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![]() ![]() ![]() WRESTLEFEST III
![]() We see the count down clock. 5…4…3…2…1…BAM! We see Al Snow hitting Glen Jacobs with the superkick two weeks ago as DROWNING IN A DAYDREAM (COC) hits. As we go through the intro riffs, we see Snow getting in a few moves on Glen, including the superkick again and the springboard leg drop. As Pepper Keenan starts to sing, we see a few clips of Snow and Glen when they were The Dynamic Duo. As the chorus hits, we see various shots of Al slapping Unabomb, and then the eventual turn and lenty of clips of Glen taking Al out, and of course our World Champion running from his former partner. As we go into the second verse, we see clips of Kiefer Sutherland before, during, and after calls from the stalker, and as we get to the chorus again HHH revealing himself as the stalker. We then go into the solo and we see Raven and Ken Shamrock beating the living Hell out of each other with various weapons, and high impact moves. Finally, we go back into the chorus again and we see Mikey Whipwreck beating everyone who gets in his way, and the song fades out on Mikey hitting three Whippersnappers on HHH.
The pyros go off in the Seattle Coliseum. The crowd is in a frenzy as we get ready to start the first match on this jam-packed supercard offering from the NCPW.
The crowd begins to boo (but a few cheers are audible) as LAST RESORT (Papa Roach) hits and former tag champs Zero-G come out for the first semi-final in the tag titles tournament. The duo step between the ropes and go through the usual taunts, and then back into one corner as we hear STONE DEAD FOREVER (Motorhead) blaring over the P.A. and The Jackyl Pack enter to a much more hostile reaction. Micheal and Eddie get in the ring and taunt Zero-G. Devon Storm grabs a microphone from the ring announcer.
DEVON: Seattle Coliseum…be ready to hit the overdrive, and get ready for Zero-G to regain the belts that belong to them!
KASH: Tonight, we face the two biggest losers in the NCPW tag division…no scratch that, the second biggest losers in the NCPW tag division. As we all know, The Innovators are STILL the biggest losers.
DEVON: And after tonight, Kanyon and Nova will be the first on our hit list as tag champs…
Eddie Guerrero grabs the mic from Devon Storm.
EDDIE: …First of all boys you've made two mistakes right there. The first being that the tag champs don't have to challenge chumps like The Innovators to matches, you get challenged!
MODEST: And second, what the Hell makes you think you're gonna beat us tonight? I mean, look at you! You're has beens! You just can't hack it anymore!
EDDIE: So if you think you beat the best…then bring it on punks!
The bell rings and Eddie throws the mic back to the ring announcer. Eddie Guerrero and Kid Kash start us off.
The crowd was…well both teams are heels, so in the end it was a match that involved a lot of boos and not much else for the majority. Both teams put together some impressive moves, and the advantage never stayed with either team for long. At about the nine minute mark, The Innovators calmly walked down the aisle and stood over by the Zero-G corner. A shouting match occurred, and Eddie Guerrero tried to dropkick to Kash, but missed and bumped the referee. With the ref down, Zero-G took out Kanyon and Nova with topes and hit Eddie with the Free Fall. As they went for it on Modest though, The Innovators entered the ring and save Mr. Modest. They took out Devon with Total Innovation, and Michael hit Kid Kash with his Top RopeCradle Suplex. The referee came to and counted the three as Devon Storm was double teamed on the outside by The Innovators.
The Jackyl Pack defeated Zero-G when M. Modest pinned Kid Kash with the Top Rope Cradle Suplex in 0:10:13.
Rating: *** 3/4
Post match, Zero-G and The Innovators continued to fight. Meanwhile, The Jackyl Pack were happy wwith their win, and walked up the aisle taunting random fans on the way.
In parking lot, Raven and Glen appear to be discussing something. The cameras do not go any closer though, as we see Robbie Brookside enter the arena. He's not on the show anymore, so what is he doing here?
Back in the ring, we hear WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE (Guns `N' Roses) and "The Man Beast" Rhino walks down the aisle to the ring. He has some support, but the crowd are not really interested. Then we hear a piano piece start and the Big Screen shows clips of Tiger Mask IV doing various high flying moves. Then the tune kicks in and Tiger Mask IV comes through the curtain as we now recognise the piece as WE WILL ROCK YOU (Seasons Of The Wolf) and he stands at the top of the aisle getting the crowd into the stomp, stomp, clap part. As the vocals hit, Tiger Mask runs down to the ring, and we begin.
