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![]() Results of Wings (2003 Friday September 5th):
A big pop as the music hits and NJPW legend Jyushin “Thunder” Lyger steps out and poses for the crowd. He then walks down the aisle and jumps into the ring and awaits his opponent tonight.
Not as big as Lyger's but still a nice sounding pop for Eiji Ezaki as he steps out with his Flames Of Redemption tag partner Essa Rios. They do their usual array of tag team poses before walking down to the ring. Eiji climbs into the ring and raises one hand. As he brings it down, the posts shoot fire! That's new! Eiji gets pyros!
What would you expect from these two? A good match? Given around seven minutes to work a TV match, these two did not disappoint. Essa kept out of the match, and was happy just to play cheerleader for Eiji. The two Japanese stars traded off slick move after slick move and then started adding in dives and bigger moves. The finish saw Eiji go for a top-rope hurucanrana. Lyger caught him and held him for a second before hauling him up onto his shoulders and turning. Immediately the crowd popped huge as he started running and then hit the Lyger Bomb for the popular three count.
Jyushin Lyger pinned Eiji Ezaki with the Running Lyger Bomb in 0:07:05.
Rating: ****
In the back we see Jeff Jarrett standing around with 3 security guards. He looks somewhat annoyed and is speaking on a cell phone.
JEFF JARRETT: Look…NO! I'm sick of this! This is MY show! It's supposed to be…it's supposed to be a show to show case the cruiserweights…yeah…yes…DAMNIT! There's been a heavyweight on every damn show so far! If it isn't Test it's Sean Morley! And…YES! I KNOW SEAN IS MANAGING PETER WHEN HE'S NOT WRESTLING! I ALREADY…what? Are you serious about this…KANYON? That does it! I'm taking matters into my own hands now. YES I AM! BYE!
Jeff hangs up and turns to the security guards.
JEFF JARRETT: If Test, Kanyon, or any other non-cruiserweight who isn't registered to be here tonight turns up, then take care of them! Get them out of the damn arena! If you need me, I'm gonna be in my office.
---THE UNFORGIVEN II (MetallicA)---
Heel pop from the crowd as Real Time step out onto the aisle. In the ring, Nova is waiting. Real Time shout at the crowd and then pull out a pair of mics.
SEAN MORLEY: We've got two messages here tonight for all you idiots. The first one goes out to Test. Now I KNOW you're hanging around outside somewhere…
The Big Screen flashes on and we see Test trying to get into the arena and being held back by security guards. He is struggling but stops when he hears Sean's voice.
SEAN MORLEY: Hey Test! Glad you're here! Now you see, there are only so many spots on Cruiser Kings for non-cruiserweights such as yourself and me. BUT…there ARE a few spots and we've got a surprise for you! We know just how much you want to face the Real Time in the ring. Cruiser Kings 2003. Test in a shoot fight against both me and Peter Gruner here. What do you say?
Test seems to think it over for a few seconds, and then comes to a decision.
TEST: You got it! You two want to go all shoot fighter styled then you got it! There's a stipulation though! If I win, you two have got to stop this shoot fighting crap once and for all. You got that?
SEAN MORLEY: Fine! But if YOU lose, then you leave the NCPW forever!
TEST: You got it punk! I'll be waiting for you! And Peter…you're gonna regret the day you crossed me!
The crowd cheers as the screen turns off. Real Time smile and then turn to the ring. Nova now has a mic too.
PETER GRUNER: Now, since that little business is over, this message is for you Nova. You've been on a losing streak as of late. Do you really want another loss for that tally? We're giving you a chance to walk away from the ass kicking you'll get if you try to fight back. You can't innovate your way out of this one.
NOVA: What you're saying is…you just want me to walk away?
PETER GRUNER: That's about it.
NOVA: Well boys, you obviously don't know Nova too well. I'm not going to back down from punks like you! Let's get it on!
Peter Gruner runs down and the match begins.
