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InterviewThe show begins with a bang
AS=Al Snow
GM=Great Muta
The show begins, and "Revelations" by Iron Maiden hits the PA. Al Snow enters. The crowd are cheering.
AS=You know, I've fought long and hard through out my career, and all to gain the respect of you people (the crowd cheers.). Well, what I got from that was about half you guys cheering me, and the other half saying im over-rated...well let me tell you something, to be over-rated, people have to think im good, and since when was that my case? (The crowd doesn't seem to know how to react to this remark) All this time, I've tried to please you, and do you know what I found? I found that I got recognised more when I didn't give a shit about any of you! (crowd boos) And you know what else? I found out that I really don't care if you boo or cheer me! (The crowd is booing like crazy) All this ti...
"A Place For My Head" by Linkin Park hits and Raven comes out.
RV=Al, Al, Al...it took you that long to realise that these people mean nothing to you? Al, you need to look at yourself in the mirror one of these days and see just how screwed u you are (the crowd is cheering Raven). You and I have fought a long and bloody war here in the NCPW, and it isn't over yet. Right now though, i'm busy trying to keep this company from being taken over by Kai En Tai, and what are you doing about it? You're standing there moaning to the fans...and now all you care about is getting at me. You have to finish with Sabu first. Tell me Al, do you really care if Kai En Tai take over? (the crowd boos)
AS=Raven, I couldn't care less if Kai En Tai took over every damn promotion in the states! (the crowd is booing more than ever now.)
RV=Al, you work for this damn company, SO STOP CRYING AND START FIGHTING FOR IT!
At this point, TMGE's "Young Jaguar" hits and The Great Muta enters.
GM=Raven, you and me will clash at Cruiser Kings. Tonight, you have learned that Al Snow shows no alliance with NCPW...and tonight we shall give a preview of what will happen at Cruiser Kings.
RV=What do you mean?
GM=Tonight, you have me one-on-one.
AS=HAHAHA! You're gonna go through Hell Scott! And all for these miserable pieces of crap?
Raven hits an Evenflow on Al and then one on Muta. The crowd is going wild, and Raven stands crucifix style, then leaves.
Hardcore Holly pinned HHH with the Hollycaust in 0:19:54.
Rating: ***
(Hardcore Holly retained the NCPW FTW TITLE.)
Sick Boy pinned Super Crazy with the Cure in 0:15:23.
Rating: **** 3/4
InterviewSick Boy at Cruiser Kings
SB=Sick Boy
SB=Last night, I lost my short winning streak. Well, I never came here to be Goldberg. Just 'cause I lost my streak doesn't mean a thing! At Cruiser Kings, I'm entering the tournament to win! Hell, if Wayne Bloom can win it, then Sick Boy sure as hell can! And after that, I'm gonna go on to "cure" the NCPW of the cancer known as Shinjiro Ohtani...and then i'll take Kanemotos belt too!
Sick Boy celebrates in the ring to MetallicA's "Cure".
The Innovators defeated Kai En Tai (Shoichi Funaki and TAKA Michinoku) when
Kanyon pinned Michinoku with the Flatliner in 0:20:16.
Rating: ** 3/4
(The Innovators won the NCPW TAG TEAM TITLES.)
InterviewThe Innovators and Zero-G
KK=Kid Kash
DS=Devon Storm
The Innovators are the new champs, but they don't have any belts.
NV=Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a standing ovation for your NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! (the crowd obeys)
KN=Now there's just one problem. If we're the champs, then we should have the belts, but it seems that Zero-G stole them last night.
NV=Why don't you boys get your butts down here right now, and well see if we can sort this out.
KN=C'Mon Zero-G, come give the belts to the most damn innovative team in the wrestling world.
Zero-G enter the ring with the belts
KK=Now then, lets see...
DS=While we hold these belts, we are technically the tag champs.
KN=Bull shit. We just beat the recognised champs in a title match, so give us what is ours.
KK=You want these belts?
DS=You REALLY want them?
Zero-G hit The Innovators with the belts, KOing them. They then leave with the belts.
Wayne Bloom pinned Reckless Youth with the Butterfly Suplex in 0:15:13.
Rating: *** 3/4
InterviewWayne Bloom at Cruiser Kings
WB=Wayne Bloom
WB=Sick Boy, your time will come. Tonight, Wayne Bloom made his return to singles competition in preperation for Cruiser Kings. I was the first Cruiser King, and im gonna be the first two time King too! For those who don't know, by virtue of being champion, I get through to Round 2 automatically. On that two night tournament, I don't even have to show up ofr the first night! Wayne Bloom is gonna take the title!
