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Card Information
Date/Time: March Week 1 at 08:00pm
The opening pyros went off, and the crowd erupts as we get ready for the first match on todays Mettle Taping.
SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT plays and "F8 2002 Winner" DDP enters to a good ovation. He looks pissed about no longer having the TV Title.
MIRACLE ECSTASY hits and MEN'S Teiho enters. The long time NCPW fans who know him aswell as a few puro fans cheer him as he enters dressed as he was at OTT.
The crowd cheered their respective favourite when he had the advantage, but the heat was not amazing in this opener. There were small pops for some innovative spots and DDP tried to hit the Diamond Cutter at every possible opportunity. MEN'S went for his Miracle Ecstasy finisher early on, but could not lift DDP for it. In the end, DDP floored MEN'S with a bodyslam and went up top. What for, we'll never know. Teiho got up and grabbed DDP as he was climbing. With Page already up in the air, Teiho managed to hit the Miracle Ecstasy for the 1-2-3.
MEN'S Teioh pinned Diamond Dallas Page with the Miracle Ecstasy in 0:07:12.
Rating: *
Post match, Teiho grabbed a microphone from the ring announcer.
TEIHO: Sick Boy! I am back in the NCPW, and it is time for me to take back what is mine! The NCPW TV Title belt! Tonight, you must answer my challenge, and face me next week on Mettle!
MEN'S is cut off there as CURE plays over the p.a. and the current TV champion comes out. He stands on the entrance ramp.
SICK: Well now, let me think about this…an old TV champ from the early dark days of the NCPW before Sick Boy wants a shot at the second most valuable belt in the federation…let me see now…no. I don't see that title shot happening. You want this belt, you earn it.
Sick Boy leaves, and MEN'S smiles before leaving also.
Meanwhile, we see a car pull up outside. Al Snow, Mikey Whipwreck, and NCPW Owner Matt Doyle exit, but Kiefer Sutherland is no where in sight.
Back in the ring, FIGHT THE DREAM hits and Essa and Eiji enter a loud ovation. Receiving an equally loud ovation are The Innovators who enter to KRYPTONITE by 3 Doors Down.
SHINE by Motorhead plays and The Jackyl Pack enter to boos and jeers. LAST RESORT plays and Zero-G enter to a mixed reaction. Despite their lack of a storyline recently, they still have their fans.
Plenty of heat from the crowd. Every time one of Essa or Eiji got in, Eddie and Modest would beg for tags to try and show the crowd that Essa and Eiji were just fluky at the PPV. The tags didn't come till towards the end, and Essa Rios and Eiji Ezaki took The Jackyl Pack out of the game straight away! Quickly making tags, The Jackyl Pack left the ring. Essa tagged Kanyon, and he and Eiji dove onto the retreating Jackyl Pack and chased them up the aisle, leaving The Innovators and Zero-G in the ring. After a minute of action, Nova took out Devon Storm with a double-underhook Rocker Dropper, and Kanyon whipped Kash HARD into the turnbuckle. Rebounding out, The Innovators hit Total Innovation for the win.
The Innovators, Essa Rios and Eiji Ezaki defeated The Jackyl Pack and Zero-G
when Kanyon pinned Kid Kash after Total Innovation in 0:10:35.
Rating: **
Up in the head offices, the Coalitions (sans Kiefer) sit.
SNOW: You know why he's not here.
SNOW: He still owes me money from our bet.
DOYLE: I don't think that's why.
MIKEY: What do I do?
DOYLE: What?
MIKEY: Tonight? What do I do tonight. I wanna do something to help the Coalition.
SNOW: Gold. Get us some gol…
The screens show Kiefer arriving. He looks both tired and pissed off.
SNOW: Hold that thought. Here comes Mr. Commissioner.
MIKEY: I'll just go challenge a titleholder then huh?
DOYLE: Yeah…sure…
Mikey leaves laughing, and Doyle and Snow watch to see where Kiefer is going.
IRON MAN hits back in the ring, and The Beast from the East walks out. The crowd do not know who his opponent is.
WAR MACHINE hits and the crowd go wild as Taz stands in the aisle!
Taz storms the ring and the match begins.
The crowd enjoyed this FTW match, and Taz was on fire in there. BBB hit some nice power moves where he could, but this match belonged to Taz. Using chairs and tables, Taz took out BBB. In the end, The Beast from the East got some offence in by driving Taz through a table with a power bomb. When he hoisted Taz up for the Greetings From Asbury Park though, Taz slipped down his back and applied the Tazmission for the win!
Taz made Bam Bam Bigelow submit to the Tazmission in 0:08:18.
Rating: **
We cut to a break.
When we return, DIE AGAIN by Wolfsbane hits and Kiefer Sutherland enters to a chorus of boos.
KIEFER: Hey now, I haven't said anything bad about this place OK? Just give me a little sympathy here!
Kiefer looks distraught.
KIEFER: I mean, I haven't been able to get one bit of sleep last night, because that damn stalker keeps phoning me.
COME OUT AND PLAY. Raven enters the ring to a loud ovation. He stares Kiefer in the eyes.
RAVEN: You know Kiefer, I told you I know who the stalker is, all you had to do was ask, and…
KIEFER: Please tell me! Who is he?
RAVEN: If you'd have let me finish, I would have said…all you had to do was ask and I wouldn't tell ya!
A ring is heard, and Kiefer looks up to the big screen at the back of the arena. The rest of the coalition (sans Mikey) are sitting in the office.
DOYLE: Kiefer, I think this is for you.
KIEFER: Key it up.
Doyle presses a button.
?????: Tell me Kiefer, do you know how to bargain? Good. I'm sure you and Raven can come to some sort of agreement.
KIEFER: Anything. Just stop the calls!
RAVEN: Fine. First thing. You get one week of no calls from the stalker, and I get a title shot next week against Al.
KIEFER: Shut up Al! What else.
RAVEN: Oh I don't know…what else do you want?
KIEFER: I want to know who the stalker is.
?????: You drive a hard bargain Mr. Sutherland. Well, well…I tell you what. At BRAVE NEW WORLD 2003, I get to pick the main event. I'll pick it fairly, and we'll see what we can agree on. How's that?
KIEFER: OK. When will I hear from you again?
RAVEN: After my world title match with Al Snow next week.
KIEFER: OK. You got a deal.
Raven stands crucifix style and the crowd cheer. He leaves and starts to exit through the crowd.
KIEFER: Just one more thing. Al is already on action tonight against HHH. It wouldn't be fair if you didn't compete tonight too, since you two are facing off next week and all. So, tonight you have a match…against Ken Shamrock!
Raven looks upset by this and Kiefer leaves. Raven takes a seat in the crowd next to…GLEN JACOBS?
CURE by MetallicA blares out and Sick Boy enters to a mixed reaction. About 90% of the crowd are booing him, but Raven has started a small Sick Boy chant.
