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Card Information
Date/Time: January Week 1 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 32
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 6.1%
Approximently Viewers: 18300000
The opening pyros go off, and MONDAY MAYHEM begins to the approval of the crowd.
The cheers quickly turn to boos though:
"DIE AGAIN" by Wolfsbane hits and NCPW Owner Matt Doyle, Comissioner Kiefer Sutherland, and The Dynamic Duo enter the ring.
SNOW: I told you. No respect here in Illinois.
DOYLE: Well, I guess it's to be expected from a place where the COMBINED IQ is about 12.
The crowd is booing loudly and some people are throwing things into the ring.
KIEFER: Last night, the whole world witnessed Mr. Doyle there doing the smartest thing he has ever done, and all you idiots sat at home with your grubby hands on the remote could do was boo and wonder why.
SNOW: And that is a good question. Why?
DOYLE: The answer is a simple one too. You see...Keji Mutoh is nothing but a washed up piece of Puro crap, and "England's Finest" Robbie Brookside...well, if he's the best my country can produce, is it any surprise I sided myself with the best America has to offer? HAHAHAHAHA! NONE OF YOU SAW IT COMING! NONE OF YOU SAW ME AND KIEFER DOING THE SMART THING!
KIEFER: And as Comissioner, I promise to be fair and just...
Doyle and The Duo give Kiefer a strange look.
KIEFER: ...HEY! I didn't say WHO i'd be fair and just to, did I? Lets see...all those guys out there that you people are wastng your breathe cheering? I don't think I need be fair to them. Do you?
Crowd boos louder.
DOYLE: We aren't the NWO. We sure as hell aren't The Corporation. What we are is the Controlling Coalition of the NCPW!
KIEFER: We all hold the cards. And there aint nothing ANY of you can do about it!
"DUCK AND RUN" hits and the crowd goes wild as the NCPW WOrld Champion Robbie Brookside and Keiji Mutoh enter.
ROBBIE: I beg to differ. You see, me and my "washed up piece of Puro Crap" friend here can beat your boys any day of the week! And, with all due respect, i'm pretty sure that England was glad to hear that you were leaving the country Mr. Doyle.
DOYLE: That's right, you come out here and run your mouth all you want. In the end, I will have the last laugh!
SNOW: You see, we've got a few matches planned tonight that may interest you.
KIEFER: First of all, in tonight's MAIN EVENT, The Dynamic Duo will face the NCPW Tag Team Champions The Innovators for the Tag Titles. The deal there being that IF The Innovators somehow retain the gold, then they can choose their opponents for the PPV.
ROBBIE: How does that interest us?
KIEFER: Well, with The Duo in action, we figured it wouldn't be fair if you two weren't in action! Lets see...at the upcoming NEW YEARS REVOLUTION PPV we have Keiji Mutoh vs. Unabomb for the Top COntership to the World Title, and Robbie Brookside vs. Al Snow for the World Title with the gimmick rules TBA. Well, you two need a warm up. So tonight, you two will team up to face Mike Awesome and Bam Bam Bigelow!
ROBBIE: Whoa there Kiefer, we aint doing that!
DOYLE: If you don't then I will personally strip you off the title right now!
ROBBIE: OK, hows this. We have your little match, BUT...IF we win, then I get YOU Mr. Doyle one-on-one in the ring on Thursday Fireball!
SNOW: You got a deal!
DOYLE: WHAT? What are you doing?
SNOW: DOn't worry, i've got a plan!
ROBBIE: We shall see.
Robbie and Keiji leave and Matt DOyle and Al Snow are still arguing as we cut to...
Sabu pinned Doug Williams with the Triple Jump Moonsault in 0:10:15.
Rating: ** 1/4
---Taz runs in and hits Doug with a chair, setting up for the finish.
Post match, Taz sets up a table in the corner of the ring and looks over to Doug Williams.
TAZ: Doug Williams...you call yourself The Anarchist? It seems that tonight The Human Suplex Machine has caused The Anarchy. Do you really think you're ready to face me in a match for my FTW Title at NEW YEARS REVOLUTION? HAHAHA!
Taz grabs Doug and makes like he's gonna tazplex him through the tabel, but Doug reverses with a quick go-behind! German Suplex...NO! Taz low blowed him! TAZPLEX THROUGHT THE TABLE!
The crowd boos.
TAZ: After NYR, you will be, just...another victim. And just like all this living trash here in Illinois, you cannot stop me!
Boos from the crowd.
TAZ: Just to give you a fair chance...nah, just so I can kick your ass more than once, you get yourself a partner to face me and a partner of my choosing on Fireball and well have a tag match.
Taz goes to leave, but "The Anarchist" is up and on the mic.
DOUG: You...You want that? FINE! YOU GOT IT! But i'm adding two stipulations! First,it'll be a FTW Tag Match! Second, the winning team chooses a member from the other team to compete in another match next Monday.
TAZ: You got yourself a deal punk. Tell me brutha...are you really that eager be choked out? HAHAHA!
Taz leaves, and Doug slowly follows shortly after.
Diamond Dallas Page pinned Rhino with the Diamond Cutter in 0:06:14.
Rating: 1/2*
(Diamond Dallas Page retained the NCPW TV Title.)
---It's funny. With DDP, all his matches are great or shit. I've never had an average match with him.
In the head offices, NCPW Owner Matt Doyle is at his desk, and The Dynamic Duo are making a card house on a table in the background.
There is a knock at the door, and "Lionheart" Chris Jericho and Ralphus enter.
JERICHO: Hey Mr. Owner!
DOYLE: Hi Chris. What can I do you for?