Raven pinned Great Muta with the Evenflow DDT in 0:15:41.
Rating: *****
(Raven retained the NCPW WORLD TITLE.)
Koji Kanemoto pinned Mikey Whipwreck with the Tiger Suplex in 0:15:19.
Rating: *** 3/4
(Koji Kanemoto retained the NCPW CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE.)
InterviewKai En Tai outside
GM=Great Muta
Outside in the parking lot, Kai En Tai are by their tour van. Dick Togo, Kaz, and Terry Boy are playing air guitar to Iron Maiden. Muta is talking to TAKA, Sho, and Ohtani who are nodding in agreement with what he's saying. Tiger Mask Iv is standing by a wall warming up for his match.
GM=TAKA...Funaki...you may have lost the belts, but that is OK, we can take them back. I understand you have a plan to do this? Good. Now...Ohtani, Cruiser Kings may be a good few weeks off yet, but...you only get one shot at getting the cruiserweight title back. Take it by any means necessary. It is nearly time for Kai En Tai to take over...
Zero-G (Devon Storm, Jonny Storm and Kid Kash) defeated The Innovators and Yang
when J. Storm pinned Yang with the Split Legged Moonsault in 0:26:29.
Rating: *** 1/4
Interviewpost match with the tag titles
post match, Zero-G grab the tag titles and swing at Innovators. Nova doesn't get down in time, and is floored by Kash. Kanyon however stopped Devon with a kick to the midsection followed by a Flatliner. Kanyon picks up the belt and runs Zero-G off.
No-Countout-No-DQ-3-Man Battle Royal
Tiger Mask IV won a 3-man Battle Royal:
x Snow defeated Man after a superkick in 0:05:38
x T. Mask IV defeated Snow after the Tiger Suplex in 0:17:22
Rating: **** 1/4
KK=Kid Kash
DS=Devon Storm
TM=TAKA Michinoku
In the Innovators' locker room...
KN=Don't worry about it man, we got one of the belts back, and we'll get the other one back from Zero-G soon enough...
we cut to Zero-G's locker room...
KK=Oh man, I can't believe that...
DS=Now we've got one belt, we'll have to go get the other one back.
there is a knock at the door
??=Chinese take away.
DS=Did you order that?
DS=Oh well, free food...
Devon opens the door, and TAKA and Sho Funaki run in, and floor both guys. Funaki grabs the remaining tag title belt.
Kai En Tai make a quick exit.
Sick Boy pinned Mike Sanders with the Cure in 0:15:18.
Rating: ** 1/4
InterviewMuta and Raven confrontation...
Raven enters the ring, and takes a mic. Before he can talk though, Muta walks out. When he enters the ring, the rest of Kai En Tai enter too, and surround Raven. On the big screen we see that Al Snow is kicking the shit outta Sabu, so Raven is alone. Kai En Tai close in, and Raven ducks out of the ring and runs through the crowd as Kai En Tai stand in the ring.
InterviewKai En Tai outside the arena + Zero-G
Kai En Tai are outside by their tour van, and are all talking amongst themselves. All are in Kai En Tai logo shirts, except Togo who appears to be wearing a shirt showing the cover to the Iron Maiden album "Powerslave" which happens to be the name of the NCPW's PPV two months after Cruiser Kings.
MUTA=There was only one belt? DAMN! Tonight, you get a chance to get the other one off Innovators. Think you can handle them?
TAKA=Sure. The Innovators are just a formality. What shall we do with the other belt?
FUNAKI=We'll leave it here. No one can steal it if all of you guys are minding it.
MUTA=Good. You two go get ready.
The camera cuts to the Zero-G locker room. They have been watching...
KASH=How are we gonna get it away from them?
DEVON=Don't worry. I have a cunning plan.
JONNY=Something tells me it'll never work...
We cut back to the arena.
Mikey Whipwreck pinned Sick Boy with the Whippersnapper in 0:15:11.
Rating: *** 1/2
InterviewMikey on Cruiser Kings
MIKEY=In three weeks, I will be at Cruiser Kings. Well, i'm not gonna guarentee a victory but...no, I think I will guarentee a victory. I, Mikey Whipwreck, promise you all that I will win atleast one match at Cruiser Kings. Last year, I got to the quarter finals. This year, I'm going further! As for you Sick Boy...it was a pleasure working with you tonight. I hope that we face each other at the tournament.