BUZZSAW plays and Tajiri enters for his TV Title shot.
Sick Boy smiled at Raven at the start, and Raven changed the chant to incorporate a "SUCKS" at the end, making it SICK BOY SUCKS. With the crowd firmly against him, Sick Boy went to work. Unlike previous performances, Sick Boy was strangely stiff in his work tonight, and very aggressive. He didn't back down and didn't lay off, nearly being disqualified many a time. In the end, MEN'S Teiho ran in as Sick Boy hit The Cure on Tajiri. As soon as he got up to taunt, MEN'S ran the ropes and nailed a clothesline on Sick Boy causing the DQ.
Sick Boy defeated Tajiri by disqualification in 0:10:11.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Sick Boy retained the NCPW TV Title.)
Post match, Sick Boy and MEN'S Teiho continue to brawl and in the end, Teiho knocks Vick over the ropes. Sick Boy takes a mic while Teiho celebrates to the crowd' approval.
SICK: You really want a TV Title shot? THIS is not the way to earn it. Try this again, and I'll kick your ass from here to that shit hole you call home.
Sick Boy leaves to boos and MEN'S follows soon after.
PEPPER cues in and Mikey Whipwreck enters to some cheers and some boos from the anti-Coalition section.
In the offices…
SNOW: What the Hell is he up to?
DOYLE: You told him to get gold, and I think…
Kiefer enters.
KIEFER: What is Mikey doing out there?
Back in the ring…
MIKEY: Tonight, I come in the name of the Coalition. I come in the name of Al Snow…in the name of Matthew J. Doyle…in the name of our wonderful Commissioner Kiefer Sutherland! Tonight, I stand before you all, not to be judged, but to be the judge! I hereby challenge ANY titleholder in the back to come here tonight and do what is right! I Ask you…come out here and lay down your belt before me so I may take it back to the Coalition.
ANARCHY IN THE UK by The Sex Pistols hits and the FTW champion Doug Williams walks into the ring.
WILLAIMS: That…that was so moving…I think I might just hand you this belt right now!
MIKEY: Really?
WILLAIMS: Yeah, I think I should just give it to you…do you really want it?
MIKEY: YEAH! Give it to me!
WILLIAMS: OK then. Close your eyes and hold out your hands.
Mikey does so, and Doug smiles to the crowd. He then takes Mikey down with a belt shot. In the head offices, Kiefer Sutherland is seen to say "Idiot." The match is on.
Mikey managed to mount a comeback in this one. It was refreshing to see a FTW match that didn't involve too many weapons too. It was a baking tray however that gave Mikey his opening. Mikey then placed the FTW Title belt on his shoulder and hit a Whippersnapper that sent Doug into the nearby ropes. Doug rebounded and Mikey hit a belt shot, sending Doug to the outside. Rather than going out and making the pin though, Mikey celebrated with the belt and went up top. Doug on the outside got up and when Mikey came off the top for a double axe handle, Doug caught him and hit his patented finisher suplex for the win.
Doug Williams pinned Mikey Whipwreck with the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:10:11.
Rating: *** 1/4
(Doug Williams retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
Post match, the Coalition walk down the aisle to watch the final moments of the show.
We cut to a commercial.
When we return, The Coalition have taken over the commentary table for the last three matches. The main event has not yet been announced.
KIEFER: Mikey…get back here.
Mikey walks to the table and sits next to Al. He puts on the headset.
DOYLE: You wanna try to get the job done next time?
MIKEY: He cheated! The referee should've DQ'd him!
SNOW: It was No Holds Barred Mikey. Oh yeah, Kiefer?
SNOW: Dollars. One thousand of them.
SNOW: Come on Kiefer! Mikey won at the PPV, so you owe me $1000!
Kiefer hands Al his money.
DANGEROUS plays and Ken Shamrock enters to a loud ovation.
COME OUT AND PLAY plays and Raven enters to an equally as loud one. He enters through the crowd and takes Glen Jacobs with him.
The rematch was just as good as the PPV outing. Things went back and forth, and the crowd was into it from the start. At one point, Glen Jacobs went around the ring and ended up in a shouting match with the entire coalition. This got Raven on the outside to calm them down and he got caught for it as Shamrock hit a belly-to-belly and applied the Ankle Lock. After 39 seconds, Raven submitted. He and Glen left back into the crowd.
Ken Shamrock made Raven submit to the Ankle Lock Submission in 0:18:22.
Rating: **** 1/2
DIE AGAIN plays and Al Snow leaves the commentary table to the ring.
ACE OF SPADES by Motorhead plays and HHH returns to full time competition with a title shot at his former nemesis.
Not quite on par with past TV matches, or their PPV match, but they had a shorter time to work with this time. At times sloppy, HHH was not on form here and still has some ring rust. This unfortunately meant the match was poor. HHH went for the Pedigree, but Al blocked it and hit a Snow Plow. He then picked up HHH and draped him across the tope rope. One springboard leg drop later, and it was all over for The Game.
Al Snow pinned HHH with the Springboard Leg Drop in 0:09:12.
Rating: * 3/4
(Al Snow retained the NCPW World Title.)
As HHH leaves and DIE AGAIN plays, Doyle gets on the house mic.
DOYLE: Al! Get back here.
Al goes back to the commentary.
DOYLE: Now then. Glen Jacobs, since we know you're in the building now, we go ahead with this little plan of ours. You see, since you're here, you might aswell compete! Get in that ring punk!
INSIDE plays and Glen Jacobs and Raven walk through the crowd to the ring.
DOYLE: Good. Now let me introduce your opponent for tonight…
The speakers play…WALK! Rob Van Dam enters. The match begins.
A good TV main event. RVD hit his usual blend of high spots and…erm…high spots. He also integrated some martial arts moves into his display too, and held his own over the big man. However, Glen Jacobs powered his way through The Whole F'N Show and Al Snow on commentary obviously was not relishing the thought of the imminent show down between himself and his former partner at WRESTLEFEST. Glen controlled the majority of the match after the first five minutes and Raven kept clam on the outside. RVD' plan was obviously to hope Glen' stamina didn't hold out. Of course, Glen paced himself well, and he eventually hit the Unabomb for the pin, much to the dismay of The Coalition.
Glen Jacobs pinned Rob Van Dam with the Unabomb in 0:17:31.
Rating: ****
Post match, The Coalition storm the ring and a four-way brawl erupts. After Mikey took care of Raven with a Whippersnapper, he and Al grab Glen Jacobs. Doyle and Kiefer enter the ring. Kiefer spits on the fallen Raven and Doyle takes the mic.
DOYLE: Glen…you should never have turned on us.
Doyle slaps Glen Jacobs! BIG MISTAKE! Glen Jacobs gets free of Mikey and Al hits a big boot on Doyle! Al hits him with the world title belt! Glen is down! Mikey and Al help Doyle up, who is still very dazed.
