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![]() ![]() ![]() December 2002 TV
Card Information
Date/Time: December Week 1 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 16
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 5.1%
Approximently Viewers: 15300000
The Eliminators defeated The Jackyl Pack when Kronus pinned E. Guerrero after
Total Elimination in 0:12:06.
Rating: *** 1/4
---The Total Elimination gets the win. Can they hit on The Innovators, or will The Innovators have a counter?
"IWA CACTUS JACK THEME" hits and the crowd goes into a frenzy as Commissioner Foley enters.
FOLEY: Tonight, I will not be going for the cheap pops, for tonight, has a special meaning. I would like to introduce to you someone who...well, he's kinda responsible for the NCPW. Ladies and Gantlemen, may I introduce to you, the owner of the NCPW...Mr. Matthew J. Doyle!
"INSIDE" by Stiltskin blares over the pa and the owner enters to a loud, yet mixed reaction.
DOYLE: Thankyou Mick. Tonight, is a night that has a meaning for all those long time fans of the NCPW. Tonight, we are only four weeks away from the begining of the NCPW's third year! That's right people, our second year in business is nearly over! So, I'd like to talk about a few things. First of all...Vincent K. McMahon owns the WWF and the WCW, well...the NCPW was took all that was left from those unhappy in the big one and a half, and we put together the NCPW. In short Vince, we kicked your ass! How does it feel Vince, to know your corporate butt was kicked by a damn 20 year old kid? Vince, this is the N...C...P...W! NEW Championship Pro Wrestling! We are the new boys in town, and the new leaders in sports entertainment! Well, from here on I will be taking a more active role in proceedings. First things first, Later tonight, I would like to talk to certain superstars. Thankyou all for making this company great, and enjoy the show.
We return with a match in progress
Jody Fleisch pinned Sick Boy with the Phoenix 720 DDT in 0:12:08.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Jody Fleisch won the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
---Disappointing match. At the end, Taz ran in and hit Sick Boy with the FTW Title belt. Sick Boy spun and BAM! Phoenix is the new champion.
In the back...
HEENAN: Boys, Girls and Humanoids, I am here tonight with two special guests, The Innovators! So guys, lets talk about the top contenders to your titles, The Eliminators.
KANYON: You know Bobby, The Eliminators are gonna face us at the KRISTMAS KAOS PPV. They are one tough team, and they've beaten us before with that Total Elimination.
NOVA: BUT...we being the most innovative guys in wrestling, we have come up with a move that will BLOW THEM AWAY!
HEENAN: And that would be...
NOVA: Later tonight, we will debut the move, and it's name is...
Taz made Rhino submit to the Tazmission in 0:07:37.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Taz retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
---Taz gets a strong win.
In the NCPW' owners office...
There is a knock at the door
DOYLE: Come in.
Robbie Brookside steps in.
DOYLE: Ah, welcome Robbie. Sit down.
ROBBIE: You wanted to see me?
DOYLE: Yes. You granted Al Snow a match at the upcoming PPV Robbie, didn't you?
ROBBIE: Yeah, I did.
DOYLE: Well, it aint gonna happen. You see, I believe it is bad business to present two PPVs only one month apart with the exact same main event.
ROBBIE: I can see your point, so what will be the main event?
DOYLE: That is undecided, but I will make an announcement by the end of Thursday Fireball.
ROBBIE: Right...
DOYLE: You may leave.
Robbie leaves.
The Commissioner enters.
DOYLE: Go get Al Snow for me will ya.
The Innovators defeated Team Alfonso when Kanyon pinned Van Dam after
Total Innovation in 0:15:09.
Rating: *** 1/2
(The Innovators retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
---Innovators hit Total Innovation: Kanyon hits a back brain kick at the same time as Nova hitting a spinning heel kick to the face!
In the parking lot, Taz is walking towards his car. He turns to confront someone who is following him.
SICK: TAZ! You cost me my Cruiserweight title.
TAZ: So? I told you that you and your stinkin belt mean nothing to me brutha.
SICK: Well, you just earnt yourself a war!
TAZ: Oh yeah? And hows that?
SICK: Kristmas Kaos, you and me one-on-one for that piece of crap you cal an FTW championship.
TAZ: HAHAHHA! I admire your spirit. You got yourself a match brutha. But be prepared to be choke...
Sick Boy attacks Taz with fists and feet! However, Taz grabs Sick Boys leg when he goes for a kick to the head, and hits a brutal Tazplex onto his car! Sick Boy rolls off and crawls to the next car to get himself up. Taz drives away while Sick Boy limps back to the arena.
Ken Shamrock made Balls Mahoney submit to the Ankle Lock Submission in 0:06:00.
Rating: ** 1/2
---Easy win. Balls used his chair and Ken snapped.
In the head offices...
Foley enters and Al is with him.
SNOW: Yeah?
DOYLE: Sit down Al.
SNOW: Soo...what can I do for ye young feller me lad?
DOYLE: Stop talking like that for starters.
SNOW: Kids these days. No sense of humour.
DOYLE: Tell me...who are you fighting at Kristmas Kaos?
SNOW: Brookside for the title.
DOYLE: Wrong.
SNOW: What?
DOYLE: I cancelled the match. You'll be involved in something else.
SNOW: Wha...
DOYLE: You're not in a title match Al, deal with it!
SNOW: You son of a bitch...
DOYLE: Now Al...
SNOW: (high pitched, desperate) I want my title shot!
SNOW: How?
DOYLE: Do something at the PPV to earn it!
SNOW: I...
Al leaves mumbling to himself.
Mikey Whipwreck pinned Tiger Mask IV with the Whippersnapper in 0:10:28.
Rating: *** 1/2
---Mikey FINALLY beat Tiger.
Post match, Mikey is over joyed.
Mikey runs up the ramp celebrating.
Al Snow pinned Doug Williams with the Snow Plow in 0:12:15.
Rating: *** 1/2
---Decent match.
Post match, Snow grabs a mic.
SNOW: OK, OK...I know how I can get my title shot back! At Kristmas Kaos, I am making a challenge. Me and my partner Unabomb will take on "Wildcat" Robbie Brookside and a partner to be chosen by NCPW Owner Matt Doyle. If WE win...and we will...then I get my title shot at New Years Revolution, and Unabomb fights Robbie' partner there in a top contenders match. If we lose, and that's a big IF, then Robbie can fight his partner! You can't get fairer than that!
Robbie Brookside pinned Diamond Dallas Page with the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in
Rating: ** 3/4
(Robbie Brookside retained the NCPW World Title.)
---Robbie retains.
