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![]() ![]() ![]() OVERDRIVE 2003
![]() SUNDAY 29th JUNE 2003
Target Center
---Tribute to dishonor Part IV: I'm Crucified by Rage---
As the piano opening to the song by German Power Metal Giants Rage hits, we hear spoken words as they appear on a black screen in red lettering:
"In a ring from which there is no escape, two lifelong foes battle with the Commissioner suspended above them.
If a 3 time World Champion tries to run, or ends up defeated, the Commissioner must play The Game till there is only one man left standing."
Guitars begin to play too:
"In the most unforgiving of battle fields, two former friends do battle over the most sought after prize in sports entertainment.
With the title on the line, one man comes to justify his crown of thorns, and the other to prove himself unstoppable."
The main guitar riffs begin to play and the words on screen are replaced by images of the five men in the double main event:
"On Sunday 29th June 2003…
…5 Men are on Collision Course…
…as the NCPW takes the Target Center into Overdrive!"
As the vocals start, we see HHH hitting Kiefer with the Game Over from various views and clips from matches between Al Snow and HHH. As we get past the first part of the chorus and go into the second verse, we cut into clips of Raven and Glen facing off and beating on each other from various editions of Mettle. The chorus then begins again, and as we hear "I'm Crucified" we see Raven on a crucifix with his barbed wire crown of thorns. This cuts to Glen Jacobs standing with the World Title belt in a ring with Barbed Wire Ropes. He stands staring at the floor. This fades to Al Snow and HHH in a cage staring at each other from opposite sides of the ring. The two fade out and Kiefer fades into the middle of the ring. We then quickly go through Snow, HHH, Kiefer and Raven three times and fade into Glen again. As Peter "Peavy" Wagner goes into "I'm Crucified" again Glen looks up at the camera and gives a smile. The camera zooms in on the belt, in which is seen the reflection of Raven on the cross again.
With that, we fade into the arena, where the crowd is red hot. The sow is sold out, and we are set for a decent card. The huge double, and potentially triple, main event is looking good, and we are ready for the first match to start.
HEENAN: Humanoids…welcome to NCPW Overdrive! Joining me tonight is Good `Ole JR, and a special guest commentator.
JR: Yes fans, we are on Collision Course tonight! And by the way Bobby, just WHO is this commentator?
HEENAN: We'll find out that in a minute JR. First, lets talk about the matches we have tonight!
JR: Well, Brain…we have a CAGE MATCH! HHH and Al Snow face off with Kiefer Sutherland' life on the line!
HEENAN: True JR! If HHH wins tonight…I dread to think what could happen to Kiefer.
JR: Well, he'll be in the cage in a last man standing match!
HEENAN: This is not a position I envy JR!
JR: Nor I Bobby. And don't forget the world title match! In the barbed Wire, Raven and Glen Jacobs will square off for the world title!
HEENAN: And THAT will be one bloody match JR!
---Identity by Blaze---
The spoken intro hits. "Madness can come from the mid or the heart, ending is never as good as the start. Nothing is ever as good as your dreams, nothing is ever as bad as..."
The guitars go heavy, and NCPW Owner Matt Doyle steps through the curtain to boos and jeers. He ignores the crowd and goes and sits between JR and Heenan. He puts the head set on.
DOYLE: Is this on?
HEENAN: Yes sir! And welcome to Overdrive!
DOYLE: Thanks Bobby! It's great to be here. And how are you?
HEENAN: I'm good.
DOYLE: Good. And how about you JR?
JR: I'm fine.
DOYLE: Glad to hear it. Lets get going with the first match!
---Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down---
As soon as the familiar riffs of the 3 Doors Down hit plays, the crowd cheers for one of the most popular teams in NCPW history. The Innovators step through the curtain, and stand either side of the aisle, avoiding the hole in the middle. They walk down either side of the ramp way and high five the fans as they enter. They get to the ring and stand at opposite ends; both climb a post and raise their arms. The crowd cheers as the music fades. They take a mic each.
NOVA: And who's better than Nova?
KANYON: So who's better than The Innovators?
---Last Resort by Papa Roach---
The Music cuts The Innovators off, and Zero-G step through the curtain with mics. As they stand their taunting the crowd boos. The music cuts and Zero-G begin to talk.
KASH: Jeez…I dunno Devon. Who is it that could be better than The Innovators?
DEVON: That's a hard one. Lets see here…are you better than Nova?
KASH: Yeah I'm better than Nova. Are you better than Kanyon?
DEVON: Well, I think I could kick his ass any day of the week, so I guess so. What about you, could you beat Kanyon?
KASH: Of course! And Nova? Could you beat Nova?
DEVON: Well, I think I may just be able to manage that.
KASH: So let me get this straight…you could beat both Nova and Kanyon…
DEVON: …And you could beat Kanyon and Nova…
KASH: …And since Kanyon and Nova are The Innovators…
DEVON: …I guess that means Zero-G are better than The Innovators!
The crowd boos. Kanyon and Nova look both bemused and annoyed.
KANYON: You know, you two might just win this match! I mean, you've pretty bored Nova, all these fans, and me to death! How about you two coming up here and getting this ass beating started, huh?
Zero-G shrug and walk down the aisle talking a strategy through as they go. They step between the ropes, and the referee brings the chains forward. Kid Kash gets chained to Nova while Devon Storm is chained to Kanyon. They all back up as far as they can and wait.
The bell rung and the two teams started a tug of war with the chains. With no one coming out on top, they proceeded to move in closer. Nova and Kid Kash were soon brawling on the outside of the ring, with Kash gaining an advantage by dropkicking Nova' knee and laying into it with the chain. Meanwhile, Kanyon and Devon tried to get each other into position for a big move, but in the end, it was Kanyon who got the advantage. When Devon went for a right hook, Kanyon ducked, and turned, then hoisted Devon up onto his back and choked him with the chain.
When he saw this, Kid Kash tried to get in to help, but when he tried a springboard move, Nova pulled on the chain and crotched Kash across the top rope. Meanwhile, Devon managed to roll himself off Kanyon' back and nailed a DDT. Nova and Kash were soon back In the ring. Nova took Kash down with a piledriver and then proceeded to dropkick Devon Storm. Nova then helped Kanyon up, and they tried Total Innovation on Devon. Devon instead floored Kanyon with a chain assisted punch, but got hit with a Nova Kryptonite Krunch. One…Two…Kash pulls nova off via the chain. Kanyon rolled on top as Kash nailed a Money Maker on Nova. Kanyon with the cover…One…Two…Kash drops the leg on Kanyon. Kash goes back to cover Nova, but only gets a two. Kanyon meanwhile works on Devon some more with a bodyslam and a dragon sleeper. This gives Kash a chance to nail Nova with a hurucanrana and then take off the chain!
Kash is free, and he stops Kanyon delivering a Flatliner to Devon Storm by hitting a Money Maker. He then takes off Devon Storm' chain too! With the chains off, Zero-G have much more freedom of movement, and drop Kanyon with a double clothesline. They then turn to Nova and hit a Free Fall on him. One…Two…Broken by Kanyon! Zero-G get up and avoid a double DDT by hitting a double low blow! Free Fall to Kanyon! Nova is getting up too…FREE FALL TO NOVA! One…Two…Three! The arena boos loudly!
Chain Match
Zero-G defeated The Innovators when D. Storm pinned Nova after Free Fall in 0:08:12.
Rating: ** 1/2
When Kanyon gets up, he sees Zero-G celebrating up the aisle. He looks a little frustrated, but goes and tends to Nova. He helps Nova get the chains off, and helps him to his feet. Nova is a little groggy. Kanyon helps him walk around the ring a little, and Nova gets a little steadier. Once he's sure Nova s fine…FLATLINER TO NOVA!
JR: What? Why did he d that? What is Kanyon up to?
HEENAN: He's being smart JR! Nova just lost them the match! Kanyon is obviously unhappy about that.
JR: Kanyon has been pinned in matches too, but Nova doesn't seem to care?
HEENAN: Maybe Kanyon is the smart one of the two JR.
DOYLE: Whatever' happening, this could the end of The Innovators tonight. I don't think Kanyon is in any mood to be friends with Nova right now, and Nova is gonna want an explanation to this.
