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[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Diamond Dallas Page pinned Doug Williams with the Diamond Cutter in 0:07:44.
Rating: * ½
---Not a great match, but a good finish. As Doug whipped DDP off the ropes, DDP ducked the incoming clotheslines and hit a big boot. A quick turn and BAM! Diamond Cutter!
Card Information
Date/Time: September Week 1 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 11
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 4.1%
Approximently Viewers: 12300000
Zero-G (Devon Storm, Jonny Storm and Kid Kash) defeated
The Can-Am Express (Doug Furnas, Glacier and Phil LaFon) when J. Storm pinned
Glacier with the Split Legged Moonsault in 0:10:55.
Rating: ** ¾
---Good opener from two of the teams that will hopefully add some life to my 6-Man division.
InterviewKai En Tai, Mick Foley, the rules for the PPV
Kai En Tai enter to a standing boovation from the entire crowd.
MUTA: HEY! Shut your damn mouths, and give us a chance to speak! Mick Foley, get your ass out here!
Commissioner Foley enters to a large round of cheers.
FOLEY: What do you want Muta? You already got your chance to book the next PPV.
MUTA: That's what I want to talk about Foley. You see, I know your not an idiot. I know you've worked something into that contract to screw me out of stacking the deck against the NCPW. So come on...what is it?
FOLEY: OK, you've seen through my plan. The rules are simple. 1) Each and every title owned by a Kai En Tai member must be on the line at the PPV. 2) YOUR OPPONENT can choose the rules for the main event. 3) YOU WILL NOT, and I mean this Muta, you will not book your wrestlers against jobbers, especially yourself Muta. You also cannot book Kai En Tai members against themselves. Apart from that, you can prety much do what you want.
MUTA: Good we got that cleared up Mick. But you see, you should have added more than that. I think I can come up with some suitable rules for each match.
FOLEY: Keiji...no matter what you try to pull at POWERSLAVE, you are not getting control of this company. While I have something to say about it, you will NEVER have the NCPW!
MUTA: Well, lets stop that right now then. First rule...YOU are banned from the arena for each and everyone of the matches!
Foley does not look happy, but turns and leaves.
Sick Boy and Mikey Whipwreck defeated
Kai En Tai (Osamu Nishimura and Tiger Mask IV) when Sick Boy pinned TMIV
with the Cure in 0:16:30.
Rating: *** 3/4
---Cruiser King pins TV champion in a good tag match.
InterviewAtsushi Onita and the FTW Title
"Wild Thing" Atsushi Onita enters the ring with his belt and a large smile on his face.
ONITA: So it seems I can't choose my opponent for POWERSLAVE without it being a fair choice. Well, I think I have a solution. On Thursday Fireball, there will be a ten man FTW Battle Royal. THe winner gets a shot at MY belt. Remember though...you will go through Hell to get your shot at this title, but that will be nothing compared to what you will go through when you face me!
Taz made Rhino submit to the Tazmission in 0:10:35.
Rating: ** 1/2
---Expected more, but still good.
InterviewRobbie Brookside and Kai En Tai
The crowd goes wild for "The Wildcat" as he runs to the ring.
ROBBIE: Muta...i've been tormenting you for a month now, so get your ass down here so I can kick it!
Muta stands in the aisle.
MUTA: What do you want Wildcat?
ROBBIE: You've got to have an opponent at POWERSLAVE, and I want to be it.
MUTA: No can do Robbie. I can't face jobbers, remember?
ROBBIE: You give me the title shot and you'll see if I'm a jobber!
MUTA: Robbie, your new to the NCPW. You haven't had one televised match yet, and you think you can just say..."I want a title shot". Well, i'll tell you what...you can have your PPV shot, IF you earn it!
ROBBIE: I'm listening.
MUTA: Tonight, you will face an opponent of my choosing in a table match. If you win that, then maybe i'll surprise you.
ROBBIE: You're on. Who's my opponent?
MUTA: Well my scouser friend, you can face...MIKE...AWESOME!
Muta leaves laughing. Robbie Brookside looks pissed and kicks the ropes. He leaves, and the teams enter for the next match.
The Dynamic Duo and The Jackyl Pack defeated Team Alfonso and The Flock when
Unabomb pinned Raven with the Unabomb in 0:15:04.
Rating: ** 3/4
---Four hungry teams, two former world champions, and a decent match. Go figure. The former Kane gets the pin on Raven.
In the back, Osamu Nishimura is getting a drink. As he drinks his can of coca-cola, Sick Boy runs in! Sick Boy throws Osamu into the drinks machine, and starts ramming him into the wall multiple times. He executes The Cure on the cold hard concrete floor.
TAKA: Osamu? Whats taking you...SHIT!
