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![]() ![]() ![]() ONE STEP CLOSER 2003
![]() SUNDAY 24th AUGUST 2003
Pittsburgh Civic Arena (The Igloo)
The sold out crowd is buzzing as we await the start of the PPV. This is looking set to be an awesome night of action in the NCPW as we bring you eight action packed matches in the feature show.
---WALK ON WATER (Ozzy Osbourne)---
The crowd cheers the NCPW theme as Bobby "The Brain" Heenan enters to get ready for the PPV. Until then, we have a special match to warm the crowd up.
---THE UNFORGIVEN II (MetallicA)---
A good sized pop for Billy Kidman here, despite this only being the Free For All. Kidman seems excited enough to be here, and so he awaits his opponent.
---BLEEDING ME (MetallicA)---
And again MetallicA plays to introduce a wrestler. The reaction for Val Venis is somewhat mixed here. Considering how he's been just walking out of matches for no reason, he's lucky to get ANY reaction. Tonight he seems different though…he's RUNNING down the aisle!
Val ran straight down the aisle, and as soon as he hit the ring he threw his towel off at the referee and went straight at Kidman with a barrage of punches that send him into the corner. Billy seems somewhat confused by this, and his nose gets busted open very quickly. The referee has to pull Val off Billy, who just gives a dazed and confused look.
This time, Val and Billy tie up, and Billy applies a wristlock. Val reverses into a wristlock of his own and then takes Billy's legs out and applies an arm bar. He holds this on tight, and then he lies down flat! He's got that hold on legit! Billy is writhing as the referee breaks them up! Billy stumbles back into the corner and holds his arm as the referee tries to talk to Val. Billy has no idea what is going on here.
Billy gives things another try as he goes for a clothesline, but Val again pulls him down into an arm bar. This time Val lets go and gives the sign for his finisher. Billy looks relieved as Val hits a Pumphandle Powerbomb. The referee counts. One…Two…Val just pulled Billy up! Billy looks scared and tries to get out of there, but al holds on and hoists him up into a Canadian Backbreaker! Billy looks hurt, and he taps quickly.
Val Venis made Billy Kidman submit to a Canadian backbreaker in 0:03:46.
Rating: ***
Billy gets up and gives Val a right hook. Val just looks at him and then smiles. He walks away up the aisle as the referee and Billy talk among themselves about what just happened. The cameras cut to the back.
Paul Heyman is waiting for Val as he walks down the hall. He catches up with Val as he walks past.
PAUL HEYMAN: Val! What the Hell is going on? What are you doing out there?
Val looks blankly at Paul.
VAL VENIS: For starters Paul, don't call me Val. You know damn well that isn't my name. Secondly, I don't EVER want to hear the name Val Venis again! There is no way I'm going to get over with a gimmick like that! This is bullshit!
PAUL HEYMAN: OK, look…what you did tonight was…it was just stupid! Mr. Doyle wants to see you tomorrow on Rage to talk about this. If I were you I'd be on my best behaviour.
VAL VENIS: Yeah? We'll you're not me Paul. I'm sick of this, and if Mr. Doyle wants to see me then he better be prepared to hear me out.
PAUL HEYMAN: OK…I'll tell him you'll see him. What about tonight?
VAL VENIS: What about it?
PAUL HEYMAN: Well, what you just did isn't exactly going to make you popular with the rest of the guys in the back. Shouldn't you think about leaving before they…
VAL VENIS: Before they what? They won't do shit to me Paul. Besides, I can't leave until I've seen Jeff Jarrett. Now, where is he?
PAUL HEYMAN: He's getting ready. Why don't you wait till after the first match to find him?
Val walks off down the halls and into a locker room. Meanwhile, the PPV is about to start.
The heavy guitars kick in and we see some black and white stills of Raven, HHH, Sick Boy, and Glen Jacobs. As the guitars continue to play, we see clips of them hitting their finishers. Then the vocals kick in.
"The self appointed secret rulers…of this world…"
The lyrics play out as we see Glen Jacobs during his title reign. Then we reach the chorus of the song.
"Here I am! Standing in the Darkness! Here I am! A stranger to the light!"
Blaze Bayley's vocals echo as we see Raven and Sick Boy in various altercations, then HHH in the fray as well. As the song goes lighter, we see how it all started with Sick Boy's attack on Raven, HHH, and Al Snow. As the song goes heavy again though, we get a shot of Glen Jacobs standing with his belt. The picture fades to black and white with the song. We go to a crowd shot as the crowd cheers!
On the announce table right now is Bobby Heenan. He looks to this left, and sees the empty space and shrugs.
BOBBY HEENAN: Ladies, Gentlemen…Humanoids! Welcome to NCPW One Step Closer 2003. Right now, The Brain is here to take you through the show until the morons in the back can get an announce partner out for me, so…wait a minute, I've just been informed that my partner is on his way…
---UNCLE TOM'S CABIN (Warrant)---
The crowd cheers as Jeff Jarrett steps out with his guitar and poses at the top of the aisle. He smiles at the warm reception and then joins Bobby at the announce table.
BOBBY HEENAN: What? I've got to commentate with this guy? The Cruiser Commissioner?
Jarrett looks at Bobby with a glare and Bobby soon shuts up. He puts his head set on.
JEFF JARRETT: You damn right I'm the Cruiser Commissioner! Jeff Jarrett is not only gonna prove himself to be the greatest in the NCPW, but he's gonna help the Cruiserweights get some well deserved time on TV. So…you got a problem with that slapnuts?
BOBY HEENAN: No problems at all Jeff. I just didn't expect someone as…important…as you to be commentating with me tonight. I…
JEFF JARRETT: Do you think I'm stupid? I know what you said Weasel, and if you keep that attitude up then you're gonna taste…
BOBBY HEENAN: Point taken! So…it's two of your guys up next Jeff! Juvy and Chavo…any news on Chavo's belt?
JEFF JARRETT: None whatsoever. We'll find it though.
---KAZE (Kouji Wada)---
The crowd give Juventud Guerrera a small pop as he enters down the ailse. There is no story to this match, so the heat won't be great, but Juvy seems quite energetic.
---SHINE (Motorhead)---
This music sets the crowd off though. A far louder pop for the champion, who is still beltless. He seems relatively agitated with the lack of the belt, but he's definitely focused for tonight.
The match began with the two circling briefly. Then Chavo tried a surprise attack by charging in, but Juvy hit back with a spinning back elbow! As Chavo got to his feet, Juvy dove past him and nailed a Reverse DDT. One…kickout. Dropkick by Juvy sends Chavo to the outside, and Juvy nails a springboard crossbody! Juvy jumps up and poses as a small "JUVY! JUVY!" chant surfaces.
The chant doesn't last long, as Chavo is thrown back into the ring, and as Juvy tries a high leg clothesline, Chavo ducks. Juvy gets straight back up, but is hit with a dropkick to the face, sending him into the ropes. Chavo follows through with a clothesline that sends Juvy over the top. This time it's Chavo's turn to dive to the floor. Chavo mounted the top rope, and as Juvy got to his feet, he came off with a BIG dropkick. Juvy is down and the crowd is cheering Chavo! Chavo gets onto the apron to stop the count, and when Juvy gets up, he leaps off with a Tornado DDT! Chavo celebrates and Jeff Jarrett gives him the thumbs up.