JR: Maybe we'll get one before tonight ends. Or maybe we'll have to wait till Mettle to find out what's going on.
In the back of the arena, by the main doors we see Robbie Brookside waiting. He appears to be looking out into the parking lot. He checks his watch and slumps against the wall. He appears to be waiting for someone, but who?
We see Kiefer Sutherland sitting behind the Owner' Desk smoking. Just then, the door opens and Al Snow walks in street clothes with his bag.
KIEFER: Where the fuck have you been? I mean, you do realize that you have a match tonight, and you DO realize what is at stake, yes?
SNOW: Calm down Kiefer! I'm ready for tonight. I want to take HHH out as much as you do! Now…just let me work my magic!
Kiefer puts his cigarette out and stands up, looking out to the parking lot.
KIEFER: Remember Al…if you lose tonight…then I'll fire you before HHH even gets a chance to touch me!
Al Snow shakes his head and walks out, slamming the door behind him.
Robbie Brookside is still waiting. Then he looks out to the parking lot again.
ROBBIE: Finally!
Robbie steps back a little and opens the door. In steps "The Anarchist" Doug Williams, "Phase Two" Jonny Storm and "Phoenix" Jody Fleisch. They enter the building and Robbie shuts the door.
DOUG: Well?
ROBBIE: He's commentating. We'll have to go out there. Come on. We'll get there after this next match.
They walk off camera.
JR: They looking for you Mr. Doyle?
DOYLE: Maybe. They aren't too happy about Hammerlock being part of the team.
HEENAN: Well, they'll be out here after this match, so lets see what happens.
---The Unforgiven II by MetallicA---
The music hits and Billy Kidman comes out through the curtain. The pop is surprisingly big for him, as he hasn't exactly had things easy. Still, the crowd is ready for an awesome match tonight, so Kidman is happy enough with his reaction.
---Young Jaguar by Thee Michelle Gun Elephant---
"Young Jaguar" TAKA Michinoku enters to a pop that is bigger than the one Kidman got. The crowd don't seem to be booing any of the cruisers right now. Maybe they just want to see some top class action.
---Shine by Motorhead---
The moment the Cruiserweight Champion steps out through the curtain, the crowd begins a large "CHAVO! CHAVO!" chant. The younger Guerrero is over with the fans, despite the lack of interview time. This is going to be one great match.
This was everything you'd expect from these guys. They started off with a crisp sequence of moves: Chavo arm drags Kidman, only to be Japanese arm dragged by TAKA, but TAKA gets nailed with a Kidman crossbody. Kidman gets up and Chavo dropkicks him over the ropes. TAKA responds by diving out onto Kidman, and Chavo does the same to TAKA!
All three were on the outside now, so Chavo went under the ring and grabbed some tables! He pushed about three tables into the ring, and then nailed both Kidman and TAKA with a DDT.
In the ring, Chavo set up one of the table by the post nearest to him. Kidman and TAKA both climbed in the ring, and started to double team the champ! A double dropkick, then a double hip toss. Kidman then proceeded to hit a Kid Krusher on Chavo! TAKA went and set up a table in the corner. TAKA and Kidman then hoisted Chavo up and nailed a double suplex, and followed up with TAKA then Billy hitting an elbow. The two taunt as Kai En Tai used to. This led to TAKA and Kidman high fiving, but TAKA turning on Kidman with a kick to the midsection, then a hurucanrana. This led into a spinning head scissors from Mr. Michinoku, and then a spinning back elbow. One Michinoku Driver through the table and Kidman was gone!
This left us with TAKA vs Chavo. Chavo got to his feet and the two circled before going into a sequence of chain spots. Chavo with a wristlock, roll and TAKA has one of his own, hammerlock by Chavo, and TAKA nails a drop toe hold. TAKA pulls the champion up and tries a spinning heel kick, but Chavo hits the mat and nails one of his own on TAKA. A powerbomb means Chavo has TAKA down, and Chavo sets up a table again. This means there are two tables set up now. Chavo picks TAKA up and tries to whip him, but TAKA reverses and Chavo goes flying into one of the tables. The table falls to the outside. TAKA hits Chavo with move after move, including some smooth high flying moves. He then pulls Chavo over to the table and lays him on it. TAKA goes up top, and…CHAVO CROTCHES HIM AND ROLLS OFF THE TABLE! Chavo takes a few steps back and then runs forward. He spring up onto the top rope and hits TAKA something resembling a DDT through the table for the win!
Three Way Table Match
Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Billy Kidman and TAKA Michinoku:
x Michinoku beat Kidman via putting him through a table in 0:06:43
x Chavo Jr. beat Michinoku via putting him through a table in 0:11:18
Rating: *** 1/2
(Chavo Guerrero Jr. retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
Post match sees Chavo take his belt and leave the ring. The crowd cheer him as he leaves, and Chavo dances around at the top of the ramp.
DOYLE: A strong defense there from the champ! This kid could go far, and I'm sure he's looking forward to he next Cruiser Kings Tournament.
JR: And speaking of tournaments, next month is the second annual F8 Tournament to crown the top contender to the TV Title. That is gonna be one helluva show!
DOYLE: That's right JR! Wrestlers from NCPW are competing to go after the TV Title. Not only that, but wrestlers from Hammerlock will also be entered in the qualifying matches!
---Duck and Run by 3 Doors Down---
HEENAN: And speaking of Hammerlock, here comes the anti-Hammerlock contingent!
Indeed, Robbie Brookside, Doug Williams, Jonny Storm and Jody Fleisch step through the curtain to a mixed reaction from the crowd. They enter the ring and stand on the four corners. Robbie Brookside then takes a mic.
ROBBIE: What we want right now is for you Mr. Doyle to get in this ring, and offer us an explanation.
Doyle looks confused and takes off his headset. He gets up and steps between the ropes. He calls for a mic, and is thrown one by the ring announcer.
DOYLE: An explanation? For what Robbie?
ROBBIE: For what? FOR WHAT? You let those jerks from Hammerlock in the NCPW! I mean, those guys couldn't wrestle their way out of a paper bag, and their gimmicks bring wrestling back to the dark ages!
DOYLE: And you are all in agreement here?
Jonny, Jody, and Doug nod to agree with Robbie.
DOYLE: First of all, the match the Hammerlock guys had on TV was one of the best TV matches we've had in a long time! I guess that means they CAN wrestle. And another thing…if they can't wrestle, they surely can't train people too well either. Let me see here…Doug Williams…Jody Fleisch…Jonny Storm…say, didn't you three get trained by Hammerlock? In fact, you three were in Hammerlock for some time I believe! So I guess that means you three can't wrestle either! And as for you Robbie…just because Hammerlock and the TWA didn't exactly see eye-to-eye as far as doing inter-promotional stuff goes…that doesn't give you a right to come out here and run your mouth about them slagging them off in front of all these people!
The crowd is actually cheering Mr. Doyle here!
ROBBIE: You know what your problem is? You feel a soft spot for them just because they trained you! You feel a soft spot just because they taught you to…and I use this term loosely…wrestle! Hell, maybe that's not all they did? Maybe there was more to it?
DOYLE: What exactly are you implying here Robbie?
ROBBIE: I'm just saying that maybe there was more than just training going on in that gym with you and the trainers.
Doyle smiles, and begins to laugh.
DOYLE: You know what Robbie? You want to run your mouth? Fine. You do that. You just keep trying to piss me off, because I am getting dangerously close to firing you, and kicking you ass!
The crowd pops again! They are behind Doyle in this exchange!
DOYLE: So I tell you what Wildcat, you bring your little buddies there along to the next edition of Mettle and we'll see what we can do about your little complaint. But I will warn you this now Robbie…if you step out of line again, like you have done tonight…I will be forced to take things that one step further. And believe me Robbie…you don't want to push me.
Doyle exits the ring and goes and sits back behind the announce table. The Brits in the ring are looking shicked, except for Robbie who just looks incredibly pissed off. He leans over the ropes and shouts at Doyle, and the others pull him away. Eventually, they calm him down enough to leave.
JR: What an idiot.
