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August & September 2003 TV
Orlando Arena
---END OF ALL DAYS (Rage)---
The sound of the German Power Metal band Rage hits and we see the NCPW Logo burst through into view. After a second or two we get a nice little video montage showing highlights from last night' ONE STEP CLOSER 2003: END GAME. We see various shots of Stevie Richards v/s Robbie Brookside, HHH v/s Sick Boy, The FTW Title Match and then finally HHH v/s Glen Jacobs. As we get the shot the PPV faded out on, the NCPW fades into view and then the RAGE logo bursts through onto that.
Out in the parking lot a car pulls up and out steps Sean Morley. He has his bags with him, and puts them on the floor before turning and locking the car. He turns and picks up the bags and starts to walk towards the arena. As he gets to the doors he smiles and drops the bags. Within seconds Test has emerged from the building and is standing in front of Sean Morley.
SEAN MORLEY: So what's this? A welcome party?
TEST: Yeah, real funny Sean. You gonna tell me what all that crap was about last night?
SEAN MORLEY: What's there to tell? You see I just got tired of the same old crap day in and day out. Now it's time I did things my way.
TEST: That doesn't excuse what you did to…
SEAN MORLEY: To whom? That little guy that's got things as bad as me? All I did was show him what can be done if you've got the…wait a minute…did you tell this camera to come out here?
TEST: No, I just presumed he was with you.
Sean Morley laughs.
SEAN MORLEY: Yeah real funny. I'm not taking part in any more wrestling angles so why would I have a camera with me?
Sean Morley turns to the camera and starts to talk to the camera man.
SEAN MORLEY: Mind telling me what you're doing? This is a private conversation.
CAMERA MAN: I know that Mr. Morley. Mr. Doyle sent me out here, he wants to keep an eye on you till you go see him tonight.
SEAN MORLEY: Is that so? Well then, I guess I'm stuck with you.
Sean pushes past Test and enters the building with the camera following him.
We see that tonight Jeff Jarrett and Bobby Heenan are again commentating.
BOBBY HEENAN: Friends…Romans…Humanoids. It appears that I must apologise right now, because all those fans of The Brain will have to once again put up with our Cruiser Commissioner talking over their…
JEFF JARRETT: Real funny Weasel. You better watch what you say or you'll end up just another slap nuts taken out by the…
BOBBY HEENAN: Whatever. Lets just try to get on long enough to commentate on the first match.
---DROWNING IN A DAYDREAM (Corrosion of Conformity)---
The music hits and the crowd gives a small but decent sized pop for Jerry Lynn as he walks down the aisle. He takes his time so that he can high five some fans at ringside.
JEFF JARRETT: Now there is a man that deserves more than he's getting.
BOBBY HEENAN: Maybe he can join Sean Morley?
JEFF JARRETT: Don't be an idiot Brain. Unlike Mr. Morley, this guy's a true superstar.
BOBBY HEENAN: I prefer his opponent myself.
---THE WAIT (Killing Joke)---
The crowd starts to boo as the former Innovator starts to enter. Jerry Lynn looks upset that his entrance was cut short, but Kanyon looks happy enough as the crowd boos and chants "KANYON SUCKS!" at him. He enters the ring while Jerry Lynn warms up and takes a mic.
KANYON: OK, OK, OK…lets get a couple of things straight right now. First up, Nova was luck last night! That's all, just lucky. But I won't harp on about it! Oh no, I won't complain. I'll take my loss like a man. Second of all, I would like to point out that I actually like Orlando. I think you sub-human pieces of garbage are possibly the best bet I've come across to answer the question correctly.
The crowd boos and Jerry Lynn is looking impatient.
The crowd shouts "EVERYBODY!"
JEFF JARRETT: Shut Up Brain.
KANYON: No! No you idiots! The answer is no body! NOBODY! How long is it gonna take for you idiots to learn one simple word? Damn you people…
Jerry Lynn snatches the mic from Kanyon.
JERRY LYNN: Now I don't know about you, but I came here to wrestle tonight. If you came here to talk then wait till after I kick your ass to do it!
Jerry Lynn throws the mic to the side as the bell rings and Kanyon shouts at him.
Not a bad opener for the first ever NCPW RAGE. Kanyon was upset about Jerry' rude interruption and tried to take it to him early but ended up on the wrong end of various hard hitting moves including a hanging vertical suplex and a fisherman's DDT. Even after those moves though Kanyon still kicked out on two. The match went back and forth for a while after Jerry' near falls and Kanyon got his own near fall with a Kanyon Cutter. The finish saw Jerry try the Cradle Piledriver, but Kanyon pulled his legs out and hit a slingshot. Jerry hit the corner hard and stumbled back before turning…FLATLINER! One…Two…Three.
Kanyon pinned Jerry Lynn with the Flatliner in 0:05:11.
Rating: ** ¼
The camera is following Paul Heyman. As they round a corner we see Steve Corino standing against a wall in street clothes looking cocky as ever.
STEVE CORINO: Hey Paul! In that much of a rush to see the true ICON?
PAUL HEYMAN: Actually no…I mean I'd love to chat but I've just got word that the former World Champion is here!
STEVE CORINO: Note the word former Paul. Me? I'm the Future…
PAUL HEYMAN: Yeah great Steve. Tell you what, you get a win tonight and I'll see if I can swing you some interview time on Mettle.
STEVE CORINO: No problem Paul…
PAUL HEYMAN: There he is!
Glen Jacobs walks past Paul Heyman and Steve Corino and ignores them. He seems to be heading towards the ring, but he doesn't seem very happy right now.
---INSIDE (Stiltskin)---
The crowd cheers as "The Demon of Destruction" makes his way down the aisle. He looks bare without his belt and he is not very happy right now. He looks with disgust at the front row signs depicting HHH with the title belt. He steps over the ropes and catches the mic that's thrown to him.
GLEN JACOBS: I'm sure you can all guess what I'm here to talk about tonight…
---THE GAME (Motorhead)---
The crowd cheers loudly again as the new World Champion steps out onto the aisle. He has a mic with him and he starts to walk down the aisle as his music cuts.
HHH: This should be good. Go ahead Glen.
GLEN JACOBS: Last night in the main event, I lost the World Title. Not only that, but I lost because my opponent here held the tights and cheated his way to the belt.
HHH steps through the ropes and enters the ring. He has a smile on his face.
HHH: I thought that would be coming. You see Glen I told you I would do whatever it took to get the belt and that's what I…
GLEN JACOBS: I know that Hunter. I'm not complaining about it. You see there is only one thing that annoys me about our match. It's not that I lost the title…it's not even that you cheated to win it…it's that I made a mistake that allowed you to do it. I MADE A GOD DAMN ROOKIE ERROR!
HHH: That's just the way it goes Glen. Lets face it, you couldn't hold the belt forever, and I sure as Hell wasn't going to blow my chance at it.
GLEN JACOBS: Why the Hell not? You blew all your other chances.
A loud "OOH!" is heard in the crowd. HHH looks stunned briefly but then smiles.
HHH: Oh I see…you aren't bothered that you made a rookie mistake, you're bothered that I'm the only guy that's managed to capitalise on one of your little errors. You're pissed off that the one guy that bothered to do what it takes to beat you is the guy that's been held back. Get over yourself Glen, you're not the best in the world anymore.
GLEN JACOBS: OK Hunter, play it your way. Let me make this clear though…next time we meet in the ring for that piece of metal you're carting around with ya…I won't make a mistake.
Glen Jacobs starts to leave but HHH stops him.
HHH: Whoa there! Where are you going? Don't you want to hear my big announcement?
Glen stops and backs to the other end of the ring.
HHH: The Game is the best in the business, and he wants things done properly. You see, I want a worthy opponent at the next PPV. I believe that coming up some time soon we got Cruiser Kings and then after that we got Powerslave. Well I decided to leave the Cruiser Kings show to the Cruisers, and let them have their moment in the sun. At Powerslave I want a real opponent. What's going to happen is simple, tonight in this ring…
---CURE (MetallicA)---
The crowd catches chronic boo syndrome and starts to regurgitate boo after boo as "The Sickest man In The Business" walks down the aisle with his metal bar. He jumps in the ring and takes a mic.
SICK BOY: OK, I can see what's happening here. Let me tell you something Game. Let me tell you a little story. There once was a ring where great warriors would do battle. In this ring there was set such a match that the winner would have the chance to become the king of the hill. Now, this little fight was between a man who had been there before but never reached his goals and a sick, sick man who was destined for greatness. Before the scrap, a bird came to the sick man and told him to trust him and let him take him under his wing. Seeing through his tricks, the sick man turned him down, and the bird became enraged. He attacked the sick man and the washed up never-should-have-been got the win and went on to become king, and all because of a little bird.
HHH: That's nice. Real imaginative.
SICK BOY: Yeah? And guess what…the sick man is almost ready to become king, but first he has a little business to take care. It's hunting season.
HHH: Yeah? Maybe the Sick One will like the gonna-be-king-for-a-long-time' announcement then. You see in this very ring tonight we will see three men fighting for the right to face me at Powerslave.
GLEN JACOBS: Wait a minute that's over two months away.
HHH: I know, and there's a special stipulation.
HHH: You see, whoever wins the top contendership must defend that place on the top of the ladder at least once a week. If he loses a match then the person who beat him takes over. Simple enough for you two?
GLEN JACOBS: Be ready Game, I'm taking that belt back.
Glen Jacobs shoves HHH and Sick Boy out of the way and leaves up the aisle.
SICK BOY: Nice even tempered young man there Game. So tell me, why does this interest me? As it stands I've got very little interest in you.
HHH: The three men are you, Glen and…Raven!
Sick Boy lets out a sick little smile.
SICK BOY: This is no holds barred, right?
HHH: That's right kid, knock yourself out.
HHH starts to leave while Sick Boy stands in the ring laughing. Once HHH has gone, Sick Boy holds his metal bar aloft and starts to talk again as the crowd boos.
SICK BOY: Well well…
---VICTIM OF DARKNESS (Seasons of the Wolf)---
The crowd cheers as the lights go blue. Instead of Raven entering though the NCPW Big Screen flashes into action. We see a small field, and in it is a tree. As the camera looks up, we see Raven staring down at it.
SICK BOY: Oh this is great. Just hanging around in trees again Raven? Haven't I told you already that you aren't a real bird? I mean, you do know my little story was a little metaphorical right?
RAVEN: Yes, but then you also told me to go to fuck. I looked it up and it don't exist. Guess I can't trust you there either.
SICK BOY: Oh yeah, real comedian.
RAVEN: You need me Scott. You need me tonight and you need me when he returns.
SICK BOY: Right, lets get this straight here bird man. I don't need or want you. Tonight all I need is one chance to take you out and I will. As for this guy coming for me…WHAT…THE…FUCK…ARE…YOU…TALKING…ABOUT?
RAVEN: All wrongs must be righted.
SICK BOY: Oh don't start this bull shit with me Raven. I'm sick and tired of your little mind games. I'm immune now so you might as well just give up!
RAVEN: Bless me father for I have sinned. Just like my daddy done…and his…before him.
SICK BOY: You know what? I don't care! You and me Raven, you and me. One on one in any match imaginable. You want me to trust you? Well trust this…YOU ARE A MARKED MAN AND I'M GOING TO…
RAVEN: Fine then, we'll play the game by your rules.
The screen turns off, leaving Sick Boy throwing a fit in the ring.
Sick Boy slowly calms down as the crowd boos him. He leaves up the aisle to a standing boovation.
We see Mr. Doyle sitting at his desk. Sean Morley walks in.
MR. DOYLE: Sit down Sean.
SEAN MORLEY: I'm happy standing.
MR. DOYLE: Fine. Lets talk things through.
SEAN MORLEY: Whatever.
We see Paul Heyman. With him at this time is Robbie Brookside. Robbie is wearing a baby bonnet, a diaper, and has a bottle with him.
PAUL HEYMAN: I'm here right now with the Wild Kitten…
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE: Call me that again and I'll smash your face in.
PAUL HEYMAN: OK, sorry. Why don't you tell everyone your thoughts on your match next against Justin Credible?
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE: Stevie Richards…all it takes is one pinfall or submission win and I can lose this ridiculous costume. It's bad enough I have to drink from this damn bottle coming down to the ring, but having to wrestle in this crap is damn humiliating. After I get my win tonight I'll be coming for you Stevie.
---COWBOYS FROM HELL (Pantera)---
The crowd gives a round of boos as Justin Credible walks down the aisle. He seems ready to go to work on Robbie tonight.
---DUCK AND RUN (3 Doors Down)---
The usual roar followed by a light show sees Robbie Brookside in full baby gear walking down the aisle. The usually impressive light show looks ridiculous with Robbie dressed like that and drinking from the bottle. The crowd are laughing audibly at him.
This was a good little match really. The crowd actually started to get behind Justin Credible to beat Robbie so that they could laugh at him some more. The match went back and forth until Robbie finally managed to hit the jumping Tornado DDT for one of many near falls in the match. As Robbie placed Credible on the top rope, Stevie Richards jumped the barriers from the crowd and jumped in the ring. Robbie nailed the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm and tried a pin. One…Two…broken by Stevie! Robbie wins by DQ!
Robbie Brookside defeated Justin Credible by disqualification in 0:06:56.
Rating: ** ½
Post match saw Stevie surprise Robbie with a Stevie Kick. He didn't hit it as hard as usual though, so Robbie just rolled around in the ring as Stevie got a mic.
STEVIE RICHARDS: I tell you what Robbie…seeing you roll around in there all upset…I guess you just want your bottle!
Stevie throws the bottle in the ring and Robbie picks it up holding his head.
STEVIE RICHARDS: Stipulations say you gotta drink that now!
Robbie swears at Stevie and takes a drink as the crowd laughs.
STEVIE RICHARDS: Oh yeah, just in case anyone forgot…since you won by disqualification, and NOT pinfall or submission…you're still going to be making appearances on NCPW TV as The Wild Kitten! So lets hear it!
The crowd starts a "STEVIE! STEVIE!" chant while Stevie exits through the crowd and Robbie Brookside throws a fit in the ring.
The door opens and out steps Sean Morley. Mr. Doyle steps half out.
MR. DOYLE: So we have an agreement then?
SEAN MORLEY: I can live with that. After the FTW match I'll go out there and explain everything.
The two men shake hands and Sean Morley walks off down the hall.
Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore are walking down the halls talking.
NICK DINSMORE: So why are we doing this again?
DEAN MALENKO: Well, if we do this right then we get our match with those losers and we get the chance for so much more than last time.
NICK DINSMORE: And it's going to be fun, right?
DEAN MALENKO: You know it!
We cut to the arena shot.
JEFF JARRETT: I'm looking forward to this one Brain.
BOBBY HEENAN: Yeah! Two of my least favourite tag teams beating the living Hell out of each other for the tag titles! This'll be great Jeffery!
JEFF JARRETT: You getting dangerously close to becoming one dead Weasel slap nuts.
---POISON (Alice Cooper)---
The crowd cheers loudly as Chris Jericho steps out onto the aisle. He goes through the usual taunts for the crowd until Dave Harris leaps through to the aisle air guitaring to the music. The two high five and run down the aisle. They slide into the ring. Jericho takes a mic.
CHRIS JERICHO: Orlando…Welcome to the new and improved Chris and Dave show! Tonight all my little Jerichoholics and all those little metal heads out there are in for a treat because we ain't leaving this city till we have the tag titles.
Chris hands the mic to Dave Harris as the crowd cheers.
DAVE HARRIS: And tonight dudes and dudettes…Lionheart and the one and only air guitar king are going to take things to the next level and give the world the most rocking tag champs in the history of the NCPW! And THAT will be…
The crowd shouts "TOTALLY TRIPPENDICULAR!" and Dave Harris smiles. He hands the mic back to Jericho.
CHRIS JERICHO: And after tonight, Orlando and the NCPW will never…
The crowd shouts "EVER!"
CHRIS JERICHO: Be the same again!
---LAST RESORT (Papa Roach)---
The NCPW Tag Champs start to walk down the aisle.
JEFF JARRETT: Dave Harris is one of the best young athletes out there. Not only that but he's the first to come through the NCPW training camps onto TV!
BOBBY HEENAN: Oh I agree. He could be a top star one day, but he needs to do a few things first.
JEFF JARRETT: And they are?
BOBBY HEENAN: Well, he could get a hair cut. Big fluffy Mullets haven't been in fashion for years. He could also maybe lose the bandana and et some dress sense. Hell, he should just get out of the 80s and come to the same era as us…and he needs to learn how to wrestle. If he does all that he'll make it big here!
JEFF JARRETT: I am THAT close to hitting you Brain.
This match was heat central. Better than their PPV outing last night the two teams put on a show that showed the strengths of each man involved. A barrage of near falls were knocked up from Kid Kash' air display and Devon Storm hard hitting moves. Then the challengers took over and Jericho out on an all round display while Dave Harris hit some nice high flying moves followed by the occasional power move. The match went back and forth until Zero-G hit the Free Fall (Double Brainbuster) on the young British Metaller. This got a two count when Jericho broke the pin. The match went back and forth again till Jericho finally made the hot tag. Then Dean Malenko ran down the aisle! Kid Kash and Dave Harris immediately went after him leaving Devon and Jericho in the ring. As the referee tried to break things up on the outside, Nick Dinsmore jumped the barriers with a chair. Devon Storm hit Jericho with a Thunderclap Brainbuster and then turned…CHAIR SHOT FROM DINSMORE! Nick made a dash to the outside and helped Dean scarper up the aisle with Dave Harris and Kid Kash in hot pursuit. In the ring, Jericho recovered as the recovered first and picked up the recovering Devon Storm, unaware of what happened and nailed a powerbomb. He then hit the ropes and nailed the World Tag Titles winning Lionsault as Kash and Dave ran back down the aisle!
Chris Jericho and Dave Harris defeated Zero-G when Chris Jericho pinned D. Storm
after the Lionsault in 0:12:11.
Rating: ** ½
(Chris Jericho and Dave Harris won the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
The crowd ignore the circumstances of the finish and start to cheer as the new tag champs are announced. The former champs Zero-G get in the ring and Devon Storm explains it all to Kid Kash while the referee grabs the tag titles. Kash looks annoyed, and he and Devon grab the belts from the referee. They then hand them to Chris and Dave while the crowd chants for both teams.
We see Sean Morley walking down the halls. Test walks by and stops him.
TEST: So…what did Mr. Doyle say?
SEAN MORLEY: Oh you know…we just talked things through and we reached an agreement. Everything's cool now.
TEST: Glad to hear it.
SEAN MORLEY: Well, I've got to get ready. I've got some explaining to do to the crowd.
Sean walks off. Test seems happy for his friend.
The camera cuts to the crowd and we see Steve Corino (in street clothes still) talking to fans. The fan he's talking to seems to getting frustrated by his constant banter.
BOBBY HEENAN: Now THAT is a true athlete.
JEFF JARRETT: THAT is a grade A ass hole.