Back in the ring, Chavo hits two arm drags, then a body slam. He whips Juvy into the ropes, and tries a hip toss, but Juvy lands on his feet and keeps running…straight into another arm drag! Chavo tries to apply an arm bar, but Juvy blocks it and rolls onto his feet. Chavo stands up and Juvy jumps onto his shoulders, then turns and hits a hurucanrana! Chavo gets up, and again Juvy jumps and turns, this time nailing a Victory Roll! One…Two…kickout by the champ! Juvy tries another hurucanrana…POWERBOMB by Chavo! He holds on! A second Powerbomb! Again he holds on! Chavo hauls Juvy up…he runs…RUNNING LYGER BOMB! One…Two…ThrNO! Chavo shouts "THAT'S IT!" and sits himself ready for the Tornado DDT. As he dives off for it though, Juvy nails a spear! Juvy yells "IT'S OVER!" and pulls Chavo up for the top rope Juvy Driver! NO! Chavo gets himself free and jumps up…SUPERPLEX! Chavo mounts the turnbuckles again…TORNADO DDT! ONE…TWO…THREE!
Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Juventud Guerrera with the Tornado DDT in 0:05:11.
Rating: *** ½
(Chavo Guerrero Jr. retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title.)
Chavo celebrated for the crowd as Juvy left up the aisle. Jeff Jarrett stood up and clapped for the Cruiserweight Champion, and seemed to be genuinely sincere about his promise to support the cruisers. As Chavo got ready to leave, the lights went out.
---SECOND COMING (Triceratops)---
The music played and a yellow light shone down onto the ring. Chavo looked around him, and the lights slowly came back on. On the NCPW Big Screen above the entrance, we see a dark room. A light is shone from the back, and we see four men. We cannot see any more than their silhouettes, as they stand around. Chavo in the ring is looking angry as one of them holds up a belt.
????: So…I seems that you continue to win. At Cruiser Kings, we shall rule all the cruisers in the NCPW and all those others who dare enter. For now Chavo, you may be content. Tonight you have earned the right to see who we are. So…lights.
The lights go off again, and we see the silhouettes on the screen slowly fade out as the lights in the room go off. Chavo is waiting at the end of the ring, and there appears to be some movement behind him. The lights on the Screen come on and we see a chair with a sign on it. As the camera zooms in, we can see that is reads: "PRE TAPED!"
The lights come back on, and in the ring behind Chavo stand four men. Chavo shouts at the screen as Jeff Jarrett shouts over to him form the announce position. Chavo turns…DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE from two of the men! He stumbles to his feet and gets hit with…SPEAR! Chavo again stumbles up and this time takes a hurucanrana from the fourth man (who is wearing Chavo's belt)! The fourth man signals to the others, and they place Chavo in the tree of woe. One of the men sits on the top rope holding Chavo as two others stand on the apron and they and the fourth man back to the corners. TRIPLE DROPKICK ON CHAVO'S HEAD! As the four celebrate, Jeff Jarrett jumps up into the ring with his guitar and enters, swinging wildly at the four men as they duck out of the ring. Jarrett checks on Chavo as the four men stand atop the aisle. The fourth man, who has the belt takes a mic.
---SECOND COMING (Triceratops)---
They all raise their arms in the air as the music plays, and in unison they crotch chop while the "leader" shouts:
The crowd boos loudly as Crazy MAX shout at Jarrett and Chavo and then leave.
BOBBY HEENAN: Well…I guess we know what happened to the belt then.
We can see that HHH is preparing for his match tonight. He is sitting down on a bench taping his wrists and watching a video of Raven, Sick Boy, and Glen Jacobs in action. It could be this attitude that gets him the belt one day…maybe that day will be tonight.
Jeff Jarrett is back at the announce position.
BOBBY HEENAN: HHH there is preparing for his match tonight with Sick Boy…and then possibly Glen Jacobs. Tonight, anyone could win the chance to face Glen…well any of those two anyway. So Jeff…how's Chavo?
JEFF JARRETT: How do you think he is? He just had four guys beat the Hell out of him. I tell ya what Brain, those guys are going to have their hands full at Cruiser Kings, since all of Chavo' buddies are in the tournament too!
---BLEEDING ME (MetallicA)---
The crowd boos as the man formerly known as Val Venis enters down the aisle, and walks over to the announce position.
JEFF JARRETT: What do you want Val? You want to get all legit on me now?
SEAN MORLEY: For starters, you could stop calling me Val Venis, and call me Sean Morley.
JEFF JARRETT: Whatever slapnuts. What else can we do for you?
SEAN MORLEY: I want permission to appear on Wings this Friday.
JEFF JARRETT: Maybe you don't understand the concept of Wings. It's for Cruisers only you idiot.
SEAN MORLEY: I don't want to wrestle on it you moron! I want to talk to somebody who'll be there!
JEFF JARRETT: Yeah? After what you did to Billy, I should tell you where to get off…but I'll give you a second chance this once. You can appear on my show on Friday, but if there's any trouble then I WILL come down on you like a ton of bricks!
SEAN MORLEY: Fine with me.
Sean leaves up the aisle as we get ready for our next match of the night for the FTW Title.
---BLUE SNOW (Orange Goblin)---
The crowd cheers as The Eliminators enter together, each carrying a chair to use in the match. The former tag champs are really getting over in the FTW Division. They wait at the opposite end of the ring for their opponents.
---COWBOYS FROM HELL (Pantera)---
The crowd boos as the only heel in the match enters with his Singapore cane. Justin Credible is probably not over, but this match is! This is one of the most highly anticipated matches on the PPV.
---WAR MACHINE (Kiss)---
The crowd goes back into cheer mode as The Human Suplex Machine enters. Unlike his foes, he is not carrying any weapons with him, and will probably be content to just Tazplex people on their head for a lot of the match.
---PEPPER (The Butthole Surfers)---
The crowd explodes in "MIKEY! MIKEY!" chants as the FTW champion steps out onto the aisle. He smiles at the crowd that loves him and then steps back through the curtain again. Within seconds he returns carrying a garbage can of weaponry!
Mikey charged down the aisle and Saturn tried to dive out onto him, but he ended up taking a weapon-filled-garbage-can shot from the champ and Mikey went for the pin. One…Two…kickout! This match has elimination rules, and so everyone is beating on everyone and not paying attention to what anyone else is doing yet. Kronus join Saturn on the outside, and they double team the champ, but Mikey avoids a Total Elimination attempt and grabs his belt…BELT SHOT TO SATURN! BELT SHOT TO KRONUS! Mikey dives into the ring!
Mikey went straight for Justin, but Justin ducked the shot and slid to the outside. Mikey and Taz started to show the chemistry they've always had here in the NCPW by putting on a nice display of reversals, with Mikey constantly avoiding a Tazplex of any description. Meanwhile, Justin was putting his cane to work on The Eliminators outside the ring! As they got up, he floored them both with hard shots, and then turned to celebrate…THE ELIMINATORS GOT UP! THEY NO SOLD THE SINGAPORE CANE SHOTS! Justin turns back again, and…TOTAL ELIMINATION! Kronus covers! One…Two…Three! Credible has been ousted!