The show fades out with Mikey, Al and Kiefer helping Doyle to the back.
Card Information
Date/Time: March Week 2 at 09:08pm
The show starts late, but the crowd are still hot as the pyros go off for what promises to be a very entertaining show.
Alice Cooper' POISON plays and the crowd immeadiately start to boo as the NCPW Cruiserweight champion enters the ring with Ralphus and his belt.
BLITZKRIEG by MetallicA plays and the man himself enters.
Jericho gets on the mic before the match can start.
JERICHO: Canada…welcome to, NCPW JERICHO! Tonight, right here in MY country, I will show you all what a cruiserweight champion should be like. I will wrestle a great match out of this cruiser pretender, and all without the aid of cheating. Now, all my Jerichoholics know that their hero would not cheat, but it seems that certain people have been spreading backstage that that's how I win my matches. Well, after tonight, those accusation wil never…e-e-e-ever…happen…again!
The bell rings.
Blitzkrieg lived up to his nickname here, and executed some nice moves in the match. Of course, Jericho had a few tricks of his own. Initially begging off after a rolling shoulder block from `Krieg, Jericho left the ring and Ralphus handed him…the ether rag! Jericho re-entered and tried to use it, but `Krieg avoided the rag and used it on the champion! One…Two…threNO! Ralphus pulled Jericho out! Blitzkrieg revived Jericho by ramming him into the corner. Back in the ring, `Krieg whipped Jericho off the ropes, but Jericho hit a shoulder tackle, and immeadiately applied the Lion Tamer. `Krieg reached the ropes, but before the referee could see it, Ralphus had hit Blitzkried with a bras knuckles loaded fist! With `Krieg out cold, Jericho was declared the winner.
Chris Jericho made Blitzkrieg submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:08:11.
Rating: ***
(Chris Jericho retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
Post match, a triumphant Jericho takes his belt and holds it aloft before grabbing the mic from the ring announcer.
JERICHO: As you can see, I won here tonight fairly! And that my friends is the new me! I am now a truly fair man, and I will prove it to you all. At BRAVE NEW WORLD 2003, there will be a cruiserweight battle royal! That match will determine the top contender to my cruiserweight title, and he will receive the title shot after a two match rest! Now, the first two people to be entered in this tournament are…Billy Kidman and Jody Fliesch! You two best not even think about winning, because you two don't stand a chance…
RISE FROM THE FLAMES produced by NCPW plays, and Jody Fliesch and Billy Kidman run in! They go straight after Jericho who pushes Ralphus in fron of him. Ralphus raises one fat chubby finger and shakes it, so Jody and Billy hit a double DDT on the head of JPS! Jericho runs.
Meanwhile, in the parking lot, a car pulls up. Out of it steps NCPW Owner Matt Doyle, Commissioner Kiefer Sutherland, NCPW World Champion Al Snow, and Mikey Whipwreck.
MIKEY: I want to make up for it!
DOYLE: You don't have to!
MIKEY: But I want to.
KIEFER: Just let him make a challenge and make up for the loss will ya, or we'll never here the end of it.
SNOW: Ah, now that's the old Kiefer back again!
KIEFER: And what does that mean?
SNOW: You're back to being your good old grumpy self!
KIEFER: Al…I hate you.
DOYLE: Enough you two! Mikey, make a challenge if you want.
The Coalition make it to the door and someone opens it for them. The camera man decides to remain hidden, and so we do not see who it is.
SNOW: Glad to have you aboard.
DOYLE: Congratulations by the way.
The Coalition enter the building.
Back in the ring, The Eliminators and Bam Bam Bigelow and Test are all ready in the ring.
The match begins.
The former tag champs controlled the action against the two big men. With the exception of a few power moves including a big boot from Test and a powerslam from Bam Bam, Kronus and Saturn had this their way throughout, and it came as no surprise to the crowd when they hit "The Beast From The East" with Total Elimination for the win.
The Eliminators defeated Bam Bam Bigelow and Test when Saturn pinned Bigelowafter Total Elimination in 0:08:03.Rating: * 3/4
In the halls, The Coalition are walking towards the main office. The Camera man is following them from behind.
MIKEY:I'm gonna go get ready.
DOYLE: OK Mikey.
Mikey turns and sees the camera.
MIKEY: We got a camera on our tails!
Doyle and Kiefer grab the mystery man and drag him into the offices, and we do not see his face. Mikey and Al get to the camera man, and we go back to the ring.
Motorhead' ACE OF SPADES blares over the p.a. and "The Game" enters to a good reaction.
MetallicA' CURE plays on the speakers and the crowd go into a frenzy of boos. Sick Boy not only has the NCPW TV Title belt with him, but the TNM Forum Lethal Lottery Revenge Cup.
The bell rings and the match begins.
HHH was back on form tonight. The ring rust almost gone, he managed to put on one awesome display. He hit Sick Boy with everything he had in the hopes of winning the TV Title, but the Revenge Cup winner fought back. And boy did he fight back! Everything Sick Boy has done lately seems to be incredibly aggressive and stiff, and tonight was no exception! Indeed, HHH was busted open within the first three minutes of the contest! HHH hit his pedigree in the middle of the match, but Sick Boy was in the ropes. The finish went as follows: Sick Boy hit a dropkick, and then MEN'S Teiho ran down the aisle. The referee exited the ring and stopped MEN'S, but Sick Boy took advantage and hit HHH with the Revenge Cup! The referee is back! One…Two…shoulder up! Sick Boy lifts HHH and hits not one, not two, but three very brutal Cures on "The Game". One…Two…Three.
Sick Boy pinned HHH with the Cure in 0:10:19.
Rating: *** 1/4(Sick Boy retained the NCPW TV Title.)
Post match, Sick Boy grabs his belt, his cup, and the mic.
SICK: Tiho, why don't you just step in this ring.
MEN'S Teiho enters the ring.
SICK: I wan tto show you something boy. I want to show you something that will show you WHY you have no chance against me, and should give up now!
Sick Boy points to the big screen.
On the screen we see footage of Sick Boy winning the Revenge Cup battle royal and being presented with the cup.
SICK: As you can see, I am the Revenge Cup holder! That makes me one of the best!
TEIHO: I disagree.
SICK: What?
TEIHO: Why don't you tell all these people what the revenge cup battle royal was? No? Fine. Ladies and gentlemen, if you would once again direct your attention to the big screen…
The screen shows some more footage from the Lethal Lottery show. This time of Sick Boy and Rokuru crashing out to Suicide and Robbie Brookside. Suicide pinned Sick Boy.
TEIHO: Tell me, did THAT look like a winner?
SICK: I had an idiot ofr a partner!
TEIHO: Well, from this next clip, I think it's clear YOU are the idiot!
A clip is show from the Lethal Lottery show. This time we see Sick Boy accidently clothesline Rokuru, leading to his team losing again.