Post match, Robbie celebrates and shakes hands with DDP. When DDP has left up the ramp...
"INSIDE" hits and the owner of the NCPW walks out.
DOYLE: Congratulations Robbie.Tell me...how many of you in the crowd like Al Snow' idea? If you like Al' idea, then let it be known!
The crowd cheers madly
DOYLE: In that case...Robbie...you got yourself a match at the PPV.
ROBBIE: What about a partner?
DOYLE: I choose your partner. Well, I'll let you know my decision by the end of Fireball on Thursday.
The show fades out with NCPW Owner Matt Doyle shaking Robbie Brookside' hand.
This week, there are developments on the partner for Robbie Brookside.
Card Information
Date/Time: December Week 1 at 09:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 19
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 4.4%
Approximently Viewers: 13200000
Ken Shamrock made Bam Bam Bigelow submit to the Ankle Lock Submission in
Rating: ** 1/4
---Shamrock beats the big man. His new streak continues.
"COME OUT AND PLAY" by The Offspring hits and Raven walks out to boos and jeers.
RAVEN: The Raven has been here from the start. I had no respect from any of you at the start and I have none now. That's the way I like it. I have always fought alone until the right partner comes along. Sabu was not that man. Now, Sabu has taken his expulsion from my Flock as personal. Sabu, if you want to make this personal then let it be so. The Raven ahs no objections to taking NCPW to the Extreme. Take heed Sabu...I have something in the works that will change the face of this company forever. Don't try to stop it. Quoth The Raven...Nevermore.
Raven leaves to more boos. He seemingly enjoys them.
Taz and Mikey Whipwreck defeated Diamond Dallas Page and Sick Boy when Taz
pinned Sick Boy after a Tazzmission Plex in 0:12:50.
Rating: * 3/4
---Poor tag match. In the end, Sick Boy grabbed Mikey and DDP grabbed a chair. As he swung, Mikey moved and Sick Boy got clobbered. Whippersnapper to DDP, and Tazplex to Sick Boy for the pin.
Post match, DDP helps Sick Boy up and apologises for what just happened. Sick Boy seems OK with him as they leave together.
Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko defeated J-Thunder when D. Malenko made Michinoku
submit to the Texas Cloverleaf in 0:10:32.
Rating: **** 1/4
---Amazing match. In the end, Koji Kanemoto came down and distracted the referee and Shoichi Funaki. With them out of the way, Shinjiro Ohtani ran in through the crowd and levelled TAKA with a Dragon Suplex. Benoit snaps on his finisher for the easy win.
In the back, Ken Shamrock has found himself a camera man.
SHAMROCK: The World's Most Dangerous Man is here in the NCPW, and it's time for him to take things up a level. At Kristmas Kaos, I am offering an open challenge to anyone who will face me in a submission match. If anyone accepts that challenge tonight, then I will tell them how they can prove themselves worthy of the match on Mayhem.
Jody Fleisch pinned Spike Dudley with the Phoenix 720 DDT in 0:16:32.
Rating: ** 1/4
(Jody Fleisch retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
---Jody has disappointed so far, but he’ll get better with the right opponent.
In the main offices, NCPW Owner Matt Doyle is alone...
DOYLE: Damnit Mick...just take your time. I need to now if he'll return by the end of tonight, not the end of next week...
A knock at the door.
DOYLE: Yeah? Enter.
Al Snow and Unabomb enter the room.
DOYLE: What is it now Al?
SNOW: I want to know who you've got as Robbie' partner.
DOYLE: Al, you'll know by the end of tonight.
SNOW: Yeah? Then there's no problems with telling me now, is there.
DOYLE: Al, until he confirms he'll be the other man, I can't tell you who he is.
SNOW: You're not leaving me much choice here...
The NCPW Owner steps out from behind his desk and is standing toe-to-toe with Al.
DOYLE: Al, that better not be a threat. If that's a threat not only will you lose your PPV main event, but your job too.
SNOW: Hey, it's not a threat...It's a warning!
DOYLE: Al, you can take your warning and stick it up Unabomb' ass for all I care.
SNOW: Fine. If that's how you want it, then...
Unabomb grabs the NCPW Owner and chokeslams him. He then hits the Unabomb onto the desk. He and Al leave.
When we return, the paramedics are putting Matt Doyle into an ambulance. Mick Foley is looking on with a distressed look on his face.
Sabu defeated Rhino by disqualification in 0:13:45.
Rating: *
---Sabu and Rhino trade advantages until Raven runs in from the crowd and Evenflows Sabu for him to pick up the DQ win.
InterviewIn the back, The Eliminators are just leaving the building. Heyman catches up with them.
HEYMAN: PERRY! JOHN! A few words...
PERRY: What Paul?
HEYMAN: I'm sure all the NCPW fans want to know, what's your take on The Innovators' new finisher?
KRONUS: Total Innovation? HAHAHAHA!
PERRY: If they're Innovators how come they gotta rip off Total Elimination?
HEYMAN: Well...
The Eliminators leave before Paul can finish.
Tiger Mask IV pinned Doug Williams with the Tiger Suplex Hold in 0:10:40.
Rating: ** 3/4
---Tiger Mask goes over, nuff said.
Post match, Tiger Mask IV grabs a mic.
TIGER: You want fight Shamrock? I give you fight!
Tiger Mask then puts an arm bar on Doug Williams. Officials pull him off.
TIGER: I fight you Shamrock!
The officials drag him out.
Jonny Storm defeated Balls Mahoney by disqualification in 0:13:28.
Rating: ** 1/2
---Jonny hits the split legged moonsault, then Zero-G run in.
Post match, Jonny uses martial arts kicks to fight Zero-G off. As they retreat up the aisle, Jonny grabs a mic.
JONNY: HEY! I'm getting sick and tired of this! This has got to end!
KASH: This will never be over Jonny! NEVER!
JONNY: That's bull and you know it!
DEVON: And how are you gonna finish it, huh?
JONNY: At Kristmas Kaos, we WILL finish it! You two vs. Me! Handicap, two-on-one! How's that?
KASH: Hmmm...sounds fun.
DEVON: You got it!
The crowd cheer.
Robbie Brookside pinned Unabomb after a tornado DDT in 0:15:11.
Rating: ** 1/4
(Robbie Brookside retained the NCPW World Title.)
---Robbie counters the Unabomb with a Tornado DDT for the pin.
Post match, Robbie sends Unabomb flying with a superkick.
Al Snow enters t boos, and he and Robbie start to brawl.
Foley runs in! he seperates both guys. When Al tries to get to Robbie, Foley hits a stiff right to send him out of the ring.