DOYLE: Idiot? I can think other things I could call Robbie Brookside right now. I tell you what JR, if he keeps this up, then he's gonna have one bumpy ride!
HEENAN: Would you really have kicked his ass if he'd continued to push you?
DOYLE: You damn right I would have! And I will do if he tries anything like this again!
JR: Well, we'll see what happens on Mettle.
---Walk by Pantera---
The crowd knows this music well enough. As soon as "The Whole F'N Show" steps out onto the ramp, the wave of boos, and "Rob…Van Dam Sucks!" chants go up and RVD poses, pointing at himself. He walks down to the ring as he always does, and points to himself before entering the ring and calling for a mic.
RVD: As all you people should know by now…I am the Whole F'N Show, and as such I am the best damn performer on the NCPW Roster! What does that mean? Well, it means that I am gonna kick Taz's ass tonight in quick time and then I'm gonna go and celebrate with all my loyal fans. Why? Because…(pointing to himself)I'm Rob Van Dam!
---War Machine by Kiss---
Taz steps through the curtain with the NCPW FTW Belt around his waist and the music cuts.
TAZ: What you are punk, is a jackass that's gonna get himself choked out again tonight, just like the last time!
RVD: Hey! I never quit that match! The referee awarded you the belt! The belt should still be mine! You can't just take the title from Rob Van Dam!
TAZ: HAHAHAHA! Can you really stand in the way of Taz? The NCPW FTW Champion? I beat once before Rob Van Dam, and this time I aint letting you survive brother!
Taz charges down the aisle and is met with a Rob Van Dam tope, signalling the start of the match.
This is the sort of match you'd expect from two of the top performers in the NCPW. It featured a variety of styles from start to finish.
After the tope, RVD went to work with some swift kicks to Taz. With the champion reeling, he nailed him with a chair to the head. Taz was dropped like a ton of bricks. Instead of making a cover though, RVD grabbed the title belt from around Taz' waist. He then proceeded to enter the ring and hold the belt above his head, pointing to himself like he always does. When he turned back to Taz, Taz was up and in the ring. Belly-to-belly Tazplex! RVD just landed on his head! Cover by Taz…One…Two…In the ropes. Taz, unlike RVD, is all business. He picks The Whole F'N Show up and nails another suplex, this time a head and arm one. RVD rolls out of the ring to regroup briefly as the crowd start a large "Taz is gonna kill you!" chant, and Taz stands arms crossed in the ring. RVD decides to sow Taz what FTW is all about, and reaches under the ring. He pulls out a few "toys" and throws them in the ring.
RVD gets back in the ring and Taz stands his ground. Rob is surprised by this attitude, so he grabs a baseball bat. He takes a swing at Taz, but Taz ducks and spins RVD around…GERMAN TAZPLEX! One…Two…kickout by RVD! RVD ducks out of Taz' reach and grabs a VCR. As he tries to hit Taz with it though, Taz ducks under and nails a leg drag. RVD rolls away hurt, and the crowd goes nuts for Taz. RVD looks around, and shakes the humiliation off. He grabs his favorite weapon, the chair. He takes a few swings at Taz with this, and Taz moves from each. Then RVD throws the chair to Taz. Taz catches it, but throws it back. Taz tries a dropkick into the chair, but RVD ducks it. Taz gets up and RVD throws him the chair, this time hitting the Van Daminator! Taz is down! One…Two…in the ropes! This time, Rob Van Dam goes to work on Taz, and nails a series of stomps on the Human Suplex Machine. He then picks Taz up and whips him into the ropes. A thrust kick finds it mark, and Taz is down again, this time bleeding from the nose. This blood seems to make Taz pissed off. When RVD tries another whip, Taz reverses it. Taz tries the clothesline, and RVD rolls under it. Taz turns…Thrust kick again! Taz is bleeding badly now, and is REALLY pissed! Rob Van Dam points to himself as Taz gets slowly to his feet. Once he's up…THRUST KICK…NO! Taz caught the leg! Single Leg Tazplex! RVD just got dumped on his head again! Taz grabs RVD' leg and drops the elbow. He then hits a slingshot into the post! RVD stumbles back out, and Taz runs in with an overhead belly-to-belly! RVD is hurting!
As RVD gets up, Taz charges in with the clothesline. RVD rolls under and hits a backslide! One…Two…kickout by Taz. High Leg Clothesline by RVD! Taz gets back up AGAIN, but is floored with a Japanese Arm Drag, then a normal Arm Drag. A piledriver follows, and RVD follows through with a Rolling Thunder! RVD points to himself and reminds the crowd that he is in fact Rob…Van…Dam! RVD positions Taz in the center of the ring and goes up top. Five Star Frog Splash! It's Over! One…Two…ThrNO! Shoulder up by Taz! RVD means business! He drops Taz with a bodyslam and places him in the corner with a chair on his face! RVD runs to the other side of the ring…VAN TERMINATOR! Taz' nose just exploded! His face is covered in blood from his nose and forehead. One…Two…ThreeNO! Foot on the ropes by Taz! RVD says it's over again, and places Taz in the corner. Another Van Terminator maybe? RVD takes flight…TAZ THROWS THE CHAIR AND IT HITS RVD IN THE FACE! RVD stumbles up, as does Taz! RVD takes a swing for a punch, but Taz swings him around from it! FULL NELSON TAZPLEX! RVD gets up…Taz clotheslines him over the ropes! Taz goes to the outside, and RVD throws him a chair! Van Damintor…ducked by Taz! T-BONE TAZPLEX ON THE OUTSIDE! One…Two…Three! Taz retains!
Taz pinned Rob Van Dam after a T-Bone Tazplex in 0:15:27.
Rating: *****
(Taz retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
Post match, the bloody Taz picks up his belt and walks straight up the aisle. The crowd cheer him on the way, and he's earned their applause tonight. Meanwhile, Rob Van Dam is slowly recovering on the outside.
JR: My God! What a match!
DOYLE: These two men just put their bodies on the line tonight without resorting to tables and ladders.
HEENAN: They got through a few chairs though!
Rob Van Dam grabs a mic and the crowd boos.
RVD: Whoa there! Just shut up for a moment! Taz…I give you credit…you managed to get another lucky win on the Whole F'N Show. But that doesn't matter. You can have your low status belt. The Whole F'N Show is gonna win the F8 Tournament instead and go after the TV Title! Why? Because I'm Rob Van Dam! The greatest TV Champion in ECW history, and as a result, I'm gonna rule the NCPW in the same way!
RVD leaves to boos.
DOYLE: We'll see if he gets that chance, because Paul Heyman is in the back right now to do the drawing for the qualifying matches for the F8 tournament!
In a small room, we see Paul Heyman standing with a mic and a machine that holds a few slips of paper. Also in the room are a few executives, and a few lower card wrestlers, as well as Andre Baker of Hammerlock.
HEYMAN: OK, since the camera is now on, here's what will happen. In this machine are the names on all the entrants in the F8. Most of the roster form NCPW and Hammerlock are in here. In the case of The Jackyl Pack and Chris Jericho and Dave Harris, if a name comes out, the loser of their match tonight gets the slot. Also, last year' winner Diamond Dallas Page automatically gets into the qualifying matches. Now…are their any…
Kanyon barges through the door and enters the room.
KANYON: Whoa there! Since I've lost that dead weight Nova, I want you to add my name to the draw!
HEYMAN: I see no problem with that. Have you got some paper?
Kanyon hands Heyman some folded paper.
KANYON: My name is already on there, just shove it in.
Heyman sticks the paper in the machine as Kanyon takes a seat in the front. Paul Heyman turns the machine on, and we can see the papers are being mixed up. He then stops the machine and pulls out a piece of paper.
HEYMAN: All right then…the first man to enter in the F8 this year is…Dave Harris or Micheal Modest! So, if the champs retain next, then Harris is in. If we get new champs from the next match then Modest is in the F8. His opponent will be…
Heyman reaches in and pulls out another piece of paper.
HEYMAN: Hammerlock' Gary Steele!
Andre Baker is seen to be writing on a note pad at this point, meanwhile, Heyman pulls out another name.
HEYMAN: In the F8 this year will also be…Justin Credible! And he will be facing…Juventud Guerrera!
