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![]() ![]() ![]() February 2002 TV
![]() Monday Mayhem
The draw for the OTT event
Backstage, we see the first entrants to select numbers for the OTT match at OTT. There will be thirty participants in that Rumble, with the winner getting a title shot at Brave New World next month. The first six to draw are: HHH, The Mafia, RVD, Jerry Lynn, and Reckless Youth. Reckless Youth is the first to draw, as he's the new guy. After looking at his number, he seems happy. The Mafia come up, and Guido and Mamaluke take their numbers. Little Guido didn't look to happy, but Mamaluke was very pleased with his drawing. Jerry Lynn takes a number, and walks out. RVD looks at his, and goes after Jerry. That just leaves HHH. Hunter pulls out his number, and looks at it. He looks at the camera and smiles, then leaves.
Easy T pinned K-Kwik with the Missle Dropkick in 0:20:05.
Rating: *** 3/4
Zero-G defeated The Mafia when D. Storm pinned Mamaluke with the
Thunderclap Brainbuster in 0:22:51.
Rating: *** 1/4
(Zero-G retained the NCPW WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES.)
Who is Al Snow talking to?
AS=Al Snow
Backstage, the cameras are outside Al Snow's door. Al is talking to someone.
AS=I've gotta hand it to ya! That is one great idea! Just think, with those two in there, they'll tear each other to pieces, leaving me with an easy task of pinning the remaining guy! HAHAHA! I'm gonna go that set now!
Commercial Break
OTT. 30 men. Only 1 can win. Who will go onto the Brave New World? Find out exclusively on PPV!
Al Snow sets the main event for OTT
AS=Al Snow
Al comes out to Rock 'N' Roll Part II, and the crowd is on their feet booing.
AS=Shut up, I'm about to say something that may interest you all! At OTT, we need a world title match, don't we? Well, I've got the perfect match! I have always said that i'd take on all challengers...well...Big Stevie Cool, Gangrel...OTT could be YOUR night! That's right, at OTT, you two ge tot face me in a 3-Way match!
The crowd is chanting "Stevie's Gonna Kill You!" as Al leaves.
Gangrel pinned Jerry Lynn with the Impaler in 0:20:08.
Rating: ** 1/2
Beau Beverly will put the lightweight title on the line at OTT
BB=Beau Beverly
Beau comes out to a good ovation. The crowd seem to like him as the lightweight champion.
BB=You know...The Beverly Brothers have always been a joke. Well, here at the NCPW, we were given a chance to shine. And shine we did! We nearly won the tag titles, and then came CRUISER KINGS 2001. On that night, I fought many opponents, and came out on top. After that, I went on to win the lightweight title. It may have been a win marred by Jericho screwing Daniels, but I fought on, and I made damn sure you all new I am a worthy champion. Well, now the NCPW is under threat from Kai En Tai. Shinjiro Ohtani, you want a rematch for this belt? You got one, and i'm gonna make damn sure you don't get your hands on it!
The crowd cheer as Beau leaves.
Al Snow defeated Big Stevie Cool by disqualification in 0:20:42.
Rating: *** 1/2
Lionheart Chris Jericho and OTT
CJ=Chris Jericho
Jericho enters to boos and the tune of The Unforgiven by MetallicA.
CJ=Welcome to...Monday Night Jericho! What all my Jerichoholics came here to see tonight, is me in action. Well, do nat despair my loyal followers. Tonight, me and my totally awesome buddies face The Fallen Angel and his...friends. That brings me on to OTT. At OTT, i'm now scheduled to face Chris Daniels in a cage match. Well, as you all know...to put me in a cage match with HIM...it would be a travesty! I promise you loyay Jerichoholics That I WILL NOT let The NCPW put your paragon of virtue in such a match. That's right Chris Daniels. I don't care what it takes, but THERE WILL BE NO CAGE MATCH!
