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![]() ![]() ![]() July 2003 TV
![]() WEDNESDAY 2nd JULY 2003
Pittsburgh Civic Center
On this weeks TV intallment of NCPW, we get the first three F8 qualifying matches, a falls count anywhere match, and a three-way dance style main event. This is, however, the night of draws and outside interference.
---Walk On Water by Ozzy Osbourne---
The music starts and we see the usual array of video clips of the various stars of the NCPW. The clips this week include Al Snow nailing HHH with everythign and then leaving the cage, a bloody HHH hitting the Game Over on Kiefer Sutherland, and some new clips from the Barbed Wire match. This is linked together by clips from other PPV matches too.
As the music fades out, we cut to the arena and we see our commentators for the night, Paul Heyman and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. This odd. Where are the face commentators?
HEENAN: Humanoids…welcome to another addition of NCPW Mettle! Tonight, is gonna be one Helluva night!
HEYMAN: That's right Brain! Tonight we have some great matches set up from the F8 Qualifying matches, to Kanyon vs. Andre Baker!
---Big Bad Moon by Joe Satriani---
The music hits and Dean Malenko enters! He takes a seat next to Heenan and puts on the head-set.
MALENKO: Is this on?
HEENAN: Yeah. So what are you doing out here Dean-o?
MALENKO: Well…with Good Old JR doing the interviews tonight, I've been sent out as the guest commentator until he gets out here.
---Kaze by Kouji Wada---
The music hits and Juventud Guerrera steps thorugh the curtain to a small pop from the fans.
HEYMAN: This is the first of the F8 matches! Juvi here is gonna face former ECW World Champion Justin Credible! And I can tell you…Juvi doesn't stand a chance of even getting a near fall tonight!
MALENKO: Don't think Justin is gonna find this that easy Paul! You and I both know that Juvy is a great competitor.
HEYMAN: I'm not denying that Dean, I'm just saying that he aint no Justin Credible.
Meanwhile, Juvy has entered the ring and is warming up while we wait for his opponent.
---Cowboys From Hell by Pantera---
Justin Credible steps through the curtain to a small round of boos from the crowd. He has with him his singapore cane and…a mic?
HEENAN: Well Paul, we'll soon see if Jstin can do what you sa he can!
Credible gets in the ring, and when Juvi tries to attack him, he raises the cane. Juventud backs off and Justin turns the mic on.
CREDIBLE: It seems to me that I am in the same place I'm always in. I'm getting the raw deal! You see, in ECW I had respect! I had the title! And then we went bust. Well, the WWF…they managed to JOB ME OUT…without putting a yellow jock-strap on my face. Since I'm now wrestling in the low card and in Pittsburgh of all places…it seems to me that I need to step things up a little. So, mark my words. From here on, Justin Credible is going all out! And that's not just the coolest, that's not just the best! That's Just…In…Credible!
The crowd boos and Justin starts swinging the cane again.
HEYMAN: WOW! Looks like Justin is gonna prove to everyone WHY he deserves more than he's getting!
The bell rang and Justin wanted to use that cane of his, but the referee took it from him, allowing Mr. Juvy to nail a dropkick on Justin. Justin falls back into the post, and Juvy stays on top with kicks to the midsection. He then whips Credible to the other post…reversal by Justin. Juvy flies into the post hard and comes back out straight into a back body drop. With Juvy down, Credible stomps away on him and then lifts him up into a piledriver.
Justin took time here to taunt the crowd, and they gave a nice round of boos to him. Credible then turned, and Juvy was up! Juvy tries the Juvy driver, but Credible low blows him before he can ge the move started and nails a superkick, sending Juvy to the outside! Credible dances around drawing more heat. Meanwhile, Juvy recovers before getting back in the ring.
Back in the ring, the action sees Juventud duck a clothesline and try a rana. Credible reverses with a powerbomb. He then stands over Juvy and slaps him a little. This is followed up by Justin nailing his finisher for the 1-2-3, and advancement into the next round.
Justin Credible pinned Juventud Guerrera with the That's Incredible in 0:04:02.
Rating: *** 1/4
Credible taunts Juvy some more as the crowd boo. The biggest reaction of his NCPW career comes soon after though when he takes his Singapore Cane and basically takes it to Juvy full on, busting him open in the face! The crowd boo Credible like crazy as he stands on top of the turnbuckle taunting. The medics see to Juvy while Credible leaves. The crowd seem to be warming to Juvy here.
We see JR standing with a microphone. The camera is zoomed on him rather than the interviewee.
JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here tonight to commentate. After this interview, that's what I'll be doing. But till then, I have with me a man who has A LOT of explaining to do!
The camera zooms out and we see Kanyon. The crowd boos him as he faces the camera, wearng his usual tights, a baseball cap and a cocky-yet-twisted smile.
JR: Well Kanyon, I guess the question everyone wants to know the answer to is…
Kanyon grabs the mic.
KANYON: The crowd wants to know…"why?" Am I right JR?
JR nods in agreement.
KANYON: Well Nova…ever since The Innovators started, I have had to carry you along with our opponents, and that just seemed to me to be a little unfair. I mean, not only that, but you claim to be an Innovator! HA! Everyone who has the common sense they were born with knows that the true Innovator of the NCPW is Kanyon! OK, so these Pittsburgh idiots wont have enough sense EVER to know that, but belive me…it's true!
The crowd in the arena is booing Kanyon and chants of "NOVA!" have broken out.
KANYON: So you see…it's time that "The Innovator" took what is rightfully his! The spotlight! Now…I know that you people think what I did was a little bit…shall we say…harsh? But trust me people, it HAD to be done! Now that Nova is gone, you can all see me at my best!
At this point, JR shakes his head and walks to ringside to replace Heenan and Malenko.
KANYON: Now…I know that when you come back Nova…you'll be wanting a piece of me, right? DON'T! If you want to carry on with your career in wrestling, then don'' even THINK of trying it on with me! So...now that that'' sorted, I can turn my attention to other details. The F8! Jon Ryan...watch closely tonight, because I'' gonna do to Andre Baker a fraction of what I'' gonna do to you! And when he's down for the 1-2-3…you Jon Ryan will know that Kanyon is coming for YOU next! And as for you Andre…I understand you think you're hardcore! HAHAHAHA! You and me Andre…our match is now a Falls Count Anywhere match! So, I ask you this…WHOS BETTER THAN KANYON?
The crowd boos as we cut back to the arena. It should be noted too that some of the fans responded to Kanyon' question with "NOVA!" At the ringside, we now see Paul Heyman and Jim Ross.
HEYMAN: It's moents like this that prove Kanyon is the future of the bsiness right now! He is without a question one of the best on the roster!
JR: Well, talent wise I agree with you. That new attitude though could hinder him in the ring tonight!
HEYMAN: How? Showing confidence is a good thing! It'll help him!
JR: I'm not denying that, but don't you think he's under-estimating the Hammerlock guys a little?
HEYMAN: What? How could you under-estimate them? They're so low the only thing that you could do is over-estimate them!
---Prisoner by Iron Maiden---
JR: We'll talk about this later Paul. Lets get ready for this upcoming match for the Cruiserweight title!
Kouji Kanemoto walked through the curtain with his left shoulder taped up from Shinjiro Ohtani's various attacks on him. He has a decent sized reaction due to his feud with Mr. Ohtani.
HEYMAN: You gotta wonder…since Ohtani and Kouji are facing off in the F8 Qualifying matches…what is Kouji thinking? He needs to watch his back ALL the time now!
---Shine by Motorhead---
This music signals a loud pop from the crowd for the Cruiserweight Champion! Chavo Jr. jumps through the curtain with his belt! He looks quite energetic tonight and seems confident as he walks down the aisle and enters the ring.
This match started with a quick feeling out section of a few basics before the speed picked up. Chavo drew first blood with a flying head scissors, an arm drag and a dropkick. The advantage shifted soon after though with Kouji hitting a Japanese Arm Drag, a back breaker, and a hurucanrana for a two count. However, as he went for the moonsault…
---Catch The Rainbow by Ryusei---
Shinjiro Ohtani' music hits and he walks down the aisle to a large round of boos. Kouji becomes somewhat distracted and jumps down from the top rope. Ohtani just stands in the lower aisle and stares on as Chavo rolls Kouji up for two. Kouji' mind was no longer on the game, and it was only a matter of time till the Tornado DDT out him down for the count.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Kouji Kanemoto with the Tornado DDT in 0:05:53.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Chavo Guerrero Jr. retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
Chavo took his belt and celebrated on the top rope. Meanwhile, Shinjiro entered the ring and looked down on the fallen Kouji. He spits on his face and stomps the inmjured shoulder! He then applies and arm bar! Kouji is writhing in pain as Chavo jumps down from the top rope. He shouts at Shinjiro to let go of the lock. With Ohtani ignoring him, Chavo stomps on Shinjiro Ohtani' arms, but he keeps the hold locked in! Chavo then runs the ropes…DIVING BELT SHOT TO OHTANI! Ohtani lets go of the hold and rolls out of the ring! He appears to have a maddened look on his face as he stares at Chavo who is tending to Kouji Kanemoto.
JR: That was uncalled for by Shinjiro Ohtani! He and Kouji are scheduled to fight next week, but…
HEYMAN: It looks like Shinjiro was smart to me JR! Maybe now he wont have to waste his time whipping Kouji' ass!
The cameras cut to the aprking lot and we see a 4x4 pull up. It's dark so we cannot see the driver. We see the door open a little and someone steps out…IT'S SICK BOY! HE'S HERE!
---Cure by MetallicA---
The crowd know what to expect here and Sick Boy gets his usual heel heat as he steps through the curtain and makes his way to the ring. As he steps through the curtain, Jim Ross leaves the announce table and enters the ring too. It seems we have an interview here.
JR: OK Scott…we all know why you're here otnight. The question I have to ask is this. Will you go through with it?
Sick Boy smiles and gets thrown a mic.
SICK: Will I go through with it? HAHAHAHA! JR…you've known me for a LOOOOOONNNG time now…tell me this. Have I ever said anything on TV and then not done it?
JR: To be fair, you've never been given this kind of opportunity before.
SICK: EXACTLY JR! AND NOW I HAVE IT! Now I have this chance. So…will I go through with it? Those former world champions in the back…and that means you Al Snow, and you Raven…one of you is going down tonight. But who is it?
JR: That would be my next question.
Sick Boy pushes JR into the corner.
SICK: I tell you what JR! I aint gonna tell you shit! You idiots here will have to wait to find out who I'm going after! And as for you? You're gonna need to learn not to ask such fucking stupid questions!
Sick Boy pulls JR out of the corner and kicks him in the midsection. He then nails a Cure on him as the crowd boos loudly.
SICK: So till the main event ladies and Gentlemen…GOOD NIGHT!
Sick Boy leaves the ring as the medics arrive and he walks slowly up the aisle induldging himself with the boos and jeers. He gives an evil smile as he reaches thhe top of the ramp and disappears through the curtain. The medics are still seeing to JR.
We hear the sound of wind, and the camera circles the F8 trophy. There is no music, just the wind and the black and White trophy shot. The shot soon fades into Chris Benoit with the TV Title, and we circle him. A voice speaks:
"16 men fight on TV…8 will leave with wins. Those 8 will go to the PPV, and in fron of millions they will fight for the rihgt to face this man. Who is truly worthy? WHO has what it takes?"
This changes then to a shot of the current standings. Juvy has already been crossed out, and we are left with Credible through. Meanwhile, we also have these matches: Dave Harris vs Gary Steele, Jon Ryan vs Kanyon, Taz vs Mikey Whipwreck, Chris Jericho vs Nick Dinsmore, Shinjiro Ohtani vs Kouji Kanemoto, Rob Van Dam vs Johnny Moss, Diamond Dallas Page vs Dean Malenko.