As soon as he hits the ring, Rhino hits a Gore, then a piledriver. One…Two…ThrNO! Tiger Mask IV kicks out, and he's actually getting some cheers. He fips up and starts to lay into Rhino with stiff kicks that back him into the croner. TMIV whips him to the opposite corner and runs in doing the backflip kick. As Rhino runs back out, TMIV tries the back spin kick, but Rhino ducks…GORE! One…Two…ThreNO! TMIV fips up again and Rhino tries to Gore him again, but TMIV hits the back spin kick this time. As Rhino gets to his feet, TMIV jumps onto the top turnbuckle and hits a rounding bodypress! One…Two…Rhino kicks out. Tiger Mask grabs Rhino from behind and nails the Tiger Suplex! One…Two…Three! The crowd is cheering for Tiger Mask. Not a very loud cheer, but applause can be heard.
Tiger Mask IV pinned Rhino with the Tiger Suplex Hold in 0:05:16.
Rating: * 1/2
With the pointless crowd filler out of the way, DUCK AND RUN (3 Doors Down) hits and "Wildcat" Robbie Brookside enters the ring. He requests a mic. And is promptly thrown one.
ROBBIE: I said I wouldn't work tonight, and I meant it. If I'm not going to get the respect I deserve, then you can't stick me on PPV in a time filler. I'm here tonight for one reason, and one reason alone. I'm here to enjoy myself and watch a little wrestling. Then on Mettle, I have no doubt I'll be jobbing again.
Robbie throws the mic. back and jumps the guard rail, and takes a seat in the crowd. We then hear WINNER TAKES IT ALL (Sammy Hagar) play and Briish Storm dance down the aisle. As a fairly new team, the fans clap, but it's obvious that they know the team about to enter have more of a chance of winning. TOKYO DEVIL (B'Zs) plays and Flames Of Redemption enter the ring slowly as the crowd cheer. FoR have gained quite a following since their debut.
Another very good tag match here. Jody and Jonny had a bit of offense at the start, but Eiji Ezaki and Essa Rios managed to get back into it with nice quick tags. At one point, Jody tried to Victory Roll Eiji, but Essa ran the ropes and hit a huracanrana sending Jody crashing to the mat. After plenty of high spots, FoR finished things up with a Firebird Splash from Eiji on Jonny. The crowd was hot as the Jackyl Pack vs FoR match was confirmed.
Flames Of Redemption defeated British Storm when Eiji Ezaki pinned J. Storm with the Firebird Splash in 0:10:35.
Rating: *** 3/4
In the back, The Jackyl Pack are in their locker room watching FoR celebrate in the ring. Eddie has a smile on his face. Modest meanwhile looks serious.
Back out in the parking lot, Raven and Glen Jacobs are drinking cans of beer. They seem to be quite happy waiting for their matches to come forward. As they drink, a car pulls up. Out steps "The Game" HHH. As he walks past, Raven throws him a beer. HHH catches it and continues to walk towards the Seattle Coliseum, and enters the building.
Back in the ring, we hear WAR MACHINE (Kiss) and "The Human Suplex Machine" himself walks down to the ring to a loud ovation. He stands in one corner with his arms crossed. We then get COWBOYS FROM HELL (Pantera) playing and the crowd start to boo as Justin Credible makes his way down to the ring. He stands in the corner opposite Taz, swinging his Singapore Cane around as we wait for…WALK (Pantera). The FTW Champion stands on the aisle pointing to himself as the crowd bombards him with the usual "ROB…VAN DAM SUCKS!" Chants in time with the music. RVD produces a mic. Seemingly from nowhere.
RVD: Thank you Seattle! The Whole F'N Show is happy to be here, and is ready to give it his all as the best damn wrestler in the NCPW! As all my loyal fans out there know, I will walk down that aisle, with this belt, and leave here tonight with it too! Why? Because I'm Rob Van Dam! Now lets get going people! Come on! RVD! RVD RVD!