The BWO (Rhino Savage and Taz-a-mania) defeated The Horsemen when Taz made
Benoit submit to the Tazmission in 0:20:58.
Rating: **** 1/4
The Suicide Blondes (Chris Jericho, Christian and Edge) defeated The Sinister Mi
nistry (Christopher Daniels, Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri) when
Chris Jericho made Daniels submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:20:36.
Rating: *** 1/4
Thursday Fireball
Beau Beverly pinned Tiger Mask IV with the Shaker Hts. Spike in 0:20:04.
Rating: *** 1/4
(Beau Beverly retained the NCPW LIGHTWEIGHT TITLE.)
Big Stevie Cool talks about OTT
SC=Big Stevie Cool
Backstage in the BWo locker room, we see Stevie
SC=For years you struggled to get a break Al Snow. Then you came here to the NCPW, and you got your break. I too struggled to get a break. Then I came here. Now i'm getting my break. At OTT, I will go through you, and I will go through Gangrel. Then I will take MY belt, and make sure that Kai En Tai NEVER get their hands on it! You can't stop me. Not you Al, nor you Gangrel. And TAKA...you and Kai En Tai are going down.
The draw for the OTT event
We are back at the drawing. Today, there are another six participants to draw. The first two of these six are Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri. Mikey draws, and looks at his number. He laughs. Tajiri draws his number and shows it to Mikey. Mikey laughs out loud, and Tajiri swears in Japanese. They both leave. T.A.P. are next to draw. They both take their numbers, and look at them. They leave, showing no emotion. Easy T from the BWO takes a number next. He looks at his, and smiles. He leaves, and Eddie Guerrero walks in. The Jackyl picks a number, and shows it to the administrator. They shake hands and Eddie leaves in a good mood.
The Innovators defeated 3-Count when Kanyon pinned Helms with the Flatliner in
Rating: ** 3/4
The draw for the OTT event
The Franchise walks in to the room, and goes to draw a number. He looks at his number, smiles, and says "shit". Blake Beverly walks in past him, looks at Shane's number, and draws a number. He seems pleased. Jamie Knoble and Evan Karagias draw simultaneously. Evan isn't pleased, but Jamie seems relatively pleased. E & C also draw together. Christian's face drops when he sees his, but Edge likes his number. They go over to Shane Douglas who's in a corner with a pint of beer. He shows them his number, and Christian says "That so totally sucks worse than my number!" Shane stares at him for a moment, and them throws his beer over him, then leaves. E & C find his reaction funny.
Commercial Break
3 Men. 1 Belt. Only 1 can win. Who will be standing at the end? Find out at OTT on PPV.
Easy T pinned Rob Van Dam with the Missle Dropkick in 0:20:51.
Rating: ****
Shinjiro Ohtani pinned Blake Beverly with the Dragon Suplex in 0:20:15.
Rating: **** 3/4
The BWO (Rhino Savage and Taz-a-mania) and Terry Boy battled to a draw in
Rating: ** 1/2
post match & the final OTT drawing of the night
Post match sees Terry Boy fight both Rhino and Taz-a-mania. He manages to floor Taz, but Rhino Gore's him. Kai En Tai run in to help him, and they beat on Taz and Rhino. Then, the BWO theme hits, and Stevie and Easy T run in, with Zero-G with them. All four help Taz and Rhino. When the ring is cleared of Kai En Tai members, there is a stare down between Rhino & Taz and Zero-G. Kid Kash and Devon Storm shake Rhino's hand, then Taz's. Zero-G leave the ring. As soon as Taz and Rhino turn their backs to Zero-G though, thye return to the ring, and hit both Taz and Rhino with chairs. They no sell the shots and turn to face Zero-G. Zero-G drop the chairs, look at each other, then run away through the crowd.
Meanwhile, Raven enters the room for the drawing for the OTT numbers. He is alone as usual. He grabs a ball, looks at the number, and smiles. He then leaves.