FOLEY: Tonight, the owner of the NCPW sent me to meet the prospective partner for Robbie Brookside. Well Al, you may have taken out Mr. Doyle for now, but his choice of partner said YES to a return to action!
ROBBIE: So who is he?
Foley whispers into Robbie' ear, and Robbie smiles.
FOLEY: As for the rest of you, you have to wait. After being on the phone to our boss, he has cleared this man to have his return match in the main event of Monday Mayhem! And regarding the match at Kristmas Kaos, he has another announcement to make too.
SNOW: This is really not a good day...Foley, you bring your new partner and me and Unabomb here will make sure he gets the beating of his life!
The show fades out on that note...
So just who is this mystery partner? Only I know! But you’ll all know who is returning by the end of the next show. HINT: The people who could RETURN to action in the NCPW are: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Booker T, Great Muta/Keiji Mutoh, Glacier, Christopher Daniels.
Do any of you REALLY think it’ll be Glacier or Austin?
This week, the partner is revealed, as is the other surprise.
Card Information
Date/Time: December Week 2 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 17
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 4%
Approximently Viewers: 12000000
Raven pinned Rhino with the Evenflow DDT in 0:09:41.
Rating: * 1/2
---Raven gets beat down early when Sabu runs in, but Sabu is ejected from the arena and Raven takes over. Drop toehold onto the garbage can, whip into corner followed by the clothesline/bulldog spot and finally Evenflow for the three!
Outside in the parking lot, a car pulls up. Out steps Commissioner Foley, followed by...NCPW Owner Matt Doyle!
Doyle has spotted the camera and is walking towards it.
DOYLE: What are you doing? Huh?
In the background, we see Foley and another man run towards the building. The other man has a towel over his head.
DOYLE: Nothing huh? Well, i'll be going.
The owner enters the building as the crowd cheers.
Inside, he bumps into...The Dynamic Duo!
DOYLE: Great.
SNOW: OK Mr. Big Shot, what're you planning?
DOYLE: Wouldn't you like to know Al...
Unabomb picks him up by the throat.
DOYLE: Hey Al! Like your job? Maybe yo'd like to go back to jobbing for the remainder of your contract?
SNOW: Put him down Unabomb...
Unabomb obeys.
DOYLE: Beside Al, I've got a surprise tonight that you REALLY wouldn't want to miss!
The owner walks off...
Jody Fleisch pinned Doug Williams with the Phoenix 720 DDT in 0:10:07.
Rating: **
(Jody Fleisch retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
---The Brits put on a match for the Cruiser belt. Jody hits his finisher for the win.
Post match, Jody walks up the aisle with his belt. As he gets to the curtain...BAM! A chair to the head! We see nothing but the chair, who the hell did that?
The Innovators defeated The Jackyl Pack when Nova pinned E. Guerrero after
Total Innovation in 0:14:09.
Rating: ** 3/4
(The Innovators retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
---Strong defence for the champs! Post match, they stay for commentary.
The Eliminators defeated Team Alfonso when Kronus pinned Lynn after
Total Elimination in 0:13:42.
Rating: ** 1/4
---Eliminators win with “That Total Innovation Rip Off!” (Quote The Kanyon).
Post match, The Innovators enter the ring.
CROWD: Nobody!
NOVA: I think you boys need a preview of KK 2002!
A brawl erupts! After a few short seconds, a Flatliner takes out Kronus! That leaves Saturn prime for the Total Innovation! As the tag champs go for it though, Saturn hits the mat! The Innovators just took each othe out! Kronus is up and...Total Elimination on Kanyon! Total Elimination on Nova! The Elimiantors leave with one up on the champs!
Ken Shamrock made Essa Rios submit to the Ankle Lock Submission in 0:07:23.
Rating: *** 3/4
---Shamrock continues to dominate the jobbers.
SHAMROCK: So Tiger Mask...ytou think you're up to the challenge of facing me in a submission match? Then all you have to do is prove it! Tonight you face Masato Yakushiji, and IF you can beat him in under 15 minutes with a submission hold then I'll grant your match!
Balls Mahoney pinned Chris Jericho with the Nutcracker Suite in 0:14:15.
Rating: ** 1/4
---Just here to get both guys on TV. I have plans for both.
In the back...
JODY: Oh man...
DOUG: You OK now?
JODY: Shit man, what hit me?
DOUG: Chair.
JODY: Very funny. WHO hit me?
DOUG: Be fucked if I know! I wa still down when it happened.
JODY: Well, i'm gonna find out!
Tiger Mask IV made Masato Yakushiji submit to
armbar submission into a anklelock submssion in 0:05:16.
Rating: *** 1/4
---TMIV SMASHES the 15-minute rule set by Shamrock. Here’s how it went: Masato hits his awesome array of arm-drags, then TMIV takes over with a back flip kick in the corner. Loads of brutal kicks that would put Tajiri to shame and he locks on some arm bars. He’s only toying with him though. Eventually, Yakushiji taps.
In the back, Benoit and Malenko are walking.
MALENKO: So who we got on Thursday?
BENOIT: Us and The Innovators vs. Eliminators and some mystery team.
MALENKO: Who do you think it'll be?
Benoit shrugs his shoulders.
????????: Hey guys! There don't need to be any mystery!
?????: W'ere the mystery team!
Benoit and Malenko turn, and...THE IMPACT PLAYERS!
Credible nails Benoit with the That's Incredible while Storm hits the superkick on Malenko!
CREDIBLE: And that's not just the coolest! That's not just the best!
STORM: That's from Calgary...Alberta Canada!
CREDIBLE: And that's Just Incredible!
We go to the arena...
Sabu defeated Heavy Metal by disqualification in 0:09:22.
Rating: * ½
---Sabu beats a jobber by DQ when Raven runs in and Evenflows him.
"INSIDE" by Stiltskin hits and the NCPW Owner Matt Doyle enters to loud ovation!
DOYLE: HELLO MEXICO CITY! (The crowd pops) Tonight, I promised not only a surprise partner to be revealed, but another surprise for Al Snow and The Demon Of Destruction too! Well, lets see...what shall I say first, here in Mexico City! (Crowd pops again). OK, First of all, at Kristmas Kaos, the third year of NCPW begins, and so will a new era! Why? Well, not only will Robbie and his partner be accompanied ny me, but...I have hired a special guest referee that will make damn sure that things go well! Not only that, but along with him, I will turn the NCPW in the best it can be! So, without further adue, the moment you've all been waiting for! The mystery partner is...