BOBBY HEENAN: Hey! You've got Dave Harris, I've got Steve Corino.
---PEPPER (The Butthole Surfers)---
The crowd cheers loudly as Mikey Whipwreck steps out onto the aisle. He has with him the FTW title and a golf bag full of golf clubs and a baseball bat. As he walks down the aisle, The Eliminators run out and start the match by attacking Mikey.
Considering this wasn't a handicap match, Mikey got a raw deal. The Eliminators worked over him together, trying to get a double pin through out. Kronus was in human weapon wielding mode, and Saturn was in human suplex machine mode again. Mikey took a real pasting in the early stages and then finally got a comeback with a quick low blow. He then reached for his golf bag and proceeded to floor both Eliminators with a baseball bat shot. This was followed by Mikey hitting each Eliminator with golf club shots! Each club got bent out of shape on either Saturn or Kronus' head, and Mikey got a series of two counts. Mikey then hit a FrankenMikey on Kronus and floored Saturn with a putter. He then spread Saturn' legs and ready the putter…BAM! Corino in the crowd spits his drink over the guy he was pestering and the poor guy has to leave his seat (presumably to wipe himself off)! The match went on as the standard weapons fest until finally Mikey hit a double Whippersnapper sending Saturn to the outside and Kronus into the post. Kronus bounced back into another Whippersnapper for the three.
No-Countout-No-DQ-Triangle MatchMikey Whipwreck defeated John Kronus and Perry Saturn when Whipwreck pinnedKronus with the Whippersnapper in 0:07:27.
Rating: ** ¼
(Mikey Whipwreck retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
---BLEEDING ME (MetallicA)---
The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Sean Morley walks out. He has a towel with him and he enters the ring and takes a mic.
SEAN MORLEY: First up, let me apologise to Billy Kidman. What I did last night was uncalled for and I'm sorry.
The crowd claps.
SEAN MORLEY: As you all know, I went to see Mr. Doyle earlier tonight and we talked a few things through. We talked about my recent behaviour and my likes and dislikes of the Val Venis gimmick, and well…we came to an agreement. I have agreed to…
Sean hesitates and looks at the towel in his hands. He then laughs and throws the towel to the crowd.
SEAN MORLEY: You know what? I've changed my mind! There is nothing in this world that you could offer me to make me go back under that stupid gimmick! Here's what's going to happen…I'm going to go to each show I WANT to go to and do things how I want. I'm going to say FUCK THE SYSTEM!
The crowd boos.
SEAN MORLEY: Yeah? You want to boo me? Well do what you want! This isn't a work! Wrestling isn't real, but what I'm going to be doing is! You people want to see a real wrestler in action then just sit back. I challenge of you faggots in the back to come out and have a shoot fight with me in this very ring! Come one! Anyone!
He waits.
SEAN MORLEY: Come one! Surely there must be someone out there brave enough to take me on! COME ON! SHOW THESE PEOPLE THAT WRESTLING IS REAL!
---HELL IN HIGH HEELS (Motley Crue)---
A small round of cheers is given to Test as he walks out with a referee.
SEAN MORLEY: Oh, so it's you again! Well, since you seem to be happy to stick your nose in where it doesn't belong I'll just take you on in the shoot fight!
Sean throws the mic down and starts to warm up. Test picks the mic up.
TEST: I thought it was all sorted. Trust me Sean I don't want to see you throw your career away like this, but if this is the only way to get through to you then…
Test starts punching Sean Morley!
Test rained down with punches on Sean Morley until Sean had slumped in the corner. Test then shouted something at Sean and started to walk away. Sean pulled himself up and took Test' legs from under him! He then started to pull back with a leg lock that looked like it was causing Test some great pain. Test was screaming but he wasn't giving up. Sean waited till he thought Test couldn't take any more and let go. Test rolled over holding his leg and Val stomped it. He then mounted Test and applied a cross face choke hold to Test! Test screamed out in pain and then finally tapped out.
Submission Match
Sean Morley made Test submit to a crossface choke hold in 0:03:47.
Rating: ** ½
Sean cinched back the hold a little more and then let go. The referee looked concerned and called for a stretcher to help Test to the back. While Test was being stretchered away, Sean walked over to the announce table.
SEAN MORLEY: I'll see you on Wings!
JEFF JARRETT: Try any of this shit on Wings and your ass is mine Sean.
Sean smiles and walks off up the aisle past the stretcher. He waves to Test as he walks by.
BOBBY HEENAN: Looks like you two will be in that ring together again soon enough.
JEFF JARRETT: You think so?
BOBBY HEENAN: Oh yeah, I bet he's going to destroy all your cruisers just to get at you Jeffery my dear boy.
JEFF JARRETT: Two things Bobby. One, if you think he has a chance against my cruisers you're crazier than I thought. For starters, Billy Kidman will be out for blood. Two…if you ever call me Jeffery again…
BOBBY HEENAN: Point taken.
Steve Corino has jumped the barriers and has stepped into the ring. He takes a mic.
STEVE CORINO: Orlando…welcome to this fair city the future of the NCPW. The Man…The Myth…The Legend…Steve Corino! That's right boys and girls I kept my word! I said that all I would do is watch the FTW Title match, and that's what I did! And now…I will complete my promise and show you all what Hardcore wrestling is all about.
The crowd boos.
STEVE CORINO: You see, Mikey Whipwreck was once a true Hardcore Wrestler, but here in the NCPW he has been surpressed to almost nothing. Now don't get me wrong, the match at the PPV wasn't too bad. I mean, the stuff that guys like Mikey, The Eliminators, Taz, Justin Credible, Rob Van Dam and so one have done here is OK for your average blood and guts garbage fan…say, notice how they're all ECW wrestlers? I guess the likes of Hardcore Holly, HHH and Atsushi Onita could never compete!
The crowd boos louder and an "ASS HOLE!" chant starts.
STEVE CORINO: My mission here is simple. I will personally take the NCPW FTW Title belt and fashion it into something worth fighting for. I will personally take it upon my self to carry everyone in the division to amazing matches. I will carry the belt to the heights it COULD be at if it had a champion who knew how to make Hardcore wrestling classy!
The boos are getting louder and "MIKEY!" chant is surfacing.
STEVE CORINO: You can shout for your paper champion all you want but it won't mean a thing when all is said and done. Soon enough Mikey I will remind you of the extreme and take that belt from you. Tonight though I have other business. I am making an open challenge for anyone in the back to face me in a FTW match as you like to call them. I don't care who, it can be a former Team Extreme member…it can be a pretender…it can even be some foreigner. I just don't care WHO I have to beat tonight!
There is a couple of seconds wait.
---KRYPTONITE (3 Doors Down)---
The crowd gives the True Innovator Nova a good strong reaction as he makes his way down the aisle. This will be Nova' first match after solving the dispute with Kanyon at ONE STEP CLOSER last night. He takes a mic.
NOVA: Let me get this straight here Steve. Us former ECW guys have gone soft. Is that what you're saying?
STEVE CORINO: That's about the size of it Nova old buddy.
NOVA: Well then, lets see if I can prove you wrong on that part. I accept your challenge.
STEVE CORINO: That's fine. I'm glad to see that someone back there had the balls to face a true ICON in the ring tonight.
This was Corino' official debut, and it was not the match that he would have wanted. Although not as bad as it could have been, the two former ECW guys didn't quite click in the ring. What we ended up with was a walk about brawl. Highlight of the match was probably when Corino held Nova open for a chair shot from the guy in the crowd Corino had talking to earlier, only to have the guy smash Corino over the head instead. The match went from the ring to the ringside, up the aisle, back to ringside, in the crowd and back to the ringside again using all the weapons they could find (mainly chairs). The two fought hard in a surprisingly heated match despite the quality and the match went back and forth with Nova scoring a few near falls. Nova eventually threw a table into the ring and set it up a little way out from one of the corners. The finish involved the table, as you'd expect. Nova had Corino reeling and set him up on the post. He signalled that he was going to hit a top rope hurucanrana through the table on Steve, but this gave Corino enough time to recover sufficiently enough to give Nova a low blow. Nova recovered quickly and tried to set up a suplex, but again a low blow gave Corino an opportunity. This time Corino took it by driving Nova through the table with a top rope sitout powerbomb.
Steve Corino pinned Nova after a top-rope sitout powerbomb through a table in 0:07:09.
Rating: * ¾
The crowd boo loudly as Corino removes himself from the mess of table and Nova and he calls for a mic.
STEVE CORINO: You see that Mikey? You see that Orlando? THAT finish…THAT was LEGENDARY ICON HARDCORE!
Corino leaves up the aisle as the crowd boos.
JEFF JARRETT: Steve Corino is underestimating Mikey Whipwreck.
BOBBY HEENAN: I agree Jeff.
BOBBY HEENAN: Yep. It may take two chair shots instead of one to beat him.
JEFF JARRETT: OK slap nuts you are REALLY beginning to get to me now.
BOBBY HEENAN: At least you've only got to put up with me this week.
JEFF JARRETT: Now THAT is where I get my revenge Brain. My contract says that me and you are commentating NCPW RAGE EVERY week!
JEFF JARRETT: Best get used to me.
We return with a shot of the commentary table.
BOBBY HEENAN: I can't believe it. I'm stuck with you.
JEFF JARRETT: Get used to the idea Brain. Lets talk about what we've got coming up in the final part of RAGE.
BOBBY HEENAN: Up next is Stevie Richards against Rob Van Dam.
JEFF JARRETT: That should be a great match. You can bet your life on Robbie Brookside making an appearance too!
BOBBY HEENAN: After what Stevie' done to him? Wild animals couldn't keep him away!
JEFF JARRETT: After that we have Chris Benoit fighting HHH for the World Title.
BOBBY HEENAN: Two losers who don't deserve to have title belts going at it. Great.
JEFF JARRETT: You always this positive?
BOBBY HEENAN: Every week Jeffery.
JEFF JARRETT: Great…you know my guitar hasn't been introduced to you yet, maybe I could…
JEFF JARRETT: That's more like it.
BOBBY HEENAN: Sick Boy to beat the Hell out of both guys.
JEFF JARRETT: Raven and Glen Jacobs can't be taken lightly Brain.
Paul Heyman is standing by with Rob Van Dam.
PAUL HEYMAN: Here right now is Rob Van Dam. Up next you face Stevie Richards. Any thoughts.
ROB VAN DAM: Well Paul, Stevie won't be a push over, but he won't be my hardest challenge either. You see, Rob Van Dam is on the top of his game tonight, as always. Well…except for last night of course.
PAUL HEYMAN: Oh, so you weren't on the top of your game last night against Benoit?
ROB VAN DAM: No way! If I was, then I'd be standing here with a TV Title belt right now! But don't worry, Benoit has it coming.
PAUL HEYMAN: Has what coming?
ROB VAN DAM: You'll see. Lets just say that there's more than one way to climb the ladder in the NCPW.
The crowd cheers as Stevie Richards steps out onto the aisle. He walks down the ring displaying the confidence he had when he was main eventing NCPW PPVs.
---WALK (Pantera)---
The crowd boos as the music hits. RVD walks down the aisle with the usual finger pointing exercises and the crowd sings along with the music with a chant of "ROB…ASS HOLE!" but it doesn't bother RVD.
This was a simply amazing match. These two clicked instantly in the ring and put on a match that wouldn't have looked out of place on a PPV. The match went back and forth, with near fall after near fall mounting up as the crowd made it the most heated match of the night so far. Towards the end, Robbie Brookside walked out. Due to his contract, he was still in his bonnet and diaper, and he was still carrying the baby bottle. As he jumped on the apron, both RVD and Stevie Richards were laughing. Robbie tried a baby bottle shot on Stevie, but Stevie ducked and Stevie Kicked Robbie for the second time this evening. Meanwhile, RVD had prepared himself. Stevie turned to be hit with a DDT, a Rolling Thunder and a Five Star Frog Splash in quick succession. The referee counted the fall and RVD was announced as the winner.
Rob Van Dam pinned Stevie Richards with the Five Star Frog Splash in 0:05:05.
Rating: ****
RVD walked up the aisle pointing to himself while the crowd boo and chant "RVD SUCKS!" In the ring, Stevie is getting up and Robbie Brookside is already in the ring waiting. As Stevie gets to his feet, Robbie hits a running jumping tornado DDT on Stevie and then slaps him. He puts some of the humiliation on Stevie by making his knocked out body drink from the bottle and then leaves up the aisle to boos from the crowd.
The cameras spot some movement in the parking lot. When they zoom in, we can see that Raven has arrived at the arena!
---KILLING MACHINE (Wolfsbane)---
JEFF JARRETT: Kinda apt, isn't it Brain?
Chris Benoit steps out onto the aisle to a good pop from the Orlando faithful.
JEFF JARRETT: Benoit' theme music being titled "Killing Machine."
BOBBY HEENAN: Yeah, he has a real talent for killing crowds.
Chris Benoit walks down the aisle with his NCPW TV Title Belt and enters the ring.
---THE GAME (Motorhead)---
JEFF JARRETT: And here we see who is currently THE man in the NCPW.
BOBBY HEENAN: That's right, but he shouldn't underestimate Chris Benoit tonight.
HHH steps out and the crowd erupts. He walks down the aisle to a loud round of cheers.
JEFF JARRETT: Yeah, Glen Jacobs had a habit of underestimating his opponents.
BOBBY HEENAN: When you're his size it doesn't matter. You don't have to worry about being beaten.
JEFF JARRETT: He ain't the champion anymore slap nuts.
HHH steps into the ring. He hands his belt to the referee and takes the mic from the announcer.
HHH: You know, there are two things that should be noted here. I won the NCPW World Title Belt by doing what it takes to get to the top. When I started to realise that and did everything in my power I won the most coveted prize in wrestling.
The crowd cheers.
HHH: When it comes to Powerslave I will do whatever it takes again to keep that piece of metal from whomever I face, and trust me, I WILL be going to Powerslave because tonight I will do what it takes to keep this belt. Tonight I prove once again why I am that damn good by beating the current number two wrestler in the NCPW, so bring it on Benoit.
This was what you'd expect from the two holders of the top two titles in the NCPW. A good clean match saw HHH and Benoit mat wrestle the crowd into a round of cheers. After the feeling out process, things stepped up for some heavy hitting moves. Benoit scored a very close two count with four locomotion German suplexes, and almost applied the Crippler Crossface but Hunter got to the ropes. Meanwhile, HHH scored a near fall with his old Pedigree finisher and a series of high knee hits. The finish sequence was a heated one as Benoit tried the Crossface again, but HHH fought out and hoisted Benoit up for the Game Over. Benoit slipped out and tried a German Suplex, but HHH blocked and countered with a low blow. He then hit the Game Over for the one-two-three.
HHH pinned Chris Benoit with the Game Over in 0:07:23.
Rating: *** ½
(HHH retained the NCPW World Title.)
In the back we see Glen Jacobs standing by with Paul Heyman.
PAUL HEYMAN: Here right now is the former World Champion Glen Jacobs. Glen, you now have a chance to earn a rematch with HHH at Powerslave.
GLEN JACOBS: First things first Paul, don't get used to calling me the former champ. It won't be long till I regain what is mine. Second of all, this goes out to Raven and Sick Boy. I know you two have a few problems that you need to work out right now, and that's fine. Just make sure you two are ready, because in that ring there are no holds barred. And unlike last night, there will be no mistake.
Glen storms off.
---INSIDE (Stiltskin)---
The music hits and the crowd goes crazy as Glen Jacobs steps out onto the aisle. He looks to the crowd to the crowd and shouts something that we can't make out. He makes his way to the ring.
BOBBY HEENAN: I would not want to be Raven or Sick Boy right now. That man is going to take out all his aggression on them tonight.
JEFF JARRETT: Maybe if Sick Boy and Raven can form an alliance they'll be able to take the big man out.
---CURE (MetallicA)---
BOBBY HEENAN: Are you crazy? Those two hate each other!
Sick Boy steps out onto the aisle with his metal bar to a large round of boos and jeers. He walks slowly down the aisle bad mouthing fans.
JEFF JARRETT: No, Sick Boy hates Raven. If he actually listens to Raven then maybe he'll join Raven and stop being such a jerk.
BOBBY HEENAN: In case you hadn't noticed Jeff, Raven is hardly the best example of what a fan favourite is. He's just as dark and whacked out as Sick Boy is.
JEFF JARRETT: Yeah, but there's a method to his madness. If Sick Boy listens to hi they could make a pretty good team.
---VICTIM OF DARKNESS (Seasons of the Wolf)---
BOBBY HEENAN: Or maybe Raven could join Sick Boy in the proverbial Dark Side and they could cause some major chaos in the NCPW?
JEFF JARRETT: Whatever Brain.
BOBBY HEENAN: Say…where is the Bowery native anyway?
On that note Raven runs down the aisle and slides into the ring. The fight is on!
A main event that surprised everyone here. The match started with Sick Boy and Raven brawling around the ring. Then Glen stepped in and started to beat on both guys. He threw Raven out of the ring eventually and went to work on Sick Boy. Raven grabbed two chairs and jumped back in, hitting Glen with one chair and throwing the other to Sick Boy. Together, Raven and Sick Boy managed to make a good enough team to stumble the big man and then send him over the ropes to the outside. For a brief moment Raven and Sick Boy seemed on the same page, but then Sick Boy hit Raven with the chair and went to work on him. The match went back and forth like that for a long time. Near falls started coming when Glen Jacobs started working on one man at a time. Raven and Sick Boy would then team up to take him down before turning on each other. It was obvious that Raven wanted to beat some sense into Sick Boy, Sick Boy wanted to kill Raven and Glen Jacobs wanted the title shot. Neither Raven nor Sick Boy attempted to make a cover. The finish was a strange one. In the middle of one of Glen Jacob' control moments. Raven and Sick Boy teamed up so that Raven stopped Glen hitting the Unabomb and he and Sick Boy started showing some continuity together and hit Glen with everything. A Cure from Sick Boy hurt Glen badly, but he somehow pulled himself back up and got nailed with an Evenflow DDT onto a chair! With Glen down, Raven turned and Sick Boy whacked him hard over the head with several chair shots! Sick Boy then hit a Cure onto the chair and grabbed his metal bar. He nailed Glen Jacobs with a bar shot to stop him getting up and then went outside the ring. He grabbed a pair of handcuffs from a security guard and handcuffed Raven' hands behind his back! Two metal bar shots and another chair assisted Cure put Raven out for the count, and Sick Boy rolled Glen Jacobs over on top of him! The referee counted one…two…three!
No-Countout-No-DQ-Number-One-Contenders-Triangle Match
Glen Jacobs defeated Raven and Sick Boy when Glen Jacobs pinned Raven in 0:22:25.
Rating: ** ¼
Post match, Sick Boy smiled and rolled to the outside. He grabbed a mic.
SICK BOY: Do you see now Raven? I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE WORLD TITLE! ALL I WANT TO DO RIGHT NOW IS KICK YOUR GOD DAMN ASS! I told you I had you marked you freak.