Nova actually held his own quite well here and pulled off some nice looking submission reversals. The problem was that Peter Gruner had more nice reversals than him, and he also had Sean Morley to help him out. Even so, the match went back and forth on the mat until Peter managed to side-step an attempted dropkick and apply an armlock leglock submission for the win.
Peter Gruner made Nova submit to an armlock leglock submission in 0:05:58.
Rating: ** ¾
We see Test with a crowbar. He wanders up to a parking attendant.
TEST: Hey man. Which car is Real Time's?
PARKING GUY: I'm not at liberty to say so sir.
TEST: My crowbar seems to think you are.
Parking guy backs off a little.
PARKING GUY: It's the white dodge viper.
Jarrett is sitting back when Crazy MAX walk in. They just stand around casually, looking somewhat shifty.
JEFF JARRETT: Glad you're here. This is just a note to let you know that at the request of Kai En Tai you guys are in action tonight. We decided that you've been hangin' around doing nothing but causing trouble for too long now so you might as well actually do something in there.
CIMA stares at Jarrett.
JEFF JARRETT: You got a problem with that slapnuts?
CIMA smiles and signals to Crazy MAX they leave.
We can clearly see that Test has taken his crowbar to the windows of a white dodge viper. He seems quite happy over it until another white dodge viper pulls up and Real Time jump out. They proceed to beat down the shocked Test but get back in and speed off when the parking attendant runs over.
PARKING GUY: OH MAN! What have you done to Mr. Jarrett's car? Shit! I just know I'm gonna get the blame for this…
---REY REY!---
A big pop for Rey Misterio Jr. as he enters.
---SHINE (Motorhead)---
The NCPW Cruiserweight champion though gets a HUGE pop when he and Kai En Tai 2K3 step out and enter.
What we got here was nine minutes of amazing action. These two guys traded off some nice high flying moves as well as the occasional mat based attacks. A highlight included Rey hitting a springboard hurucanrana to the outside on Chavo, taking out Kai En Tai in the process! The finish was special too. As Rey came off the top for a hurucanrana, Chavo held him up and turned. He pushed Rey off and grabbed his head as he fell, ran up the rope and hit his trademark Tornado DDT for the three!
Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Rey Misterio Jr. with the Tornado DDT in 0:09:05.
Rating: *** ¼
(Chavo Guerrero Jr. retained the NCPW Cruiserweight Title)
We are back with the security guards. They are just generally standing around. Just then, Kanyon enters the arena. They move and strand in front of him.
SECURITY GUARD 1: Whoa there! Where do you think you're going?
KANYON: Into the arena. What are you some kind of idiot?
SECURITY GUARD 2: No can do Kanyon! We've got strict orders not to let you in here tonight.
KANYON: That so? And who gave these orders?
SECURITY GUARD 3: Jeff Jarrett.
KANYON: Then I'll take it up with him. Speaking of the great man himself, there he is!
The security guards turn to look behind them, and Kanyon grabs one. He spins him and nails a Flatliner. As another turns Kanyon floors him with a series of quick punches. The third and final security guard turns around, Kanyon kicks him in the midsection and nails a DDT. With the security guards down, Kanyon smiles.
KANYON: Well look at that! No more security guards…idiots!
Kanyon walks on. We cut back to the arena where the next match is already starting.
Dragon Kid is an awesome talent that just isn't finding his footing in the NCPW. Heavy Metal meanwhile is another great talent, but is fairly new. The heat wasn't up too high for this one, but it WAS there. An average Lucha Libre styled match here with both guys going back and forth and trading off some nice looking moves in the air and on the mat. Dragon Kid rolled Heavy Metal up in the La Magistral cradle several times, but only got twos. He just couldn't hit the Dragon Rana. The end saw him go for it, but Heavy Metal side-stepped and rolled him up in his version of the La Magistral, the Casita for the three count and a pop that he had earned.
Heavy Metal pinned Dragon Kid with the Casita in 0:09:00.
Rating: ** ¼
Jarrett is sitting back when the phone rings. He answers it.