Sick Boy sees TAKA advancing, and scarpers. TAKA helps Osamu up.
Table No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match
Robbie Brookside defeated Mike Awesome by putting him through a table in
Rating: *** 1/4
---A good TV debut for “The Wildcat”. The end came when Awesome mounted the turnbuckle to splash Robbie through a table. Robbie was quickly up, and hit his Iconoclasm finisher through the table for a strong debut showing.
Interviewpost match...
Post match, The Wildcat celebrates.
Muta stands in the aisle.
MUTA: Well what do ya know? Robbie Brookside actuall won.
ROBBIE: I did what you said Muta, now give me my title shot.
MUTA: Now Robbie, I said i'd surprise you if you won, not give you the title shot. But don't worry, i'll be fair.
ROBBIE: What are you talkinf about?
MUTA: Here's your surprise...on Thursday Fireball, you can have a match. If you win, then you can have your PPV title shot. If you lose, then you can forget about it!
ROBBIE: Deal. Who do I have to face.
MUTA: You will face TAKA Michinoku and Shoichi Funaki.
ROBBIE: What? Two guys?
MUTA: Your right, that's hardly fair, is it? I'll tell you what. You can face both guys in a cage match.
ROBBIE: This is bull shit man.
MUTA: Still not happy? Well how about this? Robbie Brookside vs TAKA and Funaki in a FIRST BLOOD cage match? How's that? And if you open your mouth to complain again, then ,aybe i'll add more stipulations.
Muta leaves laughing, and Robbie exits through the crowd cursing to himself.
The show fades into black...
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Ken Shamrock made Diamond Dallas Page submit to the Ankle Lock Submission in
Rating: ** 1/4
---DDP goes for the Diamond Cutter, but Shamrock throws him off and applies the Ankle Lock. Shamrock is trying to earn a contract with the NCPW.
Card Information
Date/Time: September Week 1 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 12
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 4.7%
Approximently Viewers: 14100000
InterviewDynamic Duo cut a promo
The Dynamic Duo enter to round of boos and jeers.
SNOW: You know, it's just like you Baltimore idiots to boo the worlds greatest wrestler and his Demon Of Destruction. Now, i'm sure you've all been watching how we've been beating on The Flock...but there's bound to be some idiots who haven't. So...we're gonna show you how we did it, now...we've got some stuff here to help you visualise it.
Al takes a bag from Unabomb, and takes out a leather jacket, and a flannel shirt. He puts them on a la aven.
SNOW: Quote The Raven. Nevermore. I tried to crucify myself for your sins, but I couldn't hammer in the last nail. Sabu tried to help, but he thought the crucifix was a table and broke it. Quote The Raven.
The crowd boos, and starts a Raven chant.
SNOW: Now, here's what happened in the last two matches.
Unabomb picks him up for the Unabomb powerbomb, and holds him up.
SNOW: The Raven went up like this, and then Unabomb powerbombed him...
Unabomb hits the Unabomb on Snow!
Unabomb celebrates and makes a three count on Snow. He then looks around, then at Snow. His smile goes as he realises that he wasn't supposed to really hit a powerbomb on him. He carefully picks up his partner, slings him over his shoulder and exits the ring to a chant of "YOU FUCKED UP!"
Mikey Whipwreck pinned Glacier with the Whippersnapper in 0:10:45.
Rating: * 3/4
---Glacier = JOBBER in the singles division. He sets Mikey up for an over-the-shoulder stomach breaker, but Mikey rolls straight out into the Whippersnapper.
InterviewAtsushi Onita
Atsushi Onita enters, and takes the mic.
ONITA: I am here to see who I will get to beat in the barbed wire at POWERSLAVE. Let the participants enter, and prove themselves!
Onita sits at the announce table.
No-Countout-No-DQ-10-Man Battle Royal
Rhino won a 10-man Battle Royal:
x Holly threw out Tajiri in 0:07:32
x Rhino threw out Lynn after a powerslam in 0:10:30
x Rhino threw out Crazy in 0:10:43
x Van Dam threw out Awesome in 0:11:44
x Holly threw out Test after an inside cradle in 0:14:19
x Van Dam threw out HHH after a flying legdrop in 0:15:49
x Van Dam threw out Taz in 0:16:20
x Rhino threw out Van Dam in 0:16:28
x Rhino threw out Holly after a double-axhandle to the back in 0:16:43
Rating: ***
---Rhino makes two quick eliminations at the start and finish to win a well deserved FTW Title shot.
InterviewPost match + The Dynamic Duo backstage
Post match, Rhino celebrates to his "WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE" Music. Onita gets into the ring, and after a stare down, he leaves.
Meanwhile, backstage...
SNOW: Uuuurrgghhh...