We fade to the arena.
HEYMAN: So far, the F8 looks great! Just think of the potential matches on offer! Man…most things right now are set around the F8, and this next match is no exception. Kanyon will be facing Jon Ryan in the F8 qualifying matches. However, when the macthes were drawn, he got in a confrontation with Andre Baker, Hammerlock promoter. Earlier tonight, Kanyon made this a falls count anywhere match, and now it's time for him to see if he has what it takes! So…lets see if "The Innovator" can beat "The Sledgehammer" in his own environment!
---Paranoid by Black Sabbath---
The music hits and Andre Baker walks out to a small but enthusiastic pop from the crowd. Most are unfamiliar with Andre, but those who have seen him before are ready for a wild match here. Andre enters the ring and then exits the other side. He starts to throw weapons into the ring!
---The Wait by Killing Joke---
The music plays and Kanyon walks through the curtain. The crowd instantly boos him madly. Kanyon seems to have a new confidence as he walks down the aisle and takes a mic before entering the ring. He lifts the mic to his mouth, and the boos get louder. Kanyon smiles and lowers the mic to walk around a bit and look over Andre.
KANYON: You know Andre, I look at you now…you seems to ready. I mean…here you are standing ready to fight with your trsh can…but come one! How can some over weight washed up old man like yourself expect to ever beat me? Huh? Hell, you're probably as stupid as these idiots here in Pittsburgh! And it's exactly THAT stupidity that means I won't ask whos better than Kanyon, because you idiots will say Nova, or Andre, or…
KANYON: Exactly! So…
Andre has had enough and floors Kanyon with a trash can shot! Kanyon hits the mat and rolls to the outside!
This had some heat to it due to Kanyon, and Andre' attack at the start. The crowd is slowly warming to Hammerlock now.
After the trash can shot, Andre went to outside after Kanyon and started to lay into him with punches and kicks, and then he whipped him into the ring steps! As Kanyon got up…SPINNING HEEL KICK! Kanyon is reeling already! Andre picks up the steps and hits Kanyon over the head with them, bringing him to the floor! He covers. One…Two…kickout by Kanyon.
Andre taunts Kanyon, and the crowd cheers. Andre throws Kanyon into the crowd and a brawl in the fans starts. Andre holds the advantage until they get to the back of the crowd where he sets Kanyon up on a table. The conveniently placed ladder next to it is climbed by Andre, and he dives off…KANYON MOVES! Andre goes through the table! Kanyon covers. One…Two…kickout by Andre!
Kanyon is dazed, but pissed off! He grabs Andre and starts hauling him back towards the ringside area. On the way, he takes a fan' chair and hits Andre over the head with it, busting him open. Kanyon throws Andre over the barriers and climbs onto the barrier, ready to jump onto the prone Andre…A FAN SHOVES KANYON! Kanyon ends up crotched, but rolls off into the crowd and threatens the fan with the chair. He climbs up again, and this time nails a dropkick from the barrier onto Andre Baker! One…Two…kickout!
Kanyon throws Andre into the ring and nails him with a hockey stick shot to the mid-section. He then sets up a chair…FLATLINER ONTO THE CHAIR! Andre Baker is dead! One…What? Who's that? A Man in a Mortis mask just entered the ring through the crowd!…Two…"Mortis" breaks the pin! Kanyon gets up and looks confused! "Mortis" kicks Kanyon in the mid-section and nails a fisherman's suplex! He picks Kanyon up while Andre recovers and hits a verticle suplex. Andre is up, and he smiles as he stands by the ropes. "Mortis" then proceeds to hit Kanyon with a T-Bone Suplex! Kanyon rolls towards the apron…
Andre Baker pinned Kanyon with the Flip Plancha in 0:07:21.
Rating: ** ¾
As the crowd cheers, Kanyon stumbles to his feet and falls into the barriers to see Andre and "Mortis" celebrating. As Kanyon starts to roll into the ring, Andre leaves up the aisle, leaving Kanyon and "Mortis" in the ring. Kanyon pulls himself up and is face to face with "Mortis" and they stare each other down. Kanyon motions for him to take the mask off. Slowly, the maskis unlaced. Before he can take it off though, Kanyon tries to hit the Flatliner…REVERSED INTO ANOTHER T-BONE SUPLEX! Kanyon is out cold! He takes the mask off and throws it onto Kanyon. The crowd cheers! IT'S JON RYAN! JON RYAN JUST SCREWED OVER KANYON!
HEYMAN: Ladies and Gentlemen…Jon Ryan is here! He's set to face Kanyon next week in a F8 qualifying match, now he's got the psychological advantage!
We see Mr. Doyle at HIS desk with his feet up, and his arms crossed. As the camera zooms out we see Robbie Brookside in a wild rant aimed at Mr. Doyle. Doug Williams stands behind Robbie, and British Storm are just behind him. Doyle appears to be listening, but getting a little frustrated.
BROOKSIDE: …AND SO…we musat get rid of them.
Mr. Doyle stares blankly at Robbie Brookside, then uncrosses his arms and puts his feet down. He sits up and looks seriously at Robbie.
DOYLE: OK Robbie…I've heard your view now. Now, let me think…
Mr. Doyle gets up and walks around. He stops and turns his back to the Brits and looks out the window.
DOYLE: Considering what you said at Overdrive…I shouldn't give you anything. BUT…
He turns and stares Robbie in the eye.
DOYLE: …You ARE a worthwhile addition to the roster, so here's what I'll do. Hammerlock WILL NOT be fired from the NCPW. HOWEVER…since you seem to be so intent on getting into something with them I'll give you this. At the F8…you four will have an eight man tag with four of the Hammerlock guys. Now…until then, you will have to be content with having one match each. Tonight, we'll start with you two Jody and Jonny. Up next, you two are facing Seek `N' Destroy.
Robbie Brookside gives a sly smile. He motions to the others and they leave without a word to Mr. Doyle.
We return to find JR back at the announce table!
JR: …Yeah I'm fine…just a little shaken up, that's all. I'll be fine.
---Winner Takes It All by Sammy Hagar---
The music plays and out comes British Storm to a decent heel reaction. All four men have eaned a hatred from the fans of the NCPW recently. Doug and Robbie stand on the outside as Jody and Jonny enter the ring and get ready.
---God Save The Queen by The Sex Pistols---
Tony and Dave McMillan enter to a small face pop from the crowd. You have to think that it'd be smaller if it wasn't for the earlier Kanyon/Jony Ryan confrontation.
This started out with some basic wrestling from all four men, but after only two minutes, it turned into an all out chaotic brawl! In the middle of things, Jody and Jonny tried to get off some high flying moves, but Tony and Dave seemed to recover at crucial times and get some face heat bybrtally laying into their opponents. After about eight minutes, Robbie and Doug jumped in the ring and began to help out their losing allies. Then, Andre Baker and Dean Champion ran in! With a mass four-on-four going on, the referee called a double DQ.
Seek 'N' Destroy and British Storm battled to a double disqualification in 0:08:00.
Rating: **
Post match, a huge bralw has erupted. The eight Brits are fighting with the crowd going crazy now.
JR: OH MY GOD! British Storm better get out of there NOW!
JR: `Cause here come the rest of Hammerlock!
Sure enough, the rest of Hammerlock is ruunning down the aisle! British Storm are going to be out-numbered 9-to-4! As soon as they see the Hammerlock guys running down the ramp, British Storm bail and duck into the crowd as the fans cheer the Hammerlock representatives in the ring!
JR: We could be in for one bumpy ride!
We see Mr. Doyle standing behind his desk talking to Glen Jacobs. Glen seems in a good mood, but appears very serious about his subject of talk right now.
DOYLE: I can see where you're coming from. Look…tonight the main event is Mr, HHH, and Al against you and Zero-G, and Raven and the Jackyl Pack in a three-way six-man tag match. There wasn't going to be anything on the line, BUT…in light of your request tonight, mayube you can think of something?
Glen Jacobs seems to ponder something and then begins to speak.
JACOBS: Well…as I said, I need a top contender to my title. SO…hw about this. The winning team will have my opponent in it. If Raven' team gets the pinfall or submission, then Raven gets the title shot. If your team wins then Al and Hunter can fight for top contendership. If my team wins, then Al, HHH, and Raven can have a triple threat match at the the PPV with the winner getting the title shot at the following PPV.
DOYLE: That seems fair. So, we'll leave it at that then!
They shake hands and Glen Jacobs leaves as we cut back to the arena.
---Hey Boy, Hey Girl by The Chemical Brothers---
Gary Steele steps through the curtain to a nice reaction from the NCPW fans. He walks to the rin with his Hammerlock Title Belt and gets ready as we wait.
---Poison by Alice Cooper---
The music hits as the announcer informs us that this is a F8 Qualifying match. Roadie Ralphus steps through the curtain and is soon followed by Chris Jericho. The crowd boos Jericho, but soon begin to cheer as Dave Harris steps out to the aisle. He walks down to the ring air guitaring, and we are ready to begin.
Here's the deal with this match. Gary Steele fights to a TOTALLY different style to Dave Harris, so this was a clash straight off the bat. Not only that, but the surprisingly over Dave Harris is still a rookie, and is still finding his footing when it comes to singles matches. Hence this match was poor. It was also not helped by Jericho and Ralphus.
The match went on like this: Gary Steele would take advantage by out-wrestling Dave Harris, but Ralphus and Jericho would help Dave out behind his back, and Dave would get some offense in. The whole matc hwas like this, and the ending was just the same. Just as Gary was in charge, Ralphus distracted the referee. Jericho meanwhile hit Gary with the Hammerlock Belt! He then bailed, and Dave Harris started to get up off the mat at the same time as Steele. Steele tries a clothesline, and Dave ducks. K-RAD Driver! One…Two…Three!
Dave Harris pinned Gary Steele with the K-RAD Driver in 0:08:27.
Rating: * 3/4
We return and are all set for our next match of the night.
---War Machine by Kiss---
The music hits and the crowd goes wild as thew super over FTW Champion enters the ring with his title belt for this next F8 Qualifying match. He stands, arms crossed, waiting for his opponent.
---Pepper by The Butthole Surfers---
The crowd immediately starts a "WELCOME BACK! WELCOME BACK!" chant for the returning Mikey Whipwreck! Back from injury, and hopefully back from storyline limbo, Mikey seems in good spirits as he enters the ring.
THIS was how the previous match should have gone. Mikey and Taz put on a really good match that would not have looked out of place on a PPV. The match saw Mikey score first by rolling over Taz' ack as he tried a suplex, and rolling him up for a two count. He then nailed a bodyslam and a FrankenMikey for another two count! Taz was actually on the defensive! Mikey keeps it up with a dropkick, and then a clothesline. He then hoists Taz up Canadian Backbreaker style and drops him into a face slam! One…Two…ThrNO! Taz kicks out! Mikey runs the ropes and scores a cross body! He rolls staight off and runs the ropes some more. Taz gets up…Mikey with the Yakuza kick…CAUGHT! SINGLE LEG TAZPLEX!
From there, Taz took it to Mikey with various suplexes and takedowns. This was more like the FTW Taz we are used to seeing in the NCPW. He managed to shrug off all affects of Mikey' early assault and instead took it to the limit with Mieky. He scored two counts with a T-Bone Tazplex, a Tazmissionplex, and small package! Mikey managed a come back towards the end with a low blow followed by a sleeper. The come back was short lived though, as he missed a knee drop and Taz ducked the clothesline that followed and applied the Tazmission for the submission win.
Taz made Mikey Whipwreck submit to the Tazmission in 0:07:44.