JERICHO: I'd like to request a match at the PPV, and a special stipulation to added.
DOYLE: Well, you'll have to wait a moment there. I generally let Kiefer deal with that sort of thing.
We hear a toilet flush and Kiefer comes out a door to one side of the office.
KIEFER: What's up?
DOYLE: Chris here wants to ask you something.
JERICHO: At NEW YEARS REVOLUTION, I want a rematch with Jody Fleisch.
KIEFER: Really? On what grounds?
JERICHO: I'm awesome.
KIEFER: And? You've got to have more than that.
JERICHO: Well, would it help if I said that you're the best damn commissioner to set foot in any wrestling organisation, and there will NEVER...EEEVVVEEERRR...be one as good as you again?
KIEFER: OK, you got your match.
JERICHO: Yeah, and could I have a special stipulation added?
KIEFER: (not paying attention, more watching Al and Unabomb making their card house) sure.
JERICHO: I want the title to be able to change hands on a DQ or Count-out.
KIEFER: uh-huh...what?
JERICHO: I want to be able to win the title on a DQ or Count-Out decision.
KIEFER: OK. You think Jody may cheat then?
JERICHO: Definatley! Ralphus here saw him cheat in the CWW feeder fed every week when he was down there...didn't you.
KIEFER: Fine. You've got your match and your stipulation. Now go.
JERICHO: One more question. Why is it that in your films, you usually play some kind of psychopath?
Kiefer looks at Jericho very evily.
KIEFER: Ask again, and you'll find out.
Jericho leaves on this note.
DOYLE: You don't like him much, do you?
KIEFER: Nope. I hate Canadians.
DOYLE: What? You live in Canada! You're classed as a Canadian citezin!
KIEFER: That's reason enough to hate them. (kiefer looks back at The Dynamic Duo) HAHAHAHAHA!
Unabomb has apparently knocked the card house down, and Al is hitting him with a news paper.
Jody Fleisch pinned Gran Hamada with the Phoenix 720 DDT in 0:06:10.
Rating: ** 3/4
(Jody Fleisch retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
---Hamada debuts and Jody continues to be on form.
Post match...
"POISON" by Alice Cooper hits and Chris Jericho enters to boos and jeers.
JERICHO: I hope you payed close attention to what me and commissioner Kiefer were saying!
JODY: What? I missed it.
JERICHO: You and me at the PPV for that belt! The title can change hands on a DQ or count-out!
JODY: You expect to take this belt from me like that?
JERICHO: You damn right!
Ralphus is sneaking up on Jody with a chair.
JERICHO: Don't turn around!
Jody does and grabs the chair. He floors Ralphus with it and turns to Jericho.
JODY: You son of a bitch! You are pushing me too far! At NYR, I may have to show you this chair up close and personal...
JODY: After the match! And since I can't lose my title by DQ when we're not in a match...
Jody raises the chair and brings it down...RALPHUS dives in the way! Jericho bails and drags Ralphus with him as Jody celebrates to the crowd's approval.
Gran Hamada has been watching all this bemused.
Taz pinned HHH after a full-nelson german suplex in 0:10:15.
Rating: **
(Taz retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
---Hard thought from the returning HHH.
Robbie Brookside and Keiji Mutoh defeated Mike Awesome and Bam Bam Bigelow when
Brookside pinned Awesome with the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in 0:15:30.
Rating: *** 3/4
---Great match. The faces nearly lost it too, but pulled through in the end.
We cut to...
We return and Ken Shamrock is already in the ring.
SHAMROCK: Last night, Tiger Mask IV gave me one hell of a fight, and I respect him for that. So, to make this short...Tiger Mask, you and me are gonna have another submission match at NEW YEARS REVOLTION!
The crowd pops as Shamrock leaves.
Half-way up the aisle though...
TMIV walks down the aisle and looks at Shamrock.
TIGER: AT NYR...I fight for honour!
They shake hands, but TMIV hits a spin kick, sending Ken down the aisle again. He then runs off as Ken snaps and gives chase.
Mikey Whipwreck defeated Sick Boy by disqualification in 0:08:37.
Rating: ***
---Their usual good match. DDP runs in and breaks up the pin.
DDP is in the ring and beating on Sick Boy. Sick Boy fights back though and sends DDP into the turnbuckle. Mikey jumps in and hits a Whippersnapper on Sick Boy and counts himself the 3! DDP walks out of the corner and Diamond Cutters Mikey. He cunts a 3 on both guys.
PAGE: I don't know, Mikey it seems you have some sort of obsession with me and Scott here. You just can't seem to leave either of us alone.
The crowd pops.
PAGE: Sick Boy...you just earnt yourself a world of hurt little man! For the time being, you and Mikey can fight between yourselves about who's gonna face me for this here TV Title Belt, and I hope it's you Scott! Until you two have made a decision though, i'm gonna sit back and wait. And when the time comes, you'll both feel the...BANG!
The Innovators defeated The Dynamic Duo when Kanyon pinned Snow after
Total Innovation in 0:21:25.
Rating: ** 3/4
(The Innovators retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
---Robbie and Keiji walk out to the top of the aisle as The Duo set up Kanyon for a double team move. Unabomb runs after them, and Al shouts at him to "get back here!" but gets hit with Total Innovation.
The show goes off air with The Innovators celebrating.
The opening pyros hit and THURSDAY FIREBALL begins.
"KRYPTONITE" by 3 Doors Down blasts over the P.A. and The Tag champs enter.
NOVA: Thanks guys!
Kanyon and Nova laugh.