The Eliminators look in the garbage can and take out what weaponry they can and throw them into the ring. They then grab a table! They set the table up just inside the ring, and wait. Mikey gets nailed with an Overhead-Belly-To-Belly-Tazplex! Taz turns and Saturn hits a chair shot! Taz stumbles…Stop Sign shot by Kronus! Taz drops to one knee. As he gets up, the former tag champs set up Total Elimination…NO! Taz hits a German Tazplex to Kronus! He still gets hit with the Saturn high leg though. Saturn pulls Taz over to the table as Kronus rolls to the outside to fight Mikey.
Saturn pulls Taz up onto the table and hoists him up for the DVD! Holy…TAZ ESCAPES OUT THE BACK! German Tazplex OFF the table! Both guys hurt themselves on that one! One the outside, Kronus and Mikey are brawling, each one sending a flurry of punches. They tumble into the crowd! An "FTW! FTW!" chant has gone up as Mikey and Kronus start brawling towards the back of the crowd. In the ring, Taz and Saturn are getting up again. Taz is the first to react, going for a belly-to-belly, but Saturn knees him low! Butterfly Suplex! Taz is down again and the crowd cheers the suplex trade off display! Saturn gives the sign and pulls Taz up onto the table for the DVD again! Taz escapes down the back again, and stumbles off the table! Saturn jumps and turns…SUNSET FLIP OFF THE TABLE! One…Two…ThrNO!
Saturn backs up, and as Taz rises he tries a Yakuza Kick…CAUGHT! DESPERATION SINGLE-LEG TAZPLEX! Saturn rolls to the floor as Taz collapses in the ring. Meanwhile, Mikey and Kronus are at the back of the crowd fighting by a food stall! Kronus nails a kick to the midsection…POWERBOMB THROUGH THE STALL! Kronus tries to cover, but there's no referee to count! He shouts "SHIT!" and starts to walk back to the ring, taking a chair with him.
Taz and Saturn are slowly getting up again, and this time Saturn nails the Yakuza Kick. Saturn sets up a DDT…NORTHERN LIGHTS TAZPLEX! ONE…TWO…THREE! Saturn is gone, but the crowd cheers him as he exits, and they obviously want to see more of Saturn Vs Taz! Meanwhile, Taz stumbles about a bit as Kronus comes to the barrier separating the crowd and the ringside. He waits as Taz steps out of the ring…CHAIR SHOT! Taz drops and rolls away! Kronus celebrates and then turns back to the crowd to cheer again…MIKEY RUNS IN WITH A CROSSBODY! They just got sent flying over to the ringside again! All three men are down as the "FTW! FTW!" chant starts up again. Mikey is the first up, and he enters the ring and pulls the table out a bit, and then places a stop sign on top of it!
Kronus and Taz are climbing onto the apron, and start elbowing each other…OVERHEAD BELLY-TO-BELLY OFF THE APRON! KRONUS LANDED ON HIS FEET AND TAZ HASN'T NOTCIED! Taz enters the ring as Kronus grabs a chair. Taz goes straight for Mikey…CHAIR SHOT FROM BEHIND! WHIIPERSNAPPER SENDS TAZ ONTO THE TABLE! Kronus throws Mikey the chair and mounts the top rope. Mikey puts the chair on top of Taz…450 SPLASH FROM KRONUS, SENDING THE ROAD SIGN, TAZ, AND THE CHAIR THROUGH THE TABLE! ONE…TWO…THREE!
And then there were two! As soon as Kronus hauls himself up to his feet, Mikey tries a FrankenMikey, but Kronus pulls Taz up! FrankenMikey to Taz! Mikey hasn't noticed and gets up to be hit with another chair shot! Taz rolls out of the ring as Kronus sets up a powerbomb…FRANKENMIKEY! Kronus goes flying! He gets to his feet…WHIPPERSNAPPER! One…Two…ThrNO! Kronus kicked out! He gets up…hip toss! Mikey pulls him up to the top rope…WHIPPERSNAPPER FROM THE TOP! ONE…TWO…THREE!
Mikey Whipwreck won a 5-man FTW Match:
x Kronus defeated Credible after Total Elimination in 0:03:55
x Taz defeated Saturn after a Northern Lights Tazplex in 0:07:30
x Kronus defeated Taz after the 450 Splash through a table in 0:10:50
x Whipwreck defeated Kronus after the Whippersnapper from the top rope in 0:12:21
Rating: ****
Mikey gets a loud ovation from the crowd as he takes his belt from the referee and holds it aloft. Kronus leaves the ring, and he also gets clapped.
BOBBY HEENEN: My God…that has got to be one of the greatest matches I've witnessed in the NCPW! Amazing!
JEFF JARRETT: These guys just gave it their all in a…what? Wait a minute Brain! Who's that?
Someone has just jumped the barrier with his chair in hand! That looks like…it can't be…IT IS! STEVE CORINO JUST SLID INTO THE RING! He says something and Mikey turns…BAM! CHAIR SHOT! Mikey is floored, but he gets up ready to fight and charges in with a clothesline as the crowd goes wild…SUPERKICK FROM CORINO! Mikey's nose just exploded! The crowd boos as Corino puts the boot in on Mikey. Steve Corino embraces the boos and then calls for a mic.
STEVE CORINO: Ladies and Gentlemen…welcome now with open arms, The Man…The Myth…The Legend…STEVE CORINO! I came here tonight to look into what I'm up against in the NCPW, and what I saw was…a travesty! A complete mess! These five men call themselves Hardcore? Don't make me laugh!
The crowd boos Corino's words.
STEVE CORINO: Taz is nothing but a shadow of his former ECW self…Justin Credible is just the same, except he was never that great to begin with! And The Eliminators? Those two haven't done a thing worth mentioning for a long time…oh yeah, wait a minute! I forgot! MOPPY!
The boos get louder as Corino puts the boot in on Mikey again. He then stands over him and looks down as he talks.
STEVE CORINO: And this piece of garbage. This man right here is nothing…just a fluke. He doesn't deserve to hold that belt that symbolises all things extreme. All he is worthy to do is go back to licking Kiefer Sutherland's boots! I know you can't hear me right now Mikey, but trust me…that belt you hold won't be yours for much longer! Why? Because a new era is dawning! No longer will you be facing jobbers like you have been. Oh no, now you'll be facing…
Steve Corino looks up and raises one hand as he speaks.
Steve drops the hand and the pyros go off on the ring posts!
---THE KIDS AREN'T ALL RIGHT (The Offspring)---
The crowd boos loudly, and a "MIKEY! MIKEY!" chant can be heard as Steve Corino exits up the aisle. We cut to the back.
Sick Boy is in his locker room, cleaning his metal bar. In the background, we see two cutouts. One of Raven, and the other of HHH. He stands up, his back to the cardboard figures. In one swing, he takes the head off HHH! He then looks at the Raven one, and smiles sadistically. He drops the bar and leaves the room.
---THE WAIT (Killing Joke)---
The crowd starts booing as Kanyon steps out through the curtain and walks down the aisle. He stops to shout at a crowd member and then enters the ring and takes a mic.
KANYON: Normally, I come out here and ask "Who's Better Than Kanyon?" but since you Pittsburgh idiots are so damn stupid, I'm not even going to ask that tonight. However, I will give you a sneak preview of what is yet to come, because after tonight, the question will be…WHO'S MORE INNOVATIVE THAN KANYON?
