NCPW: New Championship Pro Wrestling | home
SUNDAY 20th JULY 2003
Madison Square Garden
The second annual tournament to decide the top contender to the TV Title. Not only does the tuournament have a rock olid line up, but there is a an awesome array of other matches, including an all British Eight-Man Tag Match, a Tag Titles Match, a Cruiserweight Title Match, a clash between the two top champions in the NCPW, and a wild Main Event featuring Al Snow, Raven, HHH and a Sick Bot assault.
---Tough As Steel by Blaze---
The Blaze version of the Wolfsbane song written by Blaze' lead singer hits and we get a somewhat different opening video. The video circles the arena and every time it goes to the ring, we see a semi transparent picture of one of the F8 Qualifying match winners and hear their name spoken. We then go on to see the same for HHH, Al Snow and Raven. As we fade from the msuic, we just catch Sick Boy' picture. We then cut to the back.
In the back, we see the F8 trophy. The camera zooms in on it and we see "2002: Diamond Dallas Page" engraved on it. Under that is "2003:" So who will walk away with it this year? We are about ready to start the first of the round one matches, so lets get to the ring.
---Cowboys From Hell by Pantera---
The crowd begins to boo as Justin Credible walks out. It is only a small reaction really, but it is still A reaction. Justin Credible walks down the asile with his cane in hand and does the usual taunt on the top turnbuckle as we await his foe.
---Poison by Alice Cooper---
This music triggers a nice loud round of cheers from the crowd as Roadie Ralphus step through the curtain. Then, as the theme song goes into a louder piece, Dave Harris jumps through the curtain air guitaring for the fans! Not all the crowd is chering him, but over half seem to be loyal followers of his. He makes his way down to the ring as Jericho and Ralphus follow him.
Credible attacked before the bell, and tried to get an early fall with a small package. This got one, and he tried a superkiclk. Dave hit the mat. And when he got up, Justin tried the That's Incredible, but Dave forced him back into an attempt of his own, but ended up with a diving reverse DDT! The crowd cheered. However, it only got a one count. Dave applied a wrist-lock, and Justin reversed into one of his own. Dave did the same, ad Justin rolled then did a kip up and applied another, but Dave quickly rolled, then rolloed back and flipped up off his head and took Credible down with a throw! The crowd cheered. The unfortunate thing is, that after this slick sequence, the match degenerated. From the start, a decent match should have been forthcoming, but instead, Justin blew a sunset flip attempt, and Dave managed the blow a spinning head scissors. The crowd seemed not to care though, as Dave still managed to get some heat. The finish saw the referee berating Dave for low blowing Justin, and Jericho nailed a swift springboard dropkick to Justin. Dave didn't see this at all, and instead just nailed the K-RAD Driver for the one, two, three.
Dave Harris pinned Justin Credible with the K-RAD Driver in 0:06:10.Rating: * ¼
As Dave celebrates, blissfully unaware of HOW he won, we cut to the back. We see HHH sitting on a crate, and he speaks to the camera.
HHH: Tonight, The Game finally gets to do what he never had the chance to do before in the NCPW. Tonight, I will face off with two of the best there has been, and I WILL take home the victory. In that very ring, the fans in The Garden will see a no hold barred match like no other. The first man to get the fall goes on to face Glen Jacobs at One Step Closer, and I can GUARANTEE…that it will be me. Raven…we've danced this dance before, and you've always managed to come out at the top. Well, it's time that I got thechance to prove myself, and YOU Raven are just the stepping stone. Al Snow…you have also been athorn in my side as I try to get to the top of the NCPW. Well, NO MORE! It's My Time! And when all is said and done, I will be standing tall. Raven, you can't stop me. Snow…you haven't got a chance…and Sick Boy? You try to stick your nose where it doesn't belong, and it'll be Game Over!
Back in the ring, we are ready for the next F8 match. We see some clips leading to this one. From the last Mettle, we see Jon Ryan getting in his T-Bone Suplex on Taz, and Taz getting his on Jon. The question is, who will walk out the victor tonight?
---War Machine by Kiss---
The music hits and Taz steps out with his FTW Title. The crwod cheers the Human Suplex Machine and he walks down to the ring, with his usual serious stance.
---Ace Of Spades by Motorhead---
In a surprise, The Garden actually gave Jon a good reaction as he entered. Considering how new he is to the roster, this was totally unexpected. He poses a little for the crowd, but keeps his eye on Taz constantly.
A much stronger match than the opener. Unlike Dave and Justin, these two are on form in the singles division. Of course, the result was far too obvious. Taz was visibly holding back here, while Jon put his all into the match, so the crowd picked up very quickly that Jon was going to do the JOB tonight. This meant that the near-falls didn't draw much heat. Of course, Jon did draw A LOT of heat when he managed to T-Bone Taz and then nail a top rope Michinoku Driver. Apart from that though, nothing they did could get the match off the ground, despite some solid work. The finish came when Jon tried a clothesline, but Taz ducked and applied theTazmission. Rather than get the submission though, Taz waited till Jon was nearly out, and then nailed a T-Bone Tazplex for the three count.