Someone shouts out "You suck RVD!" RVD seems to ignoring him, and under the impression that the "RVD SUCKS!" chants are indeed "RVD ROCKS!" ones.
Another great match here. All three were on form, and managed to mix a lot of styles. Taz dealt out the suplexes, and Credible used weapon shots. RVD meanwhile used some nice high flying moves and of course his trademark chair based attacks. At the ten minute mark, Taz set up a table in each corner. As Credible tried a cane shot, he got T-Bone Tazplexed through one. One…Two…RVD breaks the pin. Taz belly-to-belly suplexes RVD, and moves on to put Credible through two more tables with suplex variations. RVD again breaks the pin. RVD then manages to beat on Taz with chair shots. It takes three to floor Taz, but Taz gets back up. BAM! A fourth chair shot takes him down. Credible meanwhile is up and hits RVD with rights. RVD and Credible move towards the centre of the ring, and Taz is getting up. Credible backs up and charges in on RVD, but RVD does the splits and Credible goes over him…OVERHEAD BELLY-TO-BELLY TAZPLEX THORUGH THE TABLE! Credible is dead! Taz turns…BANG! Van Daminator! One…Two…Three! RVD retains again!
No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Triangle Match
Rob Van Dam defeated Justin Credible and Taz when Van Dam pinned Taz after the Van Daminator in 0:15:06.
Rating: *** 3/4
(Rob Van Dam retained the NCPW FTW Title.)
RVD stands in the ring in victory as the crwod showers him with boos and jeers. Meanwhile in the back, The Coalition are in their office.
DOYLE: Well, we know he's here, so lets hope it goes to plan.
KIEFER: I trust that Mikey, but this is just in case.
SNOW: OK people, so Kiefer is in danger of havinghis ass kicked by Mr. Game, but can we look at the big picture here? I'm gonna beat the living Hell out of Glen Jacobs!
KIEFER: Yeah? With no outside interference, and you can't run, you really think you can beat him?
SNOW: Oh, I know I can beat him!
DOYLE: Glad to see you're confident.
The door opens and HHH is standing in the door way. He just stands in silence and stares at Kiefer. Kiefer appears to be shitting himself. As Mikey gets up and moves towards the door, HHH turns and walks away. Kiefer Sutherland looks like he's just witnessed his own death. We cut back to the ring.
KRYPTONITE (3 Doors Down) plays and Kanyon and Nova, The Innovators enter the ring to a loud reaction of cheers. They are soon joined by Masato Yakushiji who enters to THE MEANING OF LIFE (Offspring). Then their opponents. First out is Dean Malenko, who enters to BIG BAD MOON (Joe Satriani) and stands in the aisle. Joining him in the aisle is DDP, who enters to SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT (Nirvana). The final member is MEN'S Teiho who enters to TARGET (Kouji Wada). They enter the ring, and after some handshakes the match begins.
Surprisingly good, and the crowd was into parts of it too. Each man in the match hit his tademark moves to good pops from the crowd. The BIG pop came at about the 11 minute mark though. As The Innovators' Kanyon tagged in Yakushiji, Zero-G ran down the aisle. The Innovators jumped in the ring and ran the ropes, flattening Zero-G before they could do anything. This distraction was enough though, as Malenko snap suplexed Yakushiji and then locked in The Texas Cloverleaf for the tap out.
MEN'S Teioh, Dean Malenko and Diamond Dallas Page defeated The Innovators and Masato Yakushiji when D. Malenko made Yakushiji submit to the Texas Cloverleaf in 0:12:45.
Rating: *** 1/4
Post match, The Innovators and Zero-G are fighting in the aisle. As Yakushiji, MEN'S, DDP, and Malenko rund up the aisle and try to pull them apart, Zero-G hit Nova with a Free Fall on the ramp. Kanyon quicly floors them with a double DDT, and starts to lay into them as we cut to the back.
In the parking lot, Raven and Glen are still talking. Raven jumps off the wall, and they both walk into the arena. Jericho crosses past them, and heads towards the ring. Meanwhile, the aisle has been cleared, and YOUNG JAGUAR (Thee Michelle Gun Elephant) hits and Shoichi Funaki enters the ring with TAKA Michinoku. As they stand in the ring, Funaki acknowledges the portion of the crowd that is cheering him. Then, POISON (Alice Cooper) hits and Ralphus walks through the curtain in his J.P.S. t-shirt. He signals to the curtain, and…nothing. He looks back, and sticks his head through the curtain, and Jericho comes barging past. He makes a beeline for the ring with the crowd booing him.