Back in the ring, The BWO have departed. Zero-G walk cautiously back through the crowd, and enter the ring. They then celebrate with their tag titles. When they go to leave, The Hardyz music hits, and they run to the ring, with a ref in tow to start a tag title match!
Zero-G defeated The Hardy Boyz when Kid Kash pinned M. Hardy with the
Money Maker in 0:20:06.
Rating: ***
(Zero-G retained the NCPW WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES.)
Monday Mayhem
Drawing for the OTT rumble, this week with Kai En Tai
Kai En Tai all walk into the drawing room. Terry Boy and TAKA draw first but do not look at their numbers. Instead, they swap numbers. Tery Boy seems happy with the swap, but TAKA looks a little deflated. Sho Funaki draws, and gives the same sort of look as Terry Boy did. Tiger Mask IV and Togo draw next. Both don't seem happy, but Kai En Tai go out laughing when TMIV takes his and TAKA's number balls and puts them in the eye holes of his mask, and walks into the administrator.
Chris Jericho and Chris Daniels
CJ=Chris Jericho
CD=Chris Daniels
Lionheart walks to the ring
CJ=Welcome to Monday Night Jericho! My Jerichoholics...I am afraid I must tell you of a travesty that has befallen you hero. You see, Commissioner Foley says there is no way I can get out of the upcoming cage match. You hero is being screwed again people!
"The Fallen Angel" by Iron Maiden hits, and Chris Daniels walks out.
CD=Jericho...will you shut the hell up! You talk about being screwed, you signed for the match! You screwed yourself! Of course, tonight you have been screwed though.
CD=By entering this arena, you've got yourself a six man tag match! Tonight, The Ministry takes on The Suicide Blondes!
Jericho looks pissed, and so charges The Fallen Angel, only to be hit with an Angles Wings in the aisle!
The BWO (Rhino Savage and Taz-a-mania) defeated The Jung Dragons when Rhino
pinned Kaz Hayashi with the Rhino Gore in 0:20:58.
Rating: ** 3/4
BWO and Zero-G
DS=Devon StormKK=Kid Kash
RS=Rhino Savage
Rhino and Taz celebrate in the ring. While celebrating, Zero-G run in from the crowd. They hit Rhino and Taz-A-Mania with the tag belts, and pound them to the floor. Both guys are a bloody mess, but Zero-G continue to attack. Then, the BWO theme hits, and Stevie and Easy T run in. Zero-G run back into the crowd, and are in the upper stands with mics.
KK=HAHAHA! I guess we got one up on you losers didn't we! Treasure those moments, cause that's the closest you'll ever get to those belts!
RS=Wait! You've pissed me off for the last time! Every time I come out here, you stick your nose in my business! Well, that's it! I want to finish this!
KK=What did you have in mind?
RS=At OTT, I want a match. Me and Taz-A-Mania vs Zero-G with the tag titles on the line! Oooh yeah!!!!
KK=Well, in that case, we can only say one thing, can't we Devon.
DS=That's right Kid. We accept the challenge!
TZ=What yer gonna do, when The Macho Man, and Taz-A-Mania, the smallest shooter in the world runw wild on you!
BWO leave, and Kash doesn't seem to happy.
DS=Cool! So what's the plan?
KK=I was planning that we turn down the challenge.
DS=That's why I...errr...shit! How are we gonna get out of this?
KK=How should I know?
The Beverly Brothers defeated Kai En Tai (Shinjiro Ohtani and Tiger Mask IV)
when Beau pinned Ohtani with the Shaker Hts. Spike in 0:20:24.
Rating: ***
Triangle Match
HHH drew Raven and Shane Douglas in 0:40:00.
Rating: ***
The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett is at OTT!
JJ=Jeff Jarrett
The Horsemen theme hits, and JJ comes out.
JJ=Ladies and Gentlemen, I have an announcement to make, and it involves you Terry Boy! You see, The Chosen One has been chosen to once again fight for the TV title! At OTT, I've got you Terry Boy in a no holds barred match! Bring it on!