TEIHO: So what we can establish is this. Sick Boy won a cup by being in a battle royal that consisted of those who lost their matches on the Lethal Lottery card? That makes you the best? I think Mr. JB said it best of the show when he said not only oare you ther NCPW King of cruisers, but the king of the losers too!
Sick Boy is visibly annoyed by this.
TEIHO: So, what are you going to do about this Sick Boy? Huh?
SICK: Glad you asked.
Sick Boy smiles and then hits MEN'S with the Revenge Cup.
SICK: You want me in the ring? Then you got me at BRAVE NEW WORLD!
Sick Boy leaves to boos as MEN'S slowly recovers.
Cut to a commercial.
We return.
DIE AGAIN by Wolfsbane plays and Mikey Whipwreck enters. The anti-coalition members of the crowd boo, and there are a few chants for Keiji Mutoh, Robbie Brookside, Raven, and Glen Jacobs. Mikey does have some strong support though, and there are a few "Mikey Is God" and "Mikey Whipwreck: The smart Coalition Member" signs out there.
MIKEY: Now people of Canada, do not boo me! I represent the leaders in sports entertainment! I represent the owner of the leaders in this game, and I represent some of the most respected people in the business! That's right people, I represent Kiefer Sutherland! Tonight, I am here to make up for a terrible mistke, one that blemished the till then erfectly clear image of The Coalition. So now, if you will all divert your attention to the entrance ramp, we shall see which brave soul walks out to his inevitable doom at the hands of…well…me.
The crowd and Mikey look to the aisle, and an explosion of cheers goes up as soon as the NCPW produced track DANGEROUS plays, signalling the incoming Ken Shamrock!
The crwod didn't think Mikey would last more than a minute, and he nearly didn't! Shamrock hit three belly-tobelly suplexes, and applied the Ankle Lock right after the opening bell! Mikey made it to the ropes, and rolled to the outside. After a spot of brawling, Shamrock went for another belly-to-belly, but Mikey kneed him in the…you know. Mikey controlled from there on and eventually hit the Whippersnapper for the 1-2-3.
Mikey Whipwreck pinned Ken Shamrock with the Whippersnapper in 0:10:28.Rating: ** 1/4
Post match, Mikey celebrates and wonders to the back as we wait for Shamrock to leave. When Shamrock has left, we hear COME OUT AND PLAY by The Offspring! Raven and Glen Jacobs enter the ring.
RAVEN: Tonight, I am here to take back the title that was stolen from me. Tonight is OUR night.
JACOBS: Al Snow…after tonight, it will be Raven going on to WRESTLEFEST to face me for the world title. And you? You will just be another jobber that I crush on TV! You…
The big screen flashes on again, and we see the head office. The Coalition are there, but no sign of the guy they were talking to.
SNOW: Hey! It seems that you two are very confident in yourselves! Well, after tonight, maybe you'll see just what you've let yourselves in for!
The office phone rings. Knowing what to expect, Kiefer pushes a button and the whole arena can hear what is being said.
?????: I've laid off you Kiefer, and tonight it begins again. I'll be kind and not harass you as much, but by the end of tonight, we will all know what the main event is for BRAVE NEW WORLD.
KIEFER: Why don't you just tell us now, huh?
?????: This is not the time or the place Kiefer.
KIEFER: Look you piece of shit, IO have booking power here, so if there is anything in your match that I don't like then I can change it. It would be much better to announce it now than to have to wait till later to have your match changed.
The caller hangs up. Kiefer looks stunned.
RAVEN: Kiefer…you need to stay calm. The match will go ahead as planned by our friend on the phones. I think you'll like what he has planned. Quote The Raven. Nevermore.
Raven and Glen go to the announce table for some colour commentary.
Cut to commercial.
We return and Mike Awesome and Tiger Mask IV are about ready to start. The lack of heat is surprising considering how TMIV is a past champion.
Mike is not on his game right now. In fact, he made some stupid mistakes against the young Japanese star. In the end, Mike went for a back suplex, but TMIV reversed it with a bulldog. He then tried to whip Awesome off the ropes, but Mike reversed it. Mike went for a big boot, but TMIV rolled under and got a roll up with a hand full of tights for the three.
Tiger Mask IV pinned Mike Awesome after a roll up in 0:06:12.
Rating: ** 3/4
Raven and Glen Jacobs had fun on the commentary, but choose to go sit in the crowd as normal.
RISE FROM THE FLAMES produced by NCPW plays and Jody enters to a decent face reaction. His opponent Super Crazy has a much smaller one, due to his lack of decent TV time recently.
Both cruisers were eager to impress here, and hit each other with some really high impact high flying moves. The finish came when Jody hit his Phoenix 720 degree DDT for the win.
Jody Fleisch pinned Super Crazy with the Phoenix 720 DDT in 0:09:42.
Rating: *** 1/4
The match is over, and Jody celebrates until Chris Jericho runs in through the crowd! Jody turned around to leave, but was met with a Jericho belt shot. JODY NO SOLD IT! Jericho looks stunned, and begs off. He then exits VERy quickly.
In the back, Doug Williams has his FTW Title belt and has something to say too.
DOUG: At BRAVE NEW WORLD, I want a real challenge. I want to face the best FTW Style wrestler in the business. Tonight, I have made a match to determine who the greatest is. Taz is about to take on Rob Van Dam and the winner will go on to the PPV to face me.
Back in the ring, Kiss' WAR MACHINE plays and Taz comes out to a decent heel reaction.
WALK by Pantera hits and RVD walks out to a loud face reaction. The action begins straight away.
Both men were hungry for the match with Doug Willaims, and they showed it by using anything that wasn't nailed down on each other! A decent match with both men got at it to the max, and it featured some decnt moves to go with the weapons. The finish saw RVD go for a Van Daminator, only for Taz to duck it and hit an Aztecan Suplex. One…Two…Three! Taz celebrates, but the referee soon informs him that both his and RVD' shoulders were down! This goes to a draw.
No-Countout-No-DQ-MatchTaz and Rob Van Dam battled to a double pin in 0:10:27.Rating: ***
Taz, Rob and the referee continue to argue, until Doug Willaims appears on the big screen.
DOUG: It seems that you two have drawn. I could make the BRAVE NEW WORLD match a triple threat affair, but THAT would be too obvious! Next week, you two will fight again, and this time, there WILL be a winner!
Taz and Rob leave up the aisle as Doug disappears from the screen.
PRISONER by Iron Maiden cues the arrival of the tag champions Shinjiro Ohtani and Koji Kanemoto.
There opponents enter to the NCPW produced DON'T TRUST A JACKYL.
This is the first real chance Eddie and Michael have had against Ohtani and Kanemoto. They tried so hard too! Both teams went back and forth until Eiji Ezaki and Essa Rios ran in. They took out Eddie Guerrero on the outside, and this distracted Modest long enough for The Final Champter to nail a Tiger Suplex '85 followed up by The End for the 1-2-3, and a retention of their titles.