Sick Boy holds the metal bar aloft. The crowd boos and the camera flashes across to show Glen Jacobs slowly recovering while the bloody Raven is on the mat still not moving. The camera goes back to Sick Boy and fades out on him with the bar aloft and a smile on his face.
Madison Square Garden
---WALK ON WATER (Ozzy Osbourne)---
The usual music hits and we see a new selection of clips. This tie we see clips of some classic moments from the year featuring some the NCPW's top stars such as HHH, Glen Jacobs, Raven, Sick Boy, and Al Snow. We are also treated to some vintage clips featuring Kai En Tai, Kiefer Sutherland, and Steve Austin. The video package ends on a black and white shot of HHH with his NCPW Title belt after OSC 2003.
In the parking lot we see a car pull up. After a few seconds, Sick Boy steps out. He is wearing cut off blue jeans like Raven, and a sleeveless shirt. As the camera zooms in we can see that is an official NCPW Raven shirt, only Sick Boy has painted red cross hairs on it. Sick Boy looks to the sky and smiles his sadistic smile before pulling his metal bar out of his car. He locks the car and starts to walk on, but notices the camera man.
SICK BOY: Hey! You!
The camera man moves the camera closer to Sick Boy.
SICK BOY: Since everybody can see this, this goes out to you Raven. You see this shirt I'm wearing? It means you're a marked man. Don't you forget it Raven! Tonight?
Sick Boy laughs out loud.
Sick Boy breathes heavily but seems to calm down quickly before walking past the camera man and into the building. The camera watches him enter and then turns back to the parking lot. We are treated to a view of cars and the entrance before the camera turns back towards the entrance…RAVEN! Raven is standing in front of the camera with a smile on his face.
RAVEN: Let the games begin.
Raven enters the arena!
We see a shot of the cheering crowd and then the camera cuts to the announce desk. We appear to have NCPW Owner Mr. Doyle and Paul Heyman at the desk ready to commentate tonight.
MATT DOYLE: Welcome everyone to NCPW Mettle! We have one Helluva line-up for you tonight folks!
PAUL HEYMAN: That's right! We have Chris Jericho and Dave Harris defending the tag titles against Flames of Redemption, and Glen Jacobs makes his first top contenders defence tonight!
MATT DOYLE: And of course you Paul have promised Steve Corino some interview time tonight!
PAUL HEYMAN: That's right, and it'll be interesting to hear what he has to say.
---BLUE SNOW (Orange Goblin)---
The crowd gives a nice sized pop to the former tag champs and current FTW division stars The Eliminators as they step out onto the ramp for this opening bout.
MATT DOYLE: No Holds Barred action to start us off!
PAUL HEYMAN: A no rules tag match featuring four men who have each held titles in ECW I might add!
---PEPPER (Butthole Surfers)---
The crowd cheers loudly as Mikey Whipwreck steps out onto the ramp with his belt and a trash can. He is closely followed by Taz.
MATT DOYLE: The Eliminators and Mikey have been impressive lately, but Taz doesn't appear to be doing all that much. Apart from the FTW match at OSC, he hasn't seen a lot of action.
PAUL HEYMAN: That's about to change though. He requested to be Mikey' partner tonight because he has some issues to address with Perry Saturn.
MATT DOYLE: So that's why he wanted to be involved here…
Mettle opened up with a no rules tag match. The match seemed to split into two sections. One section was Mikey Whipwreck flattening John Kronus with whatever he could get his hands on while the other was Taz and Perry Saturn battering each other with intent! Mikey and Kronus disappeared into the crowd at some point and the focus was on Taz and Saturn. Saturn nailed a quick series of T-Bone suplex, overhead Belly-to-belly suplex, Fisherman's suplex. This got a two count and Taz was straight up to nail a T-Bone Tazplex, throwing Northern Lights Tazplex and a Fisherman's Tazplex for a two count. The crowd cheered as the two circled to go in for another round, but Mikey came rushing back to the ring only to be back body dropped over the ropes by Saturn. As Saturn shouted at Mikey, Taz locked in the Tazmission. This got a tap before Kronus could make it back to the ring.
Mikey Whipwreck and Taz defeated The Eliminators when Taz made Saturn
submit to the Tazmission in 0:04:56.
Rating: ** ¼
As Mikey walked back up the aisle with his belt, the crowd was looking to the ring. John Kronus was in the ring and had helped Saturn up while Taz stood and stared. Kronus was ready to assault Taz, but Saturn pulled him back and walked over to Taz. He stared into Taz' eyes for a moment and then turned and walked up the ramp. Kronus watched him go with a confused look on his face, and when he turned Taz nailed him with a Tazplex before leaving to cheers.
We see Sick Boy standing by the drinks machine. He presses for a drink, but nothing comes out. He continues to press the button, and a member of the ring crew walks over.
RING CREW MEMBER: Erm…sir? I couldn't help noticing that you're having a bit of trouble there. It's just that you need to…
Sick Boy turns quickly.
RING CREW MEMBER: It's that you need to put some money in before you can get a drink out.
SICK BOY: You think I don't know that?
SICK BOY: You think I'm that damn STUPID?
SICK BOY: SHUT UP! Do you know what I do to idiots like you? Huh? You want to know what I do? I teach them a lesson. Now how do you think I do that? How do you think I EDUCATE them? With this…
Sick Boy points his metal bar at the Ring Crew Member.
SICK BOY: Maybe you need to go back to school…
Sick Boy starts to advance on the Ring Crew Member, but Raven runs in from behind and grabs the bar, pulling it back across Sick Boy's throat and choking him. Sick Boy struggles and pushes Raven into the drinks machine, but Raven shrugs it off and spins Sick Boy into it. He then pulls back on the bar and kicks Sick Boy's legs out. Sick Boy is on the floor with Raven choking him! Raven the proceeds to drag Sick Boy off around the corner!
---THE GAME (Motorhead)---
The NCPW World Champion steps out to a big cheer from the audience here. He holds the belt aloft and then walks down the aisle to the ring. He enters the ring and takes a mic.
HHH: Now…lets see what's on the agenda tonight for The Game. Glen Jacobs…get out here!
---INSIDE (Stiltskin)---
The crowd explodes into a chorus of cheers as the former champ and current top contender steps out into the aisle. He looks to the screaming crowd and then walks down the aisle and steps over the ropes. He stands in the ring staring out to the crowd as they chant his name.
HHH: As I'm sure you're all aware, tonight sees you Glen Jacobs defending your spot as contender to my belt. You don't want to take this…
GLEN JACOBS: You think I can't handle this Hunter? I don't need any warnings from you or anybody else. THIS is my time.
HHH: Yeah? Then why am I holding the belt? That's right, it's `cause I am that damn good! If you think you can play this game with nothing to worry about then you in for a quick exit from the title running!
GLEN JACOBS: Believe me Game, there's no one out there that could beat me right now. YOU got lucky and at Powerslave you won't be so lucky. So which jobber do I get tonight?
HHH: You're attitude is interesting Glen. You see, you seem to think that you're indestructible…unbeatable…invincible. That's a strange coincidence because your opponent tonight thinks that there's no one better than him too!
GLEN JACOBS: Yeah? Bring him on and I'll take him apart like everyone else I beat.
HHH: Is that right? Don't take him lightly Glen. If you do, he'll…
GLEN JACOBS: I told you I know what I'm doing here Game. There is no one out there who can do what I do, and there is no one out there who stands a chance against me now my path is set.
HHH: You know what? I give up! If you don't want to talk about this calmly then I'll just leave now and get ready for my match later tonight. You can just go to the back and sit down thinking that you can beat everyone. Then, when you step in the ring tonight you're going to get your ass kicked. It's no skin off my nose.
"The Game" HHH leaves with his belt while Glen and the crowd look on stunned.
The cameras show that Raven and Sick Boy are still fighting…or rather Raven is still dragging Sick Boy. He drags him into a room and the camera follows. The room is only dimly lit by a row of candles long shelves on three of the walls. Raven must have set this up. He throws Sick Boy against the wall, disarming him in the process. He then charges and takes a swing with the bar but Sick boy dodges. Sick Boy tries to take Raven's legs out, but Raven spins and side steps. He then hits Sick Boy over the head with the bar and throws him head first into a pile of wood. Sick Boy appears to be out cold. Raven looks at the camera man.
RAVEN: The camera stays.
Raven locks the door shut. He then pushes the camera to one of the walls.
We cut to the commentators.
PAUL HEYMAN: What is going on back there? Raven was one messed up individual in ECW, but I have no idea what he's doing now.
MATT DOYLE: I know Paul. He seems to get progressively more warped every day here.
PAUL HEYMAN: Well, shouldn't you do something about this?
MATT DOYLE: What he's doing to Sick Boy is no worse than what Sick Boy has been doing to everyone else here in the NCPW. Besides, he has a camera. He knows that we'll keep tuning in to see what he's up to, and if he goes too far then we'll put a stop to it.
A decent crowd pop leads to Stevie Richards entering the arena. He seems to be in high spirits. A small portion of the crowd even start a "STEVIE! STEVIE!" chant.
---KRYPTONITE (3 Doors Down)---
A smaller pop is given to Nova as he enters the ring. After his feud with Kanyon, he seems to be losing steam a little. A decent performance here could change that.
Nova's streak continues. A loss and a poor performance here from the Innovator. To give him credit where it's due, he did hit some very nice moves here and he wasn't all that bad. The match was dragged down though by a certain factor. Stevie Richards gave it his all but what can you do when the match is made of interference? That's right, a certain Wild Kitten was at ringside in the front row. He jumped the barrier and proceeded to interfere in every way he could without getting caught, including tripping Stevie, pulling the ropes down so he falls to the outside and assaulting him on the outside while the referee wasn't looking. The end saw the referee getting floored by a Nova spinning wheel kick. Stevie tried to take advantage but Robbie Brookside jumped into the ring. He tried to superkick Stevie, but Stevie dodged and nova took it! Robbie shrugged this off and tried a jumping DDT, but Stevie held him up and hit an atomic drop followed by a Stevie Kick while the referee recovered. Robbie fell out of the ring and Nova slowly got to his feet only to take a Stevie Kick that put him down for the three.
Stevie Richards pinned Nova with the Stevie Kick in 0:05:07.Rating: * ½
We see Glen Jacobs sat on a crate looking almost thoughtful. Then, Kanyon walks into view.
KANYON: Hey, good luck tonight man.
GLEN JACOBS: Luck? I don't need luck. I'm the best in the business.
KANYON: Yeah, sure looks like it.
GLEN JACOBS: And what's that supposed to mean?
KANYON: Well, you ain't the one with the belt, are you?
GLEN JACOBS: That doesn't mean I'm not the best.
KANYON: In this business, it does. Besides, you can't be the best in the business.
KANYON: `Cause I am!
GLEN JACOBS: Yeah? You haven't got the gold either.
KANYON: I haven't been given the chance. After tonight, when I've Flatlined your sorry ass I'll take that belt.
GLEN JACOBS: You mean I've got to face you? HA! This is going to be a breeze!
KANYON: You keep thinking that.
Kanyon walks off as we cut to another part of the arena.
The camera turns and we can see that the room is lit solely by candles on the walls. Piled against one side of the wall is some old wood. In the middle of the room is a chair. Tied to the chair is Sick Boy. He can't move due to his legs being tied. From somewhere in the darkness behind him we hear a familiar voice.
RAVEN: Listen to me form deep down inside. I am the madness that just will not die. With no regrets of what I'll do to you…before the end of the night you'll be crawling to me.
Raven steps out of the shadows and stands over Sick Boy. He leans over him and stares him in the eyes as Sick Boy looks up.
SICK BOY: Trust me freak, by the end of the night YOU will be the one who's crawling. How long do you think you can hold me here?
RAVEN: You still don't see, do you?
Raven steps around the chair and sits cross legged in front of Sick Boy. We can only see Raven from the back at this point.
RAVEN: You need me. You need to listen to my teachings and learn to be more than what you are. You have a great power held Inside you, and you know it well. That rage you seem to be consumed by can be your greatest ally if you learn to control it.
SICK BOY: You think I can't control myself?
RAVEN: Look at yourself. You can't even stay calm enough to hear me speak. I am the man that is the saviour to every single tortured soul out there, and to you…I can be so much more. What you can't seem to grasp right now is that I am what is keeping you going.
RAVEN: That's it…you can't control it, you can only direct it and let it play you like a puppet.
RAVEN: Are you?
Raven stands up and starts to slowly circle Sick Boy's chair while he speaks.
RAVEN: You call me when you're weak, for me you'll lie and cheat…you'll never get away, with me you're here to stay…
SICK BOY: This is fucked up…
RAVEN: Listen Sick Boy can't see, stay with me and you'll be free. Even as I soothe your soul, I tear you down and make you whole. You just keep on coming back, even when the night is black. Midnight now it's time to greet…agony…
Raven stops right in front of Sick Boy and thrusts himself forward face to face with his nemesis.
RAVEN: and ecstasy.
Sick Boy is actually trying to lean back away from Raven. Could it be that Raven is finally getting to him? The camera zooms in of Sick Boy's face and something seems to snap in his eyes. He spits In Raven's face. Raven doesn't change expression, but just moves his face slowly away.
SICK BOY: One chance…that's all I need.
We cut back to Mr. Doyle and Paul Heyman.
PAUL HEYMAN: Looks like Raven is getting through to Sick Boy.
MATT DOYLE: I wouldn't count on it Paul.
---HELL IN HIGH HEELS (Motley Crue)---
A small pop for Test as he walks down the ring with a serious look on his face. I wonder what he's thinking about? Perhaps Sean Morley?
---DROWNING IN A DAYDREAM (Corrosion Of Conformity)---
Another small pop, this time for Jerry Lynn as he enters. Jerry Lynn is one of many stars waiting to get a chance at a title.
Short and sweet. The two traded off some quick fire moves to start with and then Jerry took over for a brief moment before Test caught him off the ropes with a sidewalk slam. From there, Test took control and didn't let go till he hit the Big Boot for the win.
Test pinned Jerry Lynn with the Big Boot in 0:03:17.
Rating: ** ½
Test takes a mic post match. What could this be about?
TEST: First of all, thanks to Jerry Lynn. You put me over here tonight big time. Second of all, sorry to break kayfabe and all that crap but this is a serious matter. YOU Sean Morley have been walking around saying you're a shooter. Well, I let up on you last time, and it won't happen again! Next time I get my hands on you Sean I'm going to make you pay for what you did to me, and what you did to Kidman. Any time you want it Sean, just bring it on!
Test throws down the mic and storms off.
MATT DOYLE: What is he doing?
PAUL HEYMAN: Looks like you gotta deal with two people shooting now.
MATT DOYLE: Shit. This is going to take some time to sort.
We see HHH and Chris Benoit talking about their match tonight.
HHH: So you ready?
CHRIS BENOIT: For Rob Van Dam? I'm always ready.
HHH: And what about Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore?
CHRIS BENOIT: No problems. So who's our partner against them?
HHH: Raven.
CHRIS BENOIT: You are kidding, right? I mean, have you seen what he's up to right now?
HHH: No. What?
CHRIS BENOIT: Go have a look in the VT room at what he's doing.
HHH: OK…before I do that…you do know that there's no count outs tonight right?
HHH nods and then walks off.
The camera is behind Sick Boy and is focusing on the wall opposite. Raven appears to have found a flashlight and is making shadow puppets on the wall. We see the shadow of a bird.
RAVEN: Quote the Raven…Nevermore.
SICK BOY: I tell you what Raven…you un-tie me and I'll listen to what you have to say.
Raven stops making shadows and stands up. He walks around and looks Sick Boy In the eyes again.
RAVEN: What? We what Sick Boy? You think you're the sickest man in the business? YOU THINK YOU CAN DO WHT YOU WANT? Well let me tell you this…I will continue to torture you like this for as long as it takes to get through to you. Until you learn…you will feel both AGONY…and…ecstasy at my hands. Be warned though, there isn't long till He comes back.
RAVEN: Think back Sick Boy…it's not hard to figure out. I've been a runner, I've been a sinner, I've been inside my head…and now I've been inside yours too. You have so much in there that you aren't using, and when He comes back you will NEED to use all that extra capacity or you will fail.
SICK BOY: You mean that HE is coming back?
RAVEN: I KNOW you will escape these bonds Sick Boy…when you do, look to the sky. Think back and see who appears in your head.
SICK BOY: Oh I've done that, and the only image I see in my head is me beating the living daylights out of you!
RAVEN: Agony and ecstasy. Agony and ecstasy Sick Boy.
Raven leaves the room.
We see HHH looking on at one of the screens.
HHH: Jesus Christ Raven…
HHH leaves the VT room in a hurry.
---TOKYO DEVIL (B'Zs)---
The crowd gives a small pop for the former top contenders to the tag title. Essa Rios and Eiji Ezaki haven't been doing too much lately.
MATT DOYLE: It's guys like these two who are going to benefit from Wings. Two cruiserweight wrestlers who deserve a chance.
PAUL HEYMAN: That's right, and with the first episode this week, these two can go get their asses kicked by people their own weight, rather than the heavy guys!
---POISON (Alice Cooper)---
The tag champs get a nice loud pop as they step out onto the aisle.
MATT DOYLE: Well, these guys are hardly heavyweights Paul.
PAUL HEYMAN: Well…I don't care.
The champs walk down the aisle and enter the ring. They take a mic each.
CHRIS JERICHO: Welcome to…Wednesday Night Jericho! If there's one thing all my Jerichoholics know, it's that tonight…the NCPW Tag Team Champions are going to kick some major league ass.
The crowd cheers.
DAVE HARRIS: And as all those fans out there are fully aware, the most rockin'est, totally trippendicular, amazingly awesome tag champs in the world are here to stay baby!
Another crowd pop.
CHRIS JERICHO: And after tonight, Madison Square Garden will never…
CHRIS JERICHO: Be the same…again!
A good strong tag match here from two teams that should feature highly on NCPW Wings. The match started off with the two teams trading moves off, and culminating in the champs hitting stereo arm drags and dropkicks to clear the ring. From there, things went back and forth with the two teams trading the advantage. Every now and then, the camera would cut to the back to show Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore watching the match with interest. The finish of this particular high flying encounter saw Dave Harris avoiding an Essa Rios top rope cross body and then hitting the K-RAD Driver for the 1-2-3 while Jericho held Ezaki off.
Chris Jericho and Dave Harris defeated Flames Of Redemption when Dave Harris
pinned Essa with the K-RAD Driver in 0:10:09.
Rating: *** ¼
(Chris Jericho and Dave Harris retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
We see Raven walking along the halls in the back. HHH comes running up to him.
HHH: Raven! What the Hell are you playing at?
RAVEN: What?
HHH: With Sick Boy. What are you doing?
RAVEN: Stay out of this Hunter. What I do with Sick Boy is my business, and mine alone.
HHH: Yeah, but…
RAVEN: No. No buts Game. He wanted this. He wanted to start a War, and now he's got one. Besides, he needs it. It's a learning experience.