Taz pinned Jon Ryan after a T-Bone Tazplex in 0:07:10.Rating: ** ¼
It's a nice clear night, and the moon is visible. The camera is looking up to the sky as we hear a familiar voice.
RAVEN: As I live…So I dide…Here In…Endless night. Time to be…Time to see…Infinity…Consuming me…
The camera turns and we are face to face with Raven sitting on a wall. He looks, as always, sombre and stares directly at the camera as he speaks.
RAVEN: From day one, I have engaged in an endless war. I have fought EVERY credible wrestler in the NCPW, and some of the less credible ones. I have beaten EVERY foe I've fought, even YOU Glen. After tonight, you will still be the World Champion Glen, and me? I'll be walking that aisle again. You see, I fight two men tonight. I fight in a match with no rules, except one. Wurvive. There are no holds barred tonight, and the first man to take his chances and hit that BIG move…he will face you Glen.
Raven smiles and then jumps down off the wall. The camera follows him as he walks around the parking lot.
RAVEN: The first man I face tonight is HHH. Hunter…you and me go back a long way. I remember the days in The Triad. You me and Shane. To your credit, YOU took the chance and turned on me. Then I took revenge. You cannot…CAN…NOT…think it will be as easy to beat me tonight as you've found it in the past! It's NOT your time! IT'S MINE! And that brings me to Al Snow.
Raven stops at the door to the arena, and rests up against the wall.
RAVEN: We go back to day one of the NCPW Al. You and me seem to be locked in a never ending circle of hatred. But is it hatred? Or do we both just crave the battle? You see Al, I have embraced the feeling you get when you fight for your very life. And I think you are just beginning to. I welcome your challenge more than Hunter' tonight Al, because HISTORY, repeats itself, and I'm gonna pin you one…two…three.
Raven lets out a loud laugh, and then smiles as he speaks.
RAVEN: And then we have Sick Boy. The one who thinks he can just walk into our realm and take us out. Scott…back in WCW, you were a lowly follower. Now? Now you seem to have stepped up to take your chances. I congratulate you on this, but I also tell you this…Remember Scott. All life is, is a game of chance. Our fate is set by the roll of a dice. Is it your roll yet Scott, or are you still waiting? Quote The Raven. Nevermore.
Raven laughs again and walks through the door into the arena. The camera then turns to face the parking lot itself. A car pulls up, and out steps Sick Boy. He looks to the sky, and then to the arena. He lets out a loud laugh and then walks in. He is wearing street clothes, and has no bags.
---Catch The Rainbow by Ryusei---
The crowd boos as Shinjiro Ohtani enters. His feud with Kouji Kanemoto has really gotten him over. As he enters, the camera cuts to the crowd to show that Kouji Kanemoto is in fact sitting in the front row. Shinjiro Ohtani does not notice him. The crowd is against Shinjiro.
---Poison by Alice Cooper---
As the music hits, the crowd starts to cheer. Dave Harris and Rodie Ralphus are the first through the curtain. Then, Lionheart steps out. He seems to be getting more and more cheers these days, and his team with Harris is over with the fans.
This was a classic match, if ever there was one, and was by far the best match of a five match under-card. The two wrestled solidly back and forth for a good five minutes, and then took to the air. Jericho scored first with a flying elbow, and tried to follow up with the Lionsault. Ohtani moved however and ducked to the apron. Once Jericho got up, Ohtani hit a sprongboard dropkick. This was followed by a Dragon Suplex attempt, but Harris reached in and held Jericho down. Ohtani kicked away and Harris and Ralphus backed off, so Ohtani tried a springbaord heel kick, but Jerihco dropkicked him and hit the Lionsault. This got a two count, and Ohtani rolled to the outside. He looked up and saw Kanemoto! He started to shout at him as Jericho distracted the referee. Kouji floored Ohtani with some brass knuckles! Kouji is just walking away! Ralphus and Harris throw Ohtani back in the ring and Jericho applied the Lion Tamer for the win!
Chris Jericho made Shinjiro Ohtani submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:09:13.Rating: ****
We see Al Snow sitting on a bench. He is already in his wrestling gear, of his Simply Sensational tights, and an old Dynamic Duo T-Shirt. He looks at the camera.
AL SNOW: I have been watching. I know how HHH and Raven feel about tonight, and I know that Sick Boy is here. Well, it's my time to speak now, so you three better listen to what Simply Sensational has to say. First on my list HHH. Hunter…last time we met in that cage, I had you beat, and I could easily have just pinned you there and then, but I opted to eliminate an annoyance. I promised you that we would meet again, and so…here we are in the ring. Trust me Game, things will be no different to the last time. I WILL take you down. And so we have Raven. You are right. We go back a long way. So de me and Hunter, but you and me have been on fighting terms since day one. And it has done nothing but cause blood to be shed, and yet somehow bring us closer. It could be said that you and me Scott are the NCPW' dream team. Two guys who could run the place if we stopped fighting long enough to do so. But we both know that won't happen. So…lets learn from history and fight till we cannot fight any more. Finally, we have Sick Boy…
Al looks serious as he speaks, and you can the hatred burning in his eyes.