Lioheart started off really aggressively and seemed unrelenting towards the J-Thunder member. Of course, Jericho got cocky once he got the upper-hand. This led to Funaki hitting a huracanrana and getting back into the match. Jericho signalled to Ralphus and Ralphus pulled out some brass knuckles and through them to Jericho. The referee backed Jericho into the corner and took them off him though, and Jericho threw a hissy fit. Funaki rolled him up for a two count. Some sequences of chain wrestling followed and Jericho wound up on th elosing end of each one, and got more and more pissed off each time. He tried to kit the Lionsault, and Funaki put his knees up. As Jericho stumbled hurt, Funaki hoisted him up and Fisherman's Bustered him for the 1-2-3.
Shoichi Funaki pinned Chris Jericho after the Fisherman's Buster in 0:12:37.
Rating: ***
Funaki and TAKA run back up to the top of the aisle and taunt the fallen Jericho. As Jericho comes to, he kicks the ropes and shouts up to the Japanese duo. He grabs a mic.
JERICHO: DAMN YOU! THIS…this isn't over! I'm gonna get my revenge on you two little Japanese idiots! As for the rest of the night…Billy Kidman, I promised you wouldn't walk out of here with the belt tonight, and I meant it. Don't get too attaced to that belt baby!
Jericho leaves to boos. Then the ring announcer walks to the back, and then returns with the tag team titles. STONE DEAD FOREVER (Motorhead) plays and out come The Jackyl Pack. As they taunt in the ring, we hear TOKYO DEVIL (B'Zs) and Flames Of Redemption run down to the ring to loud ovation. The match has begun.
The Jackyl Pack and FoR have been trying to get to each other since Essa debuted, and now they get that chance. Neither team held back, and both hit some impressive moves. FoR took care of the high spots, and The Jackyl Pack out wrestled them when they could. In the end, it was the high flying mvoes that led to FoR' downfall. As Essa went for his moonsault on Eddie Guerrero, Mopdest pulled Eddie out of the way. Essa hurt, stumbled around and Eddie hit a neck-breaker. Modest then took out Eiji with a backdrop driver on the outside while Eddie hit the Frog Splash on Essa to crown the new tag team champions.
[TAG TITLES TOURNAMENT FINAL]: No-Time-Limit-Match for the vacant NCPW Tag Team Titles
The Jackyl Pack defeated Flames Of Redemption when E. Guerrero pinned Essa with the Frog Splash in 0:20:45.
Rating: **** 1/2
(The Jackyl Pack won the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
The Jackyl Pack scarper with their belts as FoR recover. The next man through the curtain is Nick Dinsmore, who enters to SYMPTHONY OF DESTRUCTION(Megadeth) and he has next to no reaction from the crowd. He is soon joined by Doug Williams, who enters to ANARCHY IN THE UK (Sex Pistols). As they stare each other down in the ring, KILLING MACHINE (Wolfsbane) hits and Chris Benoit walks down the aisle. As soon as the bell rings we begin.
As expected, this was pure techinical wrestling. Reversals and chain sequences through out. Unfortunately, it went on too long, so the crowd pops dwindled towards the end. However, the crowd did react when each man hit their trademark moves. Dinsmores German Suplex got a moderate pop, and Doug got a bigger pop for breaking it up and nailing Dinsmore with the Northern Lights Suplex. Benoit broke the hold and nailed his rolling German Suplexes on Doug. He then locked on the crossface on Dinsmore to a loud pop, and Dinsmore tapped.
Triangle Match
Chris Benoit defeated Doug Williams and Nick Dinsmore when Benoit made Dinsmore submit to the Crippler Crossface in 0:17:27.
Rating: *** 1/2
In the back, we see Chris Jericho leave a locker room. Ralphus is still in there, so we can presume it is his own. The cameras cut to Robbie Brookside who...seems to have fallen asleep. Meanwhile, SHINE (Motorhead) hits and Chavo Guerrero Jr. enters to a round of applause. His pop is quickly topped when THE UNFORGIVEN II (MetallicA) plays and the Cruiserweight Champion enters the ring.