"BOOKER T THEME" hits and the crowd cheers madly.
DOYLE: No no no no no! Shut off that music, it aint Booker T!
"STEVE AUSTIN THEME" The crwd starts to chant Austin...
DOYLE: Shut that off too. It aint no rattle snake!
"FALLEN ANGEL" Chris Daniels' theme hit and he...doesn't enter...
DOYLE: The Fallen Angel aint the partner either.
The snow falls and..."GLACIER THEME"!
DOYLE: Could it be Glacier?
The music stops.
DOYLE: Guess not! OK, he said he'd return to the NCPW, but thanks to me, he's back sooner than thought! HERE HE IS! KEIJI MUTOH!
"FLIGHT OF ICARUS" by Iron Maiden hits and Keiji returns to action to a booming response from the Mexicans!
Keiji Mutoh pinned Bam Bam Bigelow with the Moonsault in 0:07:55.
Rating: ** ½
---Keiji returns with an impressive win over Bam Bam in quick time.
This week, Jody finds out who hit him!
Card Information
Date/Time: December Week 2 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 17
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 2.6%
Approximently Viewers: 7800000
The crowd boos as Al Snow and Unabomb enter the ring. Something is different though...they're wearing suits...well, Al is wearing a suit. Unabomb kind of has a suit that's WAY too small on him.
SNOW: Hello to all my Al-Coholics!
Unabomb makes some noises
SNOW: No, you don't have fans. As you can tell, we came out here tonight dressed all smart for you. Well, we decided that this shit hole needs SOME class.
crowd boos.
SNOW: To keep you all amused while we wait for the first match to begn, me and my Demon Of Destruction have arranged some video entertainment for you, so here it is: "The Dynamic Duo Go Shopping".
(the big screen lights up and we see a video of Al and Unabomb walking towards a large house...
SNOW: As you can tell, this is no ordinary shop! This place is full of REAL class, and is more commonly known as...NCPW Owner Matt Doyle' House! He's not in right now, so we'll have to leave without paying.
the Dynamic Duo enter the house and walk up the stairs.
SNOW: Plenty of steps here. Must really keep you fit Mr. Doyle.
they get to the top and walk into a room. there is a bed neatly made, and Al notices it.
SNOW: Ah, a bed. A nice double bed.
Unabomb walks towards it...
SNOW: WHOA THERE! Wait! You don't want to lie on that thing buddy! That's where he beds his boyfriends!
Unabom makes some noises.
Al walks over to a closet and opens it to reveal some suits. He takes them out and lays them on the bed.
SNOW: Now...I don't think any of these are in your size, but i'm sure you can squeeze in. You got the bag?
Unabomb shrugs to say no.
SNOW: Then how are we gonna...
Unabomb reaches down under the ned and pulls out a large bag.
SNOW: Ah, we'll steal his suits using his own bag! BRILLIANT!
they pack the bag and walk back down the stairs. Unabomb bumps his head looking at the camera and nearly falls on Al.
SNOW: Look where you're going! Who knows whats lurking down here.
they leave the house and the big scren fades off.)
SNOW: OK, so as you can see, we shopped in the highest class of shops and they loved us so much we didn't even have to pay for this stuff! HAHAHAHA!
Al and Unabomb look worried as the lights circle the crowd to look for Robbie Brookside. They catch him as he gets towards the guard rail. He enters the ring.
Keiji Mutoh enters the more conventional way, and the four men are in the ring shouting at each other.
Commissioner Foley enters and the crowd goes wild. He steps in the middle of the two teams.
FOLEY: OK guys, this...
ROBBIE: I've been waiting for a reason to get these idiots Mick, so don't try to stop me now!
FOLEY: Now Robbie, calm down. This will be sorted out, alright?
ROBBIE: Mick, I want to kick their asses. If you don't get out of the way, i'm gonna have to kick yours too!
Robbie looks pissed off. The Dynamic Duo are laughing in the corner of the ring.
FOLEY: Shut up! You two are in deep trouble! What you've done is very stupid!
SNOW: How Mick? We've got new suits! HAHAHA!
FOLEY: Well, what you did was illegal. Then you were stupid enough to video it and show it on national TV!
SNOW: Well...shit.
FOLEY: Don't worry Al, I wont turn you in, but you will be punished!
ROBBIE: Let me face him!
FOLEY: NO! You have no need to defend your title against Al yet! Unabomb will face Rhino tonight. As for you Al, you can face...
FOLEY: SHUT UP! THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR THIS! You Al will face Keiji Mutoh!
Robbie looks at Mick then gives him the finger and leaves. Foley and Mutoh go after him, but he shoves them away.
Al and Unabomb wait till the coast is clear then leave too.
Tiger Mask IV, Taz and Mikey Whipwreck defeated
Sick Boy, Ken Shamrock and Diamond Dallas Page when Whipwreck pinned Sick Boy
with the Whippersnapper in 0:17:22.
Rating: ***
---Good opener for the show. Sick Boy walks straight into a Whippersnapper.
Post match, Sick Boy looks pissed off and kicks the ropes. DDP and Shamrock console him.
In the back...
Jody Fleisch is talking to Rey Jr.
FLEISCH: You're sure of this?
REY: Yeah! I saw him walking off with the chair just after you were hit!
FLEISCH: Well, i'll see if anyone else can confirm this...I wouldn't want to get the wrong guy.
REY: Sure.
FLEISCH: Anyway, good luck with your match tonight.
REY: You don't mean that.
FLEISCH: True. There's no way you'll beat me.
REY: Well see.
Balls Mahoney pinned Doug Williams after a chairshot from the top rope in
Rating: *
---One of these guys is gonna have a change of luck and go to the PPV. Guess which one?
The Eliminators and The Impact Players defeated
The Innovators, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko when Saturn pinned Nova after
Total Elimination in 0:12:06.
Rating: * 3/4
---Poor match. PPV will be better
In the back...
Jody is talking to Balls Mahoney.
FLEISCH: So, you saw him then?
BALLS: Well, I saw him leaving the building with the cahir. I thought it odd...he doesn't usually use chairs.
FLEISCH: Well, thanks man. Now I KNOW who hit me, and he's going down.
BALLS: Sure, anytime.
FLEISCH: I best go, my match is up next.
Jody Fleisch pinned Rey Misterio Jr. with the Phoenix 720 DDT in 0:10:11.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Jody Fleisch retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
---I’m REALLY hoping for Jody to click with his opponent at the PPV
In the parking lot, a car pulls up. NCPW Owner Matt Doyle gets out in street clothes, and looks pissed.
Commissioner Foley is waiting.