AL SNOW: Kiefer Sutherland was an annoyance, so I arranged t have him taken out. You Sick Boy will not need so much planning. You see, I deal with those little annoyances as swiftly as possible. Tonight, I don't care WHO you're after. Me? Raven? Hunter? It doesn't matter. As soon as I see you, I'm gonna tear you apart. So till tonight Raven…Hunter…Sick Boy…One shall stand, and three shall fall.
The camera zooms out and we fade. The interview has meant we skipped the intros for the next match, so already in the ring now are RVD and DDP for the next match.
Hardly a classic, and mercifully short. RVD may be on form, but DDP is not. A knee injury that has plagued him since his TV Title win in the NCPW has meant that his performances are constantly poor. This was not always the case, but right now he cannot keep up in a hard hitting match. The match went back and forth a little, with RVD controlling most of the it, and he eventually finished the first F8 Winner off with his finisher.
Rob Van Dam pinned Diamond Dallas Page with the Five Star Frog Splash in 0:05:48.
Rating: * 3/4
We see Nova talking to the camera, and this is what he had to say.
NOVA: You know, it seems that Kanyon thinks he's something special. Well here's what's gonna happen. You and I Kanyon are gonna get it on. That's right boy, you and me one-on-one in that ring. Now when will this momentus match take place? Well, how about at One Step Closer? That's as good a date as any, don't ya think? Innovator vs Innovator! One Step Closer. And once that's over and done with, we can both move on, so come on Kanyon! Try me!
When we return to the ring for the last match of the under-card, the Hammerlock boys are all already in the ring. We now await the opponents for them.
---Duck And Run by 3 Doors Down---
The music hits and as the intro ends, British Storm step out to boos and jeers. Although not the loudest reaction of the night, this was a good strong reaction. Robbie Brookside takes a mic.
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE: This is just a quick message. Tonight is but the start of something much bigger. You see, after tonight, things will continue, and you four can do NOTHING!
Robbie throws the mic aside.
The four men from either side stared at each other, and then the bell rung. This match was far better than anybody could have imagined. The expected match was an average eight-man, but these eight put in the extra effort to make this something better. For thirteen minutes, all eight traded blows. Johnny Moss and Dougn Williams looked incredibly stiff in their exchanges, and the tag team war between Seek `N' Destroy and British Storm was just as stiff here. Robbie Brookside and Gary Steele however were not so stiff. Instead, they managed to put on a top notch mat display. The climax was what you'd expect. All eight were in the ring, with Gary and Robbie as the legal men. Seek `N' Destroy were thrown to the outside by Jody and Jonny, who then dove onto their foes and began to lay into them in the crowd. Meanwhile, a bloody Johnny Moss and Doug Williams were alying into each other with stiff kicks. Gary hit a Norther Lights Suplex on Robbie, but the pin was broken at two when Doug fell on him. He then went up top for a moonsault, but Doug threw Johnny Moss at the ropes, causing Gary to fall. Doug then disposed of Johnny, and Robbie made a recovery. So did Gary, but as he turned to try a top rope crossbody, Robbie crotched him again and hit his Cross-Armed Iconclasm to get the pin over the NWA-UK Champion.
British Storm (Doug Williams, Jody Fleisch, Jonny Storm and Robbie Brookside) defeated NWA-UK Hammerlock (Dave McMillan, Gary Steele, Johnny Moss and Tony McMillan) when Brookside pinned Steele with the Cross-Armed Iconoclasm in 0:13:19.
Rating: *** ¼
Post match, British Storm proceed to take out Seek `N' Destroy, and then Johnny Moss. This leaves the four against Gary Steele. They go after him, but Gary manages to duck under them and nail a waistlock suplex on Jody. Jonny turns and takes a belly-to-belly. Doug turns and starts to kick away at Gary, but Gary catches one of the legs and gives a leg drag to Doug, sending him to the outside. Robbie loos at Gary and smiles. He then gathers the troops and leaves as Gary stands in the ring still ready for a fight.
Jericho seems to be trying to explain something to Dave, but Dave clearly unhappy.
CHRIS JERICHO: Look, don't think of it as cheating, just as bending the rules a little.
DAVE HARRIS: No way dude…that is so uncool. I mean, if you'd asked me, I would have said, like, hey! Jericho man! Come on out and cheat for me any time dude! But you went and did it behind my back, and that is just not how I do it.
CHRIS JERICHO: Wait a minute, you would have told me to come out and cheat for you?