The Suicide Blondes (Chris Jericho, Christian and Edge) defeated The Sinister Mi
nistry (Christopher Daniels, Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri) when
Chris Jericho pinned Daniels after an Asai moonsault in 0:30:20.
Rating: ** 3/4
Al Snow and TAKA Michinoku defeated Big Stevie Cool and Gangrel when Michinoku
pinned Stevie with the Michinoku Driver in 0:20:44.
Rating: *** 3/4
Four Way Brawl
The unoty displayed in the match didn't last long. Straight after the match, each erson turned on his partner, and a huge four way brawl begins. Kai En Tai run down, and help TAKA against Stevie, and Snow and Gangrel bail and brawl through the crowd. The BWO runs in to help Stevie, and they are quickly followed by The Horsemen and Zero-G. The show ends with the brawl still going on.
Thursday Fireball
The Final drawing for the OTT rumble
The Innovators Kanyon and Nova walk in, and take their numbers. Both guys left n a happy mood. The Horsemn then entered. Flair was the frst to draw, and picked a number. He looks at it and smiled, and said "Reminds of the WWF...almost." Malenko and Benoit draw next. Both guys look happy. Jeff Jarrett picks the last ball out of the bag. He looks at it, and goes and sits down in the corner. Flair asks him whats wrong, and he shows Falir his ball. Flaiur smiles, and The Chosen One smiles back, and says "I got it!"
TAKA Michinoku pinned Easy T with the Michinoku Driver in 0:22:20.
Rating: *****
Al Snow turns face
AS=Al Snow
We are back stage
AS=I am not here tonight to slag off the fans. I'm not here tonight to talk smack about my opponents. I am here tonight to make a statement. TAKA Michinkou...you have made the worst damn mistake you could have made by turning on me on Monday Mayhem. I hereby pledge my alliegance to the NCPW! Kai En Tai...if you want to gain control of this company, then you have to beat ME!!!
Big Stevie Cool and Gangrel
Stevie and Gangrel are both walking back stage, down seperate corridors. They both turn and walk into each other. They engage in a short stare down, and walk on. As Stevie turns the corner, Gangrel charges him with a chair. Stevie saw it coming and hits a Stevie Kick on the chair into Gangrels face. A brawl erupts, and security has to seperate the two top contenders.
T.A.P. defeated The Young Lions when Awesome pinned Matthews with the
Awesome Bomb in 0:21:35.
Rating: ** 1/4
The Beverly Brothers and The Genius defeated
Kai En Tai (Dick Togo, Shinjiro Ohtani and Tiger Mask IV) when Genius pinned
Togo with the Honour Roll in 0:21:03.
Rating: *** 3/4
post match
post match sees Beau and Ohtani stare at each other from opposite sides of the ring. They both get the same idea, and both charge at each other. The two brawl in the ring, until Beau gets floored with Ohtani's Dragon Suplex. The Genius hands the floored Beau his scroll. When Ohtani turned back, Beau hit him with the croll, and hit a Shaker Hieghts Spike on him, before bailing to large ovation.
Triangle Match
HHH drew Raven and Shane Douglas in 1:00:00.
Rating: **** 1/4
The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett talks about OTT
JJ=Jeff Jarrett
The Horsemen theme hits, and JJ comes out.
JJ=Boys and Girls, The Chosen One it seems has been chosen for more than just one greatness. At OTT, I'm already scheduled to kick Terry Boy's ass in a no holds barred slobber knocker, but now I've been chosen by the Gods for a greater homour aswell! For those who haven't quite guessed it yet, I'll ruin the surprise. At OTT, in the top contender rumble, I DREW NUMBER 30! The Chosen one is gonna get himself a TV Title, and go on to Brave New World to face the world champion!
Eddie Guerrero pinned Sho Funaki with the Frog Splash in 0:20:13.