One of the best Cruiserweight matches we've seen in a while, and Kidman and Chavo certainly earned respect from the crowd for the risk taking they did. Plenty of high spots that got the crowd going. Towards the end, POISON (Alice Cooper) played and Ralphus walked down the aisle. As the referee went outside to eject Ralphus from the ringside area, Jericho entered through the crowd. As the referee ushered Ralphus up the aisle, Jericho entered the ring, and grabbed Kidman. He set him up and…one powerbomb…two powerbomNO! YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN! Huracanrana! Jericho is sent flying to the outside and Kidman turns back to Chavo…BAM! Chavo nails the Tornado DDT! The referee is back in the ring! One…Jericho grabs Kidman' legs and holds on…Two…Three! New Cruiserweight Champion!
Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Billy Kidman with the Tornado DDT in 0:15:06.
Rating: **** 1/2
(Chavo Guerrero Jr. won the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
Kidman looks stunned as Jericho dances around on the outside. YOUNG JAGUAR (Thee Michelle Gun Elephant) hits and J-Thunder run down to the ring! TAKA and Funaki grab Jericho and throw him into the ring. TAKA hits the Michinoku Driver, and Funaki hits the Fisherman's Buster. Kidman then picks Jericho up and hits a Kid Krusher, followed by the Shooting Star Press. As they taunt Jericho, Chavo is still in the corner, and doesn't look too happy about being in the middle of all this. As they turn to Chavo, Chavo bails and walks up the aisle.
In the back, Shamrock is psyching himself up, and Raven is walking towards the ring. First out is…THORN WITHIN(MetallicA) plays and Ken Shamorck walks out. He puts himself in his Zone, and runs down to the ring. TO MYSELF I TURNED (Lacuna Coil) hits. When the lead vocals begin, Raven wonders through the curtain. He slowly walks towards the ring. When the chorus begnins, he outstretches his arms crucifix style and jumps in the ring starting a brawl.
Shamrock was overwhelmed by the quick brawling from Raven, and so was on the receiving end of a full on assault. Shamrock was busted open by a Raven right quickly, and quickly fell to an Evenflow DDT, giving the first fall to Raven. Shamrock managed to get back into the match when Raven tried another Evenflow straight away, and so he low blowed the Bowery Native, and nailed an overhead-belly-to-belly-suplex. Realising that he was 1-0 down with only five minutes gone, Shamrock proceeded to hit Raven with everything he had, but Raven already had some momentum going, and regained control with a bulldog. It was when he hit a second bulldog a few minutes later that problems arose, as Shamrock snapped and proceeded to hit Raven with everything all over again, in quick succession. He then locked on the Ankle Lock, and Raven tapped almost immeadiately. 1-1 after 11 minutes. Shamrock calmed down after the fall, and went about an approach that saw him striking Raven' legs and head in an attempt to keep him down. However, with the crowd on his side, Raven managed to Evenflow Shamrock again. One…Two…ThrFoot on the ropes. Raven showed no emotion to this and dragged Shamrock to middle of the ring. He hit a third Evenflow and locked in an STF. Shamrock tapped out.
No-Time-Limit-Two-out-of-three-Falls Match
Raven beat Ken Shamrock 2 falls to 1:
x Raven beat Shamrock via the Evenflow DDT in 0:05:06
x Shamrock beat Raven via the Ankle Lock Submission in 0:11:07
x Raven beat Shamrock via the STF in 0:17:57
Rating: **** 1/4
The crowd exploded into a chorus of cheers as the fromer world champion celebrates his win over Shamrock. Raven turns to leave, but Shamrock stops him. Shamrock extends his hand, and the two shake. They both leave.
In the back, HHH is preparing for his no holds barred match with Mikey Whipwreck. Meanwhile, Mikey is talking with his Coalition team mates as we go to ringside. CURE (MetallicA) plays and the NCPW TV Champion enters the ring to a round of boos. His music is cut short though, and TAKE A LOOK AROUND (Limp Bizkit) plays. D'Lo Brown walks to the ring to a good ovation for someone who hasn't been back on TV long. There are a few D'Lo signs present. And on a nother note, Robbie Brookside has woken up.