DAVE HARRIS: Yeah Yeah! Well…not in as many words, but yeah! BUT…since you didn't ask the king of rock if he wanted you to cheat for him, I'm going to go this next match alone.
Jericho seems a little puzzled by Dave' current attitude, but nods.
They shake and Dave leaves for the next match.
The Jackyl Pack are sitting in their locker room talking over their match.
EDDIE GUERRERO: I mean, do they really think that they have a chance? WE are the future of tag team wrestling, and those two…they're yesterdays news!
MICHEAL MODEST: Really! They don't have a hope in Hell against The Jackyl and The Natural One tonight. Rhis is gonna be our easiest match to date!
A knock is heard at the door.
BEDDIE GUERRERO: Come in! It's open!
The knock comes again, and Eddie and Micheal look at each other. They both nod and take one side of the door each…they open it and jump out…there is nothing there but an envelope. They take it in and Micheal opens it.
EDDIE GUERRERO: What have we got here then?
MICHEAL MODEST: The car keys! And a note…"Guess who's got your car!" Shit!
The Jackyl Pack run out of the room as we go to the ring.
---Poison by Alice Cooper---
The music hits and Dave walks out alone. He seems as happy as ever though, and as always he garners a decent reaction from the crowd. He still must be considered the under dog here though.
---War Machine by Kiss---
In a bizarre move, the crowd is singing along with Taz' theme song as he walks down the aisle. He steps in the ring like he always does and takes a mic.
TAZ: Tell me brutha…what is it that makes you think you can beat the Human Suplex Machine? Is it going to seem so fun coming out here after I've kicked your ass and choked you out? Be ready Dave, because I am Taz! The NCPW FTW Champion! Beat me if you can! Survive if I let you!
Dave Harris doesn't seem to be phased by any of this and takes the mic from him.
DAVE HARRIS: Whoa there dude! Take a chill pill! You really need to calm down a little and be happy. Remember man, a day without sun, is like…well, night! So why don't you just go to the back and be happy knowing that I didn't just get totally trippendicular on your ass!
The crowd gives a reaction that is a mix of laughter and cheers.
Dave' taunting at the start of the match may have won him some crowd support, but it made him one BIG…well small…enemy in Taz. Dave started the match like he always does, circling, but Taz just stepped in and grabbed him! BAM! Belly-to-Belly Tazplax! BAM! Another! Bam! A third, dropping Dave on his head! Dave rolls into the corner and pulls himself up. He then walks straight into a T-Bone Tazplex. Dave ducks to the outside. Dave managed to get a some action when he got back in. He ducked Taz' grapple attempt, and rolled Taz up with the tights for two. He then dropkicked Taz in the face, and followed through with a crossbody for antoher two. He then made a mistake. He tried to brawl. Taz no sold three right hooks, then ducked a left and grabbed Dave into a German Tazplex for two. AS the match went on, Dave did manage to hit a few moves in short bursts, including a nice spinning head scissors, a tope, and a sunset flip. Taz meanwhile was the same as ever, hitting Dave with everything he had. The end saw Dave in one of his bursts of attack. He tried to hit the K-RAD Driver, but Taz escaped by hitting a low blow on on the way up! He then applied the Tazmission for an out of nowhere submission win.
Taz made Dave Harris submit to the Tazmission in 0:08:38.Rating: *** ½
We see Kanyon, who will no doubt answer Nova's earler challenge.
KANYON: So Nova…you want to play games? Well this game is over! I'm telling you Nova, what you have done by challenging me is made a mistake. I was going to give you some more time to prepare for the show down between us, but since you seem to be so willing to fall, then so be it! You and me…Inovator vs Innovator…One Step Closer. Then you'll see Nova. Who's better than Kanyon? Not you!
The Jackyl Pack are seen running around a corner to the back of the parking lot. They turn the corner, and slow down as they see their car by the path next to the building.
EDDIE GUERRERO: What the Fuck are they playing at?
The Jackyl Pack move closer to the car, but they dive back as a cabinet comes falling into view and explodes as it hits the floor. The camera points up and we see Zero-G on the roof.
DEVON STORM: Damnit man! You missed the car!
KID KASH: Yeah, but I nealry hit the two losers!
EDDIE GUERRERO: Oh yeah, you two are so funny! Why don't you two go get yourselves ready for the biggest ass beating of your lives!
MICHEAL MODEST: Yeah! Come on! We'll see who's the losers!
KID KASH: Oh yeah! So confident right now, aren't ya! Captain Devon! Get the ammunition!
DEVON STORM: Is that rain?
We see some water bombs sailing down and The Jackyl Pack are run off rather than being soaked. We fade back to the ring with a shot of Zero-G high fiving.
---Walk by Pantera---
This music sends the crowd into a fit of boos as The Whole F'N Show steps out into the aisle and walks down the aisle reminding us of who he his with his pointing.