Sick Boy doesn't look happy.
SICK BOY=Yeah, Yeah. Maybe then you wont be so lucky. I take nothing from your victory Mikey, I guess I jst need to work harder from here on.
Both guys leave, Mikey talking to Sick Boy.
The Innovators defeated Kai En Tai (Shoichi Funaki and TAKA Michinoku) when Nova
pinned Michinoku with the Kryptonite Krunch in 0:15:15.
Rating: *** 3/4
(The Innovators retained the NCPW TAG TEAM TITLES.)
Interviewpost match and the tag titles
Whiel The Innovators celebrate in the ring with their one belt, Zero-G are outside the arena by the tour van.
JONNY=I can't believe you talked me into this...
KASH=Just get on with it!
DEVON=Yeah, C'Mon man, we wont let anything happen to you.
JONNY=*mumbling* bull shit.
Jonny Storm walks out in to the middle of Kai En Tai.
Kai En Tai look at Jonny, laugh, and then chase him towards the arena. As he gets into the arena, Kai En Tai turn back to see Kash and Devon taking the other belt.
KASH=Shit! He was too fast.
DEVON=Don't worry, I have a cunning plan.
Kai En Tai begin to close in.
Zero-G run, and Kai En Tai chase. Eventually, Zero-G manage to get into the building and lock the door. As they walk off, the door begins to come off its hinges, and Zero-G run.
cut back to the ring.
Shinjiro Ohtani pinned Rey Misterio Jr. with the Dragon Suplex in 0:15:16.
Rating: **** 1/4
La Parka pinned Reckless Youth with the Twisting Bodyblock in 0:10:03.
Rating: ** 3/4
InterviewKai En Tai inside
Kaz Hayashi, Dick Togo, and Terry Boy are still chasing Zero-G. Zero-G manage to find their way to the ring, and Kai En Tai follow, surrounding them. A match has begun. However, the tag title is nowhere to be seen.
Kai En Tai (Dick Togo, Kaz Hayashi and Terry Boy) defeated
Zero-G (Devon Storm, Jonny Storm and Kid Kash) when Kaz Hayashi pinned J. Storm
with the Flying Senton in 0:21:52.
Rating: ****
Sick Boy pinned Tajiri with the Cure in 0:15:08.
Rating: *** 1/4
InterviewKai En Tai have plans?
Outside, Kai En Tai are sitting by the tour van. Togo is playing the Iron Maiden song Powerslave.
MUTA=The tag titles are not important just yet. Tonight, we have other business. I have spoken to Foley, and he said that if any of us make a challenge to a champion, the champion must accept the challenge. However, we only get one challenge per belt. So, if we challenge, then the challenge must be for after Cruiser Kings. That way, we can prepare better for the task. As for tonight, Tiger Mask IV, you're with me...
Hardcore Holly pinned Super Crazy with the Hollycaust in 0:11:56.
Rating: ** 3/4
(Hardcore Holly retained the NCPW FTW TITLE.)
InterviewZero-G and The Innovators
The Innovators enter to a good ovation.
KANYON=Zero-G! Boy have we got news for you!
NOVA=That's right boys, we've been talking to Foley.
KANYON=You see, right now, we have one tag belt here...
NOVA=...and you have the other. Well, this WILL end!
KANYON=You see, we signed a deal with Foley, and you can't back down from it!
NOVA=At Cruiser Kings, it's gonna be The Innovators vs Zero-G to decide the tru tag champs...as if the result is in doubt!
KANYON=THere's a catch though. You see, if either team gets both belts before Cruiser Kings, then the match is off, and the holders of both belts are seen as the champs.
Zero-G enter.
KASH=No way! We didn't sign anything!
KANYON=Maybe not, but as 1/2 tag champs, the same thing applies to you that applies to the real champs. If a challenge is made, then you MUST accept!
Zero-G look pissed off, but have to accept.
Mikey Whipwreck pinned Mike Sanders with the Whippersnapper in 0:16:23.
Rating: ** 3/4
The Flock defeated Kai En Tai (Great Muta and Tiger Mask IV) when Sabu defeated
TMIV by disqualification in 0:22:31.
Rating: ** 3/4
Interviewpost match
Kai En Tai bail, and go to the back. Raven and Sabu are in the ring, and Al Snow is outside. After shouting at some fans, he takes a mic.