Rating: *** 1/2
No-Time-Limit-Triangle Match
Zero-G defeated The Horsemen and The BWO (Rhino Savage/Taz-a-mania):
x Kid Kash beat Benoit via the Money Maker in 0:18:32
x D. Storm beat Rhino via the Thunderclap Brainbuster in 0:32:58
Rating: ***
(Zero-G retained the NCPW WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES.)
Zero-G make a peace offering
KK=Kid Kash
DS=Devon Storm
post match, Devon goes and gets a bag he left on the announce table at the start of the match. He re-enters the ring. Taz-A-Mania and Rhino Savage stare at Zero-G.
KK=...I don't think it'll work Devon...they look pissed!
DS=Of course it'll work. OK, OK. We may have messed with you two before, but we want to make a peace offering.
KK=Don't try it Devon!
DS=You see, we know...
DS=YES! We know that you two will never be good enough to take these tag title belts from us, so we thought that we'd...give you something to make up for you lack of hope in getting our belts.
KK=I had nothing to do with this! Don't kill me!
Devon Storm opens the bag, and...throws Rhino and Taz foam replica childrens tag title belt. the BWO members stare at them in amazement.
DS=There. You see? Now you've got your very own tag titles! Remember kids, they only cost $9.99! See how happy Taz and Rhino are with their almost as good as the real thing belts!?!
Taz and Rhino look at each other, then shred the belts, and move towards Zero-G.
DS=Of course, you shouldn't try to play too hard with thm, or that...
Both BWO members lunge at him, but Kash pulls Devon out of the ring
DS=We could get you some more! How about a World title belt?
Taz and Rhino leave the ring and run towards Zero-G. Devon finally gets the message and runs out of the arena with Kash.
Monday Mayhem
Terry Boy pinned Easy T with the Miracle Ecstasy in 0:15:04.
Rating: ***
(Terry Boy retained the NCPW TV TITLE.)
The Dudley Boys defeated The BWO (Rhino Savage and Taz-a-mania) when Buh Buh Ray
defeated Taz by disqualification in 0:15:13.
Rating: ** 1/4
HHH talks about OTT
Backstage, we see HHH in his locker room.
HH=At OTT, I get a chance to be in the Royal Rumble for the top contendership to the world title. And I couldn't care less. All I want to do at OTT is cause pain to Raven and Shane Douglas. And I intend to do that. That wont be easy though, but The Game is up to the task of entering at number 2, and survivngto kick both your asses. Why? Beacuse I am that damn good!
The camera cuts back to the arena.
Beau Beverly pinned LSD with the Shaker Hts. Spike in 0:20:04.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Beau Beverly retained the NCPW LIGHTWEIGHT TITLE.)
Al Snow talks about tonight and OTT
AS=Al Snow
Backstage, the cameras catch up to Al Snow who is wearing jeans, and carrying a baseball bat.
AS=At OTT, I face Big Stevie Cool and Gangrel Maybe I should be doing something about that, but I get the feeling those two hate each other enough without my help. At OTT, what will happen is simple. I walk in with my belt, I walk out with my belt, and go after Kai En Tai. Tonight is also that simple. Tonight, I'm gonna take this here bat, find TAKA, and stick this bat where the sun don't shine. Get outta my way!
Al pushes pat, and walks around the corner. Cut back to arena.
Jonny Storm and Devon Storm defeated The Eliminators when D. Storm pinned Saturn
with the Thunderclap Brainbuster in 0:20:21.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Kid Kash no-showed.)
No-Time-Limit-Triangle Match
Reckless Youth defeated Jamie Knoble and Evan Karagias when R. Youth made Jamie
submit to the Stretch Plum in 0:16:15.
Rating: ***
Shane Douglas talks about OTT and what number he drew.
SD=Shane Douglas
In the parking lot, Shane Douglas talks to the camera.