Rating: *** ¾
---Catch The Rainbow by Ryusei---
Shinjiro Ohtani steps out and the crowd boos him loudly. He walks down to the ring and taunts on one of the turnbuckles. The crowd boos more.
---Identity by Blaze---
The freaky spoken intro leads into a heavy section and the crowd cheers as NCPW Owner Mr. Doyle enters the ring. He has a mic.
DOYLE: Now Shinjiro…as much as I am a fan of yours, what you did to Kouji earlier was totally uncalled for. The reason I called you out here now is for exactly that reason. While you seem quite happy to attack Kouji, I wonder if you'll be so happy to fight him next week? Meanwhile, tonight…you are now scheduled to have a match. Now, your opponent…I know this is gonna upset one guy in the back, who thought this guy was injured, but what the hey…this is the NCPW! So…here's your opponent.
---Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down---
The crowd like that sound! As Doyle leaves the ring to the back, NOVA steps ut onto the ramp! As Nova walks down the aisle high fiving the fans, the cameras switch to the back to show Kanyon freaking out! Meanwhile, Nova has entered the ring. Ohtani doesn't look worried in the slightest.
This was a decent match from these two. Ohtani attacked Nova quickly with some stiff kicks and an arm bar from Hell! Nova escaped the hold though and mounted a come back by ducking an Ohtani heel kick and nailing a standing one of his own! Ohtani rolled to the outside, and Nova dove out onto him!
The match went on going back and forth between the two men until Kanyon ran out! Kanyon was about half way down the aisle when Kouji Kanemoto came out with a heavily taped shoulder too! He and Kanyon hit the ring at roughly the same time, and Ohtani and Nova turned their attention to their respected foes! Nova and Kanyon fought with punches and kicks that ended up with both of them on the outside. In the ring meanwhile, Kouji and Ohtani squared off. Somewhere in this, the referee called for the bell.
Shinjiro Ohtani and Nova battled to a double disqualification in 0:06:00.
Rating: **
The four continued to fight after the bell. Nova and Kanyon had gone into the crowd while Ohtani had taken over in the ring and was laying into Kouji's shouldr some more! He applied that arm bar again and Kouji screamed in pain! Security rushed out to break it up and Ohtanni let got and made an escape through the crowd. Nova and Kanyon meanwhile ended up back in the ringside area. To the boos of the crowd, both were carted off by security.
HEYMAN: WOW! These two former teams are going to be fighting for a long time to come it seems! Nova and Kanyon seem to be on even ground right now…
JR: But Shinjiro seems to have an advantage over Kouji. I mean, that arm injury is going to hinder him greatly against Shinjiro in the F8 match next week!
HEYMAN: It's called being smart JR!
---Ace Of Spades by Motorhead---
The music hits and Jon Ryan steps out through the curtain. The crowd gives him a good reaction, and he seems to be a face rihgt now, due to the Kanyon altercation no doubt.
JR: The reason this match was signed is due to recent happenings in the Hammerlock roster. If you remember, Jon Ryan, Johnny Moss, and Gary Steele were the first Hammerlock guys on our screens. Now, Jon and Johnny played the heels and it ended up with Moss hammering Ryan with an asai monsault and KO'ing him, hence this match being signed tonight.
HEYMAN: Not only that, but Hammerlock need to all be on the sme page when they face British Storm down the road! Those guys could be a real threat!
---Strangle Hold by Ted Nugent---
Johnny Moss enters to a mixed reaction. The Vigilante is read to fight, so lets see what happens.
This was a solid TV match. Jony and Johnny started off by chain wrestling, and the crowd was slowly getting into it when they started to go up a level. Johnny first nailed that Asai Moonsault and got a two count, and then Jon started to hit his suplexes, and there were a few of them! The match went back and forth till the inevitable happened. As Jon was set to go for the T-Bone Suplex, Kanyon ran down the ramp. Jon ducked the incoming Kanyon clothesline and T-Boned him, sending him flying. THEN, all four British Storm ran in and attacked both Jon and Johnny! The referee had no choice but to cal for the double DQ again!
Jon Ryan and Johnny Moss battled to a double disqualification in 0:08:00.
Rating: ** ¾
---Blue Snow by Orange Goblin---
The music of The Eliminators hits and John Kronus comes out alone for this rare opportunity. Benoit has signed himself to a series of matches with hard hitting opponents, as he will have no PPV match due to the F8. John gets in the ring and…
---Killing Machine by Wolfsbane---
The familiar music gains a familiar loud pop from the crowd. The TV Champion walks down to the ring with his belt over one shoulder and hands it to the referee immediately. The match starts.
At the start, Kronus took control with a few moves such as a powerslam, a clothesline and a series of dropkicks. This was short lived though, and a failed clothesline attempt led to a Drogan Suplex from Benoit. From there, Benoit held the advantage for the final remaining two minutes. A series German Suplexes got two, and a few more moves led to the Crippler Crossface being applied. The tap out came immediately.
Chris Benoit made John Kronus submit to the Crippler Crossface in 0:04:42.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Chris Benoit retained the NCPW TV Title.)
We see Sick Boy looking at the TV screen of the last match. He checks the clock above him and smiles. He then walks out of view. We can only speculate that he is going to the ring for the next match.
---Don't Tread On Me by MetallicA---
Al Snow, HHH, and Mr. Doyle all enter to Al Snow's theme together. Well, sort of together. None of them seem to be talking to each other, as HHH and Snow obviously know what is on the line tonight if any of them get the fall.
---Victim Of Drakness by Seasons Of The Wolf---
The quite frankly scary music hits and the Tag Champs and former World Champ walk out to a round of boos from the crowd. They all enter the ring. A huge stare down is going on between Raven, HHH, and Snow.
---Inside by Stiltskin---
As soon as the msuic hits, you know who's coming! The crowd explodes as Glen Jacobs and Zero-G step through the curtain. We can resume the cheers are for Glen, rather than Zero-G.
This match was a back and forth affair for about three minutes. Doyle never got in the ring, and left it all to the pros. Meanwhile, total chaos ensued. ALL the other men battled it out! Zero-G went after The Jackyl Pack. Raven, HHH, and Snow began to brawl all over the place, and were soon joined by Glen Jacobs. At about the ten minute mark, we hear something…
---Cure by MetallicA---
The crowd boos loudly as we see Sick Boy step out on to the ailse. Glen and HHH continued to fight, but Snow and Raven stopped. They seemed to be on the same page for once as they both went up the aisle towards Sick Boy. Sick Boy is heard to shout "Hey! I'm not here to fight tonight! I've got some scoping to do before I decide which of you two I destroy!" This seems to anger both men, and they charge towards Sick Boy. Sick Boy ducks between them, and nails them both with a diving double clothesline! He then runs down the aisle, and looks at the NCPW World Title belt. He picks it up, and smiles. He then puts it down when he sees Glen Jacobs staring at him. Glen turns, and avoids a HHH knee, andnails him with the Unabomb for the 1-2-3.
Zero-G and Glen Jacobs defeated Matt Doyle, HHH and Al Snow and
The Jackyl Pack and Raven when Jacobs defeated HHH with the Unabomb in 0:17:21.
Rating: ** 1/2
Post match was interesting. Zero-G and The Jackyl Pack pretty much brawled up the aisle, and out through the curtain. Meanwhile, Glen Jacobs helped HHH up to his feet. HHH stumbled back into a corner. Sick Boy meanwhile picked up the Title Belt and stepped into the ring and hannded it to Glen Jaocbs. Raven and Al Snow seemed to be ignoring each other as they walked down to the ring again. Mr. Doyle took a mic.
DOYLE: Whoa here…OK, so this means we get HHH vs Al Snow vs Raven at the F8 to decide the top contender, right? Well…that's fine, and that means that both our top singles wrestlers get the night off at the F8!
---Killing machine by Wolfsbane---
The crowd pops aas Chris Benoit steps out with his TV Belt and walks down to the ring. He takes the mic.
BENOIT: Now we can't have a PPV without the two top champions, can we? What I am asking for is this. At the F8, I want a match with…YOU!
Benoit points towards Glen Jacobs. The crowd explodes. Meanwhile, Raven and Snow are watching Sick Boy.
BENOIT: I want it to be a non-title match. No titles at all on the line, just you and me Glen, one-on-one!
Glen Jacobs smiles and take the mic.
JACOBS: HAHAHA! I like the way you think Crippler. Well I tell you what. If that's what you want, then you got it! Just don't expect any mercy from me, just because the title isn't on the line!
Jacobs hands the mic to Doyle. Jacobs and Benoit stare each other down for a moment and then Benoit beckons Glen to join him as he leaves. The two champions leave together. This leaves Doyle in the ring with Al Snow, HHH, Raven, and Sick Boy.
DOYLE: Now…this leaves me with you four. Al Snow…HHH…Raven you three know what's happening in as far as you know that you'll be fighitn in a three-way match to decide the top contender to the World Title, but there is one loose end here…YOU!
Doyle is pointing at Sick Boy.
DOYLE: You said that tonight one of our former champions here was going to feel the force of full on Sick Boy! Well…lets see it!
Doyle throws Sick Boy the mic.
SICK: HAHAHAHAHA! You can't rush into these thigns without a plan Mr. Doyle! You see, I know that one of these is going to get the ass kicking of his life, and I know which one it is too! The question is…WHO? Wel'll…I decided that there will be a time and a place for this to take place, and it aint tonight. When? Well…it could be next week…then again, it could be the week after? Or maybe it could be at the F8 PPV itself? HAHAHAHAHA! BE ASSURED THAT WHEN IT HAPPENS, YOU WILL KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HAS HIT YOU, BECAUSE IT WILL BE UNLIKE ANY ASS KICKING YOU'VE ENDURED BEFORE! SO UNTIL THEN…I take my leave.
The show fades as Sick Boy is allowed to leave the arena by the four.
Toronto Skydome
The remaining F8 Qualifying matches put in some surprisingly strong performances, and the rest of the roster work hard on the whole as we are only two weeks from the F8 PPV!
---Walk On Water by Ozzy Osbourne---
This week, we see some more video clips to open the show. The show starts like normal with the TVs, but they stays fuzzed, and we zoom out to focus on a LARGE TV! On this we, see the usual style picture, name and video clip format for several stars. This week, they are Glen Jacobs, Al Snow, Raven, HHH, Sick Boy, Chris Benoit, Kanyon, Shinjiro Ohtani, Jon Ryan, and Chris Jericho.
Jim Ross and Paul Heyman are here to welcome us to another addition of NCPW Mettle!
JR: Welcome everyone to another week of NCPW Mettle! And boy do we have an awesome show lined up for you tonight!
HEYMAN: That's right JR! Not only do we have the rest of the F8 matches, but we have a non title from Extreme Wrestlers Taz and Justin Credible!
JR: And up next is a Cruiserweight Title match! Not only that, but we are expecting to here the main event shortly too!
---Poison by Alice Cooper---
The music hits and Roadie Ralphus steps out through the curtain. The crowd are giving a mixed reaction right now. When the main riffs kick in, Dave Harris steps through and the crowd cheers! Chris Jericho' partner is over as a face! Dave Harris plays Air Guitar all the way down the ramp, and once in the ring, he motions to Ralphus. Ralphus thinks about it, and with the crowd cheering him on, he too plays air guitar!
---Shine by Motorhead---
Funnily enough, Dave and Ralphus continue to air guitar when this comes on and as a result Chavo Guerrero Jr. is laughing as he walks down the ramp for what is sure to be another awesome Cruiserweight Title Match.
It's unfortunate when this happens. I mean…Chavo is usually on form, but tonight he was somewhat sloppy. Meanwhile, Dave appears to be more at home in a tag team setting, rather than singles matches. So far, his escapades into the singles division have left much to be desired, and tonight was no exception.