JEFF JARRETT: Yeah…what? Slow down…uh…OK slapnuts, you better not have just said what I think you said…that WAS a hint for you to tell me it was all a joke! You let him in? You idiot! I…there's more? OK let's hear it…what…WHAT…MY CAR!
Jarrett slams the phone down and grabs his guitar as he storms out of the office.
---THE WAIT (Killing Joke)---
A big heel pop for Kanyon as he walks down the aisle looking a little agitated. He hasn't been too happy for the last few days. He enters the ring and takes a mic.
KANYON: Well look at that! What have we got here? Oh yeah, that's right! An arena full of morons who think it's cool to cheer for midgets!
The crowd boos.
KANYON: Well let me tell you something, it ain't cool! It just encourages them! You should be cheering on the REAL stars like me! I have worked my ass off in the NCPW since day one, and when I finally broke free from Nova I thought that would be my big chance…was it? NO! Instead I have to stand around in the side-lines until I'm called upon to go out there and get screwed over every night of the week!
A “Kanyon sucks!” chant breaks out.
KANYON: And when I'm on the side-lines wondering why I even bother do you know what I see? I see a bunch of untalented, undeserving, unprofessional idiots who can do nothing but jump up and down over some rope a lot get there own damn show! And while this is happening, the ultimate wrestler that is Kanyon is rotting away.
---UNCLE TOM'S CABIN (Warrant)---
HUGE face pop for the NCPW Cruiser Commissioner Jeff Jarrett. He holds his guitar up and takes a mic before walking to the ring, looking incredibly pissed off.
JEFF JARRETT: OK slapnuts, you've got one chance so you better listen hard and well right here. MY car has been smashed up, heavyweights keep invading MY show, and YOU are REALLY beginning to annoy me. If you don't vacate this ring in the next five seconds, I'm gonna have to take you out and charge you with assault on my security guards, and trespassing. So whatcha gonna do?
The crowd cheers loudly.
KANYON: What am I gonna do? Hmm…well I think I'm gonna stand here until I get a fair shot in this damn fed.
Jeff Jarrett gets in Kanyon's face. The crowd cheers the intense confrontation. Out of nowhere, Kanyon grabs Jarrett and hits a Flatliner!
---KAZE (Kouji Wada)---
It's Juvy! Juventud Guerrera runs down the aisle to an average pop. This man hasn't won many matches in the last two years. He checks on Jarrett and then stands up as security pulls Jarrett out of the ring. He looks ready to fight! Here comes a referee!
KANYON: Oh yeah? So you want to fight? You are not better than Kanyon Juvy. You want an ass kicking? You just got one!
Kanyon spent the early minutes throwing Juvy around like he was nothing as the crowd boo. Then, Jarrett on the outside tripped him and Juvy started a comeback! A leg drop was quickly followed up by an arm drag, then a Mexican arm drag, and then a Japanese arm drag! Kanyon was reeling while the referee ignored Jarrett's interference. Kanyon quickly got back into things, but every time he started to pick up steam, Jarrett would turn the tables. Eventually, Kanyon got pissed off and waited till Jarrett had his back turned and then jumped off the top onto him and then hit another Flatliner! Juvy was on his own! Kanyon inevitably hit the Flatliner, but pulled Juvy up on two! He beat Juvy down a little and then set up a powerbomb…FACE SLAM FROM JUVY! Kanyon gets up…JUVY DRIVER! ONE…TWO…THRNO! Kanyon kicks out! Kanyon gets back into things and beats Juvy down again. As he went for a Flatliner though, Juvy kneed him low! JUVY DRIVER! ONE…TWO…THREE! Juvy just won!
Juventud Guerrera pinned Kanyon with the Juvy Driver in 0:08:43.
Rating: *** ¾
The cheers and a loud “JUVY! JUVY!” chant has broken out while Kanyon recovers in the corner. As he gets up and moves towards Juvy again, Jeff Jarrett rolls back into the ring and raises his guitar ready to hit Kanyon. Kanyon wisely backs down holding his head. Outside the ring he grabs a mic.