Juventud jumps up from his seat in the back and dances around before leaving. Heyman watches him go and then pulls out two more names from the machine.
HEYMAN: Next up in the F8 will be…Hammerlock' Jon Ryan against…Kanyon!
Kanyon jumps up and celebrates. Meanwhile, Andre writes the match down. Kanyon looks over to Andre.
KANYON: Hey! Andre! You tell your boy to be ready to go out, `cause I aint gonna be beat now that I aint gotta carry dead weight!
Andre smiles.
KANYON: So I amuse you huh? Yeah? Do you think it's funny that I'm gonna kick Jon Ryan' ass?
ANDRE: No no, what's funny is that YOU are the one that's gonna get his ass beat!
KANYON: Is that so? Well I tell you what Andre! You bring your mouth of yours to Mettle next week and you and me can fight. Then we'll see if you're still smiling!
Kanyon gets up and leaves the room. Andre watches him go with intent, and then settles himself back down in the chair. Heyman waits a moment, then draws two more names.
HEYMAN: OK, so the next match will be the returning Mikey Whipwreck against…NCPW FTW Champion Taz! A true ECW style match for the fans!
Heyman turns the machine on again to mix the names up some more. Once it has stopped, he reaches in again.
HEYMAN: Qualifying match number five is…Nick Dinsmore vs…Eddie Guerrero or Chris Jericho! Lets keep this moving…
Heyman pulls out another two names.
HEYMAN: Next up is…Koji Kanemoto!
Koji is seen to be standing now. He waits for the name to be called out…
HEYMAN: Koji will face…Shinjiro Ohtani! Koji Kanemoto vs Shinjiro Ohtani!
Koji raises one fist in the air and then leaves the room. Heyman draws two more names.
HEYMAN: "The Whole F'N Show" Rob Van Dam will then face…Hammerlock' "Vigilante" Johnny Moss!
Andre Baker writes this down in his note pad and waits for the final drawing. Heyman draws one last name from the machine, which still visibly contains several more pieces of paper.
HEYMAN: And the opponent of reigning champion DDP wil be…Dean Malenko! Well, that's it! The draw is over, and good luck to all those who are in it!
An image flashes up onto the screen, showing the confirmed qualifying matches. It reads:
Dave Harris OR Micheal Modest
Gary Steele
Justin Credible
Juventud Guerrera
"The Bad Boy of British Wrestling" Jon Ryan
"The Human Suplex Machine" Taz
Mikey Whipwreck
"Lionheart" Chris Jericho OR "The Jackyl" Eddie Guerrero
Nick Dinsmore
Shinjiro Ohtani
Koji Kanemoto
"The Whole F'N Show" Rob Van Dam
"The Vigilante" Johnny Moss
Diamond Dallas Page
Dean Malenko
This stays up for about 30-35 seconds and then we cut to a locker room.
In the locker room are Ralphus, Chris Jericho, and, Dave Harris. Ralphus is wearing a bandana, shades, a leather jacket and a Fozzy T-Shirt. He is looking somewhat like a Roadie tonight. Meanwhile, Jericho and Dave are talking about the upcoming match.
JERICHO: Look…tose two are two of the biggest cheats in the NCPW You want to win those belts, right?
HARRIS: Well yeah!
JERICHO:Then you gotta follow my lead and use every dirty trick in the book! The only way to grab the gold is to out-cheat them! You Have to cheat…
HARRIS: Look, Jericho dude…I know you're trying to help and stuff, but cheating is so totally wrong! I aint gonna do it!
JERICHO: Fine. You better not blow it tonight!
HARRIS: Dude, what are the chances of me blowing it! I mean, together we totally rule!
In the ringside area, the commentators are getting ready for the match to begin.
JR: This is gonna be one Hell of a match! And what a chance for the youngster Dave Harris!
DOYLE: And don't forget JR, this match has ramifications on the F8 Tournament too! Both members of the losing team will be in the tournament, while the winners face Zero-G.
HEENAN: And you know what? The ones in the F8 will be Harris and Jericho!
JR: Why do you say that Brain?
HEENAN: Well, Jericho was right! The Jackyl Pack are two of the dirtiest players in the game! To win tonight, they need to cheat more than the champs, and with Harris refusing to cheat…things could go down hill quickly for the young team.
DOYLE: Yep, The Jackyl Pack are a dirty team. BUT…Dave and Jericho could easily pull this one off! Here's some more stuff for you people at home! Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho are former tag partners from Japan AND the old WCW. Not to mention that they have had many matches in the past. They know each other pretty well, so that could be a decisive factor in this match. Meanwhile, Micheal Modest and Dave Harris are the future of the business! This is going to be a great match!
---Poison by Alice Cooper---
The guitars start and slowly take us into the song. The drums kick in and Chris Jericho and Dave Harris step through the curtain closely followed by "Roadie" Ralphus. The three stand at the top of the aisle in a rock band like pose as we wait for the lyrics. Numerous fans take photos. AS the lyrics start they start to walk towards the ring. Dave (as always) air guitars along with the music. Meanwhile, Chris Jericho talks over some strategy with Ralphus. The team enters the ring with Ralphus and they stand behind him as Jericho grabs a mic.
JERICHO: Target Centre…welcome to Jerichoverdrive! As all my Jerichoholics out there know…
Boos from the crowd.
JERICHO: …now don't you boo me! I am your ICON! I am your hero! I am Lionheart Chris Jericho! And as I was saying, my Jerichoholics out there KNOW that me and Dave Harris are going to the top tonight! So who are we facing? The Jackyl Pack? Let me see…Micheal Modest? Weren't you "The Natural" a while back? Yeah that's right Micheal Modest, the Natural Loser! And who else is it? Eddie Guerrero? Now Eddie, you were once one of the best in the world, but ever since the Latino Heat stuff…well, I won't go there! I…
---Stone Dead Forever by Motorhead---
Jericho is cut off by the tag champs entering. The crowd boos them louder than Jericho and Harris. Due to Harris, Jericho may actually have the advantage of fan support tonight! The Jackyl Pack enter with their belts over their shoulders and have mics in hands.
EDDIE: You know what Chris? I am sick and damn tired of this shit! When we were a team it was YOU running your mouth that was responsible for us losing. I mean, lets review who's better off here. I have a partner who pulls his weight, not drags it! I have a partner who could kick the ass of just about everyone in the NCPW if he so desired. And you?
MODEST: Well, lets just say that while Eddie got a partner who knows what he's doing…YOU got the dead weight rookie who is nothing more than an eighties throw back. Now tell me…HO got the better deal here?
Dave Harris seems to be ignoring Modest' comments, but Chris is getting annoyed.
EDDIE: Exactly…I mean you two have a combined talent level that's lower than that of all these Target Center idiots, and THAT is REALLY bad!
Chris Jericho is breaking.
JERICHO: Yeah that's it Eddie! You keep talking! I mean, since it's the running of my mouth that caused us to lose…I fail to see the logic in you running your mouth tonight!
The crowd cheered that as The Jackyl Pack start to get annoyed. Dave Harris takes a mic.
JERICHO: And as for my partner here…he could out wrestle ANY of you two losers any night of the week, so don't for one moment think this is gonna be easy!
HARRIS: Chris…I'm glad you have this confidence in me. I tell you what…for tonight we'll go with your plan.
Chris turns and looks at Dave. He nods, and the two run past either side of Ralphus and start to lay in with punches on the tag champs. The match has begun!
The Jackyl Pack were floored pretty quickly and rolled under the bottom ropes to escape the challengers. The crowd cheered as they challengers stood with "Roadie" Ralphus and posed. The Jackyl Pack meanwhile are less than happy.
The referee gets Ralphus and Harris to leave the ring and Eddie enters to face Jericho. The two circle a little and both go the mat. They then both get up and grapple. Bodyslam by Eddie Guerrero! Eddie taunts Chris. Another tie-up leads to and Eddie arm drag. Eddie shouts at his former friend some more. The next grapple situation leads to Jericho being drop toe holded! Eddie taunts him again. This time Chris gets up and gives Eddie the fnger! Eddie gets a maddened look on his face and charges in…Bodylslam by Jericho! Arm drag by Jericho! Drop toe hold by Jericho and Jericho slaps Eddie' head as the crowd cheer!