The crowd starts to chant "NOVA! NOVA! NOVA!" as Kanyon shouts back at them.
---KRYPTONITE (3 Doors Down)---
Nova steps out through the curtain and charges straight down to start the match before the bell even rings!
Nova ran straight down the aisle and dove into the ring. This gave Kanyon the chance to hit a series of stomps and then whip Nova to the ropes. As he came back, Kanyon caught him as if he was going to hit a Spinebuster, but instead threw him down, holding onto the legs. With the legs held, Kanyon hit a slingshot, sending Nova into the post. However, Nova landed on the second rope and quickly jumped to the top to nail a top rope crossbody on Kanyon. One…Two…kickout.
Nova came straight back in with a hurucanrana that sent Kanyon across the ring, and then hit a monkey flip on the standing Kanyon. As Kanyon got back up again, Nova nailed a dropkick to the face. One…Two…kickout by Kanyon again. Nova hits a Double-Underhook Rocker Dropper. One…Two…kickout. Nova mounts the top rope for a Tornado DDT, but as he grabs Kanyon on the way down, Kanyon lands him on his feet! Northern Lights Suplex! Kanyon pulls Nova up and stands behind him. He grabs Nova like for a bodyslam, only from behind, and drops to a sitting position, sending Nova forward into a face slam! One…Two…kickout. Kanyon hauls Nova up again and holds him as if he was going to do a Reverse DDT…he nails a Final Cut, only dropping the leg instead of an elbow! One…Two…shoulder up.
Kanyon whips Nova to the ropes and then drops to his knees, while turning to face the other way. Nova takes an elbow to the stomach as he comes back, and Kanyon tries a snap mare. Nova lands on his feet and runs the ropes, but Kanyon ducks past him and runs the ropes too…DOUBLE HART ATTACK! Both men are down! The referee begins counting. One…Two…Three…Four…Five…Six…Kanyon rolls to the corner…Seven…Nova rolls to the opposite corner…Eight…Kanyon hauls himself up…Nine…Nova is up as well! They both run, and both dropkick at the same time! As they both get up, Kanyon tries a sweep, and Nova tries a Spinning Heel Kick! They both miss! Kanyon fires off a spear! One…Two…ThrNO! Nova kicks out.
Kanyon hits a DDT on Nova, and then lifts him up to the corner. He places Nova on the top rope, and then climbs up with him…TOP ROPE KANYON CUTTER! One…Two…ThrNO! Nova gets a shoulder up as the crowd goes wild! Kanyon lifts him up and hits a Flatliner! Kanyon doesn't go for the cover though; instead he puts Nova on the top rope again! TOP ROPE FLATLINER! One…Two…ThreeNO! Nova got a shoulder up, and Kanyon is getting pissed off! Kanyon lifts Nova up and tries to tie up, but Nova ducks behind him and puts on a Full Nelson…he lifts Kanyon to a horizontal position, and then releases the arms and sits, letting Kanyon drop into a slam of some sort! One…Two…ThrNO! Kanyon got a shoulder up, and Nova is looking tired!
Nova slowly climbs the ropes, but gets cut off at the top and drops to a standing position on second! Kanyon is on top, and grabs Nova for a Kanyon Cutter…Kanyon jumps the apron, Kanyon Cuttering Nova across the top rope! Nova is writhing, holding his neck! Kanyon rolls back in…One…Two…ThrNO! Kanyon shouts "THAT'S IT!" and picks Nova up…Flatliner…NO! Nova knees him in the mid-section! Nova hits Tori's Powerbomb on Kanyon! Both men are down again! One…Two…Three…Four…Five…Six…Seven…Both guys are up and Kanyon charges in for a clothesline, but Nova ducks and spins him into a Jaw Breaker! Kanyon falls against the ropes and bounces back…KRYPTONITE KRUNCH! ONE…Two…THREE!
[Winner Gets Rights To "Innovator" Name]:
Nova pinned Kanyon with the Kryptonite Krunch in 0:12:56.
Rating: **
We can see the dark night outside as the camera moves around. It then looks up to the top of the tree to its left, and we can see that Raven is sitting on a branch staring into the sky. The camera focuses on him for a second, and then we fade back to the arena.
---I DISAPPEAR (MetallicA)---
The crowd starts a round of boos as Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore step out. Dean seems to be enjoying the role of shouting at the fans as they hurl abuse his way. Meanwhile, Nick Dinsmore either ignores the jeers or tries to explain it was Dean to the rabid fans.
---POISON (Alice Cooper)---
The heels' entrance is cut short as the Alice Cooper tune hits and Chris and Dave charge down the aisle. A mass four-way brawl erupts with the two teams as the crowd cheers.
---STONE DEAD FOREVER (Motorhead)---
The former tag champs enter and casually walk down the ramp. They get to about half way and then stop to take in the action in front of them. They seem to have no intention of getting involved.
---LAST RESORT (Papa Roach)---
The crowd cheers and the former champs turn to look up the aisle, waiting for their foes to enter. ZERO-G COME THROUGH THE CROWD AND BLIND-SIDE THE JACKYL PACK!
Chris Jericho and Dean Malenko are fighting along the side of the ring, with Dave and Nick fighting down the other. Meanwhile, Devon Storm charges in and clotheslines Eddie Guerrero up against the ring and throws him in while Kid Kash and Modest brawl into the crowd.
Devon whips Eddie to the ropes and nails a dropkick to the face, sending Eddie to the outside again. Devon follows through with a dive to the outside that takes out Eddie, Dinsmore, Harris and himself. He manages to get back in the ring to stop the count though, and pulls Eddie in, only to be low blowed as Kash and Modest make their way back to the ring. Eddie suplexes Devon and tags in Malenko.
Malenko goes to work with some stomps and constantly stops to taunt Jericho, who is getting progressively more pissed off. Dean-O Machine-O starts to work over Devon Storm's legs and spends some time applying various holds, but getting each one broken when Devon reaches the ropes. The break through came when Dean whipped Devon to the ropes and tried a back drop. Devon landed on his feet and nailed a bulldog, bringing both men down. Both men start to crawl towards their corners and both dive to hit a tag at the same time, bringing Dinsmore and Jericho in! Dinsmore begs off and Jericho nails a dropkick, then hits Dean with a spinning heel kick, sending him to the outside.
As Jericho hits Dinsmore with a series of chops in the corner, Dean grabs a chair from the time keeper! Jericho makes a tag to Dave Harris and they charge at Dinsmore, but Nick ducks the clothesline! Dean hands Nick the chair and distracts the referee by attacking Jericho. Dave walks over to Dinsmore, and Nick nails a chair shot, busting Dave open! He covers! One…Two…Three!
Chris Jericho and Dave Harris have been eliminated! Nick looks blankly at the chair for a moment, as if he was wondering why he just used it. When he looks up, Modest nails a dropkick to the face! Dinsmore rolls back and tags Dean in. The crowd was dead for this section, as both teams were heel teams. They chain wrestled back and forth till Modest tagged in Eddie Guerrero. Eddie started to work over Dean, but Dean managed to low blow him and tagged Nick in. Dean rolls to the apron and Nick runs in…Eddie hits a huracanrana! Nick is reeling already! Modest hits him from behind, and…BLACK TIGER BOMB! One…Two…kickout. Nick rolls away and tags in Devon Storm!