UNABOMB: Nnnngghh.
SNOW: You...you idiot...
SNOW: Now don't start that! I never told you to powerbomb me!
Unabomb looks at his feet.
SNOW: Jeez...I thought I was gonna die in Baltimore!
SNOW: NO! There's no excuses! If you'd have killed me in Baltimore, I would have killed you!
The cameras go back to the arena.
Osamu Nishimura pinned Rey Misterio Jr. with the Northern Lights Suplex in
Rating: ** 3/4
(Osamu Nishimura retained the NCPW CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE.)
---Osamu kills Rey Jr. after Rey hold the upper hand for the first 5 minutes.
InterviewOsamu post match
OSAMU: Sick Boy...you've made a terrible mistake!
Before he can say anything else, Sick Boy has hopped the guardrail and entered the ring. One Cure later, and Osamu is laid out again. Sick Boy leaves through the crowd as Kai En Tai run in.
Koji Kanemoto and Shinjiro Ohtani defeated The Eliminators when Kanemoto pinned
Saturn with the Tiger Suplex in 0:20:04.
Rating: *** 3/4
---Koji went for his moonsault finish, but Saturn rolled out of the way. Saturn taunts thinking he’s smart, but Koji had landed on his feet and is standing behind Saturn. Tiger Suplex! 1-2-3!
No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Handicap-Cage Match
Kai En Tai defeated Robbie Brookside when Michinoku pinned Brookside with the
Michinoku Driver in 0:20:10.
Rating: *****
---Robbie’s second match gets *****! A Michinoku Driver onto a chair busts Wildcat open real bad.
InterviewPost match
Post match, Kai En Tai continue to attack Brookside. TAKA and Sho take some handcuffs from under the ring (why were they there?) and handcuff Robbie to the cage. Before they can recreate "The chairshot heard around the world" though, The Innovators run in and chase their POWERSLAVE opponents off. Robbie is bleeding badly, and the paramedics enter to help him out of the arena.
The show fades out...
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Diamond Dallas Page, Doug Williams and Ken Shamrock defeated
Stevie Richards, Gangrel and Vampiro when Page pinned Richards with the
Diamond Cutter in 0:16:12.
Rating: ** 1/4
--Good dark match, given time to work due to the early set up.
Card Information
Date/Time: September Week 2 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 12
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 2.9%
Approximently Viewers: 8700000
Jonny Storm pinned Glacier with the Split Legged Moonsault in 0:14:36.
Rating: ***
---“Phase Two” beats The Can-Am Glacier.
Backstage, Tiger Mask IV is getting ready for his TV Title defense against Sick Boy next. Sick Boy has entered and Tiger Mask IV starts to walk to the curtain. Before he can enter to the ring though, Mikey Whipwreck runs in! Mikey hits a Whippersnapper on Tiger Mask and throws him through the curtain! The match has begun!
Sick Boy defeated Tiger Mask IV by countout in 0:00:31.
Rating: *
(Tiger Mask IV retained the NCPW TV TITLE.)
---heh heh, it still got *.
InterviewPost Match...
Post "match", Sick Boy looks on as Mikey puts the boot in on Tiger Mask. He grabs a mic.
SICK: HEY! What's this? What's going on?
Mikey walks down to the ring.
MIKEY: This is me taking care of business Scott.
SICK: This was MY shot at the TV Title! You had your chance and blew it! Why ruin my chances?
MIKEY: Look...I didn't...
Muta walks cooly down to the ringside and helps TMIV up.
MUTA: You two have been busy, haven't you? Sick Boy...you've been causing a lot of trouble for Osamu, and now Mikey...you follow in his footsteps and try to take out our TV Champion? Well, if you two are that desperate to take these two on then how about we set up a match or two for POWERSLAVE? How about Sick Boy vs Osamu Nishimura for the cruiserweight title? Hows this one? Mikey Whipwreck vs Tiger Mask IV for the TV Title? Even better, for both matches, all non-Japanese are banned from ringside!
SICK: Muta...it would be my pleasure to kick Osamu's ass at POWERSLAVE!
MUTA: I guess well see who has that pleasure come the PPV Scott. And you Mikey?
MIKEY: At POWERSLAVE, i'm gonna do the same thing to Tiger Mask that I did moments ago!
MUTA: HAHAHA! Confidence...after the PPV, you wont be so positive!
No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Cage Match
Atsushi Onita pinned Mike Awesome with the Thunder Fire Power Bomb in 0:12:13.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Atsushi Onita retained the NCPW FTW TITLE.)
---Good enough.
Rhino pinned HHH with the Rhino Gore in 0:10:15.
Rating: ** 3/4
---Wanted more, but happy enough.
