. As he attempts the move though, Devon reverses it with an Edge-O-Matic. Kash meanwhile hits Jonny with the Money Maker. Zero-G tell Jonny that this is only the beginning, and throw LSD into the crowd for the old ECW Crowd Surf spot. They then leave.
Sick Boy pinned Rey Misterio Jr. with the Cure in 0:07:39.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Sick Boy retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
---Sick Boy threw Rey off when he went for a huracanrana and planted him with The Cure.
InterviewPost match, Sick Boy picks up his belt and drapes it over his shoulder. He takes the house mic.
SICK: Ya know, since i've won this belt...i've had some hard challenges...but I beat everyone who faced me, and now I want a new challenge. Let me take you back to WCW. I was Sick Boy then too, and I was in Raven's Flock. All the time, I helped him out and used various hardcore items to hit his opponents with...well, that was fun. I've been looking up the rules of the NCPW Cruiserweight title, and it says that 230lbs is the max. weight a challenger can be. Well, there just so happens to be a guy who is 230lbs back there, and he's doing about the same as me: beating all challengers. So...TAZ! Get out here!
The crowd are cheering wildly for the NCPW FTW Champion.
TAZ: What do you want Sick Boy?
SICK: Well Taz, it seems that you haven't got any real oponents in the FTW division right now, so...
TAZ: So what punk?
SICK: So Taz, since your in the right weight limit, I figured maybe we could put on a series of matches for both the NCPW FTW and Cruiserweight Titles...
TAZ: HAHAHA! Your stupid belt means nothing to me...
SICK: ...well, if you don't think you're up to beating a mere cruiserweight then...
TAZ: Whoa there boy! You really want me to kick your ass?
SICK: Accept the challenge and we'll see who kicks who's ass!
TAZ: In that case, I have one thing to say to you...I AM TAZ! THE NCPW FTW CHAMPION! BEAT ME IF YOU CAN! SURVIVE IF I LET YOU!
The cowd is going into a frenzy, and Taz leaves. Sick Boy soon follows suit.
Ken Shamrock made Rhino submit to the Ankle Lock Submission in 0:12:19.
Rating: **
---Shamrock goes over in preparation for the F8 tournament.
Mikey Whipwreck and Chris Jericho defeated Diamond Dallas Page and Test when
Chris Jericho made Test submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:12:42.
Rating: * 1/2
---Neither DDP nor Mikey gets the fall. All four men are in the F8 tournament…and not one is against the other in the first round!
InterviewPost match, both teams continue to fight to the back. Then, the pyros go off, and...
"FLIGHT OF ICARUS" by Iron Maiden kicks in.
The NCPW World Champion Great Muta comes out to a chorus of boos.
MUTA: All you idiots can shut up! I've got something to say that you might find interesting.
MUTA: Fine! I'll talk over you! Robbie Brookside...Raven...you made a fool of me! Well, pay back is a bitch! Up next, Raven will fight in an FTW match with...THE DEMON OF DESTRUCTION UNABOMB!
the crowd is chanting "Raven! RAVEN!"
MUTA: And as for you Wildcat...I've got a special match for you! In the main event of tonights show, you will face...The Great Mut and Al Snow!
the crowd quickly changes their chants to "ROBBIE! ROBBIE!"
MUTA: Robbie Brookside...since you beat me at POWERSLAVE, you haven't had one pin over me! Do you really think you can beat tonight or at F8? Bring it on!
We cut to commercials. When we return, we get...
Unabomb pinned Raven with the Unabomb in 0:10:07.
Rating: * 3/4
---Raven held his own here, and in the end started to beat on Unabomb with a chair. When he went for an enzuilariato though, Unabomb ducked and clotheslined Raven to the mat. On Unabomb later, and the result was decided.
Shinjiro Ohtani and Koji Kanemoto defeated The Eliminators when Kanemoto pinned
Saturn with the Tiger Suplex in 0:20:14.
Rating: *** ¼
---The top contenders go over. Nuff said. Great match.
InterviewKoji and Shinjiro celebrate.
Thunder hits the stage and...
"GOD OF THUNDER" by Kiss hits the p.a.
J-Thunder come out with their titles and the crowd boo. They also chant "KAI EN TAI SUCKS!"
FUNAKI: Sut up! We are no longer Kai En Tai!
TAKA: Koji...Shinjiro...you and us will fight at F8. Well, we may no longer be Kai En Tai, but...we will still beat you down to...
SHINJIRO: ...TAKA! Don't think you can beat us like you did every other team! At F8, you will both fall!
J-Thunder run in, and the two teams fight till security pulls them off.
Now...the main event!!!!!
Robbie Brookside defeated Al Snow and Great Muta when Brookside pinned Muta
in 0:16:00.