Devon Storm lays in with kicks and punches on Eddie Guerrero, and Eddie hits the ropes. He comes back with a cross body, but Devon ducks and Eddie falls out of the ring. Dean Malenko jumps in to surprise Devon…but he saw him coming! Inverted DDT by Devon Storm! One…Two…Dinsmore breaks it up! Modest and Eddie both jump in and Dinsmore takes Modest down with a clothesline. Modest rolls out of the ring and when Dinsmore turns, Eddie flying forearms him over the ropes, but takes the ride with him! Dean in the ring gets set up for the Zero-G tag finish as the crowd cheers…FREE FALL…Dean slipped out the back! Zero-G drop to their knees and both hit back elbows low on Dean Malenko! FREE FALL! One…Two…THREE!
The Jackyl Pack remain with Zero-G, and Dean and Nick take an early bath! The four men start a mass brawl to kick things off and the crowds goes wild with "ZERO-G! ZERO-G!" chants. They die down though when Eddie uses the chair to get a near fall on Kid Kash, and the heels take over on Kash. For the next five minutes, The Jackyl Pack double teamed Kid Kash constantly and would not let him make the tag. When Kash DID make the tag, the referee didn't see it, so we were back to square one. The finish came when Eddie tried a crucifix powerbomb, but Kash slid out and tried to dive for the tag. Eddie kicked him in the face to stop him and then floored Devon too as Modest jumped in with a chair while the referee dealt with Eddie and Devon. He tries a chair shot, but Kash ducks and takes the chair from him! CHAIR SHOT TO MODEST! Modest ducks out. Eddie turns around after hearing the chair shot, expecting Kash to be downed…MONEY MAKER! ONE…TWO…THREE! THE CHAMPS RETAIN!
Zero-G defeated The Jackyl Pack, Chris Jericho and Dave Harris and
Dean Malenko and Nick Dinsmore:
x Dinsmore beat Dave Harris via a chairshot in 0:07:43
x D. Storm beat D. Malenko via Free Fall in 0:12:29
x Kid Kash beat M. Modest via the Money Maker in 0:20:24
Rating: ** ½
(Zero-G retained the NCPW Tag Team Titles.)
The camera is behind a car looking on at a commotion taking place a couple of metres away. Raven is still up his tree, and Sick Boy is busy shouting up at him.
The camera just picks up that Raven is smiling. Sick Boy meanwhile has an almost dazed look about him as he looks up at the dark martyr of the NCPW.
RAVEN: Trust me. I have no intention of screwing you over tonight. I have plans for you…BIG plans. If I did something to ruin those plans then you would never be able to trust me. For you to reach the end of your journey you need that trust…
RAVEN: You'll need me soon enough. You see…HE is coming. The stars can see it, and I can see it…I wonder why you can't.
SICK BOY: What? Who…
RAVEN: Before the year is out, you'll know who is coming for you. You WILL need me.
Sick Boy looks up to Raven, then picks up and can at his feet. He throws the can up at Raven and narrowly misses his head. He then walks back to the arena with a look on his face that suggests he doesn't quite know what's going on. Maybe Raven is getting to him?
---WALK (Pantera)---
There is a nice heel pop for Rob Van Dam as he walks down the aisle. He points to himself all the way and reminds us all of who he is. Like we could ever forget. Once he's in the ring he takes a mic.
ROB VAN DAM: Pittsburgh…I KNOW that you people aren't as dumb as I've been told, so I trust that you know what's going to happen tonight. I have faith that you will be able to figure out that I am the best in the NCPW…nay, the world! So…puts your hands together and embrace the wonder that is the soon to be NEW NCPW TV CHAMPION…ROB…VAN…DAM!
The crowd boos the cocky challenger to the second most important tile in the NCPW.
---KILLING MACHINE (Wolfsbane)---
The crowd immediately pops huge for the champion as he steps out through the curtain with his belt over his shoulder. He stands at the top of the aisle for a moment and then runs down the ring and slides into the ring. He calls for a mic and is thrown one. For a brief moment he stares at RVD and then drops the belt between them.
CHRIS BENOIT: You think you're the best? You think you have what it takes to climb to the top of the NCPW Rob? Well let me tell you this…I AM THE BEST PURE WRESTLER IN THE NCPW, AND TO GET THIS BELT…you'll have to prove me wrong!
Rob Van Dam smiles at Benoit and then bursts out laughing. He looks seemingly past Benoit as he speaks.
ROB VAN DAM: Well Chris…seeing how I beat you with your own hold…I dunno…maybe I'm wrong but I think that means that on that night I was better than you. Hell, maybe that means I'm better than you period Chris!
Chris Benoit now laughs at Rob Van Dam, and then suddenly snaps into a serious face again.
CHRIS BENOIT: Bring…it…on.
Benoit chops RVD!
The chop sends RVD backward, and Benoit follows back with more chops across the chest. RVD backs back into the ropes and Chris whips him to the ropes. Benoit "sleeps" and then leaps over the returning RVD…monkey flip! RVD rolls out of the fall and onto his feet, but Benoit follows back in with a clothesline that knocks RVD over the ropes to the outside! Rob holds his head as the crowd cheers Benoit. Benoit rolls out of the ring and grabs Rob, throwing him back in.
That was a mistake, as Rob gets to his feet in time to start hitting some stomps on Benoit. Benoit fires back with a quick punch, but as he gets up he gets nailed with a DDT from RVD. Rob then manages to hit a leg drop. Benoit rolls over and Rob runs the ropes and hits a Rolling Thunder. One…Two…kickout by Benoit. Rob tries to apply the Crossface, but Benoit rolls around onto his back and blocks it by pulling RVD down into a headlock. Rob pulls away, complaining that Benoit choked him. Rob backs away a little as Benoit gets up.
They both go in and Benoit slides in to try to take RVD's legs, but Rob jumps him and hits a dropkick to the face! Benoit is hurt and when he gets up RVD hits a back elbow on him followed by a dropkick to the face again that sends Benoit to the outside! Benoit stumbles up and RVD sails through the ropes for a tope, but Benoit moves! RVD goes crashing face first into the barriers! Benoit throws RVD in again and sets up a Dragon Suplex. RVD reverses by dropping to his back and rolling Benoit up! One…Two…ThrKick out! RVD goes for a punch, but Benoit blocks and spins him. Dragon Suplex…RVD tries the reversal again! Benoit pulls him up to his feet! German Suplex…RVD hooks his legs and rolls Benoit up again! One…Two…ThrKick out! Benoit didn't expect this at all! Benoit gets up and RVD nails a spin kick to the face! Benoit reels away and RVD hits a kick to the midsection! Neck breaker! RVD drags the champ along a bit…SPLIT-LEGGED MOONSAULT! ONE…TWO…THRKICK OUT!