FOLEY: Whoa! It's OK, I took things under control.
FOLEY: Unabomb is against Rhino tonight.
DOYLE: And Al? Robbie' got him right?
FOLEY: No. Keiji.
DOYLE: Why Keiji?
FOLEY: I've got a plan. I'll tell you later.
DOYLE: Great. Has our special referee called yet?
DOYLE: Good. There's some stuff I need to clear up with him.
FOLEY: If you tell me, I can...
DOYLE: NO! Look, it's private OK? I've got a plan, and I can't risk ANYONE finding out!
FOLEY: O...K...
The two enter the building.
Chris Jericho pinned Sabu after the Lionsault in 0:10:04.
Rating: ** 3/4
---Raven runs in and Evenflows Sabu. Lionsault follows
Post match, Jericho looks worried and gabs a mic.
JERICHO: OK...to all my Jerichoholics this should be no shock. Jody Fleisch, I know you've got two people who have confirmed I hit you with the chair, so come on! Get out here!
"WILD THING" by Wolfsbane hits and the crowd cheer. Jody enters with a smile on his face.
FLEISCH: Chris...you're dumber than I thought.
JERICHO: What? Why?
FLEISCH: Well, those two who confirmed this stuff...they mentioned no names! They didn't know who hit me, I just payed them to say that. I knew someone would own up if they were in the building.
JERICHO: son of a...OK Jody, you got me. You have my promise that I will never...eeeevvveerr...be that stupid, again.
FLEISCH: Great, so why did you do it? I want to know before I kick your ass.
JERICHO: Well, if you give me a title shot at Kristmas Kaos and promise to leave me alone before the PPV, then I'll tell you.
FLEISCH: Do you really think knowing why means that much to me?
JERICHO: No, but if you don't agree then you'll never know!
FLEISCH: Intriguing. OK, you got a deal.
JERICHO: I got my title shot?
FLEISCH: Yeah, now why did you hit me with a damn chair?
JERICHO: 'Cause I wanted a title shot!
JERICHO: And the rules state that now you've agreed to it, I got my shot! I love it when a plan comes together!
Jericho leaves to boos, and Fleisch is left feeling like an idot.
Raven pinned Spike Dudley with the Evenflow DDT in 0:14:03.
Rating: ** ¼
---Not an easy win, but a win.
Koji and Shinjiro walk to the ring. Mixed reaction, but the majority cheer.
SHINJIRO: J-Thunder...at Kristmas Kaos, we face you. We will beat you.
KOJI: Why don't you come out now, and we preview!
J-Thunder run in without any intro and a brawl erupts! The crowd gets into and Koji and Shinjiro take advantage. Shoichi Funaki is hit with a Dragon Suplex and a Tiger Suplex. TAKA is then floored with a chair and hoisted onto Shinjiro Ohtani' shoulders. Koji Kanemoto mounts the turnbuckle and...MOONSAULT ONTO TAKA ON OHTANI' SHOLDERS!
They leave to a loud reaction and J-Thunder are carried out by paramedics.
Unabomb pinned Rhino with the Unabomb in 0:05:38.
Rating: *
---Unabomb squashes Rhino
In the main offices...
Matt Doyle is on the phone...
DOYLE: Yeah...Yeah...So we've got a deal yes?...uh-huh...you got it! That's great news...Of course...see you at the PPV!
he puts the phone down and Commissioner Foley walks in.
FOLEY: Was that...
DOYLE: yes...well?
FOLEY: Unabomb killed him.
DOYLE: Thought so. Is Keiji ready?
DOYLE: Does he know what he's got to do?
FOLEY: Yeah. Look, i think you need to talk to Robbie. He just doesn't seem to get on with Keiji.
DOYLE: I know. I've already sorted it out. They'll be fine.
FOLEY: OK, the match is ready to start.
DOYLE: Lets go then...
Keiji Mutoh made Al Snow submit to a figure-four leglock in 0:23:31.
Rating: *** 1/2
---Mutoh locked on the figure-four and Unabomb ran in to make the save, but Robbie Brookside cut him off with a chair. Foley and Doyle watched in the back as Al tapped and the hold is kept on.
NCPW Owner Matt Doyle and Commissioner Foley enter. Keiji still has Al in the figure four, and Robbie Brookside is still beating on Unabomb with the chair.
DOYLE: So Al, hows it feel huh? Hows it feel?
DOYLE: Tell me where you've got my clothes and i'll tell Keiji to let go.
DOYLE: Why not?
Robbie enters the ring.
(The Big Screen lights up and we see a title: "The Dynamic Duo: Friend To The Needy"
The Dynamic Duo walk down the streets with their bag full of suits.
SNOW: Sooo...what shall we do with these? They don't fit you, and I don't want all of them?
Unabomb makes some noises and points to a homeless guy.
SNOW: What a good idea my most holy friend.
Snow empties the bag and picks up two suits. He puts them back into the bag, and walks over to the homeless guy with the rest.
SNOW: Here you go my needy friend! Take those clothes which we do not need.
HOMELESS GUY: Why thankyou kind sir! Not to seem ungrateful, but could you by any chance spare some change too?
SNOW: I think I left his wallet in his other jeans...
Unabomb makes some noises and hands Al a pair of jeans
SNOW: Well, aren't you the smart one, you took his jeans too!
Al removes the wallet and hands it to the homeless guy.
HOMELESS GUY: My God! There's almost $2,000 in here!
SNOW: Then take it my unfortunate friend!
the homeless guy takes the money and clothes and walks down the street. As the Dynamic Duo walk off, we see someone in the background punch the homeless guy and steal his wallet and clothes Al just gave him.
The screen fades out.)
Commissioner Foley has a smile on his face. Al (still in the figure four) has a...less than happy facial expression.
DOYLE: So you think that's funny huh? Keiji...don't let go of that hold!
Unabomb enters the ring with a chair and hits Keiji. He chaces the faces off as the show fades out.
![]() Card Information
Date/Time: December Week 3 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 16
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 2.5%
Approximently Viewers: 7500000
In the head offices...
NCPW Owner Matt Doyle is on the phone...
DOYLE: Yeah...Yeah...just checking the cheque cleared and to make sure you know what i'm paying you to do at the PPV...Yeah, OK...bye.
FOLEY: That I take it was...
DOYLE: Yeah.
A knock on the door.
DOYLE: Enter.
The Dynamic Duo enter.
DOYLE: OK, Mick will you call security please...
SNOW: WHAO THERE! We just want to talk.
DOYLE: Hold that thought Mick.
SNOW: All I ask is one thing.