Raven enters his locker room and locks the door. HHH stops at the door and stares at it a moment. Then he shrugs his shoulder and walks on.
In the darkened room we see Sick Boy standing, still tied to the chair, and running backwards into the walls, trying to break the chair.
CAMERA MAN: I can't do that. Raven would kill me.
SICK BOY: And when I get out of here, I'm going to kill you…
Sick Boy rams himself into the pile of wood. The camera zooms in.
CAMERA MAN: OK, OK…I'll go get some help for you. That way, Raven won't do a thing.
Paul Heyman has left the announce position and is in the ring.
PAUL HEYMAN: I promised it, and now I'm going to deliver. It's time for you all to hear form…The Man…The Myth…The Legend…STEVE CORINO!
---THE KIDS AREN'T ALRIGHT (The Offspring)---
The crowd catches the chronic boo bug that seems to be going around whenever major heels enter in the NCPW and Steve Corino takes a walk down the aisle. He steps between the ropes and catches the mic that is thrown to him.
STEVE CORINO: Thank you my good man. OK, lets do some talking.
PAUL HEYMAN: Well, actually I presumed that since you were begging for the interview time that you had something in particular to say.
STEVE CORINO: Not very professional, are you Paul? I mean, you should have some questions or something to ask a true star like me. God forbid you ever try running your own company. Who knows how quick it would go bust!
The crowd boos and Paul Heyman looks a little uncomfortable.
STEVE CORINO: Now, you just stand right there and I'll take care of this. You should all know why I'm here. The FTW Division needs spicing up. It's always same old, same old. Well, it's time I took control. The king of old school hardcore wrestling wants to take things to the limits, to the extremes. Mikey Whipwreck, YOU are first on the list. It was bad enough that you were a Grand Slam winner in ECW, I mean…what kind of disgrace would let a failure like you accomplish something like that?
PAUL HEYMAN: Whoa there Steve! Don't turn this into something to go against me! I made you everything you are today! I gave you a chance and let you shine! Don't you dare try to tell me that Mikey Whipwreck is not a fighting champ that deserves all the titles he gets!
The crowd cheers and a "HEYMAN! HEYMAN!" chant is started. Steve Corino looks upset at the reaction, and starts to talk in a quieter voice.
STEVE CORINO: Paul…I had no idea. I really didn't think it would harm you, or that you would take this all to heart like that. It was all just a joke Paul, and I'm sorry.
Steve Corino floors Paul Heyman with a right hook! Heyman tries to get back up, but Corino stomps him in the head, and Heyman bails to the floor. The crowd is booing loudly now, and a loud "CORINO SUCKS! CORINO SUCKS!" chant has broken out. Corino is enjoying it!
STEVE CORINO: I'm sorry I ever worked with you! If I'd just not bothered then I'd have got here long before now! I'd have been NWA champion long before now, and YOU would have been out of business long before now! If it wasn't for me, then ECW would have died a LONG time before it did! And you Mikey Whipwreck, where do you figure in this? I'll tell you! YOU are like every single one of those jerks from ECW that thought a hardcore match involved weapon shot after weapon shot! You are one of those people idiots who thought that you could get away with doing nothing but use weapons rather than LEARNING TO WRESTLE! WELL IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE!
The crowd boos and a "MIKEY! MIKEY!" chants breaks out.
STEVE CORINO: It's time that a true ICON like myself showed people how it's done! It's time that I showed all you idiots in attendance what it meant to be extreme in the old days of Memphis, SMW and all those other big promotions that would have made it if it wasn't for Vince McMahon! You Mikey stand for everything of the new hardcore generation, whereas I stand for those legends of the old days. I fight like those valiant warriors from the days of Jerry Lawler and Terry Funk, Buddy Landell and Wildfire Tommy Rich, I stand for…
---PEPPER (Butthole Surfers)---
The crowd cheers loudly as the NCPW Big Screen above the aisle cuts to a shot of Mikey Whipwreck in his locker room. Steve Corino smiles at finally getting Mikey' attention.
MIKEY WHIPWRECK: You know, I think I've had enough of all this crap. I think all these people have as well! So lets get straight to the point here Steve. You're making a number of errors. For one, the hardcore matches of the old days had a bit more build than what you seem to want. Landell and Rich in a Barbed Wire match took some building up to till it happened, but you seem to want to come out here and cut one two hour promo and then go straight into a melee with the FTW Champ.
STEVE CORINO: Normally, that would be a good point Mikey, but the thing is…these people deserve a better champion than you, so I figured that I could speed things up a little maybe?
MIKEY WHIPWRECK: Impetuous? Fair enough. Mistake number two…ECW didn't survive because of you! In fact, if it wasn't for you screwing up every night, then we might have got ourselves a decent world champion that could hold the belt for a long time to come! ECW survived because eof you? No, it DIED of you!
Heyman is back at the announce position. The crowd is cheering Mikey, and Corino has that uncomfortable look on again.
PAUL HEYMAN: That's it Mikey! Give that bastard Hell!
MIKEY WHIPWRECK: If you want a title shot Steve, you've got to earn it. That starts tonight. Now I'm a little tired from my match earlier, so I figured that I'd get a good friend of mine to help out. I know you like your old school hardcore so here's a man that's fought in that some of environment.
The screen turns off. Corino paces back and forth for a moment.
---UNCLE TOM'S CABIN (Warrant)---
Jeff Jarrett came running down the aisle with his guitar, and slid into the ring. Steve Corino stood ready with his fists raised, and Jarrett stood up expecting an attack. Instead, Corino stood ready waiting for the face to make the first move. Jarrett smiled at Corino and faked a kick, only to smash the side stepping Corino over the head with the guitar! Corino dropped like a ton of bricks as Paul Heyman went wild at the commentary table. The referee came running down the aisle in time to count two. Jeff picked Steve up and tried The Stroke, but Corino reversed with a low blow and took over. From there, a good assortment of wrestling mixed with chair shot led to Corino setting up a table. The match being about four minutes old, he tried to superplex Jarrett through it, but Jarrett blocked and repositioned himself. JJ superplexed Corino through the table and the crowd exploded! Jarrett got up, and went over to Corino' legs...FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK! Corino is in great pain! Corino eventually turned it over to reverse the pressure after a series of two counts, and the match went on. The heated match ended when Corino ducked tow chair shots and hit his patented superkick, sending the chair into Jarrett' face. He then smiled at the crowd and picked Jarrett up. Corino hit the Whippersnapper and got the three count.
Steve Corino pinned Jeff Jarrett after the Whippersnapper in 0:07:05.
Rating: ** ½
We see the camera rushing through the halls following the janitor.
CAMERA MAN: He's just through there.
The camera goes through the door in front of it, and we are in the darkened room containing Sick Boy. As the camera turns we can see that the chair Sick Boy was on is in a broken heap on the floor, and the metal bar is gone. Sick Boy is also nowhere to be seen.
JANNITOR: Where is he?
CAMERA MAN: I don't know…
We are now coming up to the last two matches of the show.
MATT DOYLE: You sure you're OK?
PAUL HEYMAN: Fine. Mikey will get Corino, and then I'll be happy.
MATT DOYLE: All right then. Up next is the huge six man tag match.
---I DISAPPEAR (MetallicA)---
The crowd boos as Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore step out onto the aisle. They make their way down the aisle.
MATT DOYLE: These two are a decent pairing in the NCPW.
PAUL HEYMAN: That's right, the experience of Dean Malenko and his current trainee Nick Dinsmore combined make one tough team to beat. Looks like they may be heading towards meeting the tag champs Chris and Dave too!
MATT DOYLE: Yeah, and when they do meet, it's going to be one Helluva tag match!
Malenko and Dinsmore step between the ropes and Malenko takes a mic.
DEAN MALENKO: Just so you know, we're going to get those tag titles one way or another. Chris Jericho…Dave Harris…you boys better prepare yourselves for a War!
---WALK (Pantera)---
The crowd boos as RVD steps out onto the aisle pointing to himself. He walks down the aisle in his usual cocky way and enters the ring, taking the mic from Dean Malenko.
ROB VAN DAM: The Whole F'N Show is here tonight with the Whole F'N Tag Division in the form of Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore. Tonight, I'm going to start to show you Chris Benoit just why you can't keep the TV title belt away from Rob…Van…Dam for much longer!
The crowd boos.
PAUL HEYMAN: I tend to agree with him. It could only be a matter of time before RVD gets the TV Title Belt.
MATT DOYLE: You could be right, but you have to wonder if it's going to Benoit he beats for it. In fact, you have to wonder if Benoit CAN be beaten for the title!
---KILLING MACHINE (Wolfsbane)---
The TV Champion steps out to the top of the aisle and celebrates up there with his belt as the crowd cheers.
PAUL HEYMAN: This man is NOT unbeatable. I do agree though, he is one tough champion to beat.
---THE GMAE (Motorhead)---
A big pop from the crowd as the World Champion steps out onto the aisle and stands with Benoit. The two top singles wrestlers in the NCPW pose for the crowd.
MATT DOYLE: These two should make a great team tonight. Two of the greatest wrestlers to ever step foot in a wrestling ring, and they are ready for anything that this sport throws at them.
PAUL HEYMAN: But are they on the same page as their partner?
---VICTIM OF DARKNESS (Seasons Of The Wolf)---
The crowd gives the biggest face reaction of the night so far to Raven s he steps out onto the aisle. He stands with Benoit and his former Triad partner HHH as the crowd goes crazy.
MATT DOYLE: I don't see why not. Do you think Raven knows that Sick Boy is free?
PAUL HEYMAN: Oh he knows. You could put money on him knowing!
The faces charge the ring and the match begins!
This was everything the crowd had expected. The heels worked surprisingly well as a team and the faces got stuck in. Benoit and RVD spent as much time as they could fighting and the crowd loved it. Meanwhile, HHH and Raven revived some of the old Triad spots such as the double drop toe hold followed by a knee drop. In this case though, after Raven and HHH' drop toe hold, Benoit hit a swan dive headbutt instead of Shane Douglas hitting the knee drop. The would be tag champs staged a couple of spells in control of the former champs Raven and HHH. The no count out rule match meant everyone was in the ring at once, although disqualifications were in operation, so it all broke down by the end. Malenko and Dinsmore had waited till the referee was looking at Benoit and RVD, and were now in control with HHH and Raven tied up in the ropes. Meanwhile, RVD had floored Benoit with a series of spin kicks. Dean and Nick then hoisted Benoit p for what appeared to be The Triad' old triple team finish. Instead of a clothesline though, RVD hit a dropkick to the face on Benoit and then hauled him over to the post. RVD applied the figure four on the post and Benoit tapped.
Rob Van Dam, Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore defeated HHH, Chris Benoit and Raven
when Van Dam made Benoit submit to a figure-four leglock on the post in 0:08:57.
Rating: *** ½
There is a loud round of boos form the crowd as RVD refuses to release the hold. Benoit is in great pain while RVD cinches back. Meanwhile, Dean and Nick laugh. What they fail to realise though is that the referee has helped HHH and raven get free! Raven and HHH sneak up on the laughing heel and tap hem on the shoulder. As they turn, they get hit with a Game Over and an Evenflow DDT! As HHH and Raven go to help Benoit, RVD lets go of the hold and dashes up the aisle. The crowd cheers as Dean and Nick are helped up the aisle by their partner for the night. In the ring, Benoit is on the floor in pain.
MATT DOYLE: He looks pretty bad right now.
PAUL HEYMAN: Maybe some medical staff should get their asses out here. I guess this is what RVD meant by more than one way to climb the ladder in the NCPW.
The stretcher people come out and pull Benoit onto the stretcher. HHH helps them carry him to the back while Raven stands in the middle of the ring watching them go. He seems transfixed by the Big Screen.
MATT DOYLE: What is Raven doing?
The lights go off. We can hear an eerie rattling sound being played around the arena. The Big Screen flashes on at the same time as a green light covers the ring. We see a hand, with beer bottles attached to three fingers, and the hand is bringing them together, making the rattling noise. We then hear a familiar voice as the camera zooms up to reveal who it is, with the rattling still going on.
SICK BOY: Raven…Come out to play. Raven…Come out to play. RAVEN! COME OUT TO PLAY! RAVEN! COME OUT TO PLAY YOU SON OF A BITCH!
The screen goes off, and the lights come back. Raven looks to the crowd and then exits the ring and leaves through the crowd.
MATT DOYLE: That looked like the parking lot. You don't think Raven is actually going to go out there do you?
PAUL HEYMAN: If he does, chaos is going to break loose.
We see Benoit on the stretcher being placed in an ambulance. The ambulance drives off and the camera looks around. We hear the rattling of the bottles again and we can see that Sick Boy is waiting on a car. He looks at the camera and smiles, then stands the bottles on the car bonnet. He then picks up his metal bar and smashes the bottles before leaving the camera sight.
We are now ready for the main event. The crowd is buzzing from the last match.
---THE WAIT (Killing Joke)---
A decent sized round of boos form the crowd as Kanyon makes his way down to the ring. He seems ready to take the top contendership from Glen Jacobs tonight.
MATT DOYLE: You know, Glen needs to be careful.
PAUL HEYAN: That's right. He made a mistake against HHH and got too cocky. He lost the belt, and he could lose the chance to get it back tonight if he's not careful.
---INSIDE (Stiltskin)---
A loud round of cheers form the crowd as the former world champion makes his way down the aisle with fire in his eyes.
A decent main event on Mettle tonight. The crowd were hot for the near falls and Glen was very over with the fans. Glen was also somewhat aggressive in his treatment of Kanyon in the early going. He was constantly shouting "Is this it? Where's my challenge?" and "Is that all you've got?" as he man handled his opponent. He calmed down at the five minute mark though and began to slow things down. Unfortunately for him, his pins were of the one footed variety, so he didn't quite put Kanyon away. All it took then was one mistake. He ducked too early as he whipped Kanyon and Kanyon came off the ropes with a kick to the face, then a Flatliner. Both men were down. As the referee got to seven, Kanyon rolled over and tried a pin. He got a one count. Glen powered out and hit a clothesline. He then went up top and hit a top rope splash from one corner, then another, and then a third corner. Glen tried to complete the cycle but as he came off the fourth post, Kanyon got his knees up! Glen rolled over in pain while Kanyon climbed one post slowly. As Glen got up and turned, Kanyon hit a double axe handle! Glen stumbled! Kanyon went up top to another post…clothesline! Glen stumbled back some more! Kanyon went up to the third post and came off with a crossbody! Glen dropped…to one knee! He dropped to one knee but still has Kanyon caught! Kanyon eye rakes Glen, and the crowd are getting behind Kanyon! Kanyon dashes to the fourth post and sails off with a dropkick, taking Glen down! Glen is straight back up, and…FLATLINER! KANYON HIT THE FLATLINER! IT'S OVER! Kanyon cover! One…Two…ThreNO! Glen kicks out! Kanyon isn't like Glen though, he keeps on him and hits the ropes, coming off with a hurucanrana! One…Two…kickout again! Kanyon is getting a small round of cheers for his efforts here and he climbs up top. As Glen turns, Kanyon comes off with a stunning hurucanrana…REVERSED! UNABOMB! Glen covers! One…Two…Three! Glen Jacobs is still top contender!
[Winner must defend top contendership once a week]
Glen Jacobs pinned Kanyon with the Unabomb in 0:13:34.
Rating: ** ¾
A small portion of the crowd claps Kanyon as he leaves up the aisle. Meanwhile, the majority of the crowd is cheering Glen Jacobs as he stands victorious in the middle of the ring. Glen must now continue to defend the title of top contender at least once every week in order to go to Powerslave to face the World Champion.
The cameras cut to the parking lot and we see Raven step out into the mass of cars. He walks on, and then stops. He looks around, and is jumped by Sick Boy! Sick Boy rams Raven head first into a near by car, and the camera fades out!
Richfield Coliseum
NCPW Wings on TNN
We are in Cruiser Commissioner Jeff Jarrett' office. He is sitting at his desk with his feet up, and we hear a knock at the door. Koji Kanemoto enters.
JEFF JARRETT: Hey...Koji right? What can I do for you tonight?
KOJI KANEMOTO: Tonight I end it. I want Shinjiro Ohtani tonight for the last time.
JEFF JARRETT: That's no problem. Shinjiro was in here earlier wanting to face you tonight as well. He said something about a weapons match. I...
KOJI KANEMOTO: Good! I fight him tonight in a weapons match, and then that's it! I don't face him at Cruiser Kings.
JEFF JARRETT: Any particular reason for this sudden urgency?
KOJI KANEMOTO: Kai En Tai 2K3 have business to take care of, so I do not need extra hassles such as Ohtani.
JEFF JARRETT: OK slapnuts, you got yourself a match.
---WINGS (Wolfsbane)---
As the music hits, we get a few quick clips of a couple of our cruisers such as Chavo Guerrero Jr. and TAKA Michinoku. Then the screen goes black and pictures of wrestlers appear as Jeff Jarrett announces tonight' matches.
JEFF JARRETT: Tonight on NCPW Wings, we'll be opening up with our very own Juventud Guerrera taking Magnum TOKYO from Toryumon. That will be followed up by Dragon Kid taking on former NCPW star Masato Yakushiji. After that, Toryumon stars Masaaki and Susumu Mochizuki will be taking on Billy Kidman and a partner of his choice.
The Wings logo flashes onto the screen and then disappears as we wait for the remaining matches.
JEFF JARRETT: Wings will then continue with Essa Rios taking on NCPW Developmental star Adam Reed. Then, NCPW Tag Team Champions Chris And Dave will take on J-Thunder and Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore in a non-title match scheduled for one fall.
Once again, the Wings logo flashes up and this time stays in the background.
JEFF JARRETT: Tonight's special edition of Wings will feature a double main event. The first half will feature our own Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero Jr. taking on Japanese sensation Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger! Then in the main event, we will have a weapons match to decide the outcome of the heated feud between Shinjiro Ohtani and Koji Kanemoto.
On the commentary table we have Mr. Doyle and Bobby Heenan.
MATT DOYLE: No Brain, this isn't permanent. I'm only here to see how Jeff Jarrett runs things.
BOBBY HEENAN: Fine. We're on air now anyway. Humanoids, welcome to the first ever NCPW Wings!
---KAZE (Kouji Wada)---
The crowd gives a medium sized reaction to Juventud as he enters. He headbangs at the top of the aisle for a few seconds and then makes his way down the aisle.
MATT DOYLE: This is what it's about. Wings is the perfect opportunity for underused talent such as Juvy!
BOBBY HEENAN: I agree totally. It's about time the lightweights got recognition. Hat's what makes the NCPW so great. They GAVE the Cruisers their own show!
The music hits and a good sized pop goes out from the tape trading contingent of the crowd as the Toryumon star Magnum TOKYO steps out and enters.
MATT DOYLE: This man could go far in any federation he steps into. Tonight is a good opportunity for him to get noticed by the American crowds.