Eddie rolls over and tags out to Modest. Modest steps in with a serious yet somewhat confident look on his face. He and jericho go to tie up, but Modest ducks under and celebrates for the crowd. Another attempt, and the same result, this time with Modest pointing to Dave Harris! Jericho points to Dave and the crowd cheers. Jericho tags out.
Dave Harris and Modest are in the ring. Harris and Modest circle, and Modest ducks another tie-up. He seems overly cocky and the crowd are booing. They try to tie-up again but Modest ducks out. He turns…SPINNING HEEL KICK FROM HARRIS! Modest is reeling! Harris nails a Japanese Arm Drag, and then a hurucanrana! Modest falls back into the corner and Harris runs in with a handspring elbow! Snap mare by Harris and he drops the leg…Modest moves! Modest fires back with a snap suplex, then a leg drop of his own. One…Two…kickout by Harris. A sidewalk slam by Modest and he gains another two count. When he tries the same move again though, Harris reverses with a spinning head scissors! Harris goes up top…EDDIE TRIPS HIM! Harris is crotched across the top rope! Modest nails a top rope Cradle Suplex…One…Two…Three! The Jackyl Pack lead 1-0!
Jericho doesn't allow the champs any time to celebrate, as he jumps straight in and nails a dropkick on Modest. A clothesline sends him to the outside and Jericho topes him! Jericho gets back in the ring and goes over to check on Harris. Meanwhile, Modest tries to get back in the ring, but Jericho instead nails another dropkick. Eddie jumps the ropes to get in, but Jericho takes him out with a kick to the midsection followed by a double-underhook backbreaker! Eddie rolls out of the ring, and Modest gets back in! Eddie jumps back in with the tag belts and Harris dives in flooring Eddie! Eddie managed to slip Modest one of the belts though! Jericho ducks a belt swing and hurucanranas Modest! A lionsault connects, but there is no referee! He's dealing with Eddie. Meanwhile, Dave Harris jumps in the ring. Modest tries another belt shot, but again Jericho ducks. The swing causes Modest to turn…BELT SHOT FROM HARRIS! Dave grabs both belts and ducks out of the ring as Jericho hits an inside cradle! One…Two…Three! We're at 1-1!
Eddie jumps in and complains to the referee. When the referee checks o the belts, they are already back at the announce table though! Jericho takes Eddie down and tries the Lion Tamer, but Eddie is already in the ropes. Modest had grabbed the tag belts and the referee hasn't seen it, but Harris has! Harris charges after Modest while Eddie and Jericho start to exchange holds! Harris is taken out with a diving belt shot! The referee goes to check on Harris, and Modest sneaks in the ring…BACKDRIVER ON THE BELT! Eddie up top…FROG SPLASH! Eddie covers the belt with his arm while the referee counts! One…Two…Three!
2/3 Falls Match
The Jackyl Pack beat Chris Jericho and Dave Harris 2 falls to 1:
x M. Modest beat Dave Harris via the Top Rope Cradle Suplex in 0:07:30
x Chris Jericho beat M. Modest via an inside cradle in 0:12:14
x E. Guerrero beat Chris Jericho via the Frog Splash in 0:15:58
Rating: *** 1/4
(The Jackyl Pack retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
The champs grab the belts and dart out of the ring. They stand at the top of the aisle taunting as Harris sees to Jericho.
HEENAN: Well…even with the cheating the challengers couldn't get the job done! This is why the champs are so good!
DOYLE: And of course, this means The Jackyl Pack face Zero-G at the F8. And Dave Harris gets the qualifying match with Gary Steele of Hammerlock.
JR: And Jericho gets to face Nick Dinsmore in the same situation.
Jericho is getting to his feet. He takes a mic.
JERICHO: This…this isn't over by a long shot. There will be another time for this! Until then, me and Dave are going to the F8! And when we get through to the finals we will put on the kind of match you idiots can only dream about!
The crowd boos Jericho, who is now hated again since he's not against The Jackyl Pack.
JERICHO: Now…you people here can kiss my ass! We don't need your cheers!
Jericho leaves with Harris and Ralphus in tow.
DOYLE: We are only moments away from the double main event.
JR: Could be a triple main event too!
DOYLE: Nah…I have total confidence in Al Snow winning tonight! But before we go to the cage match…we have one more match!
HEENAN: Last month…these two men stole the show. The TV Title match between Chris Benoit and Sick Boy is one of the top picks for Match Of The Year so far. The question is…can they live up to that match this month?
---Killing Machine by Wolfsbane---
The music rings out and "The Crippler" enters to a loud reaction from the crowd. The challenger is over with the crowd big time right now, and he is ready for the challenge of Sick Boy again. He steps between the ropes, and does the cutting the throat taunt then the belt around the waist one as the crowd cheers.
---Cure by MetallicA---
The familiar music means that the crowd give a familiar reaction. The crowd boos crazily as the TV champion enters the ring. He is looking very serious about this match and has the look of a mad man in his eyes. He takes the mic from the ring announcer and benoit calls for another one.
Sick Boy hands his belt to the referee, who hangs it on a rope that ascends above the ring.
SICK: You see that Benoit? The belt rises up high above us. The question is…can you reach that high and take it? CAN YOU? NO! This is only a dream for you Benoit, face it.
BENOIT: Yeah? Seems to me like you may be just a little pissed off about me putting you in the Crossface on Mettle. Seems to mne that you aren't all there! HAHAHAHA! You think you can beat me AGAIN Sick Boy? I think YOU are the one who is dreaming! Why don't you try to PROVE ME WRONG!
Sick Boy jumps on Benoit and starts to punch him in the face.
Sick Boy is on top of Benoit laying in with punches as the bell rings. He is unrelenting and shows no mercy to Benoit. He then gets up and starts to stomp on Benoit' face. Benoit' nose is busted open again. Sick Boy takes this opportunity to piledrive Benoit and taunt the crowd. He then goes to the outside to get the ladder.
As he folds the ladder, Benoit exits the ring and dropkicks the ladder into Sick Boy! He then grabs Sick Boy and slams him on the ladder outside the ring! Benoit throws Sick Boy aside and takes the ladder to the ring.
Back in the ring, the two men start a mass brawl. Fists and feet were flying and neither was really gaining any ground on the other until Sick Boy took a swing, missed, and was German Suplexed into the upright ladder! Sick Boy was now the one hurting! Benoit picked Sick Boy up and slammed him hard on the ladder, this time following up with a leg drop. Benoit then sets the ladder up. He begins to climb, but Sick Boy stands up! Sick Boy is under the ladder and shoves it to the side, sending Benoit crashing across the ropes. Sick Boy sets the ladder up, and climbs half way up…DROPKICK TO BENOIT! Benoit goes crashing to the outside! Rather than capitalising on this, Sick Boy also goes to the outside!
Outside the ring, Sick Boy nails a clothesline on Benoit and then throws him into the crowd! Here, they brawl again, and again Benoit comes out on top this time with some stiff chops that send Sick Boy back onto the ground. Sick Boy is up and does an eye rake, and then grabs a fan' chair! SMASH! Benoit is down! Sick Boy throws the chair in the ring! Sick Boy throws a fan off his seat and throws his chair in the ring too! Every now and then Sick Boy would hit Benoit with the chair, and eventually there was about twenty chairs piled in the ring! Sick Boy grabs Benoit and pulls him into the ring!
In here, Sick Boy slams Benoit onto the chairs! He then picks him up again and drags him up the ladder! With Sick Boy on one side, and Benoit on the other Sick Boy tries to throw Benoit off on the chairs…BENOIT FIGHTS BACK! Benoit slams Sick Boy' head on the ladder, and he falls from the top of the ladder and lands on the chairs! MY GOD! Benoit then stumbles a bit and reaches for the belt. Sick Boy forces himself up and throws a chair, catching Benoit over the head! Benoit falls on the chairs and Sick Boy collapses!