SNOW=Raven...Sabu...I'm here tonight to warn you that I have a plan. I've ben talking to a friend of mine, and now...something is coming that you will not be able to stop!
Card Information
Date/Time: July Week 3 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 8
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 5789
Ticket Buy Rate: 57.89%
TV ratings: 4.3%
Approximently Viewers: 12900000
InterviewCommissioner Foley opens the show
FOLEY: Welcome to Monday Mayhem! All this month, we are giving you the chance to see some of our cruisers in action before the Cruiser Kings tournament. Well, tonight will be no different , but there will also be plenty of heavyweight action too! Those of you who read NCPW Magazine will now know who is in the CC Tourney, and you'll now know about CWW. We will show the CWW shows every Saturday right here, and then you can see some of our developmental wrestlers in action! As for tonight, I have two announcements. First of all, next Thursday will be the official last match for The Dudley Boyz. Secondly, I have given Raven one week to decide on a stipulation for his world title match with Muta at CC. Lets get on with the show, and get ready for the PPV!
Billy Kidman pinned Psicosis with the Shooting Star Press in 0:10:19.
Rating: ** 3/4
Osamu Nishimura pinned Juventud Guerrera with the Northern Lights Suplex in
Rating: *** 1/4
Yang pinned Reckless Youth with the Yang Time in 0:10:08.
Rating: *** 3/4
InterviewAl Snow on Sabu, Raven and his partner
SNOW: Ladies and Gentlemen, As all of you know...I am the Ultimate Wrestler. I always have been, and I always will be. Now, both Raven and Sabu have their hands tied tonight, but at One Step Closer...I'm pretty certain that both you guys will be free. My partner, The Demon Of Destruction is coming boys, and you need to be ready. You guys stand in his way, and he'll powerbomb you straight to HELL! Remember people, i'm trying to give you an advantage here, i'm giving away clues of who my partner is. Although, considering how stupid all you people are, maybe you wont get it. I'm sure though that if you find a PC, and do an internet search for Demon Of Destruction then you'll find out who my partner MIGHT be. Raven...Sabu...The Snowman and The Demon of Destruction are coming for you!
Hardcore Holly pinned Sabu with the Hollycaust in 0:16:51.
Rating: ***
(Hardcore Holly retained the NCPW FTW TITLE.)
InterviewKai En Tai on the six-man titles
outside by the Kai En Tai tour van...
KAZ: Team Extreme...the rules are simple. Teams make a challenge, you have to accept.
TOGO: So CC is booked ready, that doesn't matter. One Step Closer is nearly upon us. At that card, you now have a match.
TERRY BOY: WE make a challenge to face you at One Step Closer. It will be Team Extreme vs Kai En Tai!
KAZ: Our plan is coming together, and now your belts too will be ours!
Raven pinned HHH with the Evenflow DDT in 0:20:11. HHH suffered a neck injury.
He will be out for approximately 6 cards.
Rating: *** 1/4
(Raven retained the NCPW WORLD TITLE.)
Sabu pinned HHH with the Triple Jump Moonsault in 0:00:37.
Rating: *
InterviewThe Tag Titles change hands?
backstage, The Innovators are walking around with their tag title and a bag.
KANYON: Are you sure this'll work?
NOVA: Yeah. They've been following us for a while now. Here they come...
Zero-G attack using their belt, but Kanyon hits a Flatliner on Kash, taking his belt and putting it in his bag. Devon dropkicks both guys, and Kanyon drops the two tag titles out of his bag and they run. Zero-G leave with both belts. Can they really be the champs just like that?
Wayne Bloom pinned Sick Boy with the Butterfly Suplex in 0:17:40.
Rating: *** 3/4
The Innovators defeated Buh Buh Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley when Nova pinned
Buh Buh with the Kryptonite Krunch in 0:16:22.
Rating: * 3/4
InterviewThe Tag Titles
post match, the Dudleyz just leave, taking their entourage with them. The Innovators reach into their bag, and pull out two tag titles. On the Titantron, Zero-G are seen, looking confused.
NOVA: You thought you had us, didn't ya?
KANYON: You see, you aint got the titles.
NOVA: If you look at the backs of your belts, you'll see a "made in Taiwan" sticker. They're fake.
Devon looks at his belt and curses. Kash looks at his and smiles.
KANYON: That's right noys. right about here, there should be a sticker, just like this one...shit.