DOYLE: Go on...
SNOW: I want to know who the special referee is at KRISTMAS KAOS.
SNOW: Look...I'm begging you! PLEEEEEAAASE TELL ME!
DOYLE: I'll tell you what. If you beat Ken Shamrock tonight, and the loser of tonights main event on Thursday...then i'll give you a clue as to who the referee is.
SNOW: Who's in the main event?
DOYLE: Unabomb and Doug Williams.
SNOW: OK, I guess i'll have to beat Doug again then...
SNOW: Mick...that doesn't sound good. What's so funny?
DOYLE: Doesn't matter. If you get to the match on Thursday then you have to do the match WITHOUT it being a set up. BUT...if you lose, then the person who beats you gets a world title shot at the PPV.
SNOW: errrr....ok.
DOYLE: Good. Glad to see we understand each other.
The Dynamic Duo leave.
FOLEY: Sooo...who is the guest referee?
DOYLE: Now Mick, that would be telling.
A knock on the door.
FOLEY: Enter.
Ken Shamrock walks in.
SHAMROCK: You wanted to see me?
DOYLE: Yeah. Tonight, you're fighting Al Snow. If you win then you get a world title shot at the PPV.
Shamrock nods and exits.
Rhino pinned Bam Bam Bigelow with the Rhino Gore in 0:16:19.
Rating: *
---Poor match, but doesn’t matter.
In the head offices...
A knock on the door.
DOYLE: Enter.
Robbie Brookside enters.
DOYLE: Hi Robbie whats up?
ROBBIE: It's nothing really, it's just that I heard that you've confirmed the referee for the PPV main event.
DOYLE: Yes I have. Damn good surprise it will be too.
ROBBIE: Great, it's just that I was wondering...
DOYLE: ...yeeees....
ROBBIE: Who is it?
DOYLE: Now Robbie, if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise.
ROBBIE: Look Matt...it's just this not knowing and all...it makes me think you're gonna turn on me at the PPV...
DOYLE: Look Robbie, I'm not Vince McMahon, OK? I'm not that stupid. If I did that, it would do nothing but prove me to be a bigger liar than Vince, and as much as I love to be better than him, that's not exactly top of my list.
A knock on the door.
DOYLE: Yeah?
Keiji Mutoh enters the room.
KEIJI: Hello.
DOYLE: Let me guess, you want to know who the referee is?
KEIJI: Yes...
ROBBIE: HA! If he wont tell me, he sure as hell wont tell you.
KEIJI: What's that supposed to mean?
ROBBIE: Well....
DOYLE: OK, I sense some tension between my team here. Why don't you two sit down a minute...
The Impact Players defeated The Can-Am Express when Credible pinned Furnas with the That's Incredible in 0:15:41.
Rating: ** 3/4
---The Impacts get a decent win here.
Post match...
Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko have run in!
A wild brawl ensues, and security rushes in to break it up, but The Impact Players KO one of the security guards with a chair, and they rush to his aid. Meanwhile, the brawl continues. Total Chaos is sub-dued when The Impacts hit Tombstones on Benoit and Malenko. Security guards storm the ring and hand cuff both guys and drag them off as they shout back to the fallen Malenko and Benoit.
Jody Fleisch and Sabu defeated Raven and Chris Jericho when Sabu pinned Raven with the Triple Jump Moonsault in 0:15:05.
Rating: ** ¾
---Sabu gets one up on Raven and Jody holds an advantage over Jericho.
Post match, Jody and Sabu leave and celebrate up the aisle.
Jericho meanwhile seems pissed off and kicks the ropes. Raven grabs him and they start shoving one another. Eventually, Jericho slaps Raven. Raven retaliates with an Evenflow DDT.
Al Snow pinned Ken Shamrock with the Snow Plow in 0:24:18.
Rating: **** 1/4
---This match really impressed officials. Kinda improves Ken’s chances of main eventing next year.
In the head offices...
DOYLE: Look...I understand that, but you two HAVE to get along. Otherwise YOU Robbie will have to face Al, and YOU Keiji will have tofight Unabomb.
ROBBIE: HEY! I can take both those guys without HIS help.
DOYLE: OK, Keiji, how are you feeling about this.
KEIJI: Going out there alone would be stupid.
DOYLE: Good, you understand what i'm saying. You go and get ready, you know your assignment for tonight.
Keiji Mutoh leaves.
ROBBIE: Well...
DOYLE: You don't know, do you? You go and have your match right now adn when you return, you beter have a damn god excuse...
Robbie storms out.
Robbie Brookside pinned Tiger Mask IV with the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in 0:10:47.
Rating: *** 1/2
(Robbie Brookside retained the NCPW World Title.)
---Robbie and the former TV champion put on a decent enough match.
Post match, Robbie grabs his belt and storms out into the parking lot.
Meanwhile, in the head offices...
DOYLE: Mick, will ya go and talk to Robbie for me?
FOLEY: Don't you think...
Mick leaves and heads towards the parking lot.
Sick Boy pinned Balls Mahoney with the Cure in 0:13:03.
Rating: * 3/4
---Sick Boy is not to blame here. Balls’ work ethic hasn’t been great since his PPV debut last month.
Post match, Sick Boy grabs a mic.
SICK: At Kristmas Kaos, I have some business to finish. Taz...when we meet at the PPV for your FTW Title, win or lose, this is over! This is the last time, OK? Great.
Sick Boy looks annoyed as he stares towards the aisle waiting for Taz.
Meanwhile, Taz has run in from the crowd and takes a table from under the ring. He sets it up in the corner. He then stands arms crossed behind Scott Vick.
SICK: Look...OK Taz, if you've got something to say, then...
Taz hits a brutal Tazplex on Sick Boy through the table! He picks up the mic.
TAZ: After Kristmas Kaos, you'll still be...Just Another Victim!
Taz leaves to boos.
Doug Williams pinned Unabomb with the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:15:08.
Rating: ***
---Doug gets an important win, and he carried Unabomb to a decent match! Basically, Mutoh ran in and misted Unabomb, and Doug hits his finisher for the win. One pin for Doug!
Post match, Doug leaves quickly celebrating his win.
Unabomb is looking pissed off with Keiji mUtoh standing in the ring.
NCPW Owner Matt Doyle enters to a booming ovation and stands with Keiji.
DOYLE: So Al, it seems you've gotta face Unabomb. Oh yeah, and Unabomb...if you beat Al, you get to face Robbie for the world title at the PPV.
Al Snow runs in quickly.
SNOW: WHOA THERE! WAIT JUST ONE MINUTE! UNABOMB...don't listen to them! They're trying to turn you against me, so that we lose at the PPV.