SD=HHH...at OTT you say you care nothing about the top contendership. Well...that's about the only smart you've said all year. At OTT, I too only care about hurting you and Raven. I don't care what it takes either. As for you drawing number 2...that doesn't matter. You wont have to wait long to get at me. I drew number 1!
At that point, HHH runs in, and attacks Shane. The camera is knocked out of commission and we go back to the arena.
Al Snow hunting Kai En Tai
Backstage, Al has found Kai En Tai's locker room. He barges through the door, and swings the bat wildly. When he realises that the room is empty, he shouts "SHIT!" and smashes up what he can before leaving.
The Innovators defeated The Young Lions when Kanyon pinned Matthews with the
Flatliner in 0:20:53. Joey Matthews suffered an elbow injury. He
will be out for approximately 3 cards.
Rating: ** 1/2
TAKA Michinoku pinned Raven with the Michinoku Driver in 0:20:08.
Rating: ****
Al Snow and kai En Tai + Raven
After the match, Al Snow runs in with his bat. He gets a few shots in on TAKA, but then the rest of Kai En Tai run in too. Snow manages to floor Terry Boy and Togo, but TM IV gives him a missle dropkick from behind. Kai En Tai continue to beat on Al till Raven gets up. Raven takes out each member with an Evenflow DDT, and Al hits a Snow Plow on TAKA. Kai En Tai run for the hills, and Raven and Al embrace in the ring. Show ends.
Thursday Fireball
Paul E. talks to Raven
PE=Paul E.
Backstage, Paul E. is running.
PE=HEY! HEY! Wait up!
He catches up with Raven.
PE=Hey Raven! I need to talk to you! At OTT, your in the Rumble. I KNOW you don't care about the top contendership and just want to get your hands on HHH and Douglas. Now we know their numbers, we might aswell know yours! C'Mon, tell us how long we'll have to wait till we see all three of you go ati it!
Raven seemingly ignores him, and walks away. The show begins.
Zero-G defeated Evan Karagias and Jamie Knoble when Kid Kash pinned Jamie
with the Money Maker in 0:25:42.
Rating: *** 3/4
(Zero-G retained the NCPW WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES.)
Big Stevie Cool speaks on OTT
BS=Big Stevie Cool
We are in the BWO locker room.
BS=At OTT, I get my chance at gaining the NCPW world title. Al Snow...Gangrel...at OTT you will BOTH know why I am the real world champion. I have wrestled for many years, and so have both of you. The experience shows. Now, it is time for the torch to be passed. You've had you time Al, and your time will come Gangrel. However, there is still over a week till OTT. As fate would have it, both of you are on my side tonight as we take on Kai En Tai. Tonight I call a truce. Once the match is over though, the truce ends. Then, OTT will come, the time of the BWO will come. Big Stevie Cool's time will come.
Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn defeated The Young Lions when Lynn pinned York
with the Cradle Piledriver in 0:11:22.
Rating: **
Gangrel speaks on OTT
We are now in gangrel's locker room.
GN=Stevie Cool...you are right about two things. 1, my time WILL come. 2, at OTT the torch WILL be passed. What you failed to realise is that the torch will be passed to ME! at OTT. When world title match begins, I will come at you both like a Devil. I will hit you both like Satan himself, and both of you will fall to the Implant DDT. As for tonight, the truce stands. When the final bell goes though...
Gangrel leaves after a short silence.
Al Snow talks on OTT
AS=Al Snow
In Al Snow's locker room...
AS=You both seem so confident, don't you? Well, at OTT...the torch will not pass. This is MY time, and i'm making damn sure it doesn't end so soon! Simply Sensational is taking his belt to OTT, and he's taking it home again after OTT. Tonight though, is different. I have nothing personal against either of you, so the truce will stand. From the opening bell to the ending bell, we will be partners. After the ending bell though, all hell will break lose!
The Sinister Ministry (Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri) defeated E & C
when Tajiri pinned Edge with the Brain Buster in 0:20:06.