Kash is laughing.
KASH: This one aint got a sticker mate. I guess that means that we still got a real belt.
KANYON: You said this plan was fool proof.
Nova shrugs.
NOVA: I guess we still got a match then boys.
DEVON: Bring it on. Those belts are coming back to Zero-G.
The Titantron goes off, and The Innovators leave the ring.
Raven pinned Al Snow with the Evenflow DDT in 0:10:03.
Rating: ****
Card Information
Location: OSAKA, JAPAN
Date/Time: July Week 4 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 6
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 1.4%
Approximently Viewers: 4200000
InterviewCommissioner Foley draws the matches for CC 2002
Foley walks out to his IWA Cactus Jack theme, and the Japanese crowd goes wild. He has a hat.
FOLEY: In this hat are the participants for Cruiser Kings 2002. What will happen now is this. I Will draw the matches rfor round one. So, here we go. (Foley draws the matches) We have a first round looking like this: Sick Boy vs Tajiri! Rey Jr. vs Juventud! Reckless Youth vs Psicosis! Jonny Storm vs Mike Sanders! Mikey Whipwreck vs Super Crazy! La Parka vs Billy Kidman! Osamu Nishimura vs Yang! Wayne Bloom will not have to compete in Round 1! As a reminder for tonight, Raven! Tonight you must announce your stipulation for the world title match!
Great Muta made La Parka submit to the Figure-Four Leglock in 0:02:24.
Rating: ** 3/4
InterviewMuta talks about Raven
MUTA: Raven...La Parka may not be you, but I did to him tonight what will happen to you at Cruiser Kings. No matter what stipulation you add, I will not be beaten. I can beat with help, and I can beat you alone. Choose a stipulation Raven...It will still be your downfall
Raven pinned Sick Boy with the Evenflow DDT in 0:15:11.
Rating: *** 1/4
(Raven retained the NCPW WORLD TITLE.)
InterviewRaven adds his stipulation
RAVEN: Muta...I'm not stupid. I know you can beat me with help from Kai En Tai. That's why I have chosen a very special stipulation. The match between you and me will be a no dq match...well, there is one way to get disqualified. IF Kai En Tai try to interfere, you will lose the match by dq, and there will be NO REMATCH! That's right Muta, if your lil buddies back there in your van interfere in any way, you don't get this belt from me ever! Quote The Raven...NEVERMORE!
Al Snow pinned Sabu with the Snow Plow in 0:26:24. Al Snow
suffered an elbow injury. He will be out for approximately 3 cards.
Rating: *****
Card Information
Date/Time: July Week 4 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 7
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 5586
Ticket Buy Rate: 55.86%
TV ratings: 4.4%
Approximently Viewers: 13200000
Tiger Mask IV pinned Reckless Youth with the Tiger Suplex in 0:12:07.
Rating: *** 1/2
(Tiger Mask IV retained the NCPW TV TITLE.)
Jonny Storm pinned Yang after a rolling reverse cradle into a bridge in 0:15:04
Rating: *** 3/4
The Suicide Blondes (Chris Jericho, Christian and Edge) defeated
The Jackyl Pack (Eddie Guerrero, Michael Modest and Wayne Bloom) when
Chris Jericho made E. Guerrero submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:22:10.
Rating: *** 1/2
The Can-Am Express (Doug Furnas, Glacier and Phil LaFon) defeated
The Sinister Ministry (Christopher Daniels, Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri) when
Furnas pinned Daniels with the Frankensteiner in 0:20:17.
Rating: ** 3/4
InterviewThe Can-Am Express and Suicide Blondes added to the fray
post match...
GLACIER: The way I understand things...if a team makes a challenge, Team Extreme have to accept right? In that case, The Can-Am Express challenge you! We want to be added to the One Step Closer match!
at this point, Jericho's music hits, and out he walks.
JERICHO: Welcome to Thursday Jericho! The Suicide Blondes are back, and now we're ready to fight for the belts again! That's right ladies and gentlemen, The Suicide Blondes are entring the One Step Closer match too! I guess we now have a Four-Way Six-Man Tag match, but in the end, there will be only one winning team, and that's...The Suicide Blondes!
No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Four Corners Match
Raven defeated Al Snow, Sabu and Great Muta when Raven pinned Snow with the
Evenflow DDT in 0:21:25.
Rating: *** 1/2
(Raven retained the NCPW WORLD TITLE
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