DOYLE: Tell me Al, did you figure that out yourself, or did Albert Einstein here help you?
That did it...Unabomb grabs Doyle in a choke lift, and Al floors Keiji with a superkick.
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE AND MICK FOLEY RUN IN WITH CHAIRS! They take out Al and work on Unabomb. He puts the NCPW Owner down, and turns...FULL ON FACE SHOT WITH THE CHAIR! Unabomb is dazed, but isn't down! ANOTHER! He's stumbling! ONE MORE! Down to one knee! Robbie dances around then hits a dropkick to Unabomb's face! Unabomb rolls out of the ring and drags Al up the aisle!
The show closes with Commissioner Foley, Matt Doyle, Keiji Mutoh and Robbie Brookside celebrating together. Robbie and Keiji shake hands.
![]() Card Information
Held in: UTC ARENA
Date/Time: December Week 3 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 17
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 8251
Ticket Buy Rate: 82.51%
TV ratings: 5.2%
Approximently Viewers: 15600000
Raven pinned Chris Jericho with the Evenflow DDT in 0:12:10.
Rating: *** ¼
---Hard fought match. In the end, Raven blocked a Lionsault and hit his finisher for the pin.
In the head offices...
DOYLE: Yeah, well it's good to see them getting along now. They need to be a team at the PPV.
FOLEY: Yeah...
A knock at the door
DOYLE: Enter.
Al Snow walks in.
SNOW: I'd like to make a complaint.
DOYLE: About...
SNOW: Unfair treatment. Since you appeared on TV you've done nothing but abuse your power over me.
DOYLE: How Al?
SNOW: Take tonight. I'm facing my own partner in a match to decide if he's the top contender to the world title!
SNOW: It's not fair! And if you don't get your act together and prove yourself to be a fair man then i'll have to take matters into my own hands!
DOYLE: And what exactly are you gonna do Al? Huh? What?
SNOW: Well I...
DOYLE: Nothing Al! Nothing! Now get out of my offices and stop wasting my time!
SNOW: Don't think this is over! I WILL take this to the limit "sir".
DOYLE: Al, if you don't leave right now, then i'll call security!
Al Snow walks to leave
SNOW: This isn't over.
Shinjiro Ohtani and Koji Kanemoto defeated E & C when Kanemoto pinned Christian with the Tiger Suplex in 0:10:44.
Rating: *** ¼
Good win for the Japanese team.
In the head offices...
A knock on the door
DOYLE: Enter.
Sick Boy comes into the room
DOYLE: Oh, hi Scott. What can I do for ye?
SICK: I want to request a managers liscense for tonight.
DOYLE: Sure...mind if I ask why?
SICK: It's just that I owe a lot to DDP, and I wouldn't want to see him get screwed out of the title by Mikey Whipwreck tonight.
DOYLE: OK. Skip the paperwork, you have my personal permission to be DDP's manager tonight.
SICK: Thanks man.
DOYLE: No problem.
Sick Boy leaves.
Doug Williams pinned Mike Sanders with the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:07:18.
Rating: * 3/4
---Another win for Doug. The Anarchist is on a role!
In a locker room, we see Robbie Brookside and Keiji Mutoh laughing.
ROBBIE: Oh boy...
KEIJI: That was a good one...
We hear a knock at the door.
KEIJI: Who's there?
?????: (muffled) Open up and see.
ROBBIE: It's open.
AL SNOW BUSTS IN! Al Snow has a chair and takes out Keiji as he goes to attack Al. Al then advances on Robbie and tries to hit him with the chair. Robbie blocks the chair shot and takes the chair from Al.
SNOW: Shit. This isn't over!
Snow runs out of the room and Robbie goes to check on Keiji.
Ken Shamrock defeated Diamond Dallas Page by disqualification in 0:13:05.
Rating: 3/4*
(Diamond Dallas Page retained the NCPW TV Title.)
---Poor match here too. Mikey was in the crowd and jumped the rails and Whippersnappered Sick Boy. He then hit the ring and did the same to Ken Shamrock.
Post match, Mikey falls over laughing at Whippersnappering Shamrock. Sick Boy slowly climbs back into the ring and sneaks up on Mikey. BAM! CURE! Mikey is down for the count and DDP and Sick Boy celebrate.
Taz made Rhino submit to the Tazmission in 0:10:21.
Rating: ** 1/4
(Taz retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
---Easy win for Taz really.
J-Thunder defeated Balls Mahoney and Jonny Storm when Michinoku pinned J. Storm with the Michinoku Driver in 0:13:43.
Rating: *** ½
---With Bam Bam not in the arena, Balls was the stand in. The Japanese team go over despite Koji and Shinjiro interfering.
Post match, Balls Mahoney is taken down with a spiked Michinoku Driver.
Meanwhile in the back...
JERICHO: Welcome to Thursday Jericho! As all my Jerichoholics know, at Kristmas Kaos Lionheart will be taking on Jody Fleisch for the NCPW Cruiserweight title. Well, it is time for your paragon of vuirtue to step up and take that belt and restore its' greatness of old! YES! The ayatollah of rock 'n' rollah is gonna take back the title that he made great! ANd then the NCPW Cruiserweight division will never...EEEEVVVVEEERRRR....be the same...again!
We cut back to the arena and Balls is up and has a mic.
BALLS: I...I want to prove myself as a true FTW Wrestler RIGHT NOW! If anyone back there has the guts, then come out here for a FTW match with me right now!
Mike Awesome pinned Balls Mahoney with the Awesome Bomb in 0:13:44.
Rating: ***
---Awesome returns but Balls holds his own in his most impressive match to date.
In the back...
HEYMAN: Ladies and Gentlemen, here right now is a special guest. "The Anarchist" Doug Williams.
DOUG: Paul...SHUT UP! Tonight I say one thing...the NCPW is being put to shame with Taz and Sick Boy as the two top FTW wrestlers. Well, The Anarchist is gonna bring a little Anarchy From The UK to the division. What I want is for ANY one person to accept my challenge to a top FTW contenders match at the PPV. So...WHO will fall victim to my Chaos Theory? Who?
HEYMAN: I don;t think you should be making an open challenge.
DOUG: Oh yeah? And Why?
RHINO: BECAUSE OF ME! You and me Anarchist. One on one at the PPV. The winner faces the FTW champion!
A stare down commences.
Al Snow pinned Unabomb after a springboard legdrop in 0:19:30.
Rating: ** 1/2
---Al and Unabomb don’t hold back.