Sick Boy proved again tonight why he is one of the most consistant workers on the roster. His performance was pretty much what we've come to expect from him. D'Lo meanwhile rallied the crowd behind him by nailing some quick fire moves early on incliding a suplex, hip toss, arm drag, and dropkick sending Sick Boy to the outside. Sick Boy took some time outside and entered the ring again. D'Lo was right back in control, with a bodyslam. D'Lo tries another hip toss, and Sick Boy reverses it inot one of his own. Sick Boy then starts unloading his usual moves. A Bulldog floors D'Lo and Sick Boy goes up top. Cross body from the top scores two. A sequence of chain wrestling followed, and Sick Boy came out on top. Sick Boy hits a kick to the midsection and goes for The Cure, but D'Lo takes his legs and catapaults Sick Boy into the post. Sick Boy stumbles back, D'Lo turns him and nails the Sky High! D'Lo covers. One…Two…D'Lo lifts Sick Boy? D'Lo powerbombs the champion, and goes up top. Lo-Down…NO! Sick Boy roolled out of the way and both are down. Both are up after six, and D'Lo runs in for a clothesline, but Sick Boy ducks. D'Lo comes off the other ropes, but Sick Boy hits a drop toe hold, and then hits The Cure for the 1-2-3.
Sick Boy pinned D'Lo Brown with the Cure in 0:11:17.
Rating: *** 1/4
(Sick Boy retained the NCPW TV Title.)
The crowd boo Sick Boy like crazy as he escapes with his belt. We cut to the back, and Mikey Whipwreck comes through a door and walks past the camera. In the ring, we hear THE ACE OF SPADES (Motorhead), and "The Game" enters the ring to a loud round of applause frm the crowd. He gets out of the ring again and reaches under the ring, and throws a chair into the ring. As he gets in the ring and picks it up, PEPPER (Butthole Surfers) plays over the P.A. and Mikey Whipwreck enters the ring to a standing boovation. He is wearing a Kiefer Sutherland shirt, and someone in the crowd throws a half eaten hot dog at him. Mikey is unphased and enters the ring.
MIKEY: Triple H…don't for one minute think you can take me lightly. I am here tonight to prove a point or two. ONE…I don't suck. TWO…You cannot get away with stalking our commissioner and not pay the price. Tonight Game…we shall see just how good you are.
These two went all out here. As soon as the bell rung, HHH took Mikey down with a stiff chair shot. Mikey rolled out of the ring, and HHH followed. HHH threw Mikey head frst into the ring post, and then threw the ring steps at him. Mikey rolled under the ring to escape. HHH went after him, and Mikey came out one end and entered the ring. HHH came out the other end, and Mikey nailed a baseball slide. With HHH reeling, Mikey went to the outside and piledrove him on the concrete. He then picked Hunter up and hip tossed him on the aisle. Mikey hits a leg drop. One…Two…kick out. Mikey gets the chair HHH used on him earlier and BAM! HHH goes down hard. One…Two…shoulder up. HHH is busted open all ready. Mikey picks up the chair again and waits. HHH is up and Mikey charges in…KICK TO THE MIDSECTION FROM HHH! Mikey drops the chair, and HHH hits The Pedigree! One…Two…ThrShoulder up! Mikey is hurting, and HHH is recovering. Mikey flees into the ring, and HHH follows as Mikey begs off. HHH picks Mikey up by the throat, but Mikey kicks him REAL low…WHIPPERSNAPPER! HHH is up again! WHIPPERSNAPPER! HHH stays down this time! One…Two…ThrNO! HHH kicked out and the crowd is really behind him. Mikey is getting frustrated, and picks Hunter up. Mikey hurucanranas HHH. One…Two…ThrSHOULDER UP! Mikey is getting REALLY frustrated, and looks to the aisle. He gives a signal, and Al Snow starts to walk down the aisle! It's legal! This No DQ! Robbie Brookside has jumped the barrier! He's walking towards the aisle and shouting at Snow! As he starts to move towards Snow, Snow slowly backs up the aisle. Robbie stands at ringside, and Mikey goes for a crucifix…HHHstays on his feet! HHH slightly lifts Mikey up onto his shoulders…GAME OVER! One…Two…Three! HHH wins and the crowd explodes into a chorus of cheers and "HHH" chants.