With both men down, the referee counts. One…Two…Three…Sick Boy rolls to the outside. He takes the TV Title Belt! Not again! This happened last month! As Benoit gets up, Sick Boy dives, flooring Benoit with the belt, but lands on the chairs hurting himself again! Sick Boy rolls over and slowly begins to climb the ladder as the referee throws the chairs out of the ring. Sick Boy is almost on the top, but Benoit is up and climbing fast! They are on top again! Once more, Benoit throws Sick Boy off the ladder! Benoit is up top! He could grab the belt! NO! He looks to the crowd and then lets fly with a Diving Headbutt! Sick Boy' nose is busted open! Benoit slowly starts to move to the ladder, but Sick Boy grabs his legs and tries to take him down. Benoit smiles, and picks Sick Boy up! One German Suplex…Two German Suplex…Thre German Suplex…Four German Suplex…FIVE GERMAN SUPLEXES! Benoit grabs Sick Boy…HANGMAN! Sick Boy is hung in the ropes as Benoit climbs! Benoit is nearly up the top of the ladder when Sick Boy gets free! Sick Boy is on the apron…SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK SENDS THE LADDER CRASHING DOWN! BUT BENOIT IS HANGING ON TO THE BELT! He could win it! Sick Boy grabs the ladder and swing as Benoit! Benoit falls from the belt and the match is still on.
My God…both men are bleeding badly from the nose, and both are slowing! Sick Boy grabs Benoit…CURE! NO! Benoit stayed up and took Sick Boy down by the legs! He tries the crossface! SICK BOY IS IN THE CROSSFACE! HE'S SLOWLY PASSING OUT! After about a minute, Sick Boy stops tapping and stops moving. Benoit sinches backa bit then lets go. He grabs the ladder and sets it up. He starts climbing slowly. As he gets to the halfway mark, Sick Boy gets up! He floors the ladder, and grabs the fallen Benoit! CURE ON THE LADDER! BOTH MEN ARE DOWN AGAIN!
Once both me are up, Sick Boy starts hitting Benoit with punces, and then runs the ropes. IN a desperation move, Benoit throws the ladder at Sick Boy! Sick Boy catches round the head and falls to the outside! The camera shows him to be busted open very badly! Benoit meanwhile sets the ladder up and starts to climb. By the time Sick Boy is up, Benoit is at the top trying to loosen the belt! Sick Boy pushes the ladder over…BENOIT GOT THE BELT OFF AND FALLS WITH IT, HITTING SICK BOY ACROSS THE HEAD!
Ladder Match
Chris Benoit defeated Sick Boy in 0:20:38.
Rating: ****
(Chris Benoit won the NCPW TV Title.)
Sick Boy is out cold, and covered in blood as the medics arrive on the scene and stretcher him out. Benoit meanwhile is being helped up by the referee and he leans against the post with his belt. The crowd cheers crazily as he holds the belt aloft! Once he has left, the ring crew set up the cage as the smaller cage lowers down.
We see Al Snow walking through the corridors. Kiefer Sutherland runs up behind him.
KIEFER: Hey Al! You know I was only joking right?
SNOW: Huh?
KIEFER: Earlier. You know, when you ran out?
SNOW: Oh that. That's OK Kiefer. I want to beat HHH tonight, so you've got nothing to worry about.
KIEFER: You sure?
SNOW: Of course.
The final pieces of the cage are being put up.
DOYLE: And so the whole Stalker episode ends one way or the other tonight. Soon, HHH is going to enter and get the biggest damn ass kicking of his life.
JR: And what if Al loses?
HEENAN: What do you mean, what if Al loses? He won't lose, right Mr. Doyle?
DOYLE: I'm prepared for any situation Brain.
The cage is up now and so we await the wrestlers.
---Die Again by Wolfsbane---
The crowd explodes into boos and jeers as Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland And Al Snow step through the curtain. They appear to still be talking as they get down to the ring and step into the cage. Snow points to the small cage as they are handed mics.
SNOW: OK Kiefer, in ya go!
KIEFER: I've changed my mind. I'm having second thoughts.
SNOW; Look Kiefer, it's OK. You can get through this…I won't lose!
KIEFER: I dunno…It's…
---The Game by Motorhead---
HHH charges the ring as soon as the music hits and makes a beeline for Kiefer, who promptly dives into the small cage and is raised above the ring. As HHH watches Kiefer rise up, Snow tries a cheap shot, but HHH turns to see him, and Snow backs off. The cage stops above the ring and Snow and HHH stare each other down.
The match began with the two combatants circling each other. The crowd began to clap as they followed each other with their eyes. They then both stopped and looked up to Kiefer in the cage above them. Kiefer was shouting down at HHH and telling Al to kick his ass.
The two then tie up, and push about a bit before breaking off. Al leans back on the ropes briefly, and then surprises HHH with a leg takedown. He then drops the elbow on the leg. Al drags HHH across the ring and locks his leg between the rungs of the cage. He then stomps the leg a little, with HHH is obvious pain. Al looks up and gives Kiefer the thumbs up. Kiefer is seen to be happy. Meanwhile, HHH has got loose, and has grabbed Al' leg. Al stomps his head, and he lets go. As Al runs back in to drop the leg, HHH moves, and pulls himself up and lays in with the stomps. The crowd is going crazy as HHH stomps Al and then pauses. He looks up at a distraught Kiefer Sutherland, and then hits Al with a HARD kick to the head.
Kiefer can be seen to be in distress as HHH takes control over Al with move after move. A slingshot into the cage, followed by a knee to the face brings Al down and busts him open. HHH then climbs the post and drops another knee on the prone Snow. HHH had solid control for the next four minutes, and claimed near falls with a hip toss into the cage, a top rope clothesline, and a Pedigree.
Al managed to get back into things with a low blow and attempted a crucifix. HHH kept on his feet, and hauled Al up…GAME OVER! Kiefer is looking incredibly worried right now! The referee counts. One…Two…ThreNO! Al got a foot through the cage! Kiefer looks relieved, and HHH steps back. As he goes for a knee drop, Al sits up! The crowd boos, as he locks a scissored Dragon Sleeper on The Game. HHH is fading, and Al releases the hold. He then picks HHH up and drops him with the Snow Plow. This only gets a two count, so Al backs up and…SUPERKICK…NO! HHH ducked! HHH runs back in with the clothesline…ducked by Snow…SUPERKICK! One…Two…ThreNO! HHH gets a shoulder up! Kiefer is encouraging Al, and…Matt Doyle has left the announce position? What's he up to?
Matt Doyle is shouting in to Al. He then reaches under the ring and grabs a chair. He throws it into the cage! Snow picks up the chair and waits for HHH to rise…BAM! HHH is stumbling! BAM! HHH is on one knee! BAM! HHH is down and busted wide open! He is bleeding like a faucet! HHH is dead! Kiefer seems incredible happy right now. HHH is not moving at all, as Al goes for the cover. The referee counts. One…Two…Al pulls HHH up! He rams HHH into the cage, flooring him again. Al then talks to Matt Doyle, and climbs the cage? If Al leaves the cage, HHH has won! What is he doing?
Al is at the top of the cage, and he sits on top, he waits, and as HHH slowly gets to his feet, Al mounts the top of the cage. With perfect balance, he points to Kiefer and shouts "This ones for you Kiefer!" Al gets ready to leap off onto HHH Randy Savage style, but looks to Kiefer again, and…gives him the finger? Al is climbing out of the cage! What is he doing? HHH looks confused as Al leaves the reign and loses the match! Kiefer looks pissed off right now. Meanwhile, HHH collapses in the middle of the ring.
Cage Match
HHH defeated Al Snow in 0:18:28.
Rating: ** ¾
What is going on here? Why did Al just throw this match away when he had it won? This is crazy! Kiefer looks worried now as Doyle and Snow take mics.
DOYLE: Now Kiefer, I'm sure you're wondering WHY? Well, that varies from person to person. You see to me, I did this because…
Kiefer shouts at Doyle, and Doyle smiles.
DOYLE: Yeah, that's it Kiefer, you keep that up. I BROUGHT YOU INTO THE NCPW AS THE COMMISSIONER! And what did you do? How did you thank me? YOU TOOK OVER! YOU booked matches, YOU told people what to do, YOU told me what to do…and you know what REALLY pissed me off? YOU took my comfy chair behind the OWNER' DESK!