ROB VAN DAM: Welcome! The Garden is special tonight, as they have the Whole F'N Show competing not once, not twice, but once I've beaten my foe next, three times! And just who is the greatest in the NCPW? Its Rob…Van…
---Poison by Alice Cooper---
RVD is cut off and the crowd cheers as Jericho walks out. He seems to be alone, which I guess means he's pulling a Harris for the next match. Then, Roadie Ralphus waddles out, so I guess he's just giving Dave a rest.
CHRIS JERICHO: Now tell me this…why do you think it is that these people boo you when you coe out here? Is it because you don't have any talent? Although that's true, no. Is it because you are quite frankly boring? No. It's because Madison Square Garden is filled with Jerichoholics!
The crowd cheers as Jericho steps between the ropes.
CHRIS JERICHO: So when is all said and done, Lionheart will have given RVD a beating he will never…e-e-e-e-ever…forget…again!
This was a decent match. Jerihco didn't hold back, once again. RVD was holding back a little, but it didn't show. The two traded some high spots, and that is how the match went. A pure spot fest, but a good one. The end came like this. Ralphus got on the apron to hit RVD with a chair, and RVD hit him with a Van Daminator. As the referee checked on Ralphus, Nick Dinsmore and Dean Malenko ran in through the crowd! They got in the ring and helped RVD nail a Van Daminator on Jericho! The crowd boos loudly as they duck out and RVD gets the pin.
Rob Van Dam pinned Chris Jericho after the Van Daminator in 0:06:30.Rating: ***
RVD left the ring, and Dean and Nick got abck in the ring with the chairs are were ready to nail Jericho. However, this was not to be, as the crowd suddenly exploded into cheers and Dave Harris charged down the ring and ducked a double chair shot. He then ran back with a double back elbow! Dean and Nick ducked out of the ring and ran out through the crowd. Dave meanwhile helped Ralphus and Chris to the back.
---Shine by Motorhead---
The crowd cheers as the Cruiserweight Champion walks out down the aisle for his latest challenge. He steps in the ring confidently, and the crowd reacts.
---The Flight Of Icarus by Iron Maiden---
Back to his old music, Shoichi Funaki enters to a mild reaction from the fans. His career has been lacking without TAKA Michinoku there by his side.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Shoichi Funaki surprised us all here. Chavo and Funaki kept their feet firmly on the floor for a lot of this match, and they traded some nice chain wrestling holds and moves. Chavo of course eventually took to the air. Funaki meanwhile took to the air rarely, and seemed to be favouring putting Chavo in submission holds. The match went back and forth, and the crowd enjoyed the change of pace from the two cruisers. The end saw Chavo hitting his Tornado DDT, but only getting two. He then whipped Funaki at the ropes and ducked for a back body drop. Funaki stopped and kicked him in the face and tried a suplex, but Chavo flipped out. Funaki turned and was surprised with a small package to grant Chavo the win.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Shoichi Funaki after a small package in 0:08:28.
Rating: ***
(Chavo Guerrero Jr. retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
---Stone Dead Forever by Motorhead---
The music hits and the NCPW Tag Team champs walk out to a loud round of boos from the Garden fans. They seem cocky, despite recent happenings.
---Last Resort by Papa Roach---
The music plays and the challengers walk out to a loud face ovation from the crowd. This is new for them: Zero-G have ALWAYS been heels in the NCPW, and this face turn may have granted the team some more life.
The tag division is making a come back. The evidence? Try The Jackyl Pack' matches with Jericho and Harris, and this one here. The Champs are helping to rebuild the division to the level it was at when Kai En Tai' J-Thunder, The Innovators and Zero-G were in a three-way rivalry.
This was a hot match from start to finish. Both teams showed some great skill in their double teaming of the other team, and Zero-G actually managed to cut the ring off at one point, Hwever, The Jackyl Pack managed to cheat their way back into the lead and they took this advantage as best they could by destroying Kid Kash.
Kash eventually made a hot tag, and Devon cleaned house. Then of course, he and Kash dove to the outside onto Eddie and Modest. Kash it seems hurt his knee in this dive. As a result, he spent a lot of time on the outside injured. Devon meanwhile fought The Jackyl Pack for as long as he could, be was eventually double teamed to the mat, and Modest nailed him with a top rope superplex, allowing Eddie to hit the match winning Frog Splash.
The Jackyl Pack defeated Zero-G when E. Guerrero pinned D. Storm with the Frog Splash in 0:14:31.
Rating: *** 1/2
(The Jackyl Pack retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
The Jakyl Pack left with their belts as medics helped Kid Kash to the back.
The crowd was buzzing as we got ready to go into the upper end of the card. The final three matches were looking set to be superb displays, and the first one was up next featuring champion vs champion.
---Killing Machine by Wolfsbane---
The music starts, and the crowd cheers. The drums play and Chris Benoit steps out with his TV Title Belt. He gives a sly smile at the reaction he is getting from the crowd here. He looks as serious as ever in the ring as he awaits his biggest foe in the NCPW to date.