The Final Chapter defeated The Jackyl Pack when Kanemoto pinned M. Modest afterThe End in 0:10:46.Rating: ****(The Final Chapter retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
Eddie, Modest, Eiji, and Essa start up an intense four way brawl on the outside. Not to have their defense upstaged, The Final Chapter knock all four down with stereo dives to the outside! With all four flattened, the champs leave to cheers. Once up though the two feuding teams start to fight again, and security have to separate them.
In the stands, Glen Jacobs looks at Raven.
JACOBS: Is it time?
RAVEN: Go forth.
Stiltskin' INSIDE plays as Glen Jacobs makes his way into the ring. Once in there, he warms up a little as Nirvana' SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT plays and former TV champion DDP enters.
It seems that no one told DDP that Glen Jacobs is not a push over. DDP tried every high impact move in his arsenal, and took it to Glen, but Jacobs stuck with it, didn't give up, and eventually hit a Unabomb from nowhere for the victory.
Glen Jacobs pinned Diamond Dallas Page with the Unabomb in 0:10:24.Rating: * 1/4
Jacobs opts to stand at ringside for the next bout as Raven walks calmly down to the ring.
DIE AGAIN by Wolfsbane hits and the world champion enters to boos and jeers from all in attendance.
The action starts straight away as Raven meets his former nemesis in the aisle.
Everyone knew that Snow would not go it alone, and sure enough The Coalition (sans the Mystery Man) entered after only 7 minutes of Raven destroying the World Champion. Glen Jacobs was on the scene though, and drove them back up the aisle. Mikey meanwhile made a break for it and ducked into the crowd. Running through, he to the ringside in time to distract Raven for an Al Snow low-blow. Glen kept Doyle and Kiefer at bay, but Mikey made sure Raven couldn't keep any advantage he gets. After Mikey mounted the apron, Al tried to whip Raven into him, but ended up being reversed and knocked Mikey down. Al stumbled into…EVENFLOW DDT! WE'VE GOT A NEW CHAMPION! ONE…TWO…THRENO! Mikey broke the pin! Raven wins by DQ!
Raven defeated Al Snow by disqualification in 0:15:28.
Rating: *** 3/4(Al Snow retained the NCPW World Title.)
Post match, Raven plants Mikey with an Evenflow DDT. Glen Jacobs gets in the ring and plants the world champion with a Unabomb. He throws Al out of the ring.
The Big screen flashes on, and we see a chair from behind. Someone is sitting in it.
?????: Kiefer, beware. Two of the gang are getting back together. Look it up, it was before your time. Now, onto BRAVE NEW WORLD. The main event. To make things fair Kiefer, YOU can pick one stipulation.
DOYLE: This is my fed. I want some power over this.
?????: Then you too may have one stipulation.
SNOW: Hey! What about me?
?????: You Al Snow…CAN GO TO HELL!
The crowd pops huge for that one.
?????: The main event of BRAVE NEW WORLD is a simple tag team affair. Raven and Glen Jacobs taking on Al Snow and Mikey Whipwreck. IF Raven and Glen win, the Glen gets his world title shot on TV after the PPV in a match of his choosing, with his own stipulations.
KIEFER: Fine. IF we win…then Raven…you deliver the stalker to me on the TV show after the PPV.
DOYLE: And I want to choose the referee. Ken Shamrock.
The show fades out with a stare down going on, and Doyle and Kiefer still talking to the stalker.
The crow entering the arena were entertained with two dark matches.
The first Dark Match featured Spike Dudley who has not been seen on fullt ime TV for a while and D'Lo Brown. There is actualy some history here, and the long time fans knew it! D'Lo and Spike both main evented the original NCPW PPV, but it doesn't end there! When LSD was fighting his brothers The Dudley Boyz, he enlisted D'Lo as a partner, and turned on him. D'Lo never had the chance for revenge, but he got it here! After some back and forth action, D'Lo was sent reeling with a stiff elbow, and Spike ran the ropes, only to be caught with a Sky High for the 1-2-3.
D'Lo Brown pinned Spike Dudley after the Sky High in 0:05:05.
Rating: * 1/2
Dinsmore is under contract, and waiting for a start now, while Corino is in negotiations with the NCPW. The crowd were a bit more into this one than the last Dark Match, and were divided between who to cheer for. In the end, the contracted Dinsmore was put over by Corino via a smooth German Suplex.
Nick Dinsmore pinned Steve Corino with the German Suplex in 0:07:32.
Rating: * ¾
After the two Dark Matches, the lights went off, and the METTLE Theme SYMPTHONY OF DESTRUCTION by Megadeth plays and the crowd are on their feet for the start of the show.
ANARCHY IN THE UK hits and Doug Williams enters to do colour for the top contenders FTW Match.
WALK signals the cue for boos from the crowd as the ultra cocky Rob Van Dam enters the ring, posing as the crowd shower him with boos and jeers.
WAR MACHINE hits and the crowd get behind Taz as he enters the ring.
Good reactions from he crowd for this one. With the crowd completely behind Taz to get his rematch with The Anarchist, the battle raged into the crowd where Taz hit a nice T-Bone on the concrete. Back in the ring, Taz set RVD up for a Dragon Suplex, but Bill Alfonso jumped the apron and hit Taz with a chair. Taz turned to Alfonso, and was hit with a German Suplex by RVD. 1-2-3! RVD celebrates, but the referee soon dampens his spirits when it is announced that RVD had his shoulders down too! It's another draw!
Rob Van Dam and Taz battled to a double pin in 0:10:43.
Rating: *** 1/4
Doug Williams enters the ring with a mic.
DOUG: It seems that you two can't come up with an opponent for me.
The crowd are chanting "TRIPLE THREAT MATCH!"
DOUG: Well, the crowd obviously want to see me show you both my Chaos Theory, so lets see…BRAVEN NEW WORLD will see "The Anarchist" defending HIS belt in a…FOUR WAY MATCH!
The crowd cheer, but it soons dies down as they realise that there's only three people in the ring.
DOUG: So just who is my third challenger? Well, my opponent for tonight is unannounced so HE will be my other challenger. As for his identity, you'll all have to wait and see!
Doug leaves. Taz and RVD stare each other down, and Taz leaves, as RVD poses for the anti-RVD crowd.
In the back, The Coalition are talking to the mystery man again, and we still can't see his face.
KIEFER: So you want to be in The Coalition huh? Well, you'll have to prove yourself! If you want in, then you have do something for me. You see, I've got a feeling I know how things are gonna go, and I want you to be ready. Read this.
Kiefer hands him a piece of paper.
DOYLE: Read through that and think about it. If you agree to what is said, then let me know.
Cut back to the ring.