Benoit can't have expected RVD to fight like this tonight. As a result, Benoit is fighting with a bloody nose now. Rob stays on his man, whipping him to the ropes. RVD drops to the mat, and Benoit stops himself! Benoit climbs the post. RVD gets up and turns…DIVING HEAD-BUTT FROM BENOIT! RVD is down…Benoit goes for the Crossface! RVD reaches the ropes! Benoit now has the advantage and hits a low dropkick that sends RVD to the outside. Benoit backs up a little and comes back with a baseball slide! RVD takes it in the face! Benoit to the outside now, and he chops RVD against the barriers. A clothesline sends RVD into the crowd and Benoit re-enters the ring and leaves again to restart the count. As Benoit approaches the crowd, a chair flies at him! He catches it…VAN DAMINATOR! Benoit is slowly getting up, and RVD kicks him low! RVD grabs the chair and enters the ring. He climbs the post. Once Benoit is up, RVD throws him the chair! VAN DAMINATOR FROM THE TOP TO THE OUTSIDE! Benoit's nose must be shattered now!
The referee is threatening RVD with disqualification now. RVD leaves the ring and throws Benoit in again. He lifts Benoit up…Piledriver! That sets him up for…FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH! One…Two…ThreeNO! Benoit got a shoulder up! RVD is upset at the count and shouts at the referee…BENOIT ROLLS HIM UP! One…Two…kickout! RVD APPLIES THE CROSSFACE! Benoit is in pain! RVD cinches back on the nose of Benoit and Benoit screams! RVD holds the hold on Benoit and lifts his feet onto the ropes…the referee breaks the submission hold!
RVD picks Benoit up and whips him to the ropes. He tries a clothesline…BENOIT DUCKS! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! RVD hits a kick to the midsection! DDT! RVD picks Benoit up hits a bodyslam. He then goes up top. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH! IT'S OVER! ONE…TWO…THREENO! Benoit gets the shoulder up again! RVD runs the ropes and hits a Rolling Thunder. He then goes up top…Five Star Frog Splash…BENOIT GOT HIS KNEES UP! RVD could be winded! Both men are struggling to get to their feet now, and RVD gets up first. He tries a dropkick, but Benoit parries! Benoit hits a belly-to-belly suplex on RVD! He then lifts RVD up and goes for a Dragon Suplex…RVD drops to his back and tries the roll up…Benoit hauls him up to his feet and tries the German Suplex…RVD hooks his legs and tries the roll up again…Benoit hauls him up…GERMAN SUPLEX! ONE…TWO…THREE! BENOIT RETAINS THE TITLE!
Chris Benoit pinned Rob Van Dam after a German suplex in 0:20:26.
Rating: **** ½
(Chris Benoit retained the NCPW TV Title.)
We see Chavo Guerrero Jr. on a chair. He is still looking stunned, and J-Thunder are in the room with him, wearing black jackets.
TAKA MICHINOKU: …It was who we thought.
SHOICHI FUNAKI: So now we know for sure we can do something about this. Now, all we have to do is wait for Koji.
CHAVO GUERRERO JR: And HOW do you suggest we tackle this problem?
TAKA smiles.
TAKA MICHINOKU: I have a plan.
The door opens and Koji Kanemoto comes in. He is also wearing a black jacket that covers his shirt.
KOJI KANEMOTO: I know what happened. I still have to deal with Shinjiro Ohtani at Cruiser Kings, but after that I am on board. Have you told Chavo the plan?
TAKA throws Chavo a black T-shirt.
Chavo looks at the shirt and J-Thunder and Koji take their jackets off. The camera looks up at them and we see what is on the shirts. The shirts display the Kai En Tai Logo!
---DUCK AND RUN (3 Doors Down)---
The crowd boos as the England's living legend makes his way to the ring.
BOBBY HEENAN: I don't understand this reaction from the Pittsburgh crowd. The Wildcat is a former NCPW World Heavyweight Champion, and they're treating him like a chump!
JEFF JARRETT: Well Brain, maybe they think Stevie should have been given his shot at holding the belt.
BOBBY HEENAN: He did get his shot Jeff…and he blew on more than one occasion. He couldn't beat Al Snow, and now he's fighting Robbie Brookside.
JEFF JARRETT: Whichever way you look at it, the winner of this match could be back on track to getting a title shot before the year is out.
Robbie Brookside stands in the ring waiting.
The crowd starts a loud "STEVIE! STEVIE!" chant as the former BWO leader makes his way down the aisle with a huge smile on his face.
JEFF JARRETT: And here he is. The man that could easily have held the NCPW World Title long before now. He's had some memorable matches with everyone from Gangrel to Al Snow. Along with the BWO he fought Kai En Tai…
BOBBY HEENAN: Now THIS is why Robbie gets boos from the crowd! All you idiots do on these shows is sit around saying how this guy and that guy have had so many achievements in the NCPW and elsewhere. Well how about Robbie's achievements, huh?
In the ring, Stevie and Robbie stand at opposite sides of the ring and stare at each other as the ring announcer starts the intros. Before he can finish though, Robbie grabs the mic.
ROBBIE BROOKSIDE: After tonight Stevie, you're gonna suffer such a humiliation that you'll wish you never came back to the NCPW.
The crowd boos and Stevie walks forward. He grabs the mic.
STEVIE RICHARDS: You know…it took a lot of work to get back here tonight. It took me months of physical training and mental preparation to get back in a NCPW ring…and you think it's going to be so easy to humiliate me? I've had humiliation after humiliation through out my career Robbie, so tonight I fight back. After tonight you're going to have t wake up knowing that you'll be introduced as The Wildkitten. So YOU can get ready for humiliation.
Robbie smiles as Stevie hands the mic back to the announcer.
There were a lot of people expecting this match to be a big disappointment. Instead, what we got was one of the matches of the night.
The two men started off by circling each other and teasing a tie up as the crowd clapped them on. As the claps got quicker, the two suddenly started laying in with a barrage of punches on each other. Lefts and rights flew all over the place, and the referee was knocked down quickly. Robbie took the early advantage though when he ducked a punch, causing Stevie to spin and get hit with an Atomic Drop. Stevie turned in pain and Robbie tried the Superkick…Stevie hits the mat and rolls to the outside. He taps his head to signify that he's too smart to be hit so early.
As Stevie climbed onto the apron Robbie grabbed him for a suplex. Stevie blocked and gouged the eyes, and slungshot over Robbie landing a sunset flip. One…Two…kickout. Stevie rolls up onto his feet and turns to hit a clothesline, but Robbie ducks under it and hits an elbow. He then pulls Stevie into a bodyslam and lands a legdrop. This is quickly followed up by a piledriver. Stevie looks stunned as Robbie backs up to a corner and waits as Stevie pulls himself up…SUPERKICK…Stevie catches the foot! He spins Robbie and hits an Atomic Drop of his own! Robbie turns…Stevie Kick attempt…ducked by Robbie! Robbie taps his head at Stevie…DROPKICK TO THE FACE ON ROBBIE!
Robbie is reeling on that one and Stevie moves in to get back in control, but Robbie goes low and then nails a powerbomb. Robbie goes up top and waits for Stevie to get up…TOP ROPE DROPKICK! One…Two…kickout. Robbie keeps things going with a series of stomps on Stevie and then hits the ropes…JUMPING TORNADO DDT! One…Two…shoulder up! Robbie again keeps things going with some stomps and then he kicks Stevie out of the ring! He follows Stevie out and rams him head first into the barriers! The referee comes out to stop him, but Robbie shoves him away and again rams Stevie's head into the barriers. He then rolls Stevie back in the ring and goes up top…ELBOW DROP! One…Two…ThrNo! Kickout! Stevie is still in there!