Rating: *** 1/2
Jeff Jarrett pinned Eddie Guerrero with the Stroke in 0:20:36.
Rating: ****
Triangle Match
Raven drew HHH and Shane Douglas:
x time limit expired (Raven and Douglas) in 0:20:00
Rating: ** 1/4
post match and Raven's OTT number
post match and the fight continues. All three brawl on the outside and in the ring. HHH then brings a chair into the ring, and hits Shane with it, flooring him. When he turns, Raven kicks him in the midesction, and hits an Evenflow DDT to the crowd's delight. Shane then gets up, and gets an Evenflow onto the chair. Raven grabs a mic and stands over them.
RV=Look at you two! You'r both down and out. At OTT, it'll be exactly the same! The difference is, at OTT, I DO are about the top contendership, and after I dump both of you out, I'll go and get that title shot! As for my number...you want to know my number? I DREW NUMBER 3! QUOTE THE RAVEN! NEVERMORE!!!
The BWO (Big Stevie Cool, Easy T, Rhino Savage and Taz-a-mania), Al Snow and Gan
grel defeated Kai En Tai (Dick Togo, Shinjiro Ohtani, Sho Funaki, TAKA Michinoku
, Terry Boy and Tiger Mask IV) when Snow pinned Michinoku with the Snow Plow in
Rating: *** 1/2
post match with the big brawl and Zero-G
post match, BWO, Al, and Gangrel clean house of Kai En Tai. When Kai En Tai have fled, Zero-0G enter through the crowd. They hit Rhino and Taz with the tag titles. Rhino and Taz slowly turn and stare at them. Zero-G turn and run down the aisle. Rhino, Taz, and Easy T chase them down the aisle, leaving just the world title contenders and the champion in the ring. Throughout Zero-G's run in, they have been staring each other out. Now the ring is clear, they go at each other! The crowd is going wild as each guy attacks both his adversaries! Security runs in to break it up as the show ends.
Monday Mayhem
Mike Awesome pinned Test with the Awesome Bomb in 0:22:29.
Rating: *** 1/2
The Innovators defeated The Beverly Brothers when Nova pinned Beau with the
Kryptonite Krunch in 0:20:42.
Rating: ***
The Young Lions defeated The Hardy Boyz when York pinned M. Hardy with the
Moonsault in 0:21:19.
Rating: *** 1/2
Kai En Tai on OTT
TM=TAKA Michinoku
TB=Terry Boy
SO=Shinjiro Ohtani
We are in the Kai En Tai locker room.
TM=At OTT, we get a chance to increase our title ownership to two. And, we get the chance to gain a shot at the world title. Unlike certain stupid Americans, we WILL NOT give away our numbers!
SO=At OTT, I face Beau Beverly. Well, after that match is said and done, I will be standing tall, with the second belt for Kai En Tai. Don' think this'll be easily Beau. I want SOME challenge before I win!
TB=Jeff Jarrett...I beat you once, I WILL beat you again! You want it no holds barred? That's fine. It just makes mt job easier!
TM=And then there is the OTT match itself. Five of us will be in there, throwing people out five at a time, and then when it comes down us five...we will fight each other with full force, and in an honourable way. THEN you will see how REAL wrestlers fight. When the match is over, the winning Kai En Tai member will be held aloft by his fellow members, and we shall celebrate. Kai En Tai are taking over!
3-Count defeated E & C when Helms pinned Edge with the Vertebreaker in 0:20:12.
Rating: *** 1/4
Chris Jericho made Jerry Lynn submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:20:26.
Rating: ** 3/4
Easy T pinned Elix Skipper with the Missle Dropkick in 0:20:09.
Rating: ** 3/4
ET=Easy T
BS=Big Stevie Cool
RS=Rhino Savage
The BWO locker room.
RH=Zero-G...you made the biggest mistakes of your lives when you decided to make enemies out of us, and accepted our challenge for a no dq tag match at OTT. What you have done, is GIVE away your tag titles! That's right boys! The BWO is taking the tag titles at OTT, OOH YEAH!!!