KANYON: Sonce we beat The Dynamic Duo by the skin of our teeth, we get to choose our opponents for NYR.
NOVA: Well, here's waht we decided to do. There will be a tournament, which includes us. At the end of the tournament, the two finalists will face each other on the PPV with the belts on the line.
KANYON: And the losing semi-finalists will face off in a top contenders match.
The crowd cheers.
NOVA: Tonight will see the first tournament match.
KANYON: Zero-G vs. The Eliminators.
Taz and HHH defeated Sabu and Doug Williams when Taz made Williams submit to
the Tazmission in 0:10:16.
Rating: * 1/2
---Awful. These are four of the members of my FTW division, and should be doing better…oh well, they do do better in singles matches anyway.
TAZ: HAHHAHA! Looks like I just choked your ass out! Tell me brutha, do you see NYR as being any different?
Taz throws down the mic, picks up Doug and nails him with a Tazplex.
TAZ: That's what I think of your Chaos Theory!
Zero-G defeated The Eliminators when D. Storm pinned Saturn after Free Fall in
Rating: **
---Zero-G are the first team to advance into the semi-finals.
In the head offices, The Dynamic Duo and the NCPW Owner are playing cards.
Commissioner Kiefer meanwhile is tapping his fingers waiting...
Ken Shamrock enters.
SHAMROCK: You wanted to see me?
KIEFER: Yeah. One Question. What the FUCK do you think you're doing?
SHAMROCK: I'm not sure what...
KIEFER: On Mayhem ,you aranged a match without my permission! You did not consult me, you did not even THINK about talking to me, did you?
SHAMROCK: Since TMIV was ready to accept the challenge, I didn't think it'd matter.
SHAMROCK: Are you saying there will be no submission match?
KIEFER: No. It WILL NOT be you vs. Tiger though.
SHAMROCK: I'm facing Tiger in a submission match whether you like it or not Kiefer. This aint one of your movies, you can't act like a psycho and expect to intimidate me.
Kiefer stands up and walks around so he's face-to-face with Shamrock.
Doyle sees this and jumps in straight away.
DOYLE: WHOA! WHOA THERE! Kiefer, just tell him what's going on.
KIEFER: At NYR, you will have a submission three-way. It will be you vs. TMIV vs. the winner of Raven vs. Yakushiji.
Ken Shamrock walks out.
KIEFER: He was pushing my patience.
DOYLE: Fine. Just calm down a bit, OK? We've got more pressing matters to worry about than you getting into fights with the wrestlers.
Diamond Dallas Page pinned Chris Jericho with the Diamond Cutter in 0:12:08.
Rating: ***
(Diamond Dallas Page retained the NCPW TV Title.)
---See! Great match!
Post match...
Ralphus hops into th ring.
JERICHO: He's...He's a bigger cheater than Jody Fleisch! Ralphus, take care of him.
DDP is smiling. Jody runs in from the crowd and lays out Ralphus with a chair. He goes after Jericho, but Jericho runs to the back with Jody in hit pursuit. Ralphus recovers and waddle after.
Then, Mikey Whipwreck crawls out from under the ring. He enters the ring and stands in the opposite corner of the ring to DDP and stares at him.
"CURE" by MetallicA hits and Sick Boy runs in.
SICK: DDP, at NYR, you got yourself a TV Title match with me.
PAGE: Tell me, did you agree to this Mikey?
DDP smiles and quickly tries a Diamond Cutter, but Mikey pulls him off and Sick Boy hits The Cure on DDP. He goes to high five Mikey, but takes a Whippersnapper!
"WALK ON WATER" by Ozzy keys in and Mikey celebrates to his theme.
Jody Fleisch pinned Essa Rios with the Phoenix 720 DDT in 0:06:11.
Rating: ***
(Jody Fleisch retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
---Jody continues to be on form. Good to see him settled in at last.
In the head offices.
KIEFER: So what is the plan for your match with Robbie?
DOYLE: I dunno. Al?
SNOW: What?
DOYLE: You said you had a plan when you accepted that stipulation for me.
SNOW: Oh yeah. We make sure that Mike and BBB don't lose.
SNOW: Slipped my mind?
KIEFER: Looks like I'm not the only one who needs to control my temper.
DOYlE: (with his head in his hands) shut up.
KIEFER: Look...i've got a plan...
Raven made Masato Yakushiji submit to the STF in 0:06:30.
Rating: * 1/4
---Short and bad. Raven gets a win with a submission hold?
Post match...
RAVEN: "Live by the sword. Die for your King. Fight for this life. One Land one King." The NCPW has but one true King, and he ahs called me to battle. Ken Shamrock...Tiger Mask IV...you do not feature in his plan. The Raven is going to battle for a higher cause. Quoth The Raven...Nevermore.
The crowd is confused by this.
Robbie Brookside defeated Matt Doyle by disqualification in 0:01:09.
Rating: **
(Robbie Brookside retained the NCPW World Title.)
---The Dynamic Duo surrounded the ring after 30 seconds. Unabomb threw Matt some brass knuckles but Robbie caught them and took a swing. Doyle ducked and started to beg off, but Unabomb jumped into the ring…
Post match, Unabomb takes Robbie down with a Unabomb and grabs the Brass Knuckles. He and Snow hold Robbie up while Doyle puts the knuckles on. He starts to punch Robbie with them, and is drawing blood, when...
The crowd cheer as they await Keji Mutoh's arrival. Doyle watches the aisle and...
Keiji was under the ring like Mikey! He enters and Mists Snow and Unabomb.
Doyle turns around and...STARTS RUNNING TO THE BACK!