SNOW: And as for me? Well Kiefer, you have been NOTHING but a complete ass hole to me since you got here! In fact, why don't we start your match with Hunter right now?
The cage Kiefer is in starts to lower.
SNOW: You see Kiefer, I wanted to get some revenge on Triple H, but I wanted revenge on YOU even more! So how does it feel Kiefer?
HHH has propped himself in a corner as the cage hits the floor. Kiefer steps out and goes over and starts shouting at Snow and Doyle. HHH walks up behind him, and stands there. Kiefer hasn't noticed.
DOYLE: Oh yeah…Kiefer…YOU'RE FIRED!
The crowd explodes into cheers.
SNOW: And Kiefer…take a look behind you.
Kiefer suddenly seems to remember what the stipulation was, and slowly turns to be face-to-face with HHH! HHH has a maddened look in his eyes as he grabs Kiefer by the collar! He then proceeds to throw Kiefer into the cage! He rams Kiefer' head into each turnbuckle in turn, and then nails a Pedigree! The referee counts. One…Two…Three…Four…Five…Six…Seven…Eight…HHH shakes his head!…Nine…HHH lifts Kiefer up! A suplex is followed by a knee drop. Kiefer isn't moving. The referee counts, and again, HHH picks Kiefer up at nine. HHH nails a Game Over! The referee counts, and HHH AGAIN picks him up at nine! He props Kiefer up in the corner, and knees him in the face. He then grabs Kiefer and slaps him a little bit. When Kiefer comes to, he doesn't even have time to think! HHH rams him HARD into the cage! Kiefer falls back slowly, and lands flat in the ring. This time the referee gets to ten, and HHH is declared the winner!
Caged Last Man Standing Match
HHH defeated Kiefer Sutherland in 0:05:06.
Rating: ** ¼
As the crowd cheers, HHH slowly gets to his feet. Meanwhile, medics haul Kiefer out of the ring and on to a stretcher. HHH looks on, and embraces the crowds cheers. Matt Doyle then steps into the ring and he and Kiefer stare at each other briefly. Matt Doyle then raises HHH' hand in victory as the crowd goes crazy. On the outside of the ring, Al Snow stands in the aisle and watches the in ring action. Doyle calls for a mic and one is passed to him.
DOYLE: And so it ends. Kiefer Sutherland is gone from the NCPW for good, and it's time that a few changes were made. First things first, The Coalition…is officially being disbanded. That's right, no more Coalition in the NCPW!
The crowd cheers this, and HHH slumps into a corner. Meanwhile, Al Snow is still standing at the foot of the aisle looking on as Doyle speaks.
DOYLE: From here on, I am going to take on the role of commissioner and owner of the NCPW, so anybody who has any problems can come and speak to me personally, and not that ass hole Kiefer Sutherland!
Another pop from the crowd. HHH pulls himself to his feet. He takes the mic from Doyle.
HHH: I don't get this. What just happened here?
DOYLE: Simple Hunter. It's time you got some respect, and with Kiefer in control that ain't gonna happen. You see, this time things are gonna be fair, and that meant taking care of Kiefer.
HHH: So do I thank you for letting me have this opportunity, or do I kill you for not throwing the cage match sooner?
Pop from the crowd as Doyle and HHH are eye-to-eye.
DOYLE: Hunter, what you do is up to you. If you want to thank anyone though, it's Al Snow. This was his idea. The whole plan was his.
HHH looks to Snow, and he walks towards the cage. He enters through the door and stands a short distance from "The Game" as HHH takes the mic.
HHH: So it's you I have to thank for this then? Tell me Al, what's your angle on this? What's the catch?
Snow looks to the crowd and then takes the mic.
SNOW: Catch? There is no catch. What I did tonight was kill two birds with one stone. Kiefer Sutherland had become someone I despise, and so I needed him gone. Meanwhile you Game…you know as well as all these people here that I hate you! This way, I got to take out Kiefer, and take you out to. The only thing is, I didn't finish things with you.
The blood soaked HHH beckons Al to take him on again there and then. Snow shakes his head.
SNOW: No Hunter. There will be a time and a place down the road for you and me to clash again. Until then, Simply Sensational is going to take things easy and reward his fans for their loyalty. But believe me Hunter, next time we meet, I'll get the job done.
Snow throws the mic out of the ring and leaves. As he gets to the foot of the aisle, HHH shouts over to him. Snow turns, and HHH nods to him. Snow smiles and nods back before leaving. In the ring, HHH celebrates some more with Matt Doyle.
In the back, we see Paul Heyman. The camera zooms out so that we can see sitting on a bench behind him is Sick Boy.
HEYMAN: Here with me right now is the now former TV Champion Sick Boy. Now, what I and the rest of the NCPW wants to know is…what's next for Sick Boy?
Sick Boy looks up. He is still very tired, and it is shown by his heavy breathing. He stares at Heyman, and then directly at the camera.
SICK: Believe it or not Chris Benoit…you've done me a favour. Now that you have the TV Title Belt, I can move on. I held that belt for four months Benoit, and those four months were hard. I fought every damn challenger that stepped in front of me. And you…YOU STUCK WITH IT TILL YOU GOT THE BELT! And now you have it…I hope you're happy Chris. I hope you can handle holding the title.
HEYMAN: What do you mean you can move on? Do you have some plans as to what to do next?
Sick Boy brushes the hair from his face. He smiles.
SICK: HAHAHA! You know what Paul? I do have some plans. I have an idea as to what to do now. It's time for Sick Boy to move on up the ladder some more and take a step in the direction of a much bigger prize. Now…HOW do I do that? I have a plan Paul, and once I pull it off, I'm gonna be making a name for myself like no one ever thought I would!
HEYMAN: You mean you're gonna go after the World Title?
SICK: You always this quick Paul? I think I can see why ECW went out of business. Sick Boy is ready for new challenges. This means that Sick Boy is going after the World Title. Yes Paul, that's right. I want the world title. Now…WHO would be a perfect person to start with before I go after the champion? It seems to me that a former champion might be the best place to start, don't you think so Paul?
Heyman nods.
HEYMAN: Yeah, I guess so.
SICK: Good! Good to see we agree here! I am moving on up in the NCPW, and there isn't one single wrestler in this damn federation that can stop me gaining the prize I desire. There never has been a wrestler in the NCPW that was as good as me, AND THERE NEVER WILL BE! I WANT EVERYONE IN THE BACK TO HEAR ME RIGHT NOW, BECAUSE YOU WILL ALL NEED TO MARK THESE WORDS…I have worked from the bottom, and I've worked hard…and now that I am where I am, I can do things how I want to. The rules don't exist as far as I'm concerned, and none of you idiots back there can stop me from reaching my ultimate goal. So…as a message for that one former champion that I'm gonna take on and make his life a misery…be warned. I'm coming your way, and you ain't gonna be able to stop me or move out of the way, `cause this is MY TIME TO SHINE DAMNIT!
HEYMAN: So who is the former champion your going after?
Sick Boy looks at Heyman seriously. He then smiles and grabs the mic.
SICK: Now that would be telling, wouldn't it Paul.
Sick Boy throws down the mic and leaves the shot. We cut back to the arena.
The cage has been removed, and the ropes have been replaced with barbed wire for the main event! The camera circles the rig and we zoom on its of barbed wire.
HEENAN: This is gonna get real bloody, real quick.
JR: You're right there Brain. This is the sixth barbed wire on NCPW PPV. The original came at the second PPV when Raven pinned Al Snow to retain the NCPW World Title. The other five were from the FTW division' blood and guts era with Atsushi Onita. Of those, Onita lost one, and won four. The only similarity between all these matches is this…they are NOT for the faint of heart.
HEENAN: And tonight is set to be no exception. From the moment Glen won that belt he and Raven have been at logger heads. They have been fighting bitterly for a long time leading up to tonight.
JR: To be fair Bobby, I think Glen would have preferred not to fight his friend Raven.
HEENAN: But Raven made the valid point JR! Once you win the belt, everyone is after you! So what if it means Raven and Glen cannot be friends anymore? Raven probably planned Glen' rise to the top anyway! He knew this day would come!