KANYON: You know what? Screw this! You guys just let yourself in for Hell! As of now, Kanyon is declaring WAR on Jeff Jarrett and his little cruiserweights!
The crowd boos while Kanyon leaves. Juvy then leaves while Jarrett stands in the ring.
---SECOND COMING (Triceratops)---
The Japanese rock tune hits and Crazy MAX wonder out onto the aisle looking cocky as ever as they pose for the crowd. They strut down the aisle as the crowd goes into a boo frenzy. The music cuts and they stand waiting for Jarrett to announce their opponents.
JEFF JARRETT: OK, you guys are incredibly unlucky, because I am REALLY pissed off now. Kanyon, you're in for more of a fight than you realise. As for you guys, your opponents will now make there way to the ring.
---PRECIOUS JERUSALEM (Blind Guardian)---
The music hits and out walks Magnum TOKYO. He poses as the crowd cheers mildly, and is then joined by Masaaki Mochizuki. These two are then joined by…DARKNESS DRAGON! The three Toryumon stars pose for a moment and then step aside as we await the final member of the party…MARTY JANNETTY? He seems a little out of place with these guys, but the crowd likes it! The walk down to the ring and stand opposite Crazy MAX, who look totally unworried by the opponents. In fact, they look confident.
JEFF JARRETT: Now then, these are your foes for tonight, but there's more! A little stipulation I neglected to mention earlier. This is a lumberjack match!
The crowd cheers, but Crazy MAX are still looking unworried. CIMA even gives an exaggerated yawn as he rests up against the post.
JEFF JARRETT: Let me introduce your four lumberjacks for tonight…
---THE FLIGHT OF ICARUS (Iron Maiden)---
KAI EN TAI 2K3! The crowd goes wild for Chavo, TAKA, Funaki, and Koji! Crazy MAX are taking notice now and are busy shouting at Jeff Jarrett as Kai En Tai surround the ring.
The heat was way up for this one. Crazy MAX started off well by using their usual innovative double, triple, and quadruple team moves. Unfortunately for them, they got too cocky and while posing over Magnum TOKYO, CIMA got caught by a Marty Jannetty top rope dropkick! CIMA rolled to the outside and immediately had to try to run from TAKA, only to get hit by the other Lumberjacks. He quickly got back in the ring and tagged. Some back and forth stuff from SUWA and Jannetty led to SUWA going over the top from a Darkness Dragon leg lariat! SUWA suffered the same fate as CIMA before making a tag. BIG FUJI then started to trade moves with Masaaki Mochizuki, but like his partners before him was knocked to the outside and was soon running back into the ring to tag TARU. TARU ended up on the outside and tried begging off but was set upon by the lumberjacks until the rest of Crazy MAX came to his aid. Crazy MAX eventually knocked Marty Jannetty to the outside but the lumberjacks did nothing! The referee told them they had to so Chavo gave a weak stomp and backed off! The lumberjacks didn't do much when the faces went to the outside, but even that couldn't stop Crazy MAX coming through in the end. While FUJI, SUWA, TARU, Kai En Tai 2K3, Magnum TOKYO, Masaaki, and Marty were all fighting on the outside due to a misunderstanding between the lumberjacks and faces, CIMA hit a low blow on Darkness Dragon and then hit the Rising Venus followed by an Iconoclasm. He then followed up with a Mad Splash for the three.
LUMBERJACK MATCH (Lumberjacks are Kai En Tai 2K3)
Crazy MAX (CIMA, BIG FUJI, SUWA and TARU) defeated
Darkness Dragon, Masaaki Mochizuki, Magnum TOKYO and Marty Jannetty when CIMA pinned Darkness Dragon with the Mad Splash in 0:15:22.
Rating: ** ½
![]() The crowd boos loudly as Crazy MAX re-enter the ring and pose. Kai En Tai and the faces stop fighting long enough for TAKA to start shouting at CIMA, who just mimics him. The show goes off air with Crazy MAX posing with the fallen Darkness Dragon.
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