HHH pinned Mikey Whipwreck with the Game Over in 0:15:24.
Rating: *** ¼
As the stipulations stated, HHH now gets five minutes in the ring with Kiefer, and no Coalition member can interfere. DIE AGAIN (wolfsbane) plays and…there is no Kiefer! On the big screen, we see Kiefer exiting the arena, and getting into a limo. The car doesn't move though, and within seconds, Kiefer falls out of the limo, and Ken Shamrock jumps out and drags him back inot the arena! Moments later, Kiefer is dragged through the curtain, and thrown into the waiting arms of Robbie Brookside. Shamrock leaves, and Robbie throws Kiefer into the ring.
Of course, HHH grabbed Kiefer straight away, and threw him onto the mat. He hits a few punches to the head, and then hoists Kiefer up for the Game Over. He turns slowly so that evry member of the crowd can see him, and as he turns to the aisle…SUPERKICK! Robbie Brookside just superkicked HHH! Kiefer escapes HHH' grasp, and Robbie nails HHH with a Jumping Tornado DDT! He picks Hunter up and places him on the tope rope…CROSS-ARMED ICONCLASM! HHH is out cold!
The crowd are booing like crazy as Kiefer re-enters the ring with a mic in hand.
KIEFER: You see HHH! I'm not that stupid! Robbie here isn't a Coalition member. Of course, now he's done this little favour for me. Robbie…welcome to the Coalition.
Kiefer offers his hand to Robbie, but Robbie slaps it away. Kiefer gives him a "What The Fuck?" look, and Robbie snatches the mic.
ROBBIE: I told you people I wouldn't work tonight. I told all of you that I wont work till I get some respect, or have a good reason. You Kiefer just gave me an opportunity to get noticed. Triple H…it's nothing personal, I just want to get some recognition. And Kiefer…you can take your Coalition place, and shove it up your ass, `cause I aint joining a stable where I'll play second fiddle to Al Snow and Mikey Whipwreck.
Kiefer looks stunned, and Robbie takes a walk up the aisle. The crowd are showering him with boos. Kiefer turns and kciks HHH before leaving himself.
Once the ring is cleared, the lights go off. We hear a familiar piece of opera style singing, and then the pyros go off and the lights come on as the hit the main riffs on INSIDE (Stiltskin) and Glen Jacobs walks down to the ring enjoying the cheers he's getting from the crowd. He steps over the ropes, and starts to warm himself up in the ring. Meanwhile, the opening guitar riffs of DIE AGAIN (Wolfsbane) play, and the crowd waits. As soon as the lead guitar kicks in, the NCPW World Champion "Simply Sensatinal" Al Snow walks through the curtain, and gets boos and jeers aplenty from the hostile Seattle crowd. This one has been a long time coming, and Al Snow has made sure that he can't run this time. The crowd knows it, and as Al looks at Glen, his expression shows that he knows it too.
As soon as the bell rang, these two were in the middle of the ring facing off. Snow gives away a lot to Glen, but we've seen him overcome the odds before. Glen meanwhile is in his first singles main event, and this is his first world title shot. The two break and the crowd starts to clap and chant for Glen Jacobs as Al Snow circles his stationary foe. Al realises that Glen Glen is not going to try to out-wrestle him, and backs into a corner to try to come up with a new plan. He calmly walks back into Glen and slaps him. Glen turns back to Al smiling, and Al hits a right hook. Glen fires straight back with a series of rights and lefts that send Al reeling into the corner. As Glen follows him in, Al ducks under. Glen turns, and Al goes for the superkick, but Glen throws himself to the mat to escape the move, and the commentators speculate that Al could have finished it right there. It is very clear that the World Champion is unsure on how to deal with his former partner, especially now that he can't just get disqualified or walk out. Snow moves in and puts Glen in a hammerlock. He shouts to the crowd, but Jacobs gets out of the hold and suplexes the champion to the mat. Snow is straight up on his knees and begs off to the corner. Glen follows him in and lifts Al onto the top rope with great ease. Al pokes Glen in the eyes, and Glen stumbles back a little. Snow goes the cross body of the top, but Glen catches him! Fallaway slam! Snow rolls to the outside to regroup as Jacobs rallies the crowd in the ring.