---Inside by Stiltskin---
The voices sing a choir style intro, starting the crowd cheering. The music then kicks in as Glen Jacpobs steps out in his usual ring attire and carrying the World Title Belt. He gets on the mic when he enters the ring.
GLEN JACOBS: I want to get one thing straight Benoit. You're coming out here thinking that you can take advantage of my supposed over confidence. Well, guess what? Aint gonna happen. Why? Because when you're at the level I'm at, people can't just beat so easily. So if you still think you can take me…bring it on.
The crowd cheers as Benoit smiles and picks up the mic that Glen just threw down.
CHRIS BENOIT: From that little talk Glen…I may already have this match won.
This was one of the longer matches of the night, but not quite as long as Glen' usual title amtches on PPV.
Benoit took the early advantage, taking Glen down with some nice leg take downs and dropkicks. He made sure to work on Glen when he was down too, applying a variety of holds. Glen of course powered out of most things, and he managed to hit Benoit hard with a big boot and hoist him up for a Unabomb. Benoit flipped over him and rolled him up in a sunset flip for two. In fact, for the first seven or so minutes, Benoit really took it to Glen, hitting him with everything in his arsenal, wearing him down. Most immpressive was the set of five locomotion German Suplexes.
Glen managed to take over for the middle sectin of the match, by catching a running Benoit with a big time Lariat for two and a half. He proceeded to hit some nice power moves, including a side walk slam, a BIG gorilla press, and a reverse suplex gaining himself a set of two counts.
The turning point came when Glen tried another Lariat, but Benoit ducked and fired off a Lariat of his own. Glen stumbled, but was still up. Benoit' crossbody was caught, and Glen effortlessly threw him over his head to the mat. From here, Glen seemed to be very relaxed in his moves, and didn't appear to take the match serious. He had some certain pins, but released Benoit or pinned him with one finger each time, meaning he never put Benoit away.
This didn't last for Glen though, as Benoit managed to duck another lariat and hit a diving lariat of his own, sending Glen over the ropes to the outside. Glen was then surprised with a top rope crossbody to the outside. As Glen got in the ring, Benoit hit a stunning Swan Dive Headbutt on the standing Glen, dropping him to one knee. He went up top and hit another, flooring Glen in the process. This got him a close two count. As Glen stumbled up, Benoit went up for another, but Glen threw himself on the ropes, causing Benoit to fall hard on the top rope. Glen saw this chance and he took it. He went up top, and…Oh no…he hoisted Benoit up…TOP ROPE UNABOMB! One…Two…Three!
Glen Jacobs pinned Chris Benoit after a top-rope Unabomb in 0:20:53.
Rating: *** ¼
Glen Jacobs picks up his belt and looks over at the recovering Benoit. He shakes his hand and leaves without a word. Benoit meanwhile gives a "I had him" look, and then takes his belt and leaves too. We are now ready for the F8 Final.
---War Machine by Kiss---
The music hits and the crowd starts to sing along as Taz steps out through the curtain with his FTW Title Belt. He walks down the aisle like always and takes his position in the corner facing the aisle.
---Walk by Pantera---
The crowd exploded into boos here as the man who thinks he's the best steps out through the curtain. He walks down the aisle constantly pointing to himself as the fans boos him relentlessly. He enters the ring and takes a mic.
ROB VAN DAM: Whoa Whoa Whoa…now here's how I see things. Right now, I've already proven myself by beating two top class competitors tonight, so I shouldn't really need this match. I mean, no offense to Mr. Suplex there, but he is a kind step down from the last two. So as it should be known, I am already the Whole F'N Show, and so tonight I will begin the path that will lead me to taking a belt that I made famous in ECW. Why? Because I am Rob…Van…Dam!
Taz grabs the mic.
TAZ: Yeah, that's it! You just keep standing there running your mouth, and we'll see how you feel once I get done suplexing you to Hell. Well you just listen to me brutha…I've beaten many times before, once on PPV in a match of the year candidate. This time around, you don't have any of your stupid little weapons, and I don't think that you can handle me without them. So whatcha gonna do when I've finished chokin' your ass out? Why will I do that? BECAUSE I AM TAZ! THE NCPW FTW CHAMPION! BEAT ME IF YOU CAN. SURVIVE…I DON'T THINK SO.
There was no way that these two would be able to match their match for the FTW Title, but they managed to put in a good effort at it. In fact, they nearly managed to make the match better than the last one.
They started out by feeling each other out, and RVD managed to get some martial arts style kicks in and take Taz down. They didn't keep him down though, and Taz eventually made a come back with some nice Suplexes.
The match went back and forht for over thwelve minutes, and both guys gave it their all. At the end of the day though, THIS was Rob Van Dam' night. When allwas said and done, he managed to land on his feet from a German Tazplex and hit a back spin kick to Taz' face then follow up with two Five Star Frog Splashes for the three count, and a loud round of boos from the crowd.