The match started off well enough with the two trading off a few moves, but it soon fell into the realms of spot fest. Not only that, but most spots were blown too, much to the disappointment of the crowd. The finish came when Chavo escaped a K-RAD Driver attempt and then nailed a Tornado DDT for the fall.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Dave Harris with the Tornado DDT in 0:06:58.
Rating: * 1/4
(Chavo Guerrero Jr. retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
Chavo and Dave leave quite quickly, as the crowd was giving them a harsh reception for their match. Meanwhile, we get ready for the next match, which is a F8 Match. Before we can go to that though…
---Inside by Stiltskin---
The crowd goes nuts as Glen Jacobs steps through the curtain with his belt. He walks calmly down the aisle and steps over the ropes. He holds the belt aloft as the crowd cheer him, and then takes a corner in the ring and calls for a mic. He is thrown one.
JACOBS: So how's everyone here in Toronto?
The crowd cheers.
JACOBS: That's what I thought. Now…let me sort a few things out here so that we're all clear. At the F8 PPV…The Demon Of Destruction is going to face our current TV Champion Chris Benoit in a non title match. As far as that match goes, Chris…don't expect me to show ANY form of mercy to you, just because the title isn't on the line! You see, the way I work is to kick ass any way I can each and every night. And you Chris are…
---Killing Machine by Wolfsbane---
The crowd goes crazy again as the TV Champion steps out through the curtain with his belt and walks down the ramp! He steps calmly into the ring and stands staring eye-to-eye with Glen Jacobs! He looks to one side and catches a mic that has been thrown to him.
BENOIT: Glen…I'm sure you didn't come out here tonight just to run your mouth about the greatest Canadian Wrestler in the NCPW, now did ya?
The crowd pops for Benoit.
BENOIT: HAHAHAHA! You see Glen, I KNOW you won't show me mercy at the F8! I Don't want you to! What I was thinking when I challenged you was this. I WANT A CHALLENGE! Once the F8 is over, I will have an opponent who has worked his ass off to earn his shot at this belt.
Benoit holds the belt out in front of him. He looks at it and smiles, and then places back over his shoulder.
BENOIT: The winner of that tournament will have to face me, and I won't hold back any more than you will. HAHAHAHA! Glen, you seem to be thinking that I'm gonna be easy! I mean, Raven said that once didn't he? I don't agree with much that Raven says, but he was right about you under estimating your opponents Glen. Just because you're big, doesn't mean that I can't drop you and take the win! I INTEND TO GET THE WIN GLEN, BECAUSE I KNOW I CAN BEAT YOU!
Glen Jacobs has been stunned by the words of his small challenger, but soon smiles and lifts the mic to his mouth.
JACOBS: You know what Chris? You're right! Raven was right when he said that I under estimate my foes…but you? HAHAHAHA! There is no way I could under estimate you! I mean…what is there to under estimate? Look at you! You're nothing! And you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna give you a preview of what's gonna happen to you at the F8.
Benoit throws his belt down and looks ready to fight.
JACOBS: no Chris, that aint how I work! I know you've got Perry Saturn tonight, and you know that me and Zero-G have got The Jackyl Pack and Raven tonight with Mr. Snow as the referee…so what's gonna happen is this. Next week, you and a partner of your choice will face me and a partner of my choice! Remember this though Chris! You caused this! I mean, if you'd just stayed in the back, then I wouldn't have had to fight you next week!
BENOIT: Fine. A match it is then! I'll see you next week Glen.
Benoit picks up his belt and leaves the ring. The crowd are going crazy for this face to face encounter. Once Benoit is gone, Glen starts to talk again.
JACOBS: And THAT brings me to my next topic. As I'm sure all you loyal fans know…the F8 will feature a match to decide the top contender to my belt. That match will see…
The lights cut and the arena is flooded with blue light.
---Victim Of Darkness by Seasons Of The Wolf---
Raven enters to boos from the crowd. As he steps in the ring, the lights come back on. Raven has a mic, and stares at the NCPW World Title Belt. He then looks up to Glen Jacobs.
RAVEN: Tut tut Glen! You're doing it again! Now, I admit that I under estimated you at Overdrive…but you've gotta admit that you may have under estimated me a little bit too! OK, OK…so you got the win…tell me Glen…do you think Benoit will be that easy? I mean…you can take A LOT of punishment, and that's how you beat me! You took EVERYTHING I THREW AT YOU! But Benoit? He's gonna out wrestle you! You can't wrestle for shit, and yet you seem so confident leading into this match? The title may not be on the line Glen, but you DO need to THINK about this! Trust me Glen, I'm trying to help you here!
JACOBS: Trust you? TRUST YOU? I did that once before Raven and you turned on me!
RAVEN: That was needed in order to bring out your full potential, but you know what? It didn't! You have been nothing but a BIG disappointment! I'm glad I turned you loose! And believe me Glen, after One Step Closer you're going to be disappointed too, BECAUSE I'M TAKING THAT BELT BACK, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!
Glen lets out a sly smile. He lifts the mic to his mouth to talk, but is cut out again.
---The Game by Motorhead---
The crowd cheers loudly again as The Game steps out through the curtain and walks down the aisle! He looks pissed off and points at Glen and Raven as he enters. He gets thrown a mic too.
HHH: You know what? I don't get it. You Raven are telling Glen not to under estimate his foes, and yet you seem so confident that you're going to beat me at the F8! Is that the method to your madness Raven? You seem so hypocritical!
RAVEN: HAHAHAHAHA! Hunter…you seem to be forgetting something. I've beaten you many a time before, and it won't be difficult to do it again! HAHAHAHA! Aint this cute? I mean, over here we have the loser I got rid of back near the start of the NCPW, thinking he can just come here and beat me at my own game? And over here we have an even bigger disappointmen! The BIG man that had so much potential, but just can't seem to tap into it, no matter how much help I give him! YOU HUNTER ARE NOTHING, AND THAT IS WHAT YOU'LL BE AFTER THE F8! AND YOU GLEN? You Glen, are going to find out that I AM NOT to be under estimated.
Glen smiels again and lifts the mic to talk. He gets cut off again, and is looking incredibly pissed off about the whole mess.
---Don't Tread On Me by MetallicA---
Al Snow walks down the aisle to a loud face reaction from the Canadians. He entrs the ring with a mic and Glen is at breaking point.
SNOW: Seems like something's missing here. Oh yeah! That's it! ME! Simply Sensational! You two there…The Game and The Freak…you two seem to be forgetting that I've beaten both of you long before now, and the F8 is where histpry repeats itself and I do it again! I mean come on, all these smart Canadians know that Al Snow is The Ultimate Wrestler! And by virtue of that, I'm going to beat noth of you and then go on to face Glen here at One Step Closer.
JACOBS: EXACTLY! THANK YOU! Nice to see you're smart Al! You hear that, he's gonna FACE ME at One Step Closer! NOT beat me!
SNOW: Did I forget that bit? Sorry. I'll meet AND defeat Glen Jacobs at One Step Closer!
The crowd cheers as Glen Jacobs gets even more pissed off.
JACOBS: OK Al…you have your fun and games. You Raven can let yourself remain an out cast all you want, and you Hunter can just fuck off back to the FTW division, because I'm sick and tired of this! EVER SINCE I GOT THIS DAMN BELT, I'VW HAD NOTHING BUT PEOPLE THINKING THAT I'M OVER CONFIDENT! WELL IT ENDS HERE! THERE WILLL BE NO MORE, BECAUSE GLEN JACOBS IS KEEPING THIS DAMN BELT, NO MATTER WHAT THE COST!
The crowd cheers loudly as Glen stares down all three men.
JACOBS: And another thing…
---Cure by MetallicA---
Glen Jacobs looks like he's about to snap as Sick Boy walks out and sits at the top of the aisle with a mic. He claps.
SICK: I applaud ya Glen! You've finally managed to see that it's no use being civil! I mean, look at you…you've snapped, and rightfully so! NONE of those losers in the ring stand a chance of beating you…EVER!
JACOBS: FINALLY! Someone who can see…
SICK: Me? I'm gonna kick your ass and take that belt first chance I get!
Glen Jacobs takes his belt, and leaves the ring. As he walks up the ramp, Sick Boy claps again, and Glen shoots him a look, causing Sick Boy to stop. Once Glen is gone, Sick Boy starts to walk down the aisle.
SICK: Well, now that the big baby is gone, we can get down to business. Al Snow and Raven…you two really think you still have it, don't you? Well, forget about it! I am the future of the wrestling business! Sick Boy is the true ultimate wrestler, and he can sure as Hell pull off a better mind game that Mr. Caw Caw. The question is, which one of you is the one I have chosen to eliminate from the NCPW?
Sick Boy enters the ring.
SICK: You'll find out soon enough. Sick Boy is going to Cure the NCPW of both of you eventually, so the loser of this competition needn't worry. And speaking of losers…you Hunter don't seem to fit in around here! We've got Al Snow and Raven, two former World Champions, about ready to be taken out by the bew generation, and then we've got…someone who jobbed to Bob Holly?
HHH: So I'm a loser huh? We'll I tell you what. You get your carcass out here later tonight and we'll see who ends up looking like a loser! We'll see gets dropped!
SICK: That's what I like to here! Fighting spirit in our jobbers! Belive me son, with that attitude you could make it big some day! All you need to do now is look at an established star, like say…ME…and learn from the experience!
HHH: That's real cute. I'll see you later, and YOU can learn from the pros!
HHH leaves peacefully, but has a big smile on his face. Sick Boy seems to have amused him somewhat, and he appears to be looking forward to kicking his ass.
SICK: And that just leaves us three. It's funny how that happened, isn't it? I mean, we got the future and his two victims!
SNOW: HAHAHAHA! It strikes me that you seem to be all talk Sick Boy! What have you done recently? LOST TO CHRIS BENOIT! THAT IS ALL YOU'VE DONE! And now you think you can take me and Raven out?
SICK: Oh I KNOW I can take you two out, because I'm smart! Neither of you know who's the first target, do you? Trust me, it aint gonna be pretty! And the second down the line, we'll they'll get things a little easier, but not much. Pain…
RAVEN: …Pain? You want to talk about pain? LOOK AT ME! I am pain! I remember you Scott. Do you remember WCW? The Flock> You were below me for a reason. You were below me because you couldn't hack it, and I could. I won't be like Glen Jacobs, I won't under estimate you Scott. I'm sure you can be a very dangerous man when you need to be, but the thing is…I'm more dangerous than you can ever be. Do you want to try me?
SICK: HAHAHAHA! You crack me up! Look at you! You're both getting on a bit now, and yet you still think you've got what it takes! You two are pathetic! Till we meet again, I'll take my leave, but keep looking over your shoulders…I'm gonna keep my eye on both of you.
Sick Boy leaves the a resounding amount of boos and jeers. He may have just got himself hyper over with the Canadaian crowd. Al Snow and Raven do not acknowledge each other as they too leave.
JR: WOW! There is going to be Hell to pay for more than one person by the end of the F8! There is going to be so much backlash!
HEYMAN: THAT could be the most true thing you're ever likely to say JR. That was intense.
We return, with both wrestlers already in the ring ready for the next match.
This was a nice back and forth match. The crowd was more behind the defending F8 Champion DDp than they were Malenko though. After 8 minutes of top notch TV action, DDP no sold a Snap Suplex and nailed a Diamond Cutter for the 1-2-3.
Diamond Dallas Page pinned Dean Malenko with the Diamond Cutter in 0:08:04.
Rating: ** ¾
We see Kanyon walking down the halls. As he comes around a corner, he laughs out loud. The camera turns and we see that Jon Ryan is walking towards him.
KANYON: Hey Jon! Looking forward to the ass kicking I'm gonna give you tonight? I hope so, `cause that whole Mprtis thing kinda made me mad, and that's not a good thing.