IRON MAN plays and Bam Bam enters. The crowd are obviously expecting another loss here. There are a few signs out like "BAM BAM: JOB SQUADEE" and "BAM BAM WILL NEVER WIN".
MIRACLE ECSTACY plays and the crowd lighten up though, as MEN'S Teiho enters the ring.
The crowd were behind MEN'S alright, but not that heated. Bam Bam is not over, so the crowd were cold when he was in control, and when MEN'S was in control, the action was not amazing. It seems that the HUGE difference in size made it uncomfortable for MEN'S to work here. The end was as follows: BBB hit a powerslam on Teiho and went up top. MEN'S caught him on the way up and hit an almost Miracle Ecstacy for one…two…kickout. As BBB got up, the former Terry Boy ran the ropes and nailed a Frankensteiner and grabbed the legs. Sitting WAY forward, MEN'S got the 3.
MEN'S Teioh pinned Bam Bam Bigelow after a Frankensteiner in 0:08:46.
Rating: * 3/4
Post match, MEN'S celebrated in the ring.
CURE by MetallicA hit and the TV Champion stands in the aisle. He has the TV Title around his waist and the Revenge Cup stood next to him.
SICK: Well well…you appear to have beaten the big man. Maybe I should watch out for you in our Title Match…or maybe not. You see, all you just did was beat a jobber! And you struggled too! You couldn't even keep him down with your finisher!
TEIHO: You think you could do better? You REALLY think you could get in this ring tonight and get an easier win?
SICK: Oh, I don't think…I know.
TEIHO: Now Sick Boy, we all know you don't think. It must be obvious now that you've signed your death warrant. You come back here after the next match and well see if you can back those words up!
Cut to commercial.
We return with Masato Yakushiji in the ring.
T-I-G-E-R-THAT SPELLS TIGER! Tiger Mask IV enters to his Mpro theme, and the crowd seem to be behind him. It seems that his high work rate has turned him face!
TMIV took some arm drags at the start, and some nice suplexes. However, TMIV got straight back into the match with stiff kicks, and some nast looking ones at that! A Tiger Suplex got 2, so TMIV hit the usual Flip Kick spot. A dive to outside floors Masato who stumbles back into the ring. TMIV hits the most brutal suplex in pro-wrestling: The Millenium Suplex to get the win!
Tiger Mask IV pinned Masato Yakushiji after the Millennium Suplex in 0:05:05.
Rating: ** 3/4
After the match, both guys leave quickly as CURE hits and Sick Boy enters the ring.
SICK: I have no idea who MEN'S Teiho has chosen to face me, nor do I care! Tonight, he can send out any of his jobber friends, and I will personally cure them of their over confidence in thinking they can beat me!
Then, Sick Boy' opponent enters. He has no music, and enters to the crowd singing "Hit the road Jack" only modified to use the name Test instead of Jack.
In Test' last appearance for the NCPW, he managed to silence the crowd with his strongest performance since his TAP (Test & Awesome Protection) days. Some high impact moves from the big man had the champion reeling, and the crowd actually thought that Test may leave with the gold! Test went for a gut wrench powerbomb, but Sick Boy slipped out onto his feet and "Cured" Test for the 1…2…3!
Sick Boy pinned Test with the Cure in 0:07:18.
Rating: ***
(Sick Boy retained the NCPW TV Title.)
Sick Boy celebrated in the ring as Test left to a few claps. As Sick Boy stood there, the crowd suddenly started to cheer! Sick Boy continued to pose, and then turned around to leave…MIRACLE ECSTACY! MEN'S Teiho just planted the champion with his finisher!
Cut to the parking lot and we see Al Snow and Mikey Whipwreck arrive.
SNOW: Nah…Jericho will be easy.
MIKEY: Yeah. He's more of a coward than you are…are…aren't.
SNOW: If I didn't know better, I'd think you just said im a coward.
MIKEY: Now why would I say that? Hey…isn't that?
We see Raven walking towards the two.
RAVEN: Al…this is nothing to do with you. Leave.
SNOW: No way, Mikey…
RAVEN: Leave or Glen will be out here to give you a preview of BRAVE NEW WORLD.
SNOW: All righty then. Mikey…you're on your own dude.
Al enters the building.
MIKEY: What do you want now?
RAVEN: YOU screwed me out of the world title Mikey. YOU made damn sure I didn't take back the belt that's mine. And YOU…
MIKEY: And YOU can shut the fuck up and get to the damn point!
RAVEN: Fine. You and me tonight in the main event. No Holds Barred.
MIKEY: Gee…let me think about this…
Kick, Whippersnapper!
MIKEY: There's another one to come Raven.
Doug Williams has just entered back in the ring.
DOUG: Ladies and Gentlemen, my opponent tonight is the other man who will be in the four-way at BNW. This is a man who approached me recently about this, ao here he is…
To the tune of COWBOYS FROM HELL by Pantera, Justin Credible enters! The crowd does not approve, but Justin looks confident.
A solid encounter here, but it had nothing on the RVD vs Taz match from earlier. The crowd were firmly behind the champion and bombarded Justin with chants of "ALDO! ALDO!" Credible tried the That's Incredible early on, but Doug reversed it into his own Tombstone for one…two…shoulder up! Later on, a table was brpought into play, which was wiped out by Taz! Taz ran in and hit Doug with a suplex through it! Meanwhile, RVD ran in and brawled with Taz. Justin set Doug up, and…THAT'S INCREDIBLE FROM THE TOP ROPE! ONE…TWO…THRENO! Taz broke the pin and hit Justin with a T-Bone Tazplex! He's rolled Doug on top! RVD Hits a Van Daminator on Taz! 1-2-3! Doug has retained!
Doug Williams pinned Justin Credible with the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:10:08.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Doug Williams retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
Post match, RVD poses over all three fallen men.
RVD: As you can all see…I am the last man standing! That's right! The Whole F'N Show has beaten the Whole F'N FTW Division tonight! So come on people, chant it out! ROB…VAN DAM!
ROVD leaves chanting his own name to his music. The crowd adds a "SUCKS!" chant at then end of every time RVD says his name as we go to commercial.
We return.
Both Brits make a return here and Johnny does some comedy reversals on Robbie. Robbie then snaps and hits a few high impact moves on Sain before hitting his finisher to the crowd' approval for the three.
Robbie Brookside pinned Johnny Saint with the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in 0:06:10.
Rating: ** 3/4
We cut to the Coalition Offices at the top of the building.
SNOW: He's not that easy Mikey!
MIKEY: Yeah? And I suppose Shamrock ws then? I suppose beating the guy that is 2-0 up on Raven is nothing, huh?
DOYLE: Damnit Mikey! Don't think this will be a breeze, just beacause you beat Shamrock! Raven will take you to the limit!
KIEFER: Yeah, and we…
Phone rings. Pressed up…
?????: So tell me, how do you like the match?
KIEFER: The PPV one?
?????: Yeah, the PPV one, what the Hell else would I be talking about?