He stops at the top of the aisle and The Dynamic Duo join him. Kiefer walks out too.
DOYLE: You...you Keiji, can stay right there...RIGHT THERE! Al...Unabomb...you go...go get him!
"KEN SHAMROCK'S THEME" hits and he runs in through the crowd.
KIEFER: Oh, so you want a piece of the action too huh? Fine! This is now a tag match!
The Dynamic Duo defeated Keiji Mutoh and Ken Shamrock when Snow pinned Shamrock
with the Springboard Leg Drop in 0:15:15.
Rating: ** 3/4
---Not bad. Snow revives his old finisher: lays Shamrock out on the ropes and hits his big move.
The show fades with The Controlling Coalition beating on Mutoh, Robbie and Shamrock.
Card Information
Date/Time: January Week 2 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 28
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 5.5%
Approximently Viewers: 16500000
Doug Williams pinned Chris Benoit with the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:06:59.
Rating: **** 1/4
Shinjiro Ohtani and Koji Kanemoto defeated The Impact Players when Kanemoto
pinned Credible after The End in 0:11:10.
Rating: ** 1/2
In a locker room, Keji Mutoh and NCPW World Champion Robbie Brookside are talking.
ROBBIE: You need to be careful at NYR. Unabomb isn't going to be an easy opponent. You can't just go in there expecting to be able to mat wrestle the guy. I know, i've fought him alredy. You...
Ken Shamrock walks in and interrupts.
SHAMROCK: Hey! We need to talk.
ROBBIE: Sure. Is this about the tag match this Thursday?
SHAMROCK: That's part of it. I want to know that we're all on the same page for Thursday.
ROBBIE: Look...you want Tiger Mask don't you? Me and Keiji have gor some unfinished business with The Dynamic Duo. We're all in there to go against guys we're gonna beat at the PPV, so I see no reason why we can't function as a team.
SHAMROCK: Good. There's one more thing.
SHAMROCK: I need some back up. Our commissioner has booked me against Al Snow in tonight's main event. I want to know that you two will be there to back me up in case the Coalition get any ideas.
ROBBIE: You got Al tonight? Then i'll be there. Where there's Al, there's Unabomb too...
KEIJI: I'll be there at ring side.
SHAMROCK: Great. I'll see you guys later.
Ken leaves and the cameras follow. As Ken enters his locker room, he spots Raven sitting in there waiting.
SHAMROCK: What's this?
RAVEN: This is nothing but a warning Shamrock. You may be the world's most dangerous man, but that doesn't mean much to me. At New Years Revolution, you will need to be wary of BOTH me and The Tiger. For now, I will leave you be, but don't think that I won't try to help my cause. Quoth The Raven. Nevermore.
Raven leaves the room, and Shamrock looks surprised.
Unabomb pinned Eddie Guerrero with the Unabomb in 0:03:08.
Rating: **
In the back, Sick Boy is seemingly talking to Mikey Whipwreck.
SICK: Look...you've had your chances, and you blew it. I should get the title shot at DDP.
MIKEY: This is't over yet, i'm gonna get the shot.
SICK: OK...i've kicked your ass before, dont make me Cure you again...
Commissioner Kiefer Sutherland enters.
KIEFER: OK you two...i've been watching you on the CCTV, and all you've done since tonight's show started is argue about who's gonna face DDP at NYR. Well, i'm the damn commissioner, so I choose which one of you faces him, no matter what you decide. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?
Sick Boy shrugs and Mikey just stares.
KIEFER: You two want to fight so bad, then you can have a match. The winner gets the title shot at the PPV.
Sick Boy leaves the locker room, looking pissed off.
KIEFER: Idiots...
Kiefer leaves and Mikey just looks perplexed.
HHH pinned Mike Awesome with the Pedigree in 0:07:10.
Rating: **
Taz is walking around in the back with his FTW Title. He turns a corner and enters his locker room. Someone follows him in with a chair! It's Doug Williams! Doug hits Taz with the chair repeatedly until he's busted wide open! Taz is stumbling around, and Doug hits him again...NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX ON THE CONCRETE! Taz is down and Doug Williams is just walking away.
DOUG: It's time for some retaliation.
Tiger Mask IV made Masato Yakushiji submit to a headlock submission with arm capture in 0:10:47.
Rating: ** 3/4
Sick Boy and Mikey Whipwreck battled to a draw in 0:15:00.
Rating: ** 1/2
Chris Jericho made Balls Mahoney submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:05:48.
Rating: ***
"Simply Sensatioanl" Al Snow enters the ring.
SNOW: As you can see, I came out here tonight without Unabomb, to prove a point. I am a fighter, not a coward, and I do not need to hide behind the big man to get by. Ken Shamrock, I am not scared of you. I have beaten you before, and i'll do it again! You prove yourself to be a real contender and come ut here alone too!
In a locker room, Shamrock, Robbie, and Keiji are watching this on TV as Shamrock's theme hits.
ROBBIE: What do you think?
SHAMROCK: I'll go alone. Just be ready.
As Shamrock walks towards the curtain, Raven appears behind him.
RAVEN: Watch your back Shamrock.
Shamrock shrugs it off and enters.
Al Snow pinned Ken Shamrock with the Springboard Leg Drop in 0:17:52.
Rating: *****
Post match, Snow celebrates and leaves. Ken Shamrock is frustrated as the show fades out.
The pyros go off, and THURSDAY FIREBALL begins!
In the head offices...
SNOW: Did you see me? I beat him like a dog!
DOYLE: OK, Al...you won. Now can we concentrate on Robbie Brookside?