RYAN: Yeah? You're gonna be even madder when I come out with the win tonight.
KANYON: You keep thinking like that chump, `cause that's all it is, a thought. When you're staring at the lights and the referee is making the count…remember that!
Kanyon shoves past Jon and walks off. Meanwhile, Jon enters the Hammerlock dressing room.
---Cowboys From Hell by Pantera---
The crowd boos as Justin Credible steps out. It's a relatively mild reaction, as Justin is only just getting himself over again with the fans. He swings that cane around a bit and waits.
---War Machine by Kiss---
Taz meanwhile is over a lot more! The crow erupts as the FTW Champion enters the ring. He stands in the corner, arms folded, like he always does as the referee takes Credible' cane.
This is not quite what we expected. Taz took the advantage by nailing Justin with suplex after suplex and eventually sent him flying to the outside. When Justin returned, he had his cane with him and nailed Taz right across the face with it. DQ!
Taz defeated Justin Credible by disqualification in 0:02:48.
Rating: 1/2*
The crowd boos as Credible hits Taz again and again with the cane! Taz is bloody now, but still isn't down! Credible eventually floors him by breaking the cane over his head!
CREDIBLE: And that's not just the coolest…that's not just the best…That's JUST…IN…CREDIBLE!
The crowd boos him as he leaves with his broken cane.
We see Chris getting ready, and Dave is encouraging him.
HARRIS: OK Chris! You're up next! Don't forget dude…eye of the tiger! Remember, he's green, so you can take him!
Chris looks up at Dave and smiles. He then walks out of the room.
HARRIS: OK Ralphus dude…remember, you've got to make sure he gets through! I mean, what could the fans love more than a Jericho vs Harris final?
Ralphus nods and leaves too.
---I Disappear by MetallicA---
The music hits and Nick Dinsmore walks out with his manager Dean Malenko. They get a luke warm reaction from the crowd.
---Poison by Alice Cooper---
A surprisingly mixed reaction! There are some fans booing Chris, but a lot of the Canadaians seem to be cheering him as he walks down to the ring. As he steps betweeen the ropes, we see Dave Harris running down the aisle too! The crowd cheers, and Chris turns around…SHOCK! He's shocked to see Dave there too! Dave gets the audience clapping as the two start the match.
These two did what was expected of them. They came out and wrestled for 7 minutes to a good level. This was a very technical match, with Jericho throwing some high spots every now and then to keep things going. The end came when Dinsmore tried his German Suplex, but Ralphus tripped him! Malenko ran over and started to beat on Ralphus! The referee went to the outside to break it up, while Dinsmore nailed his finisher. Dave Harris then jumped in the ring and hit Dinsmore with the K-RAD Driver! As Dave fled the ring, Jericho locked on the Lion Tamer for the returning referee to see the tap out.
Chris Jericho made Nick Dinsmore submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:07:30.
Rating: ***
Malenko sees to Dinsmore as Jericho, Ralphus, and Harris go up the aisle in victory. Malenko calls for a mic and looks angry.
MALENKO: HEY! HEY! Chris and Dave! Each and every one of these knows that you cheated tonight, and we aint gonna let you get away with it! You two just got yourself a fight, `cause next week you two can face me and Nick to even things up!
JERICHO: That's what you want? Fine! After next week, you two will never…ever…be the same again!
Jericho an co. leave as we go to…
With both men already in the ring, we're ready to start this title match.
This is how it went. Saturn hit two or three moves that begin with the word "springboard" and then fell foul to a Benoit clothesline. Benoit then controlled th next three minutes without letting up on Perry and made him tap to the Crossface.
Chris Benoit made Perry Saturn submit to the Crippler Crossface in 0:04:22.
Rating: ***
(Chris Benoit retained the NCPW TV Title.)
We see a car pull up, and out steps Kouji Kanemoto. Kouji has a heavily taped shoulder and is already in rin attire. We can presume he must be one of the next few matches. It is clear that he is carrying his bag over the not injured shoulder, and is constantly flexing it to try to keep it loose. As he walks into the building, he walks into Shinjiro Ohtani! Ohtani smiles at him as he drops the bag ready to fight. Ohtani looks at his injured shoulder and laughs out loud. He just shoves past Kouji. Kouji doesn't even turn around, he just picks up his bag and begins to walk away…DROPKICK TO THE BACK OF THE SHOULDER! Kouji screams in pain as Shinjiro walks away laughing.
---Stranglehold by Ted Nugent---
The music hits and Johnny Moss enters the ring. He is looking confident as he climbs the turnbuckle. He needs to be confident tonight, but he also needs to worry about British Storm. His opponent meanwhile, has no problem with confidence.
---Walk by Pantera---
This music starts the usual boos from the NCPW faithful as Rob Van Dam stepsnout through the curtain! He poits to himself constantly as he walks down the aisle. One of the fans throws his coca-cola at him as he taunts, and he just brushes himself off and enters the ring. He smiles as he takes the mic from the ring announcer.
RVD: Tonight…Rob Van Dam takes the first step in taking what is rightfully his. The TV Title. I mean, what other name comes to mind when the words TV Title come up?
The crowd starts a Chris Benoit chant.
RVD: That's right! Benoit does come to mind, because he's gonna be made famous! He'll be the first person to be dropped by Rob Van Dam on his quest for TV Gold! He will be the first one to fall at my feet as I take my place in the sun! Why? Because I'm Rov Van Da…
The crowd cheers as Johnny Moss cuts him off by attacking him before the bell!
This was exactly what fans of both guys expected! Johnny held the early advantage with some decent take downs, but RVD came back with a sweep, and began to nail some high impact moves on the Hammerlock star. They traded move after move until the referee was floored by a stray Moss dropkick. RVD grabbed a chair and swung at the Vigilante, but he ducked and dropkicked RVD! RVD however fired back with a superkick! Moss kips up…VAN DAMINATOR! RVD throws the chair out as the referee starts to recover, and he sees RVD nail the ***** Frog Splash for the fall.
Rob Van Dam pinned Johnny Moss with the Five Star Frog Splash in 0:07:04.
Rating: *** ¾
Raven sits in a darkened room. There is an eerie blue light on him, and in the background is a TV, visibly showing the Barbed Wire Match between Glen Jacobs and Raven. Raven does not face the camera, but just looks at the floor, his face covered in a mass of hair.
RAVEN: There's a time to live, and a time to die, a time to meet your maker. There's a time to live, but isn't strange?
Raven looks up to the camera.
RAVEN: As soon as your born, your dieing. You see Glen, everything must end, and it has been that way since the start. You…YOU were meant to be my master piece, but NO! You disappointed me, and as a result…your time in the sun must come to an end quickr than I had planned. Who is the man to do this?
Raven smiles at the camera. The light makes him look somewhat creepy as he talks.
RAVEN: Could it be Al Snow? Simply Sensational? The self proclaimed Ultimate Wrestler? You see, Al Snow has a lot going for him here. HE is responsible for you being here in the NCPW, and he is the one that began the work of creating a monster…but he is not the one who can finish such a momentous job. When all is said and done, he will be nothing more than a casualty of war.
Raven brushes the hair out of his face. He has his old face paint on, and right now seems to be taking some sort of joy in his own preaching.
RAVEN: Or perhaps The Game is the one? Is Hunter the chosen one? The Game is smart. Smarter thatn Al Snow, and smarter than I…but he needs to realise something. Life is nothing but a Game of chance. Everything is set out for us by the roll of a dice long before we are born, and Hunter did not roll highly. You see Game…this is a game you are destined to lose out in, because this is MY game! I MAKE THE RULES! And you? You are a pawn, and it's not the first time I've given you the role.
Raven does not seem angrey, despite his tone of voice changing. He seems to be a little melancholy now.
RAVEN: Glen…I took you under the wing of my dream. I tried to teach you what you need to know to survive, but you rejected my teachings like you would the preacings of a mad man in the streets. My dream…MY DREAM…has become a nightmare. You Glen inhabit a world now that you do not understand. You stand tall at the top of a wilted pile, and it is time for the scavenger to take that place. The Raven is coming for you Glen, and you cannot stop me. Quote The Raven…Nevermore.
The camera zooms out as Raven looks to the floor again. On the TV Screen, we see Glen Jacobs celebrating his win in the barbed wire. We cut back to the arena.
We return to see Robbie Brookside and Doug Williams in the ring staring intensly at their opponent for tonight. Andre Baker and Gary Steele meanwhile return the stares. This is an Elimination rules match.
Ande Bekr started off with Robbie Brookside. However, both Andre and Doug semed to want at each other, so Robbie made the tag. Doug and Andre circled and went to tie up. Doug nails a kick to the midsection, then a dropkick to the groin! Doug managed to keep Andre down from here thanks to help from Brookside as the two cheated their way through. This came to an end when Robbie dove over the ropes, taking Gary with him and Doug pinned Andre with the Northern Lights Suplex.
This leaves Steele against both Doug and Robbie. Gary is a former two time NWA World Champion though, and went to work on Doug. When Robbie tried to help out, he got taken over with a belly-to-belly suplex that sent him over the ropes to the outside. Doug got up and was met with a regular belly-to-belly. Steele then locked in the Steele Leglock and got the tap very quickly.
Robbie and Gary managed to step things up a level. They both managed to pull off some big moves as the crowd got into the match. The end came when Gary Belly-to-belly Suplexed Robbie and nailed a moonsault for two. He then went up top and waited. As Robbie got up, he pulled the referee into him, and so he didn't see Doug clip Gary' knees, setting him up for…CROSS-ARMED ICONOCLASM! 1-2-3!
Elimination Match
British Storm (Doug Williams and Robbie Brookside) beat
NWA-UK Hammerlock (Andre Baker and Gary Steele) 2 falls to 1:
x Williams beat Baker via the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:03:52
x Steele beat Williams via the Steele Leglock in 0:05:21
x Brookside beat Steele via the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in 0:08:09
Survivors: Robbie Brookside
Rating: *** ¼
We see Andre and his men watching the TV Screen as Gary walks up the aisle. He turns to the NWA-UK Stars.
ANDRE: We've got a four on four match at the F8. We need to decide who faces those four bastards, and get the names to Tad next week. So who's gonna volunteer?
We cut to the ring.
---Catch The Rainbow by Ryusei---
Shinjiro Ohtani enters to boos and jeers from the crowd. Ohtani seems quite happy with the boos and shrugs them off as he enters the ring with his sword. He swings it around a little, putting on an impressive display, and then hands it to the referee as…
---Prisoner by Iron Maiden---
Kouji Kanemoto steps out to some cheers from the crowd. His shoulder is very heavily taped as he walks down the aisle, keeping his eye on Ohtani all the way. As he gets to the ropes, Ohtani holds them for him. Kouji steps through, still watching Shinjiro.
The match started and Kouji and Ohtani slowly moved in on each other. Kouji scored first, avoiding a clothesline and nailing a spin kick. As Ohtani came in again, Kouji hit a a few more kicks on him. He was cut off when Ohtani managed to hit a spin kick to the arm though. This is how the match went. Whenever Kouji had the upper hand, a quick attack on the arm or shoulder would stop Kouji in his tracks. At one point, he even hit the Tiger Suplex, but couldn't hold it due to the pain in his arm. Instead, he slowly started to climb up to the top. As he flew for the moonsault though, Ohtani had recovered and nailed a dropkick to the injured shoulder. He then applied the armbar submission in the middle of the ring for a quick win.
Shinjiro Ohtani made Kouji Kanemoto submit to an armbar submission in 0:04:20.
Rating: ***
This is far from over, but Ohtani obviously wanted some free time from Kouji as he kept the hold locked in and renched away on the shoulder. This caused a mass of officials to run out and break the hold. Ohtani took his sword and just walked straight to the back.