KIEFER: You think your guys have a chance? Well let me tell you something, The Coalition is gonna ake your men apart at the PPV you son of a bitch!
?????: HAHAHAHAHA! You think you have it all thought out, don't you? Well, at the PPV I'll be closer to you than you think. For your own safety, stay away frm ring side.
He hangs up.
KIEFER: That proves it. It's Shamrock. And you choosing him as the referee gives the me the chance to prove him as the stalker, even if we lose!
DOYLE: But we wont lose…
Phone rings. Just picked up this time.
DOYLE: Yeah?…Oh, it's you. What's up?…you've decided already? Well, you've got a while to wait. This wont come together until WRESTLEFEST…Great, Bye.
KIEFER: Was that?
DOYLE: Yeah. He's in.
SNOW: Well, that's something.
MIKEY: Never thought he'd join us either.
SNOW: Yeah. Well, me and Mikey should get ready for our matches.
Cut to the arena and Shamrock and Mike Awesome are already in the ring.
Awesome is in the same boat as Bam Bam. Don't expect either to remain here for long. Anyways, Shamrock holds the advantage for most of the match and in the end he reverses an Awesome Bomb by slipping over Mike' back and applying the Ankle Lock for the tap out.
Ken Shamrock made Mike Awesome submit to the Ankle Lock Submission in 0:09:17.
Rating: ***
Shamrock grabs the mic.
SHAMROCK: I know that some of you are thinking that at Brave New World, I will not be a fair referee. Well, I may want nothing more than to tear Raven limb from limb, but that is not coming into play. I WILL be the impartial referee.
Shamrock leaves.
Back in the ring…
WolfsBane' DIE AGAIN plays and The World Champion enters to a boovation.
Alice Cooper' POISON plays and we get more boos for the cruiserweight champion.
The crowd is split, as both guys have fans, but they are both getting loud boos too.
JERICHO: As you, my loyal Jerichoholics, can see…tonight I will get my world title as I beat up Al Snow. Now Al, I know you're a "bad guy", so I know you're gonna cheat, just like Jody Fleisch and all those other losers in the back, I came prepared. As you can see, Ralphus here has been training! He's ready to kick ass!
SNOW: Jericho…shut the hell up! The se people don't like you! They're all Al-Coholics! They all want me to kick your ass! Now, enough talk! Lets get it on!
Well, Jericho was right! After only eight minutes, Jody Fleisch, Billy Kidman, and Mikey Whipwreck all ran in. Ralphus, having been training and all, managed to hold off…nope. Whippersnapper destroys Ralphus. Jericho pulls the brass knuckles out of his tights and floors the invaders. The referee goes to call for the bell, but Al tells him not to. Jericho swings at Al, and Al ducks. Snow Plow! Al goes up top and hits a moonsault for the win.
Al Snow pinned Chris Jericho after a moonsault in 0:10:10.
Rating: *** 1/2
(Al Snow retained the NCPW World Title.)
As Mikey and Al celebrate, ACE OF SPADES hits and HHH runs in, clearing the ring of the heels.
INSIDE by Stiltskin hits and Glen Jacobs wanders out to cheers…a lot of them.
HHH is getting back to full form, and it was showing here as he held his own against the top contender. Glen used his normal powerful moves and kept The Game at bay for a long time. After about 12 minutes, he hoisted HHH up for the Unabomb, but HHH slid out! Kick! Pedigree! ONE! TWO! THREE! HHH just beat the top contender for the world title cleanly!
HHH pinned Glen Jacobs with the Pedigree in 0:12:30.
Rating: **
Raven runs in thorught the crowd, and Glen gets to his feet.
GLEN: HHH…I may have under-estimated you tonight. Well, I would love the chance to face you again sometime.
Glen offers his hand and he and The Game shake.
Raven and Geln are at the announce table as we see a music video for BRAVE NEW WORLD. When back in the ring, the next match-up is already under way.
Decent Cruiser action, as the two hit some moves that gets the crowd into it a bit. Hamada set Chavo on the top rope and signalled for the Hamada-Chan Cutter, but Chao kicked him and hit his finisher for the duke.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Gran Hamada with the Tornado DDT in 0:07:09.
Rating: ** 3/4
Now, onto the main event.
DIE AGAIN plays and Mikey enters the ring…with the rest of the Coalition in tow.
COME OUT AND PLAY signals Raven and Glen Jacobs getting up from the announce table and Raven enters as the bell rings.
Bloody. Very Blody. The two hit each other with everything they could find in the usual claret section at the start. Meanwhile, Glen Jacobs was brawling with Al Snow on the outside, and they brawled to the back. Back in the ring, Raven and Mikey had started to assemble some decent moves, and each hit his signature moves. In the end, Doyle and Kiefer got in the ring, and nailed Raven with a Double-DDT…NO SOLD! Raven chaces them off, and turns…WHIPPERSNAPPER! ONE! TWO! THREE! MIKEY WINS! MIKEY WINS!
Mikey Whipwreck pinned Raven with the Whippersnapper in 0:17:14.
Rating: ***
Post match, Mikey celebrates on the outside. Raven gets up.
RAVEN: This isn't over, by a long shot.
Glen walks back down the aisle. Mikey is seen to ask "Where's Al?"
RAVEN: Did it work?
JACOBS: Take a look.
The Big Screen cuts to the back, where Al is on the floor wearing the crimson mask.
We fade out on that shot.
As the crowd waited for the show to go on air, two more dark matches were displayed.
Some top class action here. Both showed some style, but Corino held the control for most of the match. In the end, he hit the Old School Expulsion for the win.
[DARK MATCH]: No-Countout-No-DQ-Match
Steve Corino pinned Spike Dudley with the Old School Expolsion in 0:08:26.
Rating: **
With both expected to get some TV Time soon, these two went out there to impress with the six minutes given to them. D'Lo hit the Sky High and went for the Low-Down, but Dinsmore moved and nailed a German Suplex for a good win.
Nick Dinsmore pinned D'Lo Brown with the German Suplex in 0:06:04.
Rating: ** 1/4
The pyros went off, and the show began.
In the back, we see The Coalition enter the building. Matt Doyle and Kiefer Sutherland are talking among themselves and Mikey and Al are laughing about something. As they enter their room, the camera is not allowed to enter, but we do hear…
KIEFER: Ah, so you're here already…
Cut to the ring, and we here POISON by Alice Cooper, meaning only one thing. The NCPW Cruiserweight Champion is here!
JERICHO: Welcome to tonights feature presentation of Jericho! To all my Jerichoholics out there, I say this…BOW TO THE AYATOLLAH OF ROCK `N' ROLLAH!
The crowd boos, but a few Jericho chants are heard.
JERICHO: Tonights opponent for your paragon of virtue is none other than the NCPW' own King Of Jobbers! That's right ladies and Gentlemen, tonight I get to squash the jobber known as…
Masato Yakushiji runs in! He lays into Jericho before he can finish his sentence, and The Match begins.