SNOW: Sure. What do we need?
KIEFER: A stipulation you idiot! Haven't you been listening for the last half hour?
SNOW: What? You were talking?
KIEFER: Are you sure he's the best this company has to offer?
DOYLE: Makes you wonder sometimes doesn't he? Yeah, he's the best.
SNOW: Glad you can see Mr. Owner.
KIEFER: Great. Enough of the niceties. Al, you need a stipulation that will allow us to put Plan A into action.
SNOW: What's plan A?
KIEFER: We told you earlier!
DOYLE: He was still talking about Shamrock.
KIEFER: Great. Explain it to him will ya.
Kiefer goes to leave.
DOYLE: Where are you going?
KIEFER: To talk to our plan.
Kiefer throws a cigarette into his mouth and leaves, slamming the door behind him.
SNOW: He's cracking...
DOYLE: Shut up Al. Now listen...
Diamond Dallas Page pinned Jody Fleisch with the Diamond Cutter in 0:12:09.
Rating: * 1/4
(Diamond Dallas Page retained the NCPW TV Title.)
Blitzkrieg pinned Essa Rios after the Stardust Press in 0:11:42.
Rating: *** 1/2
In the back, in a locker room, DDP sits with his belt and a camera.
PAGE: OK...Sick Boy...Mikey Whipwreck...since you guys can't seem to decide which of you deserves a shot at my belt more, i'm gonna decide for ya. The decision wasn't an easy one, I can tell you that! So, at NEW YEARS REVOLUTION 2003, the TV Title will be on the line in a match involving DDP...and...Mikey Whipwreck AND Sick Boy! This way, I can fionish things up wit h Mikey, and as for you Scott...be ready, to feel the...BANG!
Mike Awesome pinned Sabu with the Awesome Bomb in 0:05:06.
Rating: * 3/4
"KRYPTONITE" by 3 Doors Down hits and The Innovtors walk out.
NOVA: I guess the Canadians like me better than Illinois.
KANYON: Tonight, the third team of our tournament is decided when Benoit and Malenko fight E & C in a match to join Zero-G and Ohtani and Kanemoto in Round Two.
NOVA: We're gonna sit right here at rigside to see who pulls through, and of course to watch the upcoming FTW match. Then on Maonday, the final first round match will feature The Innovators taking on...
Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Balls Mahoney with the Greetings from Asbury Park in
Rating: * 1/2
Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko defeated E & C when D. Malenko made Christian
submit to the Texas Cloverleaf in 0:11:47.
Rating: ****
Chris Jericho and Ralphs are leaving the arena, when "Lionheart" spots Jody sitting on a wall.
JERICHO: WHOA THERE! What you up to now Jody?
JODY: Nothing Chris, why? Getting paranoid?
JERICHO: I'm not paranoid, I just know how much of a cheater you are! I know you've got a weapon up there with you just waiting to get in a cheap shot, haven't ya!
JODY: Chris, you're even more naive than I thought.
JERICHO: NAIVE? They teach you long words like that in England?
JODY: Hey, you really don't want to piss me off Jericho.
JERICHO: Why not? What's a midget like you gonna do, huh? Man, they let you go to Japan? Standards must have REALLY dropped since I was last down there!
Jody shakes his head and jumps down. He reveals that he has the Cruiserweight Title belt with him.
JERICHO: YOU SEE! You're gonna hit me with that belt of mine!
JODY: Yours? You lost last PPV, just like you will at the next one!
JERICHO: I'm not standing for your cheating! Ralphus! Take care of this wannabe!
Ralphus walks towards a smiling Jody, who quickly flors him with the belt. He walks towards Jericho, but Jericho runs back into the arena.
[submission match]: No-Time-Limit-Match
Raven made Gran Hamada submit to the STF in 0:12:29.
Rating: ** 1/2
In the head offices...
Kiefer re-enters the room.
DOYLE: Well?
KIEFER: He seemed focused to me.
DOYLE: Good. Now we've only got one problem...
SNOW: I am not gonna team up with HIM!
SNOW: No way! He's the only person in this damn fed that I hate more than Robbie!
KIEFER: Look you stupid bastard...they won't see it coming! All you have to do is just don't piss him off. You and Unabomb can remain at the top, and he'll take care of whoever tries to get in our way.
SNOW: I don't care!
DOYLE: Al...it'll help you get the world title back.
SNOW: I don't need help! I can do it myself!
KIEFER: OK...Al, if you don't go along with this...who knows what might happen.
DOYLE: Maybe...someone will end up jobless?
SNOW: Look...there's no need to go over board here. Just give me some time to come up with a stipulation for the match, then i'll consider your plan.
KIEFER: You'll do more than consider this allaince Al.
Chris Jericho and Sick Boy defeated Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri when Sick Boy
pinned Whipwreck with the Cure in 0:10:11.
Rating: ** 1/2
In the head offices...
DOYLE: So you understand?
TIGER: yes.
KIEFER: Great! Now lets get going.
The Coalition and Tiger Mask IV leave.
ROBBIE: You two ready?
SHAMROCK: Sure. I want some REAL action tonight.
ROBBIE: Great. Keiji?
KEIJI: Unabomb is mine!
ROBBIE: Then lets go!
Keiji Mutoh, Robbie Brookside and Ken Shamrock and
The Dynamic Duo and Tiger Mask IV battled to a draw in 0:20:00.
Rating: ** 1/2
Post match, the teams continue to fight. Then...