We see HHH walking down the halls. He seems a little pissed off still, and is against Sick Boy next. The camera cuts to another dressing room, and Sick Boy steps out. He has a smile on his face, and looks incredibly confident. He just walks past the camera.
Back in the arena…
---The Game by Motorhead---
As the music hits, the crowd go wild, and The Gamne steps out through the curtain. He ignores each member of the crowd and walks straight to the ring and leans on the ropes, warming up for this match.
---Cure by MetallicA---
The arena explodes into a chorus of boos as Sick Boy steps out onto the aisle. He taunts at the top of the ailse, and mocks HHH a little, then walks to the ring. As soon as he steps through the ropes…
…HHH rains in with punches, and sends Sick Bopy to the floor. He joins him outside and triesto throw him into the steps, but Sick Boy jumps them and gets back in the ring. He taunts The Game, and HHH dives back in, and Sick Boy dives out again. HHH runs after him, but Sick Boy gets back in the ring and stomps on HHH as he continues to follow him. HHH is down with Sick Boy takng care of him quite effectively. Maybe Hunter under estimated him? Sick Boy leans over and slaps HHH, then turns and taunts the crowd…HHH IS UP! When Sick Boy turns…
…WHAM! HHH sends Sick Boy to the outside with one vicous right hand! He then goes out after him and throws him into the ring post, then back into the ring. He begins to get brutal in his attack and hits the moves incredibly hard, and ends up a nice sequence with a running knee hit the floors Sick Boy. Sick Boy is pretty much dead. A slingshot sends Sick Boy into the ring post, and he bounces back to be rolled up for two.
HHH controlled the next couple of minutes, until he went for the Pedigree. He took his time, drawing the crowd in, and ended up low blowed, sending the crowd into a frenzy of boos. Sick Boy then hit The Cure, but only got two! He threw HHH to the outside and stepped ot there with him. He smiled as the referee began to count.
One…Sick Boy bodyslams The Game…Two…Three…Leg Drop on HHH…Four…Five…Sick Boy throws HHH hard into the steps…six…seven…Sick Boy smiles and lifts HHH up…eight…he shouts something at HHH…nine…CURE! HHH IS BUSTED OPEN!…Ten! A Double countout!
Sick Boy and HHH battled to a double countout in 0:09:58.
Rating: ** ¾
Sick Boy continues the attack on HHH after the bell, and the officials have to once again rush out.
There appears to be another altercation going on in the back! As the camera shows us, Zero-G and The Jackyl Pack are in a heated argument!
EDDIE: HAHAHAHA! You really think you have a chance against us? You two chumps are nothing! You're yesterdays news!
MODEST: Just like these shits here in Toronto, you two are nothing! You think you're still at the top, but you just can't see the reality! WE are the ones running the show now! We call the shots!
KASH: You think that's what's going on? You think that we can't handle ourselves any more? HA!
DEVON: When we meet tonight, you two are gonna get a taster of what happens when you mess with Zero-G! You two think you're the best, but in reality…YOU two are nothing! YOU are the ones who can't handle it! Just because you have those belts, doesn't mean you'll have them forever!
The camera cuts back to the ring,where we can see that Jon Ryan and Kanyon are ready to start the final F8 match.
The only F8 match that really had any set up, and the crowd were HOT! For 11 minutes, the two traded moves off. Kanyon hit his usual trademark moves, and Jon fired off some suplexes and a Michinoku Driver. With the crowd into the match big time, British Storm started to make their way down to the ring. They ended up being cut off by Hammerlock though, they brawled to the back. Back in the ring, the two continued to hit move after move with the crowd thrown into a frenzy! The finish saw Kanyon nail a Flatliner, but take his time to go for a pin. As he went for the cover, he let go at two? NOVA! Nova had jumped out of the crowd and was at ringside shouting at Kanyon! Kanyon shouted back at him, and the two argued as Jon made a recovery. When Kanyon turned around, Jon nailed a T-Bone Suplex and covered for a three count! Hammerlock have a man in the F8 Finals!
Jon Ryan pinned Kanyon with the T-Bone Suplex in 0:11:22.
Rating: ***
We return, and we see the crowd is cheering. Al Snow is in the ring in a referee shirt, and we get ready for the main event.
---Inside by Stiltskin---
The crowd goes mad as the World Champion enters the ring. He walks out looking a bit happier than when we saw him earlier, and he has theTitle Belt over his shoulder. He high fives a couple of fans and steps over the ropes.
---Last Resort by Papa Roach---
The music hits and Zero-G enter! The crowd boos them a little, and cheers them a little. The recewnt happening seem to have made them semi-faces, and semi-heels. They don'' seem to care though and enter the ring anyway. They go over to Glen to talk strategy while…
---Stone Dead Forever by Motorhead---
The NCPW Tag Team Champions step out and the crowd boos loudly. Despite the lack of time on the mic, they are still incredibly over with the fans. They could right now be one of the most hated teams in NCPW history. They step in the ring with their belts and start to beat on Zero-G already! Glen Jacobs steps over the top rope and starts to run up the aisle.
---Victim Of Darkness by Seasons Of The Wolf---
Raven steps through the curtain and is met with a Glen Jacobs Big Boot. Floored already, Glen picks him up and drags him back to the ring as it clears of the tag teams. Glen and Raven fight in the ring and the tag teams fight in and around the ring, and thebellr ings.
Once Raven made a come back and tagged The Jackyl Pack in, this went into a back and forth match. The teams traded blows, and The Jackyl Pack nad Zero-G began to click as the match raged on. Meanwhile, Raven and Glen put in their usual good performance. In the end, Raven Evenflow DDTed Glen, and then Sick Boy appeared in the aisle. Al Snow turned to the ropes and looked over at Sick Boy shouting at him. Raven got up and shoved Snow, unbtil he pointed out Sick Boy. They both looked on as Glen Jacobs slowly recovered. Then HHH ran out and floored Sick Boy! They began to fight down the aisle as Raven turned and was met with the Unabomb. Al counted the three.
No-Time-Limit-Match with Special Referee Al Snow
Zero-G and Glen Jacobs defeated The Jackyl Pack and Raven when Glen Jacobs pinned Raven with the Unabomb in 0:10:25.Rating: ***
Glen grabbed his belt and shot a look at Snow and Raven, then left. The tag teams continued to fight on the outside and they ended up fighting all the way up the asile. Back in the ring and ringside however, Sick Boy was nailed with a Pedigree, then a Game Over. HHH spat on Sick Boy and then shot a look at Snow and Raven and left. Al Snow looked down at the fallen Sick Boy and shrugged his shoulders. He too left up the aisle. We fade out with Sick Boy and Raven both out cold on their backs in the ring.
HemisFair Arena
The final show before the upcoming F8 PPV! More tag teams FINALLY get on TV, and some decent matches come out of the show.
---Walk On Water by Ozzy Osbourne---
This week, we see some more video clips to open the show. The show starts like normal with the TVs, but they stsy fuzzed, andw e zoom out to focus on a LARGE TV! On this we, see the usual style picture, name and video clip format for several stars. This week, they are Glen Jacobs, Al Snow, Raven, HHH, Sick Boy, Chris benoit, Kanyon, Shinjiro Ohtani, Jon Ryan, and Chris Jericho.
This week, we will open with a match again, rather than a promo. The crowd seems hot this week, and we are ready to begin. The winner of this match will no doubt rise up the rankings in the tag team division.
---God Save The Queen by The Sex Pistols---
The music hits and Hammerlock' top tag team walks out. The reaction is still quite mixed, but there seems to be more cheers this time around, as the tough guys enter the ring.
---Winner Takes It All by Sammy Hagar---
The slightly corny music hits, but is has the desired effect, as the crowd boos the Brits. Jody and Jonny seem not to care, and keep their eyes on Seek `N' Destroy.
---Blue Snow by Orange Goblin---
The Black Sabbath sounding music plays, and the crowd cheers for the former tag team champs enter. You have to wonder why they've only had one run with the belts, despite being one of the most dominant teams in the NCPW.
---Tokyo Devil by The B'Zs---
The heavy Japanese song plays and the crowd cheers loudly again! Essa and Eiji step out through the curtain and soak up the cheers. It's good to see them back on TV again.
A good return for the teams, and the British feud raged on in this one. Indded, it didn't take too long for Jody, Jonny, Dave, and Tony to all be in the ring. Despite their superior spped, Jonny and Jody once again found themselves on the receiving end of an ass kicking. Tony and Daven brawled with a hard hitting style, that could take them far in both the tag team and FTW divisions. They managed to take British Storm to the outside and with TOny and Jonny being the legal men, they were counted out, eliminating both teams. The Hammerlock boys dragged Jody and Jonny up the aisle.
Back in the ring, The Eliminators and FoR put in a good show for the next few minutes. They went back and forth, and the match looked over when The Eliminators tried Total Elimination on Eiji. However, Essa took out both Eliminators with a stunning springboard dropkick! As the referee took Essa and Kronus out of the ring, Eiji hit a Thunder Fire Powerbomb and then a Firebird Splash for the three!
Flames Of Redemption defeated The Eliminators, Seek 'N' Destroy and British Storm:
x double countout (T. McMillan and J. Storm) in 0:04:49
x Eiji Ezaki beat Saturn via the Firebird Splash in 0:10:15
Rating: ** ¼
We cut immediately to the back to see Seek `N' Destroy and British Storm going at it still! Jonny is on the floor and bloody as Tony hits him with a HARD kick to the midsection. He keels over in pain, and Tony goes over to Dave. They hoist Jody up and smash him down with a double powerbomb. Dave then enters a locker room and takes a table back out with him. He mounts a metal case and Tony throws him Jody. He slams Jody onto the table, but it doesn't break. Tony hands him Jonny, and he sets u a powerbomb. JONNY REVERSES WITH A HURUCANRANA! Dave falls into the wall opposite and lands on his head! He looks dazed as Jonny nails a few quick kicks on the shocked Tony McMillan. Once both members are down, Jonny grabs Jody and drags him off around the corner.
The crowd is heated after that confrontation, and are about to get even more heated! As the crowd waited, we suddenly hear some music start up.
---Cure by MetallicA---
The arena explodes into a chorus of boos as Sick Boy walks calmly down the ramp. He steps between the ropes and takes a mic. He walks around the ring a bit and looks at the crowd around him before talking.
SICK BOY: Now, I'm sure you people ALL saw what I did to HHH last week! I mean…this is a guy who wrewtled in barbed wire! The toughest of the tough! And this little rookie managed to…well…kick his ass! Now don't get me wrong, he gave me a real run for my money, but when all was said and done…I CAME OUT ON TOP!
The crowd boos loudly.
SICK BOY: Raven…Al Snow…I really hope you were watching, `cause THAT was just a taster of what one of you is gonna get at the F8! That's right boys…I'm coming for you, and there aint…
---The Game by Motorhead---
The music cuts Sick Boy off, and the crowd cheers as HHH walks down the aisle with an intense look on his face. He has a mic with him, and is in street clothes.
HHH: I've had about enough of this! As I recall, YOU were the one on the floor by the end of Mettle! Just because you got a draw with me, doesn't mean I won't kick your ass next chance I get! I tell you what…you really think you're gonna do a number on Al Snow or Raven, don't ya? Well, that aint gonna be easy! I'm in that match too, and if you get anywhere near me then I'm gonna make sure you can't step in a wrestling ring again!
The crowd cheers the thought of Sick Boy being killed by HHH. Sick Boy meanwhile smiles.