Rob Van Dam pinned Taz with the Five Star Frog Splash in 0:12:09.
Rating: **** ½
Rob Van Dam walked up the aisle happy with his win, pointing to himself all the way. The crowd were not happy with this result, and they were very vocal about it. They brightened up though when the ring announcer announced that the main event was next.
The crowd waited in quiet anticipation for the first man to enter. Then the music hit.
---The Game by Motorhead---
The arena cheered loudly as The Game made his way to the ring. He seemed pumped for tonight as he stood on the turnbuckle and sprayed water everywhere. HHH came here tonight to win, and he was making sure evryone knew it.
---Victim Of Darkness by Seasons Of The Wolf---
Although he should be a heel, Raven got a face reaction here. Maybe the crowd respects that this is gonna be a special match, or maybe they want to see him kick Sick Boy' ass. Raven keeps a blank look on his face as he walks to the ring and make the crucifix sign. Then he sits in the corner.
---Don't Tread On Me by MetallicA---
Al got a nice big reaction tonight. It seems that this Sick Boy feud has gotten him back to being one of the most over guys in the NCPW. He stood at the top of the aisle and looked out over the crowd who were chanting his name. Al then ran down the aisle and dove into the ring and celebrated for the screaming fans.
This was FAR better than any fan in the arena could have imagined. With EVERYTHING on the line, these three sttod n the corners of the ring, waiting. The referee in the middle of the ring explained how the winner will get the World Title shot, and then signals the time keeper. We begin.
All three slowly circled the ring and watched closely, waiting to see who would make the first move. HHH scored first, charging forward, and flooring Raven with a right hook to the head. He then turned and clotheslined Snow to the mat, and grabbed the recovering Raven. HHH whipped Raven off the ropes and tried another clothesline, but Raven ducked. HHH hit the mat, and the approaching Raven crossbody sailed over him and connected with Snow! One…broken by HHH.
Raven nailed a low blow on Hunter and then kicked him hard in the face. He then dropped him with a knee, and turned to move in on Snow. Snow was laready up though, and when Raven ran towards him, Snow back body dropped him over the ropes, but Raven landed on the apron! As Snow walked away, Raven grabbed his hair and pulled him to the mat. Snow was straight back up though, and shoulder barged Raven in the mid-section. He then threw himself over…BAM! Raven is powerbombed to the cold hard floor! Snow re-enters the ring.
HHH is there to meet him with a club to the back, and follws through with a stomp to the head. He then hit a DDT. One…TwNO! It's way to early! HHH whips Snow as Raven climbs back on the apron, but Snow reverses! Raven kicks HHH in the back, bringing him to the floor. SUPERKICK! Snow just superkicked Raven! Raven is out cold on the floor! Snow lifts HHH and tries a superkick on him too, but HHH dives forward and takes his other leg out from under him and drops the knee on it!
HHH took this chance to apply a half boston crab on Snow, and worked the leg for as long as he could without stopping the flow of the match. Indeed, afer only a few seconds with the hold on, HHH released and turned it to a first and Ankle Lock, and then a reverse Ankle Lock. This gave Raven plenty of time recover and climb back in the ring though, and he broke the hold with a boot the face on HHH. He then pushed HHH back with some elbows and ran in with a clothesline, sending both him and Hunter over the ropes to the outside. Raven re-entered the ring and dropped Snow with a dropkick and then applied his STF!
Snow was writhing when HHH decided to take advantage of the no holds barred rule. He threw a trash can over the ropes and entered the ring with a chair. Raven only saw the trash can sail past him though, and was surprised to find himself being hit over the back of the head with a chair. He released the hold on Snow swiftly and turned…CRACK! Raven is taken down with a hard shot! One…Two…broken by Snow.
HHH gets up and starts to punch Snow, but Simply Sensation blocks a swing and fires back a coule of shots of his own. As Snow rifles away on HHH, Raven sets a chair up in the middle of the ring. He and Snow whip HHH and nail a double drop toe hold on the chair. Snow then picks Hunter up and…SNOW PLOW! HHH is down and out!
Before Snow can make a cover though, Raven pulls him around and nails an Evenflow DDT on the chair! This should be all over! One…Two…Raven lets go? What? Raven is looking at the aisle…IT'S SICK BOY! SICK BOY IS WALKING DOWN THE AISLE! Raven keeps his eye on Sick Boy as HHH slowly gets up behind him. Sick Boy meanwhile just walks calmly down to the ringside and stands in a corner watching the action. Raven shouts something at Sick Boy, who smiles, and turns around. KICK! PEDIGREE! One…Two…ThrNO! Snow breaks the pin!