Robbie gives a sick smile and places Stevie on the top rope…holy shit, he wouldn't! Robbie goes to the first rope…CROSS-ARMED ICONOCLASM FROM THE FIRST ROPE! That has to be it! One…Two…ThrNo! Kickout again from Stevie! Robbie gives a sign indicating that he's going to finish Stevie off now, and backs up. Stevie hauls himself up…Superkick…Stevie grabs the leg again! He spins Robbie and hits a belly-to-belly suplex! Robbie is surprised by the assault and runs straight into a spine buster! One…Two…kickout. Stevie backs himself up a little…Stevie Kick…Robbie ducks and comes back with a Superkick! IT HIT! STEVIE DROPS LIKE A TON OF BRICKS! One…Two…ThreeNO! Shoulder up by Stevie! Stevie kicked out! Robbie is looking pissed off and pulls Stevie up. Robbie backs up and throws another superkick his way…Stevie side stepped! STEVIE KICK! Both men just dropped to the floor, Robbie from the kick and Stevie from exhaustion!
The referee got to six before anyone started to move. It then turned out to be Robbie Brookside. Robbie rolled to the corner of the ring and started to get up as the referee reached eight. He was up by nine and walked over to Stevie. He lifts Stevie up and places him on the top rope. Oh no…Robbie sets up the second rope cross-armed iconoclasm…Stevie pushes him off! Robbie stumbles to his feet…TOP ROPE CROSS BODY! One…Two…thrNo! Kickout! Stevie and Robbie get up together…Stevie Kick…Robbie caught it! Robbie spins Stevie and tries a clothesline…Stevie ducks and steps forward…STEVIE KICK! Robbie is out cold! One…Two…Three!
[Baby Bottle & Bonnet Match]:
Stevie Richards pinned Robbie Brookside with the Stevie Kick in 0:20:11.
Rating: ****
The crowd applauded the effort from both guys and then started a "Stevie! Stevie!" chant again as the announcer passed him the baby bottle, bonnet and diaper. Stevie smiled as the crowd cheered him. He walked over to the fallen body of Robbie Brookside and put the bonnet on the fallen Wildcat. The crowd starts clapping as Stevie then puts the diaper on him and lets out a laugh. Stevie then lifts Robbie to a sitting position and tilts his head back a little and puts the bottle in his mouth. Within seconds Robbie comes to and sprays milk out of his mouth and starts spitting as Stevie retreats up the aisle! The crowd cheers and then starts a "Wildkitten! Wildkitten!" taunt at the increasingly more annoyed Robbie Brookside.
In the parking lot we see Paul Heyman running to catch up with someone. As the man turns we see that it is Steve Corino.
PAUL HEYMAN: Wait a minute there! Steve! I…
STEVE CORINO: Whoa there Paul! Smile when you're talking to an ICON such as myself!
PAUL HEYMAN: Fine. Look I just waned to know what you're planning to do on NCPW Rage.
STEVE CORINO: Me? Well…I'm going to take a look at the FTW Title rematch between Mikey Whipwreck and The Eliminators, and then maybe I'll find myself an opponent and give the crowd a real display of hardcore wrestling! Now, if you'll excuse me there Paul…this legend has to get moving before the fans swamp me asking for autographs.
BOBBY HEENAN: Well…it looks like Steve Corino is looking to make an impact in the FTW Division.
JEFF JARRETT: Yeah, and he's in for one Helluva shock when he realises that the FTW Division is a lot tougher than he thought.
BOBBY HEENAN: Well see…this next match is to decide the top contender to the NCPW World Title.
The lights go off and an eerie blue light floods the entrance ramp.
---VICTIM OF DARKNESS (Seasons Of The Wolf)---
The crowd cheers as the music hits and Raven steps out onto the aisle. He stands at the top of the ramp staring blankly at the ring. Raven raises his arms and the blue light lights up the whole aisle and then the ring. Raven gives a smile and then walks down the ramp and steps between the ropes. The lights return.
---CURE (MetallicA)---
MetallicA hits the speakers and the crowd boos loudly as Sick Boy steps out and looks around him. He is carrying his trusty metal bar with him and has his usual sadistic smile on his face. He laughs out loud and then darts down the ramp and slides into the ring. Before any more music can hit, he takes a mic.
SICK BOY: You know…it's been a long time coming. Tonight though, Sick Boy takes his rightful place at the top of the ladder. Tonight…Sick Boy becomes king…AND THERE AINT SHIT THAT ANY OF YOU FUCKS CAN DO ABOUT IT!
The crowd boos. Raven sits in the corner watching Sick Boy walk around the ring running his mouth.
SICK BOY: The Game thinks that he has it all…the complete fucking package, well…take a look around. Maybe Sick Boy has it all? Maybe…just maybe…maybe the sickest FUCKING MAN IN THE BUSINESS HAS WHAT IT TAKES. HUH? AND YOU, YOU SICK FUCK…
Sick Boy spins and points his metal bar at Raven. He smiles as he draws a crucifix in the air with the bar.
SICK BOY: You…have nothing to do tonight but count that three when I put HHH down. And if you screw me…
Raven stands up and walks to the centre of the ring. He looks Sick Boy in the eyes and then takes the mic from him.
RAVEN: Then what? What will you do? Snap? Maybe you'll realise that I'm trying to help you? Tell me…WHAT…WILL…YOU…DO?
Sick Boy steps back and smiles again. Then he raises his metal bar as if he's going to hit Raven.
---THE GAME (Motorhead)---
The music hits and HHH dashes down the aisle. Sick Boy spins and takes a swing with his bar.
HHH ducked the bar swing as the bell rang. He then started to hit punch after punch as the crowd went crazy for The Game. Sick Boy dropped the bar and eventually got dropped himself. Raven removed the bar from the ring as HHH started to kick Sick Boy in the corner. Sick Boy was beaten down to the mat as the crowd cheered on. Raven intervened and pulled Hunter off. He then went to check on Sick Boy. Sick Boy smiled for a second as he sat dazed, and then shoved Raven off him.
Sick Boy stood up and shook his head to wake himself up as HHH worked the crowd. The two then circled and went in for the tie-up. They grappled for a moment and then Sick Boy pulled out a drop toe hold and immediately tried to apply a STF. Hunter avoided it though and Sick Boy gave Raven the finger. The two grappled again and HHH hit a bodyslam. Sick Boy was straight back up though and Hunter pushed him to the ropes. He whipped Sick Boy across the ring and ran in with a jumping knee smash, but Sick Boy dove under him and fired off a clothesline that sent HHH over the ropes.
On the outside of the ring, Sick Boy started to hit Hunter with everything he had. A few kicks were quickly followed by a dropkick, sending Hunter onto the announce table. Sick Boy then got up on the table and piledrove HHH through the table. The crowd re shocked about how early in they pulled this off. Sick Boy then waited till HHH was getting up and grabbed his metal bar. As he readied himself though, Raven (who had been watching and not counting) jumped out of the ring and pulled the bar away. He was met with a loud "FUCK YOU!" and then a clothesline. Sick Boy picked up the bar and swung at HHH. Hunter rolled out of the way and Sick Boy hit table remnants. HHH rolled backwards onto his feet and ran in with a jumping knee.