Post match, Al helps Unabomb up and shakes his hand before grabbing a mic.
SNOW: You see? It isn't so easy! You cannpt turn us on each other, and now you will have to deal with BOTH of us at the PPV! I told you this wasn't over, and I meant it! I am going to tear you apart Robbie Brooksi...
Robbie Brookside runs in and Al Snow quickly exits before a confrontation can occur.
The show fades out.
Card Information
Date/Time: December Week 4 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 25
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 3.8%
Approximently Viewers: 11400000
No-Time-Limit-Four Corners Match
Jody Fleisch defeated Billy Kidman, Blitzkrieg and Rey Misterio Jr. when
J. Fleisch pinned Blitzkrieg with the Phoenix 720 DDT in 0:15:36.
Rating: ***
(Jody Fleisch retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
Rhino pinned Mike Awesome with the Rhino Gore in 0:23:39.
Rating: ** 1/4
The Dynamic Duo enter the ring to boos and jeers.
SNOW: Hey!
SNOW: Nice to see you too! What I'm here to say is very serious! Last Thursday, I won my match, so as the contract said, YOU Mr. Doyle must get out here and reveal the identity of the special referee for the PPV!
"DIE AGAIN" by Wolfsbane hits
The NCPW Owner Matt Doyle enters with Robbie Brookside
DOYLE: Nice try Al, but the contract says that I only have to give you three clues to the referee' identity.
SNOW: Well...lets have them then.
DOYLE: Nubmer one. The referee is MALE!
SNOW: Cut the bullshit! Give me a real clue.
DOYLE: His initials are K.S.
SNOW: You've got Ken Shamrock as the referee?
DOYLE: He is a non-wrestler.
SNOW: Sounds like Shamrock to me!
DOYLE: Believe me Al, it aint Ken Shamrock!
SNOW: I can't believe you gave me clues that reveal nothing!
DOYLE: What? You expected me to say his first name is...followed by clue two his surname is...
SNOW: Well...Yeah!
DOYLE: Al, I'll tell you what. Do you REALLY want to know who the referee is?
DOYLE: Then on Thursday, you pick two partners, and Unabomb is not to be included, and you face Ken Shamrock, Robbie Brookside and ME!
ROBBIE: IF you pin any of us Al, then the identity of the referee will be revealed!
SNOW: Now, you want to know who the referee is too! Why don't you just lay down for me right now, and save time on Thursday.
ROBBIE: Because Al, I CAN wait to find out who the referee is! And if my team wins, then I get to hear the identity of the referee!
SNOW: FINE! You got a deal! Oh, and Robbie...Thursday is gonna be a little preview of what i'm gonna do to you on Sunday!
Robbie lunges at Snow, but Snow ducks and slaps The Wildcat. Wildcat smiles and walks towards Al, who ducks out of the ring. Unabomb follows suit.
Doug Williams pinned Mikey Whipwreck with the Northern Lights Suplex in 0:10:06
Rating: ** 3/4
Tiger Mask IV and Masato Yakushiji defeated Ken Shamrock and Sabu when
T. Mask IV made Shamrock submit to a standing short arm scissors in 0:15:15.
Rating: *** 3/4
In the back, Zero-G are walking around.
KASH: OK, on Sunday we've got Jonny 2-on-1. Any plans?
DEVON: Well, with the both of us against the one of him, we should be able to handle the situation. I mean...FREE FALL CITY!
KASH: YEAH! Errr...is that where the PPV is?
Devon gives Kash a wierd look.
KASH: HAHAHA! I was joking man! Yeah, Joking! HA!
DEVON: OK, shut up. Lets just go get ready for Sunday OK?
KASH: Sure.
Then, "Phase Two" Jonny Storm runs in and hits a cross-body on both guys! He then runs off.
Zero-G get up and shake themselves off.
DEVON: Son of a bitch.
KASH: On Sunday, he's sooo gonna get it!
Kanyon pinned Perry Saturn with the Flatliner in 0:10:28.
Rating: *** 1/4
Zero-G defeated The Impact Players when D. Storm pinned L. Storm after Free Fall
in 0:15:04.
Rating: ** 1/4
John Kronus pinned Nova with the 450 Splash in 0:15:20.
Rating: * 1/2
Diamond Dallas Page pinned Mike Sanders with the Diamond Cutter in 0:10:19.
Rating: 1/4*
(Diamond Dallas Page retained the NCPW TV Title.)
J-Thunder defeated The Can-Am Express when Funaki pinned Furnas with the
Fisherman's Buster in 0:10:16.
Rating: ***
Post match...
"PRISONER" by Iron Maiden hits!
Koji Kanemoto and "The Bitchmaster" Shinjiro Ohtani run in!
J-Thunder see them coming and both dive over the top rope flattening them! A Fisherman's Buster on Koji and a Michinoku Driver to Ohtani gives J-Thunder the chance to run to the back! The crowd is chanting for Ohtani and Koji.
Taz pinned Balls Mahoney after a chair smash in 0:11:53.
Rating: * 1/2
(Taz retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
Card Information
Date/Time: December Week 4 at 08:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 25
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
TV ratings: 5.7%
Approximently Viewers: 17100000
Diamond Dallas Page pinned Doug Williams with the Diamond Cutter in 0:12:13.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Diamond Dallas Page retained the NCPW TV Title.)
Sick Boy pinned Spike Dudley with the Cure in 0:05:07.
Rating: * 3/4
Taz walks into te ring post match.
Sick Boy is sick of this and hits a Cure on Taz.
SICK: This sunday is the last chance I get at that damn FTW Title! Well...right now your feeling about the same you will be at the PPV! Sick Boy is gonna take your title and take it to heights it's never been before! GET CURED!
"CURE" by MetallicA keys up as Sick Boy celebrates
Keiji Mutoh pinned Test with the Moonsault in 0:06:02.
Rating: ** 1/2
Mikey Whipwreck pinned Chris Jericho with the Whippersnapper in 0:13:12.
Rating: ****
Taz made Jody Fleisch submit to the Tazmission in 0:10:54.
Rating: *** 1/4
Raven pinned Mike Awesome with the Evenflow DDT in 0:25:06.
Rating: ** 3/4
Perry Saturn pinned Nova with the Death Valley Driver in 0:10:24.
Rating: ** 1/2
Kanyon pinned John Kronus with the Flatliner in 0:05:05.
Rating: **
Matt Doyle, Ken Shamrock and Robbie Brookside defeated
Al Snow, Tiger Mask IV and Masato Yakushiji when Brookside pinned Snow with the
Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in 0:20:56.
Rating: ****
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