HHH is pissed off and takes the trash can to Snow with some hard hits that totally destroy the can and bring Snow to his knees. HHH then places the remains of the can on the floor and kicks Snow in the face. He then takes the chair and hits Snow with it before laying it on top of the can…PEDIGREE ON THE CAN AND CHAIR! Snow must be dead! HHH turns around to work on Raven rather than cover Snow…Raven spits in HHH' face! CHAIR SMASH! HHH stumbles back. CHAIR SMASH! HHH is up against the ropes…RAVEN HITS A RUNNING CHAIR SHOT! HHH is busted open, and Raven waits for him to get up…RAVEN THROWS HIMSELF OVER THE TOP ON HHH! Raven takes the chair to Hunter on the outside, and then turns and tries to hit Sick Boy! Sick Boy ducks and Raven hits the ring post, as Sick Boy backs away a little. Raven then climbs back on the apron.
Al Snow is getting up and stumbles towards Raven. CHAIR SHOT! Snow stumbles, and Raven grabs him. Is he going to suplex Simply Sensational to the outside? He lifts…SNOW REVERSES! Snow lifts Raven up and over…and drops him across the ropes! This is it! Snow goes onto the apron…SPRINGBOARD LEG DROP! As Snow hit this move, Sick Boy ducked under the ring! The referee counts. One…Two…ThreeNO! Raven got a foot on the ropes! Snow picks Raven up whips him to the ropes…RYDEEN BOMB! Snow says that's it, and goes up top! MOONSAULT! Sick Boy has climbed out from under the ring and has a metal bar! One…Two…ThreeNO! HHH breaks the pin! He lifts Snow up and knees him in the groin! He hoists Snow up for the Game Over…SICK BOY JUMPED IN THE RING AND HIT HHH IN THE MID-SECTION WITH THE METAL BAR! HHH drops Snow and Sick Boy hits HHH over the head with the bar and throws him to the outside! Sick Boy then grabs Raven and hits him over the head with the bar, and throws him to the outside! Does this mean Snow is alligned with Sick Boy?
Sick Boy looks at Snow with a smile on his face and helps him up. Snow looks confused. Sick Boy smiles at Snow, and Snow just stares back. Sick Boy takes a swing with the bar…Snow ducks, and tries a superkick…Sick Boy ducks and takes Snow' leg out with the metal bar! Sick Boy stomps away on the leg and then puts the bar between them…knee drop on the legs! Snow is in agony! Sick Boy picks the bar up and…SMACK! HE BRINGS IT DOWN HARD ON SNOW' LEG! Raven is up and getting back in! Sick Boy sees him coming and hits him hard around theside of the head with the metal bar! Raven falls to the floor! Sick Boy goes back to work on Snow and brings the bar down hard first across the knees, and then across the mid-section! Snow is having his ass beat bad! HHH is getting up and manages to get in the ring before Sick Boy floors him with the metal bar! Snow is struggling to get up and manages to get on all fours, but Sick Boy kicks him in the stomach and brings the bar down across his back! Sick Boy turns and stomps on HHH, and then charges the other side of the ring and floors the recovering Raven! He then turns back to Snow who has gotten himself up onto hios knees and runs towards him…DROPKICK TO THE FACE! Snow is bleeding badly from the nose! It could be broken! Sick Boy smiles a sick smile and brings the bar down across Snow' head, opening a gash across it! HHH is getting up, and Sick Boy walks over and hits him with the bar, then drops hi mwith a Cure. Raven meanwhile hs gotten in the ring and is trying to drag Snow out, but Sick Boy dives on top of him and punches him in the face and hits him with the bar and throws him to the floor again! Snow is bleeding heavily now, and has rolled on his back. Sick Boy doesn't take long to turn his attention back to the floored Snow and proceeds to lay into him with bar shot across the stomach and face! Snow is wearing one of the bloodiest crimson masks i've ever seen!
HERE COME THE OFFICIALS! The referee are in the ring, and Sick Boy is holding them off by wildly swinging that damn bar around! When ever one of them gets close to the fallen Snow, Sick Boy swings that bar and they back off, allowing him to get a few more pot shots in on Snow! He then charges the officials and they duck out of the ring! Sick Boy smiles at the fallen Snow and lifts him up and drops him again with a Cure! He smiles at the crowd and…ANOTHER CURE! Sick Boy lifts Snow up to his knees and slaps him across the face…CURE NUMBER THREE! Sick Boy wipes his hand across the bloody Snow' face and uses his blood to paint Help Me backwards across his fore-head! Sick Boy points to the writing he has put on his head and then to the bloody Snow and laughs out loud! As he picks up the metal bar though…HHH TAKES HIS LEGS! HHH IS BACK UP! HHH goes after Sick Boy who just rolls out of the ring. He backs up the aisle smiling and shouting as HHH and Raven check on Snow. When Sick Boy turns, security are there to arest him, and he seems to be over the moon!
The ring announcer announces the match as a no contest.
Raven drew Al Snow and HHH:
x Match stopped at 0:30:12
Rating: **** ¼
We fade out on a shot of the bloody Snow in the ring, and Sick Boy being escorted away.