Rating: *** ¾
---Robbie got a few comebacks in between beatings. Here’s the end: Muta grabs Robbie from behind and holds him for Al Snow. “Simply Sensational” goes for a superkick, but Robbie ducks and Snow KO’s Muta. Robbie superkicks Al and pins Muta.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Doug Williams and Jody Fleisch defeated Degeneration X (HHH) and Jake Roberts
when J. Fleisch pinned J. Roberts with the Phoenix 720 DDT in 0:10:50.
Rating: * ½
---Jody and Doug…a possible team? More in the Magazine.
Card Information
Date/Time: October Week 4 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 14
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 3.6%
Approximently Viewers: 10800000
Sick Boy and Taz battled to a draw in 0:20:00.
Rating: ****
(Sick Boy retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
(Taz retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
---Well, this feud got off to a great start! Taz came in way to confident, and Sick Boy dominated for a lot of the match. The end: Sick Boy hit The Cure! 1…2…thre…the bell rang for the time limit before the three could happen!
InterviewPost match, Sick Boy complains to the referee about the time limit running out before he could get the three. Taz has regained his senses, and...TAZPLEX! Taz just tazplexed Sick Boy! Taz leaves the ring looking pissed off, and Sick Boy is out cold in the middle of the ring.
We cut to commercials...
...We return with...
Test pinned Raven with the Big Boot in 0:10:07.
Rating: * 1/4
---Wow, Test has sucked so far. Al Snow runs in a hits Raven with a chair. Test hits the Big Boot…it’s over.
InterviewPost match, Al beats down Raven while Test leaves.
Great Muta enters and shows Test back to the ring.
MUTA: Al Snow...last Monday, you screwed up bad. You caused me to be pinned by Robbie Brookside! Well, I will get my revenge! Tonight, you must fight two opponents. Right now, you will face Test. If you win, I will pick an easy opponent for you. If you lose, then you will face Ken Shamrock.
SNOW: Whoa there man, look...I didn't mean to kick you, I mean...
MUTA: Oh really? In that case, does it help if I say...I didn't mean for you to get your ass kciked tonight?
The WIldcat enters to a booming ovation.
ROBBIE: Hey, i'm just here to help Raven outta there guys! You two can have your little domestic.
MUTA: Oh no, I have plans for you too Robbie. You see, you will run a two man gauntlet. And believe me, two men is enough!
ROBBIE: Fine. Who's in it?
MUTA: Wait and see!
Robbie drags Raven out of the ring and helps him to the back as Muta takes a ringside seat for Al vs Test.
Al Snow pinned Test with the Snow Plow in 0:07:57.
Rating: * 1/2
---Sucky match.
InterviewPost match, Al stands in the ring victorious. He seems to enjoy the boos.
MUTA: As promised, you will not face Shamrock. However, you will have me as the referee between you and...Essa Rios!
Al laughs out loud at this thought.
Muta leaves and we go to commercials...
...We're back!!!
Zero-G defeated Jonny Storm and Balls Mahoney when D. Storm pinned B. Mahoney
with the Thunderclap Brainbuster in 0:14:48.
Rating: ***
---Jonny’s partner falls again.
InterviewPost match, Zero-G haul Balls into a Free Fall (Double Brainbuster) and grab a mic.
KASH: And another one bites the dust!
DEVON: You must be running out of partners now Jonny!
KASH: Yeah. How much longer you gonna keep this up?
DEVON: you've lost! Just get in here and take your beating like a man!
JONNY: What? You think I'm outta tricks? I'm not up till the third match of the F8 tournament, so...why don't you two face me and my new partner in the opener.
KASH: Sure. We've already beatne Balls once...
JONNY: No, not Balls.
DEVON: Then who?
JONNY: Wait and see.
KASH: Nooo...tell us now.
JONNY: OK, sign this first.
Jonny pulls a contract and pen out of his jacket.
DEVON: Fine.
Zero-G sign to face Jonny and ???
DEVON: So who is your partner?
JONNY: Here he is...BAM BAM BIGELOW!!!!!!
The crowd go wild as The Beast From The East returns and runs in! He and Jonny take Zero-G apart. Zero-G bail and run. BBB and Jonny celebrate in the ring.
[GAUNTLET MATCH 1 OF 2]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Robbie Brookside pinned Unabomb with the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in 0:07:10.
Rating: * 3/4
[GAUNTLET MATCH 2 OF 2]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Robbie Brookside pinned Sabu with the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in 0:07:25.
Rating: ***
---Much better!
No-Time-Limit-Match with Special Referee Great Muta
Essa Rios pinned Al Snow after a small package in 0:15:23.
Rating: ***
---Good main event. Al came in confident, but soon became frustrated when he realised that Muta wasn’t going to count three for him. A quick count on a small package hands Rios the win.
InterviewPost match, Al superkicks Muta and takes a chair to Essa. Raven and Robbie run in and Essa bauls. A four way brawl has erupted as we fade out...
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