The Holly Cousins defeated The Can-Am Express (Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon) when
C. Holly pinned LaFon with the Huracurana in 0:12:06.
Rating: * 3/4
---can you say…bleh!
InterviewThe Dynamic Duo and The Flock
In the back...
Raven and Sabu are playing cards in a darkened room. The door bursts open, but no one is there.
RAVEN: Sabu, will ya go and check that...
Sabu steps outside and looks around. Meanwhile, Raven looks at Sabu's cards. Sabu returns and shrugs his shoulders. He shuts the door, and there is a knock.
RAVEN: Damnit. Answer that.
Sabu answers the door and gets a superkick from "Simply Sensational" Al Snow! Raven gets up, but Unabomb enters and hits him with a kick and a Unabomb through the table they were playing cards on.
The GReat Muta walks past outside and sees the mess. He steps in totalk to Al.
MUTA: Al...it seems to me that you two are doing a lot of damage around here. Soon enough, I will be in charge, and I don't appreciate this sort of crap.
SNOW: What are you saying?
MUTA: Don't try to hassle The Flock backstage too much. On Thursday you and Unabomb are fighting The Flock in a cage match.
MUTA: Whoa there Al! You don't want to call your future boss a shit now do you. Now listen to me. You four are haveing a tag match at POWERSLAVE. The match on Thursday is to decide who gets to pick the stipulation!
Muta leaves, and Al looks pissed about having to fight a cage match with Raven and Sabu.
SNOW: C'Mon Glen. We'll figure out what stipulation we're gonna pick.
They leave.
Great Muta defeated Reckless Youth by disqualification in 0:13:08.
Rating: *** 3/4
(Great Muta retained the NCPW WORLD TITLE.)
Good main event. Robbie Brookside limps in and attacks Muta.
InterviewPost match...
Robbie Brookside had entered through the crowd and limped into the ring! After breaking up Muta's pin, he proceeded to hit some striff jabs on Muta and finished up with a vicious haymaker! Muta was down, and Robbie left. Kai En Tai stormed the ring moments later.
ROBBIE: This is just the start Muta! You screwed me outta my title shot, and now i'm gonna kick your ass just the same as I would have at the PPV!
The show fades out with Kai En Tai entering the crowd to chase Robbie.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Doug Williams pinned Ken Shamrock with the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:08:11.
Rating: *** 3/4
---Decent dark match
Card Information
Date/Time: September Week 2 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 11
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 2.8%
Approximently Viewers: 8400000
Rhino pinned Hardcore Holly with the Rhino Gore in 0:10:17.
Rating: **
---Rhino beats “The Super heavyweight Big Shot” in preperation for his FTW match at the PPV.
InterviewAtsushi Onita runs in!
Post match, Onita runs in through the crowd with a baseball bat and takes a swing at Rhino. Rhino saw it coming and ducks it, and follows up with a Gore on the FTW Champion. Rhino bails and celebrates while Onita recovers.
The Innovators defeated Team Alfonso when Kanyon pinned Lynn with the Flatliner
in 0:15:14.
Rating: ***
(The Innovators retained the NCPW TAG TEAM TITLES.)
---Good title defense
Mikey Whipwreck, Sick Boy and Robbie Brookside defeated
Kai En Tai (Dick Togo, Kaz Hayashi and Terry Boy) when Brookside pinned Togo
with the Iconoclasm in 0:20:09.
Rating: ****
---Robbie and co. are still on form, which is great.
The Suicide Blondes (Chris Jericho, Christian and Edge) defeated
The Can-Am Express (Doug Furnas, Glacier and Phil LaFon) when Chris Jericho
made Furnas submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:15:42.
Rating: *** 1/4
(The Suicide Blondes (Chris Jericho, Christian and Edge) retained the NCPW SIX MAN TITLES.)
---The best Can-Am match to date in the NCPW.
InterviewThe Great Muta and Robbie Brookside
Muta enters the ring with his belt and a round of boos.
MUTA: Robbie Brookside...you made the biggest damn mistake of your life when you stuck your nose in my match last monday! You snuck up behind me and had to beat me that way.
Robbie enters the ring and stares at Muta.
MUTA: Robbie, you've still got no chance of fighting me on the PPV...
ROBBIE: That's no problem Muta. If you want another ass kicking i'd more than happy to give it to you right now!
Robbie and Muta start throwing punches at each other, with Robbie getting the upper hand. A quick kick to the mid section is followed ny a jumping swinging DDT by "The Wildcat" and then he leaves and returns with a chair. He waits for Muta to get up and then brings the chair down hard onto Muta's head. Each time Muta gets up, he gets the same thing, and is bleeding heavily when Kai En Tai eventually run in. Robbie exits the ring and escapes through the crowd.