The first ever Wings opens with a superb match. Juvy and Magnum TOKYO tore the house down by combining slick mat wrestling and high risk manoeuvres through out their near fall fest. The crowd was divided straight down the middle as the two combatants traded off move after move and advantage after advantage. The finish saw Juvy try a hurucanrana, only to be powerbombed. Magnum TOKYO then picked Juvy up and tried the Viagra Driver, but Juvy slipped himself down the back and spun Magnum around to hit the Juvy Driver for the hot three count.
Juventud Guerrera pinned Magnum TOKYO with the Juvy Driver in 0:07:02.
Rating: *** 1/4
Jarrett has his feet up on the desk still as a knock is heard. A security guard walks in.
JEFF JARRETT: Hey slapass! What brings you to this section of the arena?
SECURITY GUARD: There could be a problem. There's four little Japanese guys trying to get into the arena to see the show.
SECURITY GUARD: It's the four that attacked Chavo Guerrero Jr.
JEFF JARRETT: Ah...OK, lead me to them.
Jarrett picks up his guitar and follows the security guard out of the room. Outside the office, we see Sean Morley walking. Jeff Jarrett stops him.
JEFF JARRETT: Ah, so you turned up. Lets get something clear slap nuts...if you even try to start any trouble on my show tonight I will personally kick your shoot fighting little ass.
Sean Morley smiles at The Chosen One.
SEAN MORLEY: Oh Jeff, I wouldn't dream of ruining your little show. I've just got some business to attend to with one of your little cruiserweight friends. Now, if you'll excuse me I've got to go find the guy.
Jeff Jarrett gives him a cold look and then walks off with the security guard. Sean Morley meanwhile walks down the halls till he comes to a door. He opens the door and walks in.
---HEART OF MADNESS (Fist of the North Star OST)---
Masato Yakushiji is already in the ring as Dragon Kid steps out onto the aisle to a small pop from the crowd. He has not been on form as of late, and this is good chance for him to get back into the swing of things.
BOBBY HEENAN: Looks like Sean Morley is here to do exactly what he said.
MATT DOYLE: And what's that?
BOBBY HEENAN: Well, lets just say he told me some interesting things on the phone.
MATT DOYLE: He rang you?
MATT DOYLE: For some reason Weasel...I don't believe you.
Like the first match, this got the crowd going again. Unlike the opener though, this was never going to show much in the ways of mat wrestling. Instead, it displayed some very nice high flying attacks. Masato Yakushiji impressed with a series of various arm drags including a Japanese, Mexican, top rope and handspring version! Meanwhile, Dragon Kid was back to himself hitting his usual assortment of hurucanranas including a slick Dragon Ray. The finish saw Dragon Kid land on his feet from a hip toss and then nail an Asai Moonsault before going to the apron to hit the Dragon Rana for the three.
Dragon Kid pinned Masato Yakushiji with the Dragon Rana in 0:06:11.
Rating: *** 1/4
We can clearly see that Crazy MAX are waiting around in street clothes to be let in, and are kicking up a storm as security holds them off. Jeff Jarrett and the head security guard come onto the scene.
JEFF JARRETT: OK, what's the problem.
SUWA, FUJI and TARU shout some Japanese at Jarrett, confusing him. Then CIMA steps forward and calms them before speaking.
CIMA: Mr...Jarrett. We wish to...see show.
JEFF JARRETT: Well, I don't know how you do things back in Japan, but need a ticket to get in for shows. Now, if you don't have a ticket then I suggest you...
Crazy MAX wave four tickets in front of Jeff Jarrett. Jeff looks shocked and then turns to the security.
JEFF JARRETT: You idiots! If they have tickets, you can't stop them getting in.
JEFF JARRETT: SHUT UP! Learn to do your jobs properly and let these guys in! And if you four cause trouble tonight then I'll...
Crazy MAX ignore Jarrett and shove him out of the way as they enter.
We can see that Crazy MAX have taken up four seats in the front row, and are cheering for the cameras. Meanwhile, a few seats on we can see Test. Why is he here?
MATT DOYLE: Up next is a special attraction tag match featuring Toryumon's Masaaki and Susumu Mochizuki against our own Billy Kidman and a mystery partner he has chosen.
BOBBY HEENAN: Let's cut to the back right now to hear from Billy Kidman himself.
Billy Kidman is standing by with a mic.
BILLY KIDMAN: Well tonight is the night. I've got a perfect partner lined up to face the Toryumon boys, and not one of you can figure out who it'll be. I see Test is here, and to him I say this. I know you're here to make sure Sean Morley doesn't do anything stupid, and I can guarantee he won't, because I know he's off doing business with some guy. In fact, I think he concluded his business rather quickly so he probably isn't even in the arena anymore. Now, let's get on with the match.
We cut back to the ring where the M2K members are entering.
MATT DOYLE: I'm looking forward to this, it should be interesting to see who Billy gets as his partner tonight.
---THE UNFORGIVEN II( MetallicA)---
The crowd cheers loudly as Billy Kidman walks down the ring calmly. He gets in the ring and takes a mic.
BILLY KIDMAN: Ladies and new tag partner...SEAN MORLEY!
Sean Morley runs down the ramp as the crowd sits in shock.
Masaaki and Susumu are tough guys and can take care of themselves in a shoot fight. Of course, no one expected Billy to bring Sean out as his partner. Test was shocked, and so were the fans and commentators. Masaaki and Susumu tried to get things going with some stiff kicks, but Sean Morley and Billy Kidman fought back with some legitimate arm drags and suplexes. Val then powered his team into the lead by Pumphandle powerbombing first Susumu and then Masaaki HARD onto the canvas. The referee had no control over this whatsoever so all four men remained in the ring through out. Billy and Sean hit some double team moves on both guys and then Billy finally hit the Shooting Star Press with his knees in on Masaaki for the pin. Keeping his knees in like that could seriously damage a guy!
Real Time defeated Masaaki Mochizuki and Susumu Mochizuki when Gruner pinned M. Mochizuki with the Shooting Star Press in 0:04:21.
Rating: ** 3/4
The crowd is booing mildly now as Billy and Val take mics.
SEAN MORLEY: I said I had business here tonight, and I did! Tonight, I talked things through with Billy Kidman and apologised for what I did at the PPV. Then I offered him the chance to join me. Together we could be unstoppable!
PETER GRUNER: So tonight you are witnessing a rebirth! No more Billy Kidman...I am now wrestling under my real name. Peter Gruner. Me and Sean have the same goals here, and we both decided to take matters into our own tonight, Real Time was formed! Anyone who wants to oppose our mission can...
TEST! Test jumped the barrier and he's jumped into the ring! Real Time are running for cover! Real Time have escaped up the ramp while the crowd cheers Test.
TEST: I came here tonight to help you out Peter...if you want to join that jackass Sean then so be it! I'll have to take you both out! Whatever happens, this shoot crap has to stop before you two go too far!
Test leaves the ring.
We see Kai En Tai 2K3 sitting in their locker room. TAKA and Funaki are sitting on a couch at the back while Koji Kanemoto is standing against the wall. Chavo Guerrero Jr. is sitting at the front with Paul Heyman and his title belt.
PAUL HEYMAN: Chavo...tonight you get to face a true legend in the sport of wrestling. How do you feel going into this?
CHAVO GUERRERO JR: Well Paul, it's a great honour for me to face a star with the talent of Jyushin Lyger. It is true that he is a legend and I've always admired him in the ring and out. Tonight though, I have to face him one on one, and it won't be easy. BUT...I am the NCPW Cruiserweight champion. That means that I'm always prepared, because I HAVE to be! I get challengers from all over the place and Lyger is only the first in line.
PAUL HEYMAN: I'm sure you're aware that Crazy MAX are in attendance tonight.
CHAVO GUERRERO JR: Yes, we are well aware of that. They seem to be enjoying themselves so far, but if they step out of line then me and the rest of Kai En Tai 2K3 are going to take them apart bit by bit!
PAUL HEYMAN: Strong words from the cruiserweight champion.
Essa Rios and developmental wrestler Adam Reed have already entered. Meanwhile, Crazy MAX are trying to start "TORYUMON! TORYUMON!" chant. When that doesn't work, they try to start a "CRAZY MAX! CRAZY MAX!" one.
After a few swift kicks at the start of the match from Adam Reed, Essa took over with some quick fire moves. He hit his usual spots such as his version of the arm drag and a nice top rope dropkick. He then nailed a BIG DDT and hit the Moonsault for the pin in the only pin attempt of this squash match.
Essa Rios pinned Adam Reed with the Moonsault in 0:02:26.
Rating: ** 1/2
The camera fades to black and an image flashes on and off in black and white. We can see that it is the NCPW Cruiserweight Title. As the camera circles, we hear a heart beat getting louder and quicker and the voice of various commentators saying things like "TORNADO DDT!" or "HURUCANRANA!"
---BEETHOVEN (Trans-Siberian Orchestra)---
As the music that will be the theme for this years tournament plays we get shown a mass of clips from previous tournaments. The clips include Mikey Whipwreck's efforts, and Beau Beverly winning the first tournament in a shocker. Other highlights from the first show are shown and then we cut to last years PPV. We see Sick Boy's show stealing efforts as he goes on to win the show. We then get clips of the current batch of cruiserweights, including Chavo Guerrero Jr. winning the title. We fade back to the arena.
---I DISAPPEAR (MetallicA)---
The crowd boos as Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore make their way down to the ring.
MATT DOYLE: That was a video package to promote this years Cruiser Kings show. If the first two shows are anything to go by, then it should be one amazing PPV!
BOBBY HEENAN: That's right! A Night dedicated to the NCPW Cruiserweight division!
---THE FLIGHT OF ICARUS (Iron Maiden)---
A decent pop goes up as the entire Kai En Tai 2K3 step out onto the aisle. They all make their way down the ramp to cheers from the crowd.
MATT DOYLE: Well this is interesting. All four members of Kai En Tai 2K3 are in the final three matches of the night. Looks like Kai En Tai are forcing themselves back into the main event picture!
---POISON (Alice Cooper)---
The crowd explodes as the tag champs step out onto the ramp. Dave Harris is in his usual good mood as he air guitars around the posing Chris Jericho.
BOBBY HEENAN: Three top teams in the NCPW compete here in a special non-title match. The first team to get a fall wins!!
Since Chris And Dave won the tag titles, the division has really heated up with some great matches coming out. If anything, the division hasn't seen matches at this level for a long time. Tonight, the crowd was hot for this non-title match. The match itself was a good one. Crazy MAX were always trying to get the crowd booing when J-Thunder were in control, but never quite managed it as they jumped up and down in the front row. In the ring, the champs started out with J-Thunder and were in control for a few minutes before Malenko tagged himself in. From there, the tag champs didn't get back in the ring. J-Thunder made a hot comeback, but before Funaki could tag in Harris he was cut off by the challengers to the tag titles. Funaki made another comeback and tagged in TAKA, who cleaned house. Chavo and Koji on the outside were on the opposite side to Crazy MAX and kept a watchful eye on them. Meanwhile, the tag champs tried to get in the ring but the referee came over to stop them so missed Dinsmore nailing a series of German Suplexes on TAKA. When the referee turned back, Dinsmore had vacated the ring and TAKA was tapping out to Malenko' Texas Cloverleaf.
Non-Title-Triangle Match
Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore defeated J-Thunder and Chris And Dave when D. Malenko made Michinoku submit to the Texas Cloverleaf in 0:12:13.
Rating: ***
The crowd booed loudly (except Crazy MAX) as Malenko and Dinsmore celebrated. Then, Dinsmore and Malenko got on the mic.
DEAN MALENKO: You see that Chris? We got a win over you now! I mean, we may not have pinned you or little bitch over there, but it'll go down as Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore beating the tag champs!
NICK DINSMORE: And when we get our shots at those belts, you two are gonna have to be prepared to look back on that night as yet another loss at our hands. You see, the tag titles are coming around our waists VERY soon!
On the outside of the ring, Jericho and Harris have been listening intently. Jericho takes a mic.
CHRIS JERICHO: You two can have your shot when WE feel like giving it to you! Trust me though, it won't be another loss against you because we are the greatest tag team in wrestling history! And when you get in the ring with us one-on-one, and you actually have to wrestle will never, ever be the same again.
DAVE HARRIS: Trust won't be an easy night for you two. Tonight, you had to cheat to win, but when it comes down to it...Chris And Dave can cheat too! You try to cheat us, and we'll cheat you out of ever holding these belts! And THAT...would be TOTALLY...TRIPPENDICULAR!
We come back and we can see that the tag match participants have all left expect J-Thunder. They intend to hang around for the next two matches in case Crazy MAX do anything stupid.
MATT DOYLE: Up next, the NCPW Cruiserweight title match. This should be one amazing match featuring two of the top cruiserweights in wrestling!
BOBBY HEENAN: Yep! Coming down soon will be the greatest Junior weight wrestler from Japan since Tiger Mask Sayama!
As the music plays, Crazy MAX get on their feet and start a "LYGER! LYGER!" chant successfully! Jyushin enters.
What would you want from a title match such as this? Exactly what you got tonight! Kai En Tai 2K3 and Crazy MAX both stayed in their place and worked the crowd to get them behind Chavo and Lyger in turn as the two put on a great match. The match started slow with Chavo trying to get a mat-based approach across, but Lyger out-wrestled him every time. Chavo was down for a two count many times in this first period. Realising that this approach was not going to work, Chavo decided to try changing styles. As he went in for a tie-up, he ducked under Lyger and nailed a dropkick. Lyger was sent stumbling towards the ropes, and Chavo followed up with a clothesline to send him to the outside. He then hit the ropes and nailed a tope on the veteran superstar. As Lyger recovered, Chavo worked the crowd. He should have stayed on Lyger, because when he whipped Lyger to the ropes, it was reversed and Chavo had to resort to a flying head scissors. He went for the cover and got two. A powerbomb attempt saw Lyger try a hurucanrana reversal. Chavo held on though and applied the Boston Crab. Lyger simply arched himself through Chavo's legs and rolled him into a slick series of sunset flip reversals for a series of twos and a standing ovation from the crowd. The match continued back and forth from there until we came to another highlight reel moment. As Chavo tried to whip Lyger to the ropes, Lyger reversed and fired off a Shotay. Chavo ducked under and stopped...BIG MISTAKE! As soon Chavo had ducked, Lyger had turned and started another Shotay! This one hit and looked like it had taken Chavo's head off! A loud "OOOH!" went up in the crowd as Lyger got a very close two count. He then set up and hit a Running Lyger Bomb that got another two. Lyger signalled to the crowd that he was going to finish it right there, and set Chavo up on the top rope for his top-rope Brainbuster. Chavo though pushed Lyger off and tried a Tornado DDT. Lyger pushed Chavo off, but he landed running and ran to the opposite end of the ring to springboard up and nail a diving Tornado DDT! The crowd exploded as Chavo went for the cover. One...Two...ThreeNO! Lyger got out! Chavo controlled the match for a while from there with a nice array of moves and close counts. Then Lyger took over when he reversed a suplex with a Brainbuster. Lyger again signalled the finish as he placed Chavo on the top rope. He tried his top-rope Brainbuster again, but Chavo repositioned and came down with a top-rope cross bodypress! One...Two...Three!
Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Jyushin Lyger after a top-rope cross bodypress in 0:17:17.
Rating: **** 1/4
(Chavo Guerrero Jr. retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
The crowd was cheering loudly after that amazing match and another "LYGER! LYGER!" chant broke out as Chavo and the Japanese veteran shook hands in the middle of the ring. Lyger left to a standing ovation while Koji Kanemoto warmed up in the ring.
---CATCH THE RAINBOW (Ryusei)---
Boos go out, albeit only a small heel pop for Shinjiro Ohtani.
MATT DOYLE: This is the first time we've seen Ohtani in a while really Brain.
BOBBY HEENAN: That's right, and he's going to have to do something special tonight to follow up that title match we just had!
And follow it up with something special they did! Koji and Shinjiro showed that they are still on the same page as they fought hard in the early going with a mix of chain wrestling, high flying moves and stiff kicks and body shots. At about the half way mark, Ohtani nailed a powerbomb, Lyger style and went outside the ring. He got a mass of weapons and threw them into the ring. Shinjiro proceeded to beat on Koji with some hard weapon shots from chairs and stop signs to a golf club shot. Koji made a comeback eventually with a low blow and then some weapon shots of his own. Koji tried to finish it off with a moonsault through a table, but only got two. The two fought back and forth in their feud ender here and Ohtani nearly scored the win with his Dragon Suplex. Unfortunately for him, Koji was too close to the ropes. The finish saw the two jockeying with go-behinds to hit their finishers, but they ended up with Koji blocking by ramming Shinjiro into the post. He spun Ohtani around and nailed a Tiger Suplex for the pin.
Weapons Match
Koji Kanemoto pinned Shinjiro Ohtani with the Tiger Suplex in 0:15:34.
Rating: **** 1/4
Shinjiro rolled out of the ring and left up the aisle pissed off. Meanwhile, Kai En Tai 2K3 celebrated in the ring to the cheers of the crowd and boos of Crazy MAX. As they turned their back on Crazy MAX though, they jumped the barriers and entered the ring! Each member picked up a weapon and as the faces turned around...BAM! Kai En Tai 2K3 just got dropped by the new guys! They try to get up, but more weapon shots put them down again. Crazy MAX then take it in turns to hit members with their finishers: Funaki took a BIG FUJI Nodowa Elbow. TARU then hit TAKA with a Taru Driller. As the crowd boos got louder, SUWA hit the FFF on Koji Kanemoto. Finally, CIMA placed Chavo up top and hit the Rising Venus, then the Iconoclasm, and followed up with the Mad Splash.
BOBBY HEENAN: Looks like Mr. Jarrett will need to demonstrate some control next week!
---SECOND COMING (Triceratops)---
The crowd boos as Crazy MAX stand over Kai En Tai 2K3 and do the Crazy Fucking Fucking Fucking MAX crotch chops. The show fades with Crazy MAX standing on one corner each shouting at the crowd.
Charlotte Coliseum
NCPW Rage on TNN
---END OF ALL DAYS (Rage)---
As the theme song for NCPW Rage hits we are treated to the NCPW bursting onto the screen. We can see that each letter has a clip playing in it and we zoom in on each in turn. We are shown various clips from last week and past TV shows like vintage Monday Mayhem clips and some clips form recent episodes of Mettle. We end on a shot of HHH holding the NCPW Title. He "morphs" into the Rage logo.
We get a quick shot of the arena, which is packed tonight. We then go down to the commentary table where we can see Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Jeff Jarrett.
JEFF JARRETT: Good evening everyone and welcome to NCPW Rage!
BOBBY HEENAN: It's your commentary…it's better than your managerial skills as commissioner…although I guess that isn't hard!
JEFF JARRETT: What are you saying slapnuts?
BOBBY HEENAN: Well, chaos reigned supreme on your show last week. Every single one of these humanoids here tonight probably saw it too!