BS=At OTT, I face two deserving foes, and the biggest prize in wrestling is on the line! Know this Gangrel and Al Snow, I WILL take what is mine! I will take I deserve!
ET=And then, I will enter the OTT rumble, and throw out 29 other men, including you Kai En Tai, and gain a shot at the world title for Brave New World. At Brave New World, me and Stevie will go at it for the fans enjoyment, and we will put on one hell of a match. It wont matter who wins.
TZ=Calgary Saddle Dome...Whatha gonna do, when Taz-A-Mani, The smallest shooter in the world, and The BWO runs wild on you!
Christopher Daniels pinned Rob Van Dam with the Angels Wings in 0:20:08.
Rating: *****
Zero-G talk about OTT
KK=Kid Kash
DS=Devon Storm
Zero-G are in the parking lot ready to leave.
KK=Taz and Rhino...you may think you're gonna take our belts, but thinking and doing are different things!
DS=That's Right Kid. At OTT, we made the match no dq for a reason! We have a cunning plan!
KK=On Thursday, you'll find out just what that plan's first stage is!
Zero-G leave the arena.
Big Stevie Cool pinned Gangrel with the Stevie Kick in 0:20:18.
Rating: * 3/4
post match
post match sees Stevie go to leave. Then, Rock 'N' Roll Part II hits, and Al Snow runs in! He charges down the aisle, but is met with a brutal Stevie Kick. Stevie picks up the title belt, and looks at it. He then lays it over Al's face, and leaves. The show ends.
Thursday Fireball
Christopher Daniels pinned Jerry Lynn with the Angels Wings in 0:20:09.
Rating: ****
Chris Jericho made Rob Van Dam submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:21:32. Rob Van Dam
tore his left biceps. He will be out for approximately 5 cards.
Rating: *****
Zero-G have a cunning plan!
KK=Kid Kash
DS=Devon Storm
??=????? ?????
In the parking lot, Zero-G arrive. Kash and Devon get out of the car,
DS=Sty in the car! You've gotta get us out of here after phase 1.
KK=Be ready!
??=Yes Sir!
DS=Well be back before the end of the show...
KK=...Give us aboutan hour after our match.
??=Yes Sir! Do you have your cunning plan then?
DS=It's ready.
KK=Remember, YOU are phase 2!
Shinjiro Ohtani pinned Reckless Youth with the Dragon Suplex in 0:20:08.
Rating: *****
The BWO (Big Stevie Cool, Easy T, Rhino Savage and Taz-a-mania) defeated
The Four Horsemen (Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Jeff Jarrett and Ric Flair) when
Stevie pinned Flair with the Stevie Kick in 0:21:54.
Rating: *** 1/4
Zero-G defeated The Eliminators when Kid Kash pinned Kronus with the Money Maker
in 0:20:03.
Rating: ** 3/4
(Zero-G retained the NCPW WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES.)
The Hardy Boyz and 3-Count defeated The Mafia, Jerry Lynn and Rob Van Dam when
Helms pinned Lynn with the Vertebreaker in 0:30:21.
Rating: ****
Test pinned Mike Awesome after a big boot in 0:20:03.
Rating: ***
Zero-G execute stage 1
Taz-A-Mania and Rhino Savage are walking backstage. As they walk down a hall, Zero-G come down through a loose roof tile! Kash screams "SHIT!" and Taz and Rhino turn. They see Kash and Devon and run after them! They chase them into the car lot, where Kash and Devon jump into their car, and they speed off.
No-Time-Limit-Four Corners Match
Al Snow defeated HHH, Shane Douglas and Raven:
x double countout (Douglas and Triple H) in 0:10:23
x Snow beat Raven via the Snow Plow in 0:30:15
Rating: *** 3/4
(Al Snow retained the NCPW WORLD TITLE.)
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