JR: I wouldn't put it past him Brain. The match is about ready now, so lets get this show on the road!
The lights go off, and a we can see some smoke appearing in front of the entrance ramp.
---Victim of Darkness by Seasons Of The Wolf---
The music begins and a blue light covers the ramp way. After about twenty seconds, a crucifix ascends through the stage with a lone figure on it. The man stays on the cross and appears to be writhing. When the main riffs play, Raven steps off the cross and walks down the aisle as the crowd boos and the singer adds vocals to the effect. As we hear the line "Victim of darkness…Born to shun the light!" Raven rolls under the barbed wire ropes and kneels in the middle of the ring. As the chorus finishes, the lights slowly turn on, and we can see Raven is smiling and is wearing his barbed wire crown of thorns. He stands and backs himself into a corner.
---Inside by Stiltskin---
The usual choir style opening is followed by the guitar riffs the crowd are familiar with as Glen Jacobs steps through the curtain to a standing ovation and is carrying his belt on his shoulder. As he walks down the aisle, Raven steps out of the corner and throws his "crown" to the side. He walks to the centre of the ring as Glen steps over the wire and into the ring. Glen walks forward and is standing in front of Raven. The music fades out. The two seem to be exchanging a few words. The bell rings.
The two stand in the middle of the ring. Raven shows little emotion, and unlike some past opponents of Glen, he shows no fear. Glen takes one step back and then lays the belt out across the ring in the middle of them. Raven keeps his eye on Glen, and for one moment looks down to the belt. As he does so, Glen gives him a big boot to the face! Raven goes flying and rolls back onto his knees. He looks frustrated. As Glen Jacobs flexes his muscles and poses for the crowd though, Raven smiles and claps the move. Raven gets to feet as Glen kicks the belt out of the ring.
Raven circles Glen a bit, and Glen remains static, following Raven with his eyes. Once Raven realizes that Glen ain't gonna play his games, he stops and rolls under the barbed wire to the outside. He jumps the barrier and takes a chair from one of the fans. He then places it down outside the ring. Raven reaches under the ring and pulls out a garbage can. He throws this into the ring and slides back in with the chair.
Glen does not seem worried by what Raven has done. Instead, he walks forward and throws the garbage can out of the ring! As Raven looks confused, Glen hits another big boot! Rave drops the chair and Glen picks him up! The match is finally on! Glen proceeded to throw Raven around with a bodyslam, a press slam, a hanging vertical suplex and a tombstone piledriver! This sequence of high impact stuff gave Glen a two count. Glen didn't let this get him down, but instead picked Raven up and whipped him to the ropes! Seeing the danger in front of him, Raven went into a slide and ended up on the outside, with some o his hair caught in the barbed wire! Raven gets himself free, and sees that he will need a new plan. When he gets back in the ring, Glen takes a step forward, and Raven dropkicks his knees! Glen stumbles back, but doesn't go down! Raven runs in with a clothesline, and Glen is looking shaky! Raven takes a few steps back and runs in for a crossbody…POWERSLAM BY GLEN JACOBS! One…Two…kickout by Raven!
As Glen hauled Raven to his feet, Raven grabbed the chair beside him and hit Glen hard with it! Glen let go of Raven, and Raven hit him again…and again…and again! Glen is still up! Raven sets the chair up…short arm clothesline? NO! Raven set Glen up for a short arm clothesline, but instead drop toe holded him onto the chair! Glen is bleeding! Raven has a chance to take advantage! One…Two…powered out by Glen Jacobs!
Glen gets up and is met with a dropkick by Raven. This hit Glen straight in the face, and Glen is straight back down. Raven waits for him to get up…WHAM! CHAIR SHOT STUMBLES THE BIG MAN! Raven runs in for a running chair shot…GLEN GRABS HIM BY THE THROAT! CHOKESLAM! One…Two…kickout by Raven! Glen grabs Raven…oh no…SLINGSHOT STRAIGHT ON THE BARBED WIRE! Raven could be impailed! Glen pulls him off and gets a low blow! Raven is still fighting for his life! Raven begs Glen to get up and he runs in for a crosbody, but Glen hits the mats and Raven goes over him. Raven gets up and runs…LARIAT! One…Two…Raven gets a shoulder up! Glen signals for the end, and lifts Raven up. Unabomb coming up! He lifts Raven…HURUCANRANA BY RAVEN?!?!?!?! My God! Raven doesn't do them, does he? Glen nearly rolls into the barbed wire. RAVEN DROPKICKS HIM! Glen falls on the wire! My God! This is brutal! Glen gets himself free and stumbles back to face Raven.
A running back elbow by Raven stumbles Glen, but as Raven runs in again, he gets pressed…over the ropes and to the outside! Glen steps over the barbed wire and joins Raven on the outside! These two are brawling in the ringside area! Raven get over powered and backed to the barriers…BIG BOOT SENDS RAVEN INTO THE CROWD! Glen steps into the masses with him and proceeds to slam Raven around the floor. He then sets up for…oh no…UNABOMB COMING UP! As Glen takes a step to Unabomb Raven over the barrier to the matting, Raven lays in the punches! Raven is out, and he has Glen set up over the barriers…EVENFLOW DDT OVER THE BARRIER TO THE RING SIDE! BOTH MEN ARE DOWN!
Raven is the first up, and he rolls back into the ring as Glen slowly gets to his feet…RAVEN DIVES OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO GLEN JACOBS! He then picks Glen up and throws him under the wire and into the ring! Raven is standing close to the wire as he slaps Glen and goes for a whip…GLEN REVERSES AND FALLS! RAVEN JUST HIT THE BARBED WIRE! Raven is in pain right now as Glen gets to his knees and rains on Raven with punches to the mid-section! Raven gets hip tossed off the wire and is down! What is Glen doing now? He's found Raven' crown of barbed wire! He places it on the fallen Raven' head…STOMPS TO THE FACE BUST RAVEN OPEN! Glen says "That's it!" He lifts Raven and sets up the Unabomb again…LOW BLOW! EVENFLOW DDT! Raven goes for the pin! One…Two…ThreNO! Shoulder up by Glen Jacobs! Raven looks stunned! He hits the mats with his hands in frustration and locks in the STF! Glen could tap here! Glen…slowly…gets to…the ropes…he makes it! Raven releases the hold quickly and kicks Glen' hand into the barbed wire! Raven mounts the top turnbuckle now…he comes off with a missile dropkick…reversed into a sidewalk slam by Glen Jacobs! Glen picks him up…UNABOMB! One…Two…ThreeNO! Raven got his foot under the barbed wire ropes! Glen looks pissed off and picks Raven up…OH NO! HE CAN'T! UNABOMB ONTO THE CHAIR! One…Two…ThreeNO! Raven gets his shoulder up again! Glen is getting frustrated now! He's setting the chair up! The chair is set up in the middle of the ring…UNABOMB ONTO THE CHAIR AGAIN! ONE…TWO…THREE! THE CROWD GOES WILD!
Barbed Wire Match
Glen Jacobs pinned Raven with the Unabomb in 0:28:53.
Rating: ****
(Glen Jacobs retained the NCPW World Title.)
Raven is on the floor entangled in a broken chair, and is breathing heavily. He wears the crimson mask now as Glen Jacobs stumbles back and drops to one knee. The referee hands him the World Title belt, and he slings it over one shoulder, and gets himself up to his feet.
HEENAN: Raven pushed him to the limit tonight JR. I get a feeling that this little rivalry ain't over by a long shot!
JR: You could be right Brain.
Glen Jacobs steps forward and stands looking over the fallen Raven. He doesn't do anything, just stands and stares for a while as the crowd cheer for him. He then raises the belt above his head in celebration and climbs out of the ring. He walks slowly up the aisle with a slight limp, and steps through the curtain. Meanwhile, Raven is getting up slowly in the ring.
JR: This man has nothing to be ashamed of tonight. He did what he said he'd do and took Glen to the limit. This is not the end of the line for Raven!
Raven pulls himself to his feet in the corner, and takes a step forward. He falls again, and instead rolls out of the ring. We fade out with the camera on a bloody Raven sitting in front of the ring apron facing the crowd.
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