RAVEN RUNS IN! He goes straight to work on Tiger Mask IV and drops him with an Evenflow DDT! Snow tries to stop him, but he gets dropped too. Raven thens moves towards Shamrock, but Keiji gets in his way. EVENFLOW DDT ON KEIJI MUTOH! Shamrock throws Unabomb out of the ring, and he lands near the KO'ed Robbie Brookside. Shamrock and Raven go at it, but Shamrock ends up walking n to an Evenflow DDT. STF! RAVEN LOCKS ON AN STF! The officials swarm the ring as the show goes off air!
Card Information
Date/Time: January Week 3 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 30
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 8929
Ticket Buy Rate: 89.29%
TV ratings: 4.6%
Approximently Viewers: 13800000
Sabu pinned HHH with the Triple Jump Moonsault in 0:13:02.
Rating: ** 3/4
The Innovators defeated J-Thunder when Nova pinned Michinoku after
Total Innovation in 0:13:14.
Rating: ***
(The Innovators retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
Raven made Bam Bam Bigelow submit to the STF in 0:07:55.
Rating: *** 1/4
In the head offices, Ken Shamrock is waiting.
In the halls, we see The Controlling Coalition of the NCPW.
SNOW: I still say it's a bad idea.
DOYLE: Look, so you don't like the guy. He sees no problems with teaming with you!
SNOW: It's not like Tiger Mask last week, that was only one night...I mean, there is no way I can partner this guy for more than a week.
KIEFER: OK Al...lets get one thing straight. NO ONE would expect HIM to be the newest member of our group, so it's to our advantage...
DOYLE: Enough...lets talk about this later.
They enter the offices Doyle, Snow, Unabomb, Kiefer. As Kiefer shuts the door, Ken Shamrock jumps him and puts him in a neck-scissors.
KIEFER: (muffled) SHIT!
DOYLE: WHOA! Don't do anything stupid Ken!
SNOW: Don't listen to him! Go on!
DOYLE: SHUT UP AL! Ken...stay calm...
KIEFER: Get me out of this maniac's grasp! DAMNIT!
DOYLE: OK Kiefer, just wait...
KIEFER: Wait? This fucker is trying to kill me!
SHAMROCK: Best watch what you say there Mr. Commissioner.
DOYLE: Ken...Ken. What exactly do you want?
SHAMROCK: I want many things, so be ready to listen!
SHAMROCK: First of all, I want you to sign two matches for tonight.
DOYLE: OK Ken. What matches?
SHAMROCK: First of all, since you've got me against that freak Raven at NYR, I want Tiger Mask IV one-on-on tonight.
DOYLE: Fine. What's the other match?
SHAMROCK: I want you to sign The DYnamic Duo against The Jackyl Pack.
SHAMROCK: You'll find out.
DOYLE: Done. Now would you mind letting our commissioner go?
SHAMROCK: Oh, I aint done yet. Lets see...lets have something to laugh at.
SHAMROCK: I know. WHat's your name?
SHAMROCK: Your name! What is it?
KIEFER: Kiefer Sutherland.
SHAMROCK: Your full name!
SHAMROCK: Two reasons. ONE. I want to know if you have an embarrassing middle name. TWO...if you don't, then i'll snap your neck right now!
KIEFER: OK...it's...Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland.
SNOW: HAHAHA! Try saying that three times fast.
DOYLE: Shut up Al.
SHAMROCK: This is fun. Lets see what else I can get you to do...
Doug Williams pinned Mike Awesome after the Van Daminator in 0:07:09.
Rating: * 3/4
In the back, we see The Innovators.
NOVA: OK, here's the drawing for the semi-finals of our little tournament.
KANYON: On Thursday, we will face Benoit and Malenko to decide the first finalists.
NOVA: Which means that on Monday, Kanemoto and Ohtani will face Zero-G.
KANYON: And as a message to the winners of that match on Monday...we'll beat you at the PPV!
The Jackyl Pack defeated The Dynamic Duo when E. Guerrero pinned Snow after
a rollover in 0:12:05.
Rating: ** 3/4
In the head offices...
SHAMROCK: Looks like that came out as planned.
KIEFER: I'm gonna kill you you son of a bitch.
SHAMROCK: Not waht you want to be saying in this position Kiefer.
DOYLE: Look...your up next. Just get ready will you.
SHAMROCK: Fine. I'll be seeing you around...
Shamrock releases the hold on Kiefer Sutherland and leaves as we cut to...
Ken Shamrock made Tiger Mask IV submit to the Ankle Lock Submission in 0:11:04.
Rating: *** 1/2
Robbie Brookside and Keiji Mutoh defeated Taz and Chris Jericho when Mutoh
pinned Chris Jericho with the Moonsault in 0:16:04.
Rating: ***
---Straight after the match, The Coalition run in and beat on Robbie and Mutoh.
Post match, The Coalition continue to assault Keiji and Robbie. Ken Shamrock runs in! Shamrock runs in and hits a belly-to-belly on Al Snow! He turns around and...BAM! Kiefer Sutherland floors him with a chair. The show goes off air as the Coalition clebrate.
Diamond Dallas Page, Jody Fleisch, Mikey Whipwreck and Sabu defeated
Sick Boy, HHH, Mike Awesome and Chris Jericho when J. Fleisch pinned HHH
with the Phoenix 720 DDT in 0:23:02.
Rating: **
In the parking lot, Doug Williams is exiting his car. As he walks towards the main buildings Taz runs in from behind! TAZPLEX ON THE CONCRETE! Taz walks in laughing.
The Innovators defeated Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko when Kanyon pinned Benoit
after Total Innovation in 0:10:13.
Rating: ** 3/4
(The Innovators retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
In the head offices...