A good opener to the show. Yakushiji made good use of his early advantage and took it to Jericho with various arm drags. Of course, it would not last. On the outside, Jericho ducked down and Ralphus threw the mysterious white wrestling powder into Masato' eyes! The referee saw this and went to the outside to try to eject Ralphus from ringside! As the referee argued with Ralphus, Jody Fleisch ran in from the crowd! He nailed a Phoenix 720 DDT on Jericho and Yakushiji applied the Yakushiji-Lock! The referee got in the ring and went straight to Fleisch. As the referee made sure Fleisch left the ring, Ralphus hit Masato with a chair! He then ran up the aisle a bit so that the turning referee would think he was obeying his commands! Jericho appllied the Lion Tamer for another win with help from the head of JPS.
Chris Jericho made Masato Yakushiji submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:07:40.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Chris Jericho retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
Post match, Ralphus walks back down the aisle and hands Jericho his belt.
JERICHO: As you can see…Not even Jody Fleisch could save Masato Yakushiji from doing the J-O-B!
FLEISCH: Hey Jericho! Tonight was only the beginning! Next Sunday, I'm gonna toss all those other guys over the top rope and take the win in the battle royal…and then I'm gonna take your belt too!
JERICHO: All I can say to that is…COME ON BABY!
Jericho leaves with Ralphus, and Jody goes back into the crowd as we cut to the back.
In the back, The Jackyl Pack has a camera man.
EDDIE: At BRAVE NEW WORLD, there has been a new match added! The NCPW Tag Titles are now on the line!
MODEST: When we heard the news, we were the first team there to sign up for the title match! Well, the titles are now ready to be defended.
EDDIE: And when we beat The Final Chapter, The Innovators, and Zero-G…WE will finally have the betls we deserve!
Cut back to the ring…
Decent match. The champs retained when Ohtani pinned Saturn with his finisher.
The Final Chapter defeated The Eliminators when Ohtani pinned Saturn with the Dragon Suplex in 0:10:19.
Rating: ** 1/2
(The Final Chapter retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
Cut to commercial.
We are back, and another match is about ready to start.
Rhino did get some offense early on, but when he tried a Gore in the corner, Sick Boy jumped onto the post and hit the reeling Rhino with a missle Dropkick. It was Sick Boy all the wat from there, and Scott Vick hit The Cure for the win.
Sick Boy pinned Rhino with the Cure in 0:07:44.
Rating: *
(Sick Boy retained the NCPW TV Title.)
Sick Boy grabs a microphone
SICK: Next Sunday at BRAVE NEW WORLD, MEN'S Teiho…you will be beaten just as easily as the Man Beast was tonight! You think you can do it? You think you can beat me? Well…bring it on!
Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko enter to the Horsemen music.
FIGHT THE DREAM plays and Essa and Eiji come out to a good ovation.
Both teams put in some good effort, and there was a guest appearnce from The Jackyl Pack! When the referee was bumped, they ran in and destroyed Essa and Eiji! Benoit and Malenko offered a handshake to Eddie and Modest, but turned on them! The crowd cheered as they tossed Eddie and Modest to the outside. As the referee recovered, Eddie hit Malenko with a chair and The Jackyls ran. Essa hit his finish moments later for the pin.
Essa Rios and Eiji Ezaki defeated Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko when Essa pinned D. Malenko with the Moonsault in 0:06:27.
Rating: *** 1/4
Post match, Essa grabs a mic.
ESSA: Eddie…Modest…IF you win those belts on Sunday, we want first Title shot!
Essa throws the mic down and he and Eiji leave. Benoit picks up the mic.
BENOIT: Tonight, what you all saw was the end of an era. Without The Horsemen, there is nowhere else Dean and myself can go as a team, so as a team we are no more!
MALENKO: As of tonight, Benoit and Malenko are going our separate ways, so this is it!
Cut to a commercial.
We return.
BETTER TOMORROW (from the film A Better Tomorrow II) hits and MEN'S Teiho walks calmly down the aisle. He is wearing the same old leather jacket and jeans with black MEN'S Teiho shirt, and now has shades on, and a toothpick in his mouth.
T-I-G-E-R THAT SPELLS TIGER! TMIV runs in to a good reaction, if a little mixed, and the match begins.
Stiff from start to finish. TMIV hit his usual spots, and tried his finishers, but MEN'S avoided each one in some way or another. After nailing TMIV with a massive top-rope brainbuster, he stood in the middle of the ring. Removing the shades from his leather jacket, and placing the toothpick firmly in his mouth he picked TMIV up and laid him out with the Miracle Ecstacy for the 1-2-3.
MEN'S Teioh pinned Tiger Mask IV with the Miracle Ecstasy in 0:13:11.
Rating: ** 1/2
Post match, Sick Boy runs in and throws the TV Title belt down between the two feuding men.
SICK: What the Hell are you doing punk? You think you can just calmly do THAT in the match with me? Well, you've got another think coming!
Sick Boy slaps MEN'S Teiho, who manages to kick toothpick in place.
SICK: You…
BAM! MIRACLE ECSTACY! MEN'S Teiho nailed the champ with his finisher and just counted a mock three! MEN'S leaves.
DUCK AND RUN by 3 Doors Down hits and "Wildcat" Robbie Brookside enters to a good reaction considering the alck of TV Time.
Stiltskin' INSIDE plays and Glen Jacobs enters to a v ery good reaction.
Much better than previous outings between the two, Robbie hit some stiff moves, and out wrestled Glen for a while showing Jacobs' weaknesses. Indeed, when Al Snow sauntered down the aisle, Glen immeadiately lost all focus and nearly lost the match from a roll up. Of course, he got back on track, but Robbie hit back with a powerslam! Whipping Glen off the ropes, he ducked for a backdrop, butGlen slowed and walked across to hit the Unabomb for the three.
Glen Jacobs pinned Robbie Brookside with the Unabomb in 0:13:04.
Rating: *** 1/2
Post match, Glen pointed to Al and gave the old Undertaker Cutting throat motion, and pretended to put the World Title on his waist. He then left as we went to commercial for the last time.
We are back, and the main event gets under way.
BANG! Snow and Mikey went straight into double team mode, and Raven and HHH tried to get along to fight back, but the former Triad team mates soon got into a shoving fight. The tension built through out the match, and in the end Raven drilled HHH with an Evenflow and walked out, allowing Al to hit his finisher for the 3!
No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Four Corners Match
Al Snow defeated Raven, HHH and Mikey Whipwreck when Snow pinned HHH with the Springboard Leg Drop in 0:21:38.
Rating: ** 3/4
(Al Snow retained the NCPW World Title.)
We see an advert for the BRAVE NEW WORLD PPV, and we fade out as Al celebrates with The Coalition.
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