JEFF JARRETT: OK Bobby…I'm giving you a warning here. Insult my talent as Cruiser Commissioner of the NCPW and I will come down on you like I'm going to on Robbie Brookside tonight!
BOBBY HEENAN: O…K…speaking of chaos…
Jeff Jarrett picks up his guitar and Bobby holds his hands up in a calming motion. Jeff slowly lowers the guitar.
BOBBY HEENAN: Speaking of chaos, we will tonight show you what happened after Mettle went off the air last week.
JEFF JARRETT: That's right, we will show you the entire fight that ensued between Raven and Sick Boy! Not only that, but we have some great matches scheduled for you tonight!
---PEPPER (The Butthole Surfers)---
The crowd pops big time as Mikey Whipwreck steps out onto the aisle…in a referee shirt? Mikey still has his FTW Title with him, but the referee shirt seems confusing. Why would the NCPW let Mikey be a referee?
---COWBOYS FROM HELL (Pantera)---
The crowd gives a small heel pop for Justin. He isn't over right now, and hasn't really been given a chance for a long time now. His time will come in the NCPW.
---DROWNING IN A DAYDREAM (Corrosion Of Conformity)---
Jerry Lynn also gets a small pop. The addition of Mikey should give some added heat to this match. In the ring, Justin holds his cane aloft and Jerry stands ready to fight. Mikey Whipwreck seems to have acquired a microphone.
MIKEY WHIPWRECK: OK, I want a good clean fight! No weapons of any sort, no eye gouges, no low blows and no other rule breaking illegal stuff! Why not? I'm the FTW expert here, and as such you may not practise such matches while I am a referee! And as a quick message to Steve Corino, you still have to do some proving yourself to get a match with me! Since I'm in a somewhat strange mood, your challenge tonight is to fight in a non-hardcore match! Now, back to the task at hand! Let's get it on!
This match was a blast! Not only did it feature some quality action inside the ring, but Mikey kept things flowing for the fans. Every time Justin broke a rule, Mikey would pull him aside by the ear and berate him for his evil deed! Incidents like this happened through out the match. Meanwhile, Jerry and Justin proceeded to put on a decent match that showed they still have chemistry together in the ring. The finish saw Justin nail a low blow and then set up the That's Incredible. Mikey, taking offence to this rule breaking pushed him backwards, allowing Jerry to nail a Tombstone of his own. Jerry then hit the Cradle Piledriver for the pin fall.
Match with Special Referee Mikey Whipwreck
Jerry Lynn pinned Justin Credible with the Cradle Piledriver in 0:06:08.
Rating: ** ¼
We are in the halls of the arena and we see our tag champs Chris And Dave.
CHRIS JERICHO: OK, so we're on next. Remember, we've got The Jackyl Pack and Dean and Nick tonight. Now, can you spot what's missing here?
Dave Harris shrugs.
DAVE HARRIS: Erm…nope.
Chris Jericho sighs.
CHRIS JERICHO: We don't appear to have any tag partners. As I recall, YOU were meant to take care of that.
CHRIS JERICHO: And you got us some partners, right?
CHRIS JERRICHO: Well? Where are they?
DAVE HARRIS: Don't worry dude! They'll be here!
CHRIS JERICHO: They better be.
DAVE HARRIS: Take a chill pill man! It's a done deal!
---THE GAME (Motorhead)---
A large pop goes up for the world champion as he steps out onto the aisle, showered in green light. He then holds the belt aloft and walks down to the ring. While he takes a microphone, some more music hits.
---INSIDE (Stiltskin)---
The crowd pops big again for Glen Jacobs. He poses at the top of the aisle and then makes his way to the ring.
HHH: OK Glen, you made your first defence of your top contendership last week. This week you've got another challenger.
GLEN JACOBS: Fine with me Game. Who am I beating this week?
HHH: That, I don't know yet. You see, I've put a contract up on the door to the men's toilets.
GLEN JACOBS: Why there?
HHH: `Cause if you still think you can beat anyone, then that's where your hopes of taking this belt from me are going.
GLEN JACOBS: Oh yeah, real funny Game. Now…I got a surprise for you tonight!
HHH: And that is?
GLEN JACOBS: in the main event tonight you're gonna be defending that belt of yours.
HHH: That's fine with me Glen. Who's the lucky challenger?
GLEN JACOBS: You're facing two guys tonight Hunter in an elimination match. Your first opponent is the current top contender to the TV Title, The Whole F'N Show Rob Van Dam!
The crowd pops at the announcement.
GLEN JACOBS: And your second challenge tonight is a man who many say should have had a title reign by now. Stevie Richards!
Another big pop for the second opponent.
HHH: That's fine with me Glen. You see, unlike you I really am THAT damn good.
GLEN JACOBS: And you think I'm over confident? Trust me Game, after Powerslave…you won't have any claim to being that damn good. Your title reign though, will be that damn over!
An "ooh!" goes up over the crowd. HHH and Glen stand face to face for a moment and then HHH smiles and brushes past the top contender. He leaves up the aisle while Glen looks on. Glen soon leaves.
BOBBY HEENAN: WOW! Two matches are set for tonight, and they should be something special!
JEFF JARRETT: So who do you think will face Glen?
BOBBY HEENAN: Someone who doesn't have the sense they were born with? I hate to admit it, but Glen could be unbeatable…maybe as unbeatable as he says!
---SHINE (Motorhead)---
The crowd starts to boo as the former tag champs The Jackyl Pack step out onto the aisle. They pose and shout at the crowd a bit before finally entering the ring.
---I DISAPPEAR (MetallicA)---
An equally loud heel pop is heard as Nick Dinsmore and Dean Malenko enter the ring. These four men are very much over with the fans.
---POISON (Alice Cooper)---
The crowd cheers while the NCPW tag champs enter the ring. The music remains playing as we go through the spiel.
CHRIS JERICHO: Welcome to Rage…Is…Jericho! Tonight, Jerichoholics, we shall be surprised by my partners choice of partner for us to team with tonight.
DAVE HARRIS: So here they are, our partners for tonight in this totally awesome match-up!
The music continues to play but starts to fade as a guitar riff kicks in. It sounds like it's live…MAXX PAYNE! Maxx Payne steps out onto the aisle playing guitar as the crowd starts to cheer. Who's that coming out behind him? VAN HAMMER! Maxx Payne and Van Hammer are here! Maxx stops playing as the crowd cheer and puts his guitar down…they charge the ring!
The surprise partners ran in and the match was on! The faces quickly cleaned house and then celebrated in the ring by hitting a group high five. The heels regrouped on the outside while the faces decided to let Van Hammer start off. Eddie Guerrero slides in. Eddie and Van Hammer fought back and forth for a few minutes and it culminated in Van Hammer hitting his patented Back Suplex. Modest broke the pin and started to beat on Hammer, but Maxx Payne jumped in and took over. The referee allowed Maxx and Modest to stay in. These two managed to put on a hard hitting stiff series of shots. This eventually gave way to the tag champs, Van Hammer, Eddie Guerrero, and the top contenders all jumping in for another chaotic brawl. This time, the heels cleaned house and Dinsmore took over on Dave Harris. He worked over Harris for a few minutes, until Dave finally managed to hit a spinning head scissors to gain a chance for the hot tag. Dinsmore tags Malenko and…TAG TO JERICHO! Jericho takes down Dean and everyone jumps in again. This time though, Maxx and Van Hammer take The Jackyl Pack to the outside and Dave knocks Nick to the outside with a dropkick. He and Jericho then whipped Dean to the ropes. Dave caught him on the way back and picked him up for what looked like a 3D. Instead of a Diamond Cutter on the way down though, Dean took a X-Factor style face slam! Dave then got up and hit a baseball slide on Dinsmore while Jericho applied the Lion Tamer for the submission victory.
Chris And Dave, Van Hammer and Maxx Payne defeated The Jackyl Pack, Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore when Chris Jericho made D. Malenko submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:14:56.
Rating: *** ½
As we come back Jeff Jarrett has left the announce position and is in the ring waiting for his opponent.
---DUCK AND RUN (3 Doors Down)---
The music hits and the crowd starts laughing as usual. Robbie Brookside steps out and walks down the aisle looking pissed off. He is still stuck wearing the baby bonnet and diaper thanks to Stevie Richards' interference every week.
Nothing special here. The two guys basically went through the motions until Stevie Richards entered through the crowd. Robbie then nailed a T-Bone Suplex and Jeff Jarrett rolled to the outside. Stevie jumped in the ring and started brawling with Robbie, causing the DQ.
Robbie Brookside defeated Jeff Jarrett by disqualification in 0:07:05.
Rating: * ¾
Robbie and Stevie brawl while the crowd chants "STEVIE! STEVIE!" Robbie eventually gets the advantage and knocks Stevie to the outside. Furious, Robbie grabs the mic from the ring announcer.
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE: Great! I win by DQ AGAIN! That means I'm STILL stuck in this damn outfit! Well Stevie, this has to end! I am challenging you to a match on Mettle! The rules are simple. If I manage to pin you or make you submit then I can finally get out of this damn situation.
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE: I thought long and hard about this Stevie. I thought you might grow up and let me do what I do best, but deep down I knew you wouldn't, so I came up with this plan. If you fail to beat me on Mettle then your punishment will be simple, and just as humiliating as mine was…
STEVIE RICHARDS: Get to the point.
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE: If you do not beat me then you will have to…wear a dress until you get a win by pin or submission! Note those words Stevie. If you FAIL TO BEAT ME, you will wear a dress till you PIN someone or make them SUBMIT!
Stevie seems to think it over. He then smiles.
STEVIE RICHARDS: OK, but one condition. I agree to your stipulations about me, but I want the match to be irrelevant to your little predicament. If you beat me by pinning me or making me tap out, then you will not lose your baby bonnet and diaper.
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE: DONE! See you on Mettle Stevie!
The crowd cheers while Stevie leaves. Robbie leaves shortly after.
We can see the contract stuck to the wall. A hand reaches over and takes it. As the camera zooms out we can see that it is Steve Corino!
STEVE CORINO: OK Mikey. You want The true NCPW ICON to take part in a non-hardcore match then so be it! I HSALL PROVE THAT I AM WORTHY OF CHALLENGING FOR THE FTW TITLE BY TAKING ON GLEN JACOBS FOR TOP CONTENDERSHIP TO THE WORL…Wait a minute…The World Title? Hmmm…if I beat Glen then I can face Hunter for the World Title at Powerslave…THEN THE MAN, MYTH AND LEGEND CAN BRING PRESTIGE TO THE WORLD TITLE! Yes! I Steve Corino shall make the World Title as great as the FTW Title shall be under my control!
Steve Corino signs the contract and then walks off to show it to officials. Once he has left, the toilet door opens and Glen Jacobs steps out. He shakes his head.
GLEN JACOBS: Idiot. THIS is gonna be easy.
We cut to the announce position.
JEFF JARRETT: So Steve Corino is going to face Glen Jacobs? His motives seem a little twisted.
BOBBY HEENAN: And speaking of twisted. We are about to show you the reason why Sick Boy and Raven are not here tonight.
JEFF JARRETT: The following action was taped after NCPW Mettle last week.
We see the closing moments of metal. Raven steps out into the parking lot and looks around. Sick Boy jumps him and starts pounding away on his head with lefts and rights. He sends Raven reeling into a car and drops onto it with a hard right hand. Sick Boy then leans down and picks up a glass bottle! He swings it down hard at Raven's face, but Raven rolls out of the way and the bottle smashes on the car. Raven is up on his feet and launches an attack on Sick Boy using his own flurry of lefts and rights. Sick Boy starts reeling back further into the parking lot and Raven hits a hard running kick to the groin on Sick Boy. Sick Boy keels over in pain and Raven starts to stomp on repeatedly. Sick Boy is screaming in pain while Raven lays in. Once Raven seems satisfied with Sick Boy being bloody and beaten he turns to walk away. Sick Boy hauls himself up using a car and sets the alarm off. Raven turns and runs in with his fists flying, but Sick dives at Raven, taking him down hard on the concrete floor. He punches Raven hard in the face multiple times, bloodying his nose. Sick Boy then gets up and grabs a glass bottle. As Raven slowly gets to his feet, Sick Boy brings the glass bottle down across his head! The bottle smashes and Raven drops like a ton of bricks. Blood visibly flew from his head from that shot! Sick Boy smiles and then stands over the bloody Raven, with his arms outstretched in crucifix position. He shouts "QUOTE THE RAVEN! NEVERMORE YOU FUCKER!" Sick Boy then walks off past a few cars as the camera follows. He picks up his metal bar from behind a car and walks back to where he left Raven. When he gets there, he stops. Raven is gone! A trash can flies across and hits Sick Boy in the head! Sick Boy drops the bar and stumbles sideways. Raven picks up the metal bar and swings wildly at Sick Boy, but Sick Boy hits the floor to avoid the swing and a car window is smashed. Big mistake by Sick Boy! Raven brings the bar up and then down again across Sick Boy' back and ribs! Sick Boy rolls over in pain as Raven drops the bar. Raven again turns to walk away, but only gets as far as the next car before Sick Boy hits a diving metal bar shot to the head bringing both men to the ground breathing heavily. Both men roll over in opposite directions as we hear sirens. The camera turns and we see that two ambulances and several police cars pouring into the parking lot. As the camera turns back, Sick Boy and Raven are leant up against opposite cars. Sick Boy dives again with a metal bar shot, but Raven dives out of the way and Sick Boy smashes another car window. Raven pulls himself up and gives Sick Boy a right hook. Both guys are breathing very heavily and bleeding just as heavily. At this point, police run into view and pull the two apart. Sick Boy is heard to shout "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" at Raven. Raven stands in crucifix position and then falls over backwards while Sick Boy is dragged off to one of the ambulances. Raven is then helped up and escorted to another ambulance.
We cut back to the announce position.
JEFF JARRETT: The current situation involving these two is as follows. Both Raven and Sick Boy lost A LOT of blood that night and were rushed to different hospitals to get stitched up. As it stands we cannot reveal who went to which hospital in case one tries to find the other and start a fight in the hospital. Both are currently awaiting clearance to leave their wards and return to action. Both MAY be back by next Mettle.
BOBBY HEENAN: And I wonder what Mr. Doyle will have to say about their actions. He's one Helluva owner. He'll show his authority and make sure his shows do not get crowded with chaos like a certain cruiserweight…
Jeff Jarrett gives Bobby Heenan an evil glare and Booby shuts up.
---THE UNFORGIVEN II (MetallicA)---
The crowd starts to boo as Sean Morley and Peter Gruner step out through the curtain and walk down to the ring. They are wearing street clothes, not wrestling gear. Once in the ring, they both take mics.
SEAN MORLEY: You guys can just keep on booing. It isn't gonna help you any. You've got to sit there and listen to what we have to say because we booked this interview time by the book!
PETER GRUNER: Let's start with me. Let's go into some detail about why I'm now partnering Sean. Those of you who watched Wings know by now that I joined him because I was in the same situation as him. Billy Kidman was never destined to succeed in the NCPW. Billy Kidman was always destined to get to the glass ceiling and then fail to break it because Mr. Doyle only pushes those he likes. Billy Kidman just wasn't someone he was a fan of.
A wave of boos goes up in the crowd, and then a "KIDMAN SUCKS! KIDMAN SUCKS!" chant breaks out.
PETER GRUNER: Yes, Kidman DID suck. That's why I killed him. Kidman is dead and buried now, and Peter Gruner is here to stay. You see, from day one I was told that Peter Gruner just wasn't a good name for a wrestler. I guess they were right. Billy Kidman was a much better name for a jobber. However…Peter Gruner is an excellent name for a shooter!
SEAN MORLEY: That's right. Peter Gruner is the new and improved Kidman you once worshipped. Get used to it because he's here to stay. And so is Sean Morley. Together, Real Time is set to take the NCPW by storm and show you all what wrestling is all about. Who's gonna stop us? Test? Don't make me laugh! That big waste of space couldn't get over in the NCPW on his own, he couldn't get over with Mike Awesome as the T.A.P. and now that's what he's going to do. TAP!
PETER GRUNER: Remember that Test. If you get in our face and try to stick your nose in our business then you WILL go down…
---LAST RESORT (Papa Roach)---
The crowd starts cheering madly as the former tag champs Zero-G step out onto the aisle with microphones. They work the crowd a little while Sean and Peter stand around in the ring waiting impatiently for them to make their point.
KID KASH: Did I just hear that right Devon? Did Billy Gruner just say Test is going to go down on him?
DEVON STORM: I think you did Kid! Peter Kidman just said he wants Test to go down on him if he sticks his nose in.
KID KASH: You know what? I don't think Test is going to like that very much.
DEVON STORM: Nope. Test sure doesn't do that sort of thing, I don't know about them two in the ring though. Do you think they partake in such practices?
The crowd cheers Zero-G and taunt Real Time with various chants insinuating they take it up the ass.
SEAN MORLEY: You see, this is typical wrestling here. Two talentless idiots come out and insult whoever's in the ring. Do you two have a reason to be here or are you just going to stand around talking?
KID KASH: Talentless? Well if you think that's the case then maybe you should get yourselves ready for a match?
PETER GRUNER: Now you see, there's a problem there. We only fight in shoot fights.
DEVON STORM: Then we'll shoot with you. First submission wins, all men in the ring all right with you?
SEAN MORLEY: Just bring it on punk.
The crowd liked this match. The match saw Zero-G display some previously unseen talent. They managed to spend the first couple of minutes out wrestling Sean and Peter. Sean and Peter then stepped t up a notch and started to reverse everything that was thrown at them and applying various submission holds. Kid Kash refused to tap to Peter' assault though, so Peter started to assault his leg, taking him out of the match. To make sure though, Peter handcuffed Kash to the ropes. Where did he get the handcuffs from? He stole them from security earlier in the match! This left Devon against Real Time on his own. The two beat down Devon and worked over his legs before Gruner eventually put on a reverse ankle lock for the submission victory.
Real Time defeated Zero-G when Gruner made D. Storm submit to
a reverse ankle lock in 0:07:40.
Rating: ** ½
As Real Time leave the ring we cut to the parking lot. We can see Chris And Dave, Maxx Payne and Van Hammer walking out of the arena. They are now in street clothes.
DAVE HARRIS: OK dudes, let's go celebrate!
CHRIS JERICHO: OK, but where do you think we should go?
VAN HAMMER: There's a bar somewhere around here I think. We could go here.
DAVE HARRIS: No. Already checked that place out.
MAXX JUSTICE: Then how about we go back to my place? I got a new house just outside of town, so if you want you could all crash there and we'll grab some beers and put some CDs on.
CHRIS JERICHO: Sounds cool to me.
VAN HAMMER: Sure. What CDs we gonna put on?
DAVE HARRIS: How about some Blind Guardian?
The four men so totally leave the arena totally.
---THE WAIT (Killing Joke)---
The crowd boos as Kanyon enters. He steps between the ropes but doesn't get any mic time because his opponent's music hits.