Taz made Test submit to the Tazmission in 0:10:20.
Rating: ** 3/4
---Good enough.
InterviewTaz on the mic
TAZ: Rhino may be the top contender to the FTW Title, but I will be the next champion! At POWERSLAVE, I wish to make an open challenge to anyone to face me in a no dq match. Whoever accepts this challenge, know one thing...I AM TAZ! THE HUMAN SUPLEX MACHINE! BEAT ME IF YOU CAN! SURVIVE IF I LET YOU!
Zero-G defeated HHH and X-Pac when D. Storm pinned X-Pac with the
Thunderclap Brainbuster in 0:05:51.
Rating: ** 3/4
---The unsigned X-Pac does the job.
The Flock defeated The Dynamic Duo when Raven pinned Unabomb with the
Evenflow DDT in 0:20:07.
Rating: *** ¾
---The Flock now get to choose the stipulation at POWERSLAVE.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Diamond Dallas Page pinned Johnny Ace with the Diamond Cutter in 0:07:30.
Rating: *** ¼
---DDP is coming along well, and will be on TV when I have a rough idea of what do with him.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Essa Rios pinned Evan Karagias with the Moonsault in 0:07:34.
Rating: ****
---Essa debuts by beating Evan. Both will be in the cruiserweight division soon enough.
Card Information
Date/Time: September Week 3 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 12
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 2.9%
Approximently Viewers: 8700000
Tiger Mask IV pinned Sick Boy with the Tiger Suplex Hold in 0:10:05.
Rating: ****
(Tiger Mask IV retained the NCPW TV TITLE.)
---Great opener.
Tazz made HHH submit to the Tazzmission in 0:12:22.
Rating: ***
---Tazz is finally getting somewhere in the NCPW, after a poor start.
Taz and his challenger
The crowd is going wild
TAZ: Last week, I made an open challenge to anyone back there to face me at POWERSLAVE. The Great Muta has given me permission to make it a top contenders match for the FTW Title, and now I want to know who my challenger is. So come on punk, step out here and look into the eyes of the guy that will choke you out!
Mike Awesome hits the ring!
AWESOME: Taz...back in ECW, I beat you and Masato Tanaka for the ECW World Title. When you returned, you took me to the extreme! Well...this aint ECW! This is the NCPW, and i'm not who I used to be. I AM THE CAREER KILLER!
TAZ: Mike, when we first fought here for the NCPW TV Title, you damn near did kill my career, but this time...the result will not change! I'm gonna choke you out, just like I have done many times!
AWESOME: You really believe that, don't you? Well see what happens at POWERSLAVE.
Awesome turns and leaves, and Taz soon follows.
Rhino pinned Mike Awesome with the Rhino Gore in 0:17:21.
Rating: *** 1/4
---Rhino and Awesome both prepare for their PPV matches.
Kai En Tai post match
post match...
Kai En Tai run in! Onita runs in first, and Rhino Gores him to the mat, but is soon overpowered by the rest of Kai En Tai. Onita hits him with a barbed wire baseball bat, and throws him to the outside.
ONITA: Rhino...at POWERSLAVE, The Wild Thing is gonna tear you apart!
MUTA: Tonight, we are here to announce our card for the POWERSLAVE PPV as it stands right now! As an opener, we thought wed have that annoying runt "Phase Two" Jonny Storm vs a mystery man who is waiting for his debut right now. Who? You'll have to wait and see. Next up, Taz can have his match with Awesome. Then...Kai En Tai will face The Suicide Blondes for the NCPW Six-Man Titles. The next match, we just added today. Team Alfonso vs Zero-G vs The Jackyl Pacl vs Koji Kanemoto and Shinjiro Ohtani in a match to determine who will lose to TAKA and Sho in their first title defence. Onita vs Rhino for the NCPW FTW Title in the barbed wire match. After that, TAKA and Sho will go on to win the tag titles from The Innovators. We then have Osamu defending his cruiser title against Sick Boy in a match where all non-Japanese are barred from ringside. The Dynamic Duo will then take on The Flock, the stipulation of which will be announced later. Then, we have Tiger Mask IV vs Mikey Whipwreck with the same rules as Sick Boy vs Osamu. Finally, I will defend my world title. Who aagainst? I have not come to that decision yet. Tonight however, I have a problem that needs addressing. Robbie Brrokside...you have been trying to coax me into facing you at POWERSLAVE. Well, tonight you get that chance. You and The Suicide Blondes will face me and the soon to be six-man tag champions tonight in a no dq match. IF you win, and you wont, but IF you manage to pull it off, then you Robbie Brookside will have a no dq match on Fireball against an opponent of my choosing. IF you win that too, then you can have your PPV Title shot.