Sick Boy was floored and dropped the bar again. HHH picked him up and threw him into the ring. Raven followed and watched as Hunter nailed a DDT and then a leg drop. Raven counted one…two…kickout by Sick Boy. Hunter then whipped Sick Boy hard into the corner and nailed a back drop as Sick Boy rebounded. One…two…kickout. Sick Boy was hurting, and Hunter landed a knee drop. As he backed up for another though, Sick Boy rolled out of the way and Hunter hit mat. As The Game got up, Sick Boy took his legs and mounted him. Sick Boy started to lay in with punch after punch and Hunter was busted open above the eye.
Raven tried to pull Sick Boy off, but Sick Boy shoved him to the mat and continued to lay in with the punches. Raven tried again, but got the same result. Hunter was hardly moving now. Raven tried again, and this time pulled Sick Boy off and hauled him off. Sick Boy elbowed Raven across the jaw and ran in with a fist drop. Sick Boy then tried to pin the bloody Hunter and Raven counted. One…two…thrNo! Kickout by Hunter. The crowd started a "TRIPLE H!" chant and Sick Boy laughs out loud. He throws The Game out of the ring and then throws him into the crowd. Sick Boy throws a fan off his chair and smashes it down across Hunter's face. He then lifts The Game up…CURE ON THE CHAIR ON THE CONCRETE! Sick Boy gets back in the ring and demands that Raven count!
Raven started to count The Game out and Hunter lay motionless for the first five counts. Then he began to move and slowly crawled over the barrier as Raven got to nine. Sick Boy then grabbed Raven and stopped the count! Sick Boy pulled Hunter into the ring and set up another Cure…low blow by HHH! HHH hits…PEDIGREE! Both men are down! Raven counts. One…two…three…four…Hunter starts to get up…five…six…Sick Boy is up on his knees…seven…CURE BY SICK BOY! One…two…RAVEN PULLS SICK BOY OFF! EVENFLOW DDT! Both men are down again! The crowd is going nuts! One…two…three…four…five…Sick Boy is getting up…six…The Game is up on one knee…seven…Sick Boy is up…he goes straight after Raven! Raven punches Sick Boy hard in the face and he spins…GAME OVER BY HHH! Raven counts. One…two…three! The crowd explodes!
No-Time-Limit-Match with Special Referee Raven
HHH pinned Sick Boy with the Game Over in 0:13:36.
Rating: *****
The bloody HHH rolls back and sits in a corner as Raven picks Sick Boy up and props him up in another corner. Raven then takes a mic.
RAVEN: Now do you see? Can't you see where this is going yet? CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU? So now what are you going to do, huh? You seemed pretty sure earlier. Oh yeah, wait a minute…
Raven left the ring and then returned with Sick Boy's metal bar. He rolled it over to Sick Boy, who was coming around.
RAVEN: So…what are you going to do? You have your little metal friend, and you have your chance. You gonna hit me? Maybe I'm getting through to you? So?
Sick Boy picks the bar up and points it at Raven. He then drops his arm and calls for the mic. Raven throws it to him. Sick Boy points the bar at Raven and draws the crucifix again.
SICK BOY: You…You're fucking marked you son of a bitch…go…GO TO FUCK!
Sick Boy rolls out of the ring and walks up the aisle as Raven stands in the middle of the ring. Raven out stretches his arms to crucifix position and then leaves the ring. As he goes to exit through the crowd we can see that the ring crew have put a new announce table up for the commentators.
---INSIDE (Stiltskin)---
The crowd erupts as the World Champion steps out onto the ramp. He holds his belt aloft and then walks down the ramp. As he steps over the top rope, HHH pulls himself up and goes straight to work with a hard right hand to Glen Jacobs!
Glen was surprised by the early assault and HHH pulls the ropes up to crotch Glen! Glen is in pain and HHH runs the ropes…jumping knee smash! Glen Jacobs tumbles to the floor as HHH collapses in the ring! The crowd is loving it! Glen throws his belt to the side and enters the ring as Hunter pulls himself up to his knees. YAKUZA KICK! Damn, HHH is dead! Glen puts on foot on HHH's chest. One…two…kickout! Glen looks annoyed at this kickout. What did he expect? The match has only just started.
Glen picks up the bloody Hunter and knees him in the midsection. He then whips HHH to the ropes and nails a massive clothesline! HHH is looking more dead with each move he takes. Glen picks him up and hits a chop across HHH's chest…HHH drops. Glen picks HHH up again and whips him to the ropes…HHH drops as soon as he hits the ropes! It looks like Hunter is out cold already! A pinfall attempt. One…two…thrNo! Hunter gets his shoulder up! Glen looks surprised! The crowd is getting behind HHH! Glen starts to pick Hunter up…HHH starts punching!
HHH hit a series of punches on Glen Jacobs! Glen Jacobs was caught off guard, and is reeling! HHH pushes Glen to the ropes and whips him…reversed by Glen! Glen with a clothesline…ducked by Hunter! Jumping knee smash! Glen Jacobs stumbles backwards! Hunter hits a massive jumping clothesline! Glen falls to the outside of the ring and Hunter collapses in the ring! Glen easily beats the count.
As Glen walks over to HHH, Hunter takes his legs! Hunter tries to apply a submission, but Glen kicks him in the face! Hunter is spilling blood over the mat as Glen Jacobs picks him up. Glen hoists him up for the Unabomb…HHH punches Glen in the face! Glen drops him and HHH runs the ropes…kick to the midsection! UNABOMB! Glen smiles and works the crowd before making the cocky one foot cover. One…two…shoulder up! Glen is getting pissed off with Hunter not staying down. Glen shouts at the referee as Hunter gets to his knees…roll up! One…two…Glen kicks out. He gets straight up and stomps HHH in the face. HHH isn't moving and Glen goes up top…TOP ROPE LEG DROP! One…Two…ThreeNO! HHH got his shoulder up! Glen is getting incredibly pissed off now! He hoists HHH up…Unabomb!
HHH is long gone now. This is an easy pin for Glen! But Glen doesn't cover! He lets the referee start counting! As the referee reached eight, HHH was up and shouting at Glen! Glen obliged with another Unabomb! Just pin him! He lets the referee count again! This time, it took till nine, but HHH got up again! HHH spat some blood from his mouth and gave Glen the finger. Glen looks incredibly pissed off as he hoists HHH up for a third consecutive Unabomb…HHH MANAGES TO ESCAPE DOWN THE BACK! SUNSET FLIP! HHH HAS THE TIGHTS! ONE…TWO…THREE! NEW CHAMPION!
HHH pinned Glen Jacobs after a sunset flip in 0:15:03.
Rating: *** ¼
(HHH won the NCPW World Title.)
Glen Jacobs rolls out of the ring and looks back into the ring with a shocked expression. Meanwhile, HHH pulls himself up in the corner and the referee hands him the belt as the crowd goes crazy! HHH has certainly earned his title reign tonight and he holds the belt aloft as Glen walks solemnly up the ramp. The camera fades on a shot of the extremely bloody HHH holding the belt aloft as the referee helps him stand in the middle of the ring.
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