---KILLING MACHINE (Wolfsbane)---
The crowd cheers as Chris Benoit steps out onto the aisle. He is sporting a heavy brace on his knees, obviously due to damage caused by RVD last Mettle.
These two put on a great match. Kanyon controlled a lot of it and worked on Benoit's legs. Benoit meanwhile looked like he was being careful with them and eventually managed to reverse the Flatliner by turning in mid-air and applying the Crossface for the tap.
Chris Benoit made Kanyon submit to the Crippler Crossface in 0:05:26.
Rating: ** ¾
(Chris Benoit retained the NCPW TV Title.)
Paul Heyman has caught up with the TV champion.
PAUL HEYMAN: Chris! It looked like you were saving from going all out tonight. Would you care to enlighten us on the damage caused by RVD last week?
CHRIS BENOIT: As you can see, I'm still nearly at my best. Rob Van Dam…I won't…
Rob Van Dam runs in and takes Benoit's legs out! He stomps away on them and then pushes a crate over onto them! Benoit looks like he's in great pain as he clutches his legs!
ROB VAN DAM: Looks like The Crippled Chris Benoit won't be defending the TV title for a long time!
RVD laughs out loud and walks off as paramedics arrive on the scene.
The camera is zoomed in and we can see Robbie Brookside in his baby gear. The camera remains zoomed.
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE: You see Stevie? The last laugh is going to be mine! THIS…
The camera zooms out and we can see the diaper. Robbie is holding up a baby bottle.
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE: THIS is something that is very hard to beat on the humiliation scales. Now, I promise I won't be as cruel as you. I promise that next week you will have to wear something tasteful. In fact I have it right here!
The camera turns and we see a mannequin. On the mannequin is a long shiny purple dress. Admittedly it DOES look tasteful.
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE: Take a good look Stevie. Take a long hard look. You're gonna be wearing this for a LONG time.
---THE KIDS AREN'T ALRIGHT (The Offspring)---
The crowd engages boo mode as Steve Corino walks down the aisle.
---INSIDE (Stiltskin)---
The cheers ring out as Glen Jacobs makes his way down to the ring for his second defence.
Glen and Steve do not click at all. Not only that, but the match went on a little too long. That didn't seem to bother the crowd though. Glen is most definitely over as a cocky face with too much confidence. Steve Corino meanwhile is over as a cocky heel Hell bent on taking the FTW Title to new heights. Corino tried to hit the Superkick during the match but Glen side-stepped and it was revealed that he couldn't have connected with Glen's face anyway. The finish saw Glen hit the Unabomb too near the ropes and Steve got a foot under them. Glen then picked Steve up, turned and hit another Unabomb for the pin.
Top Contenders MatchGlen Jacobs pinned Steve Corino with the Unabomb in 0:15:58.
Rating: * ¾
We see Paul Heyman and HHH watching the match on a monitor.
PAUL HEYMAN: We're here with the NCPW World Champion HHH. Hunter, you've got be wondering now who your opponent will be at Powerslave. At the same time you must now know that there is a strong possibility it could be the man we just saw in action.
HHH: Well Paul, I've known from the start that Glen Jacobs would get another shot at this belt. This way, I can make damn sure that IF he gets it then he will have deserved it. Of course, you should also be aware that there is the chance he will lose that shot long before Powerslave.
PAUL HEYMAN: But then there is also the chance you will lose your belt before Powerslave comes around.
HHH: That's a fair point. Yes there is that risk, but I don't see me losing the belt any time in the near future. Tonight I face two top competitors, but not one of them is as good as The Game. Tonight I'm going to go out there and prove once again that I am THAT damn good.
HHH walks off.
---WALK (Pantera)---
The crowd boos as "The Whole F'N Show" walks out. He stands on top of the aisle pointing to himself as always, and then makes his way down to the ring. He takes a mic.
ROB VAN DAM: People Charlotte, tonight The Whole F'N Show, that's ROB…VAN…DAM…takes things to the next level! Tonight, the greatest entertainer in the history of the world of wrestling is going to take on one of the top performers in the world, and then he will beat him one, two, three in the middle of the ring and become the NCPW World Champion. He will then go on to beat that over the hill idiot Chris Benoit in the same fashion and unify the World and TV Titles into one ultimate title, fitting of a king of entertainment such as myself! Why? Because I'm ROB…VAN…DAM!
The crowd cheers Stevie Richards as he enters. This is the man that could be wearing a dress as of the next Mettle, but if he remains on form then he won't have to worry about that!
---THE GAME (Motorhead)---
The World Champion gets a big pop as he enters the ring. He does the usual posing for the fans as he enters.
A memorable main event here. Hunter was on form and so were his opponents. The three assembled a good three man melee in the ring with their respective strengths shining through. At about the six minute mark, the referee was bumped when HHH hit the mat to avoid a spinning kick from RVD, and the referee got a face full of boot. At this point, Robbie Brookside walked calmly down the ramp with a chair and the purple dress. RVD managed to hit his spin kick on The Game, taking him out of the ring. Stevie meanwhile had not noticed Robbie and was starting to fight off RVD. When he turned to run the ropes though, he saw Robbie standing there holding up the dress. As Stevie stopped to shout at Robbie, Robbie slid the chair to RVD. Robbie then got on the apron and took a hard clothesline. When Stevie turned though, RVD hit the Can Daminator and threw the chair to the outside. As Robbie Brookside recovered on the outside, the referee was getting up in the ring. RVD then mounted the turnbuckle and nailed the Five Star Frog Splash for the first pin of the match. Stevie rolled to the outside and slowly recovered as HHH and RVD went at it. When Stevie realised what had happened, he chased Robbie up the aisle and caught him with a dive. He then took a chair from a fan and set it up. He sat down and pulled Robbie across his lap and spanked him! What are you doing Stevie? He then threw Robbie off and tried a chair shot, but Robbie retreated to the back with the dress in tow. Stevie soon followed. In the ring, RVD and HHH stepped things up a notch and assembled a strong exchange of moves till RVD finally hit his spin kick then the Rolling Thunder for two. As HHH got up, RVD hit the ropes and tried a crucifix. Hunter held on though and hauled RVD onto his shoulders! GAME OVER! One…two…three!
Triangle MatchHHH defeated Rob Van Dam and Stevie Richards:
x Van Dam beat Richards via the Five Star Frog Splash in 0:07:07
x HHH beat Van Dam via the Game Over in 0:14:12
Rating: *** ¼
(HHH retained the NCPW World Title.)
The crowd cheered loudly as HHH celebrated in the ring. He held the belt aloft while RVD rolled to the outside looking annoyed with himself. He walked over to the announce table.
ROB VAN DAM: What…What's happened with Benoit?
BOBBY HEENAN: He's at the hospital right now. I understand that he may have some serious damage to at least on of his legs Rob.
ROB VAN DAM: Good…at least…it wasn't a total loss…tonight.
RVD points to himself again and walks up the aisle while the camera fades out on a shot of HHH with the belt.
The dark match for tonight saw The Jackyl Pack Eddie Guerrero & Michael Modest back in action. The two teams put on a great match. Far better than some expected. Guerrero pinned Maxx for the win.
The Jackyl Pack defeated Van Hammer and Maxx Payne when E. Guerrero pinned Payne with the Frog Splash in 0:11:20.
Rating: ** ¾
Saturn was entering the ring as the show began on TV. Saturn came out without his tag partner John Kronus for this match with Nova. What was the usual FTW style brawl was kept interesting by Saturn using suplex after suplex on Nova. The camera showed Taz in the back watching on and showing no emotion. A fisherman's suplex got Saturn the win and a pop from the crowd.
Perry Saturn pinned Nova after a fisherman suplex in 0:06:33.
Rating: * ¾
Saturn takes a microphone from the ring announcer. He looks to the section that's cheering him.
PERRY SATURN: Ladies and Gentlemen, Perry Saturn is BACK IN BUSINESS! Taz, I know you've been watching and this is just to let you know that when we FINALLY meet in the ring I'm gonna show you just WHO is the king of the suplex in the NCPW. Here's a hint…it ain't you!
In a familiar sight for all NCPW fans, Raven is in the parking lot lurking in the shadows. He looks to the camera and smiles.
RAVEN: Tonight Sick Boy you will find out what I have planner for you to help you prepare for HIM.
Raven sinks back into the shadows as we cut to the ring.
---WALK (Pantera)---
The crowd explodes into boos as RVD steps out onto the aisle and points at himself. He indulges the boos and then stands waiting for the music to stop. It does.
ROB VAN DAM: I have a match next, and it features myself teaming with Steve Corino against two jobbers. Before that though I feel that I need to explain something. You see, what I did to Benoit was without a doubt downright evil. But hey, I'm Rob…Van…Dam so that makes it great by default!
The crowd boos loudly.
ROB VAN DAM: Now, then…I said that there's more than one way to climb the NCPW ladder. I meant that in a number of ways. First up Benoit, you may want to check that contract you signed to face me on the PPV gone. You see, it gave me the right to make a match against you if I lost. Now this match has the stipulation that I can choose any set of rules. What does this mean? Well, since you can't walk very well right now, I'll be fair. You and I on the next Rage in…A LADDER MATCH!
The crowd boo RVD's actions here.
ROB VAN DAM: Oh yeah, and if you fail to turn up you lose the belt to the top contender. That's me for the record!
---THE KIDS AREN'T ALL RIGHT (The Offspring)---
Mass of boos for one of the most over guys in the fed. In fact, these two could be the two most over singles heels below Sick Boy. They enter looking ready as we wait for their foes.
Small pop for Jerry Lynn as he enters. His partner follows him. It's Kanyon. Kanyon gets some boos, despite being against some major heels tonight. The crowd just doesn't like him.
Back and forth. Good match here, with Lynn trying hard to get over while Kanyon generally got beat up by the surprisingly cohesive heel team. Kanyon got pinned by Corino at just gone four minutes.
Rob Van Dam and Steve Corino defeated Jerry Lynn and Kanyon when Corino pinned Kanyon with the Superkick in 0:04:15.
Rating: ** ½
The camera sees Kanyon leaving the arena. It follows him, and he stops. He turns back to the camera and looks a little pissed off.
KANYON: Somewhere along the line, it seems to have gone wrong for Kanyon. Let me see, I make the smartest move of my career by dumping that loser Nova, and from there…nothing. I lose match after match after match. Why? Tell me why! Why is Kanyon stuck losing matches on Mettle when…
Kanyon pauses, looking for something to complain about.
KANYON: When cruiserweights get their own damn show? Well get this, on the next episode of Wings, Kanyon is gonna be there and he's give those cruisers Hell! Who's better than Kanyon? Not those little midget jobbers, that's for sure!
Kanyon leaves.
---THE GAME (Motorhead)---
The crowd cheers as the World Champion steps out onto the aisle. He poses with the belt and then walks down to the ring with a mic in hand.
HHH: So far so good for Glen Jacobs. He's managing to keep hold of that number one contendership that every one wants a piece of. Well Glen, two months is a LONG time and you will have one tough time keeping hold of that belt shot with all the challengers that want a piece of it. Tonight though, The Demon of Destruction is not in the building. He only has to defend the spot once a week, so he gets tonight off. Now, that means that I get to have some fun tonight. So, the first person to get to the ring and stand face-to-face with The Game gets himself a title shot tonight!
There is a pause while the crowd cheers, and then a man we haven't seen before walks out onto the aisle. He is wearing a generic black costume and is probably a jobber that appears on house shows and dark matches. As he takes a few steps towards the ring, the crowd explodes into boos, because Sick Boy runs out and clobbers the jobber over the back of the head with his metal bar! The Game does nothing, and Sick Boy doesn't waste any time running down the aisle and sliding into the ring. He catches a mic that is thrown to him.
SICK BOY: I accept the challenge Game.
HHH smiles.
HHH: Glad to hear it. Although…I thought you had some business with a certain bird that seems to hang around in the back a lot. What about Mr. Caw Caw?
SICK BOY: That freak is…let's be serious a moment…RAVEN IS THE ONE FUCK THAT I WANT TO POUND INTO THE GROUND AND DESTROY…but while the offer's open I thought…well I thought I might as well just TAKE YOUR GOD DAMNED BELT FROM YOU GAME! That enough?
Hunter doesn't seem phased by the shouting rant of The Sickest Man In The Business.
HHH: Then so be it…
---VICTIM OF DARKNESS (Seasons Of The Wolf)---
Sick Boy turns to the aisle and the big screen flashes into action as the crowd cheers and chants “RAVEN! RAVEN!” Raven appears on the screen, sitting on the floor outside the arena.
RAVEN: Tonight Sick Boy, there will be no cryptic messages. There will be NO words between us that you will not understand. There will be NO love between us. You see, I have tried to help you out here, as a friend. I have tried to warn you of the imminent return of your redemption, BUT NO! You have done nothing but ignore me and try to take my livelihood away from me. Well now this little birdy ain't too happy.
SICK BOY: Oh boo hoo! Looks like I just gave you something else to moan about. You just stay out there moaning and whining your life away Raven and I won't have to take care of you again.
RAVEN: Screw you Scott. Tonight I will reveal all to you. This is no longer the game between friends that I tried to make it. I see now that I must take more drastic measures if I am to prepare you. Be ready Sick Boy. Watch your back.
The screen turns off as the crowd cheers. Sick Boy smiles. It is a twisted smile that the camera picks up on as he leaves the ring.
HHH: What about the match tonight Sick Boy?
SICK BOY: Oh that's still on Game. Till then, I'm going hunting.
The crowd doesn't really know how to react as Hunter leaves with the belt.
---PEPPER (The Butthole Surfers)---
A loud pop for the current FTW champion. He brings with him a belt that he looks set to keep and a trolley of weapons. He stands to the side of the aisle and holds a chair ready to attack. As soon as someone steps through the curtain, he gets whacked and drops like a ton of bricks. MIKEY JUST LEVELLED THE REFEREE! As Mikey looks confused, Taz steps out from beside the aisle and nails a belly-to-back Tazplex!
There's no referee thanks to Mikey! He may have just saved his belt! As Taz pounded on the floored Mikey, a certain Steve Corino stepped out on the aisle. The crowd boos loudly as he revives the referee with a glass of water and then floors him again with the same glass! He walks over and starts pounding on Taz! He doesn't want to do that! Somehow, Steve has Taz reeling and nails a vicious superkick. The referee is slowly waking up again as Corino celebrates. What he fails to realise is that Mikey has also recovered. When he turns, Mikey lays in with a stop sign shot! Steve stumbles back and Mikey throws the trolley at him! Steve is stumbling bad now, and Mikey throws a nearby trashcan. Corino ducks! The referee is down again! Taz is up though and nails Corino with a head-and-arm Tazplex. Before he and Mikey can go at it again though, Perry Saturn sneaks in and nails a Gargoyle suplex on Taz. He then turns over the shopping trolley and nails a moonsault. Corino is getting up though and so is the referee. As Corino tries to superkick Mikey, Mikey spins him out of the way, and at Saturn. Saturn catches him for a suplex but Corino pushes him off and tries the superkick. Saturn ducks and Corino takes out the referee again! Clothesline by Saturn on Corino! Here comes another referee! Taz is up and he and Mikey nails Saturn and Corino with a few weapon shots before Taz eventually polishes off Saturn with a belly-to-belly Tazplex. When he turns though, he takes a Whippersnapper and is put down for the three.
Mikey Whipwreck pinned Taz with the Whippersnapper in 0:04:17.
Rating: ** ½
(Mikey Whipwreck retained the NCPW FTW Title)
In the back we see Sick Boy wandering the halls. He seems to be mumbling something as he walks, bar in hand.
SICK BOY: Here raven Raven RAVEN Raven…
As he walks on, he nails a series of bar shots on a poor defenceless trashcan. He walks off down the hall laughing. As the camera stops, we see Raven calmly walk past following Sick Boy!
---DUCK AND RUN (3 Doors Down)---
The crowd boos as a mannequin wearing a purple dress is thrown through the curtain. “Wild Kitten” Robbie Brookside soon follows it through and smiles at the crowd. He seems far happier tonight than he has done in previous outings in the baby bonnet and diaper.
A loud pop for Stevie. May have been bigger than HHH's tonight. He walks down to the ring.
The crowd was hot for this match. The most heated of the night so far. The match went back and forth and Robbie cheated every chance he got, but never managed to get the pin. Why not? Every time he got two, he pulled Stevie up. What is he doing that for? The referee seemed to be ignoring every cheating move Robbie done, despite most of them being right in front of him. In the end, Stevie snapped and punched the referee, causing a DQ win for Robbie Brookside!
[If he loses Stevie must wear a dress]:
Robbie Brookside defeated Stevie Richards by disqualification in 0:05:07.
Rating: **
The crowd boos loudly as Robbie hands over a few notes to the referee. Stevie throws a fit in the ring as Robbie takes a mic.
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE: You know what Stevie? You did this to yourself, quite literally! You just made yourself lose the match by losing your tempter. Now, even though it was a DQ that still means you lost. What does that mean again? Oh yeah! You got to wear this here dress till you get a pinfall or submission win!
Robbie throws Stevie the dress, and Stevie slings it over his shoulder. He then makes a beeline for Robbie! Robbie makes a beeline for the back.
Sick Boy is stalking the halls still. Raven meanwhile is only a few metres behind him.
RAVEN: Looking for something?
Sick Boy doesn't check who it is, he just turns and charges. Raven manages to fire off a quite right hook to the stomach and Sick Boy drops the bar, struggling to get air. Raven throws him to the ground and squats over him, holding him by the throat.
RAVEN: Patience. Later.
Raven leaves as we cut to the ring.
---POISON (Alice Cooper)---
The crowd explodes into a mass of cheers as the NCPW Tag champions step out through the curtain. Chris Jericho goes through the usual poses while Dave high fives the fans on the way to the ring.
CHRIS JERICHO: OK, you said you have a surprise, so who are we facing tonight? Who do we defend the belts against?
CHRIS JERICHO: You are not THAT imaginative. I know you got us a match tonight, so who do we face?
DAVE HARRIS: Dude, I have TOTALLY got us an awesome match tonight, and our foes are already here in the ring with us!
DAVE HARRIS: Ten minute time limit man.
CHRIS JERICHO: You want to explain something to me here Dave?
DAVE HARRIS: Sure thing man. What's up?
CHRIS JERICHO: Just WHAT are you talking about?
DAVE HARRIS: You and me, one-on-one against each other with a ten minute time limit. Didn't just say that?
CHRIS JERICHO: No, you just said ten minute time limit.
DAVE AHRRIS: I did not.
DAVE HARRIS: I did not!
CHRIS JERICHO: YOU DID! Someone replay what he said.
The screen shows Dave Harris saying “You and me, one-on-one tonight with a ten minute time limit.”
CHRIS JERICHO: That was the wrong damn footage…wait a minute, what are you planning?
DAVE HARRIS: Just chain it for a bit without the fall attempts. You'll see.