Kai En Tai celebrate in the ring to a unanimous roar of boos from the crowd, then leave.
The Flock defeated Koji Kanemoto and Shinjiro Ohtani when Raven pinned Kanemoto
with the Evenflow DDT in 0:15:05.
Rating: **** 1/4
---The Flock and the Kai En Tai out casts put on an interesting clash of styles.
The Flock choose a stipulation...
RAVEN: The Flock now have another chance at The Dynamic Duo. Well, we won our match and get to choose our stipulation. Me and Sabu thought long and hard about what we should choose, and we finally came up with something. Al Snow...Unabomb, at POWERSLAVE, you two will face us in...A CHAIN MATCH! Quote The Raven! NEVERMORE!
The crowd goes wild as The Flock leave.
Osamu Nishimura pinned Mikey Whipwreck with the Northern Lights Suplex in
Rating: *** 1/4
(Osamu Nishimura retained the NCPW CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE.)
---Good match.
The Suicide Blondes (Chris Jericho, Christian and Edge) and Robbie Brookside
defeated Kai En Tai (Dick Togo, Great Muta, Kaz Hayashi and Terry Boy) when
Brookside pinned Muta with the Iconoclasm in 0:21:18.
Rating: ****
---And now “Wildcat” has a pin over the world champion.
post match...
The Blondes and Kai En Tai continue to brawl outside. Brookside goes and gets a table, and sets it up by the post. He sets Muta up and gets ready for another Iconoclasm, but Muta gives him a Muta Mist. Robbie blinded gets hit with a swinging tornado reverse DDT through the table. Muta screams at him as the show fades out...
[DARK MATCH]: No-Countout-No-DQ-7-Man Battle Royal
Steven Richards won a 7-man Battle Royal:
x Page threw out Gangrel in 0:04:23
x Shamrock threw out Page in 0:09:16
x Shamrock threw out Essa after a punch in 0:12:20
x Karagias defeated Shamrock after the Tidal Wave in 0:18:34
x Williams defeated Karagias after a power bomb in 0:21:46
x Richards defeated Williams after a powerslam in 0:22:01
Rating: **** 1/4
---Good Dark Match. DDP surprisingly exits quick, and Evan in there right till the end almost.
Card Information
Date/Time: September Week 3 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 12
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 2.2%
Approximently Viewers: 6600000
Zero-G defeated The Jackyl Pack when D. Storm pinned E. Guerrero with the
Thunderclap Brainbuster in 0:10:53.
Rating: *** 1/4
---Zero-G are ready for their chance at facing the tag champions.
in the parking lot + an interview
In the parking lot, Tazz has just got out of his car. He is in action in a tag match tonight. As he walks past a car though, Mike Awesome dives over the bonett! He connects with Tazz, picks him up, and hits an Awesome Bomb onto and through a car windshield.
Meanwhile, inside...
In the halls, we have JR with The Dynamic Duo.
JR: Al Snow and Unabomb, The Dynamic Duo have kindly given us some time tonight...
SNOW: But you better make this quick JR, we've got stuff to do.
JR: You aren't in action here tonight...
SNOW: Well dah!
JR: I'm beginning to wish I didn't take this interview.
SNOW: Just shut up and start asking questions JR, our fans want to hear me speak.
JR: Well, OK then. The Flock at POWERSLAVE. THey've chosen a chain match to face youtwo in. How does that grab you?
SNOW: Well JR, it disturbs me. Raven has been following me around for nearly two years now, trying to get me in that ring...
JR: ...actually, i'm pretty sure that you've been following him Al.
SNOW: JR...just shut up and look dumb, you shouldn't have any trouble doing that. As I was saying, Raven has been stalking me for nearly two years now, and now...he wants to be chained to me?!?! Now Raven, if that's the way you are, then that's fine, but try to find someone whos into all that to be chained to.
JR: What are you saying Al?
SNOW: JR...think about it. Not too hard though, I wouldn't want you to kill yourslef or anything. Raven, you may think that chaining yourself to me and Unabomb is a good thing, but let me tell you this: As much as it disturbs me that you want to be chained to another man, namely me, the idea has it's up points for us too. You see, when you two are chained to us, you cannot escape! We've got you right where we want you!
JR: I think you're a bit too confident.
SNOW: (lets off a high pitched laugh) JR, I have every right to be. Raven and Sabu are going down and out at POWERSLAVE.
The Dynamic Duo leave and Jim Ross walks the other way.
Rhino defeated Test by disqualification in 0:16:15.
Rating: * ¾
---Poor match, but doesn’t matter. Just trying to give Rhino some wins before the PPV.
Interviewpost match...
Onita beats down Rhino, but Rhino fights back and Gores Onita. Muta runs in and dispatches of the Rookie Sensation.
