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![]() ![]() ![]() OVER THE TOP 2003
In the executive suit we the Coalition (NCPW Owner Matt Doyle, NCPW Commissioner Kiefer Sutherland, NCPW World Champion Al Snow, and Unabomb). Unabomb is sitting in the corner of the room and staring at Al Snow, who is looking progressively more freaked out by the second.
DOYLE: So there's been no more calls since Mettle?
KIEFER: None. I think…
Kiefer and Doyle look over to Al who is looking incredibly freaked out by Unabomb looking at him.
SNOW: DAMNIT! All you've done since we got here is stare! Stop!
Unabomb turns his attention to the NCPW World Title Belt resting on the table beside Al.
SNOW: Oh no! That's mine! You want it, you earn it!
Unabomb laughs out loud.
UNABOMB: Tonight…
DOYLE: Tonight, you go out there and win the OTT Match.
KIEFER: Then you forfeit the Wrestlefest Title shot to an opponent of Al' choosing.
Unabomb laughs again, and once again stares at Al smiling.
SNOW: OK, don't make me hurt you…
The phone rings. Doyle put it on the speakers. Silence.
KIEFER: Damn you! Who are you? Is that you Shamrock?
?????: You will know whom I am when the time is right.
KIEFER: You son of a bitch! Stop calling me! You're making my life a misery!
?????: Am I really? Then this has only just begun. You have what I want Kiefer. Power. And he who holds power has control over the world title belt. The belt I want to wear around my waist.
????? hangs up.
KIEFER: He wants the world title? But I'm not the World Champion…he's insane!
DOYLE: You may not hold the belt, but you can choose whom Al defends it against. He wants power and the belt…something tells me he won't reveal himself just yet.
Unabomb is laughing out loud again, then stops and looks serious.
KIEFER: And what, may I ask, is so funny?
UNABOMB: You are all fools. The answer to the name of your mystery caller is obvious, but your hatred of Shamrock makes you blinded to the truth. And you…
Unabomb points to Al, and picks up the world title belt. Al looks stunned.
UNABOMB: …You think you can do it all. You think you can beat everyone, but no…it is not to be.
Unabomb shoves the world title belt into Al' chest, nearly knocking him off the chair.
UNABOMB: Enjoy this belt while you can Al. You won't hold it forever.
Unabomb smiles and then walks out of the room. The others watch him go.
SNOW: Err…
DOYLE: What the Hell…
KIEFER: Unabomb seems to have become very loud lately.
SNOW: I'm beginning to regret making him get some confidence…do you think he'll forfeit the title shot?
DOYLE: He won't have to. We're gonna make sure he doesn't win the OTT Match.
KIEFER: Then who will win?
DOYLE: I don't know, it can't be Unabomb. It's too risky right now.
SNOW: Great. I've created a monster.
The cameras cut to the parking lot, where some wrestlers are arriving. We see Ken Shamrock arrive, and he walks straight into the arena, looking psyched for his match tonight. The camera pans over and we see Raven watching "The World's Most Dangerous Man". When he's in the building, Raven hops off the wall he's sitting on, and reaches behind it. He pulls out a baseball bat and advance on Ken Shamrock' car. As he rears the bat back for a swing though, Ken comes back and spears Raven over the bonnet of the car. The two proceed to brawl until arriving wrestler pull them away from each other.
We go a locker room where "Wildcat" Robbie Brookside and Keiji Mutoh are sitting. Robbie is looking very serious, and Keiji is looking equally so.
ROBBIE: You're sure?
KEIJI: Yes. It cannot last forever and tonight it ends.
ROBBIE: Well, OK man. It's been great.
We fade into a screen with the OTT 2003: Danger Zone logo and a clock on it saying LIVE IN 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1…
Card Information
Date/Time: February 2003 Week 5 at 10:00pm
Matches/Interviews booked: 10
Arena Capacity: 10000
Attendance: 10000
A Sold Out Arena.
Ticket Buy Rate: 100%
PPV ratings: 2.4%
Approximately Viewers: 3600000
The show opens with a large round of cheers from the sold out Silverdome.
DON'T TRUST A JACKYL hits and The Jackyl Pack enter the ring. "The Jackyl" Eddie Guerrero and "The Natural One" Michael Modest look confident as they take mics.
EDDIE: Well Essa, you got ten minutes. Ten minutes is too long.
MODEST: You see Essa, it really doesn't matter who you bring out here to partner you tonight, we're gonna take both of you apart as quick as you can say…
ESSA RIOS WWF THEME blares over the PA and Essa stands in the aisle.
ESSA: You know, you two need to be taken down a little. This is the last time I'm gonna use this goddamn theme too. The WWF gave me nothing but grief, but here, my partner and me are gonna get the respect we deserve, and it'll start with a PPV win over you two losers. So ladies and gentlemen, I give you my partner…
FIGHT THE DREAM hits and those who recognise it go wild as the man known as Eiji Ezaki enters. The match begins with all four men in the ring.
The action was quick at the start, with Essa and Eiji cleaning house with dropkicks and high leg clotheslines. As The Jackyl Pack regrouped on the outside though, Essa dove over the top rope planted a cross-body on both guys. The Jackyl Pack got up and turned to Essa who was standing at the edge of the aisle, and Eiji let loose a stunning tope con hilo onto both guys! The Jackyl Pack were down and Essa and Eiji celebrated to the crowd' cheers. The Jackyl Pack started to retreat up the aisle, but Essa and Eiji were quick to follow and threw them back into the ring. They capitalised with whipping Eddie off the ropes, and back body dropping him onto Eiji' shoulders…POWERBOMB! Essa tried to same thing with Modest, but took a DDT. As Modest stood up though, Eiji dove into a shoulder block and sent Modest out of the ring.
Essa and Eiji held the advantage over the unprepared Jackyl Pack for the next 4 minutes of the ten-minute challenge with various high flying double team moves. Then Eddie hit Eiji with a low blow and tagged Modest who hit a backdrop driver for 1…2…kick out! Eddie and Modest hit Eiji with a double DDT and taunted the crowd, but Essa hit a springboard dropkick and sent both men out of the ring as the time limit expired.