They put some chain moves together, and then Dave looked to the aisle. The match went like that for a few minutes and Dave was continuously looking back at the aisle, like he was expecting something. Nothing. After a few minutes, he and Jericho talk something over and they start to play rock, paper, scissors. Dave looks over his shoulder and Jericho changes to “rock” so that he wins. They chain some more stuff together and then spend the last minute seeing who can do the better asai moonsault.
Chris Jericho and Dave Harris battled to a draw in 0:10:00.
Rating: ** ½
Dave looks confused.
CHRIS JERICHO: OK, so what was all this in aid of?
DAVE HARRIS: Well I DID have a surprise for our arch nemesisisises. I was really hoping they'd run in or something.
CHRIS JERICHO: Great. Just great.
On that word, Malenko and Dinsmore run in from the crowd and send the champs to the outside.
DAVE HARRIS: AHA! Told you they'd show! As I was saying, I got a surprise for you two! Chris…
Dave runs up the aisle and Chris hesitates then follows shouting after him. The top contenders stand in the ring confused. THEN, Zero-G run in from the crowd with a referee!
The former champs looked strong as Kid Kash and Devon Storm took control over the teacher-student pairing. Some cheating got them back in it and the match went back and forth. The end saw Dinsmore sneak in behind the referee and nail Devon with a German Suplex, allowing Dean to slap on a Cloverleaf while Nick took care of Kash. An unpopular win.
Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore defeated Zero-G when D. Malenko made D. Storm submit to the Texas Cloverleaf in 0:05:47.
Rating: *** ¾
---CURE (MetallicA)---
The most over man in the NCPW steps out to boos from the crowd. He does not have his bar with him as this is not a no holds barred match. He rubs his neck a little as he enters the ring.
---THE GAME (Motorhead)---
Big face pop for the champ as he took a walk down the ramp. He stands in the ring, opposite Sick Boy and they stare each other down. The bell rings.
A good main event form two of the top performers in the NCPW. The match was the usual back and forth TV main event until the very end. Raven walked down to the ringside and began pestering Sick Boy. The referee tried to eject him from the ring, but he refused to leave. Raven then walked over and picked up the World Title belt. As Hunter distracted the referee, Raven got on the apron and took a swing at Sick Boy, missing by a good distance. Sick Boy dropkicked him off the apron and tapped his head shouting that he's “too smart for that one.” When he turned, Hunter hit a small package and held the tights! There's the three!
HHH pinned Sick Boy after a small package in 0:12:04.
Rating: ** ¾
(HHH retained the NCPW World Title.)
Hunter leaves as Sick Boy shouts at him. He seems to have momentarily forgotten about Raven, who enters the ring and nails an Evenflow DDT on Sick Boy, then kicks him to the outside. The crowd cheers. He waits for Sick Boy to recover a little and then begins to speak.
RAVEN: Do you remember Wrestlefest III? The 13 paths to Hell? Do you remember what we accomplished that night? How I beat Shamrock and you beat D'Lo?
Sick Boy stands on the outside and shrugs.
RAVEN: We went through Hell that night Sick Boy, and now you need to go through it with me again. HE is going to take you out soon Sick Boy, and you NEED me and my help. You won't accept it? Well then fuck you. I'll force it upon you. I know you want me in the ring, and you've got that chance. My personal seven stages of Hell. What does this mean? You and me are going to have seven matches. Six on TV, one at Powerslave. It doesn't matter what the final tally is Scott, but I KNOW you will be ready to beat me at Powerslave. Each of these matches will have a special stipulation chosen by me. The first will take place on Rage next week. Be ready Scott.
Sick Boy dives into the ring as Raven leaves. The show fades on Sick Boy shouting at Raven.
A big pop as the music hits and NJPW legend Jyushin “Thunder” Lyger steps out and poses for the crowd. He then walks down the aisle and jumps into the ring and awaits his opponent tonight.
Not as big as Lyger's but still a nice sounding pop for Eiji Ezaki as he steps out with his Flames Of Redemption tag partner Essa Rios. They do their usual array of tag team poses before walking down to the ring. Eiji climbs into the ring and raises one hand. As he brings it down, the posts shoot fire! That's new! Eiji gets pyros!
What would you expect from these two? A good match? Given around seven minutes to work a TV match, these two did not disappoint. Essa kept out of the match, and was happy just to play cheerleader for Eiji. The two Japanese stars traded off slick move after slick move and then started adding in dives and bigger moves. The finish saw Eiji go for a top-rope hurucanrana. Lyger caught him and held him for a second before hauling him up onto his shoulders and turning. Immediately the crowd popped huge as he started running and then hit the Lyger Bomb for the popular three count.
Jyushin Lyger pinned Eiji Ezaki with the Running Lyger Bomb in 0:07:05.
Rating: ****
In the back we see Jeff Jarrett standing around with 3 security guards. He looks somewhat annoyed and is speaking on a cell phone.
JEFF JARRETT: Look…NO! I'm sick of this! This is MY show! It's supposed to be…it's supposed to be a show to show case the cruiserweights…yeah…yes…DAMNIT! There's been a heavyweight on every damn show so far! If it isn't Test it's Sean Morley! And…YES! I KNOW SEAN IS MANAGING PETER WHEN HE'S NOT WRESTLING! I ALREADY…what? Are you serious about this…KANYON? That does it! I'm taking matters into my own hands now. YES I AM! BYE!
Jeff hangs up and turns to the security guards.
JEFF JARRETT: If Test, Kanyon, or any other non-cruiserweight who isn't registered to be here tonight turns up, then take care of them! Get them out of the damn arena! If you need me, I'm gonna be in my office.
---THE UNFORGIVEN II (MetallicA)---
Heel pop from the crowd as Real Time step out onto the aisle. In the ring, Nova is waiting. Real Time shout at the crowd and then pull out a pair of mics.
SEAN MORLEY: We've got two messages here tonight for all you idiots. The first one goes out to Test. Now I KNOW you're hanging around outside somewhere…
The Big Screen flashes on and we see Test trying to get into the arena and being held back by security guards. He is struggling but stops when he hears Sean's voice.
SEAN MORLEY: Hey Test! Glad you're here! Now you see, there are only so many spots on Cruiser Kings for non-cruiserweights such as yourself and me. BUT…there ARE a few spots and we've got a surprise for you! We know just how much you want to face the Real Time in the ring. Cruiser Kings 2003. Test in a shoot fight against both me and Peter Gruner here. What do you say?
Test seems to think it over for a few seconds, and then comes to a decision.
TEST: You got it! You two want to go all shoot fighter styled then you got it! There's a stipulation though! If I win, you two have got to stop this shoot fighting crap once and for all. You got that?
SEAN MORLEY: Fine! But if YOU lose, then you leave the NCPW forever!
TEST: You got it punk! I'll be waiting for you! And Peter…you're gonna regret the day you crossed me!
The crowd cheers as the screen turns off. Real Time smile and then turn to the ring. Nova now has a mic too.
PETER GRUNER: Now, since that little business is over, this message is for you Nova. You've been on a losing streak as of late. Do you really want another loss for that tally? We're giving you a chance to walk away from the ass kicking you'll get if you try to fight back. You can't innovate your way out of this one.
NOVA: What you're saying is…you just want me to walk away?
PETER GRUNER: That's about it.
NOVA: Well boys, you obviously don't know Nova too well. I'm not going to back down from punks like you! Let's get it on!
Peter Gruner runs down and the match begins.
Nova actually held his own quite well here and pulled off some nice looking submission reversals. The problem was that Peter Gruner had more nice reversals than him, and he also had Sean Morley to help him out. Even so, the match went back and forth on the mat until Peter managed to side-step an attempted dropkick and apply an armlock leglock submission for the win.
Peter Gruner made Nova submit to an armlock leglock submission in 0:05:58.
Rating: ** ¾
We see Test with a crowbar. He wanders up to a parking attendant.
TEST: Hey man. Which car is Real Time's?
PARKING GUY: I'm not at liberty to say so sir.
TEST: My crowbar seems to think you are.
Parking guy backs off a little.
PARKING GUY: It's the white dodge viper.
Jarrett is sitting back when Crazy MAX walk in. They just stand around casually, looking somewhat shifty.
JEFF JARRETT: Glad you're here. This is just a note to let you know that at the request of Kai En Tai you guys are in action tonight. We decided that you've been hangin' around doing nothing but causing trouble for too long now so you might as well actually do something in there.
CIMA stares at Jarrett.
JEFF JARRETT: You got a problem with that slapnuts?
CIMA smiles and signals to Crazy MAX they leave.
We can clearly see that Test has taken his crowbar to the windows of a white dodge viper. He seems quite happy over it until another white dodge viper pulls up and Real Time jump out. They proceed to beat down the shocked Test but get back in and speed off when the parking attendant runs over.
PARKING GUY: OH MAN! What have you done to Mr. Jarrett's car? Shit! I just know I'm gonna get the blame for this…
---REY REY!---
A big pop for Rey Misterio Jr. as he enters.
---SHINE (Motorhead)---
The NCPW Cruiserweight champion though gets a HUGE pop when he and Kai En Tai 2K3 step out and enter.
What we got here was nine minutes of amazing action. These two guys traded off some nice high flying moves as well as the occasional mat based attacks. A highlight included Rey hitting a springboard hurucanrana to the outside on Chavo, taking out Kai En Tai in the process! The finish was special too. As Rey came off the top for a hurucanrana, Chavo held him up and turned. He pushed Rey off and grabbed his head as he fell, ran up the rope and hit his trademark Tornado DDT for the three!
Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Rey Misterio Jr. with the Tornado DDT in 0:09:05.
Rating: *** ¼
(Chavo Guerrero Jr. retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title)
We are back with the security guards. They are just generally standing around. Just then, Kanyon enters the arena. They move and strand in front of him.
SECURITY GUARD 1: Whoa there! Where do you think you're going?
KANYON: Into the arena. What are you some kind of idiot?
SECURITY GUARD 2: No can do Kanyon! We've got strict orders not to let you in here tonight.
KANYON: That so? And who gave these orders?
SECURITY GUARD 3: Jeff Jarrett.
KANYON: Then I'll take it up with him. Speaking of the great man himself, there he is!
The security guards turn to look behind them, and Kanyon grabs one. He spins him and nails a Flatliner. As another turns Kanyon floors him with a series of quick punches. The third and final security guard turns around, Kanyon kicks him in the midsection and nails a DDT. With the security guards down, Kanyon smiles.
KANYON: Well look at that! No more security guards…idiots!
Kanyon walks on. We cut back to the arena where the next match is already starting.
Dragon Kid is an awesome talent that just isn't finding his footing in the NCPW. Heavy Metal meanwhile is another great talent, but is fairly new. The heat wasn't up too high for this one, but it WAS there. An average Lucha Libre styled match here with both guys going back and forth and trading off some nice looking moves in the air and on the mat. Dragon Kid rolled Heavy Metal up in the La Magistral cradle several times, but only got twos. He just couldn't hit the Dragon Rana. The end saw him go for it, but Heavy Metal side-stepped and rolled him up in his version of the La Magistral, the Casita for the three count and a pop that he had earned.
Heavy Metal pinned Dragon Kid with the Casita in 0:09:00.
Rating: ** ¼
Jarrett is sitting back when the phone rings. He answers it.
JEFF JARRETT: Yeah…what? Slow down…uh…OK slapnuts, you better not have just said what I think you said…that WAS a hint for you to tell me it was all a joke! You let him in? You idiot! I…there's more? OK let's hear it…what…WHAT…MY CAR!
Jarrett slams the phone down and grabs his guitar as he storms out of the office.
---THE WAIT (Killing Joke)---
A big heel pop for Kanyon as he walks down the aisle looking a little agitated. He hasn't been too happy for the last few days. He enters the ring and takes a mic.
KANYON: Well look at that! What have we got here? Oh yeah, that's right! An arena full of morons who think it's cool to cheer for midgets!
The crowd boos.
KANYON: Well let me tell you something, it ain't cool! It just encourages them! You should be cheering on the REAL stars like me! I have worked my ass off in the NCPW since day one, and when I finally broke free from Nova I thought that would be my big chance…was it? NO! Instead I have to stand around in the side-lines until I'm called upon to go out there and get screwed over every night of the week!
A “Kanyon sucks!” chant breaks out.
KANYON: And when I'm on the side-lines wondering why I even bother do you know what I see? I see a bunch of untalented, undeserving, unprofessional idiots who can do nothing but jump up and down over some rope a lot get there own damn show! And while this is happening, the ultimate wrestler that is Kanyon is rotting away.
---UNCLE TOM'S CABIN (Warrant)---
HUGE face pop for the NCPW Cruiser Commissioner Jeff Jarrett. He holds his guitar up and takes a mic before walking to the ring, looking incredibly pissed off.
JEFF JARRETT: OK slapnuts, you've got one chance so you better listen hard and well right here. MY car has been smashed up, heavyweights keep invading MY show, and YOU are REALLY beginning to annoy me. If you don't vacate this ring in the next five seconds, I'm gonna have to take you out and charge you with assault on my security guards, and trespassing. So whatcha gonna do?
The crowd cheers loudly.
KANYON: What am I gonna do? Hmm…well I think I'm gonna stand here until I get a fair shot in this damn fed.
Jeff Jarrett gets in Kanyon's face. The crowd cheers the intense confrontation. Out of nowhere, Kanyon grabs Jarrett and hits a Flatliner!
---KAZE (Kouji Wada)---
It's Juvy! Juventud Guerrera runs down the aisle to an average pop. This man hasn't won many matches in the last two years. He checks on Jarrett and then stands up as security pulls Jarrett out of the ring. He looks ready to fight! Here comes a referee!
KANYON: Oh yeah? So you want to fight? You are not better than Kanyon Juvy. You want an ass kicking? You just got one!
Kanyon spent the early minutes throwing Juvy around like he was nothing as the crowd boo. Then, Jarrett on the outside tripped him and Juvy started a comeback! A leg drop was quickly followed up by an arm drag, then a Mexican arm drag, and then a Japanese arm drag! Kanyon was reeling while the referee ignored Jarrett's interference. Kanyon quickly got back into things, but every time he started to pick up steam, Jarrett would turn the tables. Eventually, Kanyon got pissed off and waited till Jarrett had his back turned and then jumped off the top onto him and then hit another Flatliner! Juvy was on his own! Kanyon inevitably hit the Flatliner, but pulled Juvy up on two! He beat Juvy down a little and then set up a powerbomb…FACE SLAM FROM JUVY! Kanyon gets up…JUVY DRIVER! ONE…TWO…THRNO! Kanyon kicks out! Kanyon gets back into things and beats Juvy down again. As he went for a Flatliner though, Juvy kneed him low! JUVY DRIVER! ONE…TWO…THREE! Juvy just won!
Juventud Guerrera pinned Kanyon with the Juvy Driver in 0:08:43.
Rating: *** ¾
The cheers and a loud “JUVY! JUVY!” chant has broken out while Kanyon recovers in the corner. As he gets up and moves towards Juvy again, Jeff Jarrett rolls back into the ring and raises his guitar ready to hit Kanyon. Kanyon wisely backs down holding his head. Outside the ring he grabs a mic.
KANYON: You know what? Screw this! You guys just let yourself in for Hell! As of now, Kanyon is declaring WAR on Jeff Jarrett and his little cruiserweights!
The crowd boos while Kanyon leaves. Juvy then leaves while Jarrett stands in the ring.
---SECOND COMING (Triceratops)---
The Japanese rock tune hits and Crazy MAX wonder out onto the aisle looking cocky as ever as they pose for the crowd. They strut down the aisle as the crowd goes into a boo frenzy. The music cuts and they stand waiting for Jarrett to announce their opponents.
JEFF JARRETT: OK, you guys are incredibly unlucky, because I am REALLY pissed off now. Kanyon, you're in for more of a fight than you realise. As for you guys, your opponents will now make there way to the ring.
---PRECIOUS JERUSALEM (Blind Guardian)---
The music hits and out walks Magnum TOKYO. He poses as the crowd cheers mildly, and is then joined by Masaaki Mochizuki. These two are then joined by…DARKNESS DRAGON! The three Toryumon stars pose for a moment and then step aside as we await the final member of the party…MARTY JANNETTY? He seems a little out of place with these guys, but the crowd likes it! The walk down to the ring and stand opposite Crazy MAX, who look totally unworried by the opponents. In fact, they look confident.
JEFF JARRETT: Now then, these are your foes for tonight, but there's more! A little stipulation I neglected to mention earlier. This is a lumberjack match!
The crowd cheers, but Crazy MAX are still looking unworried. CIMA even gives an exaggerated yawn as he rests up against the post.
JEFF JARRETT: Let me introduce your four lumberjacks for tonight…
---THE FLIGHT OF ICARUS (Iron Maiden)---
KAI EN TAI 2K3! The crowd goes wild for Chavo, TAKA, Funaki, and Koji! Crazy MAX are taking notice now and are busy shouting at Jeff Jarrett as Kai En Tai surround the ring.
The heat was way up for this one. Crazy MAX started off well by using their usual innovative double, triple, and quadruple team moves. Unfortunately for them, they got too cocky and while posing over Magnum TOKYO, CIMA got caught by a Marty Jannetty top rope dropkick! CIMA rolled to the outside and immediately had to try to run from TAKA, only to get hit by the other Lumberjacks. He quickly got back in the ring and tagged. Some back and forth stuff from SUWA and Jannetty led to SUWA going over the top from a Darkness Dragon leg lariat! SUWA suffered the same fate as CIMA before making a tag. BIG FUJI then started to trade moves with Masaaki Mochizuki, but like his partners before him was knocked to the outside and was soon running back into the ring to tag TARU. TARU ended up on the outside and tried begging off but was set upon by the lumberjacks until the rest of Crazy MAX came to his aid. Crazy MAX eventually knocked Marty Jannetty to the outside but the lumberjacks did nothing! The referee told them they had to so Chavo gave a weak stomp and backed off! The lumberjacks didn't do much when the faces went to the outside, but even that couldn't stop Crazy MAX coming through in the end. While FUJI, SUWA, TARU, Kai En Tai 2K3, Magnum TOKYO, Masaaki, and Marty were all fighting on the outside due to a misunderstanding between the lumberjacks and faces, CIMA hit a low blow on Darkness Dragon and then hit the Rising Venus followed by an Iconoclasm. He then followed up with a Mad Splash for the three.
LUMBERJACK MATCH (Lumberjacks are Kai En Tai 2K3)
Crazy MAX (CIMA, BIG FUJI, SUWA and TARU) defeated
Darkness Dragon, Masaaki Mochizuki, Magnum TOKYO and Marty Jannetty when CIMA pinned Darkness Dragon with the Mad Splash in 0:15:22.
Rating: ** ½
The crowd boos loudly as Crazy MAX re-enter the ring and pose. Kai En Tai and the faces stop fighting long enough for TAKA to start shouting at CIMA, who just mimics him. The show goes off air with Crazy MAX posing with the fallen Darkness Dragon.