DOYLE: OK, so what are you gonna do?
SNOW: I'll promise to give him a chance as the latest...
KIEFER: Oh, i'll get revenge!
KIEFER: From here on, his life is gonna be utter HELL! Tonight...lets see...he can face Keiji Mutoh!
DOYLE: You sure?
KIEFER: You damn right i'm sure!
SNOW: I'm gonna let him be the latest member of our group damnit!
DOYLE: GRET AL! Now lets get on to our important business!
Masato Yakushiji made Jonny Storm submit to the Yakushiji Lock in 0:06:05.
Rating: ** 3/4
Submission Match
Tiger Mask IV made Raven submit to an armbar submission in 0:12:41.
Rating: ***
In the back, we hear a loud noise in DDP's locker room. The cameras go in to see Mikey Whipwreck has just floored SIck Boy with a chair.
MIKEY: SHIT! Thought it was DDP!
On that note, The TV champion walks in and sees the mess. He laughs and ducks the Mikey chair shot before hitting the Diamond Cutter. He then grabs his bags and leaves.
Gran Hamada pinned Billy Kidman with the Hamada-Chan Cutter in 0:07:04.
Rating: *** 1/4
Chris Jericho and Ralphus are walking back stage. As soon as they se Jody Fleisch coming around the corner, Jericho ducks behind Ralphus.
JERICHO: Keep back! Keep back! You're not getting any cheap shots on me!
JODY: What is it with you?
JODY: I can't be bothered with this tonight...
Jody goes to walk on, but Jericho hits him with a dropkick to the back of the head! He then picks up the Cruiserweight Title and hits the recovering Jody with it. Before he can steal the belt though, security comes around the corner. Chris drops the belt and runs, dragging Ralphus with him.
Unabomb pinned Tajiri with the Unabomb in 0:03:04.
Rating: **
In the head offices...
KIEFER: OK, lets get this plan started...
We return, and The Coalition have taken ringside seats...
Ken Shamrock and Keiji Mutoh battled to a double countout in 0:14:35.
Rating: ** 1/4
---When they went to the outside, The Coalition attacked and both men were counted out. The Duo and the two faces fought to the back.
Robbie Brookside defeated Bam Bam Bigelow by disqualification in 0:18:12.
Rating: *** 1/2
(Robbie Brookside retained the NCPW World Title.)
---The Duo, Shamrock, Keiji returned and fought to the inside of the ring. The referee called for the bell. The fight continued and the Coalition took the advantage due to the extra person.
The Coalition have taken out the faces! They're beating the Hell out of them, and there's nothing they can do!
RAVEN! RAVEN HAS RUN IN! The Coalition are fleeing the ring as we go off air with Raven celebrating.
Card Information
Date/Time: January Week 4 at 09:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 25
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 5.5%
Approximently Viewers: 16500000
Al Snow pinned Mike Awesome with the Springboard Leg Drop in 0:07:36.
Rating: ** 3/4
Post match, the top contender celebrates in the ring.
The World Champion enters the ring to a standing ovaton! He outs the title belt down in the middle of the ring and faces Al Snow.
BROOKSIDE: OK Al. On sunday, you and me face off for this belt again. And this time we have a stipulation...that you choose. Well...it's time to stop the avoiding and the running! We are less than a week away from the PPV, and you still haven't announced your stipulation.
SNOW: Is that what you want? You want to know what sort of match we're gonna have?
BROOKSIDE: Yeah, I do.
SNOW: Fine. Lets have a history lesson. When I was fighting in the Indy feds, there was a certain match with Sabu I had that blew the roof of the gym we were in. You can have your Hardy Boyz vs. E & C vs. The Dudley Boyz in the WWF...you can have your J-Thunder vs. The Innoators vs. Zero-G right here in the NCPW, but the true ULTIMATE LADDER MATCH WAS ME VS. SABU!
BROOKSIDE: What are you saying Al? You want a ladder match?
SNOW: Not just any ladder match. Back then, we used a 20 foot ladder, and to this day, it is the highest ladder used in professional wrestling. What I want is a match to beat that. I want a...25 FOOT HIGH LADDER MATCH!
BROOKSIDE: You know, I always said that I will be a fighting champion, and not back down from any challenge...and I meant it. You want that stipulation? YOU GOT IT!
SNOW: Glad to hear it. You best take that belt now, 'cause this is the last week you've got with it!
Rey Misterio Jr. pinned Tajiri with the Springboard Rana in 0:15:17.
Rating: ** 3/4
In the head offices...
KIEFER: SO you're sure that's what you want?
SNOW: Yes, i'm sure. THIS is the match I want.
DOYLE: Great. Now...
SNOW: What about tonight?
SNOW: You said you want to talk to me about tonight?
DOYLE: Oh yeah. Tell him Kiefer.
KIEFER: You're in action again tonight.
KIEFER: Shamrock made me sign a rematch of the six-man.
DOYLE: Calm down Al.
SNOW: Fine. If you've got me in twice tonight, then I don't wrestle Thursday.
DOYLE: Errm....
KIEFER: He made me sign you to wrestle on Thursday too.
SNOW: Who?
KIEFER: It's a three-way match. You vs. Taz vs. Keiji Mutoh.
SNOW: So I can do a number on Keiji right?
DOYLE: It's a non-title match, so Taz's FTW Title isn't on the line.
SNOW: GREAT! You two just get intimidated by the workers. Tell me, is our little surprise ready for the PPV?
DOYLE: Yeah.
SNOW: Did he give you his word that he's not gonna turn on us?
KIEFER: Yeah. Why?