MUTA: Tonight Robbie Brookside, you've got your chance to EARN a shot at my title. Tonight you face...RAVEN!
Kai En Tai leave quickly.
The Innovators defeated Koji Kanemoto and Shinjiro Ohtani when Kanyon pinned
Ohtani with the Flatliner in 0:10:13.
Rating: ** 3/4
(The Innovators retained the NCPW TAG TEAM TITLES.)
---The Kai En Tai outcasts and The Innovators don’t click as well as The Flock did.
Kai En Tai defeated The Suicide Blondes (Christian and Edge) when Michinoku
pinned Christian with the Michinoku Driver in 0:10:38.
Rating: *** 1/4
---E & C make a return to the normal tag division. Maybe well see more of them in this division after the PPV?
Mike Awesome and Tajiri defeated Rhino and Tazz when Taiji pinned Rhino after
the Van Terminator in 0:15:07.
Rating: ** 1/2
---The person not on the PPV is the one who gets the pin?
Robbie Brookside...
The crowd erupts as "Wildcat" enters.
BROOKSIDE: Raven, I have no problems with you. I hold no grudge with you, but tonight, i'm gonna make damn sure I kick your ass, 'cause I want this title shot.
Raven enters.
RAVEN: Robbie, don't think this will be easy.
Raven throws down the mic, and the match starts!
Robbie Brookside pinned Raven with the Iconoclasm in 0:22:55.
Rating: *** ¾
---Good main event. The crowd were hot throughout. In the end, Robbie triumphed to earn his title shot.
post match...
Kai En Tai enter and surround the ring.
Mick Foley, Sabu, and all Kai En Tai's opponents run in, and Kai En Tai scatter.
The show fades out with Robbie and Foley helping Raven to the back.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Diamond Dallas Page pinned Steven Richards with the Diamond Cutter in 0:07:07.
Rating: ** 3/4
---DDP gets another impressive win.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Countout-No-DQ-4-Man Battle Royal
Doug Williams won a 4-man Battle Royal:
x Williams defeated Shamrock after a flying cross body press in
x Williams defeated Essa after the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:25:09
x Williams defeated Karagias after a flying forearm in 0:25:31
Rating: *****
---Williams dominates.
Card Information
Date/Time: September Week 4 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 13
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 5%
Approximently Viewers: 15000000
InterviewThe Dynamic Duo
The Dynamic Duo enter to boos and jeers. They are carrying chains.
SNOW: Now all you people can shut up and listen to what the worlds greatest wrestler and his demon of destruction has to say! Me and Unabomb here have been thinkin'. You see, Raven and Sabu have been stalking us for a long time now, and now they've got themselves chained up with us. Well, I decided that we're not all that perverted like The Flock, so we dont wanna do it! So, i went and talked to Great Muta, and he said this: "Al, if Unabomb can beat Robbie Brookside to within an inch of his life on Fireball, then you can drop the chain gimmick." So, on Fireball, Robbie Brookside will face Unabomb. And you know what? He's gonna enjoy pounding that bloody scouser to hell!
The Dynamic Duo look around to see where The Flock will enter from. Instead, we see Raven and Sabu on the big screen.
RAVEN: Al...you really think you can screw us that easily? Well, I knew that you'd try something like this, so I arranged for you to be in action on Fireball too. You Al can face The Great Muta in a no dq match. If you two don't fight, then you'll be fired Al! Quote The Raven...nevermore.
The big screen goes off, and Al looks pissed.
Atsushi Onita pinned Tazz with the Thunder Fire Power Bomb in 0:12:39.
Rating: ***
(Atsushi Onita retained the NCPW FTW TITLE.)
---I think this is the best Onita defence to date.
Rhino pinned Mike Awesome with the Rhino Gore in 0:12:06.
Rating: **
---Poor. Expected much more.
Interviewpost match...
Tazz runs in and applies the Tazzmission to Awesome! Rhino leaves, and starts to walk back up the aisle. As he gets to the top though, Onita calmly walks through the curtain. Rhino charges for the Gore, but Onita side steps it! Rhino turns and...Onita blows a fireball at him! Rhino has been hit with a fireball! We go to a break...
The Innovators defeated The Dynamic Duo when Nova pinned Snow with the
Kryptonite Krunch in 0:15:03.
Rating: *** 1/2
(The Innovators retained the NCPW TAG TEAM TITLES.)
---Good match. The champions beat the former world champion and the big man.
Koji Kanemoto and Shinjiro Ohtani defeated The Jackyl Pack when Ohtani pinned
M. Modest with the Dragon Suplex in 0:15:45.
Rating: *****
---now THAT is a tag match.
InterviewKai En Tai and Robbie Brrokside
The Great Muta enters the rin alone.