SICK BOY: Tell me this Hunter…Does it really seem all that easy to you? Do you really think that I can be beaten, just like that? DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT YOU CAN JUST BRUSH ME OFF? HAHAHAHA! You're even dumber than I thought. Hunter…if you really want to try your luck AGAIN…then just try me. It wont be easy though, `cause I've got some back up tonight, aquired just in case you tried something like this!
---Stone Dead Forever by Motorhead---
The music plays and the crowd boos as the tag team chamions walk down the aisle. They have their belts with them and they smile as the crowd hurls insults at them. They step in the ring and barge past Hunter, who is becoming maddened.
MICHEAL MODEST: Seems like we got dragged to Texas after all Eddie! And you know there aint but two things tht come from Texas. Queers and Steers. Hell, these people don't look like Cattle, so…
The crowd boos.
EDDIE GUERRERO: You know what? I disagree! Old Hunter there looks like he's cattle being led to that final slaugher house. And all you dicks in the crowd here get to see it happen!
HHH is about to snap.
---Last Resort by Papa Roach---
The music cues and the crowd sings along to the "Cut my life into pieces! This is my last resort!" Looks like Zero-G got there just in time, because HHH was bout to do something really stupid! Meanwhile, Zero-G have managed to turn face. They enter the ring and calm HHH down and then turn their attention to the threesome in the ring.
DEVON STORM: You know, it seems like you've really thought about this! I mean, you KNEw that HHH would snap, didn't you? And then you three get o have some fun, right? Well, the funs over boys!
KID KASH: You three want Hunter, you got him, but you've got us too! This is now a six-man tag match! So you three bring your asses later on and we'll kick them!
The Jackyl Pack looks at Sick Boy, who steps forward still smiling. He seems to be bemused about everything going on around him.
SICK BOY: You two think tht you can just come out here like this and interject yourselves in this match? Well well…looks like you twqo have had a change of heart. Aren't you just the big heroes! HAHAHAHAHA! Well well…Eddie? Micheal?
The Jackyl Pack step forward and are face to face with Zero-G.
EDDIE GUERRERO: Is this how you want it? Huh? Do you really want it to be this easy for us? Do you two really want us to make out job at the PPV that much easier?
DEVON STORM: Still think you're the best, don't you! We were winning tag title here in the NCPW ehen you two were still hangning around with Beau Beverly. Tell me…what was it like hanging around with him? Good? Get enough action between you?
MICHEAL MODEST: Oh yeah, that's it! Try what you want, we can't be pissed off so easily. Come on! Give me a reason to kick your ass tonight! Go on, I dare you!
KID KASH: When the F8 is done…you two are gonna need to think about a new career, `cause it's obvious that you aren't cut out to wrestle. Do you really think we're making it easier for you? No…this is making it easier for us.
HHH shakes his head and steps in the middle of the two teams. He seems ready to attack, but Sick Boy steps in and looks him right in the eyes. They are staring into each others eyes, and they aren't showing signs of backing down.
HHH: Yeah, that's right! You stand there, act like you're some sort of tough guy! Well guess what? You aint gonna be so tough when I'm done with you! You want me in the ring? Then you got me! A Six-Man Tag match, tonight, in this ring.
SICK BOY: Glad we can see eye to eye at a time like this. I should really be concentrating on Al Snow and Raven, but since you seem so eager to get added to the injured list, I'll grace these ass-holes with a ring performance tonight. After all, what would this life be like if we didn't have any fun?
HHH knows how to have fun! As sson as the word "fun" rolls off Sick Boy' tongue, HHH hits him with a right hook. Sick Boy stumbles a little, and faces the other way. He checks his mouth, and his fingers come out bloody. He looks at them and laughs. He turns back and wipes the blood Hunter' shirt. He and The jackyl Pack leave as HHH and Zero-G look on.
The room appears to be empty, but there is a piece of paper on the table. It contains a list of names: the wrestlers who will face British Storm at the F8. The list says: Gary Steele, Johnny Moss, Seek `N' Destroy. We cut back to the ring.
---Cowboys From Hell by Pantera---
The crowd boos as Justin Credible walks down the ramp with his Singapore Cane in hand. He gets in the ring and stands on one turnbuckle and taunts the crowd with the cane. He shouts over to the ring announcer, and is given a mic.
JUSTIN CREDIBLE: Last week, I did a number on The Human Suplex Machine! Hopefully now, all you punks can see that I'm not just the coolest, I'm not just the best…I'm Just Incedible! And so, this week, I am putting out an open challenge to ANY of you losers in the back to come and face me in this ring.
---War Machine by Kiss---
The crowd cheers and Justin Credible smiles, knowing that his plan is coming together. Taz steps out and walks down the ailse and enters the ring. He stands a little way from Justin and takes another mic. He lays the FTW Title belt on the floor in front of him.
TAZ: Let me get this straight…you come out here last week and hit me with a stick a couple of times, and you think means you did a number on me? Well Brutha…I'm gonna give you anohter chance at using that twig on me, `cause you're about to face me in a FTW Title Match! Only one of us walks out of here tonight Brutha…
This was wild! As sson as Taz dropped the mic, Justin lay in with cane shots, that took Taz down to one knee. One more big shot floored him though, and Credible turned to taunt the crowd. When he turned back, Taz was up! Belly-to-belly Tazplex! Credible drops the cane! From here, Taz controlled a lot of the match, and it was beginning to resemble a long squash until Jon Ryan stepped out through the curtain and walked down the aisle to the ring. He just stood on the apron, and Taz turned to him. He shouted at Jon, and then turned back…SUPERKICK! Taz was down! Justin picks him up and hits a That's Incredible on a chair, and the referee counts. One…Two…Jon puts Taz' foot on the ropes! Justin goes crazy and screams at Jon. When Justin turns, Taz nails a T-Bone Tazplex! One…Two…Three!
FTW Match
Taz pinned Justin Credible after a T-Bone Tazplex in 0:07:06.
Rating: * 3/4
(Taz retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
Taz celebrates, and then Jon Ryan gets in the ring with him. The two shake hands, and Jon raises Taz' hand in victory. The crow cheers, but Jon hasn't let go…T-BONE SUPLEX ON TAZ! What is going on? Jon Ryan must be trying to get an early advantage over Taz! The crowd boos.
We see Chris Benoit walking down the halls. He stops at a door and opens it and walks in.
CHRIS BENOIT: You set to partner me tonight then?
The camera tunrs and we see in the room…
RAVEN: Yeah. Tonight, I take Glen out once and for all.
Benoit and Raven are partnering tonight! Lets see what Glen Jacobs is up to…
Glen Jacobs is in a room with…AL SNOW!
GLEN JACOBS: OK, so we have a deal.
AL SNOW: Yeah. Tonight, for one night only, The Dynamic Duo are back together. You have to watch my back though, in case Sick Boy tries anything.
GLEN JACOBS: If he does, I'll take him out.
With the partners chosen for the main event chosen, we cut to the ring, where another tag match is ready to start.
---I Disappear by MetallicA---
The music hits and Dean Malenko nad Nick Dinsmore enter to a very mixed reaction. The crowd seems to want to cheer them, but they obviously like the other team more.
---Poison by Alice Cooper---
As sson as the music plays, Roadie Ralphus steps out throught the curtain. He looks around and waits. When the key riff hits and Chris Jerico and Dave Harris step out onto the aisle, Ralphus starts to walk and stands at the bottom of the ramp. As always, the crowd boos Jericho, but they cheer Dave Harris. This is one strange team, but they're over!
In the ring, Nick and Dean have been going over strategy, and they wait as Jericho takes a mic.
CHRIS JERICHO: Welcome to…
Dean Malenko takes the mic and cuts him off.
DEAN MALENKO: Screw that! This is serious! It's thanks to you and your little cheating friend there that my pupil isn't gonna be in the F8! Now it's time for us to gain a measure of revenge!
Jericho sees them as fighting words and is ready to fight, but Dave Harris gets two mics and hands one to Chris.
DAVE HARRIS: Whoa there! I didn't cheat! I just made sure that…well…the fans got what they deserved! The chance to see their two favourite rocking dudes in the final of the F8! I mean…is it a bad thing that I bent the rules to do os? Really?
CHRIS JERICHO: What the Hell are you talking about? Even I know you cheated for me! And I'm proud of you for it!
DAVE HARRIS: No way dude! I'm totally not a cheater! OK, so I may have cheated a little, but I had a reason, and all these totally trippendicular fan of the NCPW know that it was the best result!
CHRIS JERICHO: Oh yeah, right! You cheated, because you're finally learning from me!
DAVE HARRIS: I did not! Cheating sucks! I only did it because…
DEAN MALENKO: …will you two just shut the Hell up! Now lets get down to business!
You know, you have to wonder what these two teams would have assembled if they'd been given this chance on PPV with more time! What they put on here was a good little tag match, that must put both teams on the tag map.
The match went back and forth for the entire match. The ending was a strange one. With the referee and Dean Malenko down, Jericho entered the ring with a chair to try to help Harris. Now, with Dinsmore just getting himself up, Jericho tried to swing at him, but Dave grabbed the chair. He was shouting at Chris, and a tug of war ensued over the chair, when Dinsmore was up, Jericho just let go of the chair and the force Dave had on it, caused him to swing around and hit Dinsmore! Dinsmore was busted open, and out cold! Jericho revived the referee as Dave threw the chair away and stood in thought. When the referee was up, he told him he'd hit the K-RAD Driver and then pinned him for the three! The crowd didn't know how to react.
Chris Jericho and Dave Harris defeated Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore when Dave Harris pinned Dinsmore after a chair shot in 0:06:03.
Rating: ** ¾
Dean Malenko helped Nick Dinsmore up the aisle as Jericho jumped around in the ring celebrating his win. Meanwhile, Dave seemed a little sombre. Chris handed him a mic, and took one himself.
CHRIS JERICHO: Come on! Be happy! We won! And we did it thanks to you! Come on! Celebrate.
DAVE HARRIS: That wasn't cheating…
CHRIS JERICHO: Yeah it was!
DAVE HARRIS: No it wasn't! You made me do it! You KNEW he was up, and that if you let go, the momentum would mean I hit him!
CHRIS JERICHO: Well…yeah! So?
DAVE HARRIS: So we're agreed I didn't intentionally cheat then?
CHRIS JERICHO: Yeah, I guess so…
Dave seems to brighten up.
DAVE HARRIS: Cool! Lets go celebrate then! We totally rule, `cause we won, and I didn't cheat!
The three leave, and we cut to the back.
We see British Storm in the parking lot talking.
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE: So we got Gary Steele, Johnny Moss, and Tony and Dave McMillan. Right, that shouldn't be too difficult.
Jonny Storm looks up, still tired from earlier, and Jody does to. They have a look of shock on their faces.
JONNY STORM: Not…To…Difficult? What is this? Did you not see what Tony and Dave did to me and Jody earlier? Huh? Don't you think you're a little to laid back over this? Do you even realise what you've let yourself in for?
JODY FLEISCH: Yeah man! I mean, we had our asses beat! Do you really think that Gary and Johnny are going to be any easier.
DOUG WILLIAMS: You two worry too much! I mean, come on! It's their first PPV! They'll choke! Not only that, but we can out-wrestle them! Gary and Johnny…between the four of us, we can take them. Aand as for Tony and Dave…HA! A Pair of mummy's boys! I'm a former FTW Champion! I could take `em both apart with my bare hands!
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE: Exactly! You tow worry too much! Come on…you're under the leadership of The Wildcat! It's about time we got some respect for the British here!
We fade.
---Young Jaguar by Thee Michelle Gun Elephant---
The music plays, and the crowd cheers as the former Kai En Tai member comes out. The first time TAKA used the Young Jaguar gimmick, he main evented a NCPW PPV, and fought Al Snow for the World Title. Now though, he's fighting for a different title.