SNOW: Good. I'll give him a chance, but that doesn't mean I trust or like him any more than I did when the NCPW started.
Doug Williams pinned HHH with the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:14:00.
Rating: ***
Shinjiro Ohtani and Koji Kanemoto defeated Zero-G when Kanemoto pinned Kid Kash
after The End in 0:15:12.
Rating: *** 1/2
Raven defeated Mikey Whipwreck by disqualification in 0:11:55.
Rating: ***
---Ken Shamrock ran in and hit a belly-to-belly after Raven had hit the Evenflow DDT.
Ken Shamrock is brawling with Raven! Some stiff kicks bring him to his knees, and...
Tiger Mask runs in and hits a spin kick on Shamrock! Shamrock goes down, and Tiger Mask grabs Raven. Raven hits a kick! EVENFLOW DDT! STF! Tiger Mask is tapping...and here comes Ken Shamrock again! He breaks it up and applies the Ankle Lock to Raven! The officials are flooding the ring as we cut to...
No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match with Special Referee Raven
Robbie Brookside, Keiji Mutoh and Ken Shamrock defeated
The Dynamic Duo and Tiger Mask IV when Brookside pinned Snow with the
Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in 0:20:52.
Rating: ****
After the match referee Raven raises the hands of the victors. The losing team then returns to the ring and a brawl begins! Shamrock takes out TMIV with a belly-to-belly suplex, and Unabomb hits the Unabomb on Keiji Mutoh! Al Snow and Robbie Brookside both go sailing over the top rope from a cross-body by Robbie. Raven hits an Evenflow DDT on Unabomb and then another on Ken Shamrock! Matt Doyle and Kiefer Sutherland are going crazy as Raven stands in the ring celebrating and we go off air.
The pyros hit and THURSDAY FIREBALL begins. We see highlights of the awesome main event of MONDAY MAYHEM, and a video package to build up the PPV tracking the whole Robbie Brookside vs. Al Snow feud so far. We then get ready for the opening match.
Raven pinned Mike Awesome with the Evenflow DDT in 0:13:12.
Rating: **
No-Time-Limit-Non-Title-Four Corners Match
The Innovators defeated The Jackyl Pack, Zero-G and
Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko:
x M. Modest beat D. Malenko via the Top Rope Cradle Suplex in 0:10:09
x E. Guerrero beat Kid Kash via the Frog Splash in 0:11:02
x Kanyon beat M. Modest via Total Innovation in 0:16:49
Rating: **
The Controlling Coalition are in the head offices.
KIEFER: He wasn't meant to do that.
SNOW: Well dah!
DOYLE: Look, he says it was all in the heat of the moment, and that the deal is still on.
KIEFER: We're not alone...
Doyle now notices the cameras...
DOYLE: HEY! This is private! Get out of here before I fire you!
No-Time-Limit-Four Corners Match
Shinjiro Ohtani and Koji Kanemoto defeated E & C, J-Thunder and The Eliminators:
x Saturn beat Edge via Total Elimination in 0:06:26
x Michinoku beat Kronus via the Michinoku Driver in 0:08:03
x Kanemoto beat Michinoku via The End in 0:11:13
Rating: * 3/4
Diamond Dallas Page defeated Unabomb by disqualification in 0:12:14.
Rating: *
(Diamond Dallas Page retained the NCPW TV Title.)
---Mikey Whipwreck ran in and cracked a chair across DDP's back.
Mikey Whipwreck is in the ring! He hits DDP with the cahir agains and then sets it up in the middle of the ring. He hits a DDT on DDP and then picks him up...WHIPPERSNAPPER! And Mikey landed sitting on the chair! He's just sitting there celebrating...
"CURE" by MetallicA hits! That's Sick Boy's theme!
Mikey looks over his should to the aisle and doesn't see SIck Boy enter through the crowd. When he turns back...BANG! Sick Boy hits a dropkick to the face, sending Mikey over backwards. Mikey rolls out of the ring and runs back up the aisle with Sick Boy in hot pursuit!
Doug Williams pinned Mikey Whipwreck with the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:10:12.
Rating: **
Robbie Brookside pinned HHH with the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in 0:13:03.
Rating: *** 3/4
(Robbie Brookside retained the NCPW World Title.)
In the halls, Raven walks out of a room. A couple of seconds later, Al Snow enters the same room. It is the head offices.
SNOW: What did he want?
DOYLE: He wanted to face Shamrock one-on-one tonight in the main event.
SNOW: A bit late for that aint it?
DOYLE: Yeah, the main event is next.
SNOW: Yeah.
KIEFER: So why are you here?
SNOW: What?
KIEFER: You're in the main event. Why are you up here?
SNOW: I forgot something.
DOYLE: What? What did you forget?
SNOW: Unabomb, come. We got work to do.
No-Time-Limit-Non-Title-Triangle Match
Al Snow defeated Keiji Mutoh and Taz:
x Snow beat Mutoh via the Springboard Leg Drop in 0:13:31
x Snow beat Taz via the Springboard Leg Drop in 0:17:26
Rating: **** ½
---Unabomb nailed a Unabomb on Keiji while the referee wasn't looking to allow Al to finish him. The same happened to Taz later.
Post match, Unabomb picks Keiji up and drops him with a Unabomb. He does the same to Taz. Then...the lights go off. When they turn back on, Raven in standing in the NE corner of the ring behind Al Snow and Unabomb. When Al and Unabomb turn and see Raven arms outstretched, they turn and run back up the aisle. This leaves Raven to pick up and drop Taz and Keiji with Evenflow DDTs.
We fade out.
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