Foley and Brookside enter.
MUTA: I'm sure the crowd knows why we're here, so lets get on with it! What is the stipulation for POWERSLAVE main event?
FOLEY: Muta, we thought long and hard about this, and this is what we came up with.
BROOKSIDE: 1) This is you and me, 1 on 1! No interference from Kai En Tai!
MUTA: Fine.
BROOKSIDE: 2) To make sure, the match will be fought in a triple tier "Wildcat Cage Match".
MUTA: You got it.
BROOKSIDE: 3) If I win...then Kai En Tai disband!
MUTA: What?
FOLEY: You heard him Muta! Kai En Tai disband!
MUTA: You want all that, then I got some conditions of my own Foley.
FOLEY: Lets here them.
MUTA: 1) If I win, then YOU FOLEY leave the NCPW! 2) This whole holding all the belts thing is off! 3) No members of Kai En Tai can be fired after the PPV should I lose. 4) I want this to be a non-title match!
FOLEY: Non-title? I thought Robbie here was nothing. I thought you said he isn't deserving of a shot at the belt, why make it non-title if he's so worthless?
MUTA: Because Foley, you and Robbie are twisting my arm! You can either accept my stipulations or i'm walking out of this damn company right now, and taking my belt with me!
FOLEY: Well Muta...
BROOKSIDE: ...That's what it'll take to get you in the ring? Then give me this stipulation: If I win, then I get a rematch at the next PPV with the title on the line.
MUTA: You got it Wildcat.
Muta leaves, and Foley seems to be arguing with Robbie Brrokside over something.
Jonny Storm pinned Chris Jericho with the Split Legged Moonsault in 0:19:33.
Rating: **** 3/4
---Great match.
Robbie Brookside pinned Sabu with the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in 0:20:07.
Rating: *****
---Great main event.
Interviewpost match...
The Dynamic Duo run down with their chains! They chain Sabu up to the post and proceed to beat him.
Raven runs in! Raven runs in...to a Unabomb! Raven is chained up too! Al hits a superkick on the chained up Raven!
SNOW: Raven...you wanted this! THIS is what you wanted! This...
Robbie Brookside hit the mic out of Al Snow's hand! They're face to face! Snow pushes Brookside, and Brookside pushes back! Al goes for a clthesline, but Robbie ducks and floors Al with a superkick! He backs up still shouting at Al, but backs straight into Unabomb! Unabomb hits a Unabomb on Robbie Brookside! He then picks up Al, slings him over his shoulder and leaves.
We fade out...
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Diamond Dallas Page pinned Doug Williams with the Diamond Cutter in 0:07:35.
Rating: ** ½
---The best DDP vs. Doug Williams match?
[DARK MATCH]: No-Time-Limit-Match
The Horsemen defeated Van Hammer and Maxx Payne when Benoit made Hammer
submit to the Crippler Crossface in 0:11:01.
Rating: ** ¼
---In an old circuit, I had Maxx Payne and “Heavy Metal” Van Hammer as a team, and they did OK. Here however, they suck.
Card Information
Date/Time: September Week 4 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 10
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 3.2%
Approximently Viewers: 9600000
Team Alfonso defeated Zero-G when Van Dam pinned D. Storm after
the Van Terminator in 0:15:03.
Rating: **** 1/4
---Team Alfonso are beginning to pick up steam.
Chris Jericho made Jonny Storm submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:15:56.
Rating: *****
---Even better that the last one!
The Innovators defeated The Flock when Kanyon pinned Sabu with the Flatliner in
Rating: ** 1/2
(The Innovators retained the NCPW TAG TEAM TITLES.)
---OK defence.
Kai En Tai defeated The Can-Am Express (Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon) when Funaki
pinned Furnas with the Fisherman's Buster in 0:10:34.
Rating: *** 3/4
---The challengers however show their slick team work.
Sick Boy pinned Rey Misterio Jr. with the Cure in 0:14:22.
Rating: ****
---The Cruiser King goes into the PPV with a win.
The Suicide Blondes (Christian and Edge) defeated 3-Count when Edge pinned Helms
with the Downward Spiral in 0:15:09.
Rating: **** 1/2
---E & C return to the tag division against the returning 3-Count.
Great Muta pinned Al Snow with the Moonsault in 0:21:11.
Rating: *****
(Great Muta retained the NCPW WORLD TITLE.)
---Al does the JOB.
Robbie Brookside pinned Unabomb after a Frankensteiner in 0:15:12.
Rating: *** ¼
---Unabomb (with the lowest work rate on my roster) controls a lot of the match, with Robbie making quick comebacks when he can. In the end, Unabomb hoists him up for the Unabomb, but Robbie reverses it for the win!
We fade out…
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