Essa Rios and Eiji Ezaki and The Jackyl Pack battled to a draw in 0:10:00.
Rating: **** ¼
Essa and Eiji celebrate post match to FIGHT THE DREAM as the Jackyl Pack run up the ramp screaming about getting revenge. This little dispute is FAR from over.
Fade to the back.
In the back, Rob Van Dam is in the halls with manager Bill Alfonso. Alfonso as ever is blowing his whistle.
RVD: Tonight, Anarchist, I finally get you one on one for that belt which should by rights be around the waist of the best damn hardcore superstar in the NCPW! In case you hadn't noticed it, that's me! I am the Whole F'N Show, and tonight I'm gonna carry you to a ***** match and steal the whole f'n show! Why? Because I am Rob Van Dam!
WALK hits and RVD walks off. We then hear ANARCHY IN THE UK and we cut to FTW champion "Anarchist" Doug Williams who is walking towards the ring. Before he can get to the entrance though, a familiar guy with a whistle starts taunting him. As Doug moves towards him, Rob Van Dam runs in with a clothesline! The referee runs to the back and the match is on!
The crowd was REALLY hot for this one. Saying that though, the crowd wasn't as hot when the action was in the back, and the fans had to watch on the big screen. Doug was already down as the referee got to the back, and RVD was stomping away on the champion. Rob then hit a hip toss onto a trolley and grabbed a chair. He hit Doug with it and went for the cover. 1…2…no. He grabbed the chair and hit Doug again, and then pushed the trolley out onto the entrance ramp. The crowd went wild as the action came into view!
RVD ran pushing the trolley with him and rammed it into the ring, sending Doug under the bottom rope and into the ring. Alfonso then came down the ramp with a trashcan full of assorted weaponry. RVD threw it into the ring and grabbed a Kendo stick. He waited for Doug to get up and took a swing, but the champion ducked and fired back with some brutal martial arts kicks to the midsection, before taking off his belt and hitting a running hit sending Rob to the outside on top of Alfonso! The crowd popped huge for The Anarchist and Rob rolled back in.
The two traded off a few martial arts kicks and then both caught each other with a kick to the head at the same time. Both went straight down onto their back and rolled into the opposite corner and posed to the crowd' delight. They began circling and went straight into a series of chain wrestling reversals that ended up with Rob monkey flipping Doug, but Doug landed on his feet. Not seeing this, Rob started taunting and turned around…Michinoku Driver! 1…2…shoulder up! Doug was quick to capitalise however, and took RVD down with a belt shot.
Doug controlled the next couple of minutes with various suplexes and weapon shots, gaining a few near falls. Then Bill Alfonso jumped onto the apron. Doug turned his attention to Bill and threw him off the apron to the floor. When he turned he instinctively grabbed the chair sailing towards his face and was hit with a vicious Van Daminator. RVD went up top and hit the Five Star Frog Splash! 1…2…3no! Doug got a shoulder up at the last second! A dropkick from RVD floors Doug and a chair shot seemingly KO's him. RVD put Doug in the corner with the chair resting on his face and went to the other side of the ring. Could it be the Van Terminator? As Rob sprung onto the top rope, Doug got up! He was playing possum! RVD is already in flight, and there's nothing he can do to stop Doug swinging the chair, smashing Rob in the face, and busting his nose open really badly! 1…2…3! The champion retains!
Doug Williams pinned Rob Van Dam after a chair smash in 0:17:21.
Rating: *****
(Doug Williams retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
Doug Williams celebrates to ANARCHY IN THE UK as RVD is taken to the back. Bill Alfonso jumps in the ring and is face to face with Doug.
ALFONSO: You can't do that! You can't beat The Whole F'N Show! He'll be back, he'll be…
Doug cuts him off by grabbing him by the throat! Bill manages to put the whistle in his mouth and starts to try to blow it, but Doug hits the Northern Lights Suplex on Alfonso before leaving!
Fade to the head offices.
DOYLE: Look, we can't worry about Unabomb right now. He isn't the only thing we have to take care of tonight.
KIEFER: You mean the tournament, don't you. Don't worry. Johnny Saint has this one all wrapped up.
SNOW: Don't underestimate Mikey.
KIEFER: Oh come on Al! Surely you can't be that stupid? There is no way that Mikey could beat Johnny!
SNOW: OK, if that's what you think, then how about a bet? $1000 says Mikey gets the win.
KIEFER: You got it.
Al and Kiefer shake on the bet.
DOYLE: If you two are quite finished…I was talking about you and Keiji Al.
SNOW: Ah don't worry about that. I can take him. He's NEVER beat me on PPV when the title is on the line.
DOYLE: Yeah, but what about Unabomb? He could easily help Keiji in the mood he's in.
The door opens and Unabomb walks in with a portion of chips and sits down. The room goes silent.
Fade to the ring.
RISE FROM THE FLAMES hits and "Phoenix" Jody Fleisch enters the ring, as he normally does. The crowd are giving him a good reaction.
TO THE TOP hits and Billy Kidman enters to an equally as loud reaction. He springboards over the top rope and he and Jody shake and go to opposite corners as we wait for…
POISON blares over the PA and Ralphus walks out to the aisle. He looks around, and then signals to the curtain. Jericho enters with the Cruiserweight Title and a mic.
JERICHO: Welcome to…OTT 2003: JERICHO ZONE! Tonight, all my Jerichoholics will see why their hero…their…idol, is the greatest damn cruiserweight champion of all time! That's right, tonight Lionheart is gonna take Jonie Fleisch and Billy The Kidman apart! And after tonight, the Silverdome will never…eeeevvveeerr…be the same…again! And of course, I will once again prove that Jonie Fleisch is a no good, down right rotten cheater!
The bell rung and Billy and Jody both straight for the champion, hitting him with a double dropkick and then a double clothesline, sending to the outside. Jody and Billy danced around in the ring as Jericho shouted at Ralphus. When Jericho re-entered, Billy and Jody went straight after him again, and Jericho bailed. The crowd boos and Jericho grabs a mic.
JERICHO: Damn! You see! They're cheating! Tell them ref! Tell them they have to fight!
The referee talks to Jody and Billy as Jericho sits o the outside. Billy and Jody start trading reversals and Jericho begins to re-enter the ring. As soon as he's in, Jody and Billy finish reversing and pose, then hit a double superkick on Jericho! Jericho is down and reeling! He backs into the corner as Billy walks towards him…JODY HITS A ROLL UP! 1…2…Jericho placed Jody' feet on the ropes! The referee breaks the pin as Jericho shouts to the crowd "SEE! HE'S A CHEATER!" When he turns though, Jody nails a huracanrana and holds on for a pin. 1…2…broken by Kidman!
The match spent a good 5 minutes having Billy and Jody double teaming Jericho till he exits the ring, and then trading their own reversals. Eventually though, Jericho hit a springboard dropkick on both men and rolled Jody up for 1…2…kick out! As Jericho rolls away, Kidman runs in, and Jody kicks him. He hits a powerbomb on Kidman, and Jericho hits a Lionsault! 1…2…broken by Jody!
The crowd was really heating up as Jericho, Jody and Kidman traded various reversals and exchanges, until Jericho threw Kidman out of the ring. Jody then tried to hit Jericho with his PHOENIX 720 DDT, but Jericho moved and Jody instead hit the referee with his patented manoeuvre! The referee is out cold!
Ralphus jumps in the ring and gets in Jody' face…hard right hand! Ralphus goes flying, but threw something to Jericho…Brass Knuckles! As Jody turns, Jericho hits him with the knuckles, and Jody is out cold! Jericho rolls in out of the ring as Kidman gets back in.
The referee is still out. Kidman runs towards Jericho who is in the middle of the ring, and leaps up for a huracanrana, but Jericho reverses it! ONE POWERBOMB…TWO POWERBOMB…THREE…NO! Kidman reverses with a huracanrana! NO! Jericho held on! He'' got the Lion Tamer on Kidman! Kidman is slowly getting to the ropes...the referee is stirring. Kidman reaches…the referee isn't quite up yet…KIDMAN REACHES THE ROPES! Kidman has his hand on the ropes, but the referee is still not quite up! Here comes Ralphus with…a rag soaked in ether! He holds it over Kidman' face! Kidman loses his grip on the ropes and passes out! Jericho pulls him into the middle of the ring and the referee is awake! He crawl over and checks Kidman' hand. It falls once…Jody is up…It falls twice…Ralphus uses the rag on Jody! It falls three times and Jericho retains the title again!
Chris Jericho defeated Jody Fleisch and Billy Kidman when Chris Jericho made
Kidman submit to the Lion Tamer in 0:22:36.
Rating: ****
(Chris Jericho retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
Jericho and Ralphus celebrate with the belt as the referee checks on Kidman and Jody.
Fade to the back, and we are outside a locker-room.
OHTANI: Well, it's great to see you again.
KANEMOTO: Yeah. Good luck. Maybe you can take that belt huh?
The door opens and Koji and Shinjiro leave. A man in a leather jacket and jeans pushes by the cameraman, and we just miss out on seeing his face.
Fade to the ring.
GET CRIPPLED plays and Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko enter the ring to a few cheers. There is no storyline here, so the crowd aren't really awake.
PRISONER plays and the tag champs come out to a larger reaction.
The crowd wasn't really hot, but the action in the ring at least kept them from being in a coma. A lot of reversals and chain wrestling throughout the match, with small pops at the end of each section. After the opening 7 minutes had passed, the high spots started coming. Benoit tried to nail Ohtani with a release German Suplex, but Ohtani landed and no sold it! DRAGON SUPLEX! 1…2…Malenko breaks the pin! Kanemoto jumps in and nails a cross-body on Malenko! The referee is counting! 1…2…kick out! From here, the referee had no regard for who was the legal man, and just counted each pinfall attempt. The match continued at a lightning quick pace, and the crowd finally got into it.
After Koji floored Malenko with a spinning wheel kick, Ohtani hoisted Benoit up for The End. As Kanemoto sailed off the top rope though, Benoit rolled up Ohtani with a victory roll, and Koji went straight over landing the moonsault on Malenko! The referee counts both! 1…2…double kick out!
From there, the champions managed to escape their foes submission finishers and hit their finishers for 2 counts. As the crowd' interest peaked, Ohtani knocked Malenko out with a springboard spinning heel kick to the back of the head. He then hoisted a tired Benoit up and Kanemoto hit The End for the 1…2…3!
Shinjiro Ohtani and Koji Kanemoto defeated Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko when
Kanemoto pinned Benoit after The End in 0:15:11.
Rating: ***
(Shinjiro Ohtani and Koji Kanemoto retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
The champs retain, we fade into a music video set to WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS and this is what we see. We see highlights of Sick Boy winning Cruiser Kings 2002 and the Cruiserweight Title, and then highlights of DDP winning F8 2002 and the TV Title. We then see Sick Boy lose the Cruiserweight Title and the beginnings of his dispute with Mikey Whipwreck and DDP. The Video shows clips of everything leading up to Sick Boy' heel turn, and his on going problems. It ends with DDP and Sick Boy hitting their finishers on each other.
We fade into the head offices.
SNOW: Sooo…tell me Unabomb, err…
SNOW: Well…
KIEFER: Why are you so vocal all of a sudden?
UNABOMB: HAHAHA! You talk too much.
SNOW: O…K…you've flipped.
UNABOMB: Oh no Al. I've just got my priorities right.
DOYLE: Meaning?
UNABOMB: Well, for starters…THAT belt! I figured, why the hell do I take all the crap from you Al? Why? Then I thought, I'm gonna take that belt.
SNOW: Wha…
UNABOMB: In fact, an old friend of yours Al gave me advice.
The phone rings. Doyle punches it up onto the speakers.
KIEFER: OK…what do you want?
RAVEN: Hey guys. It's The Raven. Just thought I'd tell ya this. I'm gonna take the win at the OTT match, I'm gonna kill Shamrock, I'm gonna take that title belt, and…I know who you mystery caller is.
KIEFER: Who? Who is the caller?
RAVEN: I'm not gonna just tell you! I need a deal to be made. Here's the deal: If I tell you, then you cancel the OTT match and give me the win.
KIEFER: It's a dea…
DOYLE: No can do Raven. Forget about it.
Raven hangs up.
KIEFER: What the Hell are you doing?
DOYLE: Kiefer, this is MY fed. The fans paid to see the OTT match, and their getting it. We'll find the stalker.
The phone rings again. Kiefer answers it personally.
KIEFER: Hello? Hello? Look…Hey now, wait a minute…don't hang up! Don't hang u…
Kiefer puts the phone down.
SNOW: Was it…?
KIEFER: Yeah. He's waiting for me in the parking lot.
DOYLE: Right. Unabomb, if you're so damn good, you go out there and get that son of a bitch.
Unabomb smiles at Doyle.
DOYLE: What?
UNABOMB: You forgot the magic word.
DOYLE: PLEASE go and kick ten tons of shit out of that sick fuck!
Unabomb nods and leaves.
Fade to the ring.
SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT hits and the crowd goes wild for the NCPW TV champion DDP as he BANGS his way to the ring.
CURE plays and the crowd is booing madly as Sick Boy enters the ring. He hasn't taken his eye of DDP, and DDP hasn't taken his eyes of Sick boy. Both guys are intense.
A fitting end to one of the hottest feuds in the NCPW! Unlike last month, neither man held anything back, and this was stiff as hell! As soon as the bell rang out, the two launched at each other and started brawling. Punches were flying and neither man seemed willing to let up, as the two fell to the outside. Straight back up, the went straight after each other again, and the referee got out of the ring to break them up. DDP threw the referee away, and Sick Boy nailed a dropkick, before rolling back into the ring.
Once DDP got back in, Sick Boy went to work with stomps and a body slam. He applied a few submission holds to try to keep DDP down, and every time DDP made it to the ropes, he'd hold the move on until the last count from the referee. Sick Boy had things going his way for the early parts, but one mistake. After hitting a top rope missile dropkick, he stopped to celebrate to the crowd. As the crowd booed, DDP got up! The crowd cheered, and Sick Boy thought they were applauding him! He turned and…DIAMOND CUTTER! 1…2…3no! Sick Boy kicked out! DDP stays focused and whipped Sick Boy off the ropes and hot a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. 1…2…shoulder up! DDP whips Sick Boy again, and Sick Boy rebounds with a heel kick, busting DDP open!
Sick Boy ran the ropes, but DDP took him down with a stiff clothesline, and went for the cover. 1…2…in the ropes! DDP is looking frustrated now, and the crowd chant "DDP! DDP!" DDP lays into Sick Boy, and each time Sick Boy makes a comeback, he makes sure it's brief by taking him down with a powerful move. Sick Boy at one point rolled out of the ring to seek refuge, and DDP nailed a Tope. Back in the ring, DDP hit an elevated Diamond Cutter for 1…2…kick out again! The crowd is stunned, and DDP is getting more frustrated! He's gonna lose focus!
The match continues in much the same way, with Sick Boy' comebacks getting longer each time. DDP places Sick Boy on the top and goes for a top rope superplex, but Sick Boy shoves him off! High Cross-Body! 1…2…kickout from DDP! Sick Boy runs the ropes, but DDP lays him out with a big boot. Sick Boy is bleeding badly now. Sick Boy is picked up, and DDP whips him towards the ropes. He duck for the backdrop…too early! CURE! Sick Boy hit The Cure! Sick Boy picked DDP up! What is Scott Vick up to? CURE! ANOTHER CURE! Sick Boy shakes his head. He picks DDP up again and…CURE! DDP' nose must be broken after that! Sick Boy rolls DDP over and goes for the cover. 1…2…3. New TV Champion!
Sick Boy pinned Diamond Dallas Page with the Cure in 0:20:18.
Rating: *** 1/4
(Sick Boy won the NCPW TV Title.)
DDP is stretchered to the back, and Sick Boy puts on the TV belt. He then takes a mic and climbs to the top turnbuckle and celebrates. He jumps down and stands looking at DDP being taken to the back.
SICK: Tonight, I FINALLY cured the TV Title division and gave it some dignity. Tonight, I FINALLY got the belt I deserve! Now the whole NCPW can rest easy knowing that they haven't got a useless piece of garbage…an illness as a champion. Tonight…
The lights go off! The crowd doesn't know what to do.
MIRACLE ECSTACY hits! The crowd are giving a mixed reaction, and they don't know what to expect, and then the lights go back on.
Standing in the ring behind Sick Boy is…MEN'S TEIOH! HE'S BACK! (He's the one in leather jacket and jeans whose face we didn't see!) Sick Boy saw him on the big screen and immediately ducks out of the ring and runs up the aisle shouting at MEN'S as he grabs the mic that Sick Boy dropped.
TEIOH: Tonight…the greatest TV champion in NCPW history returned! I am back, and I want my belt back!
He throws the mic down and MIRACLE ECSTACY plays again as he celebrates to the crowd' cheers.
Fade to the head offices.
KIEFER: Where is he?
The door opens and Unabomb walks in with a bottle of…something.
Unabomb gives Kiefer a confused look.
KIEFER: Was he there or not? Who was he?
UNABOMB: Oh. Nom he wasn't there. There was no one there.
DOYLE: Then where did you get the bottle?
UNABOMB: Oh. When I was coming back in after looking around, I bumped into Raven He gave it to me. We had a nice little talk.
SNOW: Great. You're talking to the enemy now.
UNABOMB: Raven isn't the enemy Al. He helped me make a decision though.
DOYLE: Great. What.
Unabomb picks up the world title belt.
SNOW: Hey…
Kiefer and Doyle silence Al.
UNABOMB: This belt is the biggest prize in the NCPW. And I'm the biggest man. This will be mine. It's my destiny. You see Al, all those times you defended the belt, I was in your corner backing you up. I WAS THE ONE WHO KEPT THE BELT AROUND YOUR WAIST!
Snow has gone white as a sheet.
UNABOMB: And now it will be mine.
SNOW: OK…put the belt down…
Unabomb smashes the bottle on the table and holds it towards Snow.
Unabomb throws the belt to Al and storms out of the room.
Fade to the ring.
COME OUT AND PLAY plays and Raven walks to the ring through the crowd. The crowd seem to be behind him.
DANGEROUS plays and Ken Shamrock charges down to the ring to a good reaction.
The match started off with Ken laying into Raven with stiff kicks to the body and head, until Raven got close enough to the ropes to exit and regroup. Raven can usually adapt to anyone's style, but Shamrock wasn't letting up and followed him out of the ring. He threw Raven into the crowd, and various members of the crowd offered both me chairs. They both swung and hit, and both collapsed! They're only up because they're both on each other' shoulders! The referee separates them, and Raven runs! DIVING CLOTHESLINE! Shamrock is sent back to the ringside area!
Raven looks under the ring and pulls out a metal bar! BANG! Straight down on Shamrock' back! BANG! AGAIN! AND AGAIN! AND AGAIN! He rolls Shamrock over and 1…2…kickout! Shamrock is getting to his feet, and he turns…BANG! METAL BAR TO THE HEAD! 1…2…shoulder up! Shamrock is busted WIDE open!
Raven re-enters the ring and waits for Shamrock to get to his feet. RAVEN THREW HIMSELF OVER THE TOP ROPE! Shamrock has been flattened! 1…2…shoulder up again! Shamrock won't stay down! Raven backs up and waits for Shamrock to get to his feet…he charges…SHAMROCK GRABS HIM! BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX ON THE OUTSIDE! And another, this time high angle onto the ring steps! 1…2…Raven gets his shoulder up! This can only get more brutal from here!
Shamrock throws Raven into the ring and proceeds the sit him in the corner…WHAM! Shamrock is hitting Raven with some vicious kicks to the head! Raven is spitting up blood! Shamrock backs up and Raven slowly stands up…DROPKICK TO THE FACE! Raven' nose is busted open! This is just brutal! 1…2…in the ropes! My God, Raven wants to continue! Shamrock whips him to the ropes…RAVEN HITS THE EVENFLOW DDT! 1…2…SHAMROCK POWERS OUT! HE'S SNAPPED! Raven rolls out of the ring and grabs a kendo stick! Shamrock walks towards him…Raven floors him with the stick, but Shamrock is straight back up! Raven tries again with a steel chair…Shamrock is up again! Raven grabs the metal bar and swings…Shamrock ducks! High Angle belly-to-belly Suplex! Raven rolls away still with the bar and is walking up the aisle! Shamrock charges after him…BAM! Metal Bar to the head! Shamrock is down! 1…2…shoulder up! Raven picks up his bloody foe and hits an Evenflow DDT! 1…2…shoulder up again! Raven is pissed off! He continues to beat on Shamrock.
Raven drops a leg drop and turns Shamrock over. STF! He has the STF on Shamrock! Shamrock is fighting it! He's…passed out after 30 seconds! The referee lifts his arm…it falls once…it falls twice…it…stays up! Look at his face! He's snapped again! The bloody Shamrock is fighting out of the hold! He's free! Raven is backing up and Shamrock charges in with a huracanrana! He holds it for 1…2…Shamrock turns himself…ANKLE LOCK! Raven is fighting to get free! He's slowly moving Shamrock, but is in obvious pain! He reaches, and grabs the metal bar! He swings back and catches Shamrock around the head, but he keeps the hold on! Swings again…and still the hold stays! Raven drops the bar, and is screaming as the blood pours down his face! He's been in the hold for nearly a minute now, and is refusing to give up…is head drops hard on the steel ramp! The referee checks his arm. It falls once…twice…three times! Raven has tapped! It's over and Shamrock calms down and releases the hold!
Ken Shamrock made Raven submit to the Ankle Lock Submission in 0:22:55.
Rating: **** 1/2
Fade to the head offices.
KIEFER: Raven is gonna have a hard time getting to the OTT match then!
DOYLE: Yeah. Look, it's time for the tournament final. Lets get going.
SNOW: And get ready to pay up Kiefer!
The Coalition exit the room.
DIE AGAIN plays and The Coalition enter the ringside area and sit at the commentary table to do some colour on the upcoming match.
PEPPER plays and Mikey Whipwreck enters the ring to crowd' approval and Al Snow' cheers.
ENGLISH NATIONAL ANTHEM plays and Johnny Saint comes out to a mixed reaction (except from Kiefer who is behind him all the way).
The bell rings and the match begins. The commentators back their guys and the two put on Johnny' best match to date in the NCPW (is that really saying a lot?). Anyway, both traded reversals in a British style chain spot, and Johnny came out on top with a roll up for 1…2…kick out by Mikey.
Johnny spent the match keeping the match on the floor with some mat offence, and Mikey took to the air when he could hitting dropkicks, huracanranas, and head scissors. As the match progressed, the crowd got more into it, and after the first few minutes, it was really heated, with the fans all having their favourites. When we reached the 11 minute mark, both were tired from the high pace Mikey had forced it to work at, but Johnny still managed to block a Mikey backdrop with a kick to the face, and hoisted him up for the Tombstone…BAM! There's Johnny' finisher! The crowd have exploded! 1…2…kickout! The crowd are going nuts, and so is Al Snow! Johnny hoists Mikey up again…BAM! 1…2…shoulder up! Mikey is still in there! Johnny hoists him up for Tombstone number three, but Mikey throws his feet forward off Johnny' shoulders and lands standing! WHIPPERSNAPPER! The crowd has reached fever pitch! 1…2…3! Mikey Whipwreck has won the right to join the coalition!
Mikey Whipwreck pinned Johnny Saint with the Whippersnapper in 0:12:09.
Rating: **** ¼
As Mikey celebrates, Johnny leaves looking frustrated. Al Snow enters the ring and raises Mikey' hand. Although this means Mikey is in the Coalition, the crowd is applauding his hard work.
FLIGHT OF ICARUS hits and Mikey leaves the ring and joins Kiefer and Matt Doyle for colour commentary. Keiji Mutoh enters the ring ready for action.
Al Snow and Keiji Mutoh had always been two of the hardest workers n the NCPW, but neither worked harder than they did tonight. Both men displayed knowledge of many styles in this classic match up.
When the bell rang, both men immediately started putting on a Japanese Strong Style NJPW match and the crowd loved it! Al went straight after Keiji' knees so that he could not hit the moonsault or Shining Wizard, and spent a while working over them with various martial arts kicks and submission holds. Keiji meanwhile began work on Al' legs so that he could not hit the springboard leg drop, or hold him for the Snow Plow.
After ten minutes of solid and heated mat work and psychology, Al whipped Keiji into the ropes and Keiji rebounded with the Shining Wizard knee to the face! Al fell like a ton of bricks! Keiji was hurt though, and took his time getting onto the pin. 1…2…shoulder up from Simply Sensational! Keiji planted a piledriver on Al and went up top! MOONSAULT! 1…2…in the ropes! Keiji is hurting, and both men are down! 1…2…3…4…still no movement…5…6…7…Al is up on the ropes…8…Al is up! Keiji is on all fours…kick to the midsection by Al sends him back onto this back again! Al; hits a moonsault of his own! 1…2…3no! Keiji got that shoulder raised!
The two continued to work on their chosen body parts and the crowd cheered every move! Eventually, Al hoisted Keiji up for a Snow Plow, but Keiji freed his legs and arm dragged Al! Keiji charges…QUICK SNOW PLOW! Al picks Keiji up and drops him across the ropes for his finisher! He springboards up…he falls! His legs gave way! Keiji has a breather while Al struggles to his feet! Al tries the springboard leg drop again, but Keiji stands up and Al lands on the canvas! Keiji gets back and drags Al to the middle of the ring…FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK! Keiji has Al right where he wants him now! Al is in pain and slowly tries to get to the ropes! Keiji pulls him back! Al turns over! The hold is reversed! Keiji releases the hold! Keiji gets up and…BACK-FALL POWERBOMB BY SNOW! 1…2…3no! Keiji got to the ropes again! Al goes for a wheel-barrow suplex, but Keiji rolls him up into a leg lock! Al escapes and goes for a dropkick, but Keiji side steps and runs the ropes! As Al gets up, Keiji goes for the Shining Wizard! Al almost manages to avoid, but it hit! Keiji didn't get all of it, and goes up top! AL SNOW IS UP ON HIS FEET! Keiji tries the Moonsault but Al walks forward and reverses it into a…ACE CRUSHER! 1…2…3! Al Snow has won! He reversed Keiji' own hold into the Ace Crusher, and retained his title!
Al Snow pinned Keiji Mutoh after the Ace Crusher in 0:25:34.
Rating: *****
(Al Snow retained the NCPW World Title.)
Post match, Keiji Mutoh and Al Snow hug, and Keiji takes a mic.
KEIJI: After a lot of thought, I came to a decision last month. You see, I have been wrestling for many years, and all around the world. Whether I am The Great Muta, or Keiji Mutoh…you fans have always respected me, and for that I thank you. Tonight however was a special night for me. This was my official retirement from American wrestling. Tonight was the last tie you will see me in this ring here in America, or indeed Japan. From the end of this PPV I will never wrestle again. So, I want to thank all you fans for the support through my years here…
The crowd applauds
KEIJI: And I want to thank Mr. Doyle for giving my chance.
Keiji and Doyle shake hands.
KEIJI: And I want to thank everyone in the back…and I wish to thank you Al Snow for taking part in my last match.
Al and Keiji shake, then hug again. The locker-room empties and they hoist Keiji up onto their shoulders and the crowd goes wild.
Once the ring has cleared after about 10 minutes of celebrating, it was time for the OTT MATCH!
As soon as the ring announcer announced that the OTT Match was next, the crowd exploded once again.
These are highlights only
KRYPTONITE hits and Nova enters the ring as the first man. The crowd gives the "Innovator" a good reception. RISE FROM THE FLAMES hits and Jody Fleisch appears for the second time tonight. The crowd gives him a warm reception. The bell ring and the two go straight into a quick paced set of reversals. They then slow down a bit though and keep the crowd content with some solid work until the buzzer goes off.
IRON MAN hits and Bam Bam Bigelow enters the ring to a mixed reaction. He goes straight into human wrecking ball mode though and quickly dumps Jody over the top with a press slam. As he turns though, Nova hits him with a high leg clothesline that send him over the top! Nova has eliminated BBB!
LAST RESORT plays and one half of Zero-G, Kid Kash enters the ring! There's only hate here! Kash and Nova go at it in a wild brawl and both nearly eliminate their nemesis before the buzzer goes off.
BACK IN BLACK hits and Spike Dudley enters the ring! He decides to wait his moment and sits in the corner as Nova and Kash fight. They get progressively closer to Spike, and eventually stop fighting and nail Spike with a double dropkick! They whip Spike off the ropes and backdrop him over the top! SPIKE LANDS ON THE APRON! Springboard dropkick to both guys! They stumble out of the ring onto the apron through the middle rope, and Spike charges. Nova and Kash springboard over him and hit him with a double hip toss!
POISON plays and Jericho and Ralphus walk down to the ring. They seem to be arguing over who will go in there, until Kash dives through the middle rope and hits Ralphus! Kash then throws Jericho in the ring, and starts to lay into him. As Kash kicks Jericho, Nova sends Spike into the ropes and hits him with a spine buster.
KRYPTONITE! Kanyon is running in! Nova throws Spike over the top, and both Innovators are in there now! The former tag champs go straight for Kid Kash and Jericho and nail Kash with Total Innovation to the crowd' approval! Jericho takes both guys down with a dropkick, and tries a Lionsult on both, but The Innovators get their knees up and Jericho is hurting! After a while…
HEAVEN IS A HALFPIPE plays and Jonny Storm is in! He's in the OTT match! Jonny goes straight into overdrive and takes down everyone with dropkicks and spinning wheel kicks! Jericho bails to the outside and take something out of his tights…uh-oh. As the fight gets back on track, Jonny celebrates in the ring. Jericho sneaks up behind him…IT'S THAT DAMN ETHER RAG! Jonny is down and out! Jericho easily throws Jonny out as the crowd boos him loudly!
THIS MEANS WAR blares and TAZ IS BACK! Taz has returned! He goes straight into the ring and nails Jericho with as suplex, and then one for Kash! Taz is on the rampage, and is eventually stopped by The Innovators! As the Innovators get back to beating on Kash, Jericho locks the Lion Tamer on Taz.
YOUNG JAGUAR plays and J-Thunder member Shoichi Funaki runs in to a mixed reaction. He springboards over the top rope and nails Jericho with a dropkick. E offers Taz his hand, and Taz shakes it…suplex! Taz double-crossed Funaki! Jericho nails both with a double clothesline! The Innovators are trying to eliminate Kash, but he's holding on!
I DISAPPEAR! Mike Awesome is in the ring! He goes straight in and eliminates Kash with a big boot, and sends both Innovators through the middle rope. He then presses Funaki over the top. Jericho jumps on his back! He's got the ether rag again! Awesome is going down…going down…going…NO! Awesome is back up! He throws Jericho over his shoulders to the canvas and the awesome bombs him out onto the waiting Funaki and Kash!
PARANOID plays and Super Crazy enters the ring! The Innovators are keeping Taz and Awesome at bay, and Crazy opts to help them.
SHINE hits and Masato Yakushiji makes his way to the ring. He enters and then nails Super Crazy with an arm drag. Crazy fires back with a huracanrana, and the two start to speed up until Mike Awesome gets up and nails them both with clotheslines.
PRISONER plays over the PA and Koji Kanemoto enters. One half of the tag champs is in the ring! Koji hits Yakushiji with a springboard dropkick on his way into the ring, and then nails Jericho with a regular dropkick. Super Crazy tries to Crazy Driver him, but he reverses it with an Ace Crusher. As Awesome advances on him, Taz nails Awesome from behind! Taz, Jericho, Yakushiji, and Crazy are trying to eliminate Awesome! Awesome manages to hang on until The Innovators run in and send him over the top with Super Crazy in tow! Koji and Taz are going at it in the corner, and Yakushiji and Jericho are battling The Innovators.
DON'T TRUST A JACKYL hits and Eddie Guerrero walks down and waits on the outside. Why isn't he getting in the ring? After two minutes…
DON'T TRUST A JACKYL! Michael Modest runs down and he and Eddie go to work! They eliminate Jericho and Taz quickly and then go after the Innovators!
CURE hits and the crowd explodes into a chorus of boos! Sick Boy enters the ring and takes Yakushiji out with a backdrop sending him straight to the outside! Koji Kanemoto tries to take care of him, but ends up being dropped with a drop toe hold!
COME OUT AND PLAY hits and a battered Raven enters the ring with a trashcan of weapons! He hands the can top Sick Boy and they take out a kendo stick and a metal pole! Koji Kanemoto is eliminated by virtue of Raven' metal pole! Sick Boy then eliminates Nova while Raven takes out Modest! That just leaves Kanyon, Eddie Guerrero, Sick Boy and Raven in the ring! The weapon carriers charge but Eddie and Kanyon roll out of the way and grab a brook handle and baseball bat!
ANARCHY IN THE UK plays and the FTW champion runs in with a chair! All five men go at it hard with their weapons and after the two minutes is up, all five are bloody as Hell!
PEPPER plays and Mikey makes his way to the ring! As he slowly walks down though, Rob Van Dam sprints in and nails Doug Williams with a Van Daminator! Doug has been eliminated! RVD dives out on top of him and they brawl up the aisle as Mikey walks into the ring. Mikey is standing. Raven and Sick Boy are just getting up, and Eddie and Kanyon are down for the count. Mikey gets on the mic.
MIKEY: Tonight, as the newest Coalition member, I come to conquer and to win the OTT event in the name of Kiefer Sutherland! I…
Raven hits Mikey with a dropkick that sends him over the top rope to the outside! Eddie and Kanyon are getting up.
DANGEROUS hits! Ken Shamrock is running into the ring! Raven grabs the recovering Eddie and throws to Shamrock who tosses him from the ring. Raven looks over to Sick Boy who pushes Kanyon into Shamrock. Shamrock grabs Kanyon and high angle belly-to-belly suplexes him over the ropes! We're left with Shamrock, Raven, and Sick Boy for now! Raven is begging off, and Shamrock is still coming! Raven bails under the bottom rope and Sick Boy joins him as Shamrock taunts in the ring.
PRISONER hits and Shiinjiro Ohtani walks down to the ring. Meanwhile, Raven and Sick Boy have got back in the ring with chairs and are taking Shamrock down! Ohtani gets in and hits Sick Boy with a bulldog, then a spinning wheel kick on Raven! Samrock is getting up and joins in. Ohtani is taking Sick Boy down with arm drags and arm bars, and Shamrock is quite content to suplex Raven about a bit.
YOUNG JAGUAR hits and TAKA Michinoku runs down to the ring. TAKA gets in the ring and sits on the top rope clapping. Meanwhile, Shamrock gets whipped into the corner that TAKA is in. TAKA shouts at Raven for whipping Shamrock, and Raven charges in with a dropkick. Shamrock moves though, and TAKA is sent crashing to the outside.
ACE OF SPADES hits and "The Game" HHH runs down to the ring! HHH is on fire! Clothesline to Raven and Shamrock! Drop toehold onto a chair on Sick Boy! Pedigree to Ohtani! Ohtani has been ousted! We're left in the ring with Raven, Sick Boy, Shamrock and HHH. Sick Boy and Raven are busted wide open. A mass brawl has erupted between Raven and Shamrock again, and HHH and Sick Boy are trading blows.
LAST RESORT plays over the PA and Devon Storm gets in the ring. He then rolls under the middle rope and hides under the ring! Meanwhile, HHH and Sick Boy are slowing and getting groggy. Shamrock and Raven show no signs of letting up on each other.
FIGHTING LEGEND plays and El Gran Hamada runs in a quickly slides under the ring! The fighting continues in the ring, and Hamada comes out other side of the ring with Devon Storm! Huracanrana on the outside by Hamada! Hamada rolls into the ring and taunts Devon. HHH and Sick Boy are both out on their feet. Raven has Shamrock in the Ankle Lock. Devon Storm climbs onto the apron and Hamada dropkicks him off the apron! Devon gets on the apron again, and Hamada hits a head scissors, sending Devon into the ring! Devon stumbles back and walks into a HHH right hand! He turns and takes a Sick Boy right too! He runs forward and Hamada backdrops him onto the apron. Hamada goes for the head scissors again, and Devon dumps him over his shoulder out of the match.
DUCK AND RUN hits! The crowd goes totally insane as former world champion "Wildcat" Robbie Brookside runs in! He goes straight into the thick of things by taking Sick Boy down with a snap mare then elbowing HHH in the face! Bodyslam to HHH! He puts HHH on the top…CROSS-ARM ICONOCLASM! Robbie throws HHH out! Devon charges in and gets hip tossed onto the apron. He goes for the springboard Huracanrana, but Robbie hits a powerbomb! Raven escapes Shamrock only to be clotheslined by Robbie! Shamrock doesn't escape either! Dropkick to Shamrock! High Leg Clothesline to the recovering Sick Boy who bails to the outside wit h Raven. There are only three more people to enter now, and Unabomb still isn't out here.
INSIDE plays. Who the Hell has that music? MY GOD! IT'S UNABOMB! The biggest guy in the NCPW drew number 28! He's taking his time walking to the ring. Raven and Sick Boy on the outside have pulled out some more weaponry from under the ring, including a baking tray, a trashcan, and…A LADDER! Sick Boy takes a Stop Sign, while Raven takes the baking tray. Here comes Unabomb! He walks towards Raven and Sick Boy who back off and let him take the trashcan. All three get in the ring. Devon Storm and Ken Shamrock have been resting in the corners of the ring furthest from Sick Boy and Raven. Robbie is resting on the ropes, waiting for the battle. All three weapon carriers are in the ring now and advancing. SHAMROCK, DEVON, AND THE WILDCAT ALL CHARGE THEM! RAVEN AND SICK BOY TURN AND HIT UNABOMB! Unabomb falls! Raven and Sick Boy are now out numbered!
BUZZSAW plays and Tajiri runs in! He automatically goes straight for the floored Unabomb and starts hitting him with stiff kicks to the head! Raven floors Shamrock and turns. He hits Tajiri with the baking tray! Devon Storm exits the ring for a breather. The weapons are all pretty much useless now, and are thrown out of the ring.
T-I-G-E-R THAT SPELLS TIGER! Tiger Mask IV runs down the aisle and straight over to Devon Storm. THEY'VE GOT THE LADDER! OH MY GOD!
We've got Devon Storm, Tiger Mask IV, Ken Shamrock, Robbie Brookside, Raven, Sick Boy, Unabomb, and Tajiri in there and now a ladder too! This is crazy! Robbie and Shamrock hit Raven with a double elbow, and then stereo sentons! Tajiri takes Sick Boy down with a stiff kick to the head, and Devon and Tiger Mask IV have set the ladder up! Devon holds it, and Tiger jumps off, nailing a rounding splash! He and Tajiri celebrate, but Tajiri hits the Green Mist! He turns and celebrates, but Tiger Mask IV has no sold it! MILLENIUM SUPLEX ON TAJIRI! Tiger Mask IV throws Tajiri out of the ring! Devon is on top of the ladder…MISSILE DROPKICK TO TIGER MASK IV! Meanwhile, Unabomb hits a chokeslam on Robbie Brookside. Raven and Sick Boy have teamed up on Shamrock, and Raven hits an Evenflow DDT on him. Sick Boy picks him up and hits the Cure. He and Raven then hit a double DDT! Shamrock is not moving, and Sick Boy and Raven dump him to the outside.
BREATHE! What the fuck? Al Snow is running in! Devon Storm and Tiger Mask IV are fighting on top of the ladder! Al Snow is in the ring now! He's face to face with Unabomb, and…AL SNOW JUST SLAPPED UNABOMB! BIG MISTAKE! Unabomb smiles, then grabs Al by the throat and throws him backward into the ladder! The ladder falls, and Devon Storm and Tiger Mask IV have both been eliminated! Unabomb throws Al Snow over the top and the crowd cheer madly! Meanwhile, Sick Boy has rolled to the outside, and Robbie Brookside is up with Raven. Unabomb throws the Ladder out of the ring. Raven and Robbie catch him off guard! A double DDT, then a double dropkick, send him onto the ropes! One quick move and Unabomb will be gone! Robbie and Raven go for a double clothesline, but Raven stops and drags Robbie into and Evenflow DDT! MY GOD! Raven throws The Wildcat to the outside! What is going on? Raven has just signed his own death warrant!
We're down to the final three as Raven calls Sick Boy into the ring. Unabomb stands in the middle of the ring, and Raven and Sick Boy stand facing him. All three are just staring, and we have a stand off! This is gonna get messy.
Then, Raven and Sick Boy flash a smile at Unabomb, and…eliminate themselves? What the Hell is going on here?
Unabomb won a 30-man Royal Rumble:
Rating: ****
Unabomb celebrates in the ring to the cheers of the crowd and is soon joined by Sick Boy. Al Snow is up on the outside. He looks stunned.
DIE AGAIN plays and the Coalition walk out. Unabomb, Raven, and Sick Boy are in the ring. The ring is surrounded by Al Snow, Mikey Whipwreck, Kiefer Sutherland, and Matt Doyle.
DOYLE: OK…one question. What's going on here?
RAVEN: What's going on is simple. You see Unabomb here is simply showing you all how smart he is! All this time, you have been abusing his power. His strength…his whole self. Well, now he's taking a stand.
UNABOMB: All this time, you have done nothing but make my life Hell! Well, now it's my turn!
KIEFER: And what's Sick Boy doing there?
RAVEN: Simple again.
Raven turns and hands Sick Boy a wad of cash. He thanks Raven and turns and walks away back up the aisle.
UNABOMB: Simply a person who had his price to help us out. You see Al, you tried to hold me back, to destroy my personality, and turn me into an unstoppable monster. Well…I am that unstoppable monster, but I'm under no-ones control, and that makes me much more dangerous…Al. I am The Demon Of Destruction, but I am not Unabomb. I am Glen Jacobs…the man who will make your lives a misery.
The Coalition are ready to fight, but Doyle calms them down and takes them to the back. Meanwhile, Raven and Glen Jacobs celebrate in the ring to the praises of the crowd. GLEN JACOBS IS GOING TO WRESTLEFEST III!
Fade out.
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