As Snow climbs onto the apron, Glen walks forward, but gets hit with a springboard dropkick. Jacobs is not down, but he's not stable. Snow tries the superkick again, but Glen rabs his foot and spins him. Al is back facing Glen, and the challenger hoists him up into Unabomb position! Snow is punching away like his life depended on it! Glen is slowly…going…DOWN! Snow has the big man on the floor! He punches away and then hits a few stomps, and a standing moonsault. Glen is on the mat hand dazed, as Al mounts the apron. He gives the signal and jumps onto the ropes…Springboard leg drop misses! Glen sat up! The commentators make the point that Snow could finish you with The Snow Plow, Moonsault, Superkick or Springboard Leg Drop, so Glen needs to be on the top of his game tonight! Glen has the world champion at his mercy now, and press slams him to the canvas. He lifts the champ and whips him to the ropes…POWERSLAM! One…Two…kick out by the world champion. As Snow gets to his feet, Glen nails a dropkick on him. One…Two…kick out again by Snow. The crwod are popping huge for Jacobs as he kicks Al in the midsection and goes for the Unabomb…HURUCANRANA BY SNOW! Glen is back on his feet though, and Al charges in with a clothesline…Glen doesn't move! He just shakes his head, and Al tries again. Again, he doesn't budge. Al runs the ropes again, and the crowd is behind Jacobs like crazy. High Leg Clothesline by Snow sends Glen back into the ropes…SUPERKICK! Al superkicked Jacobs, and he went straight over the ropes to the outside! It could be over right here! The referee counts…one…two…three…four…five…Glen is moving…six…seven…he's on his knees…eight…he rolls back into the ring. Snow is frustrated not to have won there.
As Glen gets to his feet, Al runs to the side and hits a springboard back brain kick, dropping Glen to the mat again. Al quickly goes to the outside and springboards back in, this time hitting the leg drop! It's over! One…Two…Glen puts his foot on the ropes! Al kicks the ropes and shouts at the referee. He shouts to the crowd "I'M GONNA SNOW PLOW HIM!" He drags Glen to his feet and tries to lift Jacobs into the Snow Plow, but he can't do it! Glen is just too heavy! Glen fires back with a bodyslam. Snow is up though and hits a rolling heel kick to the midsection. Glen is doubled over, and Al goes for a piledriver. He can't do it, and Glen lifts him up and over, sending the champion to the mat! He takes Al up, and whips him to the ropes. Glen goes for the clothesline, but Snow ducks under and comes back with a dropkick to the back of the knees. Glen is down on one knee now! Al needs to take him down to the mat again! Showing his martial arts background, Snow proceeds to kick Glen in the head a few times, drawing blood from his mouth, and finally hits a dropkick to the face, dropping Glen onto his back. Al shouts "IT'S OVER!" and goes up top…MOONSAULT! That's gotta do it! One…Two…ThreeNO! Glen got his houlder up! The champion can't believe it! He waits for Glen to get up, and runs the ropes. Glen sticks his foot up for a big boot! Snow ducks! Snow jumps onto the apron and springboards up as Glen turns. The champion lands on Glen Jacobs' shoulder for a huracanrana…GLEN REVERSED IT INTO THE UNABOMB! He hit Snow with the Unabomb! ONE…TWO…THREE!!! WE'VE GOT A NEW WORLD CHAMPION!
No-Time-Limit-Match with Managers Banned From Ringside where the title can change hands via DQ or countout!!!
Glen Jacobs pinned Al Snow with the Unabomb in 0:30:12.
Rating: **** 1/4
(Glen Jacobs won the NCPW World Title.)
The crowd are in a frenzy as Snow rolls out of the ring, and Glen celebrates. As Snow slowly walks up the aisle, a whole group of wrestlers including HHH, Raven, Shamrock, D'Lo, Benoit, Williams, and The Innovators run down to the ring, shoving Snow to the side as they pass. The enter the ring, and hoist the massive Glen Jacobs up as the crowd goes wild and Al Snow shouts abuse at the new world champion.
The PPV Fades out on the shot of Glen being carried around the ring.
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