---Shine by Motorhead---
The crowd cheers again as Chavo Guerrero Jr. enters with his belt. Hopefully, he'll put in a better performance this week than the one he had against Dave Harris.
The crowd expected a stunner, and they got it! Much better than recen efforts against Dave Harris, Chavo didn't blow a thing, and TAKA was his usual self here. The assembled a nice tidy spot fest and managed to draw the crowd in. TAKA nealry hit the Michinoku Driver, but Chov flipped out, so he hit a Reverse DDT for two. Later on though, Chavo regain things with a running jumping DDT, then a Tornado DDT for the pin, and the win. Post match, both men shook hands.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned TAKA Michinoku with the Tornado DDT in 0:04:16.
Rating: ** 3/4
(Chavo Guerrero Jr. retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
We are in Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore' locker room. Dean is pissed off and throws a chair against the wall. Meanwhile, Nick is nursing his wound.
NICK DINSMORE: FUCK! I can't believe they did that…
DEAN MALENKO: Yeah? Well, they're gonna regret it! It's time that we stood up and got noticed Nick! And we're gonna start by taking out those cheating bastards! This time, it's personal.
Dean stalks out of shot, and Nick looks shocked at Dean' sudden attitude.
The crowd is ready for the next match, as it is sure to be a heated encounter!
---Cure by MetallicA---
Sick Boy and The Jackyl Pack bot step out and enter together to Sick Boy' theme. The tag champs are as cocky as ever, and Sick Boy has his bemused smile on his face, as they walk to the ring. Sick Boy leans against the ropes as we wait.
---Last Resort by Papa Roach---
The faces also enter together, and charge the ring…NO! SICK BOY AND THE JACKYL PACK NAIL TOPES ON ALL THREE!
This was everything the fans expected! Totally out of control from the start, but also very heated! On the outside, Sick Boy and HHH engaged in a brawl that went from the ringside using chairs and ring steps to the crowd where they fought over by the merchandise stalls, the food vendors, and the balcony, which nealry saw both guys take a fall, but in the end, they both returned to the ring.
In the ring, Zero-G and The Jackyl Pack had put together a good series of double team moves. The heel held a good advantage with a good mix of flying moves and technical take downs. Zero-G eventually came back thanks to a set of stereo DDTs when the champs went down for the back body drops too early. Then, Sick Boy and HHH returned. They seemed on even ground, and were both busted open. From there, it was total chaos. Somewhere in there, Devon Storm and Kid Kash nailed Eddie Guerrero with the Double Brainbuster they call Free Fall and took the pin.
Zero-G and HHH defeated The Jackyl Pack and Sick Boy when D. Storm pinned E. Guerrero after Free Fall in 0:07:39.
Rating: ** ¾
Zero-G took Modest out with the same move, and the tag champs rolled to the outside. They then turned their attetntion to Sick Boy who was taking a pounding in the corner from HHH. Hunter was raining in with punches, and Sick Boy was battered. Zero-G had to pull HHH off, and get him to calm down. As Zero-G tunred to leave though, The Jackyl Pack returned and nailed them with stereo diving belt shots! HHH went after them, and they ducked out. HHH helped Zero-G to the back as Sick Boy tried to get up, but slumped back intop the corner again. His face is a mess. Eventually, medics get out there to see to him, but he puches them away, and stumbles off down the aisle.
In the ring, we can see we are ready for an eight man tag match.
This had a lot of action in it. Gary Steele and Johnny Moss tagged in whenever Robbie Brookside or Doug Willams were in, and the two teams never really gained any ground on each other, and seemed to battle to a a draw. Funaki and Ohtani traded off some stff kicks and submission holds in the technical shoot style portion of the match, and the crowd ate it up. Meanwhile, Nova took the initiative with Kanyon! The former Innovators had a stunning minute or so of moves and holds, and the crowd loved that too! The finish saw Nova ready to hit a recovering Kanyon with a Kryptonite Krunch, only to have Ohtani springboard dropkick him in the back of the head, allowing Kanyon to hit the Flatliner for the pin!
British Storm (Doug Williams and Robbie Brookside), Shinjiro Ohtani and Kanyon defeated NWA-UK Hammerlock (Gary Steele and Johnny Moss), Nova and Shoichi Funaki when Kanyon pinned Nova with the Flatliner in 0:12:26.
Rating: ** ¼
We hear a storm, and we see a grey image of Chris Benoit. The camera circles him, and we see the TV Title belt. A voice says "This is what it comes down to…the final eight." As the camera circles benoit, we cut to clips of the F8 Qualifying match finishes. Once all eight are shown, we zoom in on Benoit' eye, and fade to black.
The crow is buzzing as we near the main event. First though…
---Ace Of Spades by Motorhead---
Jon Ryan walks out and down to the ring. The crowd give the mixed reaction all the Hammerlock guys seem to get in the NCPW.
---Walk by Pantera---
This music however brings forth boos from the Texas natives. RVD seems to nejoy the boos as he enters.
ROB VAN DAM: Thank you! Thank you! I know that you're all waiting in quiet anticipation for me to step up to the plate and win the F8 so that I can take the TV Title Belt from Benoit and give it some prestige. However, tonight you will have to make do with me beating on Jon Ryan. So come on people, lets here it for Rob…Van…Dam! Lets hear the chant! RVD! RVD!
The crowd boos loudly, and RVD shrugs. He looks over to Jon Ryan and points to himself with the usual I'm Rob…Van…Dam stuff. Jon shakes his head.
JON RYAN: You know what? I've already beaten one of you former ECW jobbers tonight, and you are gonna bea no different! Since you seem quite happy to tell everyone who you are, as if they'd forget an idiot like you, let me introducew you to a friend of mine…
RVD is hurt, but he gets back in by five. He then goes to work, flooring Jon Ryan with some martial arts style kicks. He celebrates, and on gets up. As RVD tries the same stuff again, Jon fires back with some martial arts moves of his own, and takes Rob Van Dam quickly and applies a submission hold! The crowd love it!
From here, Jon Ryan controlled the majority of the match, but Rob Van Dam managed to get some quick fire moves in when he needed to. The end saw Jon Ryan nailing a T-Bone Suplex, but he couldn't make the cover, because Taz ran in and hit him with a T-Bone Tazplex, causing Jon to win by DQ.
Jon Ryan defeated Rob Van Dam by disqualification in 0:05:25.
Rating: ** 1/4
Taz picked Jon up and hit another T-Bone, and said something about this is how it's gonna be, or something along those lines. RVD then hit him with a Five Star Frog Splash.
Once the ring had cleared, we got ready for the massive main event.
---Killing Machine by Wolfsbane---
The music keys up nd the crowd cheers as the TV Champion walks out down the aisle. He has his belt with him, and look incredibly serious.
---Victim Of Darkness by Seasons Of The Wolf---
Raven enters next. The crowd boos him, even though he partners Benoit tonight. The two stand on one side of the ring waiting.
---Die Again by Wolfsbane---
The old Dynamic Duo music plays and Al Snow and Glen Jacobs step out together. They both walk down the aisle, as serious as Benoit and Raven.
The four men waited. Then the bell rung. Al Snow and Raven started out, and showed all the usual flair they do in the ring. Somehow, they always manage to click and pull out the goods. They traded some moves, and reversed a lot of holds, showing how familiar they are with each other. Glen Jacobs and Chris benoit then tagged in.
The crowd was waiting for this, and they were heated when the two locked up, and came to a stalemate. They locked up again, and Chris Benoit ducked under one arm and took Glen down with an amateur take down, and tried to apply the Crossface. Glen powered away.
This seemed to be how the match went. Benoit would take Glen down with a load of holds and Glen would power out. It was like Glen was learning from benoit as he went along. Meanwhile, Raven and Snow put in some good solid work. Glen and Raven managed to step thigns up a nothch with some hard hitting moves, and Snow and benoit wrestled on the mat.
The match finished with the two it started with. With ll four in the ring, Benoit crossbody pressed Glen over the top rope to the outside. Meanwhile, Raven ducked an Al Snow superkick and nailed an Evenflow DDT. He then locked in the STF for the submission win!
Main Event
Chris Benoit and Raven defeated Al Snow and Glen Jacobs when Raven made Snow submit to the STF in 0:16:39.
Rating: *** ¼
Things got very interesting here. Raven released the hold quickly, and he backed into a corner and slumped down like he does. On the outside, Benoit had been hoisted up for a Nuabomb, but managed to reposition himself and come down with Glen to apply a Crossface! He had the hold on for all of three seconds before he let go. Glen got up confused.
CHRIS BENOIT: That's it. That's all I needed. Now I KNOW I can get you in The Crossface. Still think you can stop me Glen?
GLEN JACOBS: You got lucky tonight benoit. When we meet at the F8…things will be different! If need be, I'll make you tap to your own hold!
Chris benoit gives a smile. As he starts up the ramp…
---The Game by Motorhead---
HHH passes Benoit on his way down, and he gets in the ring. Glen Jacobs soon joins him.
HHH: Don't forget Glen. Us three here will fight at the PPV too! And you? You're stuck with the winner! I'll save you the bother of guessing who's gonna win. You see…The Game is stepping up the the plate and he's taking the home run. It's my time!
Raven gets up.
RAVEN: It strikes me Hunter that you didn't listen to a single thing I said last week. This may be your time, but this is MY environment. When anything can happen, I make sure it does. It'll be me standing tall at the end of things…
Al Snow has pulled himself up.
AL SNOW: …Just because you got the win tonight Raven doesn't mean shit! Simply Sensational is, and always will be EVERYTHING that is the NCPW! The original champion…and the longest title holder! This time, I aint gonna lose that damn belt!
Glen Jacobs is shaking his head.
GLEN JACOBS: Listen to you three! You're bickering like children! I don't give a rat's ass who wins the damn match! I could any of you on my worst day, nad you could never beat me on your best! This belt is staying firmly around the waist of Glen Jacobs!
---Cure by MetallicA---
The crowd boos as Sick Boy steps out to the top of the aisle.
SICK BOY: You guys seem to be forgetting something. Come the F8, one of you won't be able to win that shot because I'm gonna make sure that you can never wrestle again! Now who could it be…
AL SNOW: …For God's sake! What the fuck is wrong with you? You come out here every week, and you talk big, but you haven't done a single thing yet! I'm wondering if you're even gonna show up for the F8! Besides, if you come near me, I'll rip your damn head off! And as for Raven…I know first hadn that he can do a lot of damage!
SICK BOY: Listen to you! Do you two think you're safe from me now? Do you think I won't take you out? Hunter…what you got was a watered down version of me, and these two are gonna feel me full force…well, one of them is anyway.
RAVEN: If you're so damn sure of yourself, then come down here and take us out now!
SICK BOY: And make things easy for you? HAHAHAHA! I'm not that stupid! You two enjoy what you can of this week! After tonight, one fo you aint gonna be doing this shit for a living any more!
GLEN JACOBS: You know what? You seem to think you're something of an icon, up there! Well…
SICK BOY: Oh save me from this crap! You Glen are the worse of them all! Al Snow may think he IS the NCPW, and Raven may act like he's some sort of Dark Lord…and Hunter? He just annoys me. But you…YOU are nothing! You won that belt through luck, and you'll lose it because you don't know when to stop! YOU don't know your own boundaries! YOU are the reason I'm doing this!
GLEN JACOBS: Yeah? Is that so? Well, it seems to me that YOU don't know your own boundaires, and…
SICK BOY: NO! No…I know what I can and cannot do Glen! That's why I haven't challenged you yet. YET! Your time will come! First though, I have these three in the ring with you to deal with. But until I get that damn belt your carting around Glen…none of you are safe!
The show fades with Sick Boy staring from the asiel to the